Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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GAO Lin-zhi , DAI Chuan-gu , DING Xiao-zhong , WANG Min , LIU Yan-xue , WANG Xue-hua , CHEN Jian-shu
2011, 38(6):1413-1420.
Abstract:Abstract:The deposition of the Xiajiang Group represents a new rift in late Neoproterozoic. The determination of the age of the Xiajiang Group is of great importance for the study of the Neoproterozoic tectonic movement. A suite of Neoproterozoic alaskite intruded into the Fanjiangshan Group and was covered by the Xiajiang Group, which developed large quantities of alaskite basal conglomerate. However, the alaskite zircon U-Pb age of 835±5 Ma will constrain the starting time of the deposition of the Xiajiang Group and the upper limit of the deposition of Fanjiangshan Group. Combined with the bentonite zircon U-Pb age of 814±6 Ma of the Jialu Formation in Xiajiang Group and considering the age of the Wuling Movement, the authors hold that the deposition age of the Xiajiang Group is not older than the age of the alaskite basal conglomerates.
SONG Tian-rui , TANG Ji-gang , ZHANG Yong-sheng , SU Kui , FAN Fu , GONG Wen-qiang , WANG Jun-tao
2011, 38(6):1421-1429.
Abstract:Abstract:Iron cosmic spherules were discovered for the first time in modern coastal sediments of the Rose Garden, which, as a part of the Golden Pebble Beach in Dalian City, is a nation-grade scenic spot where the quantity of cosmic spherules is fairly large. 18 grains were separated from a 2.4 kg sample whose size is less than 0.5mm. The particle sizes of cosmic spherules range from 158 um to 423 um, and most of them possess segregation and mosaic structure on their surfaces. The cosmic spherules can be divided into four types according to their chemical composition, i.e. Fe, Si-Al-Fe, Cr-Fe, and Ti-Fe species. The relationship between minerals in the Ti-Fe cosmic grains, which constitute a species of cosmic spherules collected there, was studied specially in this paper, and the results show that the titanium magnetite was formed around magnetite by quick cooling segregation. Comparative studies of cosmic spherules collected from modern sediments of Dalian in Liaoning and Zedang in Tibet and those from the sediments in deep sea of the Pacific Ocean as well as from the Proterozonic sedimentary rocks in the Ming Tombs of Beijing have shown that their chemical compositions are different from each other, but their particle sizes and surface characteristics are similar to each other.
CHEN Huan-Qing , HU Yong-Le , JIN Jiu-Qiang , RAN Qi-Quan
2011, 38(6):1430-1439.
Abstract:Abstract:Exemplified by the volcanic reservoir of 1st Member of Yingcheng Formation in Xudong area of Songliao Basin, the authors studied the characteristics of flow unit spatial-temporal development in the aim strata of the study area. In this process, all work was based on the isochronous framework of stratrigraphy. Two parameters were selected and the software of SPSS was used. In addition, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis were carried out. The results indicate that porosity and permeability are two parameters which can well represent the reservoir characteristics. The flow unit in the study area can be classified into four types, i.e., Type I, II, III and IV, in which Type III and Type IV are well developed, Type II possesses the second place, and Type I is poorly developed. Closely combining the well data and seismic data in the isochronous framework of stratrigraphy and using the software of SPSS to perform cluster analysis and discriminant analysis prove to be a very efficient way for flow unit study. It can provide substantial foundation for the exploitation of the volcanic reservoir.
WANG Chuan-shang , LI Xu-bing , BAI Yun-shan , LIU An , ZENG Xiong-wei
2011, 38(6):1440-1445.
Abstract:Abstract:An analysis of thirty-eight C/O stable isotopic samples collected from the Wangcun section in the Cambrian slope facies of Yongshun area within Hunan Province shows that there is a carbon isotope abnormal event, i.e., the SPICE event. The event shows remarkable positive shift of stable carbon isotopes, whose value increases from 0.69‰ at the top of Huaqiao Formation to the peak of 3.05‰ in the middle of Chefu Formation, and then decreases gradually to 0.67‰ in the middle of Bitiao Formation. The event was genetically not only related to the upwelling and the fast burial of organic materials but also to the weathering of carbonate rocks. Due to its extensive correlativity, this event is of great significance for stratigraphic correlation, especially for the correlation of strata in the restricted platform.
