• Volume 33,Issue 5,2006 Table of Contents
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    • Generation and preservation conditions of deep-seated gas in China

      2006, 33(5):937-943.

      Abstract (1863) HTML (0) PDF 783.39 K (4343) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Deep-seated gas is an important potential area of petroleum exploration and intensifying the effort to conduct deep-seated exploration is the inexorable trend of resources development in petroleum-bearing regions. In this paper the concepts concerning deep-seated gas are discriminated and analyzed and finally deep-seated gas is defined as natural gas generated and accumulated at >4500 m depth under the combined action of high temperature, high pressure and environment media. In the context of the vertical evolution of organic matter, deep-seated gas mainly refers to the natural gas generated and hosted in sediments below the oil generation window. On that basis, the scope of occurrence of deep-seated gas is discussed and in combination with the interaction between organic and inorganic matter, the deep-seated gas source is studied intensively. The authors think that kerogen, accumulated soluble organic matter and dispersed soluble organic matter make great contributions to the generation of deep-seated gas. Especially, dispersed soluble organic matter in superposed basin may act as an important gas source of deep-seated gas. Finally, according to the tectonic evolution and characteristics of hydrocarbon source rocks, the distribution and scope of deep-seated gas in China is preliminarily estimated.

    • Internal deformation features of detachment layers in the front of the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust belt

      2006, 33(5):944-951.

      Abstract (2344) HTML (0) PDF 690.20 K (3531) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The evaporite beds of the Paleogene Kumugeliemu Formation and Neogene Jidike Formation form regional detachment layers in the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust belt. In the front of the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust, the evaporite bed underwent plastic flow and various structural styles formed inside the detachment with plastic flow of evaporite beds. Based on the field observations, seismic and well data, the deformation structures recognized inside the evaporite bed in the Qiulitag structural belt include salt pillows, salt walls, salt nappes, fish-tail structure, salt welds (fault welds), salt neckening, lentoid thickening and salt stacks. The formation and evolution of various salt structures have a certain sequence. On the whole, the salt structures in the northern part of the Kuqa foreland fold-thrust belt formed earlier than those in the south, while the salt structures in the western Qiulitag structural belt also formed earlier and are of larger size, whereas in the eastern portion the salt structures developed later, with smaller size. The salt structures such as salt nappes, salt welds and salt pillows developed in the Qiulitag structural belt formed earlier than salt walls.

    • Cracking conditions of oils existing in different modes of occurrence and forward and backward inference of gas source rock kitchen of oil cracking type

      2006, 33(5):952-965.

      Abstract (2149) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (4380) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The gas source rock kitchen of oil cracking type is a kind of special gas source rock kitchen derived from high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks. The oils generated from source rocks mainly have three modes of occurrence: disperse liquid hydrocarbon inside source rocks, disperse liquid hydrocarbon outside source rocks and concentrated liquid hydrocarbon outside source rocks. The quantities and proportions of the three modes of occurrence of hydrocarbon are controlled by various factors, including internal and external ones. As to the oil expulsion efficiency, the organic carbon contents in mudstone, limestone and oil shale are 0.67%, 0.62% and 10.6% respectively and their maximum oil expulsion efficiencies are 45%, 55% and 80% respectively. The kinetic experiments of cracked gas in different media indicate that the activation energy of methane changes according to the medium conditions. Carbonate rocks have the greatest influence on oil cracking and can significantly reduce the activation energy of cracked gas and the temperatures of oil cracking. Mudstone takes the second place and sandstone has the smallest influence. The corresponding Ro values of main gas-generating periods in different media are as follows: 1.5%-3.8% for pure crude oil, 1.2%-3.2% for disperse oil in carbonate rocks, 1.3%-3.4% for disperse oil in mudstone and 1.4%-3.6% for disperse oil in sandstone. The gas source rock kitchen of oil cracking type is an intermediate and what are visible are the primary gas source kitchen and gas accumulation formed by it. However, the modes of occurrence, distribution scope and amount and resources of gas generated for the gas source rock kitchen of oil cracking type can be only determined and proved through forward and backward inference. Take the Middle-Lower Cambrian in the Tarim basin as an example of forward inference, the original oil-generating quantity is 2 232.24×108 t and the residual oil quantity and oil cracked gas quantity are 806.21×108 t and 106.95×1012 m3 respectively. Take the cracked gas in dolomites of the Feixianguan Formation in the northeastern Sichuan basin as an example of backward inference, the area of the delineated paleo-oil accumulation is approximately 735 km2, the quantity of crude oil is 45×108t, and the quantity and resources of oil cracked gas are 2.72×1012 m3 and 1.36×1012 m3 respectively.

    • Late Cenozoic environmental evolution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as indicated by the evolution of sporopollen assemblages

      2006, 33(5):966-979.

