• Volume 36,Issue 6,2009 Table of Contents
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    • Early records of Quaternary glaciation in Qinghai-Tibet plateau and their tectonic and climatic implications

      2009, 36(6):1195-1207.

      Abstract (1888) HTML (0) PDF 1.81 M (4034) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper gives a review of early records of Quaternary glaciation in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, based upon recent progress in the study of ages of Early Quaternary glaciation as well as the related stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology and paleo-environment in this plateau, especially in its typical basins. The existence of freeze-thaw layers in the upper part of the Xiangzi Formation of Zada basin within western Himalayas represents, regionally, an ice margin paleo-environment of the plateau around 3500m a.s.l. The freeze-thaw layers in the upper part of the Xiangzi Formation in Zada basin are Early Pleistocene in age, similar to the age of aqueoglacial deposits in the lower part of Gongba Conglomerate in Mount Qomolangma region, around ca. 2.3 Ma. The age of moraines at the top of the Xiangzi Formation can be correlated to the Cho Oyo ice age and the Shisha Pangma ice age of Mount Qomolangma region, showing the further development of mountain glaciers in the region. This suggests that the Himalayas, the highest region in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, began its cryosphere environment in sometime of early and middle Early Pleistocene. Early Pleistocene moraines in western Sichuan area adjacent to the eastern Himalayan tectonic syntaxis demonstrate that peaks of the region had reached to cryosphere during that time. However, their elevation and climate may be different from those of the Himalayas. Most of the surface of the plateau rose above the cryosphere in early Middle Pleistocene with intense deformation taking place in the plateau region during global ice ages. The glaciation in early Middle Pleistocene in Qinghai-Tibet plateau is the most developed and extensive glaciation, which suggests that the surface of Qinghai-Tibet plateau rose entirely and rapidly into cryosphere in earliy Middle Pleistocene, that is, above 3500m a.s.l. The detailed processes still need a deepgoing investigation in future.

    • An analysis of the basic characteristics of the Upper Pleistocene Salawusuan Stage in the Salawusu River Valley, Inner Mongolia

      2009, 36(6):1208-1217.

      Abstract (2198) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (4100) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper gives a summarized description of the preliminary research results of Salawusuan Stage, an Upper Pleistocene chronostratigraphic unit along the Jiufangtai section of the Salawusu River Valley in Inner Mongolia. The bottom of Salawusuan stage is yellowish brown sand layer. The age of the bottom boundary of the Salawusuan Stage is tentatively identified as 150 ka B.P., and that of the top boundary is around 10 ka B.P.. The boundary age between the upper part and the lower part of the Salawusuan Stage is about 75 ka B.P. . The lower part of the Salawusuan Stage consists of limnetic sediments interbedded with fluvio-aeolian accumulation, and the upper part is composed of aeolian sands supplemented by limnetic sediments. This region has experienced 3 times of water body expansion and 3 times of blown sand invasion since 150 ka B.P.. The representative fossils of ancient vertebrate are Ordos Homo sapiens, Bubohus wansjocki, Palaeoloxodon naumanni, Megaloceros ordosianus, Spirocerus kiakhtensis, etc. in the lower part of the Salawusuan Stage, and Coelodonta antiquitatis, Equus hemionus, etc. in the upper part. The paleoclimate in this region was mainly warm and wet during 150~75 ka B.P.,but was repeatedly interrupted by dry and cool climate intervals. During 75~60 ka B.P., the climate became arid, cold and windy. It was warm and wet during 60~20 ka B.P.. During 20~10 ka B.P., however, the temperature somewhat got lower again.

    • A study of the Quaternary lacustrine strata in Zhaling Lake and Eling Lake basin of Qinghai Province

      2009, 36(6):1218-1232.