CHEN Liu-qin , , GUO Rong-tao , ZHONG Yan
2011, 38(6):1446-1453.
Abstract:Abstract:The Upper Triassic Jiuligang Formation and Wanglongtan Formation constitute a classic clastic sedimentary succession deposited in the foredeep belt of the Jingmen-Dangyang basin. Eight lithofacies, six constitutional elements and five depositional systems can be recognized from the outcrop data. On the basis of sequence boundaries composed mainly of subaerial unconformities, the upper Triassic strata of the Jingmen-Dangyang basin can be subdivided into four sedimentary sequences (TS1, TS2, TS3 and TS4), each one of which was formed during the loading and unloading of orogenic cycles. The Jiuligang Formation is dominated by coal-bearing sedimentary cycles of lakes and swamps, reflecting the condition of relatively inadequate sediment supply and high accommodation rates and an underfilled basin. In contrast, fluvial systems dominate the Wanglongtan Formation characterized by thick-bedded sandstone sedimentary cycles, suggesting adequate sediment supply and low accommodation rates and an overfilled basin during the early-middle deposition period of Wanglongtan Formation. Accommodation rates and sequence stacking are mainly controlled by subsidence rates induced by adjacent orogenic belt. Under the warm and humid climate conditions, depositional systems transformed from low energy lakes and swamps to high energy rivers, and each upward fining sequence indicates terrain gradient and sedimentary media energy gradually decreased in an orogenic cycle.
ZHENG Ning , LI Ting-dong , GENG Shu-fang , SONG Zhi-rui , YAN Li-yan
2011, 38(6):1454-1466.
Abstract:Abstract:Cambrian strata of southwestern Jiangxi are composed of a set of sandy and muddy flysch sediments. Controversies have long existed as to the sedimentary-tectonic environment of these strata. Based on the theories of sedimentary geology and lithofacies-paleogeography, the authors combined field investigation with indoor laboratory analysis and recovered the sedimentary-tectonic environment through the analysis of stratigraphic framework, basic characteristics of sandstone and lithofacies. It is supposed that this set of flysch is hemipelagic submarine fan facies rock accumulated rapidly in southwestern Jiangxi Province. The provenance of the submarine fan was derived from Cathaysia Block in southeast Jiangxi and then deposited continually in the continental rise on the northern edge of Cathaysia Block. The sea water got deeper gradually from SE to NW in Cambrian period. The sea level rose at the early stage of the lower Cambrian period and then gradually got lowered.
HE Cheng-guang , SHAO Zhao-gang , QIAN Cheng , HAN Jian-en , ZHU Da-gang , MENG Xian-gang , YU Jia , WANG Jin
2011, 38(6):1467-1476.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on an analysis of gravel fabric features of Neogene conglomerate layers at Yutang Town in the middle sector of the Longmenshan structural belt, this paper describes the origin, source, hydrodynamic condition and tectonic setting of the Neogene conglomerate layers. Studies show that the conglomerate layers are proximal alluvial deposits and their source rocks are bedrocks of the Longmenshan structural belt, and the composition of gravels is complex. The gravel components from the lower conglomerate layers are mainly composed of sedimentary rocks and epimetamorphic rocks from the caprocks. Gravels of basement granite largely increase in the middle conglomerate layers. The hydrodynamic condition is not stable. The original maximum flat surface of the gravels tends to turn northwestward, suggesting the increasingly intense crustal movement and a NWW to NW change of paleotectonic stress field during Neogene in the Longmenshan area.
CHEN Xiao-jun, LUO Shun-she, LI Jia-hua
2011, 38(6):1477-1484.
