• Issue 3,2002 Table of Contents
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    • Geochemical blocks-Development of concept and methodology

      2002(3):225-233. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020301

      Abstract (8680) HTML (0) PDF 1.08 M (7782) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Geochemical distribution data (several tens of millions) of 39 elements were obtained in China's national geochemical mapping program carried out for 24 years over more than 6 million km2 of China's territory. By examining the flood of data, the authors have found much broader geochemical patterns other than dispersion halos and dispersion trains which have been the main subjects of study during the 60 years' development of exploration geochemistry. Such broader geochemical patterns are geochemical anomalies, geochemical provinces, geochemical megaprovinces and geochemical domains. They are surface expressions of the internal structural features of large blocks of rock with higher metal contents. Those large "geochemical blocks" are the net results of the Earth's original heterogeneity and the distribution and redistribution of metals from the initiation and evolution of the Earth up to the present days. The authors got a new idea that the large can provide large metal endowments necessary for the formation of large to superlarge geochemical blocks ore deposits. To explore the internal structure of the geochemical block of a certain element may reveal the trajectory of gradual concentration and formation of ore deposits of that element in the geochemical block. The new geochemical block concept is changing the mineral exploration strategy and methodology in China, providing a powerful tool for global mineral potential assessment and inspiring new ideas for exploration geochemistry, ore-genesis and metallogeny.

    • Structure and dynamics of lithosphere and asthenosphere in the gigantic East Asian-West Pacific rift system

      2002(3):234-245. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020302

      Abstract (3046) HTML (0) PDF 7.79 M (5928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Based on the seismic S-wave tomography, the authors carried out a systematic study of the speed structures of the lithosphere and asthenosphere of Eurasia and the West Pacific, and found a gigantic low-velocity anomaly zone between East Asia and the West Pacific . According to this discovery, combined with the tectonic, mantle petrological and geochemical characteristics, as well as other geophysical features, a mega-rift system is defined in the region. The 3D seismic Vs speed structures of the lithosphere and asthenosphere are very similar to those of the Mid-Pacific, Mid-Atlantic, and Mid-Indian ridges and their neighboring regions, but notably different from those of the present plate subduction zone on the East Pacific margin. On the basis of a further discussion on the dynamic characteristics of this region, it is concluded that the rift system resulted from the massively active extensional deformation and strong delamination and thinning of the lithosphere, formation of large rift basins, and upwelling and heating of a large amount of the asthenospheric substances since the Mid-Late Mesozoic. Marginal seas developed on the basis of the continental rift system, and the main extension stage is determined to be from the middle Oligocene to middle Miocene (32-13Ma). The extensions of these marginal seas had ended after the period from 17 to 15Ma; as a result not all of the seas were connected with the mid-ocean ridges. Four stages of the tectonic-deformational dynamic evolution may be distinguished, and it is considered that the tectonic superposition of interactions of various neighboring plates resulted in the formation of the continental rifts, marginal seas, and trench-arc-basin systems between present East Asia and the West Pacific since the Mid-Late Cenozoic.

    • New advances in the geological study of the Qinling orogen

      2002(3):246-256. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020303

      Abstract (2834) HTML (0) PDF 2.27 M (6457) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: During the Eighth and Ninth Five-Year Plan periods, major developments were made in geological studies of the Qinling-Bashan region: (1) creation of the new theory of choula (drawing) thrust sheet tectonics, which enriched and developed the diversity of the movement modes of the lithospheric plates or crustal blocks; (2) discoveries of N-S-trending uplift zones and sedimentary basins in the E-W-trending Qinling orogen, especially the discovery of the Taibai uplift zone and Baoji-Foping- Hannan uplift zone, which will bring about a radical change of our understanding of the tectonic framework of the Qinling Mountains and even east-central China; (3) recognition of two new types of orogen for the supracrustal layers, type-Ⅱ and type- Ⅲ, the former being E-W-trending orogens transformed from N-S-trending sedimentary basins and the latter being those formed by drawing-out and thrusting of deep tectonic sheets over Meso-Cenozoic continental sedimentary basins; (4) recognition of the existence of three types of sedimentary basins, three kinds of basin-range transformation, three development stages and three types (Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ) of orogen; (5) reassessment of the tectonic natures and ages of the Shangdan, Mianlue and Erlangping tectonic belts and first proposition of the new view that the development of the Qinling orogen was controlled by three tectonic systems and went through four evolution stages and that the intracontinental orogen formed by drawing-out tectonism was the most important development stage; (6) first presentation of overpass structure; (7) discovery of some pre-Sinian metamorphic crystalline series and reassessment of the ages of some strata, especially the discovery of the Mesoproterozoic strata in the Xicheng lead-zinc ore field in the West Qinling, in which the superlarge Changba deposit is hosted; (8) presentation of the new concept of para-turbiditic fluid; and (9) advancement of a new geodynamic hypothesis concerning the tectonic evolution of the Qinling orogen and the continent of China.