      Abstract (2293) HTML (0) PDF 2.39 M (3065) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on field geological work and section survey of the lacustrine strata in the lacustrine terrace around the bank of the Zhaling Lake and the Eling Lake, the authors studied and divided the strata, defined the rock and stratigraphic units, set up the biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic sequence of Early Plestocene-Holocene epoch in the study area. The Huangheyuan(QH) stratigraphic unit and the Early Pleistocene-Holocene lacustrine strata in southeastern Qinghai were established. The Yellow River Source Group(QH)stratigraphic unit was divided into four formations, i.e., the Yeniugou Formation(Qp1y) of Lower Pleistocene, the Elinghu Formation(Qp2e) of Middle Pleistocene, the Dayemaling Formation(Qp3d) of Upper Pleistocene and the Heihexiang Formation(Qhh) of Holocene. The results provide new data for the lake evolution in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, the climate variation, the paleogeographic changes, and the division and correlation of Quaternary strata in Qinghai-Tibet plateau.

    • Characteristics and mechanism of Late Mesozoic extensional faults in West Shandong Uplift

      2009, 36(6):1233-1244.

      Abstract (2353) HTML (0) PDF 4.40 M (3485) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Field survey performed in West Shandong Uplift indicates that extensional faults are well developed and characterized by complicated structural styles in West Shandong Uplift. The main structure style is the compound extensional fault system composed of high-angle faults and low-angle décollement faults. The high-angle faults, which dominate the sedimentation in the southern depression, constitute the main part of the extensional fault system in West Shandong Uplift. In the fault zone, there are dynamic breccia, fault clay, small folds and scraping trace making up signs of faulting activity. Regional décollement faults composed of shallow level faults and deep level faults were found in West Shandong Uplift. The most outstanding décollement faults of the shallow level are between Lower Cambrian and Archean and between Ordovician and Carboniferous. There are different structural deformational styles developed near the décollement surface: above it (in the lowermost part of the Cambrian) there occurred intense structure deformation resulting in folding and shattering, whereas the structures in the underlying Archean are relatively simple, only with extrusion and rupture. The décollement of the deep level controlling the formation and distribution of the shallow level décollement is mainly developed in the low-velocity layer of the crust. The result of the tectonic stress field numerical simulation shows that the extensional fault system has been formed by two stages of large scale extensional movement since Late Mesozoic. Mechanically, the extensional fault system is closely related to the Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic strike-slip activity of Tan-Lu fault zone, the subduction of the Pacific Plate and the magma upwelling.

    • A discussion on the development model of the concealed fault along the Huangshui River in Xining

      2009, 36(6):1245-1250.

      Abstract (1711) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (3228) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A few facts observed in recent years show that strong earthquakes occur not only in the exposed surface of active faults but also in some concealed structures. The deformation zone is not only an active fault in the mainland block but also a structural deformation zone with great width, as has been confirmed by a lot of seismic activity data. In order to correctly assess the risk of earthquakes, it is necessary to study the deformation of the stratigraphic model of the structure instead of studying only a single fault. The Huangshui River concealed fault is buried under the city of Xining, and the shallow seismic survey results show that the rupture fault is composed of two normal faults, and the area is across Xining City. Based on a study and analysis of the stratigraphic section, the authors hold that the broad anticline and syncline are composed of Neogene red mudstone, which was formed through deformation. The Huangshui River fault was developed in the core of the anticline, as shown by the relationship between the folds and faults. The Huangshui River concealed fault was formed under the main pressure in northeast direction, composed of two normal faults in the core of the anticline. The fault is on the slideway of Xining basin and belongs to a superficial fault, whose activity is not significant.

    • The discovery of the geophysical field boundary along Wudu-Wenxian-Lixian line and its significance

      2009, 36(6):1251-1256.

