• Volume 36,Issue 5,2009 Table of Contents
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    • A discussion on the tectonic framework of Chinese mainland

      2009, 36(5):949-965.

      Abstract (2864) HTML (0) PDF 4.18 M (4187) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A new way of thinking is opened up by the generation of the continental dynamic theory and its application to the study of tectonics of Chinese mainland. The Precambrian basement and the South China-Indo-China stratigraphic framework are regarded as the essential factors in the outlining and subdivision of the tectonic framework of Chinese mainland. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to carry out studies of important intracontinental deformation structures such as large scale strike-slip faulting, nappe structures and extrusion tectonics as well as their influence on the tectonic framework formed during and before the Indo-China stage. The properties of the pre-Indo-China tectonic units should therefore be reevaluated through tectonic reconstruction. A study of the tectonic reconstruction of Western China has led the authors to believe that Alxa, Mid-Qilian, Qaidam and northern Qiangtang blocks as well as Tarim plate belong to a unified craton of Xiyu Plate, while Kunlun-Qilian-Qinling ocean plate is not existent. The Early Paleozoic Maijia'er-North Qilian small ocean basin and Late Paleozoic East Kunlun-Animaqing-Jinshajiang faulted depression ocean basin might have resulted from the wedging action of the ridge of Paleo-Tethys ocean, and the environment must have been quite similar to that of the present Red Sea-Aden gulf. This paper deals with some of the basic controversies concerning the tectonic framework of China and its adjacent areas, with an investigation of the tectonic evolution of Chinese mainland in such aspects as the properties and ascription of Alxa and northern Qiangtang blocks, the confirmation of the existence of Western China plate, the tectonic subdivision of the North Asian tectonic domain in China, the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous intracontinental deformation and Central Asia extrusion tectonics, the subdivision of Sino-Korean plate and Yangtze-South China plate and the ascription of the southern North Yellow sea and Korean peninsula.

    • Carbon and oxygen isotope changes and palaeoclimate cycles recorded by lacustrine deposits of Miocene Wudaoliang Group in northern Tibetan Plateau

      2009, 36(5):966-975.

      Abstract (2008) HTML (0) PDF 2.59 M (3951) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Carbon and oxygen isotopes in drill core of Wudaoliang Group have well recorded Early Miocene environment changes and palaeoclimate cycles in northern Tibetan Plateau. The Wudaoliang Group as thick as ~150 m consists mainly of limestone, dolomite limestone and marl, with a discontinuity occurring at the depth of 50.0-51.0 m in the drill core. Carbon and oxygen isotopes change considerably at the depth of 140-145 m, where both maximal δ18O and minimal δ13C occur two times. δ18O and δ13C reach to the minimum at the depth of 140.7 m, corresponding to global cooling Mi-1 recorded by the deep-sea drilling of oceanic deposits at the Miocene/Oligocene boundary. Seven eccentricity cycles of 1.2 Ma are recorded between 140.7 m and 14.2 m in depth, and 9 minor cycles of 17.4 ka are recorded from 69.86 m to 62.60 m in depth. It is further inferred that Early Miocene lake in northern Tibetan Plateau initiated at (24.1±0.6) Ma and ended at (14.5±0.5) Ma according to Palaeo-climate cycles recorded by carbon and oxygen isotope changes of lacustrine deposits, and that annual temperatures changed from 19°C to 21°C (~20°C on average) in Wudaoliang basin in Early Miocene.

    • Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of two linear granite plutons in southern Altay Mountains and its tectonic implications

      2009, 36(5):976-987.

      Abstract (1887) HTML (0) PDF 3.27 M (3056) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In southern Altay Mountains, some NW-SE striking small linear granite plutons are exposed, which were intruded into Devonian and Early Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences that had undergone intense sinistral ductile shearing. Structural deformation of these granites implies that their intrusion occurred simultaneously with shearing deformation. This paper describes SHRIMP dating data of zircons from two of these granites, namely the southern Altay biotite granite body and the southern Shaerbulake two-mica granite body. Zircons form the southern Shaerbulake intrusive body yield an apparent 206Pb/238U age of (275.1±1.7) Ma, which is interpreted as the intrusive age of the granite pluton, as evidenced by geological, petrological and deformational characteristics of the granite plutons and related zircon CL images. Based on the new dating data, the authors infer that the sinistral ductile shear deformation of Erqis faulted zone and southern Altay Mountains probably occurred posterior to 275 Ma. In combination with available data, this paper deals briefly with the Permian tectonic evolution in southern Altay Mountains.

