• Volume 37,Issue 1,2010 Table of Contents
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    • Compound orogeny and scientific problems concerning the Central Orogenic Belt of China

      2010, 37(1):1-11.

      Abstract (3666) HTML (0) PDF 1.56 M (4504) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Orogenic belts widely distributed in the Earth have recorded the history of plate convergence and orogenic processes during the collision. Many of these belts are long-lived (>300 Ma) compound belts, which are more than 1000 km wide with a pre-orogenic thermal structure that provides evidence for continental growth. In the past decade, research has begun to focus on the long-term dynamics of such belts as well as their tectonic features and processes. A number of critical problems remain existent, which include the origins of the long-term activities, the mechanism of continental accretion, and the rheological and thermal structure of such orogens. The Central Orogenic Belt of China (COB) is a huge compound orogen, which extends more than 5000 km across central China and marks the boundary between the North China Block and the South China Block. The COB has been active for ~600 Ma, and during this time it underwent two major collisions, one in the Devonian and the other in the Triassic. In addition, the region has become tectonically active since the Cretaceous. The COB differs from other compound orogens in having a very complex structure, multiple long-term orogenic events, convergence of orogens and accretion of continents. The recent discovery of a large high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt (HP-UHP) in the orogen and the recognition of two HP-UHP metamorphic events indicate the subduction of both oceanic and continental crust to the depth greater than 100 km. Thus, the COB is as important in the tectonic evolution of Asia as the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Some of the critical unanswered questions regarding the COB include the nature of the continental convergence, collision and orogeny in the Devonian and Triassic and the formation of intracontinental sedimentary basins during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Also unclear are the temporal and spatial relationships of the HP-UHP metamorphic belts and the conditions under which deep subduction and exhumation of oceanic/continental crust took place. Likewise, the processes responsible for the long-term tectonic activity, the multiple and overlapping orogenies, and the thermal structure of the region are unclear. In addition, little is known about the genesis of the mineral deposits in the region and the oil and gas potential of adjacent Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins.

    • Geochronology and geochemistry of the alkaline granite porphyry and diabase dikes in Huanglongpu area of Shaanxi Province: Petrogenesis and implications for tectonic environment

      2010, 37(1):12-27.

      Abstract (2580) HTML (0) PDF 2.21 M (3894) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Granite porphyry and diabase dikes are outcropped sporadically in irregular shapes in Huanglongpu area, Shaanxi Province. Megacrysts of granite porphyry contain reddish orthoclase (~60%) and quartz (~40%), and the matrix comprises plagioclase (~15%) and biotite (~10%). The mineral assemblages of the diabase mainly consists of plagioclase (~45%), pyroxene (20%), amphibole (6%~7% ) and quartz (~10%). The composition of the granite porphyry exhibits geochemical signatures of high SiO2 (72.23%~74.86%) and alkali composition (K2O+Na2O=7.95%~10.25%) as well as peraluminous nature (A/CNK=1.32~1.72), and the projects of the composition in TAS shows that it belongs to alkaline granite porphyry. Its rocks are characterized by weakly inclined REE patterns with strong depleted Eu, enrichment of Th, U, Zr, Hf elements and depletion of large ion lithophile elements such as Ba, K, Sr, and high field strength element Ta. Its geochemical signatures and Pb isotopic compositions are similar to Mo-bearing granitoids in East Qingling region, implying that it was produced by partial melting of the lower crust and subjected to fractional crystallization during its evolution. The diabase contains SiO2 between 48.78% and 48.92% and has preserved flat, identical and rightly inclined REE patterns without obvious depletion of Eu. High initial Sr (0.718~0.762) and extremely low εNd values (-19.53~-19.69) of the samples are consistent with things of the mafic dikes occurring in the Jiaodong gold Peninsula, indicating an enriched mantle source. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating was conducted for both granite porphyry and diabase, and yielded(131±1)Ma(MSWD=1.5, n=13)and (129±2) Ma(MSWD=0.71, n=12)of weighted mean ages respectively. They are considered to be the products of lithospheric extensional environment of intraplate in Early Cretaceous age.

