Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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PEI Rong-fu , WANG Yong-lei , WANG Hao-lin
2009, 36(3):483-489.
Abstract:Abstract: The Nanling tectono-magmatic zone constitutes the primary body of the great South China granite province. As a multiple-source large-sized tectono-magmatic zone in the great granite province,it was probably formed by the same result achieved from the mantle-rooted continental crust in the intra-continent and the ocean crust of Izanagi (Ancient Pacific Ocean) subducted along the continental margin. The formation of multiple tectono-magma and the tectono-dynamic effects of the emplacement as well as their contact structural systems are closely related to the specialty of a certain tectonic magma and an established metallogenic series. Based on the universal model for the tectonic dynamic effect of magmatic emplacement, this paper puts forward the opinion that the Xiangnan sub-metallogenic series of Xianghualing-Shizhuyuan- Furong-Huangshaping mineral deposits might have been formed on the structural pattern of the ortho-proximal contact zone by strong initiative dynamic effect, the Gannan sub-metallogenic series of Dajishan-Xihuashan mineral deposits might have resulted from the structural pattern of the ortho-proximal contact zone by weak initiative dynamic effect, and the Guixibei sub-metallogenic series of Lamo-Dachang mineral deposits were likely formed on the structural pattern of reversed lying anticline structural pattern on the proximal-distant contact zone by fairly strong initiative dynamic effect. It is pointed out that the magmatic emplacement contact system is only a prerequisite for ore-forming space, and that only through detailed studies of the cooling rate and heating effect of magmatic bodies and geochemical kinetic effects of ore-forming metals can the metallogenic intensity and availability be deeply understood.
GENG Shu-fang , LIU Ping , WANG Zhen-yang , JU Yuan-jing
2009, 36(3):490-503.
Abstract:Abstract:In this paper, the authors present some new points of view from the recent Three-Dimensional Structure of the Lithosphere in China and the Geological Map Series of Central Asia and Adjacent Areas completed by experts from China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and South Korea. First, the inertial centrifugal force of the rotation and revolution of the earth and the extrusion force generated from the high latitudes to low latitudes are permanent and eternal and function as the context of other factors, and so these two forces are referred to as the background. Second, with the exception of the sea-floor spreading of the power system in the eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean, China's mainland and marine power systems formed since Jurassic, which include the northern part of Mongolia - Okhotsk Mesozoic succession of power systems and the power system of the Arctic Ocean sea-floor spreading, have not aroused sufficient attention. Third, according to "fan-power principle" (squeezing at one end accompanied by extension at the other end), the joint pressure of the power system from the east, west and north to China's mainland and the sea caused upwelling of the asthenosphere materials in China's eastern part and sea waters, which, under the strong Chinese power system, consequently led to the dramatic changes in Cenozoic lithosphere and tectonics in eastern China as well as the occurrence of magmatiam, rift valley, earthquakes, volcanoes and other complex geological and mineralization phenomena. Finally, the reason why the most strong spreading units of the sea-floor in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean (and the Atlantic) lie mainly within the latitudes of 60° on both sides of the equator seems to be the effects of the centrifugal force of the rotation and revolution of the earth and the extrusion force from the high latitudes to low latitudes (i.e., mostly "at the end of the power system") on both sides of the equator. Therefore, Instead of forgetting or giving up Li Siguang's contribution to the theories of the rotation and revolution of the earth and the power system structural geology, geologists should incorporate his theory with contemporary theories to explore the spirit of basic geological and metallogenic problem and to resolve these important problems effectively for the purpose of developing a new and practical theory for mineral exploration.The authors' new understanding and points of view can be applied to geology and exploration. First, they help to search for the hot, dark and quiet zone lying on the interface with the temperature of 100 °C and the depth of 4.25 m. Second, they can also help to explore the central area of the endogenous ore deposits on the basis of the ore-controlling fault systems formed in different periods, in different directions and of different natures of the power system. Third, they help to follow the "three-step" approach to prospecting for new oil and gas zones with the help of the effects of deep heat and power on the formation of oil and gas fields. Finally, they make it possible to forecast earthquakes with the help of the outside temperature of 10-20 km in depth and the effective elasticity of rock, combined with the characteristics of the new generation of active faults.
