• Volume 38,Issue 5,2011 Table of Contents
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    • A discussion on the major molybdenum ore concentration areas in China and their resource potential

      2011, 38(5):1111-1134.

      Abstract (2073) HTML (0) PDF 6.24 M (3634) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Distributed extensively in the whole country, molybdenite is one of the dominant minerals in China. Mo deposits are mainly of porphyry type, skarn type and hydrothermal vein type in genesis. Metallogenic epochs are mostly concentrated in Mesozoic and Cenozoic. In recent years, with the development of technology, the applied area of molybdenum has been gradually expanded, which has stimulated the exploration and exploitation work of molybdenum minerals and made a series of breakthroughs in the exploration and expansion of molybdenum resources. In non-traditional molybdenum ore areas, many large or giant molybdenum deposits were found, which has fundamentally changed the original pattern of“W in South, Mo in North”. In this paper, based on extensive data collection, the authors summarized the characteristics of molybdenum ore resources in China and preliminary divided molybdenum ore deposits in China into 17 large ore concentration areas in consideration of magma, tectonic settings, stratigraphy, fluids, metallogenic ages and other factors. The main geological characteristics and metallogenic characteristics of molybdenum ore concentration areas were described. On such a basis, regional metallogenic models for four most important molybdenum ore concentration areas were established. Meanwhile, based on data and molybdenum ore-searching achievements, this paper makes a comment on the resource potential of major molybdenum ore concentration areas and gives suggestions for future exploration work.

    • Important metallogenic events and tectonic response of Qinling, Qilian and Kunlun orogenic belts

      2011, 38(5):1135-1149.

      Abstract (2153) HTML (0) PDF 6.01 M (3968) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Qinling, Qilian and Kunlun orogenic belts were formed by the superimposition of Paleo-Asian and Tethys structural domains, which had played an important role in the formation of China’s continent during Phanerozoic. The tectonic evolution is complex, and mineralization has diverse characteristics. The significant metallogenic periods are Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, with the important ore-forming events occurring in Proterozoic. Based on studies of the ore-forming events of Qinling, Qilian and Kunlun orogenic belts in relation to their structural environments, the authors have found that the main metallogenic events correspond to specific structural responses. Accordingly, the paleo-Proterozoic Bulunkou magnetite deposit in West Kunlun might have been an important iron formation event. The Qimantage ore concentrated area located along the convergence zone between Altun and East Kunlun tectonic belts is a main tectonic syntaxis. Newly discovered ore deposits were produced by the structure transition and multi-stage functions. The Jinchuan giant Ni-Cu deposit in the Longshoushan Mountain adjacent to the Northern Qilian Mountain is a product of magma upwelling of mantle-derived material in Proterozoic. The Mayuan Pb-Zn deposit is a relatively typical MVT deposit consistent with the structural evolution of the Qinling orogenic belt.

    • Metallogenic regularity and prospecting orientation of agate in volcanic rocks of Fuxin area, western Liaoning

      2011, 38(5):1168-1178.

      Abstract (2019) HTML (0) PDF 2.61 M (3795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:According to the route geological survey along actual geological sections as well as the study of more than 200 agate mineral spots and mineralized spots, the Yixian Formation is divided into five eruption cycles. This paper describes the main features of the agates belonging to body-like secretory type and fracture filling type in Yixian Formation and related cryptovolcanic rocks in Fuxin area. Some conclusions have been reached: The stratabound characteristics of the agates of these two genetic types are obvious; they mainly originated in the eruption cyclesⅠandⅡof Yixian Formation; the agate veins of the fracture filling type is primarily in the NNW-NNE direction; the sequence of favorable ore rock is andesitic melaphyre, related cryptovolcanic clastic rocks, basalt and volcanogene clastic rocks. On such a basis, it is pointed out that the agate of the fracture filling type is the major genetic type in prospecting for agate in the future,and that the key prospecting areas are Zidoutai-Qijiazi and Laohetu-Shijiazi.

