• Volume 40,Issue 2,2013 Table of Contents
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    • The progress in the strategic research and survey of rare earth, rare metal and rare-scattered elements mineral resources

      2013, 40(2):361-370.

      Abstract (7137) HTML (0) PDF 7.59 M (9002) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The three types of rare mineral resources include the rare earth, rare metal, and rare-scattered (dispersed) mineral resources in the project of the strategic research on three types of rare mineral resources. Since the beginning of the project, the research group has studies the distribution, geological features, exploitation, metallurgic technology, and market supply and demand of the rare mineral resources in the world. The investigation shows that the HREE resources have been consumed rapidly, the comprehensive utilization of critical dispersed metals should be improved, and the exploration for rare metal resources is urgent in China. Meanwhile, the utilization quality of the rare resources is low, the high added value products are very insufficient, and the ore dressing recovery percentage is low. Furthermore, 80% REE mines have been mined beyond the border, and 30% REE mines are accompanied by environmental pollution. In the aspect of metallogenic theory and regularity, the research shows that the ore-forming rocks of the ion-absorbing type REE deposit can extend to metamorphic rock and basic igneous rock from the conventional granitic and volcanic rock, and the distribution of endogenetic Li and REE deposits are separated in space and time. On the other hand, the project research group refreshed the analytical technique for the rare elements, and applied the high resolution remote sensing to the supervision and management of the rare resources. On the basis of research achievements, some opinions are put forward, such as the individual assessment for the 17 rare earth elements, the improvement of exploration standards, the creation of composite mineral commodity for some refractory rare resources, and the way to supervise mines and find new mines by sampling water from the river in southern Jiangxi. Also, in view of the different characteristics of the rare mineral resources, the authors suggest that the government should establish integrated exploration area for rare metal resources, planning area for the rare earth resources, and demonstration area for the comprehensive utilization of the scattered resources.

    • Metallogenic characteristics of superlarge and exceptional superlarge Cu deposits abroad

      2013, 40(2):371-390.

      Abstract (3942) HTML (0) PDF 4.76 M (9487) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Copper consumption and use may reflect the level of industrialization of a country. In this paper, the authors regard types and characteristics of superlarge and exceptional superlarge Cu deposits abroad as the main study objects. The typical superlarge and exceptional superlarge Cu deposits abroad are studied in this paper, and five types of Cu deposits, i.e., magmatic segregation type, porphyry type, skarn type, stratiform (stratabound) type and VMS type are described in detail. The major superlarge and exceptional superlarge copper deposits include Chu Kika Mata exceptional superlarge Cu deposit and Escondida superlarge Cu deposit in Chile, Glasgow Vogelsberg superlarge Cu-Au deposit in Indonesia, Zambia Cu belt and Cu-U mines in the Sino-African giant metallogenic belt, Sabah copper belt in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) along the Sino-African giant metallogenic belt, Aynak large Cu deposit in Afghanistan and Lubin large Cu deposit in Poland. In general, the superlarge and exceptional superlarge Cu deposits are characterized by unity, speciality, preferentiality and abnormality.

    • The Provenance characteristics of Tongshan Formation in north Zalantun area of the Da Hinggan Mountains:The constraint of geochemistry and LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb dating of detrital zircons

      2013, 40(2):391-402.

      Abstract (2852) HTML (0) PDF 1.37 M (4732) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Tongshan Formation is a very important part of Zalantun-Duobaoshan island arc tectonic belt in northern Zalantun area of the Da Hinggan Mountains. The properties, deposition epoch and tectonic environment type of the source area of Tongshan Formation are important links in the study of the island arc tectonic belt, and also constitute an important window in the study of early tectonic evolution of the old Asian Ocean tectonic domain. Studies of fine elastic rocks and petrography of the Tongshan Formation in combination with geochemistry of the main elements and trace elements in fine elastic rocks show that Tongshan Formation was formed in the continental island arc area or active continental margin as well as the nearby places, and the source materials of Tongshan Formation were mainly felsic rocks and migmatitic felsic rocks formed by the transition from the upper crust to the edge of the andesite island arc, with part of the source material probably derived from the mixture of a small amount of passive continental margin material. The LA-MC-ICPMS zircon U-Pb age spectrum characteristics of fine elastic rocks in Tongshan Formation were determined for the first time, and the results show the diversity of the source area of Tongshan Formation. The U-Pb age spectrum contains 566~632Ma and 789~889Ma detrital zircons and, in combination with regional chronologic information, these data suggest that there must have existed the Neoproterozoic crystalline basement and the Neoproterozoic magmatism and metamorphism in this area, which constituted the main provenances of sedimentary rocks in Tongshan Formation. 2543~2705 Ma and 1773~2120 Ma ancient detrital zircons information revealed in the Xing-Meng orogenic belt suggests the probable existence of Precambrian micro-landmass basement, which became the important provenances of sedimentary rocks in Tongshan Formation. According to 572±5Ma concordant age, in combination with regional contrast, the deposition time of Tongshan Formation was dated at early Ordovician. The research results provide an important basic material for determining the evolution of the early Paleozoic Zalantun-Duobaoshan island arc tectonic belt and also offer a new constraint for the investigation of the continental crustal evolution on the southern margin of the Siberia plate and the researches on tectonodynamics.