2009, 36(3):504-527.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper puts forward a new viewpoint that geological history of China may be divided into six disintegrating-reintegrating cycles based on available geological data, especially on the comparison of these data with rocks in various plate-tectonic settings. In consideration of their contribution to the formation of China's mainland and the new development of global supercontinental research, these cycles are named Eochina cycle, Paleochina cycle, North China cycle, South China cycle, China cycle and Panchina cycle, respectively. It is suggested that geological records of the continental rifting should serve as the the benchmark between two cycles. The cycle may be subdivided further into disintegrating, reintegrating and intracontinental stages with various kinds of kinematics and dynamics. Following a brief description of these six cycles in the geological history of China's mainland, this paper deals with two important problems, i. e., the cause for the different temporal and spatial distributions in the formation and evolution of China's mainland, and the relationship between the plate tectonics and the mantle plume. Geological features of China's mainland has led the author to reach the primary conclusions that the coexistence of the rifting in some regions with the simultaneous amalgamation in other regions in the Earth is the major cause for temporal and spatial difference in tectonic evolution of various areas, and that mantle plume and plate tectonics are two isolated dynamic regimes and may occur in the same area at the same time.
YANG Ming-gui , HUANG Shui-bao , LOU Fa-sheng , TANG Wei-xin , MAO Su-bin
2009, 36(3):528-543.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on regional geology, mineral geology and geophysics in combination with researches on the lithosphere and the earth's interior, the authors studied the variation of the crustal thickness of such geological bodies as block, orogeny, paleoplate suture zone (conjunction zone), uplift zone, depression belt and fault basin as well as that of the mass structure, Moho form and the lithospheric mantle in Southeast China continental area, carried out structural regionalism, discussed in detail the Yanshanian intracontinental orogenesis and the Himalayan continental extension as well as the process leading to the adjustment of lithospheric mass structure, and formulated an adjustment model for uplift and depression structural differentiation and crust-mantle mass structure. In addition, the thinning process of the crust at depth was investigated, and the dynamic mechanism of Yanshanian intracontinental orogeny as well as the large-scale ore-forming process in relation to the lithospheric mass structure was analyzed.
QIU Rui-zhao , ZHOU Su , TAN Yong-jie , QI Shi-jun , GAO Peng , LI Wen-yuan , CHEN Xiu-fa , WANG Liang-liang , CHEN Zheng , YUAN Chun-hua , HAN Jiu-xi , WANG Sheng-wen , FENG Yan-fang ,
2009, 36(3):544-563.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on geological and geophysical characteristics, the authors recognized two kinds of lithospheres in northern China, which are orogeny-type lithosphere and rift-type lithosphere, and the former can be divided into three orogeny-types of lithospheres, representing Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic substantial structures respectively. In space, these orogeny-type lithospheres are composed of Cenozoic orogeny-type, Paleozoic orogeny-type, Yanshanian orogeny-type and Cenozoic rift-type lithospheres, represented respectively by Tianshan, Ejin Banner, Da Hinggan Ling and Zhangguangcai Ling. These phenomena reflect the differential evolution of the Central Asia orogenic zone formed in Paleozoic during the Meso-Cenozoic continental dynamic process, which led to the formation of different types of lithosphere and nonuniformity of the materials and structures of the continental crust and the mantle as well as the large-scale mineralization. These activities on the whole have E110° as the boundary, with the western part being mainly of the Late Paleozoic pattern and the eastern part of the Mesozoic pattern. Some important problems are also discussed briefly in this paper, such as geological implications of the crust-mantle structures in different types of lithospheres and regional orientation and deep space for ore prospecting.
WAN Ling , ZENG Wei-jun , WU Neng-you , YAO Bo-chu , ZHU Ben-duo , Chen Hong-jun
2009, 36(3):564-572.
