• Volume 39,Issue 5,2012 Table of Contents
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    • The application of abiogenetic petroleum origin hypothesis to the Dnieper-Donets basin and its inspiration to oilfield exploration in China

      2012, 39(5):1117-1124.

      Abstract (11464) HTML (0) PDF 4.04 M (7944) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper describes a success example for exploration of oil and gas field on the northern shoulder of the Dnieper-Donets basin. The Dnieper-Donets basin was a late Devonian rifting basin, deposited post-rifting sediments from Carboniferous to early Permian. In the first 45 year period of the geological study of the northern shoulder of the Dnieper-Donets basin, its sedimentation, metamorphism and igneous rock had been condemned as possessing no potential for petroleum production for reasons of the complete absence of "source rock" and the presence of active, strongly-circulating artesian waters. Later, however, great achievements in oil and gas exploration in this area was obtained by application of the modern theory of deep, abiotic hydrocarbon origins. The inspiration to exploration of oil and gas field in China is also discussed in this paper

    • The major gold concentration areas in China and their resource potentials

      2012, 39(5):1125-1142.

      Abstract (12207) HTML (0) PDF 6.04 M (9746) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Distributed nationwide for its special features, gold is one of the strategic mineral resources since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and great achievements have been made in the exploration and exploitation of gold; especially since the last decade, many changes have taken place in the pattern of gold resources in whole China. On the basis of the locations of large gold deposits, new discoveries of large and superlarge gold deposits have been made and there have also been important expansions in the main mining areas. Generally speaking, great potentials of gold resource exist in China. Gold deposits in China can be classified into the gold deposits related to granite-greenstone formation, gold deposits related to sedimentary formation (including the vein gold deposits of Carlin type and those related to metamorphosed clastic rocks), volcanic rock gold deposits (including the continental and marine types), intrusion-related gold deposits (including gold deposits of porphyry type and those related to the inner-intrusion and contact zone), fracture zone-altered rock gold deposits, placer gold deposits, gossan type gold deposits and soil type gold deposits. Exploration should be carried out at the depth and in search for new types. In this paper, the authors summarized the characteristics of gold ore resources and preliminarily divided gold deposits into 32 large ore concentration areas in the light of magma, tectonic settings, stratigraphy, fluids, metallogenic ages and other factors in China. Meanwhile, based on the most recent progress and data obtained in recent years, this paper describes the four most important ore concentration areas with an analysis of their resource potentials.

    • Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age of plagiogranite porphyry in the Cunqian copper polymetallic deposit of Jiangxi Province and its geological implications

      2012, 39(5):1143-1150.

      Abstract (3606) HTML (0) PDF 2.75 M (4279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Cunqian copper polymetallic deposit is an important porphyry-skarn deposit along eastern Qinhang metallogenic belt. The ore-bearing intrusive body comprises biotite plagiogranite porphyry and plagiogranite porphyry, characterized by repeated invasion and calcium-basic rocks. The LA-ICP-MS technique was used in this study, and U-Th-Pb isotopic analysis was made for zircons from the ore-bearing plagioclase granite porphyry, with the petrogenic age obtained being (169.3 ± 1.1)Ma. This petrogenic age of the ore-bearing rock body is very close to ages of Dexing granodiorite porphyry, Yinshan quartz porphyry, Lengshuikeng granite porphyry and Tongcun granite-porphyry, suggesting that an event of large-scale magmatic emplacement and mineralization took place in 175-156Ma, which led to the formation of many porphyry-skarn copper polymetallic deposits related to adakite or alkali-calcic granite, and implying that the Qinhang metallogenic belt produced a metallogenic series of porphyry-skarn copper polymetallic deposits under the same magma-dynamic background in this period.

    • Zircon U-Pb age and geochemistry of Early Cretaceous rhyolite in Luozha area of Namling County, Tibet

      2012, 39(5):1151-1161.

      Abstract (2750) HTML (0) PDF 3.21 M (3499) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The authors studied the nearly EW-trending volcanic rocks in vast areas of northern Luozha zone along the Gangdise arc-ridge fault-uplift zone, obtained the LA-ICP-MS zircon age of 129.8±1.4 Ma, and proved for the first time the existence of Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the Gangdise arc-ridge fault-uplift zone. The volcanic rocks are characterized by high SiO2, K2O and K2O/Na2O values, the enrichment of LILEs (Rb, Ba, Th and U) and the depletion of Nb, Ta and Ti. Their cobweb curve is on the whole the same as that of the upper crust and the acidic volcanic rocks owing to crustal remelting of Zenong Group of the Gangdise zone at 110 Ma. These data indicate that the volcanic rocks might be the remelting products resulting from the dehydration of crustal materials. According to the environmental discrimination diagrams of trace elements, the authors consider that they are arc volcanic rocks. In combination with the tectonic background of Early Cretaceous period, it is thought that they were most likely associated with northward subduction of the Yarlung Zangbo River oceanic crust.

    • Geochronology and geochemistry of granite of the Luming molybdenum deposit in Heilongjiang and their geological significance

      2012, 39(5):1162-1171.

