• Volume 38,Issue 1,2011 Table of Contents
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    • 3D Lithospheric structure of South China

      2011, 38(1):1-19.

      Abstract (2737) HTML (0) PDF 9.92 M (3961) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Starting with 6 P wave tomography profiles across the South China block, the authors approached 3D structure of the South China lithosphere. The South China block can be divided into three parts bounded by Qin-Hang fault zone and Chuan-Xiang-Gui rift. To the southeast of Qin-Hang fault zone there is Cathaysia lithosphere which is a part of the SE Asia-West Pacific low velocity lithosphere, formed by intrusive uplifting of ashenospheric materials. To the west of Chuan-Xiang-Gui rift is the Upper Yangtze lithosphere, which is hot near the surface but has a high velocity root at depth. On the west part of upper Yangtze block, Paleozoic mantle plume in the Panxi area formed a magma chamber at the crust-mantle transformed zone, resulting in basalt eruption in vast areas. Between the Chuan-Xiang-Gui rift and the Qin-Hang fault zone is mid-Yangtze lithosphere, which is cold and whose resistivity is low. The thickness calculated by heat flow and magnetotelluric sounding reached 300 km.

    • The new material of Traumatocrinus (Crinoid) found in Guanling area, Guizhou Province

      2011, 38(1):20-24.

      Abstract (2149) HTML (0) PDF 2.10 M (4120) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Two Crinoid specimens were found recently in Triassic Xiaowa Formation in Guanling area of Guizhou Province. The crown and stem structures of these two specimens are different from Traumatocrinus hsui Mu, which was found in the same level of the same area. Consequently, a new species Traumatocrinus strumiformis sp. nov. was established.

    • Sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy of Upper Permian Changxing Formation in Pingtang, Guizhou Province

      2011, 38(1):25-32.

      Abstract (2309) HTML (0) PDF 2.39 M (3329) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Using the basic principles and methods of sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, combining field measurements with indoor microscopic study, and applying drilling data to correlating data of regional sequence stratigraphy, the authors studied and summarized sedimentary facies characteristics, sequence stratigraphy and lithofacies paleogeography distribution of Upper Permian Changxing Formation in Pingtang, Guizhou Province.. The results demonstrate that three kinds of sedimentary environments exist in Upper Permian Changxing Formation, i.e., open platform, shoal of platform margin and inter-platform basins. The Changxing Formation of the study area can be divided into two third-order sequences of PSQ1 and PSQ2, and both are composed of the transgressive systems tract (TST) and the highstand systems tract (HST), with the thickness of TST larger than that of HST. A comparison with the sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy characteristics of adjacent areas indicates that the sedimentary environments of Changxing Formation must have been open platform, shoal of platform margin and deep inter-platform basins in vertical direction. In the eastward transverse direction, there formed the sedimentary belt of shallow-water carbonate platform and deep basin sediments in the area of Anshun to Ganzhai during the PSQ2 period of late Permian. During late Permian, sea began the transgression from south to north.

    • Sequence stratigraphy characteristics and sedimentary model of Lower Es4 on the south slope of Dongying Depression

      2011, 38(1):33-42.

      Abstract (2544) HTML (0) PDF 2.95 M (3415) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In recent years, the south slope of Dongying Depression has become the focus of the exploration target. Due to its special stratigraphic formation, the study of sequence stratigraphy and sand origin of the study area is relatively weak. Using V-C formation analysis, the authors have divided the study area into two sequences on the basis of sequence boundaries,well logging curve, seismic reflective characteristics and palaeontological features. The sequence can be subdivided into two mid-cycles according to the stacking patterns of stratigraphy as well as changes of lithology and lithofacies. The sequence stratigraphic correlation in well-tied sections makes it possible to construct the regional stratigraphic framework. Due to the tilting of Shicun fault, the eastern part of the study area has been denuded. Alluvial fan and saltwater lake are developed in the study area. The evolution and distribution of sedimentary faces of lower Es4 on the south slope of Dongying depression is analyzed for the first time in this paper, and the sedimentary model is established. These research results have great significance in search for subtle traps in this depression.

    • Palaeozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary evolution characteristics of the Xuefeng Mountain intracontinental orogenic belt

      2011, 38(1):43-51.

      Abstract (2043) HTML (0) PDF 2.47 M (3337) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In this paper, the authors studied the characteristics of Palaeozoic-Mesozoic stratigraphic sedimentation in the Xuefeng Mountain and its lateral layers by means of field investigation and indoor analysis, and found out the regularity of uplifting-depression change in the Xuefeng Mountain since Palaeozoic. The course of tectono-sedimentary evolution from Palaeozoic to Mesozoic can be divided into five phases according to the features of uplifting-depression change and the palaeogeographic property in Xuefeng area, i.e., the phase of slope-continental shelf-basin from the earlier Sinian to the middle Ordovician, the phase of uplift denudation from the late Ordovician to the late Carboniferous, the phase of carbonate platform in the Permian period, the phase of carbonate continental shelf in the early Triassic and the phase of uplift to continental intermountain basin from the middle Triassic to the Cretaceous. The authors have confirmed that the Xuefeng’s evolution is characterized by a polyphase compounding folded intracontinental orogenic belt, rather than an “ancient land”.

    • The response of Mayuan, Nanzheng- Yangpingguan, Ningqiang sedimentary basin on the northern edge of the Yangtze platform to tectonic events and sea level changes

      2011, 38(1):52-64.

      Abstract (2089) HTML (0) PDF 3.67 M (3990) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A group of early Paleozoic-Mesozoic carbonate rocks intercalated with clastic rocks with clear structure and lithofacies was deposited in Nanzheng-Yangpingguan Paleozoic sedimentary basin of south Qinling Mountains, lying at the northern passive edge of Yangtze Platform. On the basis of stratigraphic features and lateral change, 6 sequences as well as some depositional boundaries and tracts were recognized. The evolution of the sedimentary basin was closely related to tectonic regime and regional tectonic movement, and the tectonic movements dominated the sea-level change. In recent years, “Mayuan-type” lead-zinc metallogenic belt hundreds of kilometers in thickness was discovered in Sinian Dengying dolomite of Mayuan and Nanzheng. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the regional tectonic history, restore sea-level change and understand the regional sensitive sea-level changes through the analysis of the regional stratigraphic framework and sequence stratigraphy with the purpose of forecasting the mineral deposits better.

    • Magma mixing in the Karamay rock body of west Junggar,Xinjiang: evidence from geochemistry

      2011, 38(1):65-76.

      Abstract (2228) HTML (0) PDF 2.75 M (3327) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Karamay intrusive body in west Junggar of Xingjiang is associated with abundant dioritic microgranular enclaves and magma mixed rock of quartz diorite. Under microscope, the enclaves consist mainly of diorite and are of magmatic texture. The enclaves exhibit excellent evidence for magma mixing and mingling, such as long prisms of apatite, malcrystalline augite wrapped in hornblende, and etched girdle of feldspar. Host rocks, magma mixed rocks, dioritic microgranular enclaves and diorite porphyrite dykes of the Karamay rock body are products of different proportions of magma mixing. Geochemically, the major oxide content of the dioritic enclaves, magma mixed rocks and their host rocks all have the same linear trends in the plot. The patterns of REE and trace elements and isotopic signatures of the dioritic enclaves and magma mixed rocks are similar to those of the host granites. Exchanges of elements occurred between the enclaves and the host rocks and almost reached equilibrium. The ratios of characteristic elements and isotopic signatures show that the source rock of the dioritic enclaves is the mantle-derived basic magma, and that the host rock is the crust-derived acidic rock. The geochemical characteristics of the rock further prove the existence of magma mixing in the Karamay rock body, suggesting that the magma mixing was an important style of post-collisional magmatism in northern Xinjiang.

    • SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb dating of Bangmu admellite in Luxi, western Yunnan, and its tectonic implications

      2011, 38(1):77-85.

