Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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2012, 39(4):843-854.
Abstract:Abstract:The abiogenetic petroleum origin hypothesis argues that the crude oil and natural petroleum gas have no intrinsic connection with biological matter originating near the surface of the Earth. They are primordial materials which have been erupted from great depths. Therefore, they are renewable resources instead of non-renewable resources. The abiogenetic hypothesis has been supported by geological, physical and chemical evidence. Geologists found that no source rocks could form enormous volumes of hydrocarbons in many huge oil fields, and that therefore the most plausible explanation is abiotic deep petroleum. Besides, oil and gas have been found in basal rocks or in sediments directly above basal rocks, which could hardly be explained by biogenetic hypothesis. In chemical aspect, the Fischer–Tropsch process (or Fischer–Tropsch synthesis) has converted a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid hydrocarbons. By thermodynamical analysis, the most significant conclusion is that methane is the only hydrocarbon that is stable at STP. The formation of normal alkanes from methane is thermodynamically possible only at pressures >30 kbar and temperatures >700°C which correspond to a depth of ~100 km below the Earth's surface (equivalent to the depth of the upper mantle). As a result, higher hydrocarbons such as those found in natural petroleum at the Earth's surface are metastable. By contrast, the formation of higher hydrocarbons from oxidized organic molecules is not thermodynamically possible under any conditions. Based on deep structure study, the authors hold that East China and West Pacific area, where mashroom cloud mantle is developed, are favorable for finding abiogenetic oil fields. The authors suggest drilling deep boreholes to evaluate oil potential and strengthening geophysical exploration, especially for basal structure.
NIE Feng-jun,SHI Cheng-long,ZHAO Yuan-yi , LI Zhen-qing
2012, 39(4):855-870.
Abstract:Abstract:Nickle-copper, copper(gold), iron-apatite, chromium and diamond deposits and ore spots are widely distributed in the Arctic Circle and its neighboring region (ACNR), and show considerable economic significance. Studies show that the ACNR will be one of the most important metal suppliers and resource bases in the world in the coming years. With the discovery of several world-class mineral deposits and the re-opening of a number of old mines, the metallogenic studies and mineral exploration have attracted increasing attention among the international mining communities. In carrying out the idea of “two types of mining markets and two kinds of mineral resources” in China, the ACNR will be one of the best choices. Although the ACNR is still a frontier area for exploration and mining, the present activity of exploration is very promising. For the purpose of clear understanding of the crust evolution and regional metallogeny, this paper has summarized the geological features and temporal-spatial distribution regularities. Meanwhile, the geological setting, ore-forming processes and exploration potential have also been discussed. The purpose of this study is to fill the knowledge gap of our understanding of the metallogeny of the ACNR. To better find new mineral deposits in the ACNR, we should conduct more detailed researches both on regional metallogeny and on individual mineral deposits.
ZHAO Xi-lin , LIU Kai , MAO Jian-ren , YE Hai-min
2012, 39(4):871-886.
Abstract:Abstract:Late-stage Early Yanshanian granitoids are widely distributed in South China and closely related to metallogenesis. They have two different distribution patterns, being EW-trending in Nanling and NE-trending in Wuyi area. Granitic rocks formed in two different tectonic settings have different geochemical characteristics. The little stocks in southern Jiangxi Province are closely related to W and Sn mineralization, quite different from things of big batholiths. The little stocks and big batholiths might have been formed by partial melting of the crust-derived argillaceous-arenaceous metasedimentary rocks related to Proterozoic crust; nevertheless, fluid was present during magmatic evolution and experienced highly differentiation and evolution in the formation of little stocks, whereas NE-extending granitoids were probably formed by partial melting of argillaceous metasedimentary rocks related to Mesoproterozoic crust. During that period, the mainland lithosphere of Nanling and adjacent regions belonged to an extensional setting, southeast China was mostly under the tectonic framework of East Asia active continental margin, and the collision and compressional role of the Pacific plate toward East Asian continental margin began to emerge.
DONG Yi , LIU Xian-fan , DENG Jiang-hong , LI Chun-hui , Yi LI-wen , ZOU Jin-xi , HUANG Yu-peng
2012, 39(4):887-899.