      Abstract (4557) HTML (0) PDF 2.29 M (5471) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The recently-discovered Lumin molybdenum deposit is located in the southern section of the Yichun-Yanshou polymetallic ore-forming belt. The ore-forming rocks mainly include adamellite -granite porphyry, and the LA -ICP - MS micro- situ isotopic analysis shows that their ages are195.4±1.4 Ma and 197.6±1.3 Ma, suggesting products of the late Indosinian - Early Yanshanian period. Geochemical studies indicate that SiO2 (wt%) values vary in the range of 3.36%~5.78%,whereas K2O and Na2O vary in the range of 3.36%~5.78% and 2.60%~3.78% respectively. Rittmann indexes vary between 0.9 and 3.1. Analysis shows that the intrusions belong to high-K calc-alkaline-shoshonitic series. The ΣREE values are low with a strong fractionation between light and heavy rare earth elements(LaN/YbN=7.76~26.47) and obvious Eu negative anomaly(Eu/Eu?鄢=0.34~0.62). Trace elements display enrichment of Rb, Th , U , K and depletion of Nb , Ta, Ti, Y, Yb , suggesting that the source might have been a relatively water-rich magma, or the magma might have suffered from metasomatism by subduction zone fluid. Combined with results of previous studies, it is concluded that the formation of the deposit was probably controlled by the subduction of Pacific plate in early Mesozoic.

    • The ultra-potassic rocks on the southwestern margin of the Ordos basin and their tectonic significance

      2012, 39(5):1172-1182.

      Abstract (3518) HTML (0) PDF 4.24 M (4767) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Ultrapotassic dykes on the southwestern margin of the Ordos basin display massive structure and porphyritic texture. According to their mineral association, these rocks are mainly composed of aegirine augite ivernite and pseudoleucite porphyry, whereas the phenocrysts contain leucite, melanite, aegirine augite and some feldspar. These rocks have high K2O, Al2O3, CaO and low SiO2, MgO, TiO2 and P2O5 content. In the spider diagrams, they are enriched in K, Rb, Sr. Ba, Pb and depleted in Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf. Zircon U-Pb dating reveals that they have crystallization ages of (110.8±0.98)Ma and(107.6±0.92)Ma, respectively, belonging to Early-Cretaceous. It is held that these ultrapotassic rocks resulted from the lithosphere thinning process on the western margin of the Ordos basin.

    • The ultra-potassic rocks on the southwestern margin of the Ordos basin and their tectonic significance

      2012, 39(5):1183-1198.

      Abstract (4925) HTML (0) PDF 4.38 M (5498) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Located in the northern margin of the Jiangnan orogen (south of the Yangtze River),Zhanggongshan area of Anhui-Jiangxi border region contains very thick low greenschist-facies metamorphic flysch rocks dominated by argillo-calcareous fine-grained elastic rocks with minor volcanic materials. High precise isotopic dating shows that it was probably formed in Neoproterozoic between 821~840 Ma. It was bordered by obliquely crossed Jindezhen-Yintan structural belt with Xikou Group located in the southern part and Shuangqiaoshan Group in the northern part. REE and HFSE in these two groups, such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Nd, show similar characteristics, indicating that epimetamorphic rocks within the area have the same or similar original crust compositions, while the data (La/Yb)N=4.66~13.63,δEu=0.09~0.3 and (Gd/Yb)N=1.22~1.66 suggest that these low-grade metamorphic rocks mainly came from Late Archean upper crust composed of felsic rocks. Detrital zircon U-Pb ages are largely 826~2600Ma, showing evidently 5 peaks, i.e., 2500Ma, 2000~2200Ma, 1800Ma, 958Ma and 827~841Ma, dominated by young detrital zircons whose ages are very close to ages of volcanic rocks interbeded with clastic rocks, indicating that epimetamorphic rocks mainly resulted from contemporary igneous rocks. Differences in content and ratios of large-ion lithophile elements such as (LILE), Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba and Th, together with variations of Sr isotopic characteristics, suggest that Xikou Group and Shuangqiaoshan Group detrital rocks experienced different tectonic evolutions. Epimetamorphic volcanic-margin fine-grained clastic rocks were formed in a plate tectonic system related tectonic-sedimentary environment in which Xikou Group shows depositional characteristics of extensional continental margin while original rocks of Shuangqiaoshan Group display a continental island arc closed tectonic depositional environment, suggesting plate subduction depositional characteristics.

    • Mesozoic-Cenozoic gliding detachment in Jiujiang-Ruichang area

      2012, 39(5):1199-1210.

      Abstract (2315) HTML (0) PDF 8.80 M (3701) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In Jiujiang-Ruichang area, there are multi-level, multi-period and multi-type gliding detachments. The basement detachment faults and the unconformity between Neoproterozoic and Sinian and Silurian are territorial detachments, which control the detachment structures. Deformations are different at different levels. Four detachment systems (Presinian basement, Cambrian-Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian-Triassic) can be recognized. Different types of detachment structures were developed in different periods characterized by different backgrounds of geotectonics, which include extrusion detachment during Late-Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, extensional detachment in original Early Cretaceous (140Ma) and gravitational detachment in the late stage of Early Cretaceous period (113Ma).

    • Tectonic deformation styles and dynamics of gold-polymetallic deposits in Fengtai apart-pull basin of Shaanxi Province in relation to gold mineralization

      2012, 39(5):1211-1228.