Abstract:Abstract:The Changlongshan Formation of the Qingbaikou System in Xuanlong Depression is dominated by relatively high-maturity littoral-neritic clastic sediments and can be roughly divided into barrierless coast and neritic shelf facies zones as well as into three different facies tracts. Based on an analysis of the testing result of clastic rock samples, the authors systemically discuss the enrichment mechanism of trace elements and its environmental significance and, using correlation analysis, deal with the correlativity between oxides of clastic rocks. The results show that, due to rising sea level during the deposition of Changlongshan Formation, the inflow of ancient rivers not only provided clastic sediments with sufficient terrigenous materials but also caused low salinity of sedimentary water body, suggesting that geochemical characteristics were closely related to the initial sedimentary environment in the study area: the content of both trace elements and oxides significantly increased from foreshore through nearshore to offshore shelf; the content of trace elements, P2O5, MgO, CaO, MnO and the values of M(M=100×MgO/Al2O3) changed especially significantly with the increasing water depth, which can be used as effective marks for the sedimentary environment. This paper also clarifies the major causes for the increase of the content of the terrigenous components (such as Al2O3, K2O, Fe2O3) in deeper water of the nearshore and offshore shelf environment. These features indicate that the geochemical characteristics of the area can be used as important marks for sedimentary facies analysis and that the accuracy of field division of strata and sedimentary facies is relatively high.
TIAN Tao , JIANG You-lu , WAN Tao , XU Xiao-long , XIE Jun
2011, 38(6):1485-1492.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on the composition and concentration variations of nitrogen compounds in the studied oil samples as well as the maturity indexes of saturated and aromatic biomarkers, the authors investigated the oil migration direction of 1st structural belt of Nanpu sag. The results show that the distribution and composition characteristics can obviously indicate oil fractionation effects. The concentration of nitrogen compounds decreases whereas the ratios of shielded nitrogen compounds to exposed ones increase with increasing migration. The oil will migrate to high position along the sand body on the outer side of 1st fault. This is in consistent with oil migration directions deduced from the gradient changes of hydrocarbon biomarkers. They are both consistent with the regional modes of occurrence and exploration facts of oil; nevertheless, because of fractional distillation, these two indexes are somewhat different. Due to weak fractionation, biomarker varies slowly between near-by wells; in contrast, due to strong fractionation and relatively insignificant influence of maturity, data of nitrogen compounds change significantly, which is favorable for the judgment of hydrocarbon migration.
HAN Jian-en, YU Jia, ZHU Da-gang, SHAO Zhao-gang, MENG Xian-gang,QIAN Cheng , HE Cheng-guang , WANG Jin, LV Rong-ping
2011, 38(6):1493-1503.
Abstract:Abstract:The source area of the Yellow River located in northeast Tibetan Plateau is composed mainly of Triassic sedimentary strata. From north to south, a series of nappe structures and some early nearly-vertical ductile shear zones are developed. This paper presents the magnetic fabric of Bayankala Group sedimentary rocks in the Yellow River source area. It is shown that the rock magnetic susceptibility anisotropy(P value)and the percentage of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(H value)are not large either, suggesting overall weak ductile deformation in the area and strong ductile deformation in some parts. The magnetic fabric of rock is characterized by development of magnetic foliation, underdevelopment of magnetic lineation and flattened magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid, implying that rock endured flattening deformation in the compressive stress. The major principal stress is in NNE-SSW (near SN) derection, followed by NE-SW direction. Based on an analysis of rock magnetic fabric, the authors found that there are two ductile shear zones in the source area of the Yellow River. The ductile shear zones and the current distribution of lakes have certain coupling relationship. The northern ductile shear zone along the present Yellow River valley dominates the distribution of Zhalinghu, Elinghu and "Four Sister Lakes " in Maduo. The southern ductile shear zone along Gangnagema Co-Yeniugou belt controls the distribution of remnant lakes.
MENG Zhao-jun , KAN Xue-sheng , LI Xian-chen , WANG Jian-ping , ZHANG Rui-zhong , LV Ke-peng , SUN Zhen-jiang , SHI Yao-jun , ZHANG Jia-nan , WANG Hong-yan , HAN Long , ZHANG Guo-yu
2011, 38(6):1504-1517.