Abstract:Abstract:The west porphyry belt in the Zhongdian island arc is mainly composed of four Indosinian intermediate-acidic intrusive complex bodies, i.e., A’re, Chundu, Xuejiping and Lannitang, related somewhat to Cu mineralization. Geochemical characteristics of the A’re porphyry are similar to those of Adakite: SiO2>58.06% (averagely 58.64%),Al2O3 (14.77%-17.29%), Sr (490×10-6-1409×10-6) , Sr/Y (37.44-83.79) and La/Yb (4.62-31.48,averagely 28.51) are high, Y (13.1×10-6-16.82×10-6) and Yb (1.20×10-6-1.61×10-6) are low, δEu is not distinct (0.90-1.02), Mg (0.91%-3.38%) and Mg# (37.84-70.00) are high, chondrite-normalized REE patterns are rightly-oblique, and there exist enrichment of LREE and heavy depletion of HREE. All these features are similar to characteristics of the other three porphyries. Based on the studies of major oxides, REE and Sr, the authors hold that the intermediate-acidic intrusive complex bodies in the west porphyry belt characterized by island-arc rocks to adakitic rocks were most probably formed by the rifting of the subducting Ganzi-Litang oceanic crust, which caused the successive partial melting of the mantle wedge and oceanic crust, during which the partially melted primitive magma exerted multi-staged upward intrusion along the present Geza fault on the eastern side and was contaminated by the crust in varying degrees. The garnet+clinopyroxene+amphibole association remained in the magma source area. There is no distinct difference between the four porphyries in magmatic evolution. Various degrees of mantle-crustal contamination might have played a certain role in the diversities of mineralization.
ZHOU Xiao-bei , LI Jiang-hai , FU Chen-jian , LI Wen-shan , WANG Hong-hao ,
2012, 39(4):900-911.
Abstract:Abstract: Based on field geological investigation in northwestern and northeastern Tarim Basin, in combination with paleomagnetic mapping and previous researches, this paper has discussed the evolution process of the basin in Cryogenian-Cambrian period according to sedimentary-tectonic event and other evidence. Across the Tarim Basin, surface outcrops of Cryogenian to Cambrian sedimentary succession are completely exposed in the vicinity of Aksu area (northwest Tarim), Kuruktag (northeast Tarim) and southwest Tarim, thus providing a unique, well preserved and accessible means with which researchers can study the early development of northern Tarim Basin. The major lithologic types of Cryogenian-Cambrian strata in northeast Tarim include tillite, clastic rocks (rich in organic matter) and carbonate intercalated with volcanic rocks; in northwest Tarim, calstic rocks and carbonate are the common rock types, intercalated with small amounts of tillite and volcanic rocks. The north margin of Tarim block, which was a part of Rodinia supercontinent and neighbored the northwestern margin of Australia, was deeply rifted in Cryogenian-Ediacaran period and developed into two rifts in the northwestern and northeastern margin, forming a thick layer of rift-passive margin deposits, but the layer in the northwestern rift was not so completely developed as the layer in the northeastern margin. The earliest rift-passive margin sediments which can be observed are Cryogenian-Middle Ordovician strata, and the period can be divided into Cryogenian faulted period (supercontinent rifting stage) and Ediacaran-Middle Ordovician subsidence period (plate drifting stage).
WANG Hong , LIN Fang-cheng , LI Xing-zhen , SHI Mei-feng , LIU Chao-ji , SHI Hong-zhao
2012, 39(4):912-922.
Abstract:Abstract:The study of Tethys, the southeast extension of the Tibetan plateau, has aroused great interests among geologists all over the world. However, north-central Myanmar and its adjacent areas as the extension of Yunnan-Tibet Neo-Tethys in Southeast Asia have been very insufficiently studied. Therefore, it is significant to divide tectonic units and investigate Neo-Tethys tectonic evolution under the Tethyan tectonic background based on the data available, regional comparative analysis and the determination of the extension trends of individual tectonic units and their interrelations. On the basis of the temporal-spatial distribution nature of the regional structure-rocks, the authors divided the study area into 7 third grade structural units, i.e., eastern edge of Indian continent, India-Burma range suture, west Myanmar continental block, Taguang-Myitkyina suture, Tengchong-Moulmein continental block, Luxi-Mogok suture and Baoshan-Shan Thai continental block. The three sutures were products of India-Burma range ocean, Taguang-Myitkyina ocean and Luxi-Mogok ocean respectively. Coevally, these ocean basins came to being in late Triassic, and constituted the Neo-Tethyan ocean in the Mesozoic in Southeast Asia To some extent, their formation, development, closure and consequent continent-continent or arc-continent collision constituted the basic fremework of the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic evolution in this region.
