Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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CHEN Yu-chuan , CHEN Zheng-hui , ZENG Zai-lin , ZHAO Zheng , ZHAO Bin , WANG Deng-hong , ZHANG Yong-zhong , LI Jian-guo , ZHOU Xin-peng , LI Jiang-dong
2013, 40(3):659-670.
Abstract:Abstract:The Yinkeng ore field in Jiangxi Province is one of the first prior research targets of Sinoprobe-Deep Exploration in China, with the exploration of the ore-forming regularity of deep mineral resources as the main aim. Geological exploration profiling survey, geochemical survey, ore field structure, magmatism, typical ore deposits and integrated geophysical studies were conducted in this region. It is revealed that hypothermal W-polymetallic deposits and mesothermal Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn polymetallic deposits characterized by metallogenic zoning are existent in 2D space. According to the study of ore-forming regularity of magmatism and typical deposits, the authors hold that the two types of ore deposits are temporally, spatially, and genetically closely associated with the two series of magmatic activities at the early stage of Yanshanian period. Accurate rock-forming and mineralization chronology framework was established, which suggests that the two types of deposits have space-time relationship. By using high-accuracy gravity and magnetic area survey and the detection methods of major cross-sections such as ground magnetic survey, seismic reflection, and CSAMT/AMT, the authors carried out comprehensive geophysical detection research, and primarily determined the deep structure of strata-rock body-structure. The results obtained by the authors provide the scientific basis for the site selection of Nanling scientific drilling (SP-NLSD-1) (Fig.2). Furthermore, it is revealed that dual-layer structure of mineralization may be exist in the Yinkeng ore field, which contributes to the further research on the ore-forming regularity of Nanling region in 4D time-space.
XU Zhi-qin , WANG Qing , ZENG Ling-sen , LIANG Feng-hua , LI Hua-qi , QI Xue-xiang , CAI Zhi-hui , LI Zong-hai , CAO Hui
2013, 40(3):671-680.
Abstract:Abstract:The Greater Himalayan Complex (GHC) , as the metamorphic core of the Himalayan orogen, shows a “hot” collisional orogen characterized by high-grade (up to granulite facies) metamorphic rocks exhumed from the middle-lower crust, widespread migmatites from extensive anatectic processes and high-temperature ductile deformation. A three-dimensional tectonic model for extrusion of the GHC has been proposed based on the discovery of widespread orogen-parallel ductile extension. It is suggested that extrusion dynamic processes of the GHC are as follows: (1) partial melting in 45-36Ma resulting in the weak and hot middle crust, (2) orogen-parallel gravitational collapse in 28-26Ma, (3) ductile thrusting since > 26 Ma and (4) ductile extrusion resulting from the formation of MCT and STD during 23-17Ma .
ZHANG Xiao-xi , YANG Jing-sui , ZHANG Hui , HU Yu-le , SU De-chen
2013, 40(3):681-693.
Abstract:Abstract:Rock is the research object of petrology; nevertheless, if specific rock samples are not sufficient,petrologic research is impossible. In the in-depth study of the petrology,the mere dependence on rock samples obtained from the surface is not enough. The rock samples collected from deep earth are necessary, and the acquisition of such samples can only rely on drilling engineering. Scientific drilling can obtain the rock samples from deep earth, and researches can be carried out on the cores which carry a lot of information concerning the deep earth,and this will surely promote the development of petrology. At the same time,the research results of petrology can provide the basis for the design of drilling engineering. In addition,the in-depth study of the petrology can promote the development of the drilling technology due to its special requirement for drilling cores. Without technical support, the progress of science is impossible. Only by paying full attention to drilling engineering can importance be truly attached to geological study and to the research on petrology.
XUE Huai-min , MA Fang , GUAN Hai-yan , WANG Yi-peng
2013, 40(3):694-714.