Abstract:Abstract:The discovery of the Chalukou giant porphyry molybdenum polymeatllic ore district, the largest molybdenum ore district in northern China, is a major breakthrough in the exploration work conducted in the forest-covered area within northeastern Da Higgnan Mountains in recent years. This ore deposit is controlled by No. 1029 volcanic mechanism located in southern Yilehuli Mountain and its mineralization is spatially and temporally associated with Late Jurassic subvolcanic quartz porphyry, granite porphyry and cryptoexplosive breccias. The dome-shaped ore body, hosted by volcano-sedimentary rocks and mineralized porphyry stocks, is concealed in the depth and has a great deep extension. Stockworks and filling veinlets are main mineralization types in this ore deposit, together with a few lode and veinlet dissemination types. Hydrothermal alterations are developed widely and show obvious zoning, characterized by notable intense silicification and fluoritization. From the surface to the depth of more than 1 500 m, the extent of mineralization and alteration increases gradually from low-grade ores and weak quartz-sericite assemblage surrounded by large-size argillic zone to high-grade ores and intense silicification and potassic alteration assemblage. There are vein-type lead-zinc-silver ore bodies associated with the mineralization system in the upper part of the Mo ore body. Tectonically, this ore deposit was formed by magmatism that originated from an intra-plate extensional environment after collision-collage of plates. The magmatic-hydrothermal system is highly oxidized and remarkably enriched in F and S, which is similar to the feature of the Climax porphyry Mo deposit in the United States. The discovery and exploration of the Chalukou Mo deposit provide an example for research on the transition of porphyry Mo mineralization to vein-type Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization and has significance for the regional ore prospecting work and the study of tectonic-magmatic processes in northeastern Da Higgnan Mountains and adjacent areas.
LU Xin-xiang , LUO Zhao-hua , HUANG Fan , GU De-min , LI Ming-li , YANG Zong-feng , HUANG Dan-feng , LIANG Tao , LIU Chuan-quan, ZHANG Zhen , GAO Yuan
2011, 38(6):1518-1535.
Abstract:Abstract:The Qinling-Dabie Mountain area, characterized by widely distributed Mo deposits with various types and large reserves, is an important non-ferrous and precious metal ore-forming belt in China and even in the whole world. According to characteristics of Mo deposits in such aspects as modes of occurrence, spatial relationship with magmatic rocks, mineral assemblage, attitude of ore body and hydrothermal alteration, the authors preliminarily divided Mo deposits in Qinling-Dabie Mountain area into 5 types, 7 subtypes and 10 Mo deposit types. Different types of ore deposits have different characteristics of ore-forming elements, which can be assigned to three assemblages: Mo(Mo-W-Re), Mo-Cu-Fe and Mo-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au. According to the new metallogenic theory, there exist four kinds of relationships between magmatic melt and ore-forming fluids, which can explain the geneses of these different types of Mo deposits. The systematization of the types of Mo deposits in Qinling-Dabie Mountain area has important theoretical and economic significance and can provide a theoretical support to the prospecting work.
LI Hong-Ying , MAO Jing-wen , WANG Xiao-xia , YE Hui-shou , YANG Lei
2011, 38(6):1536-1550.
