Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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QI Jia-fu , ZHOU Xin-huai , WANG Qian-shen
2010, 37(5):1231-1242.
Abstract:Abstract:The Tan-Lu DFZ (deep fracture zone) stretches from Lujiang (in Anhui) through Tancheng, Yishui and Anqiu (in Shandong) to Bohai Sea area where it is covered by Cenozoic basin sedimentary layer and sea water. Judging from the regional gravity-magnetic field map, Tan-Lu DFZ in the Bohai Sea area lies along the Laizhou Bay—eastern Bohai Sea—Liaodong Bay line, generally striking NNE, parallel to the eastern limb of the mantle rise in the Bohai Sea. The Cenozoic basin in the Bohai Sea resembles a mirror image of the mantle rise. The boundary faults of the Paleogene rifting sub-basins are developed in multiple directions, dominantly striking NE, NNE, NEE, NW, NWW, and mostly showing characteristics of listric normal faults in terms of geometry and kinematics. 2 to 4 steeply dipping NNE-trending basement strike-slip faults developed along the Laizhou Bay—eastern Bohai Sea—Liaodong Bay line constitute a right-lateral strike-slip structure with their associated structural deformation, and the location is approximately consistent with the Tan-Lu DFZ interpreted by the regional gravity-magnetic field map. In combination with the characteristics of deep crust structure and Cenozoic basin structure, the authors have reasons to believe that the structural model of Tan-Lu DFZ in Bohai Sea area is a vertical strong deformation zone at the crust scale, which is composed of the NNE-trending right-lateral strike-slip zone in Cenozoic basin and the deep faults cutting the Moho surface. However, the Tan-Lu DFZ is not a simply right-lateral strike-slip zone. Extensional faults controlling Paleogene fault sub-basin might have utilized the fault surface in shallow crust of the deep fracture zone, and could have been detached in middle crust layer during extensional displacement; nevertheless, the right-lateral strike-slip displacement of the deep fracture zone was likely to cause the connection between the shallow fault and the deep fault.
BAI Dao-yuan , WU Neng-jie , LI Chang’an , MA Tie-qiu , WANG Xian-hui , PENG Yun-yi , LI Gang , CHEN Du-ping
2010, 37(5):1243-1256.
Abstract:Abstract:Quaternary Huarong uplift is located at the center of Jianghan-Dongting basin. Detailed geological mapping and bore data analysis were conducted to investigate Quaternary tectonic and sedimentary characteristics and geological evolution. EW-trending Huarong uplift is adjacent to north Jianghan basin, south Anxiang sag and Yuanjiang sag of Dongting basin. The framework of the uplift is controlled by several surrounding Quaternary normal faults such as EW-trending Shishou fault, NW-trending Nanxian-Huangshantou fault and NNE-trending Zhuanqiao fault. There generally occurred alluvial or lacustrine deposits in every period of Quaternary in the peripheral sags. Late Early Pleistocene-Holocene deposits are located in the inner lower areas of the uplift and on the edge of the mountainous area, and pre-Quaternary rocks or residual deposits are distributed in the other areas of the uplift. On the basis of studying landforms, boundary faults, distribution of Quaternary deposits and pre-Quaternary rocks, the authors recovered the Quaternary evolution of Huarong uplift and adjacent areas in such aspects as rising and subsidence, sedimentation and denudation. There had occurred original hypsographic differentiation inside Huarong uplift in springtime of Quaternary before denudation. During early Early Pleistocene the normal faults around the uplift moved. At the same time, Jianghan basin, Anxiang sag and Yuanjiang sag subsided and received deposits and Huarong uplift was denuded. During the late Early Pleistocene—middle Middle Pleistocene period the normal faults continued to move, Huarong uplift and peripheral sags subsided, and the uplift rose relative to the sags. At the same time there occurred deposits in low areas of Huarong uplift and its peripheral sags, and there existed tectonic rising and denudation at the end of Early pleistocene. During late Midle Pleistocene Huarong uplift and peripheral sags rose and were denuded, forming vermicular red earth. There was a stable period in late Middle pleistocene when fluvial and lake-frontal deposits were formed on the edge of main Huarong-Zhuanqiao body of the uplift. Alluvial and lacustrine deposits were formed on the edge of the uplift and in the peripheral plain during Late Pleistocene under the relatively stable condition. At the end of Late Pleistoncene regional sea-level was lowered, causing the denudation of Huarong uplift and its peripheral areas. There occurred lacustrine-alluvial deposits in low areas of Huarong uplift and peripheral sags in Holocene due to the rising of regional river and lake level. Controlled by early high topography, the main body of Huarong uplift and parts of south Nanshan sub-uplift and Tanshan sub-uplift were weathered and denuded throughout Quaternary, resulting in the formation of large-sizes residual soil in some areas. Controlled by overall subsidence of Jianghan-Dongting basin, Huarong uplift subsided markedly in Quaternary as a whole.
