Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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ZHANG Hong-tao , ZHUANG Yu-xun , QIHE Rige , CHEN Ke-qiang
2002(1):1-6. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020101
Abstract:Abstract: Regional geological survey is important basic work of a country. In recent years, with China's rapid economic and social development, adjustment of the deployment of regional survey work and quickening of its pace have been extremely urgent. Proceeding form the demands of China's economic and social development and the requirements of the Tenth Five? Juan Year Plan of the country and on the basis of an Analysis of the present state and Development Trend of nation? Juan wide Regional Survey work, this paper deals with the urgency and feasibility of acceleration of regional survey through relying on the progress of science and technology and adjusting the deployment of regional survey, as well as the targets and tasks of regional survey, and proposes the following basic thoughts: The regional survey should be put into the orbit of the all? Juan round service to the society as Rapidly as possible; in 2005 Priority should be given to the arrangement The and Completion of the 1:250,000 Regional Geological Survey in the blank Areas of the Qinghai? Juan Tibet Plateau; before 2010 medium? Juan scale The Regional surveys should be completed throughout the country and the first set of relevant Basic Geological series maps should be published. The paper stresses that to accelerate regional survey we must guarantee the quality of field mapping and adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts in work deployment. It is Necessary to rely on high and new techniques such as computer? Juan aided and Remote? Juan sensing Techniques to variously realize the Acceleration of Regional Survey and the informationization of the main process of the Regional survey should be Achieved During the Acceleration.
ZHANG Guo-wei , DONG Yun-peng , YAO An-ping
2002(1):7-13. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020102
Abstract:Abstract: According to the demands of the human society and China's economic development, as well as the new development of contemporaneous geoscience, the authors analyze and discuss the academic concepts, starting point, scientific aim and key issues, as well as the main research content and methods about the study of the continental dynamics and orogenic belts of China, and put forward some suggestions. To face the opportunity and challenge of geoscience, the authors consider that we should formulate the strategy of the study of geoscience. In addition, according to the fact of China's continental geology, we should put emphasis on the study of the key scientific problems of China's continental dynamics, establish sustained research bases and analyze typical examples and make breakthroughs of key issues. With the study of continental dynamics as a breakthrough point, we should renovate the study of geoscience, participate in the development and competition of international geoscience and strive to enter the advanced rank of geoscience study in the world and become a strong power in geoscience, so as to make China's due contribution.
Yuan Xue-cheng , REN Ji-shun , XU Ming-cai , TANG Wen-bang
2002(1):14-19. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020103
Abstract:Abstract: The reflection seismic profile from Dengxian to Nanzhang is the southward extension of the reflection seismic profile from Yexian to Dengxian. The completion of this profile declared the first reflection seismic profile from the Sino? Juan Korean Craton to the Yangtze Craton, across the Qinling Orogen. The Dengxian? Juan the Nanzhang reflection profile clearly shows the fact that the Crust of the Yangtze Craton was subducted beneath the Qinling Orogen and Gives evidence that The Xianyang? Juan Guangji fault (i. e. The North Dabie? Juan Daba frontal fault? Juan fold zone) is not a plate suture, but a continental crustal subducting fault. The crust of the Yangtze craton was subducted beneath the Qinling orogen along the bottom of the upper crust at a depth of about 20km.
2002(1):20-29. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020104
Abstract:Abstract: In 1992, according to the fossil assemblage zones, magnetic approach and oxygen? Juan carbon isotope studies Ding divided the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian strata into five stages. In this paper, on the basis of Ding's division with some modification, the authors divide the upper Upper Carboniferous into the Xiaoyaoan Stage and Lower Yangjjiahean Stage and the Lower Permian into the Upper Yangjiahean Stage, Fanjiahean Stage, Yakouan Stage and Longlinian Stage. The first five stages were established by Ding et al. in 1992, while the last stage was reported by Huang et al. in 1982. The authors give a clear and definite definition of the stages, characterize the faunas and magnetostratigraphy and clarify their relations to the related strata. The stages thus distinguished can all be correlated with the standard chronostratigraphic units of the world in details and on well-established grounds.