Li Guo-xin , XU Sheng-lin , CHEN Hong-de , CHEN An-qing
2012, 39(4):923-930.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on a study of core, logging and seismic data, this paper studied characteristics of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy of Chang-6 Subsection of Yanchang Formation. The authors found that from northeast to southwest, the distribution model of base-level cycle varies in order of typeA1→typeA2→typeB1→typeB2→typeC or typeA2, and recognized one long-term and four medium-term cyclic sequences (MSC1, MSC2, MSC3 and MSC4) . A high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework of medium-term cyclic sequences was established. With the medium-term cyclic sequences as mapping units, four sequence-based lithofacies and paleogeography were drawn which show that the delta was mainly developed during the MSC1 stage and MSC3 stage. The sand bodies were mainly developed at the same time. It is found that sand bodies were mainly developed in the subaquatic distributary channels of prograding deltas whose base-level cycle was of type A1 and type A2, and the sand bodies were also developed in the alluvial fan whose base-level cycle type was type A2. Consequently, the distribution regularity of sand bodies revealed by sequence-based lithofacies and paleogeography has an important guiding significance for the petroleum exploration in the prospecting area of Fuxian located in the southeast hydrocarbon-enriched belt of Shanbei slope, Ordos Basin.
LIU Jia-hong , YANG Ping , WANG Zheng-jiang , ZHUO Jie-wen , DU Qiu-ding
2012, 39(4):931-938.
Abstract:Abstract:The paleo-weathering crust is important for karst reservoir formation and hydrocarbon accumulation. Field geological survey reveals that there exists a paleo-weathering crust at the top of Sinian Dengying Formation in northern Guizhou, which was formed by Tongwan tectonic movement and is composed of yellowish brown scoriaceous clay rock. Its geochemistry is characterized by depletion of MgO and relative enrichment of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Fe2O, P2O5 and TiO2. The paleo-weathering crust is somewhat different in different facies, which results in the difference of underlying karst reservoirs. The platform edge shallow facie was uplifted strongly, and its primary pores were favorable for the meteorological water eluviation, and also favorable for karstification to improve the dolomite reservoir, thus forming lots of reservoir spaces, such as?cavern, dissolved seam, intragranular pore and intergranular pore. On the contrary, the other facies were affected relatively weakly by karstification,and the reservoir quality was unfavorable. It is concluded that the buried paleo-weathering crust of the shallow facie at the top of Dengying Formation may become an important exploration area.
CHEN Fu-yan , LIANG Hong-bin , DING Wen-long , QIAN Zheng , FU Jing-long
2012, 39(4):939-946.
Abstract:Abstract:Carboniferous-Permian strata in Jizhong depression constitute an important gas hydrocarbon source rock in Bohai Gulf Basin,and also serve as an main natural gas exploration area currently in the North China Oilfield. In order to achieve a breakthrough of gas exploration in the study area, the authors studied Carboniferous - Permian depositional systems and depositional paleoenvironment, on the basis of the lithologic-electric logging features, characteristics of sedimentary cycles, paleontological features, core observations and analytical and test data of drill holes, in combination with results of seismic interpretation. It is pointed out that the study area has developed three types of sedimentary systems: tidal flat-swamps, river deltas and river-dominated system. The depositional environments can be classified into three types: the epicontinental sedimentary environment of slow subsidence, the paralic depositional environment of slow uplift and the fluvial environment of rapid uplift.