    • Age dating of alkali granite in Jingesitai area of Dong Ujimqin Banner, Inner Mongolia, and its significance

      2009, 36(5):988-995.

      Abstract (2242) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (3257) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Alkali granites are exposed in Jingesitai area near China-Mongolia border area. The intrusions, which were assigned to Late Hercynian or Indosinian in 1∶200000 regional geological survey, constitute a part of the southern belt alkali granites in the Xingmeng orogenic belt. Alkali granites are characterized by high silica, high alkali, quasi-aluminum and low magnesium and calcium. The content of silica varies from 74.80 % to 78.74%, that of K2O is higher than that of Na2O, and that of alkali is higher than 8%. The REE content is low, the fractionation between LREE and HREE is not very obvious, (La/Yb)N values vary from 0.898 to 5.168 and δEu values are in the range of 0.07-0.89. Therefore, the granites belong to PAG and might have been the product of post-orogeny. U-Pb isotopic age dating of the alkali granite is (284.8±1.1) Ma, implying a product of Early Permian magmatism.

    • A geometrical and kinematic analysis of the Early-Mesozoic Yueyang-Chibi fold-thrust belt in southern Jiangnan orogen

      2009, 36(5):996-1009.

      Abstract (2712) HTML (0) PDF 2.67 M (7841) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Early Mesozoic (Late Indosinian-Early Yanshanian) Yueyang-Chibi fold-thrust belt is located in the border area between the Jangnan orogen and the middle Yangtze foreland basin. Detailed geological mapping was conducted to reveal the structural geometry and kinematics of the belt. From south to north, the Yueyang-Chibi fold-thrust belt is composed of Yueyang-Linxiang basement detachment-thrust belt, Taohuaquan-Xiaojiawan cover rock detachment fold belt and Chibi-Jiayu fault-fold-basin. The Yueyang-Linxiang basement detachment-thrust belt is composed of Guozhen syncline, Guanshan anticline, Linxiang overturned syncline and Nieshi anticline in northward direction, making up trough-like folds. Most axial planes of the folds dip south. The unconformity surface between Nanhuan cover rock and Lengjiaxi Group and the detachment fault along the unconformity surface have been folded. In Taohuaquan-Xiaojiawan cover rock detachment fold belt, there occur mainly overturned folds composed of Nanhuan-Silurian and Late Carboniferous-Middle Triassic strata, whose axial planes dip south, with small crosswise sizes. The Chibi-Jiayu fault-fold-basin has a southern boundary fault, namely south-dipping Puqi fault (Jiangnan fault). In the fault-fold-basin there occur Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic sediments, which, together with cover layers, are involved into folds and faults. The faults and the axial planes of the folds dip south in the south of the fault-fold-basin, and the axial planes are vertical in the north. The EW-trending lineament changes to NEE~NE from southwest to northeast of the study area. These structural zonation and deformation characteristics indicate a northward movement direction and the properties of a foreland fold-thrust belt. According to the theory of fault-related folding and on the basis of near-surface geological characteristics, the geotectonic section structure and the deformation dynamic mechanism of the the Yueyang-Chibi fold-thrust belt are considered to be as follows: ① Several detachment faults and south-dipping thrust faults from the south and the lower part to the north and the upper part make up a step-shaped thrust-fault system, which controls the slip-thrust of tectonic blocks, structural framework and deformation zones. ② The Guozhen syncline is a basement-detachment fold; the Guanshan anticline has characteristics of a double detachment fold and a fault-propagation fold; the Nieshi anticline is a fault-bending fold; the Linxiang syncline is a passive fold controlled by anticlines on both sides, with detachment faults along the unconformity on the two wings of the syncline. ③ The trough-like folds of the Yueyang-Linxiang basement detachment-thrust belt are mainly controlled by fold-basement detachment and horizontal compression, with its formation mechanism similar to that of the pinch and swell fold. The authors hold that there exists no long distance thrust nappe in northeastern Hunan and southeastern Hubei.