    • Geological and geochemical characteristics and tectonic and prospecting significance of the Shanxi-Guangshan intrusions in Lizhu area,Zhejiang Province

      2013, 40(2):403-413.

      Abstract (2516) HTML (0) PDF 4.78 M (4588) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Located in the northeastern part of the Qinhang metallogenic belt, Lizhu area in Zhejiang has developed a series of skarn type iron polymetallic deposits or ore spots, and mineralization is closely related to the late Jurassic intrusive rocks in the NE-trending fold-fault zone. Researches on the geological and geochemical characteristics of intrusive rocks show that the main rock types are middle-fine grained granodiorite and coarse-grained or fine-grained granite. The former type comprises amphibole-bearing calc-alkaline ( low potassium-high calcium) granitoids (ACG) characterized by low SiO2, K2O+Na2O and K2O/Na2O, rich CaO, MgO and FeOT, relative enrichment of K, Rb, Ba, Th, U, Zr, Hf, slight depletion of Sr, Ti, negative Eu anomalies along REE distribution curve with weakly right-oblique nature, similar geochemically to the I-type granite. The latter type consists of alkali-rich calc-alkaline (high potassium-low calcium) granitoids (KCG), characterized by high SiO2,K2O+Na2O and K2O/Na2O, low CaO, MgO and FeOT, enrichment of K, Rb, Th, U, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, strong depletion of Ba, Sr, Ti, and obvious negative Eu and "V"-type REE patterns, thus similar geochemically to the A-type granites. The petrogenetic tectonic environment was converted from the subduction collision to post-collision or post-orogeny, consistent with the conversion of the tectonic environment in South China, thus providing a new constraint for the tectonic-magmatic evolution in South China. Furthermore, both the two types of granites widespread in Zhejiang have good prospecting potential.

    • Characteristics of volcanic explosive facies and factors influencing reservoir performance in Dixi area, Junggar Basin

      2013, 40(2):414-422.

      Abstract (3060) HTML (0) PDF 4.75 M (3905) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The explosive facies volcanic rock is a combination of different forms of pyroclastic materials. According to the classifications and the combinations of the pyroclastic materials, the explosive facies can be divided into airfall, thermal base surge, thermal debris flow and splash sub-facies. Each sub-facies has its own unique discrimination criteria. Studies show that the lithology is complex and the explosive facies volcanic rocks are mainly distributed in Dixi 10 and 14 well areas in Kelameili Dixi area, as evidenced by the observation of volcanic rocks core, ordinary thin section and casting thin section as well as the analysis of logging data. The lithology is dominated by volcanic tuff, volcanic breccia, ignimbrite and welded volcanic breccia. The reservoir space of explosive facies is characterized by matrix solution pores, intragranular solution pores, structural fractures and dissolution fissure. The ignimbrite-dominated thermal debris flow sub-facies and volcanic tuff-dominated airfall sub-facies are the high-quality well-developed reservoir sites among all sub-facies. The tectonism and the dissolution of fluid are the main factors for the reservoir. The results of the study will provide a reference for the judgement of a volcanic rock reservoir as to whether it is a valuable reservoir or not in the similar area.

    • A quantitative method for target prediction using the wide composition-spectrum dike swarms: A case study of the South Alataw Mountain in Xinjiang

      2013, 40(2):423-429.