Abstract:Abstract:Available geological and geophysical data obtained around the northern continental margin of the South China Sea were used to compile the synthetic geotransect from the eastern margin of Indo-China Peninsular, through Xisha Trough, the northern continental slope of the South China Sea and Henchung Peninsular in Taiwan to the Philippine Sea. This geotransect is about 1800 km in length. The topography and morphology, geophysics, structural geology and time-space evolution reveal the configuration of the ocean-continent boundary and the interaction in the northern continental margin of the South China Sea, which is significant for understanding the tectonic framework and deep water petroleum geology in the northern margin of the South China Sea.
XU Xian-bing , ZHANG Yue-qiao , JIA Dong , SHU Liang-shu , WANG Rui-rui
2009, 36(3):573-593.
Abstract:Abstract:South China experienced intense tectonic deformation and magmatism in Early Mesozoic, which resulted in profound change of the geodynamic regime. The processes and settings of the early Mesozoic geotectonic processes have long been a subject of controversy. Based on a summarization of previous research achievements, this paper deals with tectono-sedimentary layers, Early Mesozoic tectonic deformation styles and magmatic sequence, with the purpose of distinguishing between Indosinian and early Yanshanian tectonic events as well as their geological effects. It is shown that the Indosinian tectonic event occurred in Middle-Late Triassic (245~225Ma) and was featured by nearly EW-trending fold-and-thrust belts and NE-NNE striking ductile shear zones, which were dynamically related to the Triassic collision between the South China Block and the North China Block along the Qingling-Dabie orogenic belt and also to the subduction and accretion of plaeo-Tethys oceans along the southern margin of the South China Block. The basement of the Caledonian folded zone in eastern South China was intensely rejuvenated, and crustal melting occurred particularly in the Shiwan Mountains-Yunkai Mountain-Wuyi Mountain tectonic zone and Xuefeng area. Early Jurassic (205~190 Ma) marks an era of quiescence of magmatic activity in South China, whereas late Early Jurassic (190~180 Ma) was characterized by A-type granite emplacement and bimodal volcanic activity along the WE-trending Nanling belt. Early Yanshanian tectonic event commenced around 170 Ma in late Middle Jurassic, which caused the formation of a ~1300-km-wide, NE-NNE-trending fold-and-thrust system in South China. Crustal thickening and crust-mantle interaction led to the remobilization of Cathaysian Block and induced intense magmatic activities, with the development of a volcanic arc in southeastern China. This event was related to the low angle subduction of an oceanic plate under the South China Block, which led to a subsequent series of late Mesozoic intracontinental tectonic processes and magmatic activities.
XIAO Qing-hui , DENG Jin-fu , QIU Rui-zhao , LIU Yong , FENG Yan-fang
2009, 36(3):594-622.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on the achievements concerning the formation of granitoids in the East Kunlun orogenic belt, Qinling orogenic belt, Xingmeng orogenic belt, Altay orogenic belt, Yanshan orogenic belt and South China peraluminous granitoids, this paper has dealt with the formation of key orogenic zone granitoids in mainland China and the continental crust growth and reached some preliminary conclusions: the input of the asthenosphere(mantle convection)thermal materials to the mainland made up the foundation of the growth and reworking of the earth's crust. The formation, evolution and reworking of the continental crust mainly underwent magmatism, whose formation, migration and positioning made up the basic process of continental crust growth. Mantle-derived basaltic magma underplating on the bottom of the continental crust and intraplating within the crust constituted the basic form of the input of the asthenosphere to the mainland. Delamination of mafic orogenic belt in the lower crust was the key mechanism, which made the continental crust composition chemically intermediate (andesite and diorite, or trachyte andesite and monzonitic rock). The contraction extrusion tectonism thickened the continental crust to ≥50 km, which was the necessary prerequisite for inducing delamination of the mafic lower crust. The igneous tectonic assemblage and its time series seem to be the key to identifying the separation of the continental crust from the mantle asthenosphere until the eventual formation
DENG Jin-fu , FENG Yan-fang , LIU Cui , XIAO Qing-hui , SU Shang-guo , ZHOU Su , GAO Yan-guang
2009, 36(3):623-633.