      Abstract (2338) HTML (0) PDF 6.73 M (3730) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The studied apart-pull basin was formed during the oblique-direction subduction and collision of the Huabei and Yangtze Plates. The tectonic deformation history, styles, dynamics, records of tectonic lithofacies and large-scale migration of fluids in the apart-pull basin constitute some of the most important problems in the continental dynamics, and the study of these problems are helpful to the detailed investigation of the mineralization regularity and the controlling factors of polymetallic deposits, Carlin-type gold deposits and similar ore deposits in the West Qinling orogeny. The Late Paleozoic apart-pull basin in Shaanxi is the high-density area which hosts not only Sedex-type polymetallic deposits but also Carlin-type gold deposits and similar deposits. Tectonic deformation history, styles and dynamics of the Fengxian-Taibai apart-pull basin and the driving factors of fluid migration in the basin were studied by the authors based on the tectonic lithofacies. Sequences of tectonic deformation for the apart-pull basin have been classified into three main deformation stages although it has more complicated tectonic deformation history. The first stage was tectonic inversion and superimposition of hydrothermal fluid in Carboniferous-Middle Triassic period (DS1), the second stage was compressive and shrinking deformation of the basin, faulting and folding, hydrothermal superimposition by magmatic intrusion, and brittle-ductile shear deformation (DS2) during the Indo-China main orogeny resulting from the full-scale continent-continent collusion, and the third stage was tectonic taphrogeny and brittle compressed deformation of the basin during the Yanshanian intracontinent orogeny (DS3). Styles of tectonic inversion and superimposition of hydrothermal fluids during the Carboniferous-Middle Triassic period (DS1) included layering shear rheology tectonics, zone of hydrothermal brecciation, and hydrothermal fluid superimposed lithofacies in the Devonian fill-up of the basin. At the same time, Wenjiangsi-Liufengguan apart-pull and taphrogeny basin of the second-order was formed in the southern part of the basin. Inside the apart-pull basin, associations of tectonic styles are composed of multiple folds and compression-shear faults, brittle-ductile shear zone, thrusting-napping structure, recoil faults and up-recoil-ramp fault. However, thrusting-napping fault zones with the ramp-faulting style in conversion direction were formed on both sides of the apart-pull basin. These deformation tectonic associations resulted in driving force for the basin fluid in the apart-pull basin, and coupled with regional hydrothermal fluid superimposition with stable hydrothermal field supported by Xiba compound medium-acidic magmatic intrusion in the eastern part of the apart-pull basin. Different styles of tectonic deformation might have had different controlling roles in localization of gold and polymetallic deposits in the apart-pull basin. Polymetallic deposits were probably mainly controlled by “M-W”- type multiple anticline-fault associations. However, zonation of gold and polymetallic deposits was controlled by the ramp-faulting area of up-ramp-faulting style. The Carlin-type and similar gold deposits were controlled by “W-M”-type multiple syncline plus brittle-ductile shear zone. Moreover, the Baguamiao gold deposit characterized by multiple stages of gold mineralization, a deposit similar to Carlin-type gold deposit, was controlled by overturned syncline and brittle-ductile shear zone, while the Wenjiangsi gold deposit, a Carlin-type gold deposit, was controlled by syncline and brittle fault zone.

    • Geological and geophysical characteristics of Shuanghu-Gangmacuo-Longmucuo structural belt in Qiangtang area

      2012, 39(5):1229-1235.

      Abstract (2643) HTML (0) PDF 3.90 M (3697) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper has summarized the geological and geophysical characteristics of the Shuanghu-Gangmacuo-Longmucuo structural belt in Qiangtang. The blue schist, mélange, gravity anomaly,Pn wave anomaly and seismic tomography image show that the Shuanghu-Gangmacuo-Longmucuo structural belt may be a suture between Gondwana plate and Asia-India plate

    • Strain measurement and analysis of tourmalite-quartz enclaves in Yuanbaoshan pluton, northern Guangxi

      2012, 39(5):1236-1246.

      Abstract (4162) HTML (0) PDF 2.90 M (5825) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: On the basis of the achievements obtained in geological systemic investigation and analyzing geological characteristics, the authors mainly studied the strain characteristics, genesis and the ageof deformation of tourmalite-quartz enclaves. Three-dimensional finite strain measurement and strain analysis of tourmalite-quartz enclaves in Yuanbaoshan pluton were carried out successively. The results show that the three strain patterns of tourmalite-quartz enclaves are plane strain (K=1), flattening strain (0<K<1) and contraction strain (1<K<∞).The pattern of strain of tourmalite-quartz enclaves in Yuanbaoshan pluton is mainly plane strain,with minor flattening strain and contraction strain.

    • An analysis of geomorphologic characteristics of the Yellow River source region based on ASTER-GDEM

      2012, 39(5):1247-1260.