TAN Xian-feng , TIAN Jing-chun , CHEN Lang , ZHANG Shou-peng , WANG Wei-qing
2010, 37(5):1257-1272.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on stratigraphic sequence, thin-section analysis, SEM observation, vitrinite reflectance, X-ray diffraction and geochemical investigation, the authors systematically studied the relationship between the stratigraphic sequence and diagenesis. The results show that different stratigraphic sequence tracts have different diagenetic responses: crypto-crystal carbonate, anhydrite, iron pyrite are existent in the low tract; ferrous carbonate cementation and clay mineral cementation occur in the expanded tract; dolomite cementation, ferrous dolomite cementation, corrosion, clay mineral cementation exist in the high tract, and corrosion phenomenon and ferrous carbonate cementation are found near the stratigraphic sequence boundary. During the development of the stratigraphic sequence, the original fluid and the enrichment regularity of elements made up the main factors for generating the diagenetic response and affected the components of diagenesis. The control role of the stratigraphic sequence in diagenetic evolution finds expression in three aspects: a. The development of stratigraphic sequence controlled the original components of diagenesis and further controlled the reconstruction of late diagenesis. b. Early diagenesis had some response to the stratigraphic sequence development, whereas late diagenesis covered up most of the diagenestic response. c. Stratigraphic sequence boundary affected the diagenetic evolution by stream action, depositional interruption slowing down the compaction, and late fluid invasion.
LI Wei-dong , TU Qi-jun , GAO Yong-feng , YANG Zai-feng
2010, 37(5):1273-1283.
Abstract:Abstract:Some gneissic granite bodies are exposed in the Lubai Mountain of Hami area, Xinjiang. Zircons from these rocks were dated at (1453±15) Ma by SHRIMP, suggesting that their intrusion occurred in middle Proterozoic. Data of major elements and trace elements show that the gneissic granite bodies are enriched in MgO, FeOt, CaO, depleted in alkaline-earth metals and have low K2O/Na2O ratios. REE partition patterns are inclined to the right. The lithophile elements are obviously concentrated whereas Nb and Ta are depleted relative to MOR granite, suggesting characteristics of I type granite. These data provide important information for the possible geological event of the closure of South Tianshan Ocean in Proterozoic.
ZHAO Zhen-ming , LI Rong-she , JI Wen-hua , CHEN Shou-jian
2010, 37(5):1284-1304.
Abstract:Abstract:In the research work conducted in the Kunlun Mountain area, the authors measured 39 Silurian (S) and Ordovician-Silurian (O-S) geological sections, whose thicknesses range from 169 m to 8260 m, mostly with fault and angular unconformities between various strata. Littoral (shallow sea)-abyssal- littoral (shallow sea)-abyssal paleogeographic sedimentary environments characterize the study area, as shown by these sections.In West Kunlun, Wenquangou Group(S1W)is dominated by sandstone and slate, assuming a shallow sea(shelf sea)sedimentary environment, in west Yingjisha, and by silicalite, sandstone, siltstone and slate in Mazha area, with the existence of tholeiite, demonstrating a deep sea sedimentary environment (subduction zone ocean trench) in this area, a clinoform sedimentary environment in the west and east of Mazha, and thinning of strata northwestward and southeastward. In East Kunlun, Wenquangou Group(S1W)is composed of epimetamorphic rock, sandstone and mudstone, assuming abyssal-bathyal flyuzitage Peak. In middle and late Silurian(S2-3), Dabangou Group (S2-3D) was bathyal-littoral (shallow sea) in the west and shallow sea sediments such as carbonate and fragmental rock in the east.In East Kunlun, the Baiganhu Formation(S1b)in south Ruoqiang is characterized by abyssal turbidite aggradation with graptolites as the mark of the deep sea basin environment under the tensile tectonic condition. The Saishiteng Formation (S3)in south Geermu City shows the upward evolution from clinoform through continental rise and shallow sea to abyssal facies, characterized by turbidite and semi-pelagic aggradation in relict sea basin, with the zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of monzonitic granite being 421±3 Ma and 423±16 Ma. The Nachitai Group(OSN)strata in southeast Geermu City possess ultramafite-diabase-basalt-deep sea silicalite, derived from ocean crust substance. Ultramafite is a part of ocean crust relic fragments, metamorphic basalt marks midoceanic ridge and ocean island arc, silicalite signifies midoceanic ridge or big ocean basin sediments in geochemical features, metamorphic fragmental rock implies clinoform sediments, and carbonate means littoral sediments. The SHRIMP zircon 206Pb/238age of big midoceanic ridge tholeiite(MORB)in the strata is 419±5Ma, suggesting Upper Silurian(S4). On the whole, the Kunlun Mountain in Silurian was a relict ocean exhibiting a complex ocean system with more islands and basins formed after Caledonian movement. The results obtained by the authors in the study of tectonic-paleogeographic environment provide important evidence for the study of the formation mechanism of the known ore deposits and the arrangement of further ore prospecting work in this area.