    • The discovery of the mafic-ultramafic melange in Kekesha area of Dulan County, East Kunlun region, and its LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age

      2010, 37(1):28-38.

      Abstract (2221) HTML (0) PDF 2.47 M (3484) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The East Kunlun region is a compound continental orogenic belt formed through Jinningian,Caledonian,Hercynian and Indosinian multi-stage cycles and contains quite a few important tectonic boundaries.Recently a suite of mafic-ultramafic melange was found in Kekesha area,15 km west of Qingshuiquan area, during the 1:50000 regional geological survey. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotopic age of the gabbro from the mafic-ultramafic melange is about(509.4±6.8)Ma(MSED=1.4),corresponding well to the age of the Qingshuiquan ophiolite near the Mid-Kunlun fault.This result thus provides new chronological evidence for the western extension of the Qingshuiquan ophiolite zone and the evolution of the eastern part of the East Kunlun region in Early Paleozoic.

    • Zircon U-Pb chronologic evidence for magma mixing in the Weiya ore district, Xinjiang

      2010, 37(1):39-47.

      Abstract (2142) HTML (0) PDF 1.64 M (4040) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Lithological, mineral chemical and lithogeochemical characteristics of K-feldspar granite in the Weiya V-Ti-magnetite ore district in eastern Xinjiang as well as the enclaves (diorite) and field geological features of this granite suggest a product of magma mixing. This paper obtained zircon U-Pb ages of (247.5±5.3) Ma and (244.8±1.8) Ma from the K-feldspar granite and its mafic microgranular enclaves of diorite, which are in accord with the age of (244.7±3.3) Ma from the quartz monzodiorite within the error limits. The dating result provides the evidence for magma mixing origin of K-feldspar granite and its enclaves from the viewpoint of chronology.

    • Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of Jurassic granites in northeastern Da Hinggan Mountains and their geological implications

      2010, 37(1):48-55.

      Abstract (2247) HTML (0) PDF 687.19 K (3688) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Sr-Nd isotopic data of the Jurassic granites in northeastern Da Hinggan Mountains show that Xing’an massif has relatively low initial Sr (0.7048~0.7065) , high εNd(t) (+0.23~+2.54), and low TDM2(0.76~0.95 Ga), suggesting that their source materials were mainly crustal materials derived from the depleted mantle during Phanerozoic. In contrast, Jurassic granites in Ergun massif have relatively high initial Sr (0.7057~0.7075), low εNd(t)(-2.47~-9.72), and high TDM2 (1.16~1.7 Ga), implying that their source materials were mainly crustal materials derived from the depleted mantle in Meso-Neo-Proterozoic. Different crustal accretion periods of Ergun and Xing’an massifs suggest they have different early crustal evolution histories.

    • 40Ar-39Ar dating and geochemical characteristics of the potassic lamprophyre in Linxiang area, northeastern Hunan

      2010, 37(1):56-63.

      Abstract (2027) HTML (0) PDF 867.56 K (3388) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Isotopic age and geochemical characteristics of the potassic lamprophyre in Linxiang area of northeast Hunan were analyzed in this paper. Its whole-rock 40Ar/39Ar plateau age is (119.5±2.2)Ma, indicating a product of Early Cretaceous. The lamprophyre belongs to the alkaline series and is of potassic-superpotassic nature, with rich large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) and high field-strength elements (HFSE), right oblique chondrite-normalized REE pattern, clear low TDMⅡ value of 1.5Ga and low εNd(t)value of -7.3. These characteristics suggest that the lamprophyre was derived from anomalous (metasomatic enriched) mantle, and was formed in a post-orogenic tectonic setting characterized by lithospheric extension and thinning.

    • Geochemistry of Nanba complex rocks in Yunchang, Gansu Province, and its tectonic significance

      2010, 37(1):64-73.