    • The distribution of Xar Moron River Fault under Songliao Basin

      2009, 36(5):1010-1020.

      Abstract (2583) HTML (0) PDF 3.31 M (3460) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Xar Moron River Fault is the final suture between the North China Plate and the Siberia Plate. The location of its western part has been well known, but the extension of its eastern part remains unclear and has aroused much controversy, especially concerning its location under the Songliao Basin. Based on field investigation along the western margin of the Songliao Basin (Nenjiang-Balihan fault) and previous researches on the Central Fault in the Songliao Basin, it is found that the Nenjiang-Balihan Fault and the Central Fault were strike-slip faults at the early stage. They displaced sinistrally the Xar Moron River Fault and made it extending in a staircase form west to east. Based on the available high precision age data from the basement of the Songliao Basin, the reinterpretation of the gravity anomaly and MT profile, the characteristics of the lithosphere and crustal thickness of the northeast margin and the neighboring areas of the North China Plate, the authors revealed the distribution of the Xar Moron River Fault under the southern Songliao Basin, which extends from Kailu, Tongliao, Horqin Zhuoyizhongqi to Changchun.

    • 3D Quaternary geological structure of Beijing plain

      2009, 36(5):1021-1029.

      Abstract (3272) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (5361) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Beijing plain, located at the junction of the Yanshan Mountains and the North China Plain, consists of sea facies, lacustrine facies, and alluvial sediments. Due to its complicated characteristics, traditional geological survey methods are not applicable in this area. In order to get high-precision information of geological structure in Beijing plain, this paper presents a new practical survey method, whose principles are as follows: first, the entire alluvial-proluvial fan is subdivided into several subsections based on geological structures and sedimentary features; after that, new high-resolution geological cross sections are created by using framework borehole data, geophysical data and historical research results; and then, the characteristics of Quaternary sediments in each geological element is well described; finally, the 3D geological model of Quaternary is built by using computer techniques and the GIS system of Beijing plain. This model can play an important role in city planning and construction and also promote the development of hydrogeology, engineering geology and environmental geology in Beijing.

    • Sedimentary-structural characteristics and tectonic evolution history of the Tadongnan Uplift

      2009, 36(5):1030-1045.

      Abstract (2301) HTML (0) PDF 4.44 M (4003) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on an analysis of data obtained from seismic profiles, cores, loggings and outcrops, and using the balanced section technology, this paper deals with structural-sedimentary characteristics and tectonic evolution history of the Tadongnan uplift belt in Tarim basin since Paleozoic. Six unconformities were identified on seismic profiles and, on such a basis, five major tectonic sequences were recognized. The Tadongnan Uplift was initially formed in Late Ordovician and experienced Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian, Yanshanian and Himalayan movements. Intra-continental deformation took place predominantly during the Mesozoic, with the extensional faulting controlled by two principal boundary faults respectively on the south and on the north. In Early Mesozoic and later, the Tadongnan Uplift experienced serious compressional reformation, thus forming the tectonic framework characterized by two depressions and two uplifts as seen at present.

    • An analysis of sequence filling types and process of Shihezi Formation in northeast Ordos Basin

      2009, 36(5):1046-1054.

      Abstract (1916) HTML (0) PDF 2.34 M (3018) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on data from field outcrops,well logs and drilling cores, this paper studied the sequence filling types and evolution of Shihezi Formation in northeast Ordos Basin. In the early development stage of the continental depression basin, the braided river delta and the meandering river delta were successively filled, and in the mature stage of the continental depression basin, the anastomosed river delta was filled. These deltas, characterized by “big plain, small front”, offered space for river evolution and sand enrichment. Distributary channels(A1 type),submerged distributary channels(A2 type) microfacies of the braided river delta are considered to be the most favorable facies belts for the formation of reservoirs. Distributary channel(A2 type) and submerged distributary channel(A2 type) microfacies of the meandering river delta, and nodes of distributary channels(C1 type)of the anastomosed river delta can also become favorable reservoirs. In conclusion, the palaeophysiography and sequence filling controlled by base-level cycles must have had played an important role in forming lithologic reservoirs in Ordos Basin.