HOU Gang-fu , SUN Xiong-wei , LI Chang , LIU Qun , ZENG Qing-lu , XIONG Ran , CAO Quan-bin
2012, 39(4):947-953.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on field outcrop and core observation, combined with mud logging, logging and grain size analysis, the authors found that there are prograded fan delta sediments in lower Cretaceous Kezilesu Group of Yecheng sag, which can be divided into fan delta plain, fan delta frontier underwater distributary channel, mouth bar and interdistributary bay. Fan delta plain was obviously affected by gravity flow, whereas fan delta frontier was mainly affected by traction current. The latter extended limitedly in the direction of the short axis, and extended a considerable distance in superimposition association with adjacent fan delta frontier leaves in the direction of the long axis. Fan delta experienced progradation from the piedmont area to the faulted lake basin, forming mono-faulted fault basin filling model in the direction of the short axis, which was steep slope on one side, and wide and gentle slope on the other side. This sedimentary model controlled not only characteristics of each unit of the fan delta but also microfacies types and sand distribution.
XU Wen-li , ZHENG Rong-cai , FEI Huai-yi , SUN Zi-jin , WANG Qiang
2012, 39(4):954-964.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on core observations, identification of thin sections and paleontology, in combination with logging facies, seismic faces and regional depositional background, the authors have reached the conclusion that Callovian-Oxfordian carbonates in Amu Darya basin of Turkmenistan are carbonate platform deposits. Six types of sedimentary facies can be recognized, i.e., evaporative platform, restricted platform, open platform, platform-edge reef-shoal, platform fore-edge slope and platform basin facies. According to the facies correlation sections of the wells as well as the plane distribution and vertical evolution of sedimentary facies, the authors revealed the evolution characteristics of Callovian-Oxfordian sedimentary facies. The sedimentary environment changed from platform edge ramp, platform-edge reef-shoal, open platform and restricted platform into evaporative platform in turn, which constituted the multi-phase transgressive-regressive cycles. Finally, the depositional model of “platform with open, rimmed and gently dipping slope” has been established.
XIAO Ling , ZHENG Rong-cai , WEI Qin-lian
2012, 39(4):965-971.
Abstract:Abstract: On the basis of core observation,the authors studied the features and genesis of freshwater limestone by acoustic emission technology, stable isotopic analysis, fluid inclusion homogenization temperature of filled components in fractures. The results show that the main fractures of the freshwater limestone reservoir are of three types: vertical fissures, high-angle fissures, and oblique fissures. The tectoclase and non-tectoclase constitute two main fissure types. The complex fracture can be formed by tectoclase overlying diagenetic fractures. Some fissures are completely or partly filled with calcite, whereas others are effective fractures without fillings. The development and evolution of fractures have been affected considerably by three different tectonic stress fields. The tectoclase has exerted important contribution to improving porosity and permeability of the reservoir.
ZHANG Kun , LI Xi-guang , LI Zhi-yong
2012, 39(4):972-977.
Abstract:Abstract:Bose Basin is located in western Guangxi. The Youjiang River flows southeastward through the middle of the Bose Basin. On the basis of field geological survey in combination with previous studies, the authors have reached the conclusion that I-III order terraces are generally developed in western Bose Basin, and Ⅲ- order terraces which suffered damage by active faults are ladder-like. Ⅳ-order terraces are developed at Fulian Village of Bose. The characteristics of Youjiang terraces are summarized in this paper, and the ages of the terraces deposits are determined. The ages of the subjacent deposits of Ⅱ-order terraces are dated at (16.736±1.422)×104 a-(17.712±1.506)×104 a BP, whereas the ages of the subjacent deposits of Ⅲ-order terraces are dated at (21.097±1.793)×104 a-(29.365±2.496)×104 a BP.
BO Ying , LIU Cheng-lin , JIAO Peng-cheng , YE Xian-ren
2012, 39(4):978-984.