      Abstract (1754) HTML (0) PDF 3.65 M (3758) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:According to the gravity and magnetic map, a fault named Wudu-Wenxian extends along the Wudu-Wenxian-Lixian line, with obviously different gravity and magnetic features on both sides. It has greater size and tectogenetic intensity than Longmeshan fault, and is probably the boundary between Yangtze platform and Songpan-Ganzi oregen. Dextral strike slipping generated the southwestward movement of the southeast block and the northeastward movement of the northwest block, with characteristics of regional strike slip and compression. Therefore, the Wudu-Wenxian fault not only serves as a regionalized strike-slip fault but also has the same fault significance as the Altun fault. The eastern margin of Tibetan plateau must have experienced a 100 km northward movement along this fault, as inferred by the magnetic anomaly offset of East Kunlun region.

    • Characteristics and formation mechanism of fissures in Ordovician strata of No. 4 block, the Tahe Oilfield

      2009, 36(6):1257-1267.

      Abstract (1661) HTML (0) PDF 3.43 M (3157) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The fissure-pore carbonate reservoirs constitute the dominant Ordovician reservoirs in No. 4 block of the Tahe Oilfield. The fissures make up the main connection channels and accumulating space. Based on core and thin section observations for more than 20 wells in combination with FMI and analysis of a variety of test data, this paper studied a certain characteristic parameters of reservoir fissures, such as the ranges, strikes, lengths and bulk densities of the fissures, and analyzed their filling situation. On such a basis,the controlling factors were analyzed, which included structure, lithology, former faulting, rock structure and the stages for the formation of the fissures. The fissures are assigned to four stage: I–Pre-Caledonian period, II–Caledonian period, III–Early Hercynian period, IV–Late Hercynian–Himalayan period. The genetic mechanism of the fissures are also discussed.

    • Quantifying the denudations of major tectonic events in Sichuan basin:Constrained by the paleothermal records

      2009, 36(6):1268-1277.

      Abstract (2190) HTML (0) PDF 1.41 M (5213) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on the paleo-thermal indicator of vitrinite reflectance (Ro), the authors reconstructed the denudation thickness of the sedimentary formation in the boreholes of Sichuan basin. The largest denudation occurred in southeastern Sichuan basin and reached 2000m in Caledonian period. During Dongwu movement, the denudation reached the values of 260~450m in southwestern Sichuan basin and reached 800~900m in southeastern Sichuan basin. Both areas were close to the central zone of Emeishan basalts. The basin was uplifted in early Indosinian period, and the denudation thickness reached 100~500m. In middle and late Indosinian period, the areas around the Longmen Mountain began to be denudated, and the denudation thickness in boreholes of these areas reached the values of over 2000m. In Yanshanian period, the areas around the mountains beside Sichuan basin experienced variable degrees of denudation due to the uplifting of these mountains. According to the inversion results of many boreholes, the maximum denudation occurred in areas close to the basin boundary and reached 2000m in Himalayan period. However, the areas which were uplifted in the early time were subjected to less denudation, and the values only reached 1000m or so.

    • Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating and geochemical characteristics of Daning batholith in northeast Guangxi

      2009, 36(6):1278-1288.

      Abstract (1975) HTML (0) PDF 1.59 M (4045) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Daning batholith, located in the border area between Yangtze plate and Cathaysia plate, consists mainly of monzodiorite,granodiorite and monzogranite with minor granite. In this paper, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating and geochemical characteristics of Daning batholith are reported to discuss the magma source and genesis of this Caledonian intrusion in northern Guangxi of South China. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the late stage granite yielded an age of (419.1±6.4) Ma(MSWD=1.03), which provides the upper constraint of the batholith formation in Late Caledonian. The major element compositions show that the granites are weakly peraluminous and strongly potassic-calc-alkaline. Geochemical characteristics of the granites indicate that this pluton was derived from partial melting of metamorphosed feldspathic clastic lower crust. The granites are commonly enriched with large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements with high Rb/Sr and low Nb/Ta ratios, showing behaviors of high Sr and low Nd isotopic combination. However, TDM of the granites are obviously lower than the average value of normal granite in this area, which is consistent with the regional linear distribution of lower TDM of Caledonian granites. Combined with field observation of widely spread mafic microgranular enclaves in the batholith, the authors consider that an intense mantle-crust interaction probably occurred during the anatectic event in Late Caledonian. Mantle constituents were obviously involved in the formation of anatectite.