      Abstract (1985) HTML (0) PDF 2.01 M (3788) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:There are a lot of microgranular enclaves hosted in the Naba complex, a part of the Shiyangdong batholith. Based on field geological, petrographic and geochemical characteristics, the authors reveal that the microgranular enclaves have igneous texture. In spite of the geochemical difference between the microgranular enclaves and the host granite, their SiO2 oxides (such as MgO, CaO) and bi-element scatter diagrams assume hyperbolic or linear relationship, whereas their K2O/CaO-A2O3/CaO,Na2O/CaO-A2O3/CaO,Zr/Sr-La/Sr,Y/Sr-Zr/Sr,FeOT/TiO2-K2O/CaO,Rb/Sr-Al2O3/SiO2 covariant diagrams show linear variation, suggesting a crust-mantle mingling granite. Tectonically, geochmical features of granites of Ayila complex in R1-R2 diagram and Nb-Y and Rb-Y+Nb diagram all indicate they are syn-collision granites. It is thus held that the Ayila complex and the mingling granites are products of the collision between the Alxa terrane and the Qilian terrane, and the related underplating is an important factor responsible for the growth of the transitional zone crust.

    • Early Mesozoic granites and polymetallic mineralization in southeastern Yichun area, Xiao Hinggan Mountains

      2010, 37(1):74-87.

      Abstract (2157) HTML (0) PDF 4.92 M (6153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Late Triassic-Early Jurassic monzonitic granite in southern Yichun area of the Xiao Hinggan Mountains extensively has migmatitic MME-type fine-grained dark dioritic enclaves and plutonic intermediate-basic mafic dikes, characterized by crust-mantle mixture. In contrast, the syenitic-alkali feldspar granite is characterized by aluminian A2 type granite. Their petrographic, major and minor element and isotopic features show that their formation was related to underplating in an extension-collapse environment of the transition period from continental collision to post-collision after the closure of the palaeo-Asia Ocean. The similarity of the two types of granites in genesis, material source and metallogenic background also finds expression in their similarity of metallogenic series. The monzonitic granite assumes the Mo-Pb-Zn-Fe-Au-Ag metallogenic series, with Mo and Pb ore-forming processes being most intense, whereas syenitic- alkali feldspar assumes the Zn-Pb-Cu-Mo-W-Fe metallogenic series, characterized by weak and scattered mineralization. Their certain degrees of difference in metallogenic series might have to do with the somewhat different degrees of crust-mantle mixture. The difference of these Mesozoic granites in ore-forming features, ore deposit types, mineralization intensities and mineralization types indicates that this area still has great potential in search for polymetallic ore deposits.

    • The Source of old terrestrial rocks:evidence from 146Sm-142Nd isotopes of Archean rocks

      2010, 37(1):88-92.

      Abstract (1965) HTML (0) PDF 525.71 K (3882) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Through the construction of the 146Sm-142Nd system and the application of Hadean(4.6~4.0Gy)mantle evolution,we can get to know the evolutionary process of this early epoch. Based on the 142Nd study of Archean rocks,the authors hold that early mantle was an inhomogeneous system because of the mantle differentiation. Canadian Nuvvuagittug greenstone originated from the mixture of enriched and depleted mantle, with the enriched mantle playing the dominant role. Greenland mixtite and Isua metamorphosed sediments originated from depleted mantle whereas North Australian Yilgam gneiss origineted from the mixture of enriched and mantle, with the depleted mantle being dominant.

    • The epochs of dinosaurs and fossil eggs from Zhejiang Province

      2010, 37(1):94-100.