Abstract:Abstract:The volcanic rocks in Huaining basin, one of a series of late Mesozoic volcanic basins developed in the Middle-lower Yangtze region, are characterized by high K and rich alkali and mainly belong to typical shoshonitic series. However, bimodal volcanic association appeared at the late stage of volcanism in Huaining basin. The volcanic rocks in the basin are all depleted in high-field-strong-elements (HFSE) such as Nb and Ta, and enriched in strong incompatible elements such as Rb, Th, U and K as well as light rare earth elements (LREE). In this study, the authors used SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb technique to date the samples from Pengjiakou Formation and early volcanism respectively in Huaining basin, and obtained emplacement ages of 129.4±1.6 Ma and 131.6±0.6 Ma respectively. The age of 122.3±0.7 Ma was also obtained by LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb technique for rhyolite from Jiangzhen Formation, which is late volcanism in Huaining basin. Based on a comparison with other volcanic basins in the Middle-lower Yangtze region, the authors found that the ages of volcanism in Huaining basin are similar to those of such other volcanic basins in the Middle-lower Yangtze region as Luzong basin and Ningwu basin; nevertheless, the end of volcanism in Huaining basin occurred about 6 Ma later than other volcanic basins. The volcanic rocks in Huaining basin have wider variation range and lower εNd(t) values than other shoshonite volcanic basins in the Middle-lower Yangtze region, which may be related to the fact that their tectonic setting was near the Dabie orogen, and hence more crust materials were added to the magma. The proto magma of Huaining volcanic basin mainly came from partial melting of the enriched mantle, with different degrees of mixture of lower crust materials during the magmatic evolution.
WU Cai-lai , DONG Shu-wen , WANG Ci-song , GAO Qian-ming , YAN Yong-tao , LI Xiang , GAO Yuan-hong , LEI Min , QIN Hai-peng , LI Ming-ze , LIU Chun-hua
2013, 40(3):715-729.
Abstract:Abstract:Fenghuangshan granodiorite with an outcropped area of approximately 10 km2 is the largest pluton in Tongling area, belonging to high-K calc-alkaline series. ZK 66 drill hole at Zhujiashan located in the northwest corner of the Fenghuangshan pluton revealed that the pluton overlaps on the top of Triassic carbonate strata. Besides the granodiorite seen in the shallow part of the ZK 66 drill hole, the Late Devonian-Permian strata can also be found in the depth of the drill hole. Especially, the diabase with an age of 304 Ma and the granite porphyry with an age of 132 Ma were found in the Carboniferous marble, indicating the existence of late Paleozoic magmatism and probably the Mesozoic granite magmatism which lasted until 132Ma. The discovery of the late Carboniferous diabase reveals a sea-floor spreading environment and also indicates the close genetic relationship between the marine exhalation and the magmatism, which laid a solid foundation for the formation of a large ore deposit in that period.
HUANG Zhi-ying , QI Xue-xiang , TANG Guan-zong , LIU Jin-ke , ZHU Lu-hua , HU Zhao-chu , ZHAO Yu-hao , ZHANG Cao
2013, 40(3):730-741.
Abstract:Abstract:The Tengchong block is an important part of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, corresponding to the Lhasa block. The discovery of the Songduo eclogite belt in recent years proves the existence of the subduction and collision event in Lhasa block, and the problem has cropped up whether the same event existed or not in Tengchong block. The Nabang diorite in Tengchong block is a metaluminous, K-rich and calc-alkalic magmatic rock body. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating shows the diorite was emplaced at 245.0±2.9 Ma. The zircon εHf(t) values range from +7.8 to +14.9, with corresponding single-stage model ages ranging from 298 to 590 Ma. All samples fall in the region between meteoritic Hf evolution (CHUR) and depleted mantle (DM) lines in the plot of εHf(t) values versus U-Pb ages and in the subduction-related fluid field in the Th/Yb versus Ba/La discriminant diagram. These data, in combination with high Mg# values, low Yb/Hf ratios (<1.2) and negative anomalies of Th and U, indicate that the materials were derived from mantle-derived magma mixed with a little crust-derived magma. The strong enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements relative to the primordial mantle,the negative anomalies of Th, U, Nd, Ta, and Ti in the primitive mantle-normalized trace element spider diagram, and the La/Yb versus Sc/Ni and La/Yb versus Th/Yb tectonic discriminant diagrams suggest that the diorite was formed in a tectonic setting related to subduction and collision. The emplacement age and tectonic setting of the diorite in Tengchong block is identical with the data of eclogite in the Lhasa block, and regional angular unconformity with the lack of P2 to T1, suggests that the subduction-collision in Tengchong block did happen during early Indosinian, like the event that happened between Lhasa and northern Australia blocks from P2 to T1.
LIU Fei , YANG Jing-sui , CHEN Song-yong , LI Zhao-li , LIAN Dong-yang , ZHOU Wen-da , ZHANG Lan
2013, 40(3):742-755.