      Abstract (2972) HTML (0) PDF 3.24 M (4515) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstracts:A numerical method is presented for spatial targeting by parametrizing distribution of the wide composition-spectrum dike swarms (WSDS). According to the metallogenic theory on the transmagmatic fluids, the local stress field with a vertical maximum principle stress axis emerges when violent interaction between the magma body and the shielding layer takes place. Consequently the corresponding fissure system differs from the fissure system described in the traditional structural geology of orefield. In accordance with a variety of ascending rates of magma and textural and mechanical properties of the shielding layer, there would be several types of syn-metallogenic fissure subsystems, in which veins of metallogenic period usually fill. Because the strength of effort at the center is much stronger than that at the surrounding places, the pre-existent and the self-propagated fractures show regular spatial patterns both in density and in direction, which determine the kinematics of fluids. So the density of dikes and their stretching directions can be considered as quantitative indexes to target the potential locations in which ore-bearing fluids are extensively cumulated, and mineralization occurs. Using moving-average method to get the contours of the dike densities and the dike stretching directions, the authors regard the maximums as the prediction targets. The result is highly consistent with that analyzed by the geological method. Therefore the quantitative method offered in this paper is effective.

    • Shale gas accumulation conditions of Devonian strata in Guizhong depression

      2013, 40(2):430-438.

      Abstract (7656) HTML (0) PDF 5.34 M (32005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Using samples from typical sections, drilling data and geochemical information from the Devonian black shale in Guizhong depression of central Guangxi, the authors analyzed the accumulation condition of shale gas reservoirs. The results demonstrate that there exist two suites of excellent marine source rocks in the middle and lower Devonian strata of Guizhong depression, which are characterized by large thickness and extensive distribution, high abundance of organic matter and moderate buried depth, thus possessing basic conditions for the formation of shale gas reservoirs. However, the preservative condition of shale gas is very poor because of the subsequent multistage severe tectonic movements as well as the development of faults and magmatic activities in some areas. Therefore, the central and western areas of Guizhong depression with integrated strata, underdeveloped faults and magmatic activities seem to be the favorable places for shale gas exploration. It is suggested that the preservation condition is very important in exploring shale gas resources under the conditions of high organic thermal evolution extent and subsequent multistage severe tectonic movements. The preservation condition is one of the key factors for shale gas exploration in China.

    • The classification and correlation of the Cambrian strata in western Xuefeng Mountain area

      2013, 40(2):439-448.

      Abstract (2773) HTML (0) PDF 1.51 M (4602) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:According to the newest global Cambrian chronostratigraphic framework which subdivides the Cambrian System into 4 series and 10 stages, the authors discussed the classification and correlation of the Cambrian strata in western Xuefeng Mountain area, based on the analysis of the trilobite biostratigraphy data and the progress in the study of the conodont biostratigraphy. As a result,a more reliable scheme for the Cambrian classification and correlation is suggested for this area.

    • The definition and classification of Quaternary Lacustrine strata and the establishment of Dingjie Group in Dingjie basin, Tibet

      2013, 40(2):449-459.

      Abstract (5393) HTML (0) PDF 2.65 M (18492) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on the field geological survey and the study of the measured profile of lacustrine sediments in Dingjie basin of Tibet, the authors conducted a detailed study and classification of the Quaternary lacustrine deposits distributed in the basin, redefined the middle Pleistocene–late Pleistocene stratigraphic units and established the sequence of biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy. The authors have established for the first time the stratigraphic unit of Dingjie Group which belongs to middle Pleistocene–late Pleistocene lacustrine strata. Dingjie Group comprises middle Pleistocene Yeruzangbu Formation and upper Pleistocene Majia Formation. The lacustrine strata provide new material for the study of lake evolution, climate change, palaeogeographic change and division and correlation of Quaternary strata in the Tibetan Plateau.

    • The reconstruction of paleogeographic environment for the development of the Jialing River’s ancient meander

      2013, 40(2):460-468.

      Abstract (2983) HTML (0) PDF 2.45 M (9776) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Remote sensing images of the Jialing River’s old channel reflect the river pattern information of the free meanders. The analysis of the development condition of the old meanders of the Jialing River has important geomorphological significance in the reconstruction and restoration of the regional paleogeographic environment. On the basis of previous researches and practical cases on the free meanders, this paper summarized development conditions of the free meander. On such a basis, in combination with field investigation data, the authors hold that, when the ancient meander stared its formation, the area was a flat and wide plain landform, and the channel gradient ratio was smaller than the present value. Materials of banks on both sides of the river were composed of unconsolidated sediments characterized by “dualistic structure ”. This geographical environment was similar to the that of the lower part of the Jingjiang River that belonged to the Yangtze River. Moreover, the pattern of “ three confluence rivers ” composed of the main stream of the Jialing River and its tributary ( Qujiang River and Fujiang River ) had already existed at that time. The transformation of the free meander to the incised meander of the Jialing River was caused by change of the regional geological environment or the geological events.

    • Genetic type and pattern of reservoir sand bodies of Xujiahe Formation in Jieshichang-Huangjiachang area of southern Sichuan Basin

      2013, 40(2):469-476.