Li Yong , HOU Zhong-jian , Si Guang-ying , A. L. DENSMORE Zhou Rong-jun , M. A. ELLIS , LI Yong-zhao , Liang Xing-zhong
2002(1):30-36. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020105
Abstract:Abstract: The eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau can be divided into four tectonic units; from northwest to southeast, they are the Songpan-Garzê orogenic belt, Longmenshan-Jinpingshan thrust belt, foreland basin and Longquanshan forebulge, which are cut by the Xianshuihe fault. Cenozoic intermontane basins are developed in the inner part of the Longmenshan? Juan Jingpingshan Thrust Belt, and a Foreland basin occurs along the frontal part of the thrust belt. The Cenozoic sedimentary record along the margin is a key to constraining the plateau uplift and evolution during the collision and continued convergence of India and Eurasia during the last 65Ma. Cenozoic sediments in the basin of the eastern margin can be classified into five tectonic sequences. Sequence 1 is composed of Paleocene to early Eocene red beds (65 ~ 55Ma) and represents a fining? Juan the Upward retrogressive cyclothem in the Foreland basin, with alluvial fan sediments in the lower part and playa sediments in the upper part. Sequence 2 is composed of Middle-Late Eocene red beds (50 ~ 40Ma) and represents a retrogressive and progressive cyclothem in the Yanyuan intermontane basin, with alluvial fan sediments in the lower and upper parts and fluvial sediments in the middle. Sequence 3 is composed of Miocene coal? Juan of bearing beds (23 ~~ 16mA) and a represents a coarse-Upward progressive cyclothem in the Foreland basin, with alluvial fan and lacustrine sediments. Sequence 4 is composed of the Pliocene? Juan Early the Pleistocene Yanyuan Formation (4.29 to 2.58Ma) or Dayi conglomerate (3.6 to 1.7mA) and represents a fining-Upward retrogressive cyclothem, in the Foreland basin with alluvial fan sediments in the lower part and lacustrine sediments in the upper part. Sequence 5 is composed of the Middle Pleistocene Ya'an conglomerate (0.65 ~ 0.20Ma) and represents a fining-upward retrogressive cyclothem in the foreland basin. Based on the filling succession and discordant contacts between Cenozoic strata in the basin, six tectonic events along the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau are recognized. During each tectonic event, thrusting was followed by strike-slip deformation, which controlled basin formation, sedimentation and tectonic sequence. During the second and third tectonic events related to the Late Eocene collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates, deposition occurred within small intermontane basins. A hot, dry climate gave rise to sediments dominated by red beds interbedded with gypsum and eolian sandstone. The fourth tectonic event in Early Miocene time resulted in deposition within a foreland basin. A warm, humid climate gave rise to the deposition of lignite-bearing microclastic rocks, which was subsequently uplifted to an elevation of 2000m. The fifth began in Pliocene time, during which a large volume of fan conglomerate was deposited in the foreland basin. The sixth tectonic event in Middle Pleistocene time resulted in deposition of conglomerate in the Chengdu foreland basin.
He Wen-yuan , Li Jiang-hai , Qian Xiang-lin , Zheng Duo-ming
2002(1):37-43. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020106
Abstract:Abstract: There are a lot of faults in the Kalpin fault uplift. Through field work and interpretation of seismic reflection profiles and Landsat images, the authors consider that the Kalpin Tag fault formed in the Neogene and had a different early evolutionary history from the Shajingzi fault. The Akqi fault formed by compression, rather than by strike slip. The Piqanlik and Yingan strike-slip faults are tear faults that exert concerted effect on the whole zone. In the field, the authors found that the Shargan fault is a false strike-slip fault and in fact should be an out-of-sequence fault. Under compression, two kinds of main fault combination were formed in the Kalpin fault uplift: imbricate thrust sheets and tectonic windows. From an analysis of the main faults in the Kalpin fault uplift, the authors consider that the Cenozoic structures in the Kalpin fault uplift are actually a manifestation of orogeny due to remote collision between the Indian plate and Eurasian plate and intraplate deformation.