      Abstract (2304) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (4450) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Sporopollen was analyzed for samples from Neogene lacustrine sediments of the Tuotuohe, Tongtianhe, Nagqu, East Wenquan and Oiyug basins and Late Quaternary lacustrine sediments of Bas Co, Co Ngoin and Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau. According to these data together with the sporopollen assemblage data from the Xining-Minhe basin, Lunpola basin, Namlin basin and Weihe basin, the authors analyzed the evolution of the Late Cenozoic paleovegetations and paleoenvironment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in its adjacent regions and found that vegetation and environment differentiation occurred in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene in the Qinghai-Tibet region and its surrounding regions, resulting in rapid decrease and gradual disappearance of tropical-subtropical plants in the Qinghai-Tibet region. Such a change of vegetation did not coincide with the global warm climate and lower paleolatitudes of the Qinghai-Tibet region in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, and the extinction of tropical-subtropical plants indicates that the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was uplifted in the Early Miocene. The broad-leaf and needle-leaf plants on the plateau showed a trend of general decrease and quasi-periodical fluctuations from the Early Miocene to Late Quaternary, which corresponded well with the global climate changes. In the Late Quaternary herbaceous plants increased gradually, leading to the appearance of the vegetation landscape of mixed needle-leaf plants, broad-leaf plants, shrubs and herbaceous plants dominated by Artemisia, Pinus and Betula on the Tibetan Plateau in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene.

    • Lithostratigraphic and paleontological characteristics of the Carboniferous Yunzhug Formation in the Yunzhug area, northern Tibet

      2006, 33(5):980-987.

      Abstract (2335) HTML (0) PDF 607.27 K (3622) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Yunzhug area is located in the Paleozoic Xainza basin, where Early Ordovician-Middle Permian successive marine sedimentary sequences are developed. The rock association of the Carboniferous Yunzhug Formation consists of fine quartzose sandstone, shale and siltstone with several bioclastic limestonebeds, which contain abundant fossils, mainly including brachiopods, bivalves, conodonts, corals,bryozoans,ammonites and trilobites. The conodont Gnathodus girtyi-Gnathodus texanus assemblage is a late Early Carboniferous assemblage; and the brachiopod Productus-Rhipidomella tibetena assemblage is also a late Early Carboniferous assemblage, the brachiopod Choristites- Spirigerella assemblage occurs in the lower part of the early Late Carboniferous and the brachiopod Trigonatreta cf. paucicostulata- Elivella baschkirica assemblage occurs in the upper part of the early Late Carboniferous. Uncinunellina is a typical cold-water brachiopod and Cyathaxonia is a typical cold-water coral, which indicates that the global Carboniferous glaciation had influenced the whole area then. It is confirmed that the age of the Yunzhug Formation is late Early Carboniferous to early Late Carboniferous, and that the boundary between the Early and Late Carboniferous is placed between bed 11 and bed 12.

    • Triassic magnetostratigraphy of the north slope of Mount Qomolangma, Tibet

      2006, 33(5):988-998.

      Abstract (2542) HTML (0) PDF 1.08 M (4003) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A total of 728 oriented paleomagnetic samples have been collected from Triassic sedimentary strata in the Tulong area on the north slope of Mount Qomolangma (Everest) in southern Tibet. All the sampling was carried out with a portable GDS-1 Type air-powered core drill after measuring the section. The cores were oriented with a magnetic compass and an inchnometer. Samples were commonly taken at 0.5~3 m intervals, and the intervals reached 0.1~0.2 m near some important geological boundaries. The cores taken were 24~25 mm in diameter and 30~60 mm in length. The results of analysis show that the natural remanent magnetization of the sedimentary rocks in the study area is medium, generally reaching 1.9×10-2~9.4×10-1 A/m and their characteristic remanent magnetization reaches 3.9×10-2~5.0×10-1 A/m. Thermal demagnetization study indicates that when samples are thermally demagnetized at 550~600℃ the remanent magnetization of most samples is reduced by 90~100%, which shows that the carrier of this magnet in the rock is mainly magnetite. Magnetostratigraphic study indicates that there are 12 normal polarity zones and 11 reversed polarity zones in the Tulong Group, which form an Early Mesozoic mixed normal and reversed magnetic polarity superzone with an intermediate frequency, called the Tulong mixed polarity superzone polarity superzone. It coincides with the Illavara mixed polarity superzone. Only two small reversed polarity zones were found in the Kyunglung Goinba and Derirong formations, while the other samples all show normal polarity zones. In this paper this stratigraphic unit is named the Tulong normal polarity superzone, which is equivalent to the GRAHAM normal polarity superzone. The upper part of the Derirong Formation is a reversed polarity zone. Based on these studies, the boundaries of the Lower, Middle and Upper Triassic are determined. The intensive study of the Triassic magnetostratigraphy on the north slope of the Mount Qomolangma area has provided a scientific basis for the multiple stratigraphic division and correlation of the Triassic and establishment of a Triassic paleomagnetic database and Triassic magnetostratigraphic polarity column in the Mount Qomolangma area, as well as the in-depth study of the evolution of the supercontinent Gondwana, Formation and disappearance of the Paleo-Tethys and uplift mechanism of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

    • Mesozoic sedimentary characteristics and tectonic evolution in the eastern part of the Qiangtang basin

      2006, 33(5):999-1004.