      Abstract (2519) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (3448) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of the Bangmu admellite in Luxi of western Yunnan Province was carried out in order to determine the age and discuss the tectonic environment of the granite. The results show that the zircons from the granite have clear oscillatory zones,their Th/U ratio is between 0.13 and 1.00, and their weighted average 206Pb/238U age is (120.5 ± 1.7) Ma(n=15,MSWD = 1.6), suggesting that the crystallization age of the Bangmu admellite is Early Cenozoic. Geochemistry of the granite shows that it is of the Al-supersaturated type and belongs to typical strongly peraluminous I-granite. The Rb-(Yb+Ta) and Rb-(Nb+Yb) diagrams of the granite indicate that the granite was formed in a valconi arc granite (VAG) setting. With the features of the valconi arc magmatic activity, the granite is the product of partially melted crust in a geological condition of crustal thickening resulting from the subduction and collision between the Zogang-Baoshan continental massif and Bomi-Tengchong massif along Bangong Lake-Nujiang-Linshui-Ruili suture zone from northeast to southwest during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous period. The granite was formed in the valconi arc period and the compressional environment. The determination of the Bangmu admellite’s crystallization provides new evidence for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Tengchong massif.

    • Age of Kongjia-Yinshan volcanic basin in Dexing, Jiangxi Province:evidence from zircon U-Pb chronology

      2011, 38(1):86-93.

      Abstract (2045) HTML (0) PDF 1.40 M (3432) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Yinshan lead-zinc polymetallic deposit, a giant volcanics-associated hydrothermal ore deposit, is located in Dexing area, northeast Jiangxi Province. The volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks in the Kongjia-Yinshan basin, which constitute the host rocks of the ore deposit, are usually regarded as part of the Upper Jurassic Ehuling Formation, whose exact age, however, remains in question. The dacite porphyry associated with Yinshan volcanic rocks was dated by LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology. The precise geochronologic data indicate that the Kongjia-Yinshan volcanic basin was formed at (181.3±2.1)Ma. The fossil records and stratigraphic contact relationships suggest that the Ehuling Formation formed in late Jurassic. It is thus concluded that the early Jurassic volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks in the Kongjia-yinshan basin are not the component part of the Ehuling Formation. This result is of significance for the study of the regional geological evolution and the regional metallogenic system in this area.

    • Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age of plagiogranite from Tonghuashan ophiolite in Southern Tianshan Mountains and its geological implications

      2011, 38(1):94-102.

      Abstract (1837) HTML (0) PDF 2.56 M (3289) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In Southern Tianshan Mountains of the Tonghuashan ophiolitic tectonic belt, the plagiogranite is exposed at the top of ultrabasic rocks, showing fault contact relationship. The concordant age of (406.5±5.0)Ma was obtained for the plagiogranite by the zircon micro-domain LA-ICP-MS rare earth elements analysis and U-Pb age dating,indicating that the intrusive epoch of plagiogranite was Early Devonian, and that this age represents the lower limit age of the Tonghuashan ophiolitic formation.

    • Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP isotopic dating of granitic garnet-biotite gneiss of the Aojiao Group at Aojiao Village of Dongshan County, Fujian Province, and its geological significance

      2011, 38(1):103-108.

      Abstract (2233) HTML (0) PDF 1.43 M (3516) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In this paper the authors conducted zircon U-Pb SHRIMP isotopic dating of the granitic garnet-biotite gneiss of the Aojiao Group at Aojiao Village of Dongshan County in Fujian Province. The Th/U ratios in the range of 0.31-1.01 (0.48 on average) show that the zircon is a typical magmatic mineral. The weighted mean 206Pb/238U age is 152.8±1.6 Ma(n=17,MSWD=1.12), which is considered to be the formation age of the gneiss. Some conclusions have been reached:(1)The granitic garnet-biotite gneiss of the Aojiao Group was formed in late Jurassic rather than in pre-Devonian;(2)the Qinyingshan Formation of the Aojiao Group should be divided into metamorphic intrusions and metamorphic sedimentary strata.

    • A study of tectonic control of mineralization and geological Indicators for ore-prospecting in the Jinshan (Gold Mountain) gold deposit, Xinjiang

      2011, 38(1):109-118.