      Abstract (2148) HTML (0) PDF 881.25 K (4154) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Dinosaur and egg fossils were found in 12 Upper Cretaceous basins of Zhejiang Province, and in some basins both dinosaur and egg fossils were observed. Except for Jinqu Basin where dinosaur fossils were found in Zhongdai Formation of Lower Qujiang Group, dinosaurs and egg fossils in all other basins were exclusively produced in the middle and upper strata, i.e., Chaochuang and Fangyan Formations of Yongkang Group, Jinhua and Quxian Formations of Qujiang Group, and Liangtoutang and Chichengshan Formations of Tiantai Group. According to characteristics of biostratigraphy, isotopic data (101-90Ma) and positive polarity paleomagnetism, the authors consider that the age of some fossil eggs in Zhejiang is Late Cretaceous, whereas the age of Faveoloolithidae may be the end of Cretaceous. Researches on dinosaurs and dinosaur egg fossils of Zhejiang Province are of great significance in the subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous strata in Zhejiang Province.

    • Characteristics and geological implications of chert associated with ophiolite in southwestern Tibet

      2010, 37(1):101-109.

      Abstract (2080) HTML (0) PDF 1.55 M (3768) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In the Daba-Xiugugabu ophiolite belt of southwestern Tibet, there exists widely distributed Mesozoic chert associated with ophiolite. Geochemical parameters of major elements and rare earth elements and geochemical setting discrimination diagram of the chert associated with La' nga Co ophiolite mass suggest that the sedimentary environment of the chert was a continental margin basin, with its genesis attributed to biogenic origin and hydrothermalism. Geological section of the chert-bearing strata is composed in upward succession of quartz sandstone, debris-bearing quartz sandstone and graywacke, and chert, with the sedimentary environment being the transition from delta or shallow sea through continental margin to marginal basin. There exists abundant Radiolaria in the chert, and the radiolarian association suggests that the chert was formed in the last period of Late Jurassic. The chert-bearing strata and the ophiolite are the component parts of the small oceanic basin in northern Indian continental margin, and the oceanic basin was closed by the collision of plates which caused the collage of the strata and the ophiolite. The sedimentary environment of the chert reflects the tectonic setting of the small oceanic basin in Late Jurassic.

    • Diagenesis of carbonate rocks in the lower part of 1st Member of Eogene Shahejie Formation in Huanghua depression

      2010, 37(1):110-116.

      Abstract (1899) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (3338) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:There is a set of lacustrine facies carbonate rocks 20-60m in thickness in the lower part of 1st Member of Eogene Shahejie Formation in the Huanghua depression. There exist rich oil and gas resources in biological limestone, oolitic (dolomite) limestone and micrite dolomite, suggesting good exploration prospects. Through macro- and micro- observation of thin sections and rocks from more than 10 wells in combination with geochemical characteristics, the authors made a detailed investigation into diagenetic types and characteristics and examined the relationship between the diagenesis and the evolution of reservoir space. The results show that the diagenetic evolutionary process of carbonate rocks in the lower part of 1st Member of Shahejie Formation was very complex and characterized by a variety of diagenetic types, and that the reservoir quality was obviously affected by the diagenetic process. The compaction and pressure solution action and the multi-stage calcite and dolomite cementation resulted in drastic reduction of intergranular holes, biological coelomopores and framework holes. The mixed water dolomitization and the syngenetic-penecontemporaneous and burial dissolution constitute the keys to the formation of high quality reservoir, with the formation of massive intercrystal pores, intercrystal dissolution pores, intragranular dissolution pores, moldic pores, biological coelomopores, intergranular dissolution pores and corroded fissures, which have now become the main oil and gas accumulation space.

    • Petrology and sedimentary environments of lacustrine carbonate rocks in the Xichagou Section, western Qaidam Basin

      2010, 37(1):117-126.

      Abstract (1808) HTML (0) PDF 4.96 M (3640) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Paleogene and Neogene lacustrine carbonate rocks are widely outcropped in the western Qaidam Basin. They are mainly distributed in Xiaganchaigou Formation, the top of Shangganchaigou Formation, Xiayoushashan Formation, the bottom of Shangyoushashan formation in Xichagou area. Based on the measured section, lithologic analysis, lithofacies assemblages, biological characteristics, sedimentary structures and thin section identification, the authors analyzed carbonate rocks of Xichagou section. The results show that the types of carbonate rocks are mainly oolitic limestone, shell limestone, algal-stromatolite limestone, micritic limestone and arenaceous limestone, with the depositional environment being mainly littoral and shallow lake. The genesis of the carbonate rocks are also analyzed on the basis of petrology.