SHA Shao-li , YIN Guang-hou , AO De'en , DUAN Guo-xi
2002(1):44-47. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020107
Abstract:Abstract: A lot of peridotites are distributed at Liziping Village on the western slope of Diancang Mountain. Their country rocks are a medium? Juan and low? Juan Grade Metamorphic Series, consisting of amphibolite and metamorphosed albite granite. The petrography, petrochemistry and geochemistry of these rocks all indicate the features of ophiolitic melanges, suggesting the existence of relict fragments of the Paleo? Juan tethys Oceanic Crust on the western slope of Diancang Mountain.
FANG Tong-hui , WANG Jing-bin , ZHANG Jin-hong , DING Ru-fu
2002(1):48-54. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020108
Abstract:Abstract: Some metagabbro bodies intruded into high-grade metamorphic rocks on the southern margin of the Altai Mountains, Xinjiang, were originally considered as Late Paleozoic basaltic intrusions. Study of the Wuqiagou basic rocks exposed in Fuyun County indicates that these basic rocks were derived from partial melting of the upper mantle that had not been subjected to contamination with continental crustal material. The Wuqiagou basic rocks have Nd model ages of 945 and 977Ma and Sm? Juan Nd isochron ages of 974 ± 63.4Ma, which are consistent with each other. It implies a geological event of basaltic magma intrusion into the southern margin of the Altai in the early Neoproterozoic. The Nd model ages of high-grade metamorphic surrounding rocks range between 1435 and 1580Ma, being equivalent to the Mesoproterozoic Changchengian Period, which suggests that the Xemirxek Group formed in the Mesoproterozoic.
WANG Guo-an , HAN Jia-mao , ZHOU Li-ping
2002(1):55-57. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020109
Abstract:Abstract: Four common C3 plant species-Chenpodium album, Lepidium apetalum, Cirsium leo and Plantago depressa-were sampled and their δ13C values ??were measured. The δ13C values ??of all the four plant species decrease with increasing annual average temperature, and the responses of the carbon isotopic compositions of Chenpodium album and Lepidium apetalum to temperature change are much more intense than those of Cirsium leo and Plantago depressa. Highly significant linear relationships between carbon isotopic compositions of Chenpodium album, Lepidium apetalum and Cirsium leo, but Plantago depressa, with annual temperature are observed. These results suggest that the δ13C values ??of Chenpodium album, Lepidium apetalum and Cirsium leo, but Plantago depressa, can be used as annual temperature proxies, and that Chenpodium album and Lepidium apetalum may be more suitable than Cirsium leo.
FENG Jian-zhong , SHAO Shi-cai , WANG Dong-bo , WANG Xue-ming , MA Zhi-guo
2002(1):58-66. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020110
Abstract:Abstract: The Baguamiao gold deposit is the only superlarge gold deposit in the Qinling orogen. It was once considered to be a sediment? Juan hosted finely disseminated gold Deposit (Carlin type). But the latest study shows that it is characterized by gold? Juan bearing quartz veins with visible and coarse? Juan grained gold. Its spatial location and distribution of the orebodies are controlled In by The Erlihe? Juan Changgou? Juan Baguamiao? The Juan Kongguangou brittle? Juan Ductile shear zone and the rocks in the Deposit show distinct Features of Shear Deformation. During brittle? Juan ductile shearing, NW? Juan trending, rootless, corrugated, bedding? Juan parallel quartz veins were formed. The Au? Juan bearing Quartz Veins, which have an Ar? The Juan the Ar plateau age of 232.58 ± 1.59 Ma and an Ar? Juan Ar Isochron age of 222.14 ± 3.45Ma, are the product of Indosinian to brittle? Juan ductile shearing? Juan dynamic metamorphism and Differentiation. In the Early Yanshanian, the ductile shear zone was uplifted to the shallow level and reworked by brittle deformation, thus enabling the NE-trending Au-bearing quartz veins to be formed under the action of hydrothermal fluids. Such Au? Juan bearing quartz veins are rich ores and contain 1 × 10-6 ~ 4 × 10-6 Au. The strong brittle? Juan Ductile Shear Deformation records that the quartz Dislocation and Differential Stress (△ sigma) had an evolutionary Trend of becoming small from the early to late Phases. The △ σ values ??tended to decrease toward the end for the shearing event and brittle deformation event. Mineralization took place during the metastable stages of tectonic activity in the periods of alternate occurrence of two pulsations of tectonic events. The "stress pump" or "shock pump" formed in the stress periods was the dynamic mechanism for the formation of the Baguamiao superlarge gold deposit.