    • Petrogenesis and source characteristics of Permian picrites and basalts in Muli area, Sichuan Province

      2011, 38(5):1179-1187.

      Abstract (1906) HTML (0) PDF 3.09 M (3026) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Nuremous papers have been published for Emeishan Permian basalts; nevertheless, some key scientific problem, such as magma source components and P-T conditions, remain problems of hot debate. This paper reported petrologic, geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic data of the Permian picrites and related basalts in Muli area of eastern Sichuan, and discussed magma source characteristics and P-T conditions of these volcanic rocks. The authors have detected that main rock types are picrites and high-Ti and Low-Ti basalts. Picritic magmas were probably derived from the high temperature area at the center of the plume head (the axial zone of mantle plume) and melted within the garnet stable field. However, high-Ti and low-Ti basaltic magmas were probably derived from the mantle plume tail area. High-Ti basalts were mainly melted within the garnet stable field, but the low-Ti basalts were probably melted around the garnet-spinel transition. Both picritic and basaltic magmas were mixed with a subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in various degrees during their upward migration, and the low-Ti basaltic magmas might have been contaminated by crust materials.

    • Types, distribution and main controlling factors of volcanic rocks in Tahe area

      2011, 38(5):1188-1200.

      Abstract (1858) HTML (0) PDF 5.58 M (3096) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on core observation, geochemical exploration and a comprehensive analysis of logging and seismic data, the authors hold that that two types of volcanic rocks, i.e., dacite and basalt, occur in Tahe area of Tarim basin, that fissure eruption,extrusion and overflow made up the main forms of volcanic eruption,and that lava flow resulted in the formation of extensive volcanic rocks in Tahe area. The distribution of volcanic rocks is characterized by gradual thinning from southwest to northeast,controlled by the following factors: ① in salt body covered area and its vicinity, the activity of salt body during late Hercynian movement significantly controlled the shape and distribution of the overlying volcanic rock, as evidenced by the facts that the residual volcanic rocks are mainly found in salt-edge sags and the south wing of the area covered with salt body and that these rocks are thickest in sags between salt bodies and thinnest in the salt bulge area which experienced uplifting and erosion; ② the distribution of the volcanic rocks in the north of the study area is mainly controlled by the basement fractures; ③ the volcanic rocks in the southern slope area of the salt body might have been derived from lava overflowing at the center of Tarim basin

    • Metallogenic response to geological structural evolution in Aguimiao area, Inner Mongolia

      2011, 38(5):1201-1211.

      Abstract (1776) HTML (0) PDF 2.61 M (3682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Located in the western part of the Langshan orogenic belt, Aguimiao area is similar to the Dongshengmiao, Tanyaokou and Huogeqi large-superlarge Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe sulfide deposits in ore-forming structural geological setting and conditions. Based on an analysis of the geological setting of Langshan area and Aguimiao area, the authors studied the process of geological structural evolution and mineralization. Aguimiao area has experienced a long geological structural evolution and development process, which includes the following stages: ① the basement rock formation was formed in Neoarchean; ② the crystalline basement was formed, deformed and metamorphied in Upper Archean and Lower Proterozoic; ③ the passive continental margin aulacogen was broken up, received sediments and expereicned mineralization in Proterozoic; ④ the passive continental margin aulacogen was closed in late Neo-Proterozoic; ⑤ the development of compression and orogeny with considerable intrusion of acid-intermediate magma and the deformation occurred from Hercynian to Mesozoic. The different types of ore deposits were formed in different stages of geological structural evolution in Aguimiao area: ① the hydrothermal sedimentary banded-iron formation (BIF) deposits were formed in submarine volcanic environment in Neoarchean; ② the hydrothermal sedimentary sulfide deposits related to the Langshan passive continental margin aulacogenn were formed in Mesoproterozoic; ③ the middle-small sized porphyry copper-gold deposits were formed by the magmatic-hydrothermal activities,related to the process of compression and orogeny from Hercynian to Mesozoic.