Abstract:Abstract:Ophiolites that discontinuously crop out along the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone (YZSZ) are remnants of Neo-Tethyan ocean lithosphere emplaced during subduction of the Indian plate beneath Eurasia. The Purang massif is one of the largest ophiolites in the western part of the suture with exposed area of about 650 km2 and consists dominantly of harzburgites, minor Cpx- harzburgites and dunites as well as a series of uppermost crustal rocks (siliceous limestone, siliceous shale, chert, basaltic lavas, and pyroclastic rocks), without cumulate rocks and pillow lava. In the northwestern part of the massif, peridotites were intruded by diabase dykes and sills. The diabases show N-MORB type REE patterns with (143Nd/144Nd)t being 0.512904~ 0.512909 and εNd(t) +8.6~+8.7, and are characterized by LILE (mainly K, Sr, Rb) enrichment and noticeable Nb, Th and U negative anomalies. They have a supra-subduction affinity and were formed in a back-arc basin setting. A comparison with other YZSZ ophiolites suggests that various intra-oceanic supra-subduction events within the Neo-Tethys began in different periods. The oceanic crust of the eastern part of YZSZ was formed in about Middle Jurassic in the back-arc basin, while those in central and western segments were formed in about Early Cretaceous above the SSZ setting.
NIU Xiao-lu , YANG Jing-sui , CHEN Song-yong , LIU Fei , XIONG Fa-hui , LIU Zhao , GUO Guo-lin
2013, 40(3):756-766.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in the western part of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, the Dongbo ultramafic rock massif is comparable with the Luobusa ultramafic rock massif which holds the largest chromite deposit in China in terms of their petrology and mineralogy. In this paper, the authors attempted to characterize its origin by examining the geochemistry of platinum group elements (PGE), major elements and rare earth elements (REE) of the harzburgites which are the main rocks of the rock mass. The harzburgites are characterized by high abundances of Os (3.52×10-9~4.36×10-9), depleted major element compositions and low REE content (0.89×10-6~1.37×10-6) which is lower than that of the primary mantle, indicating that the Dongbo ultramafic rocks belonged to depleted residual mantle rocks after a significant degree of partial melting and melt extraction. They also have high PGE content (23.97×10-9~31.98×10-9) which is higher than that of primary mantle, and display IPGE-depleted, PPGE-enriched chondrite- and primary mantle- normalized PGE patterns with Pd/Ir being 1.49~2.65. Their chondrite- and primary mantle-normalized REE patterns are all U- or V-shaped with (La/Sm)m being 1.05~3.37 and (Gd/Yb)m 0.28~0.64 (primary mantle-normalized values). These features are consistent with the opinion that the Dongbo ultramafic rocks were formed by the interaction of depleted residual mantle rocks with melts/fluids which were enriched with incompatible elements and PGE, especially IPGE relative to PPGE. In addition, the low Cu/Pd ratios (1226~3448) argue that the melts/fluids should also have high content of sulfides. The authors infer that the melts/fluids that reacted with the residual mantle rocks probably originated from the magmas produced in a subduction-related tectonic setting.
LIANG Yu-wei , YU Cun-lin , SHEN Guo-zhen , SUN Qing-ru , LI Jin-wen , YANG Yun-Cheng , SHE Hong-quan , ZHANG Bin , TAN Gang
2013, 40(3):767-779.
Abstract:Abstract:The ore-bearing pluton in the Suonaga Pb-Zn-Ag deposit is composed of medium-coarse-grained granite, fine-grained biotite granite and pseudoporphyritic K-feldspar granite. The zircon U-Pb dating results show that the medium-coarse-grained granite was formed at 319.6±4.1 Ma, the fine-grained biotite granite was formed at 172.5±1.4 Ma, and the pseudoporphyritic K-feldspar granite was formed at 165.5±1.8 Ma. The petrogeochemistry of the three rock bodies is characterized by high K, rich alkali and poor magnesium, so they all belong to calcium-basic, quasi-aluminous to weakly peraluminous and highly-differentiated rocks. All of the granites have high REE and negative Eu anomalies, exhibiting relative enrichment of LREE. These rock bodies belong to S-type granites, because they are enriched in U and Th and their Rb/Sr ratios are higher than those of the crustal source. Regional geology and granite geochemistry indicate that the medium-coarse-grained granite was formed in a post-collisional extensional environment in Late Carboniferous; the Middle Jurassic fine-grained biotite granite and pseudoporphyritic K-feldspar granite were formed in an intraplate extensional environment, and they were products of different evolutionary stages of a comagmatic region. The pseudoporphyritic K-feldspar granite was probably the ore-forming parent rock, because its diagenetic age is consistent with the molybdenite Re-Os ages (163.4±2.4Ma to 166.6±2.4Ma) and the rocks are enriched in metallogenic elements Pb and Zn.