FU Xiu-gen , WANG Jian , WU Tao , HE Jiang-lin
2010, 37(5):1305-1312.
Abstract:Abstract:Recently abundant silicified wood was discovered in the Quemo Co Formation along the Shengli River section in Shengli River area, northern Tibet. In addition, certain amounts of bivalves (e.g., Astarte delicata Fan, A. cf. voltzii Goldfuss, Pleuromya sp., Protocardia sp., Modiolus sp.,Neomiodon sp., and Chlamys sp.), spores and pollen grains (e.g., Cyathidites, Deltoidospora, Neoraistrickia and Classopallis) were also found in this section. A detailed investigation along the section was performed to reconstruct the paleoenvironment during Quemo Co deposition. The magma emplacement age of the Nadi Kangri volcanic rocks underlying the Quemo Co Formation is ca. 205-220 Ma, representing the early sedimentary age of the Quemo Co Formation. The Quemo Co strata are overlain conformably by the middle Jurassic Buqu strata. Therefore, the sedimentary age of the Quemo Co Formation should be early-middle Jurassic. The Quem Co Formation is composed chiefly of quartz sandstone and conglomerate intercalated with minor micritic limestone. The basal units are typically conglomeratic with the characteristics of alluvial and fluvial sedimentation. These units are overlain by quartz sandstone intercalated with micritic limestone containing salt, brackish and fresh water bivalve fossils, thus considered to be a delta environment. Subsequently, these strata were overlain by restricted platform limestone, indicating a progradational sequence of transition from continental to marine facies. The composition of palynofloras from Quemo Co strata suggests that the climate of the Shengli River region belonged to a sub-humid tropical to sub-tropical zone during the deposition of silicified wood.
TIAN Ji-jun , JIANG Zai-xing , LI Xi-zhe , ZHANG Man-lang
2010, 37(5):1313-1326.
Abstract:Abstract:Stratigraphic correlation between Xiangxi Group in central Sichuan depression and Xujiahe Formation in western Sichuan depression remains a problem of much controversy. The stratigraphic correlation becomes more complex and difficult because of the activity, asymmetry and deposition center mobility. The landmark sequence boundaries comparable with each other in the whole depression can be identified by stratigraphic sequence analysis of well logging curve, outcrop section,and seismic reflective characteristics. Lowstand, lacustrine transgressive and highstand systems tracts can be subdivided by the stacking patterns of stratigraphy,changes of lithology, lithofacies and palaeontological data. This paper has built up a stratigraphic sequence framework based on the fourth-order sequence of Upper Triassic in western Sichuan and central Sichuan depression on the basis of stratigraphic sequence correlation in well-tied sections,and put forward a reasonable scheme of stratigraphic correlation between Xiangxi Group and Xujiahe Formation. The results obtained are of great significance in such aspects as the reconstruction of the original lithofacies palaeogeography, the distribution of sedimentation, the accurate prediction of favorable facies belts and the evaluation of hydrocarbon resources.
DONG Zhao-xiong , YAO Jing-li , SUN Liu-yi , BAO Hong-ping , WANG Hong-wei , HE Jiang , FAN Peng
2010, 37(5):1327-1335.
Abstract:Abstract:The characteristics of the strata, the sedimentary rock combination and the ancient landform demonstrate that the local early Ordovician Majiagou stage in southern Ordos basin can be divided into three depositional unit areas, i.e., the north-eastern area primarily with the dolomite—evaporite combination, the southern area with dolomite and minor evaporite combination, the western area mainly with limestone. Correspondingly,the north-eastern area mainly grew the intra-platform basin—basin-marginal flat, the southern area grew hollow-platform flat-platform edge-trough, and the western area grew the platform edge-trough. The surface occurrence and the well drilling core sample observation as well as the regional material research indicate that the southern edge of Ordos basin is approximately located along the Luonan Wayaogou-Xi'an-Baoji zone. On the whole, the depositional model of Majiagou stage in the study area is ‘west trough, south hollow, east flat, north basin’ in the transverse direction and ‘salty-fresh water alternation’ in the longitudinal direction. The calcareous rock-dolomite-evaporite belt is spread in the transverse direction, but shows alternate deposition with nonuniform thicknesses in the longitudinal direction.
GAO Zhi-yong , HU Yong-jun , ZHANG Li-hua , ZHU Ru-kai , GUO Hong-li
2010, 37(5):1336-1352.