      Abstract (5865) HTML (0) PDF 2.45 M (16931) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Generally,Xujiahe Formation in Jieshichang-Huangjiachang area is composed of delt→lake sediments. Sand bodies in the study area are well developed,but the heterogeneity of the sand body is severe and its genesis is complex. This paper tried to explore its genesis and patterns. Under the guidance of sedimentary theories and methods and on the basis of observing three field outcrops and twelve drilling cores,analyzing eighty-three thin sections,SEM and analytical data of physical property, in combination with new information and new achievements obtained recently, the authors made a detailed analysis of sedimentary facies and dissection of section structure of the reservoir sand body,and found that the study area of Xujiahe is composed mainly of single underwater distributary channel sand,single-mouth bar sand,lake sand bar sand,shallow lake sand bar sand,superimposed distributary channel sand,superimposed mouth bar sand,and combination type of underwater distributary channel and mouth bar(including the " river-over-bar " and " bar-over-river "). Combined with physical property data,the authors systematically studied the accumulation performance of the sand bodies developed in different parts of the river, which are of different genetic types with different lithologic structural characteristics. On such a basis,this paper established two genetic models for sand bodies in the study area: one is the sand body prograding model and the other is sand body retrograding model. The results show that in the study area of Xujiahe, the most favorable places for the reservoir development are the middle-lower reaches of the river and the middle and upper parts of the mouth bar. The most favorable reservoir sand bodies for reservoir accumulation are the superimposed distributary channel and the “river-over-bar”,and they also serve as the main exploration targets in the study area in the future.

    • The potential of tight oil resource in Jurassic Da’anzhai Formation of the Gongshanmiao oil field, central Sichuan Basin

      2013, 40(2):477-486.

      Abstract (3592) HTML (0) PDF 6.83 M (4638) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Da’anzhai reservoir in the Gongshanmiao oil field belongs to tight oil type, and its physical properties are extremely tight with porosity less than 2% and permeability below 0.05mD. The oil reservoir in Da’anzhai extends extensively and has relatively oil enriched places called “sweet spots”. Vertically, the oil layers in Da’anzhai are strongly heterogeneous. The top and bottom segments of the section are composed of thick shelly limestone and are main producing parts in Da’anzhai section; the middle segment composed of thin shelly limestone interbedded with shale is the secondary pay zone. The structure and the thickness of shelly limestone and dark shale are not the main mechanism of oil enrichment. "Sweet spots" are located in the sloping area on the western side of Gongshanmiao. Based on geological information and production data of wells, the authors calculated the recoverable resource using the volumetric method and production decline fitting method, and the result is 3.38 million tons and 1.56 million tons, respectively.

    • The controlling factors and sedimentary environment for developing coastal coal-bearing source rock of Pinghu Formation in Xihu depression

      2013, 40(2):487-497.

      Abstract (3072) HTML (0) PDF 4.34 M (4887) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Pinghu Formation is one of the major source rocks for oil and gas reservoirs in Xihu depression. The types of source rocks are mudstone, carbonaceous mudstone and coal, the organic matter type isⅡ-Ⅲ, the organic matter is abundant, and on the whole, the rocks are medium-good source rocks. The Pinghu Formation of Xihu basin is mainly developed in bay, delta influenced by tide, braided river delta and tidal flat, with source rocks deposited in the bay and tidal flat environment. During the depositional stage of Pinghu Formation, the sedimentary water was brackish-saline, the characteristics were oxidative in peat swamp developed in delta and tidal flat, and low reducing in bay. There were four factors which dominated the development of source rocks in Pinghu Formation: paleo-structure, which determined the thickness and location of sources rocks; sea level, which controlled the distributive characteristics of source rocks within the strata; paleo-climate, which provided approved material background for the development of source rocks; sedimentary environment, which governed the abundance, types and conservational conditions of source rocks. On the basis of the study of the controlling factors and sedimentary environment responsible for developing source rocks of Pinghu Formation, the authors have established a sedimentary model for developing source rocks in Pinghu Formation.

    • Thermal evolution characteristics of Paleogene source rocks and their main controlling factors in northern part of Dongpu depression

      2013, 40(2):498-507.

