• Volume 38,Issue 3,2011 Table of Contents
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    • The basic requirements for the compilation of Regional Geological Annals of China: tentative plan and expectation

      2011, 38(3):517-521.

      Abstract (1967) HTML (0) PDF 625.15 K (4112) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Ministry of Land and Resources of China and China Geological Survey have decided to recompile Regional Geological Annals of China, which is indeed a wise decision of far-sightedness and also a strategic integrated research project with milestone significance. For the purpose of creating a brilliant achievement with macroscopic influence, the new Regional Geological Annals of China should attain the following aims: to achieve high-degree comprehension and integration of geological achievements; to raise geological research level considerably; to play a significant role in geological work and social and economic development; to enhance the summarization and understanding of geological regularity remarkably; to produce great impact on geological circles both in China and abroad. Aimed at creating a brilliant achievement with macroscopic influence, we must implement “eight combinations” on the basis of full collection of data available and truthful record of geological events. The “eight combinations: are as follows: the combination of geological, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing data; the combination of surface geology and deep geology; the combination of continental geology and marine geology; the combination of annals, maps and database; the combination of scientific quality and artistry; the combination of multidisciplinary research and special subject studies; the combination of inheritance and bringing forth new ideas; the combination of annals compilation and experts training.

    • Oligocene thrust systems in central Tibetan Plateau

      2011, 38(3):522-536.

      Abstract (2037) HTML (0) PDF 9.39 M (3453) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Regional thrusting occurred widely in Oligocene and formed large-scale thrust systems in the Tibetan Plateau, such as South Kunlun Thrust (SKT), North Qiangtang Thrust (NQT), Lunpola-Amdo-Suoxian Thrust (LST), Gangdise Thrust System (GTS) and Main Central Thrust (MCT). Imbricate arrangement of faults indicates southward thrusting in Oligocene, which was evidently caused by northward subduction of India continental plate beneath Eurasia continent. According to isotopic dating of high resolution, thrusting in central Himalayas and Fenghuoshan area in north Qiangtang block started before 35 Ma, and thrusting in south Kunlun Mountains and granite emplacement was caused by thrusting in Fenghuo Mountain. Both occurred in 28.8-26.5 Ma. Major thrusting ended before the formation of Early Miocene lacustrine strata of Wudaoliang Group in central Tibetan Plateau. Oligocene thrusting made great contribution to shortening and thickening of the crust and isostatic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.

    • A tentative discussion on strike-slipping character and formation mechanism of western-edge fault belt in South China Sea

      2011, 38(3):537-543.

      Abstract (2136) HTML (0) PDF 1.98 M (4369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The western-edge fault belt is the most dominating structure element in the west of South China Sea. It runs through the main sedimentary basins from north to south and has the property of strike-slip fault. The western-edge fault belt forms different arrangements of faults because of diverse strike-slipping directions at various geological times. Faults arrangements consist of negative flower structure, two groups en-echelon faults of northeast and northwest strike and double horse-tail shaped structure associations in plane. The main fault of the western-edge fault belt is of single stripe pattern and evident segmentation movement. Faults character of transform belts between north and south stepover zones is the compounding of negative flower structure, listric normal fault and dominoes reversing adjusting normal fault. According to an integrated analysis, the western-edge fault belt of South China Sea is considered as an long-active fault belt,and its strike-slip movement took place from middle Eocene to Quaternary. The movement of the western-edge fault belt was mainly right-lateral with extension-wrest stress, but during the end of middle Miocene, the direction of strike-slip movement changed to left lateral with extrusion-wrest stress, which resulted in regional strata uplift and erosion. Under these actions, the pattern of current sediment and structure was formed basically in the western basins of South China Sea.

    • Magnetic fabric features of the ductile shear zone in Sandaogou area of Inner Mongolia and their tectonic significance

      2011, 38(3):544-552.

      Abstract (1829) HTML (0) PDF 2.46 M (3146) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The parameters of magnetic fabrics of deformed rocks such as Kmax, Kint, Kmin, P, T, F, L and E can be used to quantitatively display the behaviors of tectonic deformation. Characteristics of magnetic fabrics of the ductile shear zone in Sandaogou area of Inner Mongolia were analyzed in this study. The results show that most E values are larger than or close to 1; T values larger than 0 are more than those smaller than 0; P values are larger than 1, and the data in graphic variant Flinn of the L-F parameters of magnetic fabrics are concentrated in the shear zone and the compression zone. It is indicated that the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid mainly finds expression in flatted ball ellipsoid whose foliation is more developed than lineation. The rocks in Sandaogou ductile shear zone experienced a strong tectonic activity of extrusion shear mechanical mechanism.The stress, strain and deformation characteristics are consistent with field features and microstructure.