    • The role of organic material in metallic mineralization and its application in metal exploration

      2002(3):257-262. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020304

      Abstract (1869) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (3521) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Organic material and metallic mineralization belong to the geochemical field and their research is still in a primary stage. This paper reviews their research history and presents the main role of organic material in metallic mineralization and some primary results of application of organic hydrocarbon survey in metal exploration. An intensive study of this field will be conducive to having an overall understanding of mineralization, ore-forming processes, metallogeny, migration of hydrocarbon, and ore deposit forecast and to connection and interpenetration of organic geochemistry and inorganic geochemistry, solid geochemistry and gas geochemistry, exploration geochemistry and geology of mineral deposits.

    • Potential mineral resources and exploration in districts of concentrated metallogenesis

      2002(3):263-270. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020305

      Abstract (2286) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (9723) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The district of concentrated metallogenesis is an area where mineral deposits are densely concentrated in a certain range. In the area superlarge, large, median, and small deposits, occurrences and mineralization of different minerals or different types are distributed in a certain space. There is a certain interrelation in spatial and temporal distribution of the mineral deposits in a district of concentrated metallogenesis. The district of concentrated metallogenesis is an important base of mineral resources and is of great significance to supplying mineral resources necessary for economic development. Meanwhile, the district of concentrated metallogenesis is also an important exploration area with potential mineral resources and districts of concentrated metallogenesis where many old mines are located are still important prospect areas of China. To strengthen the study and exploration assessment of districts of concentrated metallogenesis is an important way for increasing mineral reserves and has great significance for alleviating the deficiency of mineral resources in old mines.

    • Revision of the Late Cretaceous Maodian Formation of the Ganzhou Group in Jiangxi Province

      2002(3):271-274. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020306

      Abstract (1790) HTML (0) PDF 1.59 M (6290) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: On the basis of the latest data of 1:50000 regional geological mapping, the authors revise the Maodian Formation of the Ganzhou Group in the Lithostratigraphic units of Jiangxi Province. Five types of sedimentary interfaces of different natures are identified in the orthostratotype of the original Maodian Formation; they are the sedimentary unconformity, overlapping unconformity, disconformity, facies change surface, and synthetic stacked surface, and thus the original Maodian Formation is divided into two different formation-rank lithostratigraphic units. According to the naming principle of lithostratigraphic units, the middle and lower horizons of the original Maodian Formation below the overlapping unconformity are assigned to the Maodian Formation of the Ganzhou Group, and the association of basalt-pyroclastic-sedimentary rocks developed in the horizons is separated from the horizons and the Chenkeng Volcanic Member is established separately. The coarse clastic sedimentary rocks in the upper part of the original Maodian Formation above the overlapping unconformity are assigned to the Honggang Formation of the Late Cretaceous Guanxi Group. The revised Maodian Formation only corresponds to the middle and lower horizons of the original orthostratotype Maodian Formation, and it is subdivided into three members, i. e. the Lower Member, Chenkeng Volcanic Member, and Upper Member.

    • High-resolution stratigraphic correlation method of the Quaternary in the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou plain

      2002(3):275-280. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020307

      Abstract (2730) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (3974) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Through studying the macroscopic recognition mark of paleoclimatic cycles from standard stratigraphic holes and using the theory of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, the authors solved the problems of stratigraphic division of the Quaternary and isochronous correlation of over 200 holes in the Hangzhou-Jiaxing- Huzhou plain. On that basis, the authors constructed high-precision correlative sections and a quasi-instant lithofacies-paleogeographic map, which offer more precise information for the study of the stratigraphic division of the Quaternary and palaeogeomorphologic change of the plain. Using the "base-level cycles" as the basis for the sequence stratigraphic division and treating the paleosol layer and its correlative exposure surface and river erosion surface as the boundary, the authors divide the Quaternary of the plain into nine subsequences and find that the subsequences can be coupled with the climatic cycles.