    • Fractal characteristics of fractures in Jiuwandashan area and their geological significance

      2010, 37(1):127-133.

      Abstract (1831) HTML (0) PDF 1.47 M (3513) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The fractal structure of the fracture makes it possible to give a quantitative description. The fractal dimension value of the fracture can indicate the deposit location and the migration of ore-forming fluids. The high fractal dimension value can suggest the intense tectonic movement favorable for the activation of elements, the migration and concentration of ore-forming fluids, and the formation of large and super-large ore deposits. By means of multi-band remote sensing images in combination with the regional geological background, the author interpreted the fractures and made a quantitative investigation based on the theory of fractal geometry. The results show that there exists a high fractal dimension value of fracture in Jiuwandashan area, which shows the complicated fracture belt and the intense tectonic movement. Nevertheless, the fractal dimension value of fracture is relatively low in Yuanbaoshan area. In addition, the fractal dimension value of the northeast fracture is higher than that of the northwest fracture, suggesting the dominating property of the northeast fracture in this area, which is consistent with the regional tectonic characteristics.

    • Early tectonic evolution and sedimentary response of Ordos basin: A case study of Interval 8~Interval 6 oil layers of Yanchang Formation in Jiyuan area

      2010, 37(1):134-143.

      Abstract (2006) HTML (0) PDF 2.77 M (3432) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on an analysis of rock component characteristics, sedimentary facies characteristics, development regularity of seismites and tuff in Interval 8~Interval 6 oil layers of Yanchang Formation, the authors put forward a method for investigating the early structural evolution and the process of sedimentary response. Researches indicate that Qinling was uplifted at the early depositional stage of Interval 8 whereas Liupanshan was uplifted at the late depositional stage of Interval 7. The depositional period from Interval 8 to Interval 6 of Yanchang Formation is regarded as the early formation period of Ordos Basin in the Mesozoic. The tectofacies of Interval 8 is relatively stable, and there exist no seismites and carbonate debris in the sandstone, only with the development of shallow water delta in the study area. The compression of the western margin of Ordos Basin at the Interval 7 depositional stage led to intense depression of the lake basin, and carbonate debris started to emerge in sandstone while many seismites were associated with widely-existent tuff. The study area is characterized by semi-deep lake that developed the subwater fan at the depositional stage. The volcanic action of Interval 6 depositional stage became weak, but the tectonic action of faulted zone in the west of Ordos Basin was intense. Seismites can commonly seen in Interval 6, with the development of the lake delta in the study area. Paleogeographic evolution from Interval 8 to Interval 6 of Yanchang Formation in Jiyuan area indicates that the evolution of Ordos Basin was mainly controlled by tectonic actions of the south margin before Interval 7 depositional stage, and was subsequently controlled by tectonic actions of the west margin and affected by tectonic actions of the south margin too.

    • Stratigraphic base-level cycles and sedimentary microfacies of Es_2-7 Formation in the Shengtuo Oilfield

      2010, 37(1):144-151.

      Abstract (1942) HTML (0) PDF 2.64 M (4336) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Combining borehole data with dynamic data from the oil development area of Es_2-7 Formation in the Shengtuo Oilfield, the authors studied the features of the high resolution sequence stratigraphy and the sedimentary microfacies in different base-level cycles. The results show that the hierarchical base-level cycles are well developed and composed of one long-term cycle, two middle-term cycles and nine short-term cycles, indicating the hierarchical change of the accommodation space to sediment supply ratios (A/S) in a vertical direction. Several smaller cycles with decreasing-increasing A/S ratios were observed on a general decreasing A/S background. With the descending-fluctuating-ascending of base-level cycles, the microfacies change from the sheet pattern of relict distributary channel at the bottom to the combined pattern of mouth bar at the top of the 7th Formation. A/S ratios control the sedimentary microfacies types and distribution pattern, suggesting that the relationship between the sedimentation characteristics and the base-level cycles has a very important guiding significance in precise reservoir characterization and well pattern optimization.