Abstract:Abstract:Vitrinite reflectance is one of the important reflections of the controlling action of tectonic compression on the reservoir in the southern margin of Junggar Basin. Grain packing density is a direct result of tectonic compression that controls the reservoir. An analysis of the measured vitrinite reflectance of the Cretaceous-Neogene source rocks from the wells and outcrops and a study of the Cretaceous-Upper Tertiary micro-reservoir and grain packing density in 14 wells reveal the evolution of tectonic compression controlling the reservoir in the southern margin of Junggar Basin from Cretaceous to Tertiary. The high Ro values were in the eastern Hutubi area in the southern margin of Junggar Basin, and the low Ro values were in the western area in Cretaceous. And the distribution of grain packing density is the same as the distribution of Ro values, as shown by the map. Because of the uplifting of the Bogeda Mountain in the Late Jurassic to early Cretaceous period, the tectonic compression in Hutubi area was stronger than that in Xihu-Dushanzi area in the southern margin of Junggar Basin. The distribution of vitrinite reflectance in Palaeogene was different from that in Cretaceous. The values of Ro and grain packing density in Anjihai-Manasi-Tugulu anticline area of the middle-distal thrust belt decreased in two directions, i.e., the foot of the thrust belt and the foredeep. So the main reservoir-controlling factor was the buried thermal effect instead of the tectonic compression. Because of the re-uplifting of the Tianshan Mountains in Upper Tertiary, the tectonic compression changed the main reservoir-controlling factor through the distribution of grain packing density. An analysis of the micro-reservoir shows that the relationship between porosity and Ro was in negative correlation, so were the things at the diagenetic stage in Cretaceous; nevertheless, in Lower-Tertiary, the relationship between porosity and Ro was in positive correlation.
LIU Jing-dong , JIANG You-lu , LU Xue-song , HAO Jian-guang
2010, 37(5):1353-1359.
Abstract:Abstract:The M Basin is located in the northernmost part of Talas-Fergana (Karatau) large strike-slip fault, and its tectonic features show that the basin has experienced complicated formation and evolution process. The authors analyzed the geotectonic background of M Basin based on the growing basin-controlling history of the fault, identified the basin style and studied the evolution features of the basin. The results show that, under the influence of plate motion, the basin-controlling fault experienced left-lateral strike-slip at the early stage and right-lateral strike-slip at the later stage. The M Basin is a strike-slip extensional basin formed in Early-Middle Jurassic, belonging to a strike-slip extensional imbricated fan tectonic system. The evolution of the basin can be divided into five stages: initial tensional fault (in Late Triassic), fault subsidence (in Early-Middle Jurassic), transition from faulted subsidence to depression (in Late Jurassic), depression (in Cretaceous) and dwindling uplift (in Paleogene), in which the Early-Middle Jurassic period is the main stage for basin fracture extension, deposition and subsidence, and the Cretaceous period is the main stage for basin depression.
WU Meng , ZENG Chuan-bin , HUANG Si-jing
2010, 37(5):1360-1373.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper studied the characteristics of fluid inclusions, based on technical methods of fluid inclusions and a lot of information and previous results obtained in the Tahe Oilfield. The results show that the fluid inclusions can be broadly divided into H2O inclusions, organic matter inclusions, and organic matter-H2O inclusions. The Ordovician reservoir of the Tahe Oilfield experienced five times of thermal fluid activities corresponding to four times of petroleum charging and one time of gas charging; three different salinity values were obtained; fluid density varies in the range of 0.90~1.15 g/cm3. This paper systematically elaborated fluid inclusions in Ordovician carbonate rocks of the?Tahe Oilfield, pointing out the application of fluid inclusions in such aspects as the diagenetic environment, the function of high-temperature hot water, the low temperature multi-cycles, the oil gas maturity and the oil gas charge.
HU Zuo-wei , HUANG Si-jing , HUANG Ke-ke , SUN Wei , GONG Ye-chao
2010, 37(5):1374-1382.
Abstract:Abstract:Diagenetic alteration and preservative evaluation of the coeval seawater information for the marine carbonate are of great significance in paleo-oceanography and sedimentology, and can especially serve as the basic work in sedimentary geochemistry and chemostratigraphy. In this paper, rock fabric observation and cathodoluminescence and trace element analysis show that most of marine carbonate rock samples from the Yangtianwo section of the Huaying Mountain in eastern Sichuan preserve original textures, show dull cathodoluminescence, and have low Mn concentrations, high Sr concentrations, and low Mn/Sr ratios, with the exception of only six samples, which are considered to have suffered from stronger diagenetic alteration, and hence could not represent the coeval seawater. Therefore, most of marine carbonate rock samples have only suffered limited diagenetic alteration, and hence contain relatively abundant original information and can represent the coeval seawater.
HU Zhong-gui,, ZHENG Rong-cai, HU Ming-yi,, HU Jiu-zhen, ZHENG Chao
2010, 37(5):1383-1392.