      Abstract (1861) HTML (0) PDF 822.53 K (4357) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The basement of the eastern Qiangtang basin is composed of the pre-Carboniferous Jitang Group-complex and the sedimentary cover of the basin consists of Late Paleozoic-Cretaceous strata. In the basin cover, Mesozoic marine strata are widespread, there area a variety of sedimentary sequences and Mesozoic tectono-paleogeographic transition occurred frequently. The Mesozoic basin can be divided into three tectonic units: the north and south Qiangtang depressions and Tanggula uplift, and in each tectonic unit several secondary depressions and uplifts of different stages may be distinguished. The development and evolution of the eastern Qiangtang basin, which are controlled by the plate junction zones at the north and south sides and constrained by differential activities of various blocks bounded by the divisional fault zones inside the basin, progressed through the Late Triassic foreland basin stage, Early-Mid Jurassic“northern Qiangtang”extensional foreland basin stage, Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Doima passive continental-margin basin development stage and later foreland basin development stage and Late Cretaceous southern Qiangtang intermontane compressional-depressed basin evolution stage. In essence, the eastern Qiangtang basin is a huge superposed basin formed by order stacking of prototype basins in different periods of time.

    • Features of the change in Pliocene depositional environment at the Guge Formation section in the Zanda basin, Tibet

      2006, 33(5):1005-1012.

      Abstract (2101) HTML (0) PDF 753.59 K (4104) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on a field survey and analysis of environmental proxies (magnetic susceptibility, grain size, carbonate content, ESR ages etc.), the paper discusses the change of the depositional environment at the Guge Formation section in the Zanda basin, Tibet, at 4.40-2.74 Ma. The analytical data show that remarkable changes in depositional environment took place in the Zanda basin after the Xiangquan movement at 4.4 Ma: the depositional environment changed from the fluvial facies in the early stage to the lacustrine facies in the late stage, forming a thickness of more than 500 m of sediments of the Guge Formation. It reflects the changes of the sediments in the Zanda paleolake from the lakeshore→shallow lake→semi-deep lake→lakeshore-shallow lake, i.e. the entire process from the emergence→development→extinction of the paleolake. Its growth process is closely related to the plateau uplift and climatic and environmental changes since the late Cenozoic.

    • Multiple stratigraphic classification and correlation of the Devonian-Triassic in the Jiuzhaigou area, Sichuan, and its sedimentary environment

      2006, 33(5):1013-1022.

      Abstract (2194) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (4250) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A sequence of carbonate rocks with a total thickness of over 6000 m is developed in Jiuzhaigou in the border region between the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Sichuan basin. Based on the 1∶50000 regional geological survey and a series of special-subject surveys in this areas, nine formation-complexes are recognized in the lithostratigraphic context, and 3 coral assemblage-zones, 3 assemblage-zones and 1 acme-zone of brachiopods, 2 bivalve acme-zones and 1 assemblage-zones and 1 acme-zone of foraminifers are distinguished in the biostratigraphic context. In terms of ecostratigraphy, 2 communities are established. According to the characteristics of geochemical elements, 11 geochemical intervals are identified. In addition, the authors have studied the major element and carbon isotopic features and conducted microfacies analysis of carbonate rocks. Through integrating various sedimentary indicators, the authors have made discrimination of sedimentary environments, of which the sedimentary environment of the Minhe Formation is unique, belonging to a mixed carbonate and terrestrial clastic sedimentary system.

    • Geochemistry of the Shaximiao Formation in a dinosaur fossil site, Guangyuan, Sichuan, and its implications for the source area and paleoweathering

      2006, 33(5):1023-1029.

      Abstract (1942) HTML (0) PDF 646.37 K (3624) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The site of the Guangyuan dinosaur fossil is an important fossil site of Middle Jurassic dinosaurs in the Sichuan basin. Dinosaur fossils are buried in argillaceous rocks of the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation. The major element, trace element and REE compositions of argillaceous rocks of the Shaximiao Formation in the dinosaur fossil site in Guangyuan, Sichuan, are studied and the provenance, tectonic setting and weathering of the provenance are discussed according to the geochemical characteristics of the argillaceous rocks. The major and trace elements indicate that felsic rocks predominate in the provenance and that the tectonic setting is the passive continental margin. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) and index of chemical variation (ICV) indicate that their provenance underwent moderate chemical weathering processes, which suggests that the dinosaurs lived in a semiarid climatic environment in the Middle Jurassic.