    • Stratigraphic relationship and age of Haiyue buried hill belt in the beach area of Liaohe rifting basin

      2011, 38(3):553-559.

      Abstract (1951) HTML (0) PDF 904.91 K (3944) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper has studied lithologic combination, sequence structure and fossil specimens of carbonate and clastic buried hill strata of Haiyue buried hill belt. Based on regional stratigraphic correlation and analysis of frequency spectra, the authors determined ages of buried hills and relative locations of several drilling wells of the buried hill. The main kinds of carbonate rocks of the buried hill strata are composed of multiple types of dolomite, megascopic algae are developed extensively, diagenetic metamorphism of metamorphic quartz sand is intense, and volcanic rock occurs as thin-bedded strata. It is for the first time that the characteristics reveal that carbonate and clastic buried hill strata of Haiyue buried hill belt belong to Mesoprotozoic Dahongyu =-Gaoyuzhuang Formation. This discovery has changed the traditional understanding of the past many years that the buried hill in This area totally belongs to Ordovician and Carboniferous, provided valuable evidence for reestablishing stratigraphic sequence of the buried hill in This area, and demonstrated that the buried hill is a favorable place for oil-prospecting.

    • Characteristics of Sequence Stratigraphy and Plaeoenvironmental Evolution of Lower Cambrian strata in Hunan Province

      2011, 38(3):560-576.

      Abstract (2273) HTML (0) PDF 6.59 M (4435) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Lower Cambrian strata are well developed in Hunan. With the main sedimentary formations of black shale and carbonates in western and central Hunan and a suite of greywacke and carbonaceous slate with different thicknesses of rhythmic layers in southern area, the Lower Cambrian in the study area constitutes a second-order sequence, which can be further divided into six third-order sequences, corresponding to six orderly transgression-regression cycles. Impacted by palaeosedimentary environment, the depositional system tracts of the third-order sequences are formed by the vertical sequences of “CS + HST” and “TST (transgression system tract) + CS + HST”, with the major sequence boundaries being II type sequence boundary and the drowning-type sequence boundary. The Lower Cambrian sedimentary formation resulted from continental slope-ramp in the northwestern and central parts of Hunan; from northwest to southeast, with the gradual deepening of the sedimentary environment, the total thickness of the Lower Cambrian sedimentary formation becomes thinned. In the southern Hunan, in contrast, a suite of greywacke and carbonaceous slate of abyssal facies was deposited and becomes thickened remarkably. The sequence-stratigraphic framework records the complex palaeoenvironment evolution of passive margin in the Early Cambrian in Hunan and also reflects the restriction of the metallogenesis from palaeoenvironment evolution.

    • Lower Cambrian sequence-stratigraphic framework of southeastern Guizhou Province

      2011, 38(3):577-585.

      Abstract (1806) HTML (0) PDF 2.39 M (4069) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Lower Cambrian strata are quite completely developed in southeast Guizhou, and the transitional facies characterized by intense facies change comprise an upward shallowing sedimentary succession, which constitutes a second-order sequence. This second-order sequence can be further divided into five third-order sequences. From northwest to southeast, with the change of sedimentary setting from slope to basin, Lower Cambrian strata gradually thin and eventually form a condensed succession which is difficult to divide in the third-order scale. Based on two kinds of natures of the third-order sequence, i.e., the regularity of lithofacies succession in space and the synchronism of environmental change in time, and taking the two kinds of facies-transition surface and two kinds of diachronisms in stratigraphic records as the fundamental elements in building sequence-stratigraphic framework for the Lower Cambrian strata of the study area, the authors hold that the sequence-stratigraphic framework demonstrates the special third-order sedimentary succession patterns formed after the platform drowning event caused by the rapid transgression at the early stage of Cambrian.

    • Characteristics of reservoirs of Changxing Formation in Langzhong-Nanbu area, northern Sichuan Basin

      2011, 38(3):586-593.