    • The unconformable distribution of Caledonian and Indosinian strata in Jiangnan-Xuefeng area

      2011, 38(5):1212-1219.

      Abstract (2053) HTML (0) PDF 2.27 M (4843) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The tectonic nature of Jiangnan - Xuefeng orogenic belt is a controversial issue which has aroused great attention among geologists in China. The nature of the Caledonian and Indosinian unconformity in Xuefeng region reflects the sphere of influence in the two stages of orogeny. Based on field geological survey, the authors have found that Jing'an - Xupu - Jingzhou fault and Xiushui - Cili - Baojing - Sandu fault are boundaries of different types of unconformity and the limits of influence in Caledonian orogeny. On the southeast side of Jing'an - Xupu - Jingzhou fault there is a strong fold deformation zone with well developed angular unconformity. In the vast area on the west side of Xiushui - Cili - Baojing - Sandu fault there is no obvious fold deformation, but vertical uplift is well developed, correspondingly forming parallel unconformity. The area between the two faults is a weak fold deformation zone with well developed slightly angular unconformity. The distribution of different types of unconformity in Indosinian period, which is bounded by Puqi - Cili - Baojing fault and Xianning - Hefeng - Longshan fault, has certain continuity relationship with the dsitribution of the Caledonian orogeny. In Indosinian movement, the area on the east side of Puqi - Cili - Baojing fault was a strong fold deformation zone, with well developed angular unconformity, whereas parallel unconformity was well developed on the west side of Xianning - Hefeng - Longshan fault. Between the two major faults there is slightly angular unconformity. From the distribution of different types of unconformity in Caledonian and Indosinian orogeny, it can be concluded that the influence range in Indosinian movement advanced more westward than that in Caledonian orogeny, and the Xuefeng uplift area was only on the western edge of the two stages of intracontinental orogeny, rather than acted as the structural center.

    • Sedimentary characteristics and tectonic background of Bantou period in Fujian

      2011, 38(5):1220-1231.

      Abstract (1957) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (4396) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Early Cretaceous Bantou Formation in Fujian Province is of river and lacustrine facies of fragmental sediments with well-developed black shales. The lake and swamp were widely distributed, which could be assigned to mild mid-latitude climate geographical environment. It has rich and different kinds of fossils. The Zhenghe-Dabu fault zone is a boundary, with which Fujian continent can be easily divided into west and east parts. There are obvious differences in appearance and characteristics of Bantou Formation in these two parts. There are some problems concerning Bantou Formation which deserve further studies. In this paper, knowledge was obtained through scientific investigation by the combination of field survey with in-door analysis. The sedimentary period of Bantou Formation belonged to Aptian Stage in an active island arc belt in Early Cretaceous. Graden basins were extensively developed, which subsided at the early stage and was faulted at the late stage. The tectonic background of Bantou Formation resulted from the interaction between palaeo-Pacific plate and Eurasian plate, with the crust thickness subtracted probably in partial areas. There were no continuous large scale subsidence of graden basin in Early Cretaceous in Fujian and Taiwan Strait, and the source rocks and reservoirs with considerable thickening could be hardly formed. Oil and gas potential can hardly be delineated without the knowledge of thickened detrital deposition and good allocations. As thermal events were violent volcanic movements in Fujian and Taiwan Strait from Cretaceous to Cenozoic, they might have strongly affected the transformation and migratory concentration of organic materials at the late stage of Early Cretaceous. The understanding obtained by the authors is of great significance, showing that the investigation of tectonic, lithofacies and palaeogeographic factors is very important in oil and gas exploration in Bantou Formation.

    • The discovery of large-scale acanthomorphic acritarch assemblage on the southern margin of North China old land and an analysis of its paleogeographic environment

      2011, 38(5):1232-1243.