Abstract:Abstract:Gas samples whose R values (R=3He/4He) are higher than R values of the air were collected from underground brine in the Lop Nur within eastern Tarim Basin of Xinjiang. This shows the contribution of a fluid source with higher R values. It is also revealed that there exists the interaction between the crust fluid and the mantle fluid in the depth of the Lop Nur. The mantle fluid may ascend through active fault belts (for example, the giant Altun fault belt). Besides, the 4He/20Ne ratio of the gas released from the underground brine in the Lop Nur is between 0.572 (a little bit higher than that of the air) and 2.105 ( six times higher than the air 4He/20Ne ratio), which indicates that the brine is relatively open to the atmosphere, i.e., it is contaminated by near-surface fluid or the air. For comparison, two gas samples were collected from Kuqa Basin (depression) on the northern margin of Tarim Basin, and the analytical result shows lower R value than that of the air, and the 4He/20Ne ratio is 84.8 and 585.3 respectively (dozens of times to several hundred times higher than that of the air). This shows that underground brine in Kuqa Basin comes from the stable deep crust, and its R value hasn’t been changed by near-surface fluid. What’s more, the 40Ar/36Ar ratio is close to that of the air (295.5) in all noble gas samples, which indicates that the near-surface fluid more or less joins in the transfer and formation of deep original brine, but such effects in Kuqa Basin is not too obvious to change its R value. If the contamination from atmosphere (from the shallow fluid) had been deducted, the R value in underground brine in Lop Nur would have been much higher than the analytical result. This further demonstrates that the mantle source fluid plays a great role in the formation and evolution of underground brine in the Lop Nur. The crust in northwest China is very thick and stable, so mantle source fluid isn’t apt to come out to the surface. However, the mantle source fluid can carry material and heat through fault belts, thus affecting the characteristics of the fluid in the crust.
HAN Feng-bin , CHEN Zheng-le , CHEN Bai-lin , LI Xi-gen , LIU Zeng-ren
2012, 39(4):985-998.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in Kashi Sag on the northwestern margin of Tarim basin, Xinjiang, the Bashibulake uranium deposit is hosted in clastic sedimentary rocks of continental facies, where lots of organic matters are widely spread, such as residues of oil, gas and asphalt. This paper mainly presents analytical data of fluid inclusions and organic geochemistry of asphalt sandstone ore bodies, with the purpose of constraining the ore-forming fluid temperature, salinity and ore-forming physical-chemical background, tracing the organic matter source and discussing uranium mineralization. Fluid inclusions in the ore-hosting sandstone under microscope are predominantly petroleum inclusions, composed mostly of liquid hydrocarbon inclusions with minor hydrocarbon-bearing brine inclusions. The homogenization temperature of the ore-forming fluid changes from 71 to 193℃, and the salinity varies from 0.71 to 23.05 (wt% NaCl), indicating a kind of low temperature and low salinity ore-forming fluid. The mineralization pressure varies from 77.90 to 211.75 ×105Pa, and the mineralization depth varies from 0.26 to 0.71 km. The content of chloroform bitumen “A” in organic matter changes insignificantly from 0.0019 to 0.0026 wt%, suggesting that the organic matter should be derived from the marine algae. The ratio of pristine to phytane (Pr/Ph) from samples changes from 0.77 to 1.01, 0.89 on average, indicating a deoxidization environment for the organic matter. Odd-even predominance index (OEP) varies from 0.72 to 0.84, 0.78 on average, implying that the maturity of the organic matter is relatively high. Carbon preference index (CPI) is from 1.16 to 1.35, 1.25 on average, indicating a higher degree in thermal evolution. Combined with field geological characteristics, the authors hold that the uranium mineralization of this ore deposit was intimately related to the reduction of oil and gas which migrated upward along fractures and rock pores.
NIU Shu-Yin , LI Feng-You , CHEN Hua-Shan , SUN Ai-Qun , WANG Bao-De , WANG Jin-Zhong , MA Bao-Jun
2012, 39(4):999-1006.
Abstract:Abstract:The Jinchangyu ore deposit is a large-size gold deposit in eastern Hebei with mining history of more than half a century. In recent years, its resource reserves are constantly increasing. Which has aroused extensive attention among geologists. From the angle of ore-forming and ore-controlling action of the mantle branch structure, this paper briefly describes geological characteristics of the Jinchangyu gold deposit, with the emphasis placed on the source of the metallogenic material. The authors hold that the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the boundary of the core–mantle and, through multiple evolution of mantle plume, they moved to the favorable structure and were deposited to form ore deposits. This paper emphatically discusses ore-forming and ore-controlling action of geological structure on the basis of achievements obtained in recent years. The prospecting directions in the depth and the periphery of the Jinchangyu gold deposit are pointed out.