      Abstract (1783) HTML (0) PDF 4.09 M (4012) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Located in the ramp region between the Central Sichuan uplift and Northern Sichuan depression, the Langzhong-Nanbu area possesses superior accumulation conditions. The reservoir characteristics of the Changxing Formation in the study area were studied by means of core observation, debris description, microscopic observation of cast thin sections, analysis of mercury intrusion and geophysical interpretation. The results show that favorable facies belts for the development of reservoirs are interbank area and bank in the platform as well as platform marginal reef flat. The rocks are dominated by bioherm limestone limestone, calcarenite and micritic limestone. In various kinds of reservoir space such as pores, holes and seams,the pores are mainly intergranular pores and dorsal foramen. In massive micro-throats and little fine throats, most of the throats are confined. As the average porosity is 1.16% and the average permeability is 0.5415×10-3μm2, the reservoirs are classified as extra low-porosity and extra low-permeability reservoirs. Seismic response displays the features of low frequency, weak amplitude and chaotic seismic reflection. The well-logs for the gas reservoirs exhibit the properties of high neutron porosity, low density and low resistance.

    • Sedimentary facies, sedimentary model and evolution of Changxing Formation in northeast Sichuan basin

      2011, 38(3):594-609.

      Abstract (1845) HTML (0) PDF 4.85 M (3984) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Changxing Formation in northeast Sichuan basin is marine deposit which can be divided into platform margin organic reefs, platform margin shoals, open platform, limited platform, carbonate ramp, basinal facies and platform evaporite facies. Affected by second-grade sea level changes, the transgressive reef-beach bodies are well developed in Changxing Formation, forming two types of favorable reservoirs. The reef-beach facies migrated and uplifted in vertical direction and developed in zonal form on both sides of the basin, controlled by sedimentary facies. The main sedimentary microfacies comprises organisms-bearing dolomite microfacies, sparry grained dolomite microfacies, gravel dolomite microfacies, dolomite mudstone microfacies, organisms-bearing calcite microfacies, sparry grained calcite microfacies and ostrocoda limestone, of which the most favorable microfacies are gravel dolomite microfacies,organisms-bearing dolomite microfacies and sparry grained dolomite microfacies. Based on detailed research on the characteristics of sedimentary facies, drilling data, outcrops, core and thin section observation, the authors have built the sedimentary model and evolution model of the study area and compiled the sedimentary facies distribution map.

    • LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of porphyritic granite in Machangqing complex of Yunnan Province and their geological significance

      2011, 38(3):610-622.

      Abstract (2179) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (3511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:U-Pb ages and trace elements of zircons from porphyritic granite of Machangqing complex were analyzed by the LA-ICP-MS method. As revealed by the cathodoluminescence (CL) images, all the zircons from porphyritic granite have the oscillatory zoning. REE patterns of the analyzed zircons are characterized by significantly high heavy rare earth elements (HREE),depleted light rare earth elements (LREE), obviously positive Ce anomaly and moderately negative Eu anomaly. In addition, nearly all the zircons have high Th/U ratios. These characteristics suggest a magmatic genesis of the analyzed zircons. The zircons from the porphyritic granite of Machangqing complex yield the U-Pb weighted average age of (33.78±0.21)Ma (MSWD=0.71), whereas zircons from syenite porphyry and granitic porphyry yield the U-Th-Pb ages of (35.6±0.3)Ma and (35.0±0.2)Ma by cumulative probability statistics. Molybdenites from the Baoxingchang ore block yield the Re-Os isochron ages of (35.8±1.6)Ma and (33.9±1.1)Ma. Muscovites of contact metasomatic gold mineralization from the Luandongshan ore block yield the 40Ar/39Ar age of (35.25±0.36)Ma. Muscovites of hydrothermal vein gold mineralization from the Rentouqin-Jinchangqin ore block yield the 40Ar/39Ar age of (35.35 ±0.32)Ma. These ages show that porphyry type copper-molybdenum mineralization, contact metasomatic gold mineralization and hydrothermal vein gold mineralization are products of the same tectonic-magmatic-hydrothermal ore-forming system,and that theⅡperiod magmatic combination (33~37 Ma) of syenite porphyry+monozonite porphyry+granitic porphyry+ porphyritic granite seems to have been the ore-forming geological body, which supplied materials, fluid and thermodynamic conditions for the ore-forming process. The duration of the porphyry-hydrothermal fluid-ore forming system is about 4 Ma. The ore-forming process of copper, molybdenum and gold occurred in the early-middle stage.

    • U-Pb dating of zircons from the Four-Girl Mountain Pluton in the Songpan-Garzê Terrane, and the relationship between the pluton and the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 Earthquakeiof 2008

      2011, 38(3):623-636.

