• Volume 32,Issue 1,2005 Table of Contents
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    • 3D lithospheric structure of western China and its enlightenment on petroleum prospecting

      2005, 32(1):1-12. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050101

      Abstract (3277) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (6482) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstrac:The 3D lithospheric structure of western China studied by using satellite gravity anomalies revealed that in the crust of western China there exist regular, distinct, parallel, linear basin-range structures. From north to south, there are: the Ertix basin belt, North Junggar uplift belt, North Tianshan basin belt, Tianshan uplift belt, Naomaohu -Olji basin belt, South Tianshan basin belt, Kuruktag- Beishan uplift belt, Altyn Tagh(Altun)-North Qilian belt (or South Tarim basin belt) and West Kunlun-Altyn Tagh-Qilian uplift belt, as well as the Qaidam basin belt and southern Tibet basin belt. These crustal basin belts formed by strong basal compression folding in the Indosinian-Yanshanian period. In the Himalayan period, northeast-directed subduction of the Indian plate resulted in uplift of the Borohoro-Qapqal -Ala Gou-Erben-Horo mountains, and they together with the Tianshan Mountains divide Xinjiang into the Tarim basin, Junggar basin, Tuha basin and Yining basin, forming the present-day geomorphology of Xinjiang. These NW-SE mountains and other NW-SE neotectonics have their corresponding satellite gravity anomalies in the lid of the lithosphere. Thus it is inferred that the dynamic force of the neotectonic movement was derived from the lithospheric mantle. In Tibet, the idea that the Tibetan Plateau is regarded as the superficial structure formed by a number of parallel faults such as the Yalung Zangbo fault, Bangong Co-Nujiang fault, Lanchang River fault and Jinsha River fault and the elongated blocks sandwiched therein does not conform to the crustal structure at ~15 to 18 km depth. This kind of elongated block structure and the southeast-directed escape structure only occur in the upper crust. Study also indicates that subduction of the Indian plate to the mantle only occurs in southwestern Tibet. In western Sichuan-eastern Tibet there exits a stable block which interrupts subduction of Indian plate beneath Tibet. The study provides the following enlightenment on petroleum prospecting: (1) petroleum prospecting in western China should not be restricted in Cenozoic basins; (2) in the study of the tectonic setting of basins in western China one should consider the structural control at depths; and (3) basic research may play an important role in petroleum prospecting and furnish clues leading to finding Paleozoic and Mesozoic oil/gas fields, and the research results may be used for reference in work arrangement, and especially we should carry out a systematic investigation and study of the whole deep aspects of the North Tianshan basin belt, South Tianshan basin belt, South Tarim basin belt, Qaidam basin belt and North Tibet basin belt and their control on the surface structures.

    • Carboniferous to Permian sequence stratigraphic framework of the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi basin and its adjacent areas and global correlation of third-order sea-level change

      2005, 32(1):13-24. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050102

      Abstract (3661) HTML (0) PDF 1.16 M (6384) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi basin is a passive continental-margin rift basin. After the Caledonian movement,it began to be pulled apart in the Devonian and continued to develop in the whole of the Late Paleozoic. Controlled by the contemporaneous faults,isolated carbonate platforms of varying size developed in the deep-water basin. Thus a special paleogeographic framework of "platform-basin-hill-trough" formed in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi basin and its adjacent areas. On the basis of the division into third-order sequences in different paleogeographic settings and their tracing and correlation in space,12 third-order sequences may be distinguished in the Carboniferous and Permian strata in the basin and its adjacent areas. They are equivalent to SQ14 to SQ25 of 25 Late Paleozoic third-order depositional sequences (SQ1 to SQ25,2~5 Ma). On the basis of two kinds of facies-change surface and two kinds of diachronism in stratigraphic records,a Carboniferous to Permian sequence stratigraphic framework may be established in the study region,which reflects the basic features of third-order sequences:ordering of facies sequences in space and synchroneity of environmental changes in time. The Carboniferous and Permian in the study region consist predominantly of a suite of carbonate rocks. In this suite of strata,three coal measures are developed in the land-connected platforms,and two suites of sponge reefs are developed on the margins of the land-connected platforms and in the isolated platforms,which make up sequence stratigraphy in Carboniferous and Permian successions that is greatly different from that in Europe and America.