      Abstract (2946) HTML (0) PDF 9.38 M (3634) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on ASTER-GDEM (30m) data and geological information and adopting color-dye, density-class and GIS spatial analysis technology, the authors studied geomorphologic characteristics of theYellow River source region by means of topography-elevation analysis, surficial-slope analysis, terrain-section analysis and hypsometric analysis. According to the research results, the Yellow River source region is a NW-SE-trending ribbon basin with an average elevation of 4473m, an average surface rolling of 60m and an average slope of 9.5°, thus belonging to the high-altitude basin. The basin is flat with steep edges. In the basin there are lots of lacustrine strata 4200~4300m in altitude, characterized by slight undulation. The internal basin was once a fossil lake bed and then turned into what it is by fluviation. There are three layered geomorphic surfaces inside the basin 4400m, 4500m and 4600m in attitude respectively, which constituted large-size fluvial terraces due to the influence of the fossil lake. There are mountains on the edges of the basin with steep ravines, formed by mountain uplift and drastic tectonic activity as well as strong weathering action. The geomorphologic characteristics of the Yellow River source region were strongly affected by tectonization: Kunlun fracture, Buqingshan piedmont fault, and Bayan Har Mountain piedmont fault on the edges of the basin exerted a controlling influence on the layout and the entire geomorphologic characteristics; Madoi fault,Bayan River fault and Maduo-Buffalo ditch fault within the basin broke the stratified relief of the lacustrine terraces, and played a main role in forming the terrain and the overall layout of the Yellow River source region water system. The region integrally is at its maturity stage and is the comprehensive result of tectonic activity and fluviation action. The largest drainage area is located in the region with the altitude from 4200 to 4800m, occupying 90.6% of the total region. It is a flat terrain formed by long-term internal flow function, which is considered to be the result of fossil lake fluviation. The piedmont area on the northern and southern side of the basin experienced strong tectonic actions with obvious weathering, which is now at its old-age stage. The river valley geomorphology in the southeast of the basin is at the youth stage. Estimated from its terrain characteristics, the Yellow source water system is relatively young.

    • Structure-sedimentary facies and hydrothermal mineralization characteristics of Shiti (in Ankang) -Shenhe (in Xunyang) Early Paleozoic hydrothermal basin in South Qinling orogenic belt

      2012, 39(5):1261-1270.

      Abstract (6588) HTML (0) PDF 1.88 M (6723) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Early Paleozoic Shiti (in Ankang) -Shenhe (in Xunyang) area belongs to the South Qinling orogenic belt and has the characteristics of the so-called “chert-limestone-mudstone” sedimentary edifice in deep-water setting. It was a rifting basin formed in the extensive structural regime, and there coexisted the classic deep-water sedimentation, volcanic exhalative sedimentation and hydrothermal sedimentation, producing the special and unique polymetallic field composed mainly of barite and magnetite. The facies of hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization basin show distinct several-dimensional associations comprising structural deformation, petrologic composition, geochemical signature and features of sedimentary rocks. The structure-sedimentary facies of the third-grade hydrothermal sedimentary basin in South Qinling orogenic belt can be roughly divided into 3 types. The first type is the structure-sedimentary facies of volcanic hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization basin, which has the Quaternary characteristics of volcanic sedimentation, hydrothermal sedimentation, deep-water chemical sedimentation and hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization. The second is the facies of the deep-water and oxygen-absent rifting sedimentary mineralization basin, which has the trinity characteristics of hydrothermal sedimentation, deep-water chemical sedimentation and hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization. The third is the facies of the shallow-water carbonate platform, which has the trinity characteristics of normal shallow-water chemical sedimentation, hydrothermal sedimentation and hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization.The analysis and identification show that the third-grade hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization basin is controlled by the syngenetic faults and the volcanic actions, having the geographic features of the sedimentary rocks, association of hydrothermal sedimentary rock, exhalation association, obvious mineralization and distribution of geophysical and geochemical anomalies. The third-grade hydrothermal sedimentary mineralization basin is the structural space for ore deposits, and the fourth-grade hydrothermal sedimentary depression acts as the suitable space for ore body. The exhalites in the region mainly include baritite, chert, magnet-albitite and ferro-carbonate. The minerals such as barite and magnetite are mostly grown in the exhalites or the hanging wall of the volcanic sedimentary rocks.

    • Characteristics and provenance analysis of the Upper Tertiary Xujiahe Formation sandstone in the middle part of West Sichuan depression

      2012, 39(5):1271-1279.

      Abstract (2292) HTML (0) PDF 2.58 M (4017) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:By means of thin section, SEM, quartz cathodoluminescence and X-RD analysis, the authors studied the mineral composition and texture of the Upper Tertiary Xujiahe Formation sandstone in the middle part of West Sichuan depression, analyzed the composition maturity and texture maturity and, according to the scheme of genesis-composition, classified the sandstone. Based on an analysis of characteristics of sandstone and clastic components as well as the regional tectonic setting, the authors also investigated the direction of the sources. The results show that there exist multi-provenances of upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the middle part of west Sichuan depression, as evidenced by the Dickinson discriminating diagrams of modal composition. Mineral assemblages and cathodoluminescence colors of quartz suggest that the mother rock of xu-2 and xu-3 period was acidic rock and that of xu-4 period is sedimentary rock in Dayi, the mother rock of Xujiahe period is mainly composed of sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock.. The results show that the provenance of xu-2 period might have come from northern Longmenshan uplift, the south island chain of Longmenshan and Kangdian old land. The provenance of xu-3 period might be not different from that of xu-2 period. The provenance of xu-4 period and the following periods might have come from Longmenshan old land. Generally speaking, the provenance of the area was controlled by the evolution of Longmenshan.

    • The discovery of Sponge chert on the bottom of the Lopingian Heshan Formation in western Guangxi and its palaeoenvironmental significance

      2012, 39(5):1280-1289.