      Abstract (2135) HTML (0) PDF 5.02 M (3749) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The granitoid intrusions in the eastern part of the Songpan-Garzê terrane were mainly formed in Late Indo-Chinese-Early Yenshanian period, and the Four-Girl Mountain Granite(FGMG)is one of these intrusions. Zircons from FGMG commonly have characteristics of magma zircons. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of 23 zircon grains from biotite granodiorite of the FGMG yielded a weighted 206Pb/238U mean age of (191±1)Ma (Early Yenshanian), which is considered to be the magmtic crystallization age of FGMG. This age has great significance in understanding the initial formation time of the Longmenshan fault belt. The NW-trending Jingchuan-Lixian tectono-magmatic belt defined during the previous regional geological survey can’t represent the product of the collision between he Yangtze massif and the Songpan-Garzê terrane, although the major axes and mineral directions of most single granitic masses assume parallel NW-trending arrangement in the Songpan-Garzê terrane. Therefore, the NE-trending Douhu-Jingchuan-Xiaojing-Heishui tectono-magmatic belt should be reasonably established. The Four-Girl Mountain Granite(FGMG)pluton is a representative granitic mass and represents the product of partial fusing in the low velocity layer existent in the middle-lower crust of the Songpan-Garzê terrane when the Yangtze massif was wedged into the Songpan-Garzê terrane along the Longmenshan structural belt. Deep geophysical exploration shows that the Four-Girl Mountain area has “roots of mountain”, which are made up of many great granitic plutons. These roots of mountain did not cause the Wenchuan Earthquake, but might have weaken the damage influence during the northwestward seismic wave propagation towards the Tibetan Plateau, and probably prevented the southwestward expansion of the Longmenshan fault belt when the Wenchuan Earthequake occurred. In other words, the probability of aftershocks that occurred along the southwest section of the Longmenshan fault belt was reduced by the roots of mountain.

    • Geochemical evidence for the orogenic process of West Qinling in Gansu since Neoproterozoic and its metallogenic background

      2011, 38(3):637-656.

      Abstract (1922) HTML (0) PDF 3.09 M (3891) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on geochemical data of stratigraphic units of different levels and granitoid intrusives acquired in West Qinling from the 1980s to 1990s, such as concentrations and ratios of immobile elements and trace element indicators of A-type granites in combination with previous interpretation of geophysical data, the authors investigated the orogenic process of West Qinling since Neoproterozoic, and probed into the relationship between the orogenic process and the metallic mineralization. In comparison with previous studies, the formation-level stratigraphic unit was reasonably adopted on account of its relative homogeneity, the SiO2-P relation was introduced to differentiate I-type granites from other types, and the results have validated previous knowledge with the obtaining of some new understanding. The authors consider that the evolution of West Qinling since Neoproterozoic may be divided into four processes, i.e., the convergence-split-convergence process from late Mesoproterozoic to early Sinian, the extensional process from late Sinian to Ordovician, the westward contraction process from Silurian to Jurassic, and the westward intraplate extension process, which even extended to the whole West Qinling region from Devonian to Mesozoic-Cenozoic.  The north China block and the Yangtze block was close to each other in certain periods of Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic and Sinian; after Sinian, they were gradually away from each other and developed a multi-island sea basin between them. There were intra-oceanic subduction, arc continent collision and ocean continent subduction before or in Silurian. The collision of the North China craton and the Yangtze craton might have started in Devonian and ended in Jurassic, whereas the S-type granites which were enriched in aluminum-rich minerals and related to syn-collision were formed in Triassic. The collision of the two plates migrated westward from Lueyang to Diebu, so that the Sinian to Triassic strata accreted successively to the North China craton. Subsequent intraplate extension and granitoid intrusion related to subduction and delamination of Yangtze plate also migrated westward from eastern Dangchuan till the development of the extension in whole West Qinling region in Meso-Cenozoic. No matter what the mechanism of arc continent collision was in early Paleozoic, the Diebu-Lueyang fault must have played a leading role in the evolution of West Qinling since at least Silurian.  The peaks of sedimentary mineralization were Silurian and Devonian, corresponding to the transitional period from ocean splitting to ocean closing. The peaks of hydrothermal mineralization were Triassic and Jurassic during which the Indosinian-Yanshanian magmatism prevailed, corresponding to the transitional period from collision to intracontinental extension.

    • Petrography and geochemistry of Lingbi Qingyun stone in northern Anhui Province

      2011, 38(3):657-663.