    • Tectonic environment of basic volcanic rocks in the Hongshishan ophiolite mélange zone, Beishan Mountains, Gansu

      2006, 33(5):1030-1037.

      Abstract (2086) HTML (0) PDF 791.62 K (4337) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Basic volcanic rocks in Hongshishan are one of the important components of the Hongshishan ophiolite. So far different views exist as to their tectonic environment, thus affecting the deep-going study of the nature, origin and evolution of the ophiolite. The authors conducted detailed field observations of the geological characteristics of the basic volcanic rocks in Hongshishan and used geochemical (major element, trace element and REE) data from XRF, ICP-MS and Sm/Nd isotope analysis as well as the previous data to make an integrated discrimination and analysis of their tectonic environment. It was determined that the basic volcanic rocks formed in a MORB tectonic environment, which provides new evidence for the environment of the Hongshishan ophiolite.

    • Tectonic environment of ophiolites in the Har Tolgoi area, Damao Qi, Inner Mongolia

      2006, 33(5):1038-1043.

      Abstract (1931) HTML (0) PDF 542.87 K (4061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Cumulates in ophiolites of the Har Tolgoi area, Damao Qi, Inner Mongolia, are represented by the peridotite+pyroxenite+gabbro association, i.e. the PPG type. Boninite is recognized for the first time from gabbro by petrochemical and geochemical studies, which provides petrological evidence for the tectonic environment of ophiolites in the area. Basalt has the characteristics of MORB and is enriched in components (e.g. Th) of the subduction zone. In the mélange zone there occur Devonian island arc-type intermediate and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks, which conformably overlie siliceous pelite. Based on the above-mentioned analysis, the authors suggest that ophiolites in the area formed in a SSZ-type environment, i.e. at the time of initial subduction. New oceanic crust formed above the subduction (fore-arc) zone and gradually evolved to an island arc.

    • Discorery of the Neoproterozoic Daolinshan A-type granite in Zhejiang and its tectonic implications

      2006, 33(5):1044-1051.

      Abstract (1894) HTML (0) PDF 791.64 K (4412) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Daolinshan granite is intruded into Proterozoic volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks and has zircon U-Pb ages of 814 and 816 Ma. The granite formed in the late Jinningian Stage. It is alkali feldspar granite composed mainly of alkali feldspar, quartz with small amounts of plagioclase, biotite, and hornblende. Its mean value of oxides and NK/A ratio are close to those of the world's A-type granite, but compared to M-type, S-type and I-type granite, it is rich in silicon and alkalis and poor in calcium and magnesium. The rock is metaluminous to peraluminous and rich in REE and high field strength elements with a high ratio of FeO*/MgO. The granite pluton formed in a post-orogenic environment and is post-orogenic, aluminous A-type granite. It originated in an extensional environment after the end of the collision of the Yangtze block and Cathaysia block. It is the petrological record of the breakup event of the supercontinent South China Rodinia, revealing that the breakup of the supercontinent in the late Jinningian (Qingbaikouan Period) and so suggesting that the Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault belt had stepped into the stage of extensional breakup in the late Jinningian.

    • Geological features and age of the Wenquan Rapakivi granite, Chicheng County, Hebei

      2006, 33(5):1052-1058.

      Abstract (2152) HTML (0) PDF 697.13 K (4153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Wenquan Rapakivi granite is distributed in the Wenquan area, Chicheng County, Hebei Province, covering an area of about 50 km2. Based on the regional geological survey of the 1:250000 Yanqing County Sheet, the authors studied the mode of occurrence and intrusive relationships of the Wenquan Rapakivi granite and discussed its age according to the petrological, geochemical and isotope age evidence. Study shows that the intrusion is A-type granite with higher contents of K, Al and Fe and lower contents of Ca and Mg. It was formed in the Mesoproterozoic, which is equivalent to the Dahongyu Stage of the Changchengian System and can be correlated with the Shachang Rapakivi granite, Miyun County, Beijing. In addition, the study also provides petrological and isotope age evidence for the study of the time of cratonization of the basement of the North China plate and event of its break-up during the Mesoproterozoic.

    • 40Ar-39Ar isotope chronological evidence for the orogeny in the eastern segment of the Central Asian-Mongolian orogenic belt

      2006, 33(5):1059-1065.