JIANG Mei , YANG Jing-sui , ZHANG Yu-wen , TAN Han-dong , PENG Miao , WU Liang-shi , XU Le-hong , ZHANG Li-shu , LI Qin-qin
2013, 40(3):780-789.
Abstract:Abstract:Numerous Cr-bearing ultramafic rock masses with high ore-prospecting potential are distributed around Luobusha, the largest chromite deposit in China. The Zetang rock mass was selected to conduct profile probing using gravimetric, magnetic and magnetotelluric methods. The results show that the Zetang rock mass was cut into several parts by approximately NS-trending faults, with the west parts moving farther northward than the east ones and distributed in NWW directions on the whole. The magnetic anomalies in the mass were caused by the magnetite resulting from the serpentinization and the residual magnetization when the rock mass was formed, and such magnetic anomalies indicate the limits of the superficial part of the rock mass. The gravity anomalies reveal that there are high-density bodies existing locally in the mass, which accord with the magnetic anomalies, and the outcropped ore spots at the earth's surface are mostly distributed within the limits. The surface layer of the mass is a thin high-resistance layer, with a thickness of at least one hundred meters in general, and the maximum thickness of the high-resistance body reaches 1.5 km in the middle section of the mass profile but its area is not large. Under the thin high-resistance bodies, there is a thin low-resistance layer. Both sides of the profile are dominated by high-resistance bodies, but the middle section contains quite a few low-resistance bodies, which are connected with the low-resistance bodies in the deep part at the depth of 5–25 km and thus belong to the low-resistance bodies in the middle crust. It is inferred that these low-resistance bodies were caused by partial melting, suggesting that there probably existed passages for the upward migration of mantle-derived materials. Through summarizing the characteristics of various geophysical fields, it is thought that the sectors with more local gravity anomalies and low-resistance body anomalies in a magnetic anomaly area are most favorable for further detailed exporation and ore-prospecting work.
2013, 40(3):790-799.
Abstract:Abstract:The upwelling asthenosphere in deep stable craton led to the rupturing of the lithosphere and the formation of deep-seated fault series. Alkaline series magma was formed by partial melting of the upper mantle. In the process of its upward migration along the rift and emplacement, the magma evolved into kimberlite formation. Diamonds were accumulated at the terminal end of the kimberlite formation, i.e., brecciated alkaline ultra-basic rocks. With the explosive emplacement in the upper crust, diamonds were preserved as useful resources. The widespread stable massif in China underwent multiple deep magmatic process in Phanerozoic. Up till now, many diamond deposits have been discovered, with great exploration potentiality remaining existent.
TAN Han-dong , JIANG Mei , LIN Chang-hong , PENG Miao , WU Liang-shi , MA Huan , WANG Zhong-kai , LI Jin-jin , TAN Jia-yan
2013, 40(3):800-805.
Abstract:Abstract:In order to choose the scientific drilling location, the survey collected Controlled-source Audio frequency Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) data along four E-W orientation profiles and Magnetotelluric (MT) data along two E-W orientation profiles between Tengchong County and Gudong Town in Yunnan Province. The resistivity model for the six profiles were obtained by data preprocessing and 2D inversion. The electrical structure of these profiles is characterized by the existence of two low resistivity layers in the crust of the basin. The shallow layer is stably existent in NS direction with the main part distributed from 300m to 1500m in depth. It consists of the bottom of water-bearing volcanic rocks and the top of granites and granite gravel rocks that form the heat reservoir of the Tengchong basin geothermal resource. The deep layer is a magma pocket serving as heat source, with 12~30 km depth and over 25 km E-W width between Mazhan Town and Qushi Town. The above electrical characteristics provide geophysical basis for the study of magma and volcanic activity in Tenchong volcanic-tectonic belt of Yunnan Province.
YAN Hai-qing , WANG Qiang , HU Yan-qiang , WU Jun-ping , JIA Hui-min , TAN Yu-ting
2013, 40(3):806-819.