    • The diagenesis of Paleogene-Neogene sandstone reservoirs and its effects on the physical character of reservoirs in southwestern Qaidam Basin

      2010, 37(1):152-158.

      Abstract (1508) HTML (0) PDF 2.07 M (3285) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on researches by means of ordinary thin sections, cast thin sections, scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction, the authors studied the petrologic and diagenetic characteristics of the Paleogene-Neogene sandstone reservoirs in southwestern Qaidam Basin, and the result shows that sandstone reservoirs in this area are mainly composed of feldspar lithic sandstone, lithic sandstone and lithic arkose and have mainly experienced such actions as compaction, cementation, corrosion and metasomatism, with the evolution reaching the middle diagenetic stage B. Compaction and cementation at the early diagenetic stage seem to have been the main diagenetic types which caused the destruction of primary pores, whereas corrosion at the middle diagenetic stage was probably the main diagenetic type resulting in the induced pores. Controlled by the diagenesis and the diagenetic phase, the induced pore development belt usually appears in relatively deep reservoirs, and the high abnormal belts of porosity and permeability are developed in deep reservoirs.

    • Characteristics and distribution of Carboniferous reservoirs in Kaijiang area

      2010, 37(1):159-166.

      Abstract (1716) HTML (0) PDF 2.00 M (3672) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The main Carboniferous reservoir rocks in Kaijiang area are granular and rubble dolomites. The reservoirs are characterized by low porosity and permeability, low water saturation, and the mesoporous and small throat system. Reservoir performance is mainly controlled by fissures, which were mainly formed in Himalayan period and have become the main channels for Carboniferous natural gas, with most of the structural fissures not filled or half-filled. The favorable reservoir diagenetic event was dolomitization. Karst slope and palaeostructure slope constituted the Indosinian paleouplift slope or the palaeostructure height in subsequent geological history, and the reservoir space was further dissolved by acidic water in the formation under the later burial action. This area has always been in the well-developed secondary dissolution pore zone and the favorable zone for oil and gas migration and aggregation. Therefore, the Kaijiang Carboniferous reservoir favorable area is mainly distributed in the paleokarst slope which is developed in the erosional Carboniferous remnants around the Kaijiang-Jiangping zone.

    • Sequence stratigraphic analysis and characteristics of Late Paleozoic coal accumulation in Dengfeng, Henan Province

      2010, 37(1):167-173.

      Abstract (1850) HTML (0) PDF 711.67 K (4179) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Principles and methods of sequence stratigraphy for outcrops and drilling cores were used to reconstruct the Upper Paleozoic sequence stratigraphic framework in Dengcao profile. Extensive investigation into outcrop and borehole data reveals that a total of 8 third-order sequence boundaries and 7 third-order sequences are developed in the Upper Paleozoic strata in the Henan part of southern North China Basin. S1 is equivalent to the Benxi Formation, S2 to the Taiyuan Formation, S3 to the Shanxi Formation; S4 and S5 to the Xiashihezi Formation, S6 to the Shanshihezi Formation, and S7 to the Shiqianfeng Formation. Within these sequences, the lowstand systems tracts are represented by conglomerates and sandstones of the delta plain distributary channel and lakeshore and the weathered crust of eluvial facies. The transgressive systems tracts are dominated by coastal-shallow lacustrine mudstones and siltstones and barrier island-salt lagoon and delta front, and the highstand systems tracts are mainly composed of carbonate rocks and mudstone-abundant successions. Coal accumulation of sequence 1~sequence 2 occurred mainly in the early transgressive or regressive period with poor sources, whereas coal accumulation of sequence 3~sequence 6 occurred mainly in the largest pan-sea with rich sources.