      Abstract (2033) HTML (0) PDF 734.42 K (3460) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A kyanite schist belt containing phengite is found in metamorphic rocks of the Hulan Group in the Hongqiling area of south-central Jilin, tectonically in the eastern segment of the Central Asia-Mongolia orogenic belt. Plateau ages of 223.57±0.8 and 224.41±4.0 Ma and isochron ages of 221.9±2.79 Ma and 223.27±4.53 Ma of micas in biotite gneiss of the Lower Member and phengite in kyanite schist of the Upper Member of the Hulan Group are obtained by the continuous stepwise 40Ar-39Ar heating method. The same method also gives discordant plateau ages of 302±6.3 and 246.00±5.70 Ma for hornblende peridotites of island-arc tholeiite type intruded into the Hulan Group. These ages thus confine the time limits of the closing of the Paleo-Asian-Mongolian ocean and Mesozoic collisional orogeny to at least 302-225 Ma and suggest that the area probably underwent a continuous process from continent-continent collisional orogeny to overlapping.

    • Formation and modification history of the Liupanshan basin on the southwestern margin of the Ordos block and tectonic stress field evolution

      2006, 33(5):1066-1074.

      Abstract (2214) HTML (0) PDF 813.68 K (3633) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Sandwiched between the Ordos block and the Alxa and Qinghai-Tibet blocks, the Liupanshan basin is situated in a special tectonic location in the tectonic system of China. Based on the field analysis of deformation and stress field inversion from fault slip data, the formation and tectonic evolution history of the Liupanshan basin has been preliminarily established. The results show that the basin mainly experienced the stage of basin formation and the stage of modification in the late stage. During the earliest Cretaceous, under the nearly E-W extensional stress, the basin was downfaulted and a very thick fluvial-lacustrine sequence of the Liupanshan Group was deposited in the basin. Near the end of the Early Cretaceous, under the NW-SE compression, the Liupanshan basin was inversed with in fold inversion occurring in some places, and the Liupanshan Group underwent faulting and deformation to different degrees. Then the basin began the long-continued uplift and erosion history. During the late Cenozoic, under the far-field effects caused by India-Eurasia collision, the Liupanshan basin was strongly folded and faulted due to NE-SW compression and then due to E-W compressions and Liupanshan was uplifted rapidly. The evolutionary history of the Liupanshan basin and change in stress regimes during the Early Cretaceous provide constraints on the geodynamics of block interaction in this area and are of importance for oil and gas exploration.

    • Basic characteristics of the differential uplift of the Yulong-Haba block and its geological hazard effects

      2006, 33(5):1075-1082.

      Abstract (1856) HTML (0) PDF 954.15 K (3572) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The continuous and periodic uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the Cenozoic is an important geological and environmental event during the evolution of the Earth. Especially the accelerated uplift of the plateau since the Late Cenozoic has made the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its peripheral areas become the highest step of continental China. The paper focuses on the uplift mechanism of the plateau through a detailed study of the composition and geometric and kinematic features of the Yulong-Haba block-a typical Quaternary rapidly and differentially uplifted area on the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and on that basis, the paper further studies the effect of the rapid uplift on geological hazards (e.g. earthquakes, avalanches, landslides and mudflows) and its controls on the occurrence and development of geological hazards. In the last, it is concluded that there exists a coupling relationship between the Earth's endogenic geological processes (rapid differential block uplift) and the exogenic geological processes (major geological hazards).

    • Features of platinum-group elements in different mineral assemblages in the Lower Cambrian black rock series in Hunan and Guizhou

      2006, 33(5):1083-1091.

      Abstract (2106) HTML (0) PDF 879.41 K (4182) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The mineral assemblages are very complex in the Lower Cambrian black shale in Zhangjiajie of Hunan and Zunyi of Guizhou. X- ray diffraction analysis combined with previous research results shows that the contents of sulfide minerals, clay minerals and organic matter are relatively high. After crushing and separation of the samples, the ICP-MS method was used to determine the PGE contents of the black shale and separated samples, and in addition, the mode of occurrence of PGE in the black shale in the study areas was studied. Study shows that the content of PGE in the area is high and stable. The chemical activity of PGE is high enough to enable them to be remobilized to a considerable extent under low-temperature, oxidizing conditions and precipitated and concentrated under low-temperature, reducing conditions. The PGE contents of black shale in the primary C/MoS2 mixed-layer mineral-rich black shale decreased to varying extent after strong weathering and leaching. The greater majority of the PGE are concentrated in organic matter and pyrite. The PGE distribution patterns show certain regularity. The remarkable differentiation of PGE demonstrates that the distribution pattern of the black shale does not have the characteristics of extraterrestrial material.

    • Determination of the age of gold deposits in southeastern Guizhou: with a discussion of the Caledonian Hunan-Guizhou gold ore belt

      2006, 33(5):1092-1099.