    • Evaluation of China’s tin resources potential based on the geochemical block concept

      2005, 32(1):25-32. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050103

      Abstract (2045) HTML (0) PDF 957.16 K (5080) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper introduces in detail the method of assessing China’s tin resources potential by using the geochemical block concept and the results of RGNR. It gives the calculation formulas for determination of the metal endowment, geochemical block mineralization coefficient, resource and potential resource. And a correction coefficient is used in calculating the metal endowment in geochemical blocks according to the metal content in stream sediments. The paper also describes the characteristics of the spatial distribution of China’s Sn geochemical blocks and analyzes the spatial relationships of these blocks with geological bodied and known Sn deposits. The Sn geochemical block mineralization coefficients at the 8×10-6 and 10×10-6 concentration levels in China are 0.205% and 0.208% respectively. According to the distribution and features of the Sn geochemical blocks outlined on the continent of China and by using the two mineralization coefficients, China’s potential Sn resources are estimated to be about 16.09 million tons and 14.06 million tons respectively.

    • Ceno-Mesozoic sedimentary and tectonic evolution in the western Qaidam basin

      2005, 32(1):33-40. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050104

      Abstract (2085) HTML (0) PDF 795.00 K (4388) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on an integrated analysis of the surface geological, aeromagnetic, gravity, MT and seismic data from the area of Mangnai to Serteng Mountains in the western Qaidam basin, the authors think that the Qaidam basin is sandwiched between the North Kunlun block and Serteng tectonic belt, including two first-order tectonic units-the Qaidam block and the southern margin of the Qilian block-and four second-order tectonic units-the northern margin of the North Kunlun block, Qaidam basin, Serteng tectonic belt and Suhai lake basin in the south of the Qilian block. The general structure of the basin is marked by the tectonic framework of compressional ramp of the East Kunlun Mountains and the Qilian Mountains toward and subsidence of the central part of the basin. The tectonic style inside the basin is characterized by occurrence of anticlines from the margins to center of the basin, with two limbs mostly starting from reverse faults, developing a tectonic pattern of two faults sandwiching an uplift. The compressional stress mainly comes from SW, and the NE direction acts as a resistance. Under the strong compression from the orogenic belts on both sides, in the Jurassic an atypical foreland basin developed on the southern margin of the Qilian orogenic belt; in the Tertiary, a two-side foreland basin formed between the Qilian orogen and Kunlun orogen; in the Quaternary, the Qaidam basin is a compressional, downwarped basin.

    • Paleoecological characteristics of fossil bivalves from the Guanling biota in Guizhou

      2005, 32(1):41-47. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050105

      Abstract (1971) HTML (0) PDF 710.02 K (4058) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper describes fossil bivalves found in the Guanling biota,including four species,i.e. Halobia kui Chen,Halobia planicosta Yin et Hsü,Plagiostoma sp. and Asoella sp. The specimens are well preserved. The age is Late Triassic early-middle Carnian. Based on a study of the paleoecological characteristics and environment,the authors conclude that the planktic and pseudoplanktic bivalves could be eliminated in the Guanling area due to the intermittent anoxic or dysoxic events caused by the input of large amount of fresh water during the early-middle Carnian.

    • Chronostratigraphic division of the Jixi Group in eastern Heilongjiang Province and its geological significance

      2005, 32(1):48-54. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050106

      Abstract (2006) HTML (0) PDF 677.26 K (3252) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Using the latest paleontological, magnetostratigraphic and chronological data and the lasting time of the high-resolution sequences, the authors have made a detailed chronostratigraphic division of the Jixi Group and determined the Jixi Group formed in the Early Cretaceous early Valaginian to middle Albian. In the group, the Didao Formation formed at 130.9±128.3 Ma, the Chengzihe Formation at 125.1±116 Ma, the Muling Formation at 116±106.9 Ma, and the Dongshan Formation at 106.9±101.7 Ma. Through a correlation between the lake-level fluctuation curve of the second-order sequence in the Jixi Group with the curve of global eustasy, it is confirmed that the tectonic movement and paleoclimatic change of the Jixi and Boli basins had the same tectonic setting as the global eustasy. This result provides a precise chronological basis for the high-precision stratigraphic division and an analysis of basin tectonism and the mechanism for land and sea changes in Jilin and eastern Heilongjiang in the Early Cretaceous.