    • Geochemical characteristics and tectonic significance of Qixianian volcanic rocks in Zhigengaka area, Zhiduo County, eastern Qiangtang

      2009, 36(6):1289-1301.

      Abstract (1654) HTML (0) PDF 1.91 M (2976) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Qixianian volcanic rocks in Zhigengaka area consist of pyroclastic rocks and lava. Geochemical researches on major elements, trace elements and Sr, Nd, Pb isotopes suggest that these volcanic rocks originated from the mantle in an extension or fresh rift basin environment on the continental margin and were induced by mantle plume upwelling. On the basis of major elements, the volcanic rocks can be divided into two types characterized respectively by high TiO2 and low TiO2. Chondrite normalized REE patterns show light REE enrichment, with MORB normalized trace elements like the pig back, indicating that these volcanic rocks were formed in an intra-continental rift environment. Sr, Nd, Pb isotopic geochemistry suggests that they were derived from a depleted mantle source.

    • Tongka garnet pyroxenite in eastern Tibet and Songduo blue schist in Lhasa block

      2009, 36(6):1302-1311.

      Abstract (2091) HTML (0) PDF 1.99 M (3249) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Proterozoic Kaqiong Group is distributed in northern Basu County of east Tibet, with an area of 80 km2. It is located in the Bandonghu-Neijiang juncture zone. The group consists lithologically of biotite-plagioclase gneiss, black mica-plagioclase granulite, granite gneiss, marble and amphibolite. The biotite-plagioclase gneiss is composed of alamandine, sillimanite and kyanite. The U-Pb zircon age is 1334 Ma, and the U-Pb zircon age of granite-gneiss is (507±10) Ma(SHRIMP). The granite-gneiss might be a intrusive granite which underwent the process of deformation-metamorphism in later periods. The Kaqiong Group is a micro-continent separated from the northern margin of Gondwana continent. Garnet pyroxenite and garnet amphibolite inclusions were found for the first time in the biotite-plagioclase geniss. The fresh garnet amphibolites are composed of hornblende, diopside, garnet and a small amount of quartz and rutile, without feldspar. As for chemical constituents of the inclusions, SiO2 is 48.65%~51.18%,k2O<1%. The REE pattern is a flat pattern, with no obvious En anomaly. Trace elements Rb, Ba, Th are rich, and Sr is low, showing characteristics of MORB. The end member molecules for garnets in eclogite are pyrope 51.44%, almondite 26.73%, and grossular 17.29%. The end member molecules for diopside are jadeite 6.40%. Grt-Cpx is commonly overprinted by Hb-Pl and can be observed under microscope. Inclusions should be the products of eclogite degradation.

    • Paleo-karstification types, karstification periods and superimposition relationship of Ordovician carbonates in northern Tarim Basin

      2009, 36(6):1312-1321.

      Abstract (2283) HTML (0) PDF 2.96 M (4990) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Karstification is one of the most important elements for the formation of Ordovician marine carbonate reservoirs in northern Tarim Basin. Based on lithology, geophysical data and test data, the authors divided karstification of northern Tarim Basin into three types (penecontemporaneous karstification, buried karstification, weathering karstification) and some subtypes. The penecontemporaneous karstification controls the formation and distribution of the early carbonate rock reservoirs, the buried karstification is always developed along the former pore-fracture systems, and constitutes one of the most key factors for reservoir optimization, and the weathering karstification is the key factor for the formation of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs. As for the characteristics of polycyclic structure evolution of northern Tarim Basin, there exist six periods of paleo-karstification in different superimposing and rebuilding stages and various Ordovician carbonate rocks, of which the most important periods for reservoir karstification are the early Caledonian II episode, the middle Caledonian I and II episode, and the early Hercynian. Different types of karstification in northern Tarim Basin have complex and pronounced superimposition relationship: the penecontemporaneous karstification provided basic pathway for the buried karstification; the subsequent buried karstification and weathering karstification were developed on the basis of succeeding to and superimposing on the former penecontemporaneous karstification and finally became the excellent potential reservoir.