Abstract:Abstract:The Linshui (eastern Sichuan)-northern Chongqing area only keeps unsound Upper Carboniferous Huanglong Formation because of intense structural uplift and erosion in early Hercynian period,and the Huanglong Formation of the study area is one of the most important natural gas reservoirs in eastern Sichuan area and one of the most favorable horizons in search for new gas sources. Based on core description and thin section analysis,combined with sedimentary lithologic marks,palaeontology and logging analysis,the authors have divided the Huanglong Formation into three main sedimentary facies, i.e., sabkha,gulf shelf and shore,and further divided these facies into many subfacies and microfacies. Using the classic sequence stratigraphy principle and technology represented by Vail,the authors have divided the Huanglong Formation into one sequence of Ⅰtype and three system tracts:LST,TST and HST. On the basis of a detailed analysis of sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy,the authors have compiled and described the sequence-paleogeographic maps which take the system tracts as the mapping units. Combined with the reservoir characteristics of all sorts of sedimentary facies,the barrier grain beach and the offshore grain beach are thought to be the most favorable reservoir facies.
XIE Lin , WANG Xing-zhi , ZHANG Fan , LUO Yong-hong , QIU Wen-bin , ZHANG Wei
2010, 37(5):1393-1398.
Abstract:Abstract:The Da’anzhai Member in Wenjing-Mingyue area is the major oil-producing horizon in central Sichuan, where the reservoir has apparent peculiarity and the reservoir rocks are mainly composed of shell limestone and muddy shell limestone. At the same time, the primary pores have died out because of the impact of intense compaction and cementation, but in the shell limestone, tectonic action in Xi’shan period created some structural fractures, in which a small number of dissolved pores and holes occurred during late dissolution. These structural fractures together with laminar fractures and calcite cleavages in rocks compose the chief reservoir space and percolating passage in Da’anzhai reservoir. In the study area, the reservoir is characterized by typical extremely low porosity-fracture, and the distribution of the reservoir is chiefly affected by the sedimentary facies and the development extent of fractures.
HUANG Xiu , ZHANG Zhao , ZHOU Hong-rui , LIU Qing-jun ,
2010, 37(5):1399-1404.
Abstract:Abstract:Microbial Induced Sedimentary structures (MISS) in sandstone beds are abundant in the Palaeoproterozoic Ruyang Group, western Henan Province. In the past, the MISS were regarded as the oldest trace fossils of metazoa in Precambrian. This paper has studied the characteristics of MISS’s macroscopic morphologies, structures and microfabrics in the Palaeoproterozoic Ruyang Group of western Henan Province. The results suggest that there are four types of MISS, i.e., ‘polygonal reticulation cracks’, ‘spindle cracks’, ‘bird foot cracks’ and ‘Manchuriophycus’. An observation of the microbial induced sedimentary structures in the Palaeoproterozoic Ruyang Group reveals the occurrence of photoautotrophic microbial mats in sandstone beds from the Precambrian up till now. It is very useful not only to understanding of some sedimentary structures induced by living microbial mats and reconfirming the structures regarded in the past as the oldest trace fossils of metazoa in Precambrian but also to the reconstruction of the sedimentary environment in Precambrian.
XIE Tao , ZHANG Qi-yue , LIU Wei , LV Tao , ZHOU Chang-yong , LOU Xiong-ying , WEN Wen ,
2010, 37(5):1405-1409.
Abstract:Abstract:In view of the complex structure background in Luoping area, the authors studied the tectonic framework of this area, with the purpose of revealing the tectonic evolution in the northern part of the Mile-Shizong fault. The characteristics of remote sensing technology were used to interpret and identify the faults macroscopically. Through field survey, the image features of the faults were acquired. On the basis of the density analysis of the faults, the detailed fault characteristics were studied from the viewpoint of geological and topographic features. The results show that the NE-trending fault belt in Luoping is the northern extension of the Mile-Shizong fault. This belt has controlled sedimentary and tectonic evolution since the Triassic in Luoping, with the development of different features on the two sides of the fault belt.
ZHANG Dun-hu , SUN Shun-xin , LI Cong-cong , ZHANG Guang-chao , NIU Jun-qiang
2010, 37(5):1410-1418.
Abstract:Abstract:Coal resources are lacking in Altay region, and hence the study of coal-bearing characteristics in this area is of great significance. On the basis of regional geology and mineral (mainly coal) geology as well as geophysical data available, the authors made a comprehensive study of the probability of the existence of coal-bearing formations, the occurrence characteristics of coal-bearing formations of different epochs, the fault structures that control the coal-bearing areas in the tectonic plates and Grade 2 tectonic units within Altay region and its adjacent areas of Xinjiang. It is concluded that there exist no coal-bearing formations in areas north of Sitebahan (No. 2) large fault. This paper also makes a preliminary discussion on the distribution and occurrence characteristics of Carboniferous, Permian and Jurassic coal-bearing areas in the tectonic units south of No. 2 large fault and, what is more, provides targets for coal prospecting in the study area.
ZHANG Jian-wei , ZHAO Quan-sheng , GUO Xiu-yan , WANG Jian-qiang , ZHAO Guo-lei
2010, 37(5):1419-1425.