      Abstract (2510) HTML (0) PDF 2.99 M (3890) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Chert is widely distributed on the bottom of the Upper Permian Heshan Formation in western Guangxi. The chert layers extend stably on the lateral side, and the bed surfaces are smooth. The authors measured three sections: the north Shanying Village section and the north Xinxu Village section in Taiping Town, Pinguo County, and the Donglan section in Donglan County. In the laboratory the authors conducted the microscopic examination and rare earth element analysis of the chert. The results show that all the chert is rich in organisms such as spongy spicules, foraminifers, and algae, which are well preserved. The low content of rare earth elements is similar to that of sea water, with the slight loss of light rare earth elements and insignificant Ce negative anomaly. According to the characteristics of the rare earth elements and bioassemblages of the chert, the authors hold that the chert on the bottom of Heshan Formation was formed in shallow water and belonged to a relatively closed environment of continental margin; the silicon of the chert occurred in mixed meteoric-marine coastal systems, without the addition of volcanic components and hydrothermal solution. the occurrence of chert indicates that the rapid transgression in late Permian resulted in the increase of the depth of water in western Guangxi, especially along the Xinxu Village section, where the platform was largely submerged, and the water was clean, which was suitable for the breeding of such living things as sponges, foraminiferas, brachiopodas, and gastropods and was hence favorable for the development of chert and limestone.

    • Quantitative analysis of hydrodynamic conditions and sand body distribution dimensions of the braided river delta in Sangonghe Formation and Xishanyao Formation on the south margin of Junggar Basin

      2012, 39(5):1290-1298.

      Abstract (3725) HTML (0) PDF 2.56 M (3954) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Deltas, controlled by different dynamical conditions, are characterized by different plane shapes, distribution frequencies and dimensions of sand bodies. In order to quantitatively characterize the major dynamical conditions of lacustrine deltas, the authors divided the lacustrine deltas into four types on the basis of relative strength of hydrodynamic force, i.e., wave dominated, fluvialin fluenced-wave dominated, wave influenced-fluvial dominated and fluvial-dominated delta respectively. According to the quantitative analysis of measured outcrop columnar section, Sangonghe Formation was assigned to fluvial influenced-wave dominated braided river delta front, while Xishanyao Formation was considered to be of wave influenced-fluvial dominated braided river delta front. Three types of sand bodies were mainly developed in these two kinds of delta front, which are underwater distributary channel, river mouth bar and sheet sand. However, fluvial influenced-wave dominated braided river delta front was dominated by sheet sand, where the distribution frequency was up to 57%; wave influenced-fluvial dominated braided river delta front was dominated by underwater distributary channel and river mouth bar, where the distribution frequency was 42% and 33% respectively. The width/thickness ratio of the underwater distributary channel and river mouth bar in fluvial influenced-wave dominated braided river delta front was obviously larger than that in wave influenced-fluvial dominated braided river delta front. Because river mouth bar sand body is a residual genetic unit, the quantitative relation of its width/thickness ratio remains unclear.

    • Hydrocarbon-generating potential of the source rocks of the Sinian Doushantuo Formation on the western side of the Xuefeng Mountain

      2012, 39(5):1299-1310.

      Abstract (2965) HTML (0) PDF 4.10 M (8724) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on systematic observation, sampling and organic geochemical studies of Sinian Doushantuo Formation source rocks on the western side of the Xuefeng Mountain, this paper summarizes source rocks distribution, organic matter types, formation of source rocks and sedimentary environment, maturity of organic matter and hydrocarbon-generation history. The platform-basin deposition model of Sinian Doushantuo Formation has a close relationship with black shale distribution and organic carbon content. The source rocks are mainly distributed in northern Guizhou, eastern Guizhou, and southeastern Upper Yangtze plate. Black shale in northern Guizhou and eastern Guizhou is from 20m to 70 m in thickness, and high-value areas of organic carbon (2.0%) are mainly distributed in northern Guizhou, eastern Guizhou, and southeastern Upper Yangtze plate such as Shimen - Taoyuan - Anhua area. Organic macerals suggest that organic matters of the black shale are of Type I. The mass fraction of group elements is characterized by saturated hydrocarbon> non-hydrocarbon > aromatic hydrocarbon. The ratio of saturated hydrocarbon and aromatic hydrocarbon in basins and slopes is generally higher than that in the restricted platform, which suggests that the black shale series of Doushantuo Formation is sapropelitic source rock and that the deposition of parent materials was somewhat related to the depositional environment throughout the depositional period. Kerogen δ13Corg values in different depositional environments of Doushantuo Formation imply that there existed remarkable differences in the abundances of organic matters and sources of marine plankton, maritime bacteria and marine algae. For the specific sedimentary organic matter (marine plankton, maritime bacteria and marine algae) , the deeper the water, the lower the kerogen δ13Corg value, and the higher the organic matter content, indicating that the organic carbon content of source rocks was decided by the organic matter productivity, the formation of source rocks and the sedimentary environment. The reflectance of equivalent vitrinite (Rc) varies from 1.78% to 3.05% in the study area, and the Rc of Doushantuo Formation can be calculated by methylphenanthrene index. The Rc is 1.96% in Songlin, and from 2.06% to 2.10% in Meiziwan of Meitan, suggesting that most of the samples have reached the overmature stage, and a minor part of samples have reached the higher mature wet gas stage. The modeling results of hydrocarbon-generating history show that the source rocks of Doushantuo Formation at Zhangjiajie entered into the oil-generation stage in late early Silurian period (434 Ma) , entered into the oil-generation peak stage in early Middle Triassic period (244 Ma), and entered into the condensed oil and wet oil stage in late Middle Triassic, when the Ro (%) reached 1.3. The results show that the source rocks of Doushantuo Formation were deposited in the late rift basins characterized by higher paleogeothermal gradient, lower threshold depth of oil generation and earlier oil generation, which was in favor of the accumulation of Sinian Dengying Formation oil and gas in the early time.