LIU Xue-long , LI Wen-chang , YIN Guang-hou
2012, 39(4):1007-1022.
Abstract:Abstract:Geza island arc belt is one of the important tectonic units in the archipelagic arc-basin system of the Sanjiang Region. it started its evolution at the westward subduction of Ganzi-Litang oceanic crust in Late Triassic, and experienced intracontinental convergence and post-orogenic extensional phase in Yanshanian period. In this region, there were strong magmatic activities and rich mineralization, constituting an important copper polymetallic ore concentration area discovered in recent years. According to temporal and spatial distribution of magmatic rocks and ore deposits, geochronological evidence, tectonic setting and mineralization, the Geza island arc metallogenic system can be divided into Indosinian metallogenic subsystem and Yanshanian metallogenic subsystem. The Indosinian subsystem mainly developed intermediate-acidic crust-mantle magmatism homologous with the andesite and formed porphyry Cu metallogenic system; the Yanshanian subsystem had syn-collision magmatic activities leading to the generation of the porphyry Mo (Cu) and W (Mo) hydrothermal metallogenic system. Studies show that Geza island arc has favorable resource potential in the depth, with Mo polymetallic mineralization of Yanshanian epoch showing better prospect.
CHENG Xi-yin , ZHU Xin-you , WANG Yan-li , LI Shun-ting , HAN Ying
2012, 39(4):1023-1033.
Abstract:Abstract:The Shizhuyuan W-Sn polymetallic deposit in the middlel of Nanling region is a superlarge W-Sn-Mo-Bi polymetallic deposit rarely seen in the world, characterized by multi-mineral resources,large size and rich associated components. It has numerous veins of different types, composed mainly of acid magmatic dikes, greisen veins and alkali metasomatic veins in the skarns, with the alkali metasomatic veins comprising the largest and most widely distributed ore bodies. Based on detailed field investigation, microscopic petrographic analysis and EPA analysis, the authors found that the main minerals in the veins are potassium feldspar, plagioclase, quartz and fluorite, the muscovite content is small (<3%), and topaz, tourmaline content is rare. They hence do not belong to the “greisen veins” or “greisen stockwork”. The vein body has extensively developed some skarn minerals, and the vein body and its both sides contain more tungsten and magnetite. On the whole, the alkali composition in the alkali metasomatic vein is relatively high, and has experienced strong alkali metasomatism. The vein bodies can be divided into two types, i.e., the early alkali metasomatic vein and the late alkali metasomatic vein. The early alkali metasomatic vein contains more plagioclase and wolframite, which is the main ore-forming period of the wolframite in accord with the evolution of the skarn. The late alkali metasomatic vein contains more potassium feldspar, tungsten and magnetite, which is the main ore-forming period of the scheelite in accord with degradation metamorphic stage. The authors thus hold that the alkali metasomatic veins in skarn of the Shizhuyuan ore district restricted and affected the formation of skarns and the ore-forming process, and their evolution passed through the skarn stage and the degradation metamorphic stage. The alkali metasomatic veins belong to the skarn type ore bodies.
TANG Zhao-yang , DENG Feng , LI Kun , DUAN Qi-fa , ZOU Xian-wu , DAI Ping-yun
2012, 39(4):1034-1041.
Abstract:Abstract:In the western Hunan-eastern Guizhou area, the Cambrian strata are well developed and characterized by sedimentary succession from black shale to carbonate rocks . Vertically, the limestone segment and dolomitite segment constitute the Qingxudong Formation made up of an upward-shoaling succession of sedimentary facies and demonstrates a growth process of the ramp carbonate platform. Horizontally, the principal lithofacies palaeogeographic units in the study area have been recognized, which include carbonate tidal flat, subtidal facies of restricted platform, platform marginal bioherm (or bank ) facies and shallow ramp—deep ramp facies as well as shelf - basin facies in southward succession. All these data suggest that the formation of the lead-zinc deposits was controlled by stratigraphy, lithologic character and lithofacies-palaeogeographic framework and related to turbidite and tempestite. The host rocks (reservoir beds) were micrite mounds (mud mounds) formed by CO2-bearing hydrothermal solution and bio-process. The assemblage made up of turbidite and micrite mounds (algal bioherm) and rudstone was a well developed succession favorable for the formation of lead-zinc deposits.