      Abstract (5854) HTML (0) PDF 2.99 M (19201) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on the soluble organic matters, biomarkers and vitrinite reflectances, this paper analyzed comprehensively thermal evolution characteristics of Paleogene source rocks and their main controlling factors in different subsags within the northern part of Dongpu depression. The results show that Paleogene source rocks of both Qianliyuan and Haitongji sags have developed into high and over-mature stages, while Paleogene source rocks of Puwei subsag only belong to the mature stage. Compared with Haitongji sag, Qianliyuan sag and Puwei subsag have wider range of hydrocarbon generation in the?longitudinal direction, shallower threshold depth for hydrocarbon generation, and deeper threshold depth for high maturity. Sha-3 member is the major source rock in all subsags, the main stage of hydrocarbon generation is Dongying period, and there existed secondary hydrocarbon generation since Minghuazhen period. The?main factor controlling Paleogene source rocks’ thermal evolution differences among different subsags is formation temperature, followed by abnormal high pressure, and the type of organic matter has no obvious effect.

    • Sedimentary micro-facies analysis of Huanglong Formation in the Shuangjiaba gas field, northeast Chongqing

      2013, 40(2):508-516.

      Abstract (3080) HTML (0) PDF 8.29 M (5836) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Upper Carboniferous Huanglong Formation in the Shuangjiaba gas field of northeast Chongqing is the principal producing formation of natural gas pool. Based on the drilling, cores, thin slice and logging information,, in combination with a comprehensive study of petrology, paleobiology and well logging, the authors established a sedimentary model of Huanglong Formation. Studies show that the Huanglong Formation consists of two types of sedimentary systems, i.e., sabkha and continental shelf. The water bodies of two sedimentary systems deepened gradually and expanded, forming a transgression sequence. Six subfacies and eight microfacies were recognized based on the signature of sedimentary facies. On the basis of sedimentary facies of each well, the plane distributive map of sedimentary micro-facies about the first Member (C2hl1), the second Member (C2hl2) and the third Member (C2hl3) of the Huanglong Formation was compiled. Composite particles beach, calcarenite beach and bioclast beach are the most favorable microfacies. The second section of Huanglong Formation was the main gas-producing area in the upper Carboniferous period.

    • Jurassic sedimentary transformation event recorded by detrital components in the middle part of western Sichuan

      2013, 40(2):517-528.

      Abstract (5652) HTML (0) PDF 2.86 M (13446) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Sandstone is the direct record of mountain uplift in the basin, and its detrital components have a good effect in analyzing orogenic belts and tectonic setting of sedimentary provenances. Jurassic sediments were systematically investigated with four main methods, i.e., features comparison in detrital components, vertical evolution characteristics of detrital components in single well, Dickinson chart and evolution characteristics between Q/(F+L) and F/L of component maturity. Some conclusions have been reached: (1) On the basis of spatial distribution features of the detrital components of sandstones, the authors believe that the middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in the study area was effected by the western Longmenshan orogenic belt and the northern Micang-Daba orogenic belt simultaneously. (2) According to the vertical correlation of the detrital components and the analysis of compositional maturity of sandstones in a single well, the authors have found that near the boundary between Qianfoya Formation and Shaximiao Formation, the provenance had a significant change, suggesting that there existed an important sedimentary transformation event in western Sichuan area at that time, which was closely connected with the tectonic evolution of Micang-Daba Mountain. (3) The detrital components of sandstones reflect the activity of the orogenic belts around the basin. With relatively stable structures, sandstones had a high compositional maturity from the early Jurassic to the middle Jurassic. In middle and late Middle Jurassic, due to the influence of the thrusting of the Micang-Daba Mountian, sandstones showed a low compositional maturity, and volcanic detritus increased. In the early Late Jurassic, the structures got relatively stable, and the compositional maturity of sandstones increased. Towards the late Late Jurassic, due to the influence of the Longmenshan orogenic belt in western Sichuan, the feature of sandstones became similar to that of the front sandstones in Longmenshan area.

    • The ore-control structural features and ore-host regularity of Chaihe-Moguqi area in the Da Hinggan Mountains

      2013, 40(2):529-537.

      Abstract (7612) HTML (0) PDF 5.75 M (32939) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Ore-controlling structure is always one of the difficulties in the study of hydrothermal deposits. With Chaihezhen-Moguqi region of the Da Hinggan Mountains as the study object, this paper puts forward some conclusions on the basis of the 1:250000 geological investigation of. Chaihezhen-Moguqi region. 1. The main ore-controlling structures are Daheishan-Taipingling-Jiguanshan fracture zone and Zalantun City-Haduo River fracture zone, and the formation ages are mainly Hercynian and Yanshanian. 2. Ore-controlling structures mainly show compression, tensile and shear properties, and between the three properties, there existed the conversion between shear and tensile and between shear and torsion, with the principal compressive stress field changing in the directions of E-W, SE-NW to SSE-NNW in succession. 3. The regularities of the main ore-controlling structures, the branching ore-control structures, and the parallel and inclined ore-controlling structures are summarized in this paper. These regularities, the structures as passageways for ore fluids and the ore source were closely related to deep subduction which produced molten magma. These new ideas are of great significance for the detailed study of geological foundation, metallogenic theory and prospecting work in this region.