      Abstract (2051) HTML (0) PDF 2.64 M (4103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Numerous large-scale acanthomorpic acritarchs have been found in Neoproterozoic Ruyang Group on the southern margin of North China old land. They are acritarchs with double layers, complex ornaments on the outer layer, dense hollow or nets on the inner layer and nucleus in the cell. Some geologists and palaeogeologists are doubtful why these acritarchs occur in Mesoproterozoic strata in that they usually occur in Neoproterozoic strata. However, scientists fail to know their origin and evolutional pedigree. In recent years, the Meso- and Neoproterozoic section in Jixian has been regarded as a stratotype section in China; nevertheless, new SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating (1368±12 Ma) was performed for Xiamaling Formation, which gives the formation a new location in the Meso- and Neoproterozoic column and breaks the old evolutional sequence. The new dating suggests that there is a gap in the geological record in 1200~900 Ma. According to a biostratigraphic analysis, the Neoproterozoic strata with large-scale acanthomorpic acritarchs will fill up the gap of the Jixian section. This paper deals with the appearance of the acritarchs, stratigraphic correlation, and the possible tectonic implication of the acritarchs in the light of biostratigraphy, geochemistry and lithology.

    • Stratigraphic zoning and tectonic events in Indochina and adjacent areas of southwest China

      2011, 38(5):1244-1256.

      Abstract (2321) HTML (0) PDF 1.94 M (4539) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on a comparative study of southwest China and neighboring Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam as well as an investigation of the tectonic evolution as well as sedimentary and paleontological features, the authors divided the whole study region into five stratigraphic zones, i.e., the India zone belonging to Gondwana type, the Yunnan-Myanmar-Malaysia pro-Gondwana transitional zone, the Indochina pro-South China transitional zone, the Yangtze zone and the Cathaysian zone belonging to Laurasia. The basic characteristics of each zone are discussed, the sedimentary evolution is comparatively studied, and the important regional tectonic events and ocean basin evolution are dealt with in detail.

    • New stratigraphic discovery in Qiashikansayi canal of eastern Altun Mountains

      2011, 38(5):1257-1262.

      Abstract (1885) HTML (0) PDF 4.20 M (3100) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Massive and almost unmetamorphosed marine sedimentary strata mainly composed of volcanic rocks, clastic rocks, carbonate rocks are exposed on the northern slope of the Altun Mountains. Based on measuring the lateral section in this area, the authors have found that the strata unconformably overlie mesometamorphic Changchengian strata. Fossils such as radiolarian and sponge spicule are present in siliceous rocks of the study area, and studies show that these fossils belong to middle-late Ordovician period. According to these findings, the authors have re-determined and subdivided the strata.

    • Shallow water delta depositional model of the lower segment of the Xingouzui Formation in eastern Qianjiang depression

      2011, 38(5):1263-1273.

      Abstract (1932) HTML (0) PDF 4.50 M (3922) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The lower segment of the Xingouzui Formation in eastern Qianjiang depression is an important horizon for finding lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir in the future. Based on a synthetic analysis of core description as well as thin section and logging data in combination with sedimentary marks of lithology,paleoclimate,sedimentary structure,and the depositional background of weak tectonic movement and flattened palaeotopography,the authors hold that the lower segment of the Xingouzui Formation is of a shallow water delta depositional system. The shallow water delta has the following characteristics:① there exist well-developed underwater distributary channel microfacies,underdeveloped mouth bar,extensive sand sheet,and frequently alternate pre-delta and front deposition;② various facies belts are smoothly connected with each other without apparent slope gradient;③ depositional model has no three-layer structures like “Gilber delta”. During the depositional evolution,the shallow water delta deposition was affected by such factors as palaeoclimate,density contrast of stream and salt lake,fluviatile action and lake surface fluctuation.,and the shape and the development extent of the underwater distributary channel were especially apparently controlled by these factors,forming strong or weak reformed front sand. Favorable allocation for generating reservoirs and cap rocks in the lower segment of the Xingouzui Formation was favorable for forming lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs.

    • Characteristics of Cenozoic sedimentary evolution in western Qaidam Basin

      2011, 38(5):1274-1281.