Abstract:Abstract:The Taihangshan-Yanshan-West Liaoning region constitutes the Yanshanian Au-Mo-Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Fe metallogenic belt and also serves as an important coalfield area in East China. This paper first dealt with isotopic ages of both ore deposits and related intrusive rocks and then selected some relatively reasonable ages for ore deposits as well as ages for coal-formation. Based on the magmatic-tectonic event sequence available, the authors put forward a preliminary scheme for the magmatic-sedimentary-tectonic-metamorphic-metallogenic event sequence. During the pre-orogenic and initial orogenic episode(J1) and the post-orogenic episode(K21), both the calm tectonics and the warm environment probably served as good geodynamic settings for the formation of large coalfields. During the syn-orogenic episode, the large-scale magmatism might have been a good geodynamic setting for the formation of ore deposits. Magmatism and related mineralization during the early, peak and late orogenic episodes (J2,J3,K11) are also discussed.
2009, 36(3):634-646.
Abstract:Abstract:Although researches on the Emeishan large igneous province (ELIP) have been fruitful in recent years, some important problems remain controversial. This paper has dealt with such important problems as the eruption age, distribution, high-Ti and low-Ti basalts, the relationship between the layered intrusions, basalts and mineralization, the connection to mass extinction and mantle plume, and related issues. The solution of these problems is likely to play a key role in further studies of large igneous provinces.
YANG Chong-hui , GENG Yuan-sheng , DU Li-lin , REN Liu-dong , WANG Xin-she , ZHOU Xi-wen , YANG Zhu- sheng
2009, 36(3):647-657.
Abstract:Abstract:A deformed and metamorphosed monzogranite intrusion was ruled off from the Lengzhuguan Formation at Yakou Town, Miyi County, which is situated on the western margin of the Yangtze Block. The intrusion is high in SiO2 and K2O and shows obvious negative anomalies of Ba, Sr, P, Nb, Ta and Ti in the mantle-normalized trace element spidergram. In addition, the rock has high Rb/Sr (2.66~10.5) and Rb/Zr (0.43~1.12) ratios, and the 87Sr/86Sr and εNd (t,1.0 Ga) values are 1.209549 and -0.89, respectively, suggesting a crust-derived collisional granite. The zircon SHRIMP data give a granite crystallization age of ca 1014±8 Ma. It is proposed that the Huoshangou granite might have resulted form the collision between the Yangtze Block and the Cathysia Block during the Grenvillian event. It can also be deduced that the Jiangnan orogenic belt can probably extend westward to Huili-Panzhihua area on the western margin of the Yangtze Block instead of turning southward from the Guizhou-Yunnan area.
ZHAO Han-dong , LIU-Yong , DENG Jin-fu , XIAO Qing-hui , MA Li-ling , YANG Yuan-jiang
2009, 36(3):658-668.
Abstract:Abstract:Through 1∶250000 geological mapping of Hegang City, the authors discovered adamellite in Motianling area in the middle and south of the Xiaoxinganling Mountain, which has the rapakivi texture, and was formed in Late Carboniferous. The rapakivi feldspars are idiomorphism and assume mainly broad platy or broad columnar and subordinately spherical forms. The sizes of the rapakivi feldspars vary from 2 cm to 3.5cm. The core is pink alkali feldspar, and the crust is grayish white plagioclase 1-2mm in size. Some are spherical phanerocrysts without rapakivi. A study of lithofacies, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics of the Motianling raparkivi granite and the rock assemblage shows that it is different from the representative anorogenic raparkivi granite of the Precambrian orogenic belt. It is the I-type granite in the orogenic belt related to the subduction of the plate system and the active continental margin of the island.
HUANG Hong-wei , DU Yuan-sheng
2009, 36(3):669-676.
Abstract:Abstract:The Nandan-Hechi basin in Guangxi started rifting at the late Early Devonian Emsian stage, and withered and died out gradually with the closure of the paleo-Tethys ocean along the Jinsha River, Honghe River and Majiang River in Triassic. Geological field survey has revealed that crustal movement controlled the formation and evolution of the sedimentary basin, that the basement fault controlled the paleogeographic evolution, and that both of the two factors controlled the lithostratigraphic framework and provided ideal space at the late ore-forming stage. Event deposition was closely related to mineralization and all the ore-bearing layers were formed at the peak of event deposition. The second-order NW-trending rift-trough in the basin seems to be an important ore-forming location for large and superlarge tin-polymetallic deposits. Important mineralization resulted from submarine volcanic exhalation or eruption controlled by the second-order basement fault in the basin.