      Abstract (2274) HTML (0) PDF 810.42 K (41703) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Gold deposits in southeastern Guizhou are quartz vein type gold deposits hosted in the Neoproterozoic low-grade metamorphic series. The protoliths of the metamorphic rocks are represented by a volcanic-sedimentary sequence composed of tuff, tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone with a distinct rhythmic ribbon texture, reflecting an environment of turbidite sedimentation. The occurrence of quartz veins is controlled by anticlines and shear faults. Two types of vein may be distinguished: conformable interlayer veins and filling veins in fracture zones. The mineral composition of quartz veins is rather simple, and in addition to quartz, the veins mainly contain sulfide minerals and some minerals captured from wall rocks. Rb-Sr and isochron dating of inclusions in quartz from five gold deposits indicates that their age is Caledonian, which is consistent with the age of gold deposits of the same types of gold deposit in western Hunan adjacent to Guizhou. A Caledonian Hunan-Guizhou gold belt of gold has been delineated according to the lithology of host strata, geological evolution and structural environment, which will be of great reference value for mineral prospecting.

    • Discovery of the Xitian tin deposit, Hunan, and its ore potential

      2006, 33(5):1100-1108.

      Abstract (2064) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (4056) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Xitian tin polymetallic deposit in Hunan is another major discovery after the significant breakthrough in finding the Qitianling tin deposit during tin prospecting in the Nanling belt in recent years. The Xitian tin polymetallic deposit consists of several types of deposit which encircle the Xitian granite complex and have clear genetic relation to the granite complex. With the Xitian granite complex as the center outward, multiple metallic minerals such as tin and tungsten occurring within an area of ~18 (north-south) by ~10 km (east-west) form mineralization zoning of complex

    • Chemical field of trace metals in the aquatic system of the Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao

      2006, 33(5):1109-1117.

      Abstract (1856) HTML (0) PDF 949.59 K (3972) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:By using the total chemical concentration of the macrocomponents, microcomponents and trace metal components as well as the environmental factors, the paper discusses in detail the general biogeochemical characteristics of trace metals in different media and areal distribution of trace metals of various media in the Jiaozhou Bay and reveals the response of the aqueous system of the bay to the terrestrial material input. Viewing the aquatic system as a whole, vertically, the surface sediments are the concentration zones of all trace metals and the organisms in the system have obvious bioaccumulation effect compared to their aquatic surroundings. The bioaccumulation factors of clams are 1385 for Cu, 93 for Hg and 725 for As. Laterally, the total amount of trace metals in both bottom water and sediments are mainly controlled by the proximity to the estuary, i.e. the high concentrations are generally distributed in various main estuaries in the Jiaozhou Bay. Especially, the high value areas of trace metals in the sediments mainly occur in the east of the Jiaozhou Bay. The high content of the metal Cu in pore water is mainly restricted in hydro-dynamically quiet areas, e.g. at the frontal edge of Hongdao Island. However, the distribution pattern of the chemical field of the trace metals in organisms such as clams is not coincident with that of the above-mentioned various media, i.e. the concentrations of trace metals in organisms are not related to the concentrations of the same metal in the ambient sediments or seawaters. Therefore, the authors believe that the accumulation of a given trace metal in organisms does not simply depend on the total amount of the given metal in the ambient media, but that there is selectivity. Organisms have their own choice to accommodate trace metals. Moreover, regression analysis shows that bottom water makes an appreciable contribution to the enrichment of Cu, Hg and As in organisms.

    • Monitoring the change of the coastline of the Yellow River delta by integrating remote sensing (RS) and GIS

      2006, 33(5):1118-1123.

      Abstract (2041) HTML (0) PDF 508.72 K (4341) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China and famous for its suspended riverbed, frequent diversion and huge amount of sediments. Coastline's movement is one of the major environmental geological problems in the Yellow River delta area. The authors analyzed the MSS and TM image data over 28 years (1976 to 2004) from the Diaokou, Huanghegang and Hekou reaches by using the integrated RS and GIS technique and found the general trend of coastline evolution after 1976's artificial diversion of the river, i.e.: continuous erosing and recessing of the Diaokou reach in the north, relative stability of the Huanghegang (Yellow River Harbor) reach in the northeast and continuous silting and advancing of the Hekou (river mouth) reach in the south. These findings may guide the resource development and environmental protection in the Yellow River Delta.

    • Characteristics and cause of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in shallow groundwater in an area of the Yangtze River delta

      2006, 33(5):1124-1130.