WEI Shao-liu , ZENG Qin-wang , XU Yi-ming , LAN Xiao-ming , KANG Wei-qing , Liao Xing-yu
2002(1):67-75. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020111
Abstract:Abstract: The breakthrough in tin exploration in the Qitianling area, Hunan Province, is a major achievement scored in the large? Juan scale The Land and Resources Survey in the last two years. Tin deposits in the area occur as veins in the southern part of the Qitianling composite granite body and its contact zone. The dominant tin deposit types include the greisenized granite type, altered porphyritic granite type and altered structural belt type, all of which are characterized by wide and thick orebodies, strong alteration, high tin grade and high performance of ores. At present, tin resources are estimated at about 600000 tons, and, in addition, the northern part of Qitianling with similar metallogenic conditions and other districts in the same tectono? Juan magmatic belt are also promising. More fruitful results will be achieved when the large? Juan scale The Land and Resources Survey is carried out further.
LIU Tie-geng , YE Lin , LI Yi-yu , ZENG Ming-guo
2002(1):76-81. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020112
Abstract:Abstract: Study of halogen and silver in the Eren Tolgoi sliver deposit indicates that halogen shows lateral and vertical zoning. Ores on and near the surface are rich in I and Cl, while deep-seated ones rich in F; the orebody is rich in I and Cl, while the country rocks adjacent to ores are rich in F. There are close relationships between halogen and sliver. But the relationship between sliver and halogen differs with different ores type. F and Ag generally show a negative correlation, while Cl and Ag, I and Ag show a positive correlation. This indicates that halogen plays a very important role in activation, dissolution, long transport, precipitation and concentration of silver.
ZHU Xiao-qing , WANG Zhong-gang
2002(1):82-85. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020113
Abstract:Abstract: According to the significant change of the physical properties of nanometer-sized particles, the authors consider that aerosol, colloidal solution or solid solution, especially colloidal solution, formed by dispersion of dispersed phases in different dispersed media (gas, liquid or solid) is very important for the transport of ore? Juan Forming substances. For the transported colloidal particles, their coagulation or adsorption by other carrier minerals or rocks and concentration is a kind of important mineralization. This view is particularly conducive to explaining the genesis of finely disseminated gold deposits, placer gold deposits and some rare and dispersed metal deposits.
KUANG Yao-qiu , HUANG Ning-sheng , ZHU Zhao-yu , HU Zhen-yu
2002(1):86-95. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020114
Abstract:Abstract: Some puzzling problems in the development of the natural ecosystem and environmental evolution on the surface of the Earth lead the authors to consider the role played by the energy from the Earth's interior. Comparing the ecological feature with the terrestrial heat flow of the main geographic units all over the world, the authors find that the quality of the ecological environment all over the world is closely related with the values ??of the terrestrial heat flow in a region. The typical forest ecosystem always develops in regions where the terrestrial heat flow is quite high, while the typical desert ecosystem often develops in regions where the terrestrial heat flow is very low. The heat flow from the Earth's interior, which might not only influence the humidity of the regional climate, but also define the lower limit of the energy supply for the ground ecosystem, is considered to be an important limiting factor for species in the development and evolution of the ecosystem in a region. The low terrestrial heat flow may play a major role in the desertification of some large basins. Study on the mechanism and influence of the terrestrial heat flow on the degradation of the ecological environment, from which we will understand the background for the formation of the ecosystem and the environmental frame in a region and may distinguish the influence of human factors from natural factors on the evolution of the ecosystem and the environment, will provide a scientific basis for making decision in the management and construction of the ecological system and environment for a region.