    • Characteristics of the composition of the Zhangxia loess and its origin

      2005, 32(1):55-61. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050107

      Abstract (1743) HTML (0) PDF 840.49 K (4088) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Loess layers with different thicknesses are piled up widely on terraces of the Dasha River and piedmont zones. According to a study of the Zhangxia loess section, the author thinks that the materials of the loess have complex sources, comprising not only materials transported by west wind drifts and northwest and Laizhou Bay air currents but also local materials. During their accumulation, they were subjected to the action of water. The accumulation and development of the Zhangxia loess and paleosol accorded with the late Pleistocene climatic change and were also influenced by local microrelief, with black loam and Holocene deposits being absent. Zhangxia and Zibo are located in the central part of Shandong, where loess is finer in grain size, so loess in Shandong has no regularity to follow on the whole, which more evidently shows that the loess is complex and variable.

    • Study on internal-wave and internal-tide deposits of the third member of the Lower Cambrian Balang Formation at Yangjiaping, Shimen

      2005, 32(1):62-69. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050108

      Abstract (2138) HTML (0) PDF 776.01 K (4266) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The third member of the lower Cambrian Balang Formation at Yangjiaping, Shimen, Hunan Province consists mainly of dark-gray, gray-green laminated to thinly bedded silt-bearing hydromica mudstones and muddy siltstones intercalated with lenticular and striped siltstones, whose sedimentary environment was a slope environment. Cross laminations are well developed in lenticular and striped siltstones of the middle and upper Parts of the third member, whose laminae are inclined not only bi-directionally up- and down the slope, but also uni-directionally which correspond to up-or down-slope directions. The characteristics indicated that lenticular and striped siltstones should not be contourites or turbidites, but should be formed by alternating up- and down-slope currents produced by internal waves and internal tides. This is the first example of internal-wave and internal-tide deposits found in the Cambrian.

    • Geochemical records of Holocene sediments in the Xianghu section, Hangzhou, and their geological significance

      2005, 32(1):70-74. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050109

      Abstract (1809) HTML (0) PDF 610.75 K (3980) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:High-density consecutive sampling was undertaken from the Xianghu section, Hangzhou. For these samples the authors analyzed high-resolution records of Fe2O3, FeO, TiO2, CaCO3, Al2O3 and Fe2O3/FeO and found that they are very sensitive to some important Holocene stratigraphic boundaries and revealed that there are appreciable differences in geochemical background values in various sedimentary environments. The authors calculated paleotemperatures at different sampling sites by using the relation between Fe3+/Fe2+ and average annual temperature. On that basis, combined with various geochemical indices, 14C dating results and association characteristics of lithology and lithofacies, the early-mid Holocene (10-3 ka B.P.) in the Xianghu area is divided into four climatic evolution stages, and it is indicated that the stage of 7.5-5.1 ka BP is the Holocene “hypsithermal” in this area.

    • Timing of the Hong′an Group in Hubei:Constraints from U-Pb dating of metagranitic intrusions

      2005, 32(1):75-81. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050110

      Abstract (1876) HTML (0) PDF 871.84 K (3351) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The age of the protolith of the Hong′an Group in Hubei has been a controversial issue. Zircon U-Pb dating of different types of granitic intrusions in the Hong′an Group suggests that the Shuangfengjian granite lying unconformably below the Hong′an Group was emplaced at 813±6 Ma, whereas the Gaoge granite was intruded into the Hong′an Group at 638 ±142 Ma and metamorphosed at high pressure at 229±22 Ma. On that basis, combined with a number of Neoproterozoic age data obtained from the Yangtze craton and the Dabie orogen, it is believed that the ages of the sedimentary sequences in the metamorphic complex of the Hong′an Group, which are the product of the break-up of the Yangtze craton in the Neoproterozoic, should be limited in the range of c. 825~630 Ma. These sequences underwent low-temperature and high-pressure blueschist to eclogite facies metamorphism during the Indosinian (c. 230 Ma) collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons.