Abstract:Abstract:The Liaocheng-Lankao fault can be divided into three parts based on an analysis of its geological background. This paper describes the characteristics of geological structure and seismic activity of every part in different geological periods. The results show that there exist obvious mercury and radon anomalies in this area. The anomalies are close to each other, and the widths of the anomaly areas are mostly 90~200 m. All these facts suggest that a buried fault does exist, and the fault is an active fault.
HONG Xiu-wei , PANG Hong-wei , LIU Xue-wen , LI Er-feng , WANG Wen-qing , WANG Chang-feng , LIU Tie
2010, 37(5):1426-1433.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in Shiqiao of Benxi City, the Dataigou iron deposit is the largest Anshan-type iron deposit discovered in recent years. The ore deposit is a concealed superlarge iron ore deposit 1100-1200 m in depth. The ore body extends for 2000 m, the maximum deep extension is 840 m, and the lateral width can reach 1100 m. The ore body is a nearly vertical singular tabular body, with very few horse intercalations. Ore types include magnetite-quartzite ore (magnetite), hematite quartzite (red iron ore) and transitional type magnet hematite quartzite (mixed ore). Ore grade is uniform, with low content of harmful impurities. The resource kind 333 +332 is preliminarily estimated to be about 3 billion tons.
ZHANG Jin-dai , XU Gao-zhong , LIN Jin-rong , PENG Yun-biao , WANG Guo
2010, 37(5):1434-1449.
Abstract:Abstract:Through ten years’ effort, six kinds of new large and superlarge sandstone-type uranium deposits have been found and explored in Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary basins within North China, which are named temporarily as Yili pattern, Turpan-Harmi pattern, Dongsheng pattern, Ulanchap pattern, Manite pattern and Tongliao pattern. They occur in sedimentary basins of different tectonic settings and are different in deposit geology, ore body geology and controlling factors., but they have some common basic characteristics in metallogenic evolution. In Yili pattern and Turpan-Harmi pattern, mineralization is of typical interlayer redox feature; nevertheless, the former pattern is characterized by uranium superimposition and enrichment under the condition of whole uplift of monocline or different uplifting and falling conditions of ore-bearring strata, whereas the latter pattern is characterized by mineralized zonation on the southern and northern sides of the fault superimposed on the structural slope and small anticline structure under tectonic uplifting. In Dongsheng pattern, mineralizaton is mostly dominated by paleo-interlayer oxidation zone modified by later reduction; in Ulanchap pattern, mineralization is closely related to the evolution of lake flooding events; In Manite pattern, mineralization is of paleovalley type formed by alternation between phreatic redox and interlayer redox; in Tongliao pattern, mineralization is controlled by “tectonic window, fault and reducing matters in the deep part”, and is also probably related to dikes of basic rock (heat source). In the above six patterns , a rule may occur in their rock assemblage from west to east. The west three pattern are controlled by Upper and Middle Jurassic coal-bearing clastic rocks, while the east three patterns are controlled by Lower Cretaceous argillaceous sandstone and fine sandstone. It is indicated that the discovery and exploration of the six new kinds of sandstone-type uranium deposits not only strengthen insurable capability of uranium resources in China but also indicate the orientation and deploy for uranium resources potential evaluation and prospecting in the future.
ZUO Li-yan, , HOU Zeng-qian , MENG Xiang-jin , YANG Zhi-ming , SONG Yu-cai , LI Zheng
2010, 37(5):1450-1456.
Abstract:Abstract:The Lengshuikeng porphyry Ag-Pb-Zn deposit is a unique typical porphyry Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in China, and no precise data concerning the porphyry mineralization age are available. Based on the SHRIMP zircon U-Pb chronologic study of 11 test points of zircon samples from Lengshuikeng porphyry Ag-Pb-Zn mineralized porphyry (granite porphyry), the authors obtained a weighted average 206Pb/238U age of (162.0 ± 2) Ma (MSWD = 1.4). Therefore, the Lengshuikeng granite porphyry was formed in (162.0 ± 2) Ma. Lengshuikeng porphyry geochronological ages of rock formation and ore formation show a high degree of consistency. There is no significant difference between rock-forming and initial ore-forming geochronological ages. In addition, the mineralization age deduced from rock-forming and ore-forming geochronological ages is about 27Ma in the Lengshuikeng ore deposit.
LIU Tie-geng , YE Lin , ZHOU Jia-xi , SHAO Shu-xun
2010, 37(5):1457-1468.