    • An analysis of structural ore-controlling role in Xiaoqingling area

      2013, 40(2):538-548.

      Abstract (7100) HTML (0) PDF 4.22 M (27256) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Xiaoqinling gold ore concentration area is known for its great uplift amplitude, high denudation extent, intense tectonic movement, clear structural features and concentrated distribution of ore deposits. The study area experienced four periods of folding, comprising from early to late plastic flow folding→regional EW-trending main folding →NS-trending crossing superimposed folds→transverse folding of vertical uplift, and was subjected to four periods of shearing, in order of plastic flowing →brittle ductile transpression→ductile brittle tenso-shearing →brittle forward detachment caused by uplift. The main stage brittle-ductile shearing was developed in the main limb of the weak tectonic belt. The third phase ductile-brittle shearing process of Yanshanian period provided favorable ore-hosting conditions for the large-scale injection of ore-forming fluids and mineralization. Researches show that the ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from the depth and, through the multistage evolution of mantle plume, injected into the ductile shear zone to form ore deposits via accumulation. In the ore district, there often exist one or two main ore veins which control more than 50% of metallic reserves.

    • Indosinian Mo mineralization in Qinling area and prospecting potential

      2013, 40(2):549-565.

      Abstract (5303) HTML (0) PDF 5.52 M (13270) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Three types of Indosinian Mo mineralization can be observed in the Qinling area, namely carbonatite-type, fault-controlled quartz vein type and porphyry type. Carbonatite-type Mo deposits are represented by the Huanglongpu and Huangshuian deposits. They are spatially and genetically associated with magmatic carbonatite, and the ore bodies are present as Mo-bearing carbonatite veins, with specific Mo+U+REE mineralization. Fault-controlled quartz vein type Mo deposits are represented by the Waifangshan Mo ore district (composed of Zhifang and Qianfanling Mo deposits), Dahu Au-Mo deposits and Majiawa Au-Mo deposits. They occur as fault-controlled quartz veins, and the hydrothermally altered wall rocks can be mineralized, either. Such deposits share similar geological and fluid inclusion features with the orogenic type deposit, and are regarded as its medium to high temperature endmembers. Porphyry-type Mo deposits, represented by the Wenquan Mo deposit, are associated with Indosinian intermediate-acid granite porphyry, and molybdenite crystals occur as veinlets or veinlet-disseminations. Typical porphyry type hydrothermal alterations include potassic alteration, phyllic alteration, chloritization, epidotization and carbonation. It is concluded that the carbonatite-alkali rocks in the northernmost part of the Qinling Orogen are in favor of carbonatite-type Mo mineralization, the area between Machaoying fault and Sanbao fault in the southern margin of the North China Craton is favorable for fault-controlled quartz-vein type Mo mineralization, and quartz vein type Au-Mo deposits can be found in Xiaoqinling and Xiong'ershan regions. Emphasis should be placed on Indosinian granite and related Mo mineralization in East Qinling area.

    • The sources of metallogenic materials and mineralization of the Xiaoyao W-polymetallic deposit in Anhui Province: Evidence from carbon, sulfur and lead isotopes

      2013, 40(2):566-579.

      Abstract (2794) HTML (0) PDF 5.18 M (4451) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Xiaoyao W-polymetallic deposit of Anhui Province is a W-Ag-Zn-Pb-Cu-Mo deposit in Jiangnan uplift. The W-polymetallic ore bodies mainly occur as lenses, layers and veins in the contact zone between the intrusion and the wall rock. The δ13C characteristics of calcite in this deposit suggest that the carbon was mainly derived from magmatic rocks with a certain amount from the country rocks through the leaching of groundwater derived from meteoric waters. The δ34SV-CDT values suggest that sulfur isotopes in pyrrhotine, pyrite, chalcopyrite have not reached equilibrium. Sulfur was mainly derived from magmatic rocks, contaminated by the country rocks during the metallogenic process. The tectonic patterns of lead isotope and related parameters indicate that the metallogenic material was closely related to magmatism. The lead generally came from the lower crust and was characterized by the mixture of the crust and the mantle. Based on the features of carbon, sulfur and lead isotopes of the W-polymetallic deposit, the authors have concluded that the large-scale Yanshanian tectonic-magmatic activity not only brought a large amount of metallogenic materials for the deposit but also promoted the activation and migration of metallogenic materials from the strata. These materials were precipitated and concentrated in some favorable structures and formed the W-polymetallic deposit.