YUAN Sheng-yuan , LI Chang-an , ZHANG Yu-feng , SHAO Lei , WANGg Jie-tao
2012, 39(4):1042-1048.
Abstract:Abstract:The Jianghan Basin is the largest basin after the Yangtze River flows through the Three Gorges. Sediments of more than 300 m thick have been deposited in the basin since 2.77 Ma B.P. They are mainly composed of fluvial and lacustrine deposits. Meanwhile, there are also several sedimentary cycles. In order to find out the provenance change of the sediments, the authors studied the trace elements in the samples collected from ZL borehole by using the ICP-MS. The dispersion extent of the trace element compositions of these samples has become less with the decrease of the depth since Pliocene, and tended to be close to the mean value of the upper crust. This suggests that the drainage area has become larger. Values of ∑REE, Y, Th, U and ratios of Th/Sc, Co/Th, La/Sc, Cr/Cu become smaller, suggesting that modern Yangtze River was probably formed after 1.25 Ma B.P.
ZUO Qun-chao , YANG Dong-lai , YE Tian-zhu
2012, 39(4):1049-1061.
Abstract:Abstract:Exemplified by data modeling of China's mineral resources potential evaluation special project,this paper put forward the development process and implementation strategy of the data modeling for the very complex problem domain,systematically illuminated the essential contents of the development process and implementation strategy of the data modeling,briefly introduced the design idea,the methods and techniques,and the related research achievements. Practices have verified the effectiveness,feasibility, practicability and representativeness of the development process, methods and techniques, and the results obtained have certain reference significance and application value. The achievements are especially suitable for large quantities of geological project data resources construction characterized by super-large,multi-professional,engineering and spatial-oriented data.
LIU yin-fan , CHEN Jian-ping , HAO Jun-feng , LIANG Li-xin , CUI Lai-wang
2012, 39(4):1062-1068.
Abstract:Abstract:With ETM+ data as the information source, the authors made a detailed study of the ore-forming geological characteristics and the remote sensing features of the Zhulazhaga gold deposit, which is a typical ore deposit. Ore bodies occur in the first member of Agulugou Formation of Zhaertaishan Group, which is composed of calcium-bearing shallow metamorphic clastic rocks. The linear structure information was extracted by visual comprehensive interpretation method, the information of abnormal alteration of iron stain and hydroxyl related to mineralization was extracted by principal component analysis, and the abnormal alteration was optimized by using spectral angle method. An overlay analysis of information by GIS technology has determined the ore-prospecting criteria for copper-gold deposits: (1) the first member of Agulugou Formation of Zhaertaishan Group; (2) the well-developed linear structure; (3) the existence and overlay of abnormal alteration of iron stain and hydroxyl; (4) Strong geochemical anomalies and well-consistent concentrated centers. Six prospecting target areas in this area, such as northern lateral and western lateral of Zhulazhaga, were delineated by using the ore-prospecting criteria.
LEI Tian-ci , CUI Fang , YU Feng-min
2012, 39(4):1069-1080.
Abstract:Abstract:With the ETM + image as the information source in southern Yongzhou area, two ore-prospecting parameters of remote sensing, i.e., advantage grade of fault structure and alteration mineral information, were built through the information extraction, visual interpretation and quantitative analysis. W, Sn, Cu, Pb and Zn elements in the working area were chosen to perform data-processing, correlation-analyzing and factor-analyzing and, as a result, the map of geochemical property and spatial distribution of metallogenic elements was drawn and geochemical exploration parameters were built. On the basis of the GIS platform, the ore-forming characteristics and mutual relationships of the prospecting factors were revealed through multi-source information fusion, analysis and visualization in combination with geological, remote sensing and geochemical exploration methods for multi-source information fusion, source analysis and visualization of the prospecting parameters. A set of multi-source information comprehensive prospecting technologies was established, which is helpful to predicting ore resources and optimizing metallogenic target areas.