    • volcanic rocks of the Nanpengxia Formation-complex Mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Neoarchean metasedimentary-volcanic rocks at Jixichong, northeastern Hunan

      2005, 32(1):82-89. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050111

      Abstract (1732) HTML (0) PDF 814.64 K (5383) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Through regional geological investigation and research, the authors found a metasedimentary-volcanic series in the original Mesoproterozoic Lengjiaxi Group at Jianxichong Village, Wenjia City, northeastern Hunan. Mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies indicate that this metasedimentary-volcanic series is a metamorphic series consisting of metavoIcanic rocks with metamorphosed clayey sedimentary rocks. The metamorphism is of greenschist-high greenschist farcies. The protolith of the metavolcanic rocks is a volcanic-subvolcanic rock series composed chiefly of low-K tholeiite with subordinate low-K basaltic andesite formed in an oceanic extensional environment. The provenance was the depleted mantle. Whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron dating of the metavolcanic rocks indicates a Neoarchean age. Therefore, they are notably different from the traditional Mesoproterozoic Lengjiaxi Group in rock association, formation environment, formation age and metamorphism-deformation. So the original Lengjiaxi Group should be disintegrated.

    • Geochemical characteristics of the Hetaoping Pb-Zn deposit, Baoshan, Yunnan, and its genetic model and ore prospecting model pattern

      2005, 32(1):90-99. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050112

      Abstract (2270) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (3734) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Study of the geochemical characteristics of the host strata of the Hetaoping Pb-Zn district, Baoshan, Yunnan, indicates that the Lower Member of the Upper Cambrian Hetaoping Formation, Lower the Member of the Shahechang Formation and Upper Member of the Baoshan Formation might be the source bed of Cu mineralization, that Middle Member of the Hetaoping Formation and Shahechang Formation might be the source bed of Zn mineralization, and that the Middle Member of the Hetaoping Formation might be the source bed of Pb mineralization. In addition, the Upper Cambrian as a whole is characterized by strong enrichment (K≥5) in Bi and B and enrichment (K≥1.2) in Sb, As, W and Sn. The pervasive enrichment of metallic, semi-metallic and nonmetallic mineralizer elements such as Bi, Sb, As and B in host strata may lay a material foundation for entrapping ore-forming elements, causing superaccumulation of ore-forming material and eventually forming a commercial ore deposit during the late hydrothermal ore-forming processes. Basic dike rocks are characterized by strong enrichment (K≥5) in Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, W, As, Sb, Bi and F and similar to ores in the element types. According to various ore-controlling factors, combined with a study of the features of stable isotopes and fluid inclusions, the Pb-Zn deposit is considered as a stratabound hydrothermal deposit that formed in a favorable tectonic area on the basis of ore source beds and mineralizers formed in Late Cambrian specific sedimentary conditions and through late hydrothermal superimposition. Mineralization shows multi-stages and multi-source features. The genetic model and prospecting model of this ore deposit are established on the basis of the above-mentioned study.

    • Determination of the Au background value and Au geochemistry in the Devonian of the West Qinling and their geological significance

      2005, 32(1):100-106. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050113

      Abstract (2209) HTML (0) PDF 756.54 K (4407) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Geological and geochemical studies indicate that the Au background value of the Qinling orogen is 2.89×10-9. The Au background values of the Fengtai basin, Xicheng basin and Limin basin, which are important gold polymetallic geochemical metallogenic provinces, are 3.1×10-9, 3.2×10-9, 4.7×10-9 respectively. From east to west, the Au background values gradually decrease from the Limin basin→Wenkang basin→Xicheng basin→Fengtai basin→Bansha basin→Zhenxun basin→Zhashan basin. The distribution pattern of Au in strata is controlled by the lithology and sedimentary environment. The Devonian is the source bed of gold, and phyllite, slate, schist and siltstone are important source rocks. Compared with other sedimentary covers in the area, the Mid-Upper Devonian in the Qinling orogen is rich in Au, Ag, Cu, Co, Ni, Cr, Pb and Zn, and compared with the upper crust, it is rich in Au, As, Sb, Ag, Co, Ni, Cr, V, Pb and Zn. The hydrothermal sedimentary rocks developed in the Devonian have higher Au contents. Study indicates that gold preconcentration took place in the hydrothermal sediments. It is suggested that Au was concentrated during Devonian sodic hydrothermal deposition along submarine contemporaneous faults to form the source bed.