WAND Liao-liang , WU Neng-you , ZHOU Zu-yi , CHEN Qiang
2002(1):96-102. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020115
Abstract:Abstract: The Beikang Basin is an important Cenozoic sedimentary basin located at the southwestern margin of the Nansha massif, in the middle part of the Nansha sea area. It has good petroleum potential. In recent years, the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey has completed about 20,000 km seismic profiles and related gravity and magnetic surveys in an area of ??more than 60,000 km2 in the basin. On the basis of an analysis of the regional geological setting, the authors have carried out the correlation of seismic strata and detailed seismic facies analysis, and then three super? Juan sequences and seven sequences are distinguished. The sedimentary facies of five sequences among them have been analysed and their sedimentary facies maps drawn. Before the late Eocene, the Beikang basin was located at the edge of the Paleo? Juan South China Sea, and its Northwestern part was marked by the Continental FACIES and the Southeastern part was marked by the the Littoral-Neritic Environment. In the late Eocene to the early part of the early Oligocene, the Nansha massif was separated from the South China continental block and drifted away to the south. Concomitantly with the passive subduction of oceanic crust of the Paleo? Juan South China Sea and spreading of the Neo-South Chin Sea, the waters of the basin deepened. Then except in its northwestern part where there was continental facies, the basin was mainly occupied by the marine environment. After the early Oligocene, the Nansha massif was amalgamated with the Borneo massif. Then the neritic-bathyal environment gradually predominated in the Beikang basin. Pursuant to the law of sedimentary evolution of the Beikang basin, Paleogene lacustrine and swampy mudstone and early Miocene neritic mudstone are favorable hydrogen source rocks, contemporaneous deltaic sandstone and littoral sandstone and late Miocene turbidites are main reservoir rocks, the regional covers consist of neritic to bathyal mudstone and sandy mudstone developed since the late Miocene, and the local covers include lacustrine mudstone and neritic sandy mudstone, mudstone and lime mudstone.
QIN Sheng-fei , JIA Cheng-zao , TAO Shi-zhen
2002(1):103-108. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020116
Abstract:Abstract: There exist 6 sets of hydrocarbon source rocks with a great gas generation potential in the Kuqa depression, which provide plenty of gas for gas accumulation in the depression. Tectonic movements generated a series of fractures, which get the deep gas source rocks connected and provide good conduits for the migration of natural gas from deep source rocks to reservoirs. Due to the influence of many factors, the phase states of oil and gas in the Kuqa depression are of very uneven distribution. Multiple phases of petroleum accumulation occurred in the Kuqa depression, but the last phase was the most important. Gas accumulation occurred relatively late in the Kuqa depression. The Kuqa depression mainly yields gas; however, a part of oil deposits or oil and gas deposits are residual ones, which is the result of diffusion of large amounts of gas. Because of the difference in preservation conditions between the Kuqa depression and the Turpan-Hami basin, the Kuqa depression is gas-prone while the Turpan-Hami basin is oil-prone.
GU Ji-rong , FAN Xiao , PENG Dong
2002(1):109-112. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020117
Abstract:Abstract: Jiuzhaigou is a world natural heritage. Because it occurred in an active neotectonic setting, it is an area where geological disasters take place frequently. In this research, the authors applied the GIS spatial analysis, abstracted model factors and used the integrated fuzzy evaluation method to establish a spatial analysis model for the forecast of geological disasters in the Jiuzhaigou area and grade the geological disasters in the area. The forecast for the disasters of the Jiuzhaigou area has yielded good results.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112