Abstract:Abstract:The Jinchuan copper-nickel deposit is the third largest nickel, copper sulfide magmatic deposit in the world, which has aroused much attention among deposit geologists both in China and abroad. The Ⅳ mining area is an component part of the Jinchuan copper-nickel deposit, but the production and research are rather insufficient due to the low grade (Ni 0.71%, Cu 0.48%) and the great buried depth (below the depth of 140 m). Owing to the impact of the F23 fracture structure, researchers have regarded it as the eastward extension of the No. 2 pluton of the Ⅱ mining area since the beginning of the exploration work. However, recent detailed drilling investigation has obtained systematic test samples, and the results show that the ore-bearing pluton of the Ⅳmining area is an independent ore-bearing pluton mass with its unique evolution process; its Ni / Cu ratio is by far higher than the Ni/Co ratios of other ore-related pluton; its PGE is strongly depleted, and its "R" factor value is low (30). Trace elements and REE distribution also shows independent complex evolution, and rock structures and lithofacies change significantly, with the characteristics of a typical striker magma of magma channel. A comparison of ore-forming elements and PGE characteristics between several major ore-bearing rock masses has led to the preliminary determination of the spatial location of the magma channel in the Jinchuan copper-nickel sulfide deposit; in addition, some key problems concerning the exploration of the Jinchuan deep resources and the exploration direction are also discussed in this paper.
XIONG Fa-hui , YANG Jing-sui , LIU Zhao
2013, 40(3):820-839.
Abstract:Abstract:Podiform chromitite serves as the main source of chromium and is also the shortage ore species in China; therefore, the discovery of large chromitite deposits has become the first way to solve the long-term dependence on imports. But there is disagreement about the genesis of podiform chromite. With the discovery of many abnormal mantle minerals in podiform chromite and its host mantle peridotite, geologists have rethought the genesis of the podiform chromitite. This paper focuses on the latest achievements and progress in the study of the podiform chromitite both in China and abroad, which include the morphological characteristics of podiform chromitite, output feature, mineral chemistry, the distribution pattern of the platinum group elements (PGE), the UHP minerals in the chromitite, and the host harzburgite evolution. The chromium of podiform chromitite was derived from the incongruent melting of the two types of pyroxene and associated mineral spinel, which might have been formed in an environment of the lower mantle or transition zone. Platinum group element minerals exist as inclusions and fissures in the podiform chromitite, and the content of platinum group elements is related to the S saturation level formation in the process and has multi-phase characteristics. The authors hold that the process of the formation of podiform chromitite consisted of four stages, which were the stage of chromium source derivation, the crystallization stage of spinel and UHP minerals, the chromitite ore-forming stage, and the stage of chromitite seating. It is thought that the characteristics of each stage require further refinement and investigation, and the detailed comparison between different podiform chromitite deposits is necessary.
SUN Dong-sheng , LIN Wei-ren , WANG Lian-jie , CUI Jun-wen , WANG Wei , HUANG Yao
2013, 40(3):840-845.
Abstract:Abstract:The in-situ stress state of seismogenic fault after a strong earthquake is one of the important parameters for understanding the mechanism of the earthquake. The Wenchuan earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling project (WFSD) is a rapid response to the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, which provided the test rock core for recognizing the stress state of the depth of Longmenshan fault on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. This paper focuses on the measuring instruments and processes of the anelastic strain recovery method (ASR) for the deep in-situ stress measurement. The anelastic recovery strains of seven different deep cores are in the range of 424-1173m in WFSD-1. The direction and magnitude of principal stress were determined and estimated, respectively. The dominant azimuths of maximum principal stress are between NW69° and NW35°, and the magnitude of principal stress increases with the increasing depth.
DING Jian-hua , YANG Yi-heng , DENG Fan
2013, 40(3):846-858.
Abstract:Abstract:Antimony mineral resource is one of the dominant mineral resourcers in China. Many new Sb deposits were found in western China during the Great Geological Survey. The dominant Sb resource positions of Tibet and Xinjiang were appearing gradually. The original Sb distribution pattern composed dominantly of Hunan, Guangxi and Guizhou in eastern China has been broken. In this paper, based on extensive data collected, the authors summarized the characteristics of antimony ore resource in China, and delineated 11 large metallogenic prospective belts. The metallogenic characteristics and prospecting potential of these belts were analyzed.