      Abstract (2187) HTML (0) PDF 1.60 M (3707) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Jinshan gold deposit is a large-size epithermal deposit in Western Tianshan Mountains, whose gold ore bodies are mainly controlled by faults. The authors have reached the conclusion that faults evolved through three periods on the basis of recent years’ field exploration and drilling section analysis, i.e., pre-mineralization period, mineralization period and post-mineralazition period. The general regularity of fault control is as follows: the NW-trending faults controlled the locations of gold deposits, the NS-trending faults controlled the superimposition and enrichment of gold ore bodies during the activation in the late mineralization epoch, the NE-trending faults were associated with immediate-acidic dykes and intrusives during the early epoch and cut as well as lifted or lowered the ore bodies after the mineralization epoch, and the EW-trending faults cut the NS-trending ore bodies after the mineralization epoch. The authors have also summed up geological indicators for ore-prospecting.

    • Characteristics of gold-bearing minerals in the Yixingzhai gold deposit, Fanshi County, Shanxi Province

      2011, 38(1):119-128.

      Abstract (2119) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (4160) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Yixingzhai gold deposit is located in Fansi County, Shanxi Province, whose mineralization belongs to quartz-vein type. The main gold mineral is single electrum, together with minor native gold. The gold minerals commonly assume rounded, wheat-like , irregular brecciated and veinlet forms, with grain size in the range of 10~50 μm in diameter. They occur mainly in gold-bearing minerals such as pyrite, chalcopyrite and quartz, in the form of inclusion gold, intercrystalline gold and fissure gold. The authors made statistical analysis of the shapes, grain sizes and modes of occurrence of gold minerals by using quantity statistical method and area statistical method, and the results indicate that different gold minerals show remarkable differences in occurrence rate and area distribution. Gold-bearing minerals generally contain iron, sulfur, copper, zinc and lead. Analytical results indicate that iron and sulfur show inverse correlation with gold, and have stable lead content and remarkably varying copper and zinc content. In combination with the relationship between the temperature and the Au and Ag content, the authors suggest that the gold minerals formed in medium-low temperature. The average gold fineness ranges from 510.7 to 887.9 with an average of 653.6, suggesting an epithermal metallogenic environment for the Yixingzhai gold deposit. From 1350 m level to 1070 m level, the average fineness of gold minerals gradually decreases from 778.4 to 651.7, showing characteristics of reverse zoning and indicating that there probably exist stable ore bodies below 1070 m level.

    • An experimental study of treating the high-sulpfur low-alumina silicified bauxitic ore with the pre-desilicification technology of firing-wet method: a case study of the alumyte ore from Dazhuyuan ,Wuchuan County, Guizhou Province

      2011, 38(1):129-137.

      Abstract (1858) HTML (0) PDF 1.12 M (4279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The major chemical components of DS1 samples are Al2O3 64.31%,SiO2 8.92%, A/S 7.11,and TS0.30%. After this sample was treated by the roasting wet pre-desilicification method, the A/S ratio increased from 7.11% to 26.37%, Al2O3 increased from 63.41% to 78.53%, and TS decreased from 0.30% to 0.11%. The roasting temperature was 280 ℃ and the time span was 60 minutes, the ingredient ak was 1.45 and the alkali concentration was 220 g/l. Under the best stripping condition in which the lime additive amount is 4%, the absolute stripping rate of Al2O3 was 95.52% and the relative rate was 99.59%, the stripping rate of Ga was 91.63%. More than 99% Al2O3 could be obtained when the dissolved substance was sintered at the temperature of 1100 ℃ for 2 hours. All the other indexes were better than the indexes of aluminium oxide of industrial standard YS/T274-1998AO-1.The GS1 sample, after roasting wet pre-silicification treatment, A/S increased from 5.31 to 18.88, Al2O3 increased from 61.37% to 80.09%, SiO2 decreased from 11.55% to 4.26% and TS decreased from 1.20% to 0.16%. These data suggest that, after the treatment, the high-sulfur low-alumina silicified bauxitic ore absolutely can attain the requirement for aluminum-silicon ratio and sulfur content of Bayer process, indicating the application prospect of the high-sulfur low-alumina silicified bauxitic ore.