    • Sequence-based lithofacies and paleogeography of Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      2009, 36(5):1055-1064.

      Abstract (2010) HTML (0) PDF 2.48 M (3217) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Guided by the sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology and aimed at oil-gas exploration, the authors recognized two third-order sequences (SQ1, SQ2) in the Feixianguan Formation, both of which belong to the typeⅡsequence. Sequence-based lithofacies and paleogeographic maps of Feixianguan Formation were compiled by means of condensation and instantaneity with mapping units of sedimentary system tracts. The result shows that, from the phase of SQ1TST to that of SQ2LHST, the deposition evolution changed from the mixing shelf facies to the platform facies. That is to say, during the phase of SQ1TST, the mixing shelf constituted the setting of the study area due to the rising of the sea level. During the phase of SQ1HST, based on previous deposition, the depth of the basin water gradually turned shallow and the environment changed form the mixing shelf to the open platform; at that time, the oolite beach was developed. During the phases of SQ2TST and SQ2EHST, the setting of the study area didn't change, but the oolite beaches experienced something unusual. During the phase of SQ2EHST, the number and the sizes of the oolite beaches became optimal. During the phase of SQ2LHST, however, the relative falling of the sea level and the deposition of the sediments resulted in the change of the environment of the study area from the open platform to the restricted platform, with the sedimentary rocks being mainly limestone, dolomite and gypsum rocks. It is thus concluded that the oolite beaches were mainly developed during the phase of SQ2EHST, and these beaches hence deserve much attention in future exploration.

    • The origin of the Pleistocene gravel in western Sichuan depression

      2009, 36(5):1065-1078.

      Abstract (1974) HTML (0) PDF 3.06 M (3623) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Combining related materials with regional geological mapping, the authors analyzed the cause for the formation of the Pleistocene gravel strata in the light of the space-time distribution and sedimentary features. The Pleistocene gravel strata are fan-shaped and have multi-level terrace. The Pleistocene gravel is genetically of fluvial deposition, as shown in such aspects as lithologic column structure, basic sequence and fabric characteristics. The authors also probed into the deposition epochs and the paleoclimate on the basis of ESR measurement, sporopollen and filling sequence. The results have led the authors to believe that there exist four sections of Pleistocene sequence which are not only related to each other in space but also have inheritance in deposition epochs and sedimentary features. It is thus concluded that the formation of the Pleistocene sequence was completed by the river from Longmen Mountain and the deposition was carried out in different epochs on the foreland basin under the condition of warm-humid climate. Finally,the authors made inversion for the regularity of the change of the Qingyi River in the foreland basin in Pleistocene.

    • The sea-level change and its response to the Late Paleozoic sequence stratigraphy in North China

      2009, 36(5):1079-1086.

      Abstract (2013) HTML (0) PDF 2.48 M (4246) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on data from such disciplines as sedimentology, coal geology, sequence stratigraphy and paleontology, the authors studied the sequence statigraphy, the relative sea-level fluctuation and its response to sequence stratigraphy. The results show that there are eight sequence surfaces, which mainly include palaeostructural surface, palaeontologic gap surface, large-area peat-moor surface, low stand floor surface of continental sea, transpressional basin surface, large-area buried erosion surface, large-area exposed surface, and siliceous spongolite surface. According to the principle of sequence stratigraphy division, the authors recognized one basin filling sequence, three tectonic sequences (second-grade sequences) and seven third-grade sequences. Two stages of relative sea level can be found based on the sequence stratigraphy framework. The first stage is from sequence 1 to sequence 3, which is composed of a short-time transgression and a long-time regression. The second stage is from sequence 4 to sequence 7, which is a long-time regression. On such a basis, the authors hold that the sea-level change of North China in Late Paleozoic can be studied by the sea-level curved shape and its response to sequence stratigraphy. The first characteristic is periodicity and compounding, and the second characteristic is high frequency and event synchronization.

    • Reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of Silurian Kepingtage Formation in YM34 and YM35 well blocks

      2009, 36(5):1087-1098.

      Abstract (1864) HTML (0) PDF 3.38 M (3319) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Silurian seashore sandstone is the main oil reservoir and oil-producing formation in YM34 and YM35 well blocks. The lithology and depositional setting of these two well blocks are very similar to each other, but their reservoir properties are different significantly. According to such characteristics of these two blocks as lithology, porous styles, porous architectures, physical properties and diagenesis, the reservoirs of both YM34 and 35 well blocks are composed of seashore silicarenite in no-barrier shoreland. The YM34 well block is of moderate porosity and permeability, while the YM35 well block is of extremely low porosity and permeability, with the reservoir matrix properties of the former better than those of the latter. Nevertheless, the open fractures are developed significantly in the YM35 well block, suggesting a porous fractured complex reservoir. Well test shows that both the well blocks are of high and stable deliverability. Based on the full understanding of the reservoir properties, this paper has reached the conclusion that diagenesis and tectonic activity are the main factors responsible for the differences of reservoir properties between the YM34 well block and the YM35 well block.

    • Characteristics of the Zhongcun-Yinhua vanadium deposit in black rock series, Shanyang County, Shaanxi Province

      2009, 36(5):1099-1109.

      Abstract (2312) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (4000) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Zhongcun-Yinhua superlarge vanadium deposit is a typical sedimentary vanadium deposit in the mesozone black rock series of Qinling region. The deposit occurs on the lithologic transitional horizon of siliceous slate-argillite-clayey argillite in Lower Cambrian Shueigoukou Formation. The vanadium ores are of three types,namely siliceous slate type,clayey argillite type and siliceous-argillite type. Strike extension and thickness of the ore bed are stable, and the V2O5 content of the ores is 0.70%-1.17%. Vanadium is closely related to clayey and politic slate and is relatively abundant in clayey argillite. There exists close geochemical paragenetic relationship between vanadium and aluminum, potassium and iron. Vanadium occurs in kaolinite and hydromica in the forms of phosphate, vanadate and adsorption. Studies have revealed that the vanadium-bearing black rock series was formed in a sedimentary environment of rift zone on the marginal continental slope of North Yangtze Plate in Lower Cambrian under the action of Yangtze Continent-North China Continent underthrust convergence. In the stagnant deep-water sedimentary environment there developed vanadium-bearing sedimentary formation of anthrinoid - lime -mud-barite-siliceous rock. Therefore, the vanadium-bearing sedimentary formation has the genetic characteristic of hot spring exhalative-sedimentary deposition.

    • The Bilihei gold deposit in Inner Mongolia: the first large-sized high-grade concealed porphyry Au deposit discovered on the northern margin of North China plate

      2009, 36(5):1110-1122.

      Abstract (2627) HTML (0) PDF 3.85 M (3374) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstracts:The Bilihei gold deposit(No. II ore zone) in Inner Mongolia, found by Gold Geological Institute of CAPF in 2006-2008, is one of the fatal breakthrough deposits supported by the Project of Supersedable Resource Prospecting of Critical Mines in China. It is located in the Mesozoic (Jurassic) continental facies volcanic basin on the northern margin of North China plate. The main characteristics of the deposit are as follows:(1) the concealed ore body occurs in the contact zone (mainly in the inner-contact zone) between granodiorite porphyry and volcanic rocks; (2) a large ore body 500m long, 300m wide and averagely 52.85m thick was identified, which contains 21916 kg Au at the average grade of 4.5×10-6 (the highest grade being 54.76×10-6);(3) ores can be classified into altered granodiorite porphyry type and andesite porphyrite type, with the former type having typical unidirectional solidification texture (UST). There are only small amounts (<1%) of metallic minerals, such as pyrite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite, in the ore; gold mainly occurs in lumpy or veinlet quartz formed during alteration; (4) just like gold-rich porphyry copper deposits, the alteration shows obvious ring-shaped zoning; the concentric alteration zones from the inner part outwards and from early to late stages are successively the K-silicate zone, the quartz-sericite zone, and the propylitic zone; the structure-controlled argillic alteration locally occurs as patches, superimposed by other alteration zones; (5) the early ore-forming stage has very high temperature (>550℃), and the temperature of the middle-late stage is 108~375℃, 194℃ on average. It is concluded that this deposit is a large-sized and high-grade independent and concealed porphyry Au deposit and is the first deposit of this kind discovered on the northern margin of North China plate.