Abstract:Abstract: A study of petrology and element geochemistry shows that Jinduicheng granite porphyry and Balipo granite porphyry are I–type granites in the Jinduicheng ore concentration area. SiO2 values of Jinduicheng porphyry bodies vary in the range of 72.89%~74.06% (73.48% on average), MgO values are 0.073%~0.30%,∑REE values are 43.29%~93.94%, REE distribution patterns are of “V” type, there exists an evident negative Eu anomaly and a weak negative Ce anomaly, δEu values are 0.43~0.78, and δCe are 0.74~0.86. They are enriched with K, Rb, U, Th and Sr, and strongly depleted in Ba, P and Ti. SiO2 of Balipo granites range from 69.87 to 70.80%, Al2O3 values are 14.93%~15.46%, MgO are 0.28%~0.48%, the total rare earth element concentrations (∑REE) of the rocks are 125.23~139.63×10-6, the ratios of Sr/Y are generally higher than 60, Eu has no anomaly or weak positive anomaly, Ce shows weak negative anomaly, and there exists the enrichment of HFSE (such as Ba, U and K) and the depletion of P, Ta and Sr. Plotting of lead isotopes of granite porphyry on the 207Pb/204Pb diagrams and 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb evolution curves show that lead of Balipo granite porphyry might have come from crust source area, and lead of Jinduicheng granite porphyry was probably derived from the crust-mantle mixing source area. Jinduicheng has low Nd (ε(Nd,t)= -20.8~-18.3) and high Sr (ε(Sr,t)= 63.0~74.3), Balipo rocks have extremely low ε(Nd, t) of -20.8~-18.3 and relatively high ε(Sr,t) of 63.0~74.3. Sr. Nd and Pb plots show that the Jinduicheng rocks originated from the lower crust, but were contaminated by mantle-derived materials, and the source rock of Balipo is the lower crust, which has considerable ore-forming potential. the values of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes are similar to the data of the North China plate, suggesting that these intrusives constitute a component part of the North China plate.
LI Jian-bo , JIANG Zhen-pin , LU Yong-hua , GUO Lei , SHI Xing-jun , ZENG Tao
2011, 38(6):1551-1561.
Abstract:Abstract:The content of trace elements, especially the content of Au, becomes higher from the schistosity zone through the cataclastic alteration zone to quartz vein zone, as evidenced by an analysis of features of trace elements in different structure-lithofacies zones of the Chen’er gold deposit. Strain measurement of quartz in different structural-lithofacies zones shows that the strain intensity in the schistosity zone is higher than that in the cataclastic alteration zone, and the strain intensities are concentrated in the schistosity zone. The R Cluster Analysis indicates that Au is closely related to Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn and slightly related to Ni and Co. The authors have found that the cataclastic alteration zone had a lot of structures and made ore fluid concentration easy, and the schistosity zone had weak capability for concentrating the ore fluid. The transition of ductile and brittle deformation not only controlled the space of the ore deposit but also determined the direction of elements transportation.
SHI Shu-juan , WANG Xue-qiu , GONG Jin-zhong
2011, 38(6):1562-1567.
Abstract:Abstract:Gold geochemical anomalies and their relationship with gold reserves are discussed in this paper based on statistic analysis of the data obtained from regional stream sediment geochemical survey in Hebei Province. Twenty-eight gold regional anomalies over an area of 50 km2 and 35 local anomalies with the area from 10 km2 to 50 km2 were delineated by threshold of Au value of 2.6ng/g. The relationship between regional anomalies and gold ore deposits is proved to be intimate. 100% large-size, 81.8% medium-size and 67.8% small-size gold ore deposits occur within regional anomalies. Correlation analysis shows that the correlation coefficient of gold anomalous areal size and gold ore reserves is 0.919, and the correlation coefficient of gold anomalous areal productivity and gold ore reserves is 0.924. Regression analysis shows that the correlation between areal size or areal productivity of gold anomalies and gold ore reserves is in linear form. The result is useful for prediction and evaluation of mineral resource potential.
QUAN Zhi-gao , ZHANG Jia-min , SUN Yan-huai , ZHANG Fa , JI Hai-jun
2011, 38(6):1568-1575.