    • Target delineation and drilling verification of geothermal resources exploration in Hangjiahu plain of Zhejiang Province

      2011, 38(1):138-144.

      Abstract (2233) HTML (0) PDF 1.25 M (3748) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on the achievements gained in the implementation of the project "Exploration of Geothermal Resources in Hangjiahu Plain of Zhejiang Province," in combination with regional geological setting, the authors made a detailed geothermal- geological analysis of geothermal resources in Hangjiahu plain in such key technological aspects as the source, the communication, the cover, and the storage". It is shown that the geothermal resource is of the faulted sag basin type. Six geothermal exploration target areas were delineated. Drilling verification shows that the Hangjiahu area has great geothermal resource potential.

    • Integrated identification and determination of genetic types and accumulation time in the marginal basin of northern South China Sea

      2011, 38(1):145-160.

      Abstract (2043) HTML (0) PDF 2.95 M (4491) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Gas exploration has made rapid progress in the marginal basin of northern South China Sea since the 1990’s. In addition to YC13-1 gas field found in the early stage in Qiongdongnan basin, DF gas field belt and LD gas field belt were found in succession in Yinggehai basin, WC gas field belt and PY gas field belt were found in Zhujiangkou basin, and LW-LH gas field belt was found recently in deep water area of Zhujiangkou basin. The gas composition of these gas field belts is mainly hydrocarbons, with some blocks of the gas field belts in Yinggehai basin aslo rich in CO2 (carbon dioxide), N2 (nitrogen) and other non-hydrocarbon gas. According to geological and geochemical characteristics of the gas as well as known genetic identification criteria and indicators of N2 both in China and abroad, the types of the gas in this area can be divided into biogas, quasi- biogas, mature oil type gas, mature-high mature coal type gas and high mature-over mature gas. CO2 gas cloud be divide into three main types, i.e., shell type (organic / inorganic), crust-mantle mixed type and volcanic type. N2 gas cloud be divided into three main genetic types, i.e., atmosphere, crust and crust-derived organic type and organic-inorganic mixed type. The identification and determination of the formation and accumulation time of different gas reservoirs are mainly based on geochemical characteristics and dynamics of hydrocarbon production, dynamics of isotope and hydrocarbon-bearing brine inclusions and Ar-Ar isotopic dating of autogenetic illite, in combination with concrete geological conditions of accumulation so as to make synthetic judgment and decision. The formation and accumulation time of non-hydrocarbon gas is mainly based on the formation time of associated hydrocarbon gas in combination with double controlling factors of temperature and pressure in thermal simulation and geological conditions t so as to make synthetic judgment and decision.

    • Main factors controlling hydrocarbon accumulation mode of Quan4 Formation in Longxi area,Songliao Basin

      2011, 38(1):161-169.

      Abstract (1810) HTML (0) PDF 2.48 M (3065) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on a study of main factors controlling hydrocarbon pooling of Quan4 Formation in Longxi area of Songliao basin, the authors hold that oil and gas generated from hydrocarbon source rock of Qing1 formation mainly migrate into Quan4 Formation in two ways. One is the downward migration of oil and gas generated from hydrocarbon source rock of Qing1 Formation along the faults into Quan4 Formation under the large below-source pressure difference. The large below-source pressure difference results from abnormal pressure of Qing1 Formation formed by compaction and hydrocarbon generation and negative pressure of Quan4 Formation generated along with fault activity. The other one is the lateral migration of oil and gas generated from hydrocarbon source rock of Qing1 Formation into Quan4 Formation under the conditions of upward-inclining lateral connection of hydrocarbon source rock of Qing1 Formation to Quan4 Formation caused by fault activity. The activity of Aogula-HaJahai faulted zone has formed the regional syncline to its west, which is not conducive to migration and accumulation of oil and gas. The eastern area of Aogula-HaJahai faulted zone is a slope, which is favorable for lateral migration of oil and gas. The activity of Aogula-HaJahai faulted zone caused the lateral connection of the mudstone of Qingshankou Formation to the sandstone of Quan4 Formation in the upward inclining direction on the western side of Aogula-HaJahai faulted zone, which is conducive to accumulation of oil and gas. A large number of fault-lithologic oil and gas pools were formed in the eastern area of Aogula-HaJahai faulted zone.