    • Geological characteristics and resource potential of oil shale in Ordos basin

      2009, 36(5):1123-1137.

      Abstract (2208) HTML (0) PDF 3.99 M (4397) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Researches have shown that there exist not only large quantities of oil and gas, coal, coal-bed gas, groundwater and uranium deposits but also abundant oil shale resources in Ordos basins. Oil shale mainly occurs in Early Permian Shanxi Formation, Middle-Late Triassic Yanchang Formation, Late Triassic Wayaobao Formation, early Middle Jurassic Yan′an Formation and late Middle Jurassic Anding Formation. Oil shale usually assumes the layered form and lies at the depth of the basin. The major oil shale beds lie in both Yanchang Formation and Yan′an Formation. Oil shale was formed in paralic offshore in Early Permian, in terrestrial facies (deep or semi-deep lake) in Middle-Late Triassic, and in terrestrial facies lacustrine delta and lacustrine bog (associated with coal bed) in Late Triassic and early Middle Jurassic, and confined to terrestrial facies (semi-deep lake) in late Middle Jurassic. Oil shale is usually 4-36m in thickness, its oil-bearing rate is 1.5%-13.7%, and its apparent gravity is 1.55-2.46, as revealed by an analysis of the oil shale in northern Tongchuan of Shaanxi Province and Tanshan of Guyuan in Ningxia. The shale oil resource amount (334) is over 2000×108 t, the burial depth is above 2000 m, and the proved reserves (121)have reached 1×108 t, suggesting a great resource potential. The buried depth of the oil shale is shallow, the verified extent is high in some areas, and the traffic conditions are good. If the oil shale can be developed in time, not only the preliminary economic benefit will be acquired but also the valuable experience in exploiting oil shale will be gained in Ordos basin.

    • Geological implications of carbazoles nitrogen compounds in 3rd Member of Palaeogene Shahejie Formation in Linnan area of Huimin sag

      2009, 36(5):1138-1144.

      Abstract (1894) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (3586) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper deals with 3rd Member of Palaeogene Shahejie Formation in Linnan area of Huimin sag. Carbazoles data from 69 samples were analyzed and studied, and the results show that carbazole, methylcarbazoles, dimethylcarbazoles and benzolecarbazoles have close relationship with the buried depth, the maturity and the depositional setting. It is concluded that the contents and relative values of the carbazoles can be used as criteria of maturity and depositional setting in future studies.

    • A review on the reference material series for China Sea and continental shelf sediments

      2009, 36(5):1145-1153.

      Abstract (2049) HTML (0) PDF 927.80 K (3926) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Since the late 1990's, totally nine geochemical reference sediment materials for the China Sea and the continental shelf were prepared, which were collected from the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. These studies were supported by several grants from the Chinese government. Basically, these reference materials form a representative “library” of the China Sea and the continental shelf sediment reference materials. Furthermore, they provide strong technical support for the exploitative survey and study of China's maritime territories and exclusive economic zone. In this paper, a brief introduction to the background and general situation on the preparation of these reference materials is presented, with the emphasis placed on the characteristics of these reference materials and, especially, the application of the reference materials for the marine geological survey and research and their significance for the development of advanced geo-analytical techniques.

    • Geochemical environmental characteristics of China's seven ancient capitals

      2009, 36(5):1154-1162.