    • Stratigraphic unit or tectonic unit?

      2002(3):281-285. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020308

      Abstract (1861) HTML (0) PDF 1.11 M (4100) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The determination of the characteristics of metamorphic terranes on paleocontinental margins is very important for studying the tectonic evolution. Because of late-stage deformation and metamorphism, the originally different tectonic units have been modified into a seemingly complete set of stratigraphic units, but there are great differences in isotopic age, metamorphic grade, special association between magmatism and strata, and spatial extension, which is the most typical in the Dantazi Group on the northern margin and the Taihua Group on the southern margin of the North China continental nucleus. So the authors suggest that the mapping method of "structure-rock facies complex zone" be used to substitute for the stratigraphic method in metamorphic terranes, which is helpful to determining the tectonic evolution in the area.

    • Formation of the Bikou fault block in the Longmen Mountains and restoration of its original spatial position

      2002(3):286-290. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020309

      Abstract (1685) HTML (0) PDF 674.38 K (3934) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In light of the guiding through for the analysis of geologic anomalies, this paper puts forward the concept of restoration of original spatial positions of anomalous geologic bodies and studies the restoration of the original spatial positions of the Bikou fault block at the northern end of the Longmen Mountains. The trajectory of the motion of the Bikou fault block is restored. It is believed that the spatial geologic anomalous body in the area is the result of three-fold tectonic movements of the Qinghai-Tibet, South China block, and North China block. The different directions of their tectonic movements resulted in their different effects exerted in different times and spatial positions. The authors divide the main process of motion of the Bikou fault block into four stages: (1) compressional faulting, (2) west-directed decollement, (3) dextral shear, and (4) east-directed gravitational compression. This interprets the tectonic origin of the area. Therefore, in the study of the geological problems in the area or other complex area, it is necessary to consider the main parts of several effects and their influences in different times and understand and analyze the origin of a geologic body in the context of dynamic evolution in time and space. Effects of different tectonic main parts in different times also give rise to the diversity of anomalous geologic bodies in spatial distribution. Therefore, this paper advances the concept of restoration of original spatial positions of anomalous geologic bodies, which has great realistic significance for the understanding of the diversity of mineralization and study of hierarchy of mineralization.

    • Petrogenesis and evolution of the Dongsu granite series in Sonid Zuoqi, Inner Mongolia

      2002(3):291-296. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020310

      Abstract (1970) HTML (0) PDF 647.05 K (3523) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The Dongsu granite series has high? Juan SiO2 and Alkali? Juan rich Features and the pulsating or that has been various component units show DISTINCT surging intrusive contact relationships. However, neither major element nor trace element geochemical characteristics can be explained by a simple model of magmatic origin. Based on the geological, petrological and geochemical characteristics, it is believed that magma originated from the granulite? Juan FACIES lower Crust. The relict mineral assemblage in the provenance contains plagioclase but no garnet or amphibole. The early? Juan the formed Mangnai Tolgoi unit is likely to Be related to K? The Juan Feldspar cumulationView, The Hanayinhada Unit contains Mantle? Juan derived Components, the Hanayinhada and Tamugate units have the Features of the comagmatic Evolution and the last? Juan the formed Wulanhada unit may be the product of emplacement of magma at the deeper level.

    • Petrology and geological significance of the Xueshanhe complex in the central segment of the Lancangjiang fault

      2002(3):297-300. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020311

      Abstract (1784) HTML (0) PDF 821.92 K (3905) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: A metamorphic belt is exposed in the central segment (Yongping-Yunlong) of the Lancangjiang fault. The major minerals of the metamorphic rocks in the belt are quartz, biotite and muscovite. The petrochemical composition suggests that the metamorphic rocks are aluminosilicates and the element geochemistry suggests that the protolith of this metamorphic series is chiefly sedimentary rocks but is likely to be introduced by volcanic tuffaceous material. This indicates that the volcanic belt exposed at the northern and southern ends of this metamorphic belt is discontinuous in this segment of the area. Therefore, attention should be paid to looking for metamorphosed sedimentary mineral deposits when carrying out mineral exploration in the area.