      Abstract (2014) HTML (0) PDF 773.33 K (4103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The paper deals with the study of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (MAH) in shallow groundwater in three cities (C, W and S) in an area of the Yangtze River delta. Based on the data of water samples, the authors summarize the contamination features and distribution characteristics of MAH and then discuss the cause of MAH contamination in shallow groundwater in terms of the distribution of contamination sources, MAH volatility, precipitation and anti-pollution performance of the aeration zone in the study area. Study indicates that the MAH contamination in shallow groundwater is of point distribution within a small scope and not so serious, while the MAH contamination in surface water is serious. The characteristics of MAH contamination in shallow groundwater of the study area are closely related to the distribution of factories, volatile features of MAH, precipitation and anti-pollution performance of the aeration zone in the study area. The contamination shows good consistency with the distribution of factories. The detection points of organic pollutants with a high concentration are all distributed near polluted factories, while no organic pollutants have been detected from shallow groundwater samples in places without marked contamination sources. Henry's constants of various MAH components detected are all >1.01×102 Pa·m3·mol-1, so volatilization is its main migration mechanism. The column test of benzene indicates that it only takes 26 days for the concentration of the benzene solution to decrease from 1079.0μg/L to 6.9μg/L. The aeration zone in the study area is composed of sludge clay of fluviolacustrine deltaic facies. It contains plenty of clay granules and clay minerals and is rich in organic matter (>1.0%). Therefore the soils have a high adsorptivity to stop the pollutants from migrating to shallow groundwater. When it rains, both the detected MAH rate and concentration are high. The combination of the above-mentioned four factors makes the shallow groundwater in the study area have the following features: the pollution degree is low, MAH is of sporadic distribution and the pollution scope is small.

    • Distribution characteristics of geothermal water on the northwestern margin of the Xining basin

      2006, 33(5):1131-1136.

      Abstract (1899) HTML (0) PDF 744.65 K (3436) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The paper mainly discusses the conditions of occurrence of geothermal water and conceptual model of geothermal reservoir structure in the Nanmenxia-Taizi area, Huzhu County, on the northwestern margin of the Xining basin.The conceptual model of the geothermal reservoir proposed in the paper is as follows:stratigraphic control on the geothermal reservoir-lateral runoff recharge of groundwater-terretrial heat supply-terretrial heat conduction along the deep fault-heat storage in low-thermal conductivity rocks. On that basis, it is concluded that: this geothermal reservoir occurs in marble of the the Neoproterozoic Kesur Formation and sandy conglomerate of the Lower Cretaceous Minhe Formation, lies on a slope zone between the Laoyeshan uplift and Shuangshu depression, shows a geological structure of an “uplift in a depression”, and has good geothermal-geological conditions and certain prospects of geothermal resource exploitation and utilization.

    • Records of paleoseismic events in the red-silk stone bed in Linqu, Shandong

      2006, 33(5):1137-1143.

      Abstract (3374) HTML (0) PDF 688.08 K (3614) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Red-silk stone is a kind of microcrystalline carbonate rocks with red silk thread-like curled laminations used for carving stone handicrafts (ink slabs, brush pots etc.), which occurs in the lower part of the Middle Ordovician in Linqu, Shandong. The portion of strata containing red-silk stone, about 60 m thick, is named “red silk stone bed”. Based on field observation, lab examination correlation of seismic structures, seismite layers with seismogenetic structures such as curl deformation (including plastic and semi-plastic deformations), circular laminations, microfractures (including ladder and conjugated ones), vibration fissures and shattered breccia are recognized in the red-silk stone bed. These seismites are records of Middle Ordovician paleseismic events. Red-silk stone is only one of common seismites formed by paleoseismism. As seismites also formed in the Middle Ordovician Tanlu zone, it is considered that these seismic records are evidence of the intense tectonic activity of the Paleo-Tanlu fault at that time.

    • Holocene sporopollen records in the Xianghu area, Zhejiang and their palaeoclimatic significance

      2006, 33(5):1144-1148.

      Abstract (1986) HTML (0) PDF 635.50 K (3537) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on an analysis of sporopollen from the Kuahuqiao section on the south bank of the Qiantang River, combined with 14C dating results and lithlogic and petrographic characteristics of sediments, the early and middle Holocene (10-2.9 ka B.P.) in the Xianghu area, Zhejiang, is divided into three phases of palaeoclimatic development. A brief introduction is given to the sporopollen assemblages, vegetation types and cold-warm and dry-wet climatic alternations and evolution. It is pointed out that climate phase II (7.7-5.0 ka B.P.) was equivalent to the Holocene Hypsithermal or Climatic Optimum, which is in agreement with the global change, and it is in such a period that the Kuahuqiao culture was inoculated and developed. There is a good comparability between the early Holocene climatic change in the study area and that in the Shenzhen Bay area, southern China.