LU Zhan-wu , GAO Rui , LI Qiu-sheng , KUANG Zhao-yang , LIU Jin-kai , LI Peng-wu , GUAN-Ye , HE Ri-zheng , WANG Hai-yan
2009, 36(3):677-681.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper deals with the test conducted along two 2-D seismic reflection profiles in Longweicuo area of north Qiangtang basin, Tibet. Flows and parameters of seismic data acquisition and processing are discussed, and the main characteristics of the two profiles are interpreted tentatively. Some conclusions have been reached: there is a large-sized deep depression on the north wedge of the central uplift in Qiangtang basin; there exist obviously different reflections of structural deformation in different directions, with the basement showing strong reflections and Paleozoic strata displaying weak reflections; there also exist apparent differences between Mesozoic strata and Paleozoic strata. The authors studied stack velocity from data-processing and obtained a result consistent with the stack seismic data. Furthermore, some opinions were put forward on the structural background of a drilling hole arranged near one of the seismic profiles.
2009, 36(3):682-693.
Abstract:Abstract:The major marine sedimentary facies basin formed during the Late Triassic and Middle Jurassic period is very important in studying the genetic process and type of Qiangtan Mesozoic basin. Based on lots of stratigraphic secting data, this paper made an analysis of regional tectonics, basin-filling sequences, lithofacies palaeogeography and thickness of the ore deposits formed during this period and, on such a basis, suggests that, instead of a foreland basin or a back-arc basin formed in Late Triassic and Jurassic period, the basin was an epicontinental basin formed in early Late Triassic (called Xiaochaka Phase) and also a depression-rifting basin formed in an extensional background from Norian Age to Middle Jurassic (called Nadigangri-Quemocuo Phase). During the Xiaochaka Phase, the basin was impacted by the Hoh Xil-Jinshajiang active belt, and the regression event in the early stage of this period might have resulted form the collision between the Eurasian continent and the Gondwana land. During the Nadigangri-Quemocuo Phase, the strong extension and rifting event occurred, which probably reflects the extensional background of the margin of the Gondwana land.
ZHANG Fu-xin , WANG Li-she , HOU Jun-fu
2009, 36(3):694-704.
Abstract:Abstract:The black rock series of Qinling orogenic belt can be divided into three parts. The north part is located in north Qinling orogenic belt and is composed of island volcanic rocks, granite zones and Erlangping marginal basins belt, with the Qinling Complex rock as the basement. There exists the trench-arc-basin system similar to the active continental margin as well as some small-sized sedimentary-metamorphic-structural-hydrothermal-reformation type Ni-Mo deposits. The middle part lies in the northern segment of South Qinling Orogenic Belt,and the profundal to semi-profundal faulted depression basins occur in the paleo-uplift of the surrounding island chains, in which black rock series related to hydrothermal sedimentation are developed. Superlarge sedimentary-reformed V deposits and sedimentary-structural-hydrothermal-reformation type V-Au deposits have been observed. The south part of the black rock series is in southern South Qinling Orogenic Belt, where rift-type faulted depression basins occur in a local extension environment of Early Paleozoic sedimentary areas. Extensive thick siliceous-argillaceous-barite interbedded rocks exist together with medium-sized sedimentary-reformed Mo-V deposits and large-sized hydrothermal sedimentary witherite-barite deposits. This paper has also dealt with the features and mineralization of representative ore deposits hosted in the black series,distinguished ore genetic types and established the metallogenic series.
2009, 36(3):705-713.