      Abstract (2630) HTML (0) PDF 3.70 M (3576) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Qaidam basin in northern Tibetan Plateau has preserved intact Cenozoic strata. Based on field survey of the Changweitai section along the northeast limb of the Mangya depression anticlinorium in combination with thin section analysis, the authors studied the lithology, facies and rock combination characteristics. Then through the basic sequence analysis, the cycle characteristics of each formation were revealed. Finally, the holistic sedimentary evolution characteristics of the Cenozoic strata were summarized, with the purpose of revealing the evolution of the regional Cenozoic sedimentary environment.

    • Clastic tempestite in Xiejiawan Member of Ganxi Formation within Longmenshan area and its significance

      2011, 38(5):1282-1288.

      Abstract (2027) HTML (0) PDF 2.82 M (3399) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on data of cross sections and observation of thin sections,the authors studied the clastic tempestite in Xiejiawan Member of Lower Devonian Ganxi Formation within Longmenshan area. Ganxi Formation is composed of clastic rocks, with the sedimentary structures developed characteristically in storm deposits, which consist of 2 types of storm deposits: distal storm flow and proximal sandy storm flow. The discovery of tempestite in Devonian Ganxi Formations is helpful to in-depth understanding of sedimentary facies in this area, which suggests that this area was located in the low latitude zone where storm deposits were developed. It can be regarded as an isochronous sign for stratigraphic division. The storm deposit has important significance for the interpretation of the palaeo-oceanography, palaeoclimate and palaeotectonics and plate motion of the Longmen Mountain.

    • Turbidity fans and hydrocarbon prospecting of lower 3rd Member of Shahejie Formation from well Che15, Jiyang depression

      2011, 38(5):1289-1297.

      Abstract (1787) HTML (0) PDF 2.94 M (3090) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on seismic, well-logging and core data, the authors recognized the deep-water turbidity fans and slide turbidity fans developed in the lower 3rd Member of Shahejie Formation from the well block Che 15 in Chezhen sag, Jiyang depression. Well Chegu 25 is characterized by the slide turbidity fans with supplied or rooted channels, where the inner fan and its channels are especially developed, and are composed of debris-flow and a few turbidity-flow boulder-, cobble- and pebble-conglomerates with thickness of 10 to 20 m and gravel sandstones bedded with thin-layer dark grey or grey mudstones; the conglomerates of falling-boulder 1.06m in size reflect steep slope topography. On the seismic profiles, the fans assume wedge form, where the inner-fan is weakly reflected, and the middle- and outer-fans are of divergently and subparallelly continuous seismic reflection configuration. Well Che 57 of fine-grained sediments is characterized by the deep-water turbidity fans with rooted channels and deep lacustrine facies, where the middle-fans are especially developed, and are composed of debris-flow pebbly-conglomerates with thickness of 5 to 11m and gravel sandstones interlayered with dark grey mudstones; the well-logging curve pattern of channel sediments is bell-shaped. it is concluded that the slide turbidity fans experienced progradation along the channels from north to south, and the deep-water turbidity fans occurred in the central lake; two types of fans were disposed in the pinch-and-swell form along the main tectonic orientation, and were wrapped in extensively-distributed deep lake facies, assuming the sedimentary framework of “fans packaged in deep-lake”. The recognition and confirmation of boundaries of the turbidity fans is of great significance for hydrocarbon prospecting of the subtle traps.

    • Reef-forming types and distribution of organic reefs in Changxing Formation of northeastern Sichuan area

      2011, 38(5):1298-1311.

      Abstract (1973) HTML (0) PDF 7.39 M (3274) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Organic reefs gas reservoirs such as Longgang, Puguang, Huanglong and Wubaiti were found in northeastern Sichuan area. They are characterized by thick reservoirs,larger areas and abundant reserves, thus suggesting wide exploration and development prospects. In northeastern Sichuan, reefs are mainly divided into platform marginal reef and point reef in platform, with obvious different characteristics. The platform marginal reef is characterized by large scale, intact facies belt of reef combination, strong water energy, control by paleogeographic location and paleogeomorphic environment, and cluster distribution mainly on both sides of the oceanic trough. In contrast, the point reef in platform is characterized by small scale, weak water energy, smaller reef-forming organism individual, no deposition of reef front or reef back, more cycles of the reef body, development of thrombolite, insignificant distribution regularity, control by paleogeomorphogy, and random distribution along local highland in the platform.