    • Fluid inclusion study of the Saishitang Cu deposit in Qinghai

      2013, 40(2):580-593.

      Abstract (4712) HTML (0) PDF 5.97 M (12013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The fluid inclusions in the Saishitang Cu deposit can be classified into liquid-rich two-phase, gas-rich two-phase and daughter mineral-bearing polyphase types. According to studies of petrography, microthermometry and laser Raman spectrographic analyses of fluid inclusions in garnet and diopside from skarn and sulflde-rich quartz veins, the fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and salinities of the early skarn stage vary in the range of 436℃-562℃ and 34 %-45%wt%NaCl eqv. respectively, indicating that the fluid is dominated by magmatic water characterized by high temperature and high salinity; the fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and salinities of the retrogressive metamorphic stage vary in the range of 322℃-419℃ and 15%-39%wt%NaCl eqv. Respectively; the fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and salinities of the sulfide stage vary in the range of 235℃-366℃ and 5%~36%wt%NaCl eqv. respectively. Laser Raman spectrogtaphic analyses show that the gas phase components of fluid inclusions are mainly composed of CH4, H2S, CO2 and H2O, and the ore-forming fluids belong to the NaCl-H2O-CH4-H2S-CO2 system. The boiling event of ore-forming fluid occurred at temperatures of 290℃~360℃, resulting in the formation of massive metal sulfides. The fluid boiling was favorable for the formation of the Saishitang Cu deposit.

    • A study of the ore-prospecting work based on multiple geosciences information in the Jinchuan Cu-Ni deposit

      2013, 40(2):594-601.

      Abstract (2683) HTML (0) PDF 5.70 M (4203) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Jinchuan Cu-Ni deposit is one of the world-famous typical superlarge copper-nickel deposits. Based on the feasibility test of the integrated ore-prospecting work based on multiple geosciences information on the known profile, in combination with geological characteristics of the ore deposit, the authors determined geological, geochemical and geophysical ore-prospecting criteria and established a geological-geophysical-geochemical model for ore-prospecting work in the depth and the lateral areas of the Jinchuan Cu-Ni deposit. Based on this model, the authors carried out ore prognostic work in the depth and the lateral areas of the II ore district within the Jinchuan Cu-Ni deposit and found five target areas with ore-prospecting potential. In the No. 2 multiple information integrated anomaly zone of Type I target area, drilling verification revealed a concealed Cu-Ni ore body.

    • Heavy metal characteristics of stream sediments in the Xiaoqinling gold ore district

      2013, 40(2):602-611.

      Abstract (5104) HTML (0) PDF 1.36 M (13162) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on the division of water systems in the Xiaoqinling gold ore district, the authors studied the concentrations and distribution of seven kinds of heavy metals i.e., Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Cu and Zn, in the stream sediments and, in the light of the source of each element, analyzed the causes for different concentrations of these elements and probed into the influence of the gold mining on the variation of heavy metal concentrations. On such a basis, the factors affecting the occurrence and migration of heavy metals in stream sediments were revealed. Some conclusions have been reached: 1. In the light of regional distribution, the heavy metal concentrations of the stream sediments at the northern foot of the Xiaoqinling Mountains are generally higher than those at the southern foot, and the concentrations at the northern foot show characteristics of “high in the middle and low on both sides”. 2. In the light of the differences in element content in the stream sediments of the Xiaoqinling gold ore district, Pb has the highest content and most remarkably deviates from the background value, followed by Hg, whereas Cr and As continually maintain the low background values.

    • A tentative discussion on the air burst genesis of the Ordovician gypsum-bearing breccia in North China

      2013, 40(2):612-618.

      Abstract (2153) HTML (0) PDF 3.08 M (4630) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on its morphological characteristics, this paper made a preliminary analysis of the genesis of the Ordovician gypsum-bearing breccia in North China. The geothermal characteristics during the formation stage of the gypsum-bearing breccia were analyzed with the numerical method, and the results show that the temperature condition for the dewatering of clay minerals and gypsum did exist. The pore gas pressure of gypsum-bearing mudstone at high temperature was analyzed with the experimental method, and the result shows that extremely high pore gas pressure will be generated by gypsum dewatering at high temperature. The SEM and energy spectrum analysis show that the mineral structure of gypsum is changed at high temperature. It is thus held that the gypsum-bearing breccia in North China might have been generated by air burst.