Abstract:Abstract:The Aiding slope zone in southwest Turpan-Hami basin is a relatively stable tectonic unit, overlain by lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation,Sangonghe Formation and middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation under warm and moist climate conditions. Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation is mainly a suite of coal-bearing fragment rock series of stream-stream delta facies. The mudstone-sandstone-mudstone texture of strata is well developed, and the sandstone body is mainly composed of feldspathic sandstone (conglomerate) and lithoclast sandstone (conglomerate) characterized by relatively low compositional maturity and texture maturity. Primary geochemical types of the rock are black and grey,with relatively strong reduction capability. The interlayer oxidation zone is widely developed in the formation and can be divided into 4 sub-zones, i.e., whole oxidation sub-zone, imperfect oxidation sub-zone, reduction-oxidation intermediate sub-zone and primary rock sub-zone.Sandstone type uranium mineralization is controlled fully by the interlayer oxidation zone and grows within the reduction-oxidation transitional zone.The Shiihongtan large-size interlayer oxidation zone type uranium deposit was recently found in the area. An integrated analysis of structural geological setting, target stratum for prospecting, interlayer oxidized zone, hydrogeological features, primary geochemical type of rocks and basic features of uranium ore in southwest Turpan-Hami basin indicates that prospecting vista of the interlayer oxidized zone uranium ore deposits is vast in the study area. The authors hold that Shiihongtan area should be regarded as the base area for further uranium exploration, and the main promising horizons are 1st and 3rd lithologic members of Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation, that Dican’er segment can serve as the prospective area for next reconnaissance survey, with the main promising horizon being 3rd lithologic member of Xishanyao Formation, and Baizuishan and Baxiankou segments can serve as the further pre-survey prospective areas, with the promising horizons being 2nd and 3rd lithologic members of Xishanyao Formation.
NIU Cui-yi, , WAND Ke-qiang, , LI Shao-ru
2011, 38(6):1576-1583.
Abstract:Abstract:The Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi metallogenic area is one of the most important areas for gold exploration. In recent years, gold prospecting has made some breakthrough in this area. Based on collecting data in such aspects as geology, geophysics, geochemistry, remote sensing and heavy minerals, the authors established a geological spatial database. Through a study of the ore-controlling geological conditions and a summarization of metallogenic regularity, a model of prospecting and prediction was formulated. On such a basis, the authors chose 57 kinds of indicative information covering 6 classes to delineate the information anomalies by using the information computation method of “Deposit Position Indicating System”. Combined with geological, ore and geochemical data, the authors delineated and evaluated the prospecting area.
DAI Yin , HU Wang-shui , TANG Ji-guang , PENG Guo-hong , YAN Fei
2011, 38(6):1584-1592.
Abstract:Abstract:The Hefei basin experienced evolutionary stages of basement formation, depression, rifting and tectonic inversion, and five structural stages have been further recognized as follows: development stage of J1-J2 depression basin, development stage of J3 foreland basin, development stage of K1 strike slip basin, development stage of K2-E rifted basin, and consuming stage of N-Q basin. The key tectonic changes controlling the tectono-stratigraphic framework of Hefei basin are Early Yanshanian, Central Yanshanian, Late Yanshanian and Early Himalayan movements. The structures in the study area are characterized by differential deformation. Three tectonic belts can be recognized, namely, Jinzhai-Shucheng, Liuan-Feixi, and Huainan-Dingyuan. The structural zoning was controlled by a series of NWW-trending fault zones and experienced four periods of tectonic deformation, i.e., Early Yanshanian, Central Yanshanian, Late Yanshanian and Early Himalayan. A preliminary analysis of the exploration potential of the structural deformation zone reveals that Huainan-Dingyuan tectonic belt is the first-grade prospective area, i.e., the most favorable structural deformation zone; Luan-Feixi belt is the second-grade prospective area, i.e., an area beneficial to tectonic deformation; Jinzhai-Shucheng is of the third grade, i.e., an relatively favorable structural deformation zone.
2011, 38(6):1593-1598.
Abstract:Abstract:Lanzhou is one of the frequent geological disaster regions among provincial capital cities in China, and its geohazard is mainly affected by such factors as geology, topography and human activities. Based on an analysis of controlling factors and main factors of landslide development in Lanzhou, and on the platform of GIS system, the authors used Binary Logistic of SPSS to calculate the probability of geological hazards in the unit of the evaluation region. Through the exchange between GIS software platform and SPSS data format and the utilization of the spatial analysis function of GIS software, the landslide hazards susceptibility was divided into different zones in Lanzhou. The results are consistent with the distribution of landslides and thus can play an important role in preventing the geological disasters in Lanzhou.