    • The discovery of rare intermetallic compounds (Ni-Cr-Fe,Cu-Zn) in the Garqiong copper-gold deposit of Tibet

      2012, 39(5):1311-1317.

      Abstract (2585) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (4126) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Bangong Lake-Nujiang River metallogenic belt is an important copper-polymetallic ore belt in Tibet,and Garqiong is the key skarn-type copper-gold ore deposit in this metallogenic belt. With the means of sampling based on field geological investigation,microscopic examination,SEM observation,X-ray energy spectrum test and analysis,and systematic research on material components of ores,the authors found for the first time rare intermetallic compounds (Ni-Cr-Fe,Cu-Zn), and this was also the first discovery of such intermetallic compounds in the skarn deposit, as there had been no such reports both in China and abroad. These intermetallic compounds are all rare minerals in nature, formed in an unique environment, i.e., a strong reducing environment of hypoxia and low sulfur. The ore-forming elements with metallogenic specialization of mantle-derived magma were found in the skarn-type deposit for the first time, which has important scientific and academic significance for the study of metallogenic theory, ore-forming materials, metallogenic conditions, metallogenic environment and ore genesis.

    • Element geochemistry of ore-bearing rock series in the Getang gold deposit, Guizhou Province

      2012, 39(5):1318-1326.

      Abstract (2246) HTML (0) PDF 1.63 M (4656) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Getang gold deposit in Guizhou Province has large reserves, high grade, special formation circumstances, and typical double ore-controlling characteristics: one is the horizon, and the other is the karst unconformity. There are varied (silicification, tectonic) breccias, low-temperature hydrothermal minerals (realgar, orpiment, stibnite and fluorite etc.) and wall rock alteration mineral assemblages in the ore-bearing rock of the Getang gold deposit. Its hydrothermal ore-forming stage can be divided into two metallogenic stages. The first is the main ore-forming stage—pyrite stage and the second is the late ore-forming stage—fluorite stage. Based on a systematic study of trace elements (Co/Ni and Th/U), REE, sulfur isotopes (pyrite and stibnite) composition characteristics of single minerals (pyrite and fluorite) and ore-bearing rocks (horizon), the authors tentatively hold that the Getang gold deposit possesses normal seawater sedimentation characteristics, its ore-bearing layer was developed in a marine and poor oxygen environment, and the initial ore-forming material was probably related to Emeishan basalt activity, but late deep material may have had contributions to mineralization for further enrichment of Au.

    • Geological characteristics and genesis of the Yuanlingzhai molybdenum deposit in Anyuan, Jiangxi Province

      2012, 39(5):1327-1338.

      Abstract (2395) HTML (0) PDF 6.66 M (4761) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Nizhutang molybdenum ore block in the Yuanlingzhai ore district is the largest molybdenum deposit of porphyry type in Jiangxi Province, with very huge ore reserves. The ore bodies in lenticular and bedded forms occur in the internal and external contact zones of the granite, and their thicknesses are from 52 to 456.57 m, with the mean thickness being 227.8 m. The average grade of the ore deposit is 0.067%. In this paper, the authors summarized geological characteristics and genesis of the ore deposit, analyzed the structure and the formation mechanism of the ore deposit, and pointed out that a concealed blasting breccia pipe might exist in the depth. The NE- and NW-trending faults were rock-controlling structures, which controlled the cryptoexplosive breccia and the granite porphyry. The ore-related joints in different directions 50-450 m around the granite porphyry were very well developed, which provided favorable ore storage space for the molybdenum deposit.

    • Scheelite Sm-Nd dating of the Zhazixi W-Sb deposit in Hunan and its geological significance

      2012, 39(5):1339-1344.

      Abstract (3851) HTML (0) PDF 1.48 M (5258) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Located in central Xuefeng Mountain arc structural belt, the Zhazixi W-Sb deposit is a typical vein deposit. The Sm-Nd isotope dating of scheelite from the Zhazixi W-Sb deposit was performed in this paper, and the result shows that the Sm/Nd ratios vary from 0.2175 to 0.3485. In the 147Sm/144Nd versus 143Nd/144Nd diagram, the scheelites show a good linear arrangement and yield an isochron age of 227.3±6.2 Ma (MSWD=1.6). The Sm-Nd age represents the formation age of the scheelite and can indicate that the W and Sb mineralization in Zhazixi district took place in late Triassic period. εNd (t) values of the samples vary from -11.81 to -11.91, quite different from the values of the Woxi W-Sb-Au deposit, indicating that the two deposits were derived from obvious different sources for ore-forming materials. This study is important for the study of the polymetallic resources in western Hunan Province, and also contributes to regional prospecting.

    • Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Qiongbulake copper deposit in Western Awulale Mountain,Xinjiang

      2012, 39(5):1345-1358.