      Abstract (1846) HTML (0) PDF 975.02 K (3973) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:According to data from geochemical stream sediment survey, this paper deals with the environmental geochemical background characteristics of China's seven ancient capitals, which include Anyang, Xi'an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Beijing. The results show that, compared with element contents of stream sediments in China, the body-oriented essential nutrients cal

    • A preliminary study of the distribution and pollution source of heavy metals in soils of Jiangsu Provin

      2009, 36(5):1163-1174.

      Abstract (2183) HTML (0) PDF 3.78 M (4173) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on data of 24186 topsoil (0~20 cm in depth) and 6127 deep soil (150~200 cm in depth) samples from whole Jiangsu which contain such elements as Cd, Hg, Pb, As, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Ni, the authors studied the distribution and pollution characteristics of heavy metals in soils by analyzing their spatial variation and pollution source. Some conclusions have been reached: First, the spatial distribution of heavy metal elements is relatively uneven within natural environmental soils and anthropogenic environmental soils of Jiangsu, and the nonuniformity in anthropogenic environmental soils is higher than that in natural environmental soils. Second, a part of farmland soils (1.02% or so) has been badly polluted by some heavy metal elements such as Cd, Hg and Pb, and the pollution from Suzhou and Wuxi is the most severe in all soils of Jiangsu Province. Third, human activities in the industrialization and expansion of cities and some natural geological processes with the formation of parent soil are both important factors responsible for local pollution of heavy metals, and there exist obvious differences between man-made pollution and natural pollution in soils. It is thus held that natural pollution of heavy metals is characterized by planar, polymetallic and double-layer soil pollution with relatively low concentration, whereas things are quite different for man-made pollution.

    • Mobility and pathogenic risks of some organic compounds in groundwater and soils

      2009, 36(5):1175-1178.

      Abstract (1828) HTML (0) PDF 384.28 K (3867) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In the investigation of groundwater contamination, the selection of monitoring target organic compounds is very important for the correct assessment of the real situation of groundwater contamination. According to organic compounds involved in the main standards currently used in the world, 29 items, which are not included in the “Guidelines of Groundwater Contamination Investigation” (CGS, 2006), are put forward in this paper in the hope that they can be wholly or partly considered in the groundwater contamination investigation in terms of the actual hydrogeological condition and the contaminant sources in the study area. It is suggested that more attention should be paid to the compounds with high mobility and high pathogenic risks.

    • The extraction of geological structure information from RS data in western Guangxi-southeastern Yunnan area based on K-L

      2009, 36(5):1179-1186.

      Abstract (1877) HTML (0) PDF 2.62 M (3307) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The western Guangxi-southeastern Yunnan area is covered with thick vegetation, and hence the extraction of geological structure information from RS images meets with difficulty in that the land cover types constitute the major information in RS images. Land cover types must be removed in extracting geological structure information. In this paper, the components of geological information extracted by the K-L method were used for effective elimination of the land cover information. Geological structure information was extracted by using gray level co-occurrence matrix and directional detection. Field inspection reveals that the precision of the results can be evaluated. The results show that the precision of extracting the geological information, especially the precision of extracting small structure information, is fairly high. Nevertheless, the circular structure information cannot be effectively extracted, and the land cover still affects the results to some extent.

    • A tentative discussion on methods for urban karst geological survey and evaluation: a case study of Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province

      2009, 36(5):1187-1193.

      Abstract (1998) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (3936) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Karst geological survey and evaluation methods for urban geological survey remain in the exploring stage in China, and there exist no available technical codes and guidelines. On the basis of Hangzhou urban karst geological characteristics and the demands of Hangzhou economic society for karst geological survey, the authors tried to find urban karst geological characteristics and evaluate the stability of the key karst subsidence blocks. Data from previous work were fully used, supplementary investigation and dissection of key points were made, and the combination of geology, geophysical exploration, drilling and fuzzy layers analysis were implemented. These measures have greatly promoted the research level of karst geological characteristics and the forecast of karst subsidence in this area. The working methods are also actively studied in this paper.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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