    • Discovery of the Xileketehalsu porphyry copper deposit on the southern margin of the Altay copper metallogenic belt

      2005, 32(1):107-114. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050114

      Abstract (2692) HTML (0) PDF 929.75 K (4526) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The Xileketehalasu copper deposit is situated on the southern margin of the Altay copper metallogenic belt, i.e., inside the original Kalaxiangeer porphyry copper belt. The preliminary study and drilling have revealed that copper orebodies are completely controlled by quartz diorite porphyry and granodiorite porphyry. The ores have veinlet and veinlet-disseminated structures. Chalcopyrite and pyrite are dominant metallic minerals with minor magnetite, bornite and specularite. Magnetite formed earlier than chalcopyrite, suggesting relatively highly oxidized magma. Its mineralization and alteration zoning essentially resemble those of typical porphyry copper deposits. K-feldspar, biotite, silicate, and pyrite alteration zones occur within the porphyry, and the quartz-sericite alteration zone is distributed in the contact between the porphyry and its wall rocks, whereas the propylitic zone occurs in the country rocks. The geochemistry of the mineralized porphyry characterizes adakite: high SiO2 (63%-66%) and Al2O3 (15%-17%), enrichment in Sr (378×10-6-447×10-6), no negative Eu anomalies, depletion in Y(10×10-6-14×10-6)and Yb (1.3×10-6-1.5×10-6, and low initial Sr isotopic value (0.70439), high (εNd)t values (+6.9-+8.2) and low δ18OV-SMOW (<10‰). The Rb-Sr isochron age for the porphyry is 332.8±8.5 Ma, belonging to Early Carboniferous. Its petrogenesis is related to partial melting of oceanic crust due to southward subduction of the Mongolian ocean plate. Therefore, its metallogenic geological setting is very similar to the famous supergiant porphyry copper deposits in the world. In addition, there are some copper occurrences with similar features in the surrounding areas of the deposit. Therefore the area has good ore prospects and is another potential porphyry copper belt in China.

    • Mineralization series and resource potential of subvolcanic-hydrothermal Au (Ag) deposits in central Fujian

      2005, 32(1):115-121. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050115

      Abstract (1802) HTML (0) PDF 863.83 K (4215) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Central Fujian is an Au-Ag ore deposit concentration area in Fujian Province, and mineralization mainly occurred during Late Jurassic subvolcanic activity. Three sources (mineral, heat and water) were prerequisites for the formation of subvolcanic-hydrothermal Au (Ag) deposits and compounding of the NW and NE sets of structure was the key to the localization of ore deposits. Three sub-series (namely, diabase-dioritic porphyrite, dacite porphyry and rhyolite sub-series) of the subvolcanic-hydrothermal Au (Ag) mineralogenetic series formed in their respective related tectonic environments—the fault uplift zone, uplift in a depression and subbasins in a depression. From above to downward, there occur vertical zoning of industrial ore deposit types, i.e. the fine- and very fine-grained disseminated type deposit, quartz vein type deposit, fractured zone alteration type deposit, cryptoexplosive breccia type deposit and subvolcanic type deposit. The Au resource potential is estimated at more than 50 tons in the study area.