Abstract:Abstract:Sphalerite is a common metal mineral in nature and contains many types of impure elements, among which, Fe and Cd are the most common and important trace elements. It is generally agreed that Cd and Fe replace Zn by isomorphic replacement in sphalerite. However, the authors have found that Cd and Fe are positively correlated with each other and show negative correlation with Fe in sphalerite. Therefore, in the isomorphic replacement in sphalerite, Cd mainly replaces Fe instead of Zn. In addition, the relativity of Cd and Fe in sphalerite varies with the variation of the color. Cd and Fe generally show negative correlativity in dark sphalerite. Cd and Fe show both negative correlativity and positive correlativity in brown sphalerite. In light-colored sphalerite, Cd and Fe primarily show positive correlation. As dark sphalerite primarily formed at high temperature, Fe has strong isomorphous replacement capacity for Zn at high temperature. With the dropping of the formation temperature, the Fe replacement of Zn gets weakened. Moreover, with the dropping of the formation temperature, Fe in sphalerite lattice becomes unstable, and is released out of the lattice. In ore fluid, Cd takes the opportunity to occupy the original lattice position of Fe. Light-colored sphalerite formed at lower temperature. As Zn in ore fluid cannot meet the sphalerite crystallization need for Zn, Cd2+ and Fe2+ ions with similar parameters perform the function of Zn, and hence Cd and Fe show positive correlation, whereas Cd, Fe and Zn show negative growth and decline relationship.
WU Sheng-hua , LIU Jia-jun , LIU Zhen-jiang , ZHAI De-gao , YAO Mei-juan ,
2010, 37(5):1469-1479.
Abstract:Abstract:The Shiti barite-witherite deposit of Shaanxi occurs in an early Paleozoic large Ba metallogenic belt of southern Qinling region. Barite, witherite, barite-witherite and barytocalcite constitute major ore types, with barite being the main ore. Microthermometry reveals that homogeneous temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in barite are from 103.4℃ to 253.1℃ (main peak values 140~160℃) and from 0.35 wt%NaCl eqv. to 10.73wt%NaCl eqv., homogeneous temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in witherite are from 152℃ to 303.7℃ (main peak values200~220℃) and from 0.18 wt%NaCl eqv. to 9.73wt%NaCl eqv., and homogeneous temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in barytocalicite are from 107.8℃ to 260.0℃ (main peak values 160~200℃) and from 0.71 wt%NaCl eqv to 8.41wt%NaCl eqv., respectively. Laser Raman analyses show that gas phase compositions of fluid inclusions in these minerals are somewhat different: barite contains some N2, H2S and CH4, witherite contains abundant CO2 and N2, and barytocalicite contains some CO2, N2 and CH4. The relatively high temperature and abundant CO2 in fluids constitute conditions for witherite formation.
YE De-shu , LI Pei-gang , ZHU Yong-hong , ZHU Cheng-lin,ZHAO Ying-chao
2010, 37(5):1480-1489.
Abstract:Abstract:With the Xianrenyan bauxite deposit as an example and according to the evolution of mineral composition and chemical composition in the process of laterite weathering in the basic shale, the authors established a paleo-weathering crust zonal model for Zunyi bauxite deposits. The paleo-weathering crust is divided into four parts from top to bottom: (1) iron and aluminum crust zone, also known as the strongly weathered zone or the ultimate weathering zone; (2) iron and aluminum clay zone, also known as moderately weathered zone or the decomposition zone; (3) clay–pyrite zone, also known as weakly weathered zone or minor decomposition zone; (4) native shale zone. It is shown that the paleo-weathered crust was formed in the Jiusi Datang stage of Early Carboniferous period, as evidenced by fossil pollen identification and Rb-Sr isotopic dating, and it should be an in-situ residual product.
ZHU Hong-zhou , HOU Jun-fu , WANG Shu-li
2010, 37(5):1490-1500.
Abstract:Abstract:The Qianjiaping vanadium deposit occurs in the black rock series of lower Cambrian Shuigoukou Formation in southern Qinling region. The black rock series is composed of black carbonaceous siliceous rocks, black carbonaceous siliceous rocks interbedded with argillite and argillite. The vanadium ore bodies are layered in form. The ore type is mainly black carbon-bearing siliceous rocks interbedded with argillite. The vanadium mineral is mainly roscoelite. The main components of the black rock series are SiO2, Al2O3 and K2O, with the enrichment of such elements as Fe, Ba, Zn, P, Cu, Ni, Cr, Sr, Zr, Ag, Ti, Mn and V. The values of the black rock series n(V)/n(Cr)=5.92—30.64, n(V)/n(V+Ni)=0.88-0.99, and δU>1 indicate that the sedimentary environment might have been under an anoxic condition. The values of the black carbonaceous siliceous rock n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)=238.81, U/Th>1 and δ30Si=-0.1‰-0.5‰, and δ18O=20.2‰—25.8‰ indicate that the ore deposit was probably a hydrothermal deposit in the closed semi-deep ocean basin. The values of the argillite n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)=5.69,n(Al)/n(Al+Fe+Mn)=0.63,and n(Si)/n(Si+Al+Fe)=0.74-0.76 indicate that the material sources were probably of continental origin, affected by hydrothermal solution. The vanadium mineralization is hosted in the black rock series deposited originally in the fault basin near the margin of the isolated paleo-uplift. The vanadium obviously tends to be concentrated in the argillite inside or near the black carbonaceous siliceous rock. The vanadium content is the highest in the transitional strata between the carbonaceous siliceous rocks interbedded with argillite and argillite, so is the content of such elements as Cu, Pb, Zn, As, W and Mo. The metallogenic materials of the vanadium deposit might have been derived from deep hydrothermal solution. The absorption of the argillite is very important for the vanadium enrichment. It is concluded that the vanadium deposit should be of exhalative hydrothermal sedimentary origin.