      Abstract (1912) HTML (0) PDF 3.48 M (3403) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Qingyun stone of Lingbi County is a type of microcrystalline limestone lying in Sinian Zhangqu Formation, characterized by black color, dense texture and bronze-like sound. It can be used as an ornament or musical instrument. The rock is dominated by euhedral microcrystalline calcite, up to 10 μm in size, with abundant organic matter. It has high CaO and low MgO, SiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, shows low REE concentrations, and is enriched in Sr, Cu, Mn and Ba. Based on a comparison of the petrographic and geochemical features between the Qingyun stone and the common microcrystalline limestone in the study area, the authors hold that the characteristics of the bronze-like sound produced by the Qingyun stone can be attributed to its single mineral assemblage, uniform grain size, dense texture, very small pore size and high organic matter abundance. The Qingyun stone was genetically associated with the global high CO2 concentrations and regional extraordinary geological events in Sinian period, being the combined result of the CaCO3 oversaturated sedimentary environments and the complex geological events.

    • Geochemical characteristics of REE in limestone of Jiudingshan Formation, northern Anhui Province and their constraint on the seawater

      2011, 38(3):664-672.

      Abstract (1778) HTML (0) PDF 1.30 M (4099) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In this paper, petrological and rare earth element analysis was carried out for limestone collected from the Jiudingshan Formation in northern Anhui Province, the origin of REE in limestone was studied, and the rare earth elements distribution patterns of the seawater were inversed. The results imply that rare earth elements in the limestone were mainly controlled by ancient oceans, without the influence of detrital material, that the total rare earth elements (REE) content is rather low, only 8.54?鄢10-6 on average, and the light and heavy REE are strictly fractionated, indicating normal neritic deposit. The REE distribution patterns of seawater is depleted in HREE, similar to things of limestone, and a very good positive correlation exists between Y/Ho and Y/Dy (R2=0.97) in limestone and seawater. The seawater has high Y/Ho ratios and negative Ce anomaly, with the δEuNASC being lower than 1, suggesting that the ancient seawater was similar to modern seawater.

    • The genesis of skarnoid from the Nanyangtian stratabound scheelite deposit in Malipo, Yunnan Province

      2011, 38(3):673-680.

      Abstract (1986) HTML (0) PDF 2.52 M (3584) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Nanyangtian scheelite ore deposit is a rarely-seen layered scheelite deposit in southeastern Yunnan, whose ore body is hosted in the layered skarnoid of Proterozoic Nanyangtian Rock Group. Based on detailed field work in combination with indoor rock geochemical analysis as well as a comparison with typical ore deposits both in China and abroad, the authors carried out restoration of original rock of skarn,found that the original rock of the skarn seems to be submarine volcanic eruption (or hot water) sediments combined with terrigenous clastic rocks, and reached the conclusion that the skarn was metasedimentary skarn belonging to skarnoid.

    • An analysis of metallogenic conditions and resource of the Zoige uranium deposit

      2011, 38(3):681-691.

      Abstract (1858) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (3302) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Zoige uranium deposit is located in the west sector of southern Qinling ore belt. The ore deposit occurs in a set of epimetamorphic siliceous limestones in Lower Silurian Yangchanggou Formation (S1y), Ta’er Formation (S1t) and Laqlong Formation (S1l), and the ore deposit is strictly controlled by lithologic character, structure, deep hot water and geochemical environment. On the basis of previous research results, the authors studied characteristics of major elements, trace elements, rare-earth elements, sulfur isotope and hydrogen, oxygen, carbon isotopes of siliceous limestone in the ore field, and reached the conclusion that siliceous rock closely related to uranium mineralization was formed in a hot water sedimentation environment, extensive ore-forming source was formed during early sedimentation and metamorphism, and the low temperature mineralization fluid was a very important factor for uranium concentration and mineralization extension towards the depth. U-Pb isotopic ages demonstrate that this area has over ten uranium metallogenic periods, thus increasing the field uranium mineralization probability in the ore district. It is held that the uranium resources are so rich that there exists a good developmental prospect in this area.

    • Geological and geochemical characteristics and prospecting work of the Wenjiangsi gold deposit, Fengxian County, Shaanxi Province

      2011, 38(3):692-700.

      Abstract (2133) HTML (0) PDF 1.85 M (4180) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Wenjiangsi ore deposit in the eastern extension of the West Qinling oroganic belt is a newly-discovered gold deposit hosted in a Triassic (carbon-bearing) calcareous slate sequence. Lenticular ore bodies and ore spots are characterized by disseminated mineralization with Au-As-Sb-Hg-Pb-Zn low-temperature assemblages. From the ore and argillaceous slate to granite veins, Al2O3 and alkaline components (K2O + Na2O) increase, accompanied by decreasing of CaO and K2O/Na2O. Trace elements (e.g., As, Bi, Co, Ni, Cu, W, V, Tu and U) and REE patterns (ΣREE, LREE/HREE) of disseminated ores are similar to things of hosted calcareous slates, indicating that metals were derived from hosting strata instead of from magmatic intrusions. The discovery of the Wenjiangsi gold deposit makes it possible for further eastward extension of the West Qinling Triassic sequence.