    • Facies sequence reestablishment and metallogenic analysis of Middle Triassic Anisian meta-volcanic rocks in the Kafang ore district, Gejiu, Yunnan

      2009, 36(6):1322-1330.

      Abstract (1820) HTML (0) PDF 987.29 K (3133) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Middle Triassic Anisian meta-volcanic rocks in Kafang Member of Gejiu Formation could be restored into a set of alkaline basic-ultrabasic rock assemblages. The restored volcanic and sedimentary lithofacies includes explosive facies, effusive facies, volcanic sedimentary facies, tidal flat facies, late-basin-fluid superimposed facies and skarn facies. It is considered that the vertical facies sequence might be in order of explosive facies→effusive facies→volcanic sedimentary facies→tidal flat facies, belonging to the facies sequence structure and facies assemblage formed in a back-arc rift basin background. Kafang Member is divided into 3 volcanic stages in the study area, which composed a volcanic cycle. The characteristics of the vertical phase sequence indicate multi-stages of volcanic activities and variation of volcanic activities from strong to weak. Late-basin-fluid superimposed facies and skarn facies can be regarded as ore-bearing lithofacies and an ore-prospecting index in future.

    • Metallogenic ages of tungsten-tin polymetallic deposits in Lianping area, northern Guangdong Provinc

      2009, 36(6):1331-1339.

      Abstract (1985) HTML (0) PDF 1.56 M (3400) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Quartz veins constitute the main metallogenic type of tungsten-tin polymetallic deposits in Lianping area, northern Guangdong Province. In this study, 40Ar-39Ar dating of mica from tungsten-tin bearing quartz veins in the Jubankeng ore deposit yielded a plateau age of (139.2 ±1.5) Ma with an isochron age of (143.6 ±3.9) Ma (MSWD=0.30), and Rb-Sr dating of fluid inclusions in quartz from the Jitishi tungsten deposit produced an isochron age of (155.4 ±5.1)Ma(MSWD=2.1). These results show that there exist two metallogenic epochs in Lianping area: one is Early Yangshanian, during which the Jitishi tungten deposit was formed and the gigantic diagenetic and metallogenic peak of Nanling region occurred, and the other is the transitional period from Early to Late Yangshanian, during which the Jubankeng tungsten-tin polymetallic deposit was formed. These data provide important geochronologic constraints for regional metallogenic regularity research and mineral exploration in this region.

    • A tentative discussion on ore-forming material sources and mineralization of the Shihu gold deposit in western Hebei Province

      2009, 36(6):1340-1349.

      Abstract (1946) HTML (0) PDF 5.32 M (3813) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:With the stable extension of No. 101 and No. 116 ore veins revealed by the prospecting work at depth, the grade of Au has been steadily increased and the Shihu gold deposit has gradually become a large-size gold deposit in the middle of Taihang Mountains. In general, the deposit belongs to a post-magmatic hydrothermal deposit of quartz vein-fault altered rock type, with its ore veins strictly controlled by the fault structure. On the basis of studying the geological setting and analyzing ore-forming lead, sulfur, silicon, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and from the new angle of view of the mantle branch structure ore-forming theory, the authors revealed that the ore-forming materials mainly came from the deep part of the earth and the metallogenic solutions were derived mainly from the magmatic water and partly from the atmosphere water. This paper has also discussed the ore-forming process of the Shihu gold deposit, established a metallogenic model for this area, and put forward some suggestions for further prospecting.

    • Resource assessment of coal-derived gas in Huhehu depression, Hailar Basin

      2009, 36(6):1350-1358.