    • Geochemistry and genesis of the Nyixung rock body in northern Tibet

      2005, 32(1):122-127. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050116

      Abstract (1757) HTML (0) PDF 658.72 K (3814) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Nyixung rock body is distributed along the Muzhidin-Nyixung-Shasong-Ria zone in Coqên County, Tibet, covering an area of 180.14 km2. It consists of four plutons, which are irregularly elliptical and circular in plan view and occur as a string of beads. The rock types are norite, granodiorite, monzogranite and granite. On the basis of the information obtained through field geological survey and indoor integrated petrological and petrochemical studies, it has been found that there is a clear and sharp pulsatory intrusive contact between various rock units of the rock body and a number of dark dioritic microinclusions are present. The rocks are characterized by a relatively low total REE content, relative enrichment in K, Rb, Ba and Th and relative depletion in Cr, Ti, Nb, Sr and P. Study suggests that the Nyixung rock body formed in an active continental-margin volcanic arc tectonic environment, which is related to northward subduction of the Yarlung Zangbo oceanic plate. So the rock body is believed to be continental arc granite.

    • Quaternary tills at the pass of the Tanggula Mountains on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and their geological-environmental significance

      2005, 32(1):128-134. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050117

      Abstract (1901) HTML (0) PDF 838.92 K (4260) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on investigations and studies of modern and ancient glaciers at the Tanggula Mountain pass, coupled with the GPS data and TL, 10B-26Al-21Ne and 14C dating data, Quaternary remnants of glaciation in the study area are discussed in detail. Two glacial epochs (i.e., the late Middle Pleistocene penultimate glacial epoch and the mid-late Late Pleistocene last glacial epoch) and two Holocene glacial advances (i. e. the Neoglaciation and the Little Ice Age) have been intensively studied. The mountains had not reached the height of the snowlines in the early Pleistocene; so glaciers did not develop then. However, in the area the Tanggula pass the remnants of the early Middle Pleistocene third glaciation from the last have not been found because of the lag effects of Tibetan Plateau uplift and development of glaciers and their coupling of the Dry Pole of Asia. The authors infer that only local glaciation has developed. Further study indicates that the ancient and present snowlines have risen from the margins of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the interior and the Tanggula Mountains area is ~1500 m higher than the the margins, which vividly reflects the role of the Dry Pole of Asia, as suggested by some scientists earlier. The wide distribution of lake swarms shows that the Qiangtang area is an interior drainage area into which big rivers have not yet stretched, implying that the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is younger. The scale of glaciers in the Tanggula Range has become smaller and smaller since the penultimate glacial epoch because of the drying process and severe shortages of moisture in the interior of the plateau due to the uplift of the plateau.

    • Reproducibility and Comparison of geochemical anomalies

      2005, 32(1):135-140. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050118

      Abstract (1833) HTML (0) PDF 650.54 K (3259) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The wide-spaced sampling method is widely used to delineate large-scale geochemical patterns. However, the premise is that the large-scale anomalies must be reproducible in the follow-up surveys. A study area of 6400 km2 in Xinjiang was surveyed to investigate the reproducibility of geochemical anomalies delineated by different sampling densities, i.e. 1 sample/ 100 km2, 1 sample/25 km2 and 1 sample/4 km2. The results show that (1) the background values and average values obtained by different sampling densities are very consistent, (2) the large-scale geochemical patterns are very similar and reproducible by different sampling densities,(3)the values are more scattered as the sampling spacing becomes smaller, and (4) ultra-low (1 sample/ 100 km2) and very low-density (1 sample/25 km2) sampling can only delineate large-scale geochemical anomalies, but low-density sampling (1 sample/4 km2) can delineate both large-scale anomalies and small ones.

    • Artificial environmental concentration coefficients of elements in soils in the Nanjing area

      2005, 32(1):141-147. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050119

      Abstract (3340) HTML (0) PDF 718.39 K (5037) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Data of contents of relevant elements from“double-layer”soils have been obtained during multi-target geochemical survey in Nanjing and its surrounding areas. The ratio of the content of an element in topsoils (depth 10-20 cm) to its content in deep soils (depth 150-200 cm) is called artificial environmental concentration coefficient in soils. This paper mainly introduces the calculating methods of the artificial environmental concentration coefficients. According to the distribution characteristics of the concentration coefficients of various elements in the study area, it is found that in topsoils of the area the contents of elements such as Si, Ti, La, Ce, Y, Sc, Zr, Th , U and W are close to their contents in the natural soil environment and elements such as S, N, P, Hg, Pb, Cl, Br and Se, as well as Corg show pronounced artificial environmental concentrations, while elements such as I, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ca, Al and K are depleted in the topsoils. Finally, problems relating to an intensive study of the artificial environmental concentration coefficients of elements in topsoils are discussed and some helpful suggestions are put forward.