    • Mode of occurrence of arsenic and its influence on the precipitation of gold in the Jinlongshan gold deposit, southern Qinling

      2011, 38(3):701-715.

      Abstract (1887) HTML (0) PDF 4.17 M (3247) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Located in Zhen’an-Xunyang basin of southern Qinling Mountains, the Jinlongshan gold deposit is a superlarge Carlin-type disseminated gold deposit discovered in the 1980’s. The ore deposit occurs in Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous clastic and carbonate strata composed of calcareous siltstone, silty shale, silty limestone and argillaceous limestone intercalated with flyschoid formation. Ore bodies are strictly controlled by fault zones. Ores were examined by such means as optical microscope, electron microprobe analyzer (EMPA) and X-ray surface scanning for the purpose of probing into the content and distribution of Fe, As and S in arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite in primary ore samples from the Jinlongshan ore deposit. The results show that As of low content is likely to be concentrated in pyrite, and As in pyrite is stable. When the As content is higher than ~6 wt%, two-phase mixtures of pyrite and arsenopyrite are stable. The dissolution of ferruginous limestone in the host rocks, the sulfidation of the dissolved iron by H2S , and the exsolution of partial metastable auriferous arsenian pyrite may provide favorable conditions for gold precipitation in the Jinlongshan gold deposit.

    • Geological characteristics and ore-forming material sources of the Pangjiahe gold deposit in Shaanxi Province

      2011, 38(3):716-723.

      Abstract (2304) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (4123) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Ores in the Pangjiahe gold deposit are mainly distributed in upper Devonian Xiadonggou Formation rocks consisting of chloritized sericite phyllite and blastopsammitic quartz sandstone,which constitute a gold-bearing rock series and abundant source layers of gold. Gold ore bodies are mostly preserved in interlayer compresso-crushed zones which assume expansion, contraction, branching, compounding and wavelike bending. Ore bodies exhibit layered and lenticular shapes. Minerals mainly include native gold and electrum. Gold-bearing minerals are pyrite and arsenopyrite. The relevant gold mineralization alterations include pyritization and arsenopyritization. The metallogenic epoch can be mainly divided into three stages, namely quartz-coarse pyrite-hydromica stage, fine pyrite-arsenopyrite stage and pyrite-quartz-carbonate stage. The analyses of δ34S, δ18O and stable lead isotope show that Pb of gold ore bodies was derived mainly from the upper crust and partly from the mantle. δ34S and δ18O also show that gold ore-forming fluid was derived mostly from the crust and partly from magma in the mantle. In a word, gold ore-forming materials were derived from mixed sources.

    • An analysis of the genesis and water quality characteristics of the geothermal field in Wudang District, Guiyang

      2011, 38(3):724-730.

      Abstract (2024) HTML (0) PDF 1.87 M (3405) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Guizhou Province has rich geothermal resources, and the geothermal field in Wudang district is one of the concealed geothermal resources in Guiyang City.?Mode of occurrence, recharge, flow and drainage conditions of the geothermal field were analyzed according to drilling data and regional geological data. The main geothermal reservoir is middle Cambrian-Ordovician limestone and dolomite. Characteristics of geothermal water runoff and geothermal field are controlled by a series of structures such as Wudang fracture and Wudang anticline.Temperature curve shows that the temperature gradient of Baoli No. 2 drill hole is about 2.59 ℃ / 100m and that of Baoli No. 3 drill hole is about 2.25 ℃ / 100m. There is no additional heat source in this area. Deep circulation is the main origin of geothermal water. The chemical type of geothermal water is SO4-Ca·Mg, and content of fluorine and silicon is relatively high, so the geothermal water has some medical value. Geothermal reinjection technology should be studied to achieve the sustainable development of geothermal resources in the future.

    • Typical geological characteristics of the new energy resource of oil shale and some problems concerning its development and utilization

      2011, 38(3):731-741.