LI Cheng-lu , QU Hui , ZHAO Zhong-hai , XU Guo-zhan , WANG Zhuo , ZHANG Jian-feng
2013, 40(3):859-868.
Abstract:Abstract:The Huolongmen area in Heilongjiang Province is tectonically located at the juncture between the Songnen Block and the Xing’an Block in the east of the Xingmeng oregenic belt. Large volumes of Neopaleozolc granitic rocks are distributed in this area. The granitic rocks are composed mainly of monzogranite, syenogranite and alkali-feldspar granite. The zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating of monzonite granite yielded the concordant age of 351.5 ± 3.5Ma. Major element analyses show high SiO2(73.38%~78.68%)and alkali content(K2O+Na2O=6.58%~9.61%), slightly high Al2O3(11.25%~14.50%)content and low MgO(0.1%~0.57%)and CaO(0.07%~0.89%) content. Trace element studies demonstrate the enrichment of Th, Zr, Nd, Rb, K and depletion of Ba, Sr, Nb, P, Ti. The samples are enriched in LREE (light rare earth elements) and depleted in HREE (heavy rare earth elements) with pronounced Eu anomalies(δEu=0.09~0.72), suggesting a high degree of fractionation ((La/Sm)N=2.12~6.60,(Gd/Yb)N=0.71~2.48). The granites generally belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series and might have been produced by the magma that experienced a relatively high degree of crystallization differentiation. Most Neopaleozoic granites fall in the post-orogenic zone and the volcanic arc granite zone, respectively, in the R1-R2 structural setting discrimination diagram and the (Yb+Nb)-Rb versus (Yb+Ta)-Rb discrimination diagram, suggesting that the Xing’an Block and Songnen Block might have experienced collision and suturing during Late Paleozoic.
ZHANG Lei , Lv Xin-biao , LIU Ge , CHEN Jun , CHEN Chao , GAO Qi , LIU Hong
2013, 40(3):869-884.
Abstract:Abstract:Late Paleozoic A-type granites are widely distributed in Hegenshan-Heihe segment of the Inner Mongolia-Da Hinggan Mountains orogenic belt. Their tectonic environments and petrogenesis remain controversial. A-type granites in Hegenshan Heihe segment were emplaced in Late carboniferous-Permian period (325~260Ma), and the magmatic activities entered into the peak period in Permian. The A-type granite belt is metaluminous or slightly peraluminous (A/CNK=0.89~1.13) and belongs to the high-K, calc-alkaline series. On the chondrite-normalized REE diagram, all plutons are enriched in LREE, but show significant negative Eu anomalies. Their primitive-mantle normalized spidergrams display negative Ba, Sr, Ce, P, Ti and positive Th, Pb, La anomalies. Researches show that the ancient Asian oceanic plate still subducted into the Siberia plate between Late carboniferous and Permian, so the subducton-related back-arc extensional environment is thought to have been responsible for the formation of Hegenshan-Heihe A-type granites. The continental back-arc extension was probably related to the subduction slab rollback or the break-off induced upwelling of hot asthenospheric mantle. This process provided the thermal flux for melting the overlying lower crust at a high temperature, and also resulted in the mixing of the crust and the mantle-derived magmas. The mixed magma emplacement along the continental back-arc extension fault system after fractional crystallization in the depth was responsible for the formation of the Hegenshan-Heihe A-type granites belt.
HUANG Yu-peng , LIU Xian-fan , DENG Jiang-hong , DONG Yi , ZOU Jin-xi
2013, 40(3):885-894.
Abstract:Abstract:The metallogenic theory of trans-magmatic fluid and mechanism of the interaction between mantle fluid and crustal hydrothermal fluid provides a credible explanation for the idea “little intrusion could form large deposit”. The geochemical characteristics suggest that the Bengge alkaline complex had been strongly affected by deep fluid and the ore-forming elements were not provided by the magma or melt which formed the Bengge complex. The ore-forming fluid system and the magma were independent of each other. It is believed that the mineralizing process was controlled by the trans-magmatic fluid and the mechanism of interaction between mantle fluid and crustal hydrothermal fluid. The ore-forming mantle fluid was not mixed with the alkaline magma but they could move together. During the crystallization of the alkaline magma, on the one hand, the mantle fluid could alter the alkaline body; on the other hand, the mantle fluid might escape from the magma and move to the physical-chemical boundary layer which was favorable for the enrichment of the ore-forming elements. During this process, the mantle fluid could react and extract the ore-forming elements in the crust, which was helpful to the formation of a large ore deposit. Based on the above analysis, the authors hold that Bengge alkaline complex has attractive ore potential.