      Abstract (1825) HTML (0) PDF 678.34 K (3105) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Huhehu depression is one of the important secondary sags in Hailar Basin, and there exist in this depression two sets of coal-bearing source rocks, namely Damoguaihe Formation and Nantun Formation, which have excellent hydrocarbon-generating conditions and can be regarded as effective coal measure source rocks. Based on a comprehensive evaluation of coal measure source rocks in this depression, the authors calculated the amount of gas generated by the coal measure source rocks by using the approach of basin modeling with the three-dimensional modeling and simulation system. The results show that the coal in the middle and south parts of this depression covers a large area, and the thickness of the coal seam is around 120 meters on average; the kerogen of coal measure source rocks is mainly of type Ⅲ, belonging to gas inclining source rocks; the maturity of the source rocks is mainly at the immature-low mature stage, with Ro mostly between 0.3% and 0.9%. The total amount of coal-formed gas generated is 1.6897×1012 m3 in this depression, which is very favorable for exploration and development.

    • The determination of the index system and weights for the development optimism of oil shale potential areas

      2009, 36(6):1359-1365.

      Abstract (1617) HTML (0) PDF 1.87 M (4509) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The development optimism of oil shale is carried out in accordance with a series of parameters, with the purpose of determining the sequence of oil shale resource development in future by adopting the aggregate index evaluation method. It provides scientific basis for strategic development planning and rational exploitation of oil shale resources so as to achieve the optimal decision. The index system for development optimism of the oil shale potential areas is constituted by a series of progressive parameters and includes two restricted aspects, three restricted conditions and nine restricted elements. The weights are determined by the Delphi method and the expert questionnaire method. The weight of condition in resources is 0.45, in which the weighted mean oil content is 0.15, the reserves possess 0.15, the resource abundance is 0.10, and the associated minerals possess 0.05. The weight of production condition is 0.35, in which the weighted mean technical recoverable ratio is 0.15, the average thickness of the ore bed is 0.12, and the average buried depth of the ore bed is 0.08. The weight of development condition is 0.2, in which the exploration intensity is 0.15, and the geographical circumstance is 0.05. The preferred parameters are divided into four grades, which are given the fractional values by the median method.

    • The strategic consideration of the development of China's airborne geophysical technology

      2009, 36(6):1366-1374.

      Abstract (2883) HTML (0) PDF 4.13 M (4974) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper has described the current development and application of China's airborne geophysical technologies (airborne magnetic survey, EM, gravity, and radiometric technology) and dealt with some practical progresses in such fields as the airborne geophysical instrument, survey technology, data processing and interpretation, and professional software. Nine main problems and the development trend of China's airborne technology are also analyzed. It is held that future development of airborne geophysics will be focused on high resolution and deep detection technology. Some suggestions have been put forward, which include the development of multiple-parameter aero magnetic survey, airborne gravimeter and gradiometer, deep detection TEM, the sensor of high temperature superconductor, some inversion and 3D visual technologies, the establishment of geophysical laboratories, the perfection of airborne geophysical test bases and dynamic test sites, and the acceleration of the technology standardization.

    • The application of the EH-4 electromagnetic imaging system to the detection of concealed structure

      2009, 36(6):1375-1381.

      Abstract (2021) HTML (0) PDF 4.13 M (3415) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The EH-4 electromagnetic imaging system has the advantages of great exploration depth, direct perceivability of the result, portability and high efficiency. This paper describes the basic principle of the EH-4 electromagnetic imaging system as well as the technology for data acquisition and data processing. The application of this system to the detection of the extension of the structure at depth in western Yunnan is also reported. Practice shows that the application of the EH-4 electromagnetic imaging system to the detection of the extension of the structure at depth is effective.

    • Characteristics of migration and accumulation of rare earth elements in the rock-soil-navel orange system

      2009, 36(6):1382-1394.