HUANG Jing-jun , GAN Yi-qun , MIAO Shi-xian , WU Jian-qiang , YANG Lei , HUA Ming , MIN Wang , ZHAO Li-hong , FANG Qiang
2011, 38(6):1599-1606.
Abstract:Abstract:The evaluation index system of geo-environment regionalization,which has been established to evaluate the quality of geological environment, is of significance for effective protection and management of geo-environment. This paper is based on a comprehensive analysis of geo-environment information and achievements obtained in Jiangsu. Guided by the geo-environment problem and taking into account the harmony between people and earth,the principle of geo-environment security, geological resources protection and social needs as well as nature and science,the authors established the evaluation index system for six specialized regionalization divisions,i.e., geological disasters (prevention), mine geological environment (protection), mountain resource conservation, geological heritage protection, groundwater and soil pollution prevention. Besides,a comprehensive regionalization of geo-environment evaluation index system comprising seven target levels,sixteen constrained levels and forty indexes was established to provide a scientific basis for geological environment in Jiangsu.
MENG Su-hua , FEI Yu-hong , ZHANG Zhao-ji , QIAN Yong , LI Ya-song
2011, 38(6):1607-1613.
Abstract:Abstract:In the light of the characteristics of North China plain such as vast area, complex landform and hydrogeological conditions, high degree of groundwater exploitation, remarkable differences in buried depth of groundwater, aerated zone and aquifer lithology and on the basis of large quantities of drilling and groundwater level monitoring data, the authors redefined the influence of changes of aerated zone lithology and groundwater level depth on the groundwater vulnerability assessment, and established the DRITC evaluating indicator system suitable for North China plain and applied it to groundwater vulnerability evaluation. According to the hydrogeological conditions, the North China plain was divided into 4 appraisal districts and 34253 units of 2×2 km2. Groundwater level depth, net recharge, aerated zone lithology, aquifer accumulated thickness and hydraulic conductivity were taken as evaluation indexes, and then groundwater vulnerability composite index and distribution map were obtained. The results indicate that the groundwater vulnerabilities of piedmont alluvial-proluvial fan and Yellow River affected zone in old Yellow River alluvial-proluvial plain are high or very high. The test results of 7472 groups of groundwater organic pollution samples show that detected number of components is more in high or very high vulnerability areas and less in other areas, which validates the objectivity of the evaluation results.
LI Sui-min , LUAN Wen-lou , SONG Ze-feng , CUI Xing-tao
2011, 38(6):1614-1619.
Abstract:Abstract:Jingdong chestnut is one of the advantageous agricultural products in Hebei Province; nevertheless, chestnut planting and planning lack theoretical foundation due to insufficient research on geological-geochemical environment for chestnut growth. Based on 75 samples collected from the high-quality production area of chestnut, this paper systematically discusses the temperature, topography, rock soil type and some factors controlling and affecting the high-quality chestnut. On such a basis, the authors established the ecogeochemical dosing model of Jingdong chestnut and classified chestnut planting areas into three kinds, i.e., qualified areas, suitable areas and unsuitable areas. The results obtained will provide theoretical basis and reference for local chestnut planting and planning.
WANG Cun-long , PANG Xu-gui , HU Sheng-hong , ZHENG Wei-jun , LIU Hua-feng , CENG Xian-dong
2011, 38(6):1620-1630.
Abstract:Abstract:Yantai City is one of the blue economic areas of Shandong peninsula. Contamination situation, distribution and transportation of heavy metals were studied in this paper on the basis of eco-system geochemical data of Yantai. The results indicate that the main factors responsible for soil pollution are As, Cd, Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, and the main sources of the heavy metals are composed of wastes and discharges of factory and mining activities. Chemical species of arsenic in the soil- plant system were analyzed. It is found that plant roots absorb soil As and are subjected to the reduction of AsⅤ→AsⅢ, that in the upward migration process, AsⅢ proportion gradually decreases. The distribution of As in the root soil-plant system is in order of root soil> root> leaf> stem> apple.