    • Sedimentary characteristics of the Zhijian bauxite ore district in Shanxian County, Henan Province

      2010, 37(1):174-182.

      Abstract (1768) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (3527) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Zhijian bauxite ore district is located in the Shanmenxia-Xin’an bauxite ore belt. Based on a study of this ore district in such aspects as the textural elements and origin, structural features, sedimentary sequence, variation of the major components with the buried depth, sedimentary environment, transition and sedimentary mode, the authors have established a sedimentary model for this ore district and pointed out the orientation of further prospecting. It is thought that under the coal measure strata around the old landmass there still probably exist bauxite ore bodies of economic value, and the results obtained by the authors are of some reference value in further prospecting of bauxite ore deposits and resource transition of coal mines.

    • The application of areal productivity based on the probability of mineral occurrence: A case study of copper-nickel sulfide deposits in the East Tianshan Mountains

      2010, 37(1):183-190.

      Abstract (1743) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (3490) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Geochemical methods have been commonly used in the quantification of mineral resources. Most of these methods, however, are based merely on geochemical data, with less attention paid to geological factors such as tectonics and strata. In consequence, the estimation of mineral resources frequently fails to conform to the reality. Based on a study of geological factors, the authors consider material basis and enrichment intensity as important metallogenic conditions and have thus established a new areal productivity based on the probability of mineral occurrence by modifying the traditional areal productivity. To some extent, this method wipes off pseudo-estimation. The authors calculated the copper potential resources of copper-nickel sulfide deposits in East Tianshan Mountains and obtained satisfactory result. It is shown that the potential of copper resources in the East Tianshan Mountains is very great.

    • A tentative discussion on dynamic characteristics of the low-medium temperature geothermal reservoir field under the condition of exploitation-reinjection

      2010, 37(1):191-197.

      Abstract (1749) HTML (0) PDF 1.04 M (3362) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Tianjin, one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government, has relatively high temperature field background. The exploitation of geothermal resources in this city has a long history and has been conducted on large scales, and the development momentum of the reinjection recycling exploitation is promising. The monitoring data on the steady flow temperatures of the continuously explored well head demonstrate that the geothermal fluid temperature of each reservoir has not changed obviously along with the long-term exploitation. The results of the same well temperature testing during the reinjection period and the non-reinjection period show that, when the lower temperature original fluid is reinjected, the temperature of different depths is dropped by 0.1~0.76 ℃/a, but the temperature of the main exploitation section goes up again month by month during the non-reinjection period. The reservoir temperature of the reinjection well rises again quickly and gradually reaches the same level of the same period last year before the coming reinjection period.

    • The study and application of the relationship between the geothermal field and the deep uranium ore deposit

      2010, 37(1):198-203.

      Abstract (1708) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (3516) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on the principle of geothermy, this paper studied the relationship between the geothermal field and the deep uranium ore deposit in such aspects as the enrichment of radioactive elements, the numerical simulation of the heat production of uranium ore deposit and the uranium information identification from geothermal data. Some experiments were conducted in Zoige area by using the thermal infrared remote-sensing method. The results show that the message of deep uranium ore deposit is closely related to the geothermal distribution, and the geothermal data can be used in search for deep uranium ore deposits.

    • A palaeoclimatic analysis of the Middle Jurassic period in Daqinshan area, Inner Mongolia

      2010, 37(1):204-211.