Abstract:Abstract:The Kujieertai uranium deposit (also known as No. 512 uranium deposit) is the first typical interlayer oxidation zone in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium deposit in China. The morphology, size, grade and distribution of this ore deposit are all controlled by the interlayer oxidation zone, which spatially assumes overlapping, multilayer and zoning characteristics. The authors analyzed the distribution, zoning and rocks of the ore deposit as well as the distribution and portfolio features of uranium minerals and valence-state uranium with the purpose of further discovering the matallogenic mechanism of the in-situ leachable sandstone-type interlayer oxidation zones and enriching the theory of hydrogenous uranium deposits, which is of great value in search for this kind of uranium deposits.
WANG Yong-jiang , GENG Shu-fang , LI Chang-jiang
2009, 36(3):714-727.
Abstract:Abstract:The view that geotectonics was controlled by deep dynamic action of the earth has long been accepted, because the compression between Tarim Plate, Sino-Korea Plate and Mongolia Plate resulted in the formation of the Beishan orogenic belt, which has been evidenced by a comprehensive analysis of regional tectonics in Beishan Mountain and its adjacent areas. The closure of Beishan paleo-ocean resulting from the northward migration of the Tarim Plate seems to have been the main reason. Furthermore, the subduction of the Tarim Plate into the Beishan orogenic belt caused the northward dipping of thrust faults in this area. These activities had much to do with the mineralization in shallow places. The authors analyzed the distribution of ore deposits in Beishan area and found that many large ore deposits occur on the northern side of the acid batholith and are closely associated with northward dipping thrust faults and stocks. The acid batholith related to mineralization also has northward dipping characteristics, and hence the ore-forming magma could be emplaced on the northern side of the batholith. These ore-forming features provide important means and clues to the prospecting work in similar areas.
LI Shi-chao , LU Lai-jun , LIU Guang-sheng , WU Jun
2009, 36(3):728-735.
Abstract:Abstract:Ailao Mountain area is an important gold-polymetallic ore-forming belt in China, and structure is one of the most important ore-controlling factors in this area. Considering the crustal thickness, the authors processed potential fields with upward continuations of 40 km, 20 km, 10 km and 5 km when using the 1∶200000 aeromagnetic data to interpret the deep structure in this area. Meanwhile, the relationship between the ore deposits and the interpretation of structure was studied in combination with the available geological data and the distribution features of such elements in the main deposits as Au, Cu, Pb, Zn and Sn. Several favorable ore-forming places are detected, a set of methods for delineating prospective areas are summarized and ten promising potential areas are delineated. In addition, the new orientation for ore prospecting are tentatively discussed.
QIAO Yan-xiao , MA Zhong-she , LV Feng-jun
2009, 36(3):736-741.
Abstract:Abstract:Geological hazards of the Wenchuan Great Earthquake are characterized by a wide affecting range and a high density. The main types of the geological hazards are collapse and landslide, the collapse occurs far more frequently than the landslide, and the secondary geological hazards are likely to be existent for a long period in future. These characteristics are caused mainly by the spread of the seismic waves from the inside of the earth's crust to the surface as well as the spread of the P wave after S wave, which results in the harm to the mountain's inside structure, followed by the loss of the stability of the surface rock. The differences between lithology, landform and rock inclination exert to a certain extent influence on the geological type and the spatial distribution. In the post-earthquake reconstruction, the arduousness of the task and the protracted nature of the geological hazard control should be taken fully into account.
HU Jian-hui , XIE Ming-gan , WEI Tian-chang , WEI Rui-biao
2009, 36(3):742-745.
Abstract:Abstract:Surface karst features in Panjiang-Guizhong depression make up a good example for applying the data acquisition technique in the karst area to studying deep structures beneath the depression. To probe into some problems related to complex karst features in the Panjiang-Guizhong depression, such techniques as high-resolution multiple-means survey, analysis and suppression of interference waves, objective-facing design for the observational system, and selection of shot and geophone position seem to be the key methods. The authors conducted many experiments to choose congruent explosive and record parameters. The noise analysis and elimination and many kinds of static correction means make up the crux of the technologies. The reflection image of the profile has good signal-to-noise ratio as well as high quality of profile and single-shot data. Based on these techniques, this paper has discussed some deep structures beneath the depression as a real example of karst features.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112