    • Sedimentary facies of the Second Member of the Jialingjiang Formation in the central-southern Sichuan transition zone and its distribution characteristics

      2006, 33(5):1149-1158.

      Abstract (2195) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (4261) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in the central and southern Sichuan transitional zone may be divided into three facies(restricted platform, evaporative platform and open platform), eight subfacies (open subtidal zone, intraplatform bank, intraplatform embryonic bank, restricted lagoon, intraplatform shallow, restricted tidal flat, evaporative lagoon, evaporative tidal flat) and 18 microfacies. Regional correlation of vertical and lateral sedimentary facies of the 2nd Member of the Jialingjiang Formation indicates that laterally the sedimentary facies of the member are homogeneous and less varied, while vertically the sedimentary facies variation shows synchroneity in a vast areal extent. The 2nd Member of the Jialingjiang Formation is divided into five mapping units. By using the method of combining the single factor analysis and dominant facies method and the outcomes of sequence stratigraphic research, the paper relatively accurately exhibits the distribution and evolution of sedimentary facies of different facies of the 2nd Member of the Jialingjiang Formation. The relatively sea-level change and the microgeomorphology of alternating uplifts and depressions in the carbonate platform together control the distribution and evolution of sedimentary facies. The 2nd Member of the Jialingjiang Formation consists predominantly of restricted platform and evaporative platform facies. The facies belts that are advantageous to the formation of reservoirs are intraplatform embryonic bank and restricted tidal flat subfacies. Intraplatform embryonic banks are developed in relative high-energy zones near the transitional zone between tidal flats and lagoons. Restricted tidal flats are distributed widely.

    • Paleoecology and sedimentary environment of ostracods in the Fuyu and Yangdachengzi oil horizons in the Sanzhao area, Songliao basin

      2006, 33(5):1159-1166.

      Abstract (1920) HTML (0) PDF 763.95 K (4262) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The assemblage characteristics, distribution and paleoecology of ostracods in the Fuyu and Yangdachengzi oil horizons in the Sanzhao area, Songliao basin, have been studied systematically. Study shows that ostracods appeared in small numbers in the early stage of the deposition of the Fuyu and Yangdachengzi oil horizons, then developed and thrived, and were all extinguished in the end of the depositional period. The above change is not only manifested by the significant increase in numbers of genera and species of ostracod assemblages, but also by their regular changes in shell ornamentations, distribution and preservation state. In general, these ostracods are characterized by simple shell ornamentations, a high diversity and mixing of individuals of varying sizes and living in a shallow-water lake environment. Further analysis of the burial environment and distribution range of ostracods shows that an alluvial plain appeared during the period of deposition of the Yang-4 and Yang-5 formations that only contain small quantities of ostracod fragments, while the depositional environment in which the Yang-3 Formation and Fu-Upper Formation containing relatively abundant ostracods were deposited was mainly a shallow lake one. After a large shallow lake appeared in the central part of the area during the deposition of the Yang-3 Formation, the lake gradually increased in area and depth with time and expanded westward to the west of Changyuan of Daqing during the deposition of the Fu-Lower Formation, and as a result, it was connected with another lake in the Qijia-Gulong area to form the unifying Songliao paleolake. During the period from the deposition of the Yang-3 Formation to the deposition of the Fu-Upper Formation, the shallow waters, dry climate and strong oxidation resulted in a red color of lacustrine sand and mud in the Sanzhao Area.

    • Remote sensing survey of geological hazards in the urban district of Fushun City

      2006, 33(5):1167-1173.

      Abstract (1799) HTML (0) PDF 711.97 K (3516) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Fushun City is one of the important and large coal industry bases in China. With long-term excavation operations, the stopes and pits are continuously enlarged and deepened, the ground instability of the mining area and its peripheral areas is aggravated and geological hazards such as localized ground subsidence have already occurred. This brings direct threat to production and living of the local people and seriously influences sustainable social and economic development. In this study the types, quantity and manifestations of existing geologic hazards in the urban study area and the interrelations between geologic hazards and faults were ascertained rapidly by using the remote sensing technique, thus offering an accurate and reliable basis for the prevention and control of geological hazards in the area. The application of the remote sensing technique yielded good results.

    • Sampling and fluid sample treatment in the field lab of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project

      2006, 33(5):1174-1179.

      Abstract (1959) HTML (0) PDF 603.71 K (4114) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The paper mainly deals with the sampling methods and gas and mud analytic procedure in the field lab of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project (CCSD). The use of the degassing equipment and anomalous gas collecting equipment and their influence on the results of gas analysis are described, and the accuracy and precision of gas analysis are compared. Four different methods of on-site mud sample treatment, especially the last two methods, are discussed. The influences of different factors, such as the accuracy and precision, duration of placement of clear fluids in the upper layer and duration of mud treatment are compared.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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