    • Integrated analysis of the marine geological environment and hazards in the Dapeng Bay

      2005, 32(1):148-154. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050120

      Abstract (2030) HTML (0) PDF 853.13 K (3321) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Integrated investigation and research on the marine geological environment and hazards in the Shenzhen sea area of the Dapeng Bay were carried out by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey. According to the data of seawater chemistry, seafloor sediments and seabed engineering geological conditions (including potential geohazards) obtained during the investigation, combined with surveys of seafloor topography and geomorphology, single-factor evaluation and multi-factor integrated evaluation were made of the marine geological environment in the bay. According to the evaluations, the authors think that on the whole the marine geological environment in the Dapeng Bay is good. Then valuable suggestions about marine development engineering construction in the Dapeng Bay are put forward.

    • Risk evaluation and precautionary measures for bank slope instability in the hydroelectric project area on the mainstream of the Jinsha River

      2005, 32(1):155-161. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050121

      Abstract (1645) HTML (0) PDF 788.38 K (3621) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:On the basis of a full investigation and study and an integrated analysis of the geological setting and rock-mass mechanical environment of the bank slopes of the hydroelectric project area on the mainstream of the Jinsha River and by combining the qualitative analysis with the quantitative evaluation, the authors calculated the instability of the sliding masses according to 1/8 and 1/11 of the total cubic capacity of the materials falling into the river and the surge wave heights at the falling sites as well as at the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu dam sites and in adjacent townships according to the calculation method of the surge wave diagram given by the American Society of Civil Engineers, made the risk evaluation of the bank slope instability with respect to the operation safety at the dam, safety of the cities and townships around the reservoir and safety of the reservoir operation, and put forward precautionary measures for bank slope instability. The evaluation indicates that the collapse of the soil bank slope, falling of sliding masses into the river and surge waves in the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoir areas will not affect the normal operation and long-term effectiveness of the reservoirs.

    • Division scheme of the geological mapping units in shallow cover areas based on ground integrated geophysical methods

      2005, 32(1):162-167. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050122

      Abstract (2084) HTML (0) PDF 650.84 K (4025) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Because of the special geomorphology in areas of shallow overburden, it is difficult to delimit the boundary between mapping units in regional geological mapping. This paper discusses the curve relation between ground magnetic survey and ground gamma spectrometry survey on the basis of the difference in magnetization and radioactive element content for different mapping units. By analyzing the measured profile, the relation between the magnetic anomaly curve and radioactive anomaly curve has been obtained for different mapping units in the Da Hinggan igneous province. This method can apply for delimiting a boundary between mapping units quickly in a shallow overburden area so as to reduce trenching work and abate the work intensity.

    • Facts and problems of the evaluation of regional geochemical anomalies

      2005, 32(1):168-175. DOI: 10.12029/gc20050123

      Abstract (1879) HTML (0) PDF 895.49 K (5414) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Regional geochemical anomaly evaluation is a major problem which exploration geochemistry has faced for a long time. Now, there are mainly eight conventional methods for evaluation, such as the geological-tectonic unit evaluation method and multi-elements quantifying evaluation index method. By using these anomaly evaluation methods, we fail to have a good understanding of the superficial appearance and essence from the development and evolution of the petrogenetic and metallogenic system, and the constraining of anomalies by supergene factors, genetic mechanism of anomalies and geological-geochemical environment produced by anomalies are less studied and only the information of the anomaly itself is extracted and used. Therefore, the study of the phase states of occurrence and relative proportions of ore-forming and mineralized indicator elements in different media of the primary and supergene zones, summing-up of the characteristics of element migration, accumulation and dispersion in different environments, analysis of the genetic mechanism of supergene anomalies on that basis, systematic anatomy of various internal and external factors controlling anomaly development and further selection of indices for regional anomaly evaluation and establishment of a combined qualitative and quantitative regional anomaly evaluation index system are a new concept for evaluating regional geochemical anomalies.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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