    • Stratigraphic sequence of the Jurassic Badaowan Formation and coal-forming characteristics of the Kamst coalfieldi

      2011, 38(5):1312-1323.

      Abstract (1879) HTML (0) PDF 4.68 M (3475) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on drilling, logging, field outcrop and fossil data obtained in the Kamst coalfield and using the basic theory and method of classic sequence stratigraphy, the authors divided the sequence stratigraphy of the Badaowan Formation in this coalfield, and identified two 3rd-order sequences of SQ1 and SQ2. According to the style of stratigraphic superposition and cycle of sedimentation, the authors further subdivided them into six system tracts. On the basis of the basic deposition maps and the analysis of sedimentary environment, the authors have revealed that the sedimentary evolution characteristics of the Badaowan Formation were mainly affected by the difference in land forms and palaeoclimate. It is found that the coal-formation of the purpose layers occurred during the period of lowstand and highstand systems tracts, but lacustrine transgression was not conducive to coal accumulation. Through a detailed study of sedimentary characteristics and coal accumulation of the Badaowan Formation in the Kamst coalfield, this paper provides basic data for further coal exploration.

    • Research on the source direction in Upper 4th Member of Shahejie Formation in Shengtuo area

      2011, 38(5):1324-1333.

      Abstract (1767) HTML (0) PDF 4.75 M (3114) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The study of sediment source is significant in understanding and identifying favorable sedimentary facies belts and distribution of reservoir sands in the study area as well as in prospecting for favorable oil and gas reservoirs. Because the exploration extent of the 4th Member of Shahejie Formation is at a relatively low level in Shengtuo area,previous researches on the purpose layer sedimentary source system is very insufficient. The authors studied the source direction of the Upper 4th Member of Shahejie Formation in Shengtuo area in such aspects as palaeo-geomorphologic analysis, lithic fragment type of sediments, proportion of sandstone and characteristic element type, and distribution studies from seismic, logging and geochemical data. Combined with the source indexes of characteristic elements, the authors evaluated quantitatively the source system of the Upper 4th Member of Shahejie Formation in this area. According to the result, the authors point out that the source of the Upper 4th Member of Shahejie Formation was derived from the uplifted side directly as well as the source system from the accommodation zone of Shengbei and Tuo94 faults. Other sources came along the transfer zone of Shengbei and Tuo94 fault.

    • Characteristics of ore-forming fluids and sources of ore-forming materials in the Dongyuan W-Mo deposit, southern Anhui Province

      2011, 38(5):1334-1346.

      Abstract (2173) HTML (0) PDF 3.08 M (3278) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Lying in Qimen City of Anhui Province, the Dongyuan W-Mo deposit is the largest W-Mo deposit so far discovered in this region. Its major W-Mo ore bodies are mainly hosted in granodiorite porphyry and near the contact zone, and mineralization is mainly of veinlet dissemination and dissemination types. Geochemical study of fluid inclusions shows that gas components of fluid inclusions are mainly H2O and CO2, with minor amounts of such components as C2H4, N2 and CH4. Liquid components of fluid inclusions are mainly Ca2+, Na+, SO2-4 and Cl-, with subordinate K+ and F- and small amounts of Mg2+, NO-3 and Br-. Studies of hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and lead isotopes show that δ18Owater‰ values of the inclusions in quartz range from -0.498‰ to 3.102‰, and δDwater‰ values of quartz range from -85‰ to -66‰, suggesting that the ore-forming fluid was mainly derived from the mixed meteoric water and magmatic water. δ34SV-CDT‰ values of pyrite range from 2.6‰ to 5.8‰, implying that sulfur might have been derived from the Dongyuan granodiorite intrusion as a result of the leaching of ore-forming fluids. The lead isotope have a small range of values, and its source has obvious mixing characteristics. The ore-forming fluids in the metallogenic process experienced immiscibility or boiling and mixing with heated meteoric water, and thus changed the physical and chemical conditions of the ore-forming fluid system, causing unstableness of W and Mo complexes in the system and resulting in the precipitation, precipitation and enrichment of large quantities of ore-forming materials to form the ore deposit.