      Abstract (2041) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (3362) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Using traditional means, the authors recognized 18 genera and 31 species from plant fossils of Jurassic Zhaogou Formation in Shiguaizi Basin of Daqingshan area, a typical Jurassic continental facies coal-bearing faulted subsidence basin developed in central Inner Mongolia. These genera and species belong to Filicopsida, Cycadopsida, Ginkgopsida, Czekanoskiopsida, Coniferopsida respectively. Meanwhile, based on features of the plant fossil assemblage, the authors carried out a series of anatomic studies by using advanced SEM to probe into the type, morphology and textures of the surface cells of the Ginkgopsida and Czekanoskiopsida. It is held that the plant fossils in Zhaogou Formation belong to a late assemblage (i.e., the Middle Jurassic assemblage) represented by the Coniopteris- Phoenicopsis in North China. The discovery of the assemblage suggests that the Shiguaizi Basin was under a warm and wet swamp and lake environment during Middle Jurassic, and such an environment was favorable for the formation of coal, oil and natural gas. The result obtained by the authors is helpful to the study of the evolution of the basins and to the genetic research and prediction of fossil mineral resources in this area.

    • The Yushu loess deposition in eastern Songnen Basin since the last glacial period and its environmental significance

      2010, 37(1):212-222.

      Abstract (1669) HTML (0) PDF 2.12 M (3436) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Magnetic susceptibility and grain-size distribution of the loess-river sand profile in eastern Songnen plain of northeastern China since the last glacial period were analyzed, and the paleo-environmental history of this region was investigated. The results demonstrate that: 1) the loess deposition of eastern Songnen plain occurred at least 46 ka B.P., i.e., at the last glacial period. There exist four modes of grain size distribution of sediments, which have been mixed with loess and river sand. The mode of river sand sediments (④) was dominant at 46 ka B.P., and the mode of loess dust (③) was dominant after 46 ka B.P. In the past 3000 years, the climate became drier and more deserts were activated in the eastern part of Songnen basin; 2) the loess dust of eastern Songnen basin mainly came from the Keerqin desert, the Songnen desert and other large deserts in northwest areas, and the Keerqin desert was extensively developed in the last glacial period; 3) there was a tectonic movement 40 ka B.P. in Songnen basin, and after this movement, loess dust was deposited in Yushu area with the development of the keerqin desert; 4) the climate evolution of northeastern China in Holocene can be divided into five stages, being respectively about 10000 a B.P., some 9000 a B.P., around 6000 a B.P., 4500 a B.P. and 2500 a B.P. in age.

    • The application of in-situ stress measurement to the study of coal and gas outburst in coal mines

      2010, 37(1):223-228.

      Abstract (1753) HTML (0) PDF 1.69 M (3869) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:For the purpose of reduction and prevention of coal and gas outburst disaster, the authors conducted measurement of in-situ stress and mechanical parameters of rocks, and studied geological structure and gas pressure. On such a basis, criteria were established for appropriate quantitative evaluation of the stability. The dangerous areas of coal and gas outburst were predicted regionally, and the results are consistent well with the in-situ situation. The regional and local prevention measures were put forward, which have been proved to be effective. All this suggests that the prediction of regional dangerous areas is important for the selection of prevention measures.

    • A review on reference materials for oceanic geology and mineral resources in the world

      2010, 37(1):229-243.

      Abstract (1915) HTML (0) PDF 1.66 M (3963) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Since the 1980’s, totally 4 batches and 11 pieces of oceanic geology and mineral resource reference materials have been prepared by China. Four oceanic reference material series of polymetallic nodules (GSPN-1~3), cobalt-rich seamount crusts (GSMC-1~3),Platinum group elements(PGE) in Co-rich curst (MCPt-1, 2) and deep-sea sediments (GSMS-1~3) have been formed. In this paper, a brief introduction to the background for the preparation of the above reference materials is presented. In addition, emphasis is placed on the comparison of the certified values, characteristics and applications of the oceanic geology and mineral resources reference materials prepared by China and such foreign countries as the United States, Russia, India and Japan. Compared with things of these foreign countries, the preparation work of oceanic reference materials started relatively late in China; nevertheless, as some advanced analytical techniques were adopted and quite a few foreign laboratories participated in the collaborative analysis programme, many components were analyzed and certified, and three good oceanic reference material series were developed in China. These reference materials have had considerable influence in the world.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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