      Abstract (2081) HTML (0) PDF 3.06 M (3354) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:With the gradual decrease of oil resources in China, non-conventional resources such as oil shale, oil sands and heavy oil have aroused much attention among geologists. There are abundant oil shale resources in northwest China, which have been preliminary studied in this paper. Field geological section survey, standard mining investigation, and laboratory analysis of important samples indicate that the oil shale in northwest China has the following features: 1) Oil shale strata 1- 36m thick exist in this region. 2) The color of the oil shale is mostly brown-black, black, whereas the color of some oil shale outcrops is maroon. Oil shale is characterized by slightly greasy luster, flaky layered structure, irregular conchoidal fracture, small hardness and light brown streak. 3) In hand specimen, oil shale is mainly composed of clay minerals and silt-sized detrital minerals (feldspar and quartz). 4) The main chemical components of oil shale are SiO2 and Al2O3, which possess 65.44% of the rock, indicating that the shale is of the medium ash type. The organic carbon possess 14% of the oil shale, total carbon poesses16.28%, and oil yield is generally 1.5%-13.7%, for an overall caloric value of 1.66-20.98 MJ/kg. The density of the shale is 1.55-2.46 g/cc. Younger oil shale strata have progressively higher REE abundances. 5) Oil shale deposits can be mainly divided into 3 types: littoral-neritic facies sedimentary deposits in middle and late Carboniferous-early Permian strata, remnant lake bay-lacustrine facies sedimentary deposits in late Permian strata, and inland lacustrine–delta facies sedimentary deposits in Mesozoic strata. Oil shale formed in Mesozoic inland deep water-half deep water lacustrine facies is the major industrial type and its origin is similar to “the Black Sea Model.” Oil shale layers are also the main oil source rocks in Ordos basin. Oil shale formed in the deltaic environment in middle and late Carboniferous and Jurassic strata are mostly related to coal beds in genesis. 6) In this region, the total amount of predicted resources of oil shale is at least 30000×108 t , which is equivalent to about 2100×108 t shale oil; among them, oil shale resources in Ordos basin accounts for 99% and can be compared with oil shale resources in Green River area of western North American. 7) In northwest China, identified oil shale deposits are located in the vicinity of large and medium-sized cities, with good development prospects . As long as the problem of environmental pollution has been solved and the appropriate technologies have been used, immense economic benefits are likely to be obtained.

    • Dual-factor method for development optimization of oil shale bearing fields

      2011, 38(3):742-749.

      Abstract (1758) HTML (0) PDF 964.15 K (4384) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:China has abundant oil shale resources. The utilization of these resources requires the development of oil shale resources on the scientific and rational basis. It is thus necessary to conduct optimization of oil shale bearing fields, which can provide scientific evidence for strategic planning and rational exploitation of oil shale, thus achieving optimal decision. The dual-factor method for development optimization of oil shale bearing fields is based on the idea that oil shale resources should be strategically planned through appraising geological resources and technical economy of the oil shale bearing field. Based on a study of factors controlling geological resources and technical economy of oil shale resource development and utilization, the authors quantitatively calculated weight of parameters by analytical hierarchy process, calculated score of geological resources and technical economic factors according to parameter features of the oil shale bearing field, and then evaluated superiority and inferiority of oil shale bearing fields according to the score of dual-factor and the planning development rank of the oil shale field. This method makes up the shortcoming of the aggregate index evaluate method

    • Botanogeochemical anomaly characteristics of the Fuhezhong W-Sn polymetallic ore district in Guangxi and their prospecting effectiveness

      2011, 38(3):750-761.

      Abstract (1657) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (3370) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Fuhezhong area in Guangxi is one of the important W-Sn polymetallic ore districts in China. In this area, climate is warm-hot and rainy, red soil is grown, and vegetation is luxuriant. In order to probe into the effectiveness of botanogeochemical prospecting, the authors made an experiment on different types of ore deposits in this area. The results show that in all types of ore deposits, there is a good botanogeochemical composite anomaly in the upper part of the ore body. The anomaly is very distinct, its width is lager than the width of the ore body, and it has good botanogeochemical element combination and zoning. These characteristics indicate that the delineation of the botanogeochemical anomaly is an effective means for exploring mineral resources. According to characteristics of the botanogeochemical anomaly and element combination, different types of ore deposits can be distinguished from each other, the location of concealed ore bodies can be predicted, and the burial depth of the concealed ore body can be inferred.

    • Geophysical water exploration methods in stone mountain karst areas and case analysis

      2011, 38(3):770-778.