    • Zircon U-Pb ages of leucoleptite on the southern margin of the Dabie Mountains and their geological implications

      2002(3):301-304. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020312

      Abstract (1825) HTML (0) PDF 138.63 K (4026) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Abundant leucoleptite is exposed in the Dabie orogen. Zircon U-Pb dating of two leucoleptite samples from the Susong Group-complex on the southern margin of the orogen and its adjacent Dabie Group-complex to its north suggests that the protolith of the leucoleptite in the Susong Group-complex formed in the early Neoproterozoic (866 ± 48Ma), while that in the Dabie Group-complex at the end of the Mesoproterozoic (1159 ± 80Ma) and was reworked by a tectono-thermal event in the Caledonian (479 ± 16Ma). It furnishes important evidence for the determination of the age of the Susong Group-complex and correlation with the leucoleptite in the Dabie Group-complex

    • Ore-forming geological conditions and ore prospects of silver-lead-zinc-gold deposits in the Maochaoying-Dushu area, Henan

      2002(3):305-310. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020313

      Abstract (1548) HTML (0) PDF 279.41 K (4395) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The Maochaoying-Dushu area on the southern margin of the North China block is a Proterozoic-Paleozoic aulacogen, where there occur littoral, neritic and shelf continental-margin clastic-carbonate formations of the Guandaokou Group, Luanchuan Group and Taowan Group. Strong shallow-source volcanic eruption (exhalation) gave rise to multi-layer chert bands (nodules), siliceous rocks and silver-lead-zinc mineralization-bearing layered skarn in the area. This area is a relatively typical district where a geochemical abrupt change zone and a geophysical gradient zone intersect. The earth's mantle and crust beneath the area are enriched in Mo, Pb, Zn and Au. From the ore-forming geological conditions of silver-lead-zinc-gold deposits, it is inferred that the area has good ore prospects.

    • REE geochemistry and origin of skarn garnets from eastern Inner Mongolia

      2002(3):311-316. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020314

      Abstract (1926) HTML (0) PDF 177.91 K (4998) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Eastern Inner Mongolia, as the most important skarn-type tin-silver-copper-lead-zinc polymetallic metallogenic province in northern China, is characterized by not only well-developed Mesozoic magmatic plutons and their related skarn mineral deposits but also a great variety of mineral deposit types. Based on the mineralogical study of garnets of different stages from the Huanggangliang iron-tin mineral deposit, Baiyinnuo lead-zinc-silver polymetallic deposit and Haobugao skarn lead-zinc-tin deposits, two kinds of garnets are recognized. The early-stage garnet is mainly andradite, which is light-colored, fine-grained, anhedral and isotropic and in most cases forms the core of a grain; the late-stage garnet is mainly grossular, which is dark-colored, medium- to coarse-grained, subhedral and slightly anisometric and mostly forms the rim of a grain. In addition, rare earth element (REE) concentrations in garnet separates from the Huanggangliang and Haobugao skarn mineral deposits were determined using ICP-MS. The results suggest that the early-stage garnet in the area shows the character of magmatic origin, while the late-stage garnet indicates a hydrothermal metasomatic origin. So, there are both early-stage magmatic skarn and late-stage hydrothermal metasomatic skarn in eastern Inner Mongolia.

    • Grain-size distribution and material source analysis of loess on the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

      2002(3):317-321. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020315

      Abstract (1828) HTML (0) PDF 161.97 K (4416) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Grain-size analysis of the Minhe loess on the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau indicates that the grain-size distribution of the Minhe loess is obviously different from that in other areas such as Lanzhou and Luochuan and Xi'an. Its grain size is notably much higher. It seems too simple to assign the Minhe loess to the southern part of the loess belt traditionally because of ignorance of the effect of the plateau source area induced by the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is advisable to assign the Minhe loess to a transition zone between loess and sandy loess. The sandy dust produced as a result of repeated glacial ablation and abrasion of the plateau has supplied a substantial amount of coarse material for the Minhe loess. The voluminous dust produced by the Quaternary glaciation and melting of glaciers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is not only the principal material source for the loess area in the interior of the plateau but also one of the principal material sources for the loess on the margins of the plateau.