2013, 40(3):895-908.
Abstract:Abstract:Emeishan basalt is a typical medium with low permeability. The weathering of basalt rock mass results from basalt block weathering. The weathered basalt block has a shell-like structure formed by core stone which is surrounded by one or more layers of saprolite crusts. From the block surface inward, the nearer it approaches the geometrical center of the block, the lower the degree of weathering becomes. The weathering process of the basalt can be divided into two stages:the early period and the mid-late period. Bivalent iron turns into trivalent iron without significant loss and relative enrichment of components during the first stage. Bivalent iron is oxidized continuously with the leaching of mobile components (Si, Ca, Mg, Na, K) and the relative enrichment of immobile components (Al, Ti, ΣFe) during the second stage. As the intensity of weathering increases, the relative content of FeO decreases and that of Fe2O3 increases, but there is little change in the relative content of ΣFe during the early period of weathering. With the increase of weathering degree, the relative content of SiO2, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O and FeO decreases monotonically while that of Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3 and LOI increases monotonically during the mid-late stage of weathering. During the whole weathering process of the basalt, the relative content of FeO and Fe2O3 is most sensitive to the degree of weathering. Changes in the iron species caused by oxidation of iron-bearing minerals throughout the weathering process should serve as the key factor which can be used to evaluate the weathering degree of Emeishan basalt.
LIN Tong , ZOU Cai-neng , WANG Lan , SHEN Ying
2013, 40(3):909-918.
Abstract:Abstract:There exists great potential of oil and gas resources in deep Jurassic strata of southern Junggar basin; nevertheless, the research on Jurassic formation remains in the stage of exploration, and the provenance and main controlling factors of the reservoir development are not yet clear. Based on the study of heavy mineral combination in combination with rare earth element distribution characteristics, the authors infer that there are different provenances in different tectonic units., and at the early and late development stage of the strata in the same area, the main direction of provenance was also varying. It is concluded that there are two provenances in northern Sikeshu depression, i.e., the Chepaizi provenance in the northeast and the provenance in the northwest. In southern Sikeshu area, the provenance is the southern part. The provenance of Qigu Formation varied in the period of sedimentation, the southern and eastern provenances were dominant at the early stage, whereas the northern provenance gradually became dominant at the late stage. The eastern area was close to the provenance, and the parent rock was primarily metamorphic rocks. Studies show that rock debris was under the influence of parent rock types, and this further affected the development characteristics of the reservoir.
WU Shi-jiu, ZENG De-ming, WANG Xin-zhi, LI Shun, CHEN Hu, WANG Yan
2013, 40(3):919-826.
Abstract:Abstract:Good reservoirs are developed in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo-43 Formation in Longgang-Yingshan area of central Sichuan basin. There exist rich oil and gas resources in granular dolomite, suggesting good exploration prospect. Through macro- and micro- observation of thin sections and rocks from more than ten wells in combination with geochemical characteristics, the authors made a detailed investigation into diagenetic types and characteristics and examined the relationship between the diagenesis and the evolution of reservoir space. The findings show that the diagenetic evolution process of reservoir in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo-43 Formation in Longgang-Yingshan area of central Sichuan basin was complex, and during this process various diagenetic actions were developed, with the reservoir quality being clearly affected by the diagenesis.The compaction and pressure solution, multiphase cementation and multiphase packing action resulted in substantial reduction of intergranular pores and intercrystalline pores. The mixed water dolomitization, the supergene and burial dissolution and the tectonic disruption constituted the keys to the formation of high quality reservoir and the generation of massive intergranular dissolution pores,intragranular dissolution pores, intercrystalline dissolved pores and eroded fissures, which have now became the main oil and gas reservoir space.
LAI Jin , WANG Gui-wen , WANG Shu-nan , CHAI Yu , WU Heng , ZHANG Yong-cheng , ZHAO Xian-ling
2013, 40(3):927-938.