      Abstract (2084) HTML (0) PDF 3.76 M (3340) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Water shortage in southwest China constitutes a serious threat to local people's living water, and restrictes the economic development of this region. Therefore, the reasonable choice of integrated geophysical methods and technologies for finding underground water and improving the efficiency of groundwater exploration on the basis of the hydrogeological characteristics of southwest China constitutes a very important problem faced by hydrogeologists. This paper describes the basic principles, technical characteristics and application of the electrical conductivity imaging system and high density resistivity method, exemplified by application practice of groundwater exploration in karst mountain areas. The comparative analysis, the delineation of water areas in the karst zone, the determination of well locations all show that the method is effective. This paper presents suggestions for groundwater exploration in Southwest China and utilization of groundwater resources in future.

    • Chemical weathering index and magnetic susceptibility of deposits and their responses to the Quaternary climate in Dongting Basin

      2011, 38(3):779-785.

      Abstract (2104) HTML (0) PDF 1.27 M (4222) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The drilling of ZKC1 borehole was carried out at Lianghucun in southeastern Anxiang sag. The Quaternary alluvial and lacustrine sediments in the borehole are composed of Pliocene-Early Pleistocene Huatian Formation, Early Pleistocene Miluo Formation, early-middle Middle Pleistocene Dongtinghu Formation, Late Pleistocene Potou Formation and Holocene strata. The major elements and magnetic susceptibility of the core from the borehole were analyzed systematically. According to the idea that the chemical weathering index (CWI) of terrestrial sediments has a positive correlation with temperature and humidity, and that the magnetic susceptibility has a negative correlation with temperature and humidity, the authors probed into the Quaternary climate evolution of the Dongting basin. Combined with other materials, the curve of CIA indicates that the Quaternary climatic evolution of the Dongting basin was from early to late in order of cool and dry → tropical and humid → cool and dry → tropical and humid during Early Pleistocene; cool and dry → tropical and humid → cool and dry-warm and humid→ tropical and humid during Middle Pleistocene; cool → warm and humid → cool during Late Pleistocene, and warm and humid-tropical and humid during Holocene. This climatic evolution process coincides basically with climatic change indicated by sporopollen assemblages of the core from the ZKC1 borehole, and also accords with Quaternary climatic variations of eastern China, which suggests that the CWI of the sediments shows a good responses to the Quaternary climate evolution. Curves and correlation coefficient of -0.32 between CWI and magnetic susceptibility of the sediments show that the magnetic susceptibility has a negative correlation with CWI, which suggests that temperature and humidity controlled evidently the magnetic susceptibility. Impacted probably by the uplift and subsidence of the basin, the curve of the magnetic susceptibility fails to show the same phasic variations as CWI.

    • Geological safety evaluation method for CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifer

      2011, 38(3):786-792.

      Abstract (2187) HTML (0) PDF 1.46 M (3582) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:CO2 geological storage projects belong to environmental protection projects, and geological safety is the primary factor for CO2 sequestration for a long time. Geological safety influencing factors of CO2 geological storage include cap rock suitability, site safety for earthquake, hydrogeological condition and geological condition of the ground site, of which cap rock suitability is the most important factor, and geological condition of the ground site is the main factor influencing project construction. According to an analysis of CO2 geological storage safety influencing factors, the authors built geological safety evaluation indexes system on the basis of the AHP structure and tentatively calculated the weights. It is held that CO2 geological storage safety could be evaluated comprehensively by fuzzy synthetic evaluation method. In addition, the geological safety evaluation method of CO2 geological storage and the means for safe project site selection in China’s deep saline aquifer are put forward in this paper.

    • The design of the workflow-based national geological project information system

      2011, 38(3):793-798.

      Abstract (1588) HTML (0) PDF 1.68 M (4107) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:A workflow-based national geological project information system was designed in this paper, which includes all the workflow templates involved in geological projects management, thus making the flow examples of various stages having different roles and different authorities easily exchangeable and realizing each type of information transmission. This system raise the working efficiency of the management of national geological projects, and makes the work procedure standard, open, and systematic. In addition, it is beneficial to future geological project management.

    • The‘OneGeology Project’ and its research progress in China

      2011, 38(3):799-808.

      Abstract (1939) HTML (0) PDF 5.57 M (3757) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The ‘OneGeology Project’ aims at establishing a system that makes use of J2EE and WebGIS technology to serve geological maps on various scales based on Internet. Participating in the project are lots of international organizations and countries as members. Countries involved in the project are to publish web services based on OGC standards and register the access on the OneGeology portal so as to realize the target of geological map data sharing. On the basis of newly established spatial database of 1:1M geological map of China, this paper tentatively applies relevant standards and requirements of the ‘OneGeology Project’ to the study of digital geological map data sharing, which will surely lay the foundation of ‘OneGeology-China’.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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