      Abstract (2021) HTML (0) PDF 2.33 M (3652) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Samples of rocks, soils and navel orange trees were taken systematically in several orchards located in different geological conditions characterized by rich or poor REE in southern Jiangxi Province. The contents of 15 rare earth elements in these samples were measured by using the method of ICP-MS, and the distribution, migration and accumulation of REE in rocks, soils and navel orange plants were studied. Some conclusions have been reached: a. The content of REE in the bedrock affects or decides the content of REE in all layers; b. The content of REE in soil directly affects the content of REE in navel orange plants; nevertheless, they are sometimes not in a direct proportion with each other; c. The distribution pattern of REE in bedrock seems to be the same in every layer of the soil and in all organs of the navel orange plants; d. General trend of the percentage content of REE in rock, soil and navel orange plants is that the proportion of the light REE increases gradually and that of the heavy REE decreases gradually. However, the percentage content of the heavy REE somewhat increases in the peripheral organs of navel orange plants; e. In the three-dimensional profile of the rock-soil-navel orange system, the vertical direction of movement of the REE assumes the relationship between vectors. f. The content of REE in navel orange flesh is lower than the limitation standard stipulated by national food and health regulations.

    • The effect of farm manure on the dissolution of carbonate rocks and its eco-environmental impact

      2009, 36(6):1395-1404.

      Abstract (2012) HTML (0) PDF 1.74 M (3832) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Research on the effect of farm manure on carbonate rock dissolution is important for pedogenesis of carbonate rocks and source/sink of atmospheric CO2. In this study, dolomite and limestone tablets were buried in different depths of the soil profile in the karst area of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province and, at the same time, the dissolution amounts of tablets, soil CO2, soil pH, soil water content, soil minerals and chemical composition and soil water chemistry were monitored. The results show that manure application decreases the dissolution rate of carbonate rocks, with the dissolution amount of limestone and dolomite decreasing by 11.7%-116.9% (averagely 34.2%) and 25.0%-65.69% (averagely 39.45%), respectively, and the dissolution rate of limestone higher than that of dolomite under the same condition. Using these values, the decrease of the pedogenesis rate of carbonate rocks was estimated to be up to 35.77%-37.23% due to the application of manure. The results also suggest that manure accelerates the generation of soil CO2, and that soil CO2 concentration in the manure profile increases by 22.52%-198.87% (averagely 93.94%) and the CO2 flux increases by 67.64% as compared with the control profile. The data also indicate that manure decreases CO2 uptake by 25.50%-39.45% due to the dissolution of carbonate rocks in Guiyang City, and that it brings indirectly a 59.41%-62.72% counteraction to CO2 uptake in karst water of Guiyang area.

    • Researches on the cold water infiltration theory for the response mechanism of sudden drop-slow rise type of water temperature: a case study of Fe3+, Mn2+ variation in Beiwenquan hot spring of Chongqing associated with the Wenchuan Earthquake

      2009, 36(6):1405-1412.

      Abstract (1682) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (5020) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Water temperature observations in deep wells have been carried out in China for more than 20 years, but the researches on the mechanism of temperature response remain inadequate, and very few researchers have studied this mechanism for hot spring water. In this paper, the Beiwenquan hot spring of Chongqing was continuously monitored from May 1 to July 4, 2008. During the May 12 Ms 8.0 earthquake of 2008, the Beiwenquan hot spring about 400 km from the epicenter had a huge response to the earthquake. After the earthquake, three relatively high elevation springs were cut off, and the discharge of some other springs increased by nearly 50%. The concentration of Fe3+ and Mn2+ increased twofold on May 12 and then decreased gradually. On July 4, the concentration of Fe3+ and Mn2+ was the same as that on May 1. This is attributed to the active development of karst areas in the Jialingjiang River valley which has numerous fissures and cracks. Because of the earthquake, the higher elevation springs whose temperature was lower than that of other springs and surface water came from the fissures and infiltrated into the lower elevation springs. This process accelerated the vertical movement of the water and the mixing of different waters.