    • Isotopic characteristics of the main hot springs in southern Gaoligong Mountain

      2011, 38(5):1347-1354.

      Abstract (1986) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (3928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The origins of the main hot springs in southern Gaoligong Mountain and the cyclic characteristics were analyzed by using water chemistry isotope techniques, and some important results were achieved. The hot springs in the area was low-mineralized, alkaline, Na-HCO3 type water,which originated in the rainfall,with characteristics of fast cyclic rate,incomplete water-rock interaction,and flowing in a relatively open oxidation environment. These characteristics are especially outstanding in the Huangcaoba spring and the Sanguan spring. Groundwater recharge areas are mainly located at the elevation of 1800 m and near the spring that is recharged by atmospheric precipitation in the vicinities. There exist two kinds of mixing processes, i.e., shallow and deep mixing processes. Mixing ratio of modern water is above 90% in the Huangcaoba spring and the Sanguan spring. Hot spring thermal reservoir temperature is between 100 and 200℃, and the circular depth is 2000-4000 m.

    • Distribution of organic carbon in the Luochuan loess/paleosol and its relationship with clay minerals

      2011, 38(5):1355-1362.

      Abstract (2047) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The total organic carbon (TOC) and its major components, i.e., stable organic carbon (StOC), mineral-protected organic carbon (MOC), and chemical resistant organic carbon (COC) , were analyzed for both loess and paleosol layers in Luochuan profile, and the correlations between the clay particle content, clay mineral content and TOC content were studied. The results are as follows: (1) the content of TOC is higher in paleosol (except for S4) than in loess, but the differences of the average content of StOC, MOC, COC are not obvious between loess and paleosol; (2) the loess and paleosol needed different time spans to reach the stabilization of the values of TOC: the former needed about 140~250 ka and the latter needed 330~410 ka; (3) the clay particle content is well correlated with TOC content and COC content (r=0.46, r=0.54), whereas the slit content and the fine sand particle content are poorly corrected with TOC content and COC content. The results indicate that the clay particle is a significant composition for storage of carbon organic in soils; (4) kaolinite content is highly correlated with TOC content and COC content (r=0.74, r=0.61), whereas illite and montmorillonite are not correlated or poorly correlated with TOC content and COC content.

    • Geochemical baseline values of elements in soil of Jiangsu Province

      2011, 38(5):1363-1378.

      Abstract (2458) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Geochemical baseline values of elements mean their normal concentrations within the natural environmental soils and belong to a kind of inherent chemical compositions and structural characteristics related to primitive matter. The whole 1∶250 000 multi-target regional geochemistry survey of Quaternary sediments had been accomplished in Jiangsu Province by 2007, and a lot of geochemical data of soil samples were obtained. In this paper, data of 6 127 natural environmental soil samples containing total contents of 52 elements and total organic carbon (TOC) from Jiangsu were studied by statistical calculation, and the new geochemical baseline values about element contents in soil of Jiangsu are equivalent to the mean concentration ±1.5 or 2 Std. Deviation of every element from the above stated 6 127 samples by eliminating abnormal data is reported. The 6 127 samples cover about 102 600 km2 of the whole land of Jiangsu, and a soil sample per 16km2 was measured at the chemical laboratory, with every measured sample consisting of 4 samples collected from a unit of 4 km2 like a chessboard lattice, and all sampling depths being 150~200 cm or so. Some conclusions have been reached:First, most element contents are not in normal distribution, and the mean content from these elements does not change obviously after eliminating abnormal data. Second, anthropogenic input has apparently increased a part of contents of Cd, Hg, Se and N , etc. in topsoil above the depth of 20 cm, and it is necessary to exclude disturbance of anthropogenic activity to establish geochemical baseline value of soils. Third, parent matter, genetic classification of soils and topographic units are main factors affecting element content distribution within soil of Jiangsu, and the difference of normal concentrations of some elements are very obvious in soil of different areas. The information obtained by the authors will provide new clues and bases for assessing eco-environmental quality and establishing local standard of soil environment.