    • Marine geological environment and potential geohazards in the Daya Bay off the Guangdong coast

      2002(3):322-325. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020316

      Abstract (2236) HTML (0) PDF 151.42 K (4783) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Integrated analysis and study of voluminous geophysical, geological and drilling data suggest that there are nine types of substrate on the sea bottom of the Daya Bay off the Guangdong coast. Except along the coast and around the islands where the grains of the substrate are coarser, the substrate in the shallow-sea area consists dominantly of clayed silt and silty clay, which has good engineering geological conditions. On the whole, the substrate in the bay is only slightly polluted at present, but because of the poor exchange capacity of waters in the bay, the substrate is easy to pollute and difficult to control; so efforts should be made to protect it. The potential geohazards in the bay include active factors, such as coastal erosion, sand waves and faults, and restricted geological conditions, such as irregular buried bedrocks, buried sedimentary ridges, sea-route gullies, abnormal accumulation areas and steep slopes.

    • Halogenated hydrocarbon contaminants in shallow groundwater

      2002(3):326-329. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020317

      Abstract (2439) HTML (0) PDF 121.02 K (4777) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Through an analysis of shallow groundwater in a certain area, this paper introduces the main halogenated hydrocarbon contaminants (CHCl3, CCl4, CHCl = CCl2, CCl2 = CCl2, CHBr3) in shallow groundwater in the area, and illustrates that the main contaminants of halogenated hydrocarbons are CHCl3, CHCl = CCl2 and CCl2 = CCl2 and that the main contamination sources of halogenated hydrocarbons in shallow groundwater are large open waste areas with no defending measures, sewage rivers and ditches and special industrial enterprises, and confirms that the two main factors for the contamination of halogenated hydrocarbons are the distribution of contamination sources and the lithology of the aeration zone and that the high-concentration regions of halogenated hydrocarbons are the top of the alluvial-diluvial fan and the transitional zone between phreatic water and confined water. This paper also preliminarily explores the formation, migration and transformation mechanisms of halogenated hydrocarbons in this area.

    • Application of geological information visualization—the direction in development of the study of urban environmental geology

      2002(3):330-334. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020318

      Abstract (1978) HTML (0) PDF 100.39 K (4402) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: With the development of human urbanization in the twentieth century, urban environmental geological research has become an important component part in the area of hydrological, engineering-geological and environmental-geological research. Water resources and environmental geology are the crucial problems in urban construction. The problems of water resources include reserve water resources, urgently needed water resources and subsurface water reservoirs. The problems of urban environmental geology include:(1)the general problem of water resources and geological environment about urban construction and development, (2)the problem of geological environment resulting from urban geological effects, and (3)the problem of organic pollution of soil and waters in densely inhibited districts and industrial areas. The key to solving the urban environmental geological problems is research on lithological and structural conditions in subsurface space. Through a study of these basic conditions, the problems about the urban geological environment and subsurface water resources can be analyzed. By means of 3D structural model treatment of the relative position, configuration and physico-chemical features of the urban geologic bodies in the subsurface space, visualization technology can make basic geological conditions for city subsistence understood by unprofessional decision makers and present in urban developmental planning the value of subsurface geological resources with which nature endows mankind. The application of 3D visualization technology in the study of urban environmental geology is a frontier and up to now there is no systematic and complete precedent for its application. 3D visual technology will usher in a new epoch of environmental geological study and is a direction of research for urban environmental geology

    • Discovery of Shenzhouraptor sinensis Ji et al., 2002,and its scientific value

      2002(3):335-336. DOI: 10.12029/gc20020319

      Abstract (2146) HTML (0) PDF 58.66 K (5151) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: This paper briefly introduces the history of the international study on origin of birds and the significance of the discovery of Shenzhouraptor sinensis Ji et al., 2002. It is sure that Shenzhouraptor sinensis Ji et al., 2002 is really capable flight, representing a new avialian bird and one of missing links from theropod dinosaurs to birds.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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