      Abstract (2418) HTML (0) PDF 5.55 M (4529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Qiongbulake copper deposit is the largest deposit in western Awulale Mountain copper belt of Xinjiang. Three ore types from No.1 ore body were selected for fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies. The results reveal that all the fluid inclusions are of L-V type and NaCl-H2O system. Fluid inclusions associated with calcite display moderate-low homogenization temperatures (85℃~343℃),moderate-low salinities (1.57~17.79 wt%NaCl eq.) and low densities (0.7g/cm3~1.05 g/cm3). The petrographic characteristics of the fluid inclusions in the three ore types are similar to each other,whereas some differences do exist for the homogenization temperatures and alkalinities. Carbon isotope determinations of calcite show δ13CPDB values of -3.2‰~-6.5‰, suggesting that the carbon was derived from the mantle. Oxygen isotope determinations of the fluids show δ18OSMOW values of 0.45‰~4.44‰. Sulfur isotope determinations of sulfides show δ34SVDT values of -10.5‰~5.5‰. The No. 1 ore body and other volcanic hydrothermal ore bodies have similar fluid inclusion and stable isotope characteristics. Therefore, the No. 1 ore body is not of sedimentation-transformation genesis but of volcanic hydrothermal genesis. The mixing of volcanic hydrothermal solution and circulated meteoric water was probably responsible for ore genesis. The slow cooling of ore-forming fluid played the most important role in the deposition of minerals. However, the effect of dilution and the increase of pH were not negligible.

    • Geology and stable isotope geochemistry of the Shuangwang gold deposit in Taibai County, Shaanxi Province

      2012, 39(5):1359-1374.

      Abstract (3396) HTML (0) PDF 4.22 M (4250) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Shuangwang gold deposit, located in the east of the Fengtai ore concentration area of West Qinling, is a large gold deposit of auriferous albite breccias type. The ore deposit occurs in the weakly metamorphosed upper Devonian Xinghongpu Group, dominated by calcareous siltstone, sericite silty slate and carbonate that comprise flyschoid formation. Gold mineralization is strictly controlled by auriferous breccia bodies. Pyrite is the most important ore sulfide, and the main wall-rock alteration is albitization. Systematic stable isotope analyses show that the ore-forming fluids of the early and the main stages came from mixed fluids and those of the late stage mainly came form magmatic hydrothermal fluids with the addition of a little meteoric water. Carbon was derived mainly from the great depth and partly from the dissolution of carbonate strata. Sulfur is the mixed sulfur of the crust and the magma. Lead mainly came from the upper crust with the mixture of a little mantle lead. Based on the regional geological-structural background, it is concluded that the mineralization of the Shuangwang gold deposit was related to the Late Triassic collision between the North China Plate and the Yangtze Plate. The early stage mineralization was mainly caused by hydrothermal metasomatism, and the main gold mineralization occurred at the hydrothermal filling stage after the blasting action. The Shuangwang gold deposit is genetically a cryptoexplosive breccia type gold deposit.

    • Geological characteristics and prospecting target of the Pali Mountain iron deposit in SaiSongwen County , Vientiane Province, Laos

      2012, 39(5):1375-1386.

      Abstract (6540) HTML (0) PDF 8.92 M (6254) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on mineral resources survey of the Pali Mountain in SaiSongwen County, Vientiane Province of Laos, this paper deals with geological settings, geological characteristics, geophysical characteristics, ore genesis and prospecting perspective of the Pali Mountain iron deposit. Studies show that Variscan period was an important metallogenic epoch for rich iron deposits in Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt of Laos. The Pali Mountain iron deposit lies at the contact zone between granodiorite and Middle-Upper Devonian limestone in the Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt of Laos. The well-developed skarn bands corresponding to ten iron mineralized bodies are exposed in the mining district. The ore bodies all lie in garnet skarns formed by contact between granodiorite and limestone. The variations of the modes of occurrence of ore bodies are controlled by the skarns. The deposit was formed in magmatic epoch and ore bodies are mainly in lenticular, layered and stratoid forms in marble. Controlled strictly by fractured zones, the ore bodies lie in carbonate rock and calcareous sandstone and limestone of Middle-Upper Devonian period and the NW-, NE- and EW-trending fracture zones in strata. The ore deposit is a mesothermal skarn type iron deposit. The potential resource quantity of the Pali Mountain iron deposit is huge and the favorable places in search for the same type of iron deposits is in the depth and the periphery of the ore deposit. The host rocks are mainly skarn and skarnized limestone and calcareous sandstone of the Middle-Upper Devonian period. Ore minerals are mainly magnetite, hematite and subordinately limonite, chalcopyrite and pyrite. Vein minerals are mainly quartz, calcite, diopside,tremolite,garnet,chlorite, and epidote. This paper sums up the carbonate strata, the intrusion of granodiorite and the multiple activities of the Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt in Laos. The NW-, NE- EW-trending faults are the factors that jointly control the formation of the skarn-type iron deposit. Based on geological features, ore-controlling factors, this paper deals with prospecting criteria and targets in search for iron deposits in this region. The discovery of the Pali Mountain iron deposit has provided new train of thought and new data in search for this type of iron deposits in the Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt of Laos.

    • The Bayer dissolving method for the diaspore type high-iron bauxite: A case study of the ore from Xianrenyan rock in Zunyi

      2012, 39(5):1387-1396.

