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    研究目的】土壤-水体-大气降尘中 Cd、 As等微量元素成因来源、 富集规律为环境地质研究焦点, 开展惠水土壤-灌溉水-雨水-大气降尘系统中 Cd、 As等微量元素迁移与富集的定量研究, 对该地区农业生产和农产品种植具有重要意义。 【研究方法】以贵州省惠水县表层土壤、 灌溉水、 雨水和大气降尘样品为研究对象, 分析样品中的 Cd、 As微量元素地球化学特征。 【研究结果】结果表明: 研究区以酸性土为主, 147件表层土壤样品中元素 Cd与 As、 Cr、 Hg、Mn、 Ni、 Pb、 Zn、 pH呈正相关关系, 与 Cu、 Se呈负相关关系; 34件灌溉水样品中含量主要为 As、 B、 F-、 Se、 Zn, 灌溉水重金属元素单因子污染指数和内梅罗综合指数等级为 1级, 属清洁范围, 表明灌溉水水质均达标; 5件雨水和大气降尘样品中, 大气降尘主要为 As、 Cd、 Cr、 Hg、 Pb, 雨水中主要为 As、 B、 Cd、 Cr6+、 F-、 Ge、 Hg、 Pb、 Se、 Zn。 【结论】评价结果显示: 土壤单因子污染指数 Cd指数最高, 内梅罗综合污染指数大小为羡塘镇红旗村>芦山镇羊马村>涟江街道大坡村>好花红镇好花红村>摆金镇立新村; 灌溉水水质均达标, 无重金属元素污染; 大气降尘年通量密度平均值大小顺序分别为 B>Se>Pb>Zn>Cr>As>F>Cd>Ge>Hg。研究区大气降尘总量平均值 89 g·m-2·a-1, 与中国一些省市地区相比较, 总量略低; 表层土壤、 大气降尘之间对比表明: 表层土壤与年雨水通量相对比来看, Cd、 Cr、 Pb、 Zn富集, Se亏损,表明雨水对 Se的贡献较大; 大气降尘对比于雨水, 除 Hg外, 大气降尘其他元素都高于雨水; 大气降尘年通量和表层土壤平均值比较, 除 Se外, 其他元素均亏损; 大气降尘年通量与灌溉水含量相对比, As、 Hg、 Se富集, Cr亏损。表层土壤重金属元素 Cd污染来自于地质背景、 工业三废、 燃煤的综合来源; 大气降尘主要来源于燃煤尘和交通尘。


    This paper is the result of ecological geological survey engineering. [Objective]The origin and enrichment of trace elements such as Cd and As in soil- water- atmosphere dust fall are the focus of environmental geology research. The quantitative research on migration and enrichment of trace elements such as Cd and As in soilirrigation-rain-atmosphere dust fall system was carried out in Huishui. It is of great significance for agricultural production and agricultural products planting in this region. [Methods]Taking the samples of surface soil, irrigation water, rainwater and atmospheric dust- fall from Huishui County of Guizhou Province as research objects, this paper analyzes the geochemical characteristics of trace elements such as Cd and As. [Results] The results show that the study area is dominated by acid soil. Cd is positively correlated with As, Cr, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and pH while it is negatively correlated with Cu and Se in the 147 topsoil elements. The 34 irrigation water samples are mainly As, B, F-, Se and Zn. The single factor pollution index and Nemero composite index of heavy metal elements from irrigation water are Level 1, belonging to the clean range, which indicates that the water quality of irrigation water is up to the standard. Among the 5 rainwater and atmospheric dust-fall samples, the atmospheric dust-fall mainly includes As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb and the main components of rainwater are As, B, Cd, Cr6+, F-, Ge, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn. [Conclusions] The evaluation results show that the Cd single factor pollution index is the highest, and the Nemero composite pollution index is arranged as followed: Hongqi Village, Xiantang Town>Yangma Village, Lushan Town>Lianjiang Street, Dapo Village>Haohuahong Village, Haohuahong Town>Lixin Village, Baijin Town. The irrigation water quality reaches the standard without heavy metal pollution. The order of the average annual flux density of atmospheric dust- fall is B>Se>Pb>Zn>Cr>As>F>Cd>Ge>Hg. The average total amount of atmospheric dust-fall in the study area is 89 g·m-2·a-1, which is slightly lower than that of some cities and provinces in China. The comparison between surface soil and atmospheric dust-fall shows that Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn are rich and Se is poor in terms of the comparison between surface soil and annual rainwater flux, indicating that rainwater contributes largely to Se. Compared with rainwater, elements in the atmospheric dust-fall are higher except Hg. Compared the atmospheric dust-fall annual flux to the average surface soil, all elements are in deficit except Se. And compared the atmospheric dust-fall annual flux to the irrigation water contents, As, Hg, Se are enriched while Cr is depleted. So it can be concluded that the heavy metal element Cd pollution in surface soil comes from geological background, industrial wastes and coal burning while the atmospheric dust- fall mainly comes from coal burning dust and traffic dust.


息朝庄,吴林锋,张鹏飞,杨茗钛,范云飞,夏浩东,邓会娟. 贵州省惠水土壤-灌溉水-雨水-大气降尘中Cd、As等微量元素特征及来源讨论[J]. 中国地质, 2023, 50(1): 192-205.
XI Chaozhuang, WU Linfeng, ZHANG Pengfei, YANG Mingtai, FAN Yunfei, XIA Haodong, DENG Huijuan. Characteristics and sources of Cd and As trace elements in soil-irrigationrainwater-atmospheric dust-fall in Huishui County, Guizhou Province[J]. Geology in China, 2023, 50(1): 192-205(in Chinese with English abstract).

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  • 收稿日期:2021-03-08
  • 最后修改日期:2021-05-02
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-03-14
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