CHEN Guo-guang , LIANG Xiao-hong , ZHOU Guo-hua , ZHANG Ming , LIN Cai-hao
2011, 38(6):1631-1639.
Abstract:Abstract:Grade division method for soil geochemical contamination has been established on the basis of the concentration and accumulation grade caused by human exploitation of toxic elements. A preliminary study in the Yangtze River delta and the coastal region of Fijian Province shows that the sediments or parent materials of deep and top soils are of homo-genesis and their element concentrations have good correlation. Geochemical baseline based on deep soil geochemical data can undoubtedly be selected as the reference value to assess soil contamination because deep soil has not been affected by human activity and pollution. Soil geochemical contamination grade standard of the Yangtze River delta was thus set up, and soil contamination of the region was divided according to the standard. The origin and eco-geochemical effect of each contamination grade are discussed in this paper. However, the eco-geochemical effects of soils of different contamination grades need further investigation.
ZHANG Sen-qi , GUO Jian-qiang , DIAO Yu-jie , ZHANG Hui , JIA Xiao-feng , ZHANG Yang
2011, 38(6):1640-1651.
Abstract:Abstract:According to the potential evaluation result of CO2 geological storage in China’s sedimentary basins, the authors consider that the deep saline aquifer is the main body for realizing CO2 geological storage. The properties of the appropriate CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers are defined and analyzed. This paper presents principles of geological storage site selection in deep saline aquifers, and reasonably divide the stages of site selection. The evaluation index system can be established on the basis of four indicator layers and more than 60 special indicators from the conditions of location technology, security, economic suitability and land geology-social environment. Ranking multi-factor index method on the basis of AHP could be used for CO2 geological storage project site selection. The result of this study will provide a guidance for CO2 geological storage project site selection in deep saline aquifers of China .
BAI Li-ping , WANG Ye-yao , WANG Jin-sheng , LI Fa-sheng ,
2011, 38(6):1652-1659.
Abstract:Abstract:Groundwater is the main source of water supply in many cities of China, and it has been polluted in different degrees, leading to intense contradiction between the supply and the demand of groundwater resources. Research on the groundwater pollution early-warning method plays an important role in the protection of groundwater resources. At present, the early-warning of groundwater in research methodology at home and abroad is still at the exploratory stage, and the sophisticated warning system has not been developed. The research status and problems of the early-warning method of groundwater pollution were analyzed in this paper, the groundwater pollution early-warning method based on a numerical model was studied in a chromium residue site in northern China, and different early-warning grades were zoned by the model. The result of the study provides scientific basis for regional groundwater pollution prevention and control planning.
TIAN Guang-hui , LIN Li , CHENG Wan-qing , ZENG Mei-xiang , LIU Dong-lin , SONG Mei-yu , CAI Yun , WANG Ping , ZONG Zeng-hai
2011, 38(6):1660-1666.
Abstract:Abstract:Tianjin is one of the experimental cities for shallow geothermal energy development and utilization in China, and experiments in selected places have already been finished, with the formation of “Tianjin mode”, i.e., “investigation first, planning follow-up, project demonstration, monitoring in place and policy guarantee”. Dynamic monitoring, as one of the important tasks, has made great progress. According to the geological condition and the present situation of development and utilization of shallow geothermal energy in Tianjin, the principle and technical requirements of dynamic monitoring network has been drawn up; eleven monitoring stations consisting of layer temperature, operating system and a combination of them have been constructed, with the building of the test base and dynamic monitoring center, and the monitoring data have been transmitted wirelessly through GPRS network; the combination of production, the monitoring equipment, instruments and software such as "serial formation of fine distribution and transmission temperature measurement acquisition system" have been developed, with the application for 14 national patents; according to the summary and analysis of the construction experience, "Tianjin pipe ground-source heat pump dynamic monitoring rules” has been drafted. The authors hold that the achievements of Tianjin will offer valuable experience for shallow geothermal energy projects in other provinces.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112