    • An assessment of the heavy metal pollution and potential ecological hazards in urban soil of Tangshan City

      2011, 38(5):1379-1386.

      Abstract (2142) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:With the urban soil of Tangshan City as the study target, the authors evaluated the environmental quality of soil heavy metals and pollution characteristics by adopting the single factor index method and Nemerow comprehensive index method. Besides, the potential ecological hazard index suggested by Hakanson was used to assess the ecological hazards of heavy metals in urban soil. All of the heavy metal elements are not in the pollution state, especially all of Hg, Ni, Cr and As are in a clean condition. Most of Pb, Zn and Cu are in a clean condition, with only 7.94% of Pb, 6.35% of Zn and 1.59% of Cu in a safe state. Most of Cd are in a clean and safe condition, with only 1.59% of Cd in an alert state. On the whole, the integrated pollution assessment shows that the soil environment is good, with clean, safe, alert and contaminated soil area possessing 98.41%, 1.59%, 0 % and 0% respectively. As for the heavy metal elements, Hg is mainly responsible for potential ecological hazard, and its content has reached the high potential ecological hazard level; other heavy metals only cause small potential ecological hazards. Considering synthetically the potential ecological hazards of heavy metals, the authors have found that the percentage of small, medium, high and strong ecological hazard is respectively 73.02%, 26.98%, 0% and 0%. Therefore, the general performance is the small potential ecological hazard.

    • Geochemical features and contamination assessment of soil elements in east Shandong Province

      2011, 38(5):1387-1395.

      Abstract (1926) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on the agro-ecological geochemical survey of east Shandong Province, the authors studied the differences of geochemical background values and baselines of 54 elements or indicators in soil between the study area and whole China. Through comparing the background values and baselines of soil in the study area, it is found that most of the elements or indicators of the surface soil have inherited the content of parent materials, and the human activities has had little effect on them. Meanwhile, an obvious change in the distribution of such components as Zn, Pb, Cu, Se, Cd, S, P, Hg, N and OrgC was found in surface soil, which might be attributed to the supergene or human activities. The correlation analysis between elements in surface soil and deep soil confirms that concentrations of elements in deep soil can reflect the original geochemical content of elements in surface soil. Pollution assessment methods are discussed, and it is revealed that pollutions of Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Zn, Se, S, in surface soil are very serious in such gold orefields as Laizhou-Zhaoyuan-Yantai and Muping-Rushan and in residential areas of cities. These contaminations could be attributed to the geological background and human activites such as gold mining, industrial activities and urban emissions.

    • A study of the geological project management platform based On GIS

      2011, 38(5):1396-1404.

      Abstract (1924) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on analyzing the development and practice of several existing geological project management systems in combination with the actual demand of geological project management,utilizing successful experience of the previous systems and making full use of network technology, GIS technology and database technology, the authors developed a new and improved geological project management platform system. The user can select the suitable attribute template for management of different projects. For this reason, the system can be used to manage data of multi-geological project management. In addition, the user can make a customized template for their specific requirements on the platform.

    • Research on the geological survey website group based on metadata

      2011, 38(5):1405-1411.

      Abstract (1648) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Building website group is a new idea for the development of electronic-government, and website group can achieve the effective integration of dispersed resources. With the building of Geological Survey website group as an example, this paper describes the concept and characteristics of the website group, and proposes the building ideas of technical architecture and three-systems at three-levels. A detailed analysis is made concerning metadata-based information sharing solutions, and a system deployment plan is given.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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