





Prospect analysis of unconventional water resources utilization and eco-environmental effects in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Plain

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    研究目的 京津冀平原水资源严重短缺,供需矛盾十分突出,加大非常规水资源利用力度,形成多元供水格局,可有效缓解水资源供需矛盾,对支撑京津冀协同发展区社会经济协调发展和推动生态文明建设具有重要意义。研究方法 文章系统开展非常规水资源供水方向、开发利用模式和供水规模分类数据统计,依据各省(直辖市)非常规水资源供水规划及配置目标,分析其开发利用前景及其生态环境效应。研究结果 该区非常规水资源主要包括微咸水、再生水、淡化海水、雨洪水,其中微咸水主要分布于中东部平原的天津、沧州、衡水等地,供水前景为5.43×108 m3;再生水利用以北京、天津等大中型及工业城市为主,供水前景为34.22×108 m3;淡化海水利用以天津等滨海城市为主,供水前景为4.19×108 m3;雨洪水利用较分散。结论 (1)微咸水用于农业灌溉存在土壤盐渍化风险,需加强水盐调控。(2)再生水用于河流生态补水,沿线地表水富营养化,地下水体未受到明显污染;地下水浅埋区开展再生水灌溉,会增加硝酸盐污染风险;建议将高风险的新兴污染物纳入再生水利用监控体系。(3)海水淡化尾液浓盐水、冷却热水可能改变天然海洋生态系统的分布、构成与多样性,应予以关注。(4)雨洪水利用可降低污水入河的水质风险,但过度利用可能影响区域生态系统的稳定性,建议城市区适度扩大利用。


    This paper is the result of hydrogeological survey engineering. Objective The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Plain faces a serious shortage of water resources, and the contradiction between supply and demand is very prominent. Increasing the use of unconventional water resources and forming a diversified water supply pattern is of great significance to effectively alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand and support the socio-economic development and ecological civilization construction of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Urban Agglomeration. Methods This paper systematically carries out classified data statistics on supply directions, development and utilization models, and water supply scaleof unconventional water resources. We analyze their development and utilization prospects and ecological environment effects according to the planning and allocation objectives of unconventional water resources in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Plain. Results Unconventional water resources in the area include brackish water, recycled water, desalinated seawater, rain water. The brackish water is mainly distributed in Tianjin, Cangzhou, Hengshui in the central and eastern plains, with a water supply prospect of 5.43×108 m3; Recycled water is mainly used in large industrial cities such as Beijing and Tianjin, with a water supply prospect of 34.22 ×108 m3; Desalinated seawater is mainly used in Tianjin and other coastal cities, with a water supply prospect of 4.19 ×108 m3; The use of rainwater is relatively scattered. Conclusions (1) There is a risk of soil salinization when brackish water is used for agricultural irrigation, and water and salt regulation should be strengthened. (2) The recycled water is used for ecological replenishment of rivers, the surface water is eutrophic and the groundwater is not obviously polluted; Irrigation with recycled water in shallow groundwater buried areas will increase the risk of nitrate pollution; It is suggested that high-risk emerging pollutants be included in the monitoring system of recycled water use. (3) The concentrated brine and cooling hot water from the tail liquor of seawater desalination may change the distribution, composition and diversity of natural marine ecosystems, which should be paid attention to. (4) The use of rainwater can reduce the water quality risk of sewage entering the river, but excessive use may affect the stability of the regional ecosystem. It is recommended that urban areas appropriately expand the use.


孟瑞芳,杨会峰,包锡麟,徐步云,李磊,李谨丞. 京津冀平原非常规水资源利用前景分析及其生态环境效应[J]. 中国地质, 2024, 51(1): 221-233.
MENG Ruifang, YANG Huifeng, BAO Xilin, XU Buyun, LI Lei, LI Jincheng. Prospect analysis of unconventional water resources utilization and eco-environmental effects in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Plain[J]. Geology in China, 2024, 51(1): 221-233(in Chinese with English abstract).

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  • 收稿日期:2022-06-15
  • 最后修改日期:2023-04-17
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-03-25
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