      Abstract (2818) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (3540) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In the past, the adding of aluminum and reducing of iron or the separation of aluminum from iron should be adopted as the first step in the application of high iron bauxite, as indicated by most previous literatures. This paper describes physical and chemical characteristics of the diaspore type high iron bauxite in the ore bed of Xianrenyan Rock in Zunyi. The samples of XCK5 and XCK4 of high iron bauxite were collected, the former is characterized by Al2O3 53.61%,A/S 7.63,and Fe2O3 21.96%, whereas the latter is characterized by Al2O3 51.71%, A/S 7.16,and Fe2O3 24.89%. The Bayer dissolution test shows that the XCK5 has absolute dissolution rate 83.98% and relative dissolution rate 96.65%, chemical alkali consumption 57.9 kg(NaOH)/t(Al2O3), whereqs the XCK4 shows absolute dissolution rate 80.02%, relative dissolution rate 93.01%, and chemical alkali consumption 34.9 kg(NaOH)/t(Al2O3). The test also reaches good result in red mud settlement. Therefore, the process chain of the application of high iron bauxite can be considerably shortened in that it is not necessary to add aluminum and reduce iron or separate aluminum from iron first before the application. The result obtained by the authors provides a new way for this kind of ore applications and researches.

    • Primary halo characteristics of the north ore zone in the Huachanggou gold deposit, Lueyang County, Shaanxi Province

      2012, 39(5):1397-1405.

      Abstract (3084) HTML (0) PDF 4.52 M (3561) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Huachanggou gold deposit of Shaanxi Province occurs in the submarine basic volcanic effusive spillite. Based on field geological work in the Huachanggou gold deposit, this paper analyzes trace elements of the samples in the north ore zone by such means as geo-mathematic analysis and calculation of the primary halo zoning. The result shows that the front halo elements are Sb, As, Cu, Hg, the near-ore halo elements are Au, Ag, Bi, Pb, W, and the rear halo elements are Ni, Co, Mn, Mo, Zn, Cd. The primary halo axial zoning sequence from the top to the deep part of the north ore zone is Hg-Bi-Mo-Au-Ag-As-Cu-Pb-Co-W-Mn-Sb-Ni-Zn-Cd. According to the characteristics of threshold halo zoning, the ideal zoning model of the primary superimposed halos is built. Three ore bodies (A, B and C) appear in the area form the 950m level down to the 830m level. The tail of ore body A is stacked on the top of ore body B, while ore body C is far away from ore body B. The tail of the ore body C appears at the 830m level, and the its downward extension is not large.

    • Geochemical rock survey section from Guxian Reservoir to Quanbao Mountain in western Henan Province and its implications for deep ore prospecting

      2012, 39(5):1406-1420.

      Abstract (3127) HTML (0) PDF 4.90 M (9003) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Geochemical rock survey section from Guxian Reservoir to Quanbao Mountain is located in the Shagou-Longmendian Ag polymetallic ore concentration area of western Henan Province. The obvious anomalies of Au, Ag, Cr, Co, Cu and Pb were found about 6.0km to 10.0km in length along the section. The anomalies of Cr and Co along the geochemical rock survey section are important clue to finding new type deposits. On the basis of the metallogenic theory on the transmagmatic fluids, the result of geochemical rock survey section from Guxian Reservoir to Quanbao Mountain becomes new significant evidence to prove the geological model of concealed magma-fluids interactivities (transmagmatic fluids) related to Ag polymetallic mineralization. The results obtained by the authors are important in search for concealed igneous bodies and ore bodies in the depth under 6.0~10.0km in geochemical rock survey section, and also of great significance in finding new type deposits, such as pegmatite-type Au deposits and porphyry-type deposits in the Shagou-Longmendian Ag polymetallic ore concentration area.

    • The application of three-dimensional DC resistivity method to the detection of water wells

      2012, 39(5):1421-1426.

      Abstract (2331) HTML (0) PDF 2.35 M (4213) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Water is an indispensable resource for human survival, and is also a bottleneck restricting the development of regional economic development. The main water supply layer in the study area is limestone fissure water. The authors utilized the DC resistivity method to look for groundwater resource. Two survey stations were arranged, with the total length of 610 m, the network parallel electrical method instrument WBD-GD was adopted to collect data, the three-dimensional inversion software was used to realize 3D imaging, and six horizontal slices were selected at different depths so as to roughly determine the locations of the water source wells. The results determined not only the planar locations of the water sources wells but also their rational depths. Verification shows that the achievements obtained by the authors are very effective, which guarantee the production and life of the stone factory in the mountain area.

    • The application of the acreage bearing likelihood ratio method to assessing oil shale resources: A case study of Maoming basin

      2012, 39(5):1427-1435.

      Abstract (2680) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (3634) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The acreage bearing likelihood ratio method was adopted to assess oil shale resources in the fault depression basin. This method is simple and convenient. Main geological parameters controlling the generation and enrichment of oil shale was optimized in terms of the development characteristics of oil shale and its metallogeny and enrichment mechanisms in the fault depression basin. Then the analogy coefficients of the assessment area were figured out by quantifying the qualitative binary status of these geological parameters. Finally, the authors assessed oil shale resources of the assessment area in term of the distribution function of oil shale resource abundance of the anatomy area. The results show that oil shale forecast resources of Maoming basin are equivalent to the identification resources from the first “National Oil Shale Evaluation” at the probability of 65%, and the oil shale forecast resources of Maoming basin are equivalent to the identification and forecast resources from the first “National Oil Shale Evaluation” at the probability of 50%.. Therefore, the acreage bearing likelihood ratio method can effectively assess oil shale resources of the basins with middle-low exploration extent.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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