Abstract:Abstract:Petrologic characteristics, physical properties and pore structure characteristics of Xu 2 (2nd member of Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation) and Xu 4 reservoirs were studied by means of core observation, normal thin section and casting thin section observation, scanning electron microscope analysis, mercury injection test and nuclear magnetic resonance experiment. The results show that the lithology of Xu 2 and Xu 4 reservoirs is dominated by feldspar lithic sandstone and lithic sandstone, the main reservoir space consists of intragranular corrosion pores and intergranular corrosion pores, and the reservoirs are characterized by low porosity and low permeability with strong heterogeneity. The pore structure is overall characterized by small pores, tiny throats, fine skewness, and poor sorting and connectivity on the mercury injection curves. The reservoir pore structure can be divided into 4 types based on the parameters obtained by the mercury injection experiment together with the nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, and the typical characteristics of the four different pore structure types are summarized separately in this paper. Lastly the formation mechanism and controlling factors of various pore structure types are discussed in three aspects of tectonism, sedimentation, and diagenesis. It is demonstrated that the tectonism and sedimentation are the prerequisite conditions affecting the reservoir pore structure, while the types and intensity of diagenesis and its evolution sequence are the key factors for determining the pore structure characteristics. The above research results can provide guidance for the classified evaluation of Xu 2 and Xu 4 reservoirs and for the further gas exploration in the study area.
2013, 40(3):939-948.
Abstract:Abstract:The South Buir sag is a second-order Lower Cretaceous structural unit in Beierhu depression of Tamsag basin, in which the source rocks, the reservoir rocks and the well sealed regional cap rocks are mainly distributed in Nan-1 formation, Nan-2 formation and Da-1 formation respectively, shaping a normal sequence's source-reservoir-caprock assemblage. The analysis of hydrocarbon accumulation-controlled factors shows that the hydrocarbon distribution in this sag is controlled by the effective hydrocarbon-generating center in plane and by major source rocks in vertical direction, and the fan delta and sublacustrine fans around the fault belt seem to be good reservoirs. Bayantala structural belt and Wudong area are target areas for further exploration.
2013, 40(3):949-966.
Abstract:Abstract:Early Carbonaceous sedimentary bauxite and its aluminum-bearing rock series in the Zunyi bauxite belt have totally undergone sedimentation-accumulation on the slightly southward inclined plantation formed during the late Devonian and Early Carbonaceous Ziyun movement, and the high- and low-ferrous bauxites apparently assume zonation. Original materials of bauxites and the ore-bearing rock series consist dominantly of gibbsite laterite crust formed by illite shale of the Lower Ordovician Meitan Formation. The zonation of bauxite is related to the material-transport distance of the laterite crust, i.e., the high-ferrous bauxites occur in nearby and high places, and the low-ferrous bauxites appear in distant and low places. Generally speaking, the transport distance is relatively short? and the bauxites were formed by the near-source transport, sedimentation and accumulation.
YU Rui-qi , GAO Jian-guo , ZHAO Xiao-lin
2013, 40(3):967-973.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on researches on geological features of the ore deposit, the authors carried out a systematic study of the Balao ore district to obtain useful metallogenic information. The software platform “MORPAS” was used to analyze comprehensively large amounts of geosciences multi-information in the aspects of geology, geochemistry and remote sensing. A prospecting model was set up to perform the metallogenic prediction on comprehensive information of the study area and, as a result, four prospecting targets were delineated. Certain model units were selected according to the variation regularity of the deposit value with the ore-controlling factors and their combinations so as to establish the comprehensive value of ore-controlling factors and prospecting criteria, i.e., the functional relationship between the information and the resources, and the resources of four prospecting target areas were estimated quantitatively. The evaluation of the resource potential is of important guiding significance for the next step prospecting work in the study area.
ZHANG Fu-ren , PENG Qing-yuan , ZHU Fang-yuan , ZHANG Hua-min , YANG Xin-jie , TAO Jia-xiang
2013, 40(3):974-980.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on investigation and study of the shallow geothermal energy adaptive partition in the main urban area of Chongqing, combined with the corrected rock and soil thermal physical property numerals, the authors conducted the shallow geothermal energy resource evaluation in the main urban area of Chongqing. The evaluation included the shallow geothermal energy heat capacity and statistics of available resources in appropriate areas. In this way the distribution of shallow geothermal energy resources in nine districts of Chongqing was detected so as to effectively evaluate heat storage capacity of underground shallow space in the main urban area of Chongqing. The results obtained provide a reliable basis for the development and protection of the shallow geothermal energy resources.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112