SONG Hong-wei , SHI Jian-sheng , LIU Ji-chao , ZHANG Yi-long , XIA Fan , MIAO Qing-zhuang
2012, 39(4):1081-1086.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper has introduced the technology of artificial network into the modeling of underground water content forecast. Hetao plain and Huabei plain were chosen as the testing ground with a number of known local agro-wells as the verification sites. Induced Polarization (IP) and resistivity sounding and other surface geophysical methods were used to construct the artificial neural network (ANN) model based on such parameters as apparent resistivity, polarization rate, half-life, decay rate and rate of deviation in the relevance. Then, the comprehensive parameter was added to improve the inputting neurons. Finally, the quantitative prediction model of the water content was establiehed. The results of mean-variance test show that this technique has a good effect in the plain area. The study has provided a new concept and a new idea for the forecasting work in hydrogeological exploration.
KANG Jian , WANG Qian-ju , YAN Shi-qiang ,
2012, 39(4):1087-1093.
Abstract:Abstract:Due to the confidentiality of the geographical base map, the application of the 1∶250 000 geological map to geological task and economic development is being excessively curbed at present. National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation in 2010 issued the public version of the 1∶250 000 topographic maps. As a public use to the publication, it can be prepared for the indicative tourist map and other maps whose accuracy is not strictly required. This paper, based on a study of applying the public version of 1∶250 000 topographic map to 1∶250 000 geological map, has analyzed the involved key techniques of the workflow which includes data format conversion, coordinate system and projection transformation, geographical elements replacement, as well as the topological register analysis, processing, and map decoration. The result has non-directional errors between 200 to 500 meters, and hence it can provide geological map view of low precision, but the application of the result to actual geological work remains somewhat impractical.
ZHANG Chun-rong , WU Zheng-long , GAO Zong-jun,PANG Xu-gui
2012, 39(4):1094-1098.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper has analyzed the heavy metal content in halobios and sediments of the Jiaozhou Bay. The authors first used geochemical method to analyze the enrichment characteristics of heavy metals of halobios, and then adopted the Spearman's correlation coefficient analysis method to analyze the relationship between the heavy metals in halobios and sediments. The analytical results show that fish has low ability in enriching heavy metals, whereas shellfish and algae have strong ability in this aspect. The heavy metals in sediments can also stimulate or prohibit the absorption of other heavy metals by halobios and have especially strongest inhibition function on shellfish. The results obtained by the authors can provide a basis for selective breeding and planting of halobios.
SHANG Zhi-wen , TIAN Li-zhu , WANG Hong , LI Jian-fen
2012, 39(4):1099-1107.
Abstract:Abstract:37 diatom species, belonging to 21 genera, have been found from the surficial sediments in the north-central Bohai Bay. The distribution of nine dominant species, such as Cyclotella striata/stylorum, Paralia sulcata and Coscinodiscus perforatus, has been determined. Based on cluster analysis, the authors have divided the study area into six diatom assemblage-regions. Furthermore, environmental factors controlling the diatom distribution are discussed in this paper. It is revealed that salinity and water depth are two most important factors while the grain size of the sediments also has some influences on the distribution.
CUI Xing-tao,LUAN Wen-lou,LI Sui-min,SONG Ze-feng
2012, 39(4):1108-1115.
Abstract:Abstract:Fifty-one atmospheric dustfall samples were collected successively from November 2007 to November 2008 in Shijiazhuang. All dustfall samples were analyzed for concentrations of As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Mn, Mo, Al2O3 and K2O. The results indicate that, compared with the background values of soil in Shijiazhuang area, atmospheric dustfalls have elevated metal concentrations on the whole, except for the concentration of Al2O3. Correlation coefficient analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed and three main sources were identified: (1) Pb, Cr, As, Hg, Mo, Cd and Mn, which are mainly derived from coal combustion and traffic pollution; (2) Ni, Cu and Zn, which are probably related not only to coal combustion but also to factory exhaust; (3) Al2O3, which is mainly derived from soil particles. Based on concentration analysis and correlation analysis, the authors selected Al as the reference element to calculate the heavy metal enrichment factors (EFs), which in turn further validated the source identification. However, industrally enhanced Cd, Hg and Zn show maximum enrichments. Therefore, EFs shed a light on the level of human influence on atmospheric dustfalls. High concentrations of heavy metals in atmospheric dustfalls are consistent with the distribution of the industrial area.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112