    • Vertical distribution of some elements in typical weathering-soil profiles of granite in Guangdong Province

      2013, 40(2):619-628.

      Abstract (2269) HTML (0) PDF 3.69 M (4036) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Two granite weathering profiles developed in the south of Guangdong Province were studied in this paper. The concentrations of some major and heavy metal elements were determined by the authors. It can be concluded that the soil-forming process of the study area is a continual process of losing Na, Mg, K and Ca,the soil has been highly weathered, and the variation trend of heavy metal concentrations in two profiles is consistent with that of the major elements. It is also held that the eluviation of the two studied soil profiles is strong , the eluvial horizon has reached up to 200cm and the illuvial horizon is between 100 and 300cm in depth in the two soil profiles. In the illuvial horizon, with the precipitation of new minerals of the major elements (Ca, K, Na, Mg etc.), the heavy metal elements (such as As, Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni )are also relatively concentrated. These characteristics are of great significance in studying the cause of the phenomenon that the concentrations of As, Pb in deep soil are higher than those in top soil in Guangdong.

    • The distribution of trace elements in different grain-size fractions inferred from road surface soils in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

      2013, 40(2):629-635.

      Abstract (2273) HTML (0) PDF 2.31 M (4604) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The samples of urban road surface soils were collected from Harbin City of Heilongjiang Province and divided into different grain size fractions (bulk sample, >63μm, 63-30μm, 30-11μm and <11μm). These samples were analyzed to obtain the composition of trace elements and rare earth elements (REE). The results indicate that the variation degree of trace elements in different size fractions increases in order of Sr

    • Cd contamination of farmland soil in a gold mining area and its environmental effects

      2013, 40(2):636-643.

      Abstract (2495) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (3875) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Cadmium is a dangerous element that pollutes the environment. The metal mining area is usually an area of serious Cd contamination. In order to study the pollution degree of farmland soil and the pollution effect on crops and human hair in the Xiaoqinling gold mining area, the authors carried out field investigation. An analysis of a series of samples of soil, corps and human hair shows that tailing is the main source of Cd contamination in water-soil environment. The standard-surpassing multiple of Cd in soil ranges from 0 to 44.6,with a standard-surpassing rate of 6.77% relative to the state standard. The farmland with high Cd content covers an area of 21.8km? and possesses 7.8% of the study area. The standard-surpassing multiple in 30.7% wheat samples ranges from 1.2 to 3.2. The Cd content in the study area is obviously higher than that in the contrast area, where the wheat is safe to eat. The standard-surpassing rate of Cd content in vegetables is 77.7%. The Cd in radish and tomato in the study area is higher than that in the contrast area. There is a significant positive relation between Cd content in soil and that in crops. In the area polluted by air, soil and groundwater, the Cd content of human hair is 1.91-6.09 times that of the contrast area. The Cd content of human hair in 2009 was 4.35 times that in 2005. All this has constituted a serious threats to human health.

    • The assessment and mapping of seismic landslide hazards: A case study of Yingxiu area, Sichuan Province

      2013, 40(2):644-652.

      Abstract (4985) HTML (0) PDF 2.22 M (12715) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Although there exists controversy concerning the problem whether the Earth has entered into the earthquake-prone period or not, it is generally accepted that the frequency of the recent devastating earthquake is higher than that in the past. The earthquake-induced landslides are increasingly becoming the research focus of geologists. The prediction of the earthquake-induced landslide prone area and the assessment of the seismic landslide hazards are of great significance for reducing casualties and property losses after a regional long-term earthquake prediction. In this paper, the commonly used seismic landslide hazard evaluation methods are presented and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are discussed. As an example, the seismic landslide hazards assessment and mapping in Yingxiu area was conducted by using Newmark model.

    • Susceptibility zoning and control measures on land subsidence caused by groundwater exploitation

      2013, 40(2):653-658.

      Abstract (2327) HTML (0) PDF 2.05 M (4144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Excessive artificial extraction of groundwater has caused the continuous decline of groundwater levels and, as a result, triggered a large area of land subsidence. To avoid a wider range of land subsidence, the authors used the clay layer thickness, the drawdown rate of groundwater level and groundwater exploitation as three impact factors to carry out studies. In accordance with their respective extent of impact, the impact factor weights were determined, the overlay method in GIS was used to divide land subsidence into susceptibility zoning. In combination with water resource allocation of South-to-North water transfer, this paper has proposed the control measures on land subsidence, thus providing a scientific basis for layout optimization of groundwater exploitation and land subsidence.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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