    • Hangzhou Institute of Petroleum Geology, PetroChina Exploration and Development Research Institute, Hangzhou 310023, Zhejiang, China

      2011, 38(1):170-179.

      Abstract (1927) HTML (0) PDF 2.71 M (3326) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Devonian reef is developed in the Guizhong depression, and drilling data of well GZ1 support the opinion that high quality biolithite and dolomite reservoirs do exist in the Guizhong depression. Outcrops, micrographs and scanning electronic microscope analyses show that reservoir space is composed of pores , fissures and solution hollows. The interstices include such types as intragranular corroded hollows, frame pores, inter granular pores, corroded hollows and corroded hollows associated with stylolite, with the intercrystalline pores, intercrystalline corroded hollows and corroded pores as well as hollow fissures controlled by nonfabric materials being the main types. It is suggested that the reservoir types can be classified into fissure type, fissure pore type and pore type. The depositional environment, diagenesis and tectoclase controlled the development of the beneficial reservoir. Nowadays reservoir space is mainly made up of burial emposieus and remaining pores, fissures and solution hollows. A study of diagenesis and geochemistry indicates that the porosity evolution was related to the oil accumulation, and that two stages of processes of oil reservoir formation might have occurred. The solid bitumen (or destruction) of the reservoir was related to thermal evolution of the oil due to the subsidence. It is therefore held that the exploration should be mainly concentrated on the oil-cracked gas, with the attention paid to the study of reservation conditions of the rocks.

    • Application of ore-searching information, weight comparison to the ore concentration area based on meta-analysis

      2011, 38(1):180-189.

      Abstract (1795) HTML (0) PDF 2.35 M (3787) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The integrated prognosis of concealed ore deposit location has become a heated research field. The formation of the mineral deposit or ore spot is a non-linear process affected by many ore-controlling factors. The fuzzy optimization model of multi-attribute decision-making is an efficient method for dealing with such a problem. However, the creation of FOMMAD is not an easy thing. It is a key problem to find a scientific and reasonable method for attribute weight. Meta-analysis is a very comprehensive statistical method that systematically combines, analyzes and comprehensively evaluates several relevant trials. It has been applied generally to medical problems,and its statistical methods are developing day by day. Hence meta-analysis can provide reasonably scientific approach to attribute weight. In this paper, the principle and feasibility of the meta-analysis for metallogenic prediction were analyzed and demonstrated, and Tianmashan-Jingkouling-Tongguanshan area was chosen as the study area. Meta-analysis is applied in quantitative comparison of availability of five explorations for the first time. In the end, a comprehensive evaluation model for environmental quality at tourism sites was established based on analytic hierarchy process, Delphi Law, and the multi-level fuzzy synthetic evaluation method, and the environmental quality of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was evaluated. The authors made the multivariate metallogenic information synthetic prediction and evaluation to the study area, integrated the geological analysis results, and delineated 12 target areas which had high advantage degree in metallogenic conditions. Compared with the other relevant materials and outdoors verification, it is shown that the application of this kind of model to delineating target areas is highly effective in ore-prospecting work.

    • A preliminary study of natural background levels of groundwater in the Zhujiang River Delta

      2011, 38(1):190-196.

      Abstract (2030) HTML (0) PDF 2.20 M (3425) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on a comparison of methods adopted both in China and abroad, the authors calculated natural background levels of TDS, Cl-, SO2-4 and TFe in shallow groundwater of the Zhujiang River Delta by using SPSS statistical software, and discussed the spatial distribution regularity as well as the controlling factors. The major controlling factors in the Zhujiang River Delta include mainly topography, regional hydrodynamic conditions and saltwater intrusion. The results obtained provide scientific references for the evaluation of groundwater contamination in the Zhujiang River Delta.

    • Distribution of beryllium in shallow groundwater of the Zhujiang Delta and a preliminary analysis of its origin

      2011, 38(1):197-203.