    • Modes of occurrence and bioavailability of Cd in soils of the urban-rural integration area

      2009, 36(6):1413-1418.

      Abstract (1660) HTML (0) PDF 648.79 K (2978) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Characteristics of chemical forms of Cd in soils of the Urban-Rural-Integration-Area (URIA) in Chongqing were studied by using the sequential extraction method. Relations between the forms of Cd and the extent of metal accumulation in the asparagus lettuce were analyzed. The results show that the soils and the asparagus lettuce in the study area have been heavily polluted, and that different forms of Cd in soils are distributed in order of RES > ORG > EXC > CAB > OXI> WS, with the active exchange state Cd accounting for a relatively large proportion. The major factors affecting the chemical forms of Cd in soils are physical clay and powder content. Regression analysis shows that Cd in the EXC form has relatively high bioavailability. The Cd pollution in soils and vegetables has become rather serious in the study area,and thus this paper suggests the strengthening of the environmental management in the URIA.

    • Restudy of the depositional environment of Lower-Middle Silurian strata in northern Chaohu area

      2009, 36(6):1419-1424.

      Abstract (1588) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (3797) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on previous researches in China and abroad, this paper expounds the depositional environment of Lower-Middle Silurian strata in Chaohu area in the aspects of lithology, sedimentary structure, fossil organism, formation cycle and geotectonics. According to the counterevidence and abundant new evidence, the authors have come to a conclusion different from previous researchers’ understanding: the Lower-Middle Silurian strata in the northern Chaohu area belong to the tide-dominated continental shelf instead of to the contour current deposit held by some previous researchers. This conclusion will contribute to the correct understanding of the Silurian geotectonic background and tectonic sedimentary evolution of this area.

    • The distribution of Hg in sediments of Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi, and its influence

      2009, 36(6):1425-1432.

      Abstract (1838) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (3219) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Qinzhou Bay is the biggest bay in Guangxi, with rich harbor resources. It is one of the most important areas for developing marine economy. In recent years, as the human impact has become more and more serious, the problems of geological environment have also become more and more complicated and have made increasing pressure to local environment. Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey (GMGS) of China Geological Survey (CGS) is conducting a project of marine geological environmental survey along Guangxi coast in Beibu Gulf between 2006 and 2010. Some soil samples were sent to Germany to test Hg. According to the soil sample test, this paper analyzes the characteristics of Hg distribution in the bay. The results show that Hg is mainly derived from ships and rivers. The values of Hg are higher outside the gate of the Qinzhou Bay than inside the gate, and become lower towards the offshore. Test of core JX05 shows that the Hg values are getting higher from bottom to top. Below 70cm of the core, the values of Hg become stable. It can be inferred that human impact along Qinzhou coast began 700 years ago and has became more and more serious since 130 years ago. In general, the values of Hg are lower than the standard value taken from the Baltic Sea of Germany, which means that the environment of the Qinzhou Bay remains good at present. Nevertheless, more attention should be paid to the protection of the environment and to the de-pollution work, as the environment has already been influenced by the development.

    • The application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to the assessment of the solid waste landfill suitability

      2009, 36(6):1433-1441.

      Abstract (1452) HTML (0) PDF 1.41 M (2920) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The simple landfill site is currently the main type of the solid waste landfill and has brought certain degrees of pollution to the environment. More and more attention has been given to the solid waste landfill space suitability. Based on an investigation into the solid waste landfill in Hebei Province, the authors used the Analytic Hierarchy Process to evaluate the solid waste landfill suitability according to geo-environmental conditions, solid waste landfill conditions, environmental conditions, economic conditions and site conditions. This paper also gives a set of evaluation standards for evaluating the solid waste landfill suitability. The chosen factors can objectively reflect the actual situation of the solid waste landfill in Hebei plain, as evidenced by the satisfactory results obtained.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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