ZONG Jing-ting , ZHANG Fu-xin , ZHENG Wei , HOU Jun-fu
2010, 37(5):1501-1510.
Abstract:Abstract: It is for the first time that a molybdenum–nickel sulfide deposit was discovered in the black rock series of the Qinling orogenic belt. The ore deposit has relatively abundant Mo-Ni-Ti-Cu-Pb-Zn-P in carbonaceous marl series, i.e., black rock series of lower Ordovician Miaowan Formation in North Qinling. The tectonic setting of the ore deposit is a deep water sedimentary environment of the back-arc rift basin along Shang-Dan fault zone in North Qinling, and the ore deposit is strictly controlled by the ductile-brittle tectonic contact zone between carbonaceous phyllite and fine-grained marble. The ore bodies assume the forms of tectonic lenses and pods. The alteration types include relatively strong molybdenitization, pyrrhotitization, pyritization and sphaleritization, associated with graphitization, silicification, ankeritization and calcitization. Nickel sulfides and molybdenum sulfides are associated with each other in the ore deposit. The ore types can be classified into carbonaceous phyllite type, dolomite type and fine-grained marble type in accordance with ore rocks, and into Ni-Mo type, molybdenum- graphite type and nickel polymetallic type in accordance with metal elements. The ore deposit is genetically of epigenetic stratabound high-medium-low temperature hydrothermal type. The ore-forming process experienced such stages as initial enrichment of useful components in black rock series, metamorphic activation migration of useful components, ductile-brittle structural transformation and hydrothermal ore enrichment.
ZHANG Hai-dong , LIU Jian-chao , GE Xiao-hong , CHEN Zheng-le , LIU Shu-wen , LI Xu-fen , GAO Po
2010, 37(5):1511-1519.
Abstract:Abstract:The Pingshun iron deposit is one of the typical skarn iron deposits in southern Shanxi Province, with the development of two magmatic belts. The two magmatic belts are similar to each other in some geochemical features such as low silicon and high magnesium, enrichment of light REE with a weak positive anomaly of Eu, depletion of heavy REE, enrichment of LILE, especially Sr, Ba and K, and depletion of HFSE, especially Nb, Ta and Ti, enrichment of radiogenic Pb, and the existence of such xenocrysts as olive, amphibole and pryroxene in olive gabbro-diabase of the first belt. All these phenomena show that the two belts are characterized by the same source and rapid emplacement. An analysis of data from six typical holes reveals that the magmatic hydrothermal solution tended to migrate from east to west. Combined with the emplacement characteristics of the two magmatic belts, it is held that the second belt was formed by the lateral emplacement of late stage rocks in the first belt, and that these two belts might be connected to each other in the depth, which is favorable to mineralization. All these results will provide the theoretical basis for deep ore prospecting.
HE Fang , XU You-ning , QIAO Gang , LIU Rui-ping
2010, 37(5):1520-1529.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper analyzes some distribution characteristics of main environmental geological problems resulting from the exploitation of mineral resources in different regions of China, and provides some basic information for programming of mine ecological environment recovery. The authors systematically divide national mine geological environmental areas and analyze geological environmental conditions. This paper generalizes distribution characteristics of land occupation and destruction, geological hazards, environmental contamination areas produced during the exploitation of mineral resources on the basis of studying mineral resources types, exploitation intensity in different geological environmental regions and main mine environmental geological problem types, distribution, hazards and some main mine environmental geological problems that require prevention and cure. The results indicate that the exploitation intensity of mineral resources and the mine environmental geological problems in middle and eastern China is much more serious than those in western China. Coal mines are much more serious than metal mines, and metal mines are in turn much more serious than non-metal mines in environmental geological problems.
SONG Ze-feng , LUAN Wen-lou , CUI Xing-tao , LI Sui-min , WANG Wei , LI Wei
2010, 37(5):1530-1538.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper has conducted a comparative study of the content of eight heavy metals in surface layer and deep layer soils. The sources of heavy metals were analyzed by factor analysis. Seven main factors were selected, and diagrams of factor scores were drawn. The results show that Cr comes from two sources: one is soil parent material and the other is mining pollution. Agricultural pollution is the main source of Hg in eastern Hebei plain, while in some areas, Hg is mostly derived from metallurgy and traffic. Cd is deposited in Tanghai County by river transportation, Pb results from mining pollution, and As, Cu, Zn, Ni are rooted in local natural background.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112