      Abstract (2136) HTML (0) PDF 827.86 K (3747) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The distribution of beryllium-bearing shallow groundwater and the major factors affecting beryllium enrichment were studied in this paper on the basis of chemical data of beryllium, aluminum and pH of more than 900 groups of groundwater samples collected in the Zhujiang Delta. The results show that beryllium content varies from 0 to 40.3μg·L-1, mostly lower than 0.5μg·L-1, and that the average content of beryllium is 0.66μg·L-1. The points in excess of the standard are only scattered in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan and Huizhou, with the standard-exceeding rate being 2.24%. Beryllium contamination of groundwater has shown characteristics of local spot distribution. The pH and aluminum are the major factors affecting the distribution of beryllium in groundwater. Acidic and high aluminum content in groundwater and soil provides favorable conditions for the migration of beryllium. Rock weathering and natural soil formation are sources of beryllium in groundwater, and pollution caused by human activities has made an important contribution to the standard-exceeding phenomenon of beryllium in groundwater.

    • Distribution characteristics of As in Shijiazhuang sewage irrigation area, Hebei Province

      2011, 38(1):204-211.

      Abstract (2125) HTML (0) PDF 3.18 M (3443) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on content of As in soil samples collected from the plane and vertical section of Shijiazhuang sewage irrigation area, the authors compiled the As distribution map and summarized characteristics of As distribution. The results show that, in both topsoil and deep soil, As distribution is affected by outside materials, As in topsoil is controlled by the position of wastewater fountainhead, deep soil accepts As which migrates from topsoil, and As high value areas are solely formed in topsoil and deep soil. In vertical direction, As is concentrated in clay bed of deep soil.

    • The adsorption of cadmium by goethite and manganite under alkaline conditions

      2011, 38(1):212-217.

      Abstract (1977) HTML (0) PDF 644.61 K (4273) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The adsorption of cadmium by goethite and manganite was experimentally studied. The adsorption quantity of cadmium by goethite and manganite increased with the increase of pH from acid to neutral and reached the maximum under the alkaline condition. After the adsorption of cadmium by goethite and manganite happened, the pH values of the solutions were changed, and the critical pH values were 8 for goethite and 6.5 for manganite. The adsorption balance time of goethite and manganite for cadmium was 6 hours. The adsorption isotherms were consistent with Freundlich isothermal equation. The adsorption effect of goethite and manganite for cadmium was ideal at the room temperature.

    • Environmental quality and anthropogenic pollution assessment of heavy metals in topsoil of Hebei plain

      2011, 38(1):218-225.

      Abstract (2116) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (3228) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Soil environmental quality assessment is an important prerequisite for understanding its current status and carrying out environmental protection. The authors made an evaluation of environmental quality of heavy metals in topsoil of Hebei plain based on Environmental Quality Standard for Soils (GB15618-1995), and the results show that the quality is excellent, with the area that comes up to the first grade standard being 93.02% and up to the second being 6.62%. Making use of environmental geochemical behaviors of heavy metals, the authors applied enrichment factors to distinguish anthropogenic pollutions of heavy metals from natural anomalies in topsoil of Hebei Plain. It is concluded that the application of the enrichment factors to determining anthropogenic contamination of heavy metals in topsoil is practical. The anthropogenic pollution area of heavy metals is rather larger, but the pollution is mainly insignificant.

    • A survey and study of the Xiaobao rock avalanches based on Quickbird satellite images

      2011, 38(1):226-231.

      Abstract (2099) HTML (0) PDF 2.47 M (3844) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Remote sensing technology for geological hazards survey and research providing new ways and means of investigation and study of geological hazards has become an important technical means, and high-resolution Quickbird satellite images in geological hazards research have an especially wide application. In this paper, the authors studied the Xiaobao rock avalanches in Hanyuan County and used Quickbird satellite images and remote sensing digital image processing to obtain high-precision remote sensing image as the data source for the study of geological hazards and remote sensing interpretation. Image features of the Xiaobao rock avalanches were summed up. According to remote sensing image features, the size, stability, harmful extent and development trend of the Xiaobao rock avalanches were judged, and its formation conditions and affecting factors were analyzed.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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