Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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TENG Ji-Wen , ZHANG Yong-Qian , SI Xiang , MA Xue-Ying , YAN Ya-Fen
2013, 40(5):1329-1350.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in Northwest China, Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang possesses rich land, metal minerals, coal, and oil and gas energy resources; nevertheless, its culture and economic development is not very satisfactory. Xinjiang has great potential in making contribution to the economic and sustainable development of China. What we should understand clearly is that the exploration and development of the mineral resources in Xinjiang is still not in a good arrangement, and the basic facilities and researches are lack of development policy and scientific arrangement as a whole. As the exploration and development of resources and energy are still at the initial stage in Xinjiang, the exploration depth remains rather shallow (i.e., in the first depth space of 0~500 m), and the exploration in the second depth space (500~2000 m) is highly demanded. The authors point out that earthquakes are very active in Xinjiang and there exists potential danger of strong earthquakes in the Tianshan earthquake belt. Nowadays, we should pay much attention to the introduction of advanced technologies and the cohesion of high-tech talents. That is to say, Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang has only the necessary conditions but fails to have the sufficient conditions at present. To develop the economy and societiy in Xinjiang, we need the coupling and perfecting of both the necessary and the sufficient conditions. Therefore, the leapfrog development is not only the only way but also the power source to develop Xinjiang. On such a basis, this paper deals in brief with four aspects of problems for the purpose of the development of Xinjiang under the guidance of the national strategy demand and independent innovation suggested by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council:(1)The safe and stable strategy reserve base of the resources and the development of society and economy in western China;(2)The strengthening of the monitoring, prediction and resistance of earthquakes in Xinjiang and its adjacent areas;(3)The building of the Kashi business center and the marine-continental channel for exchange of science and technology, business and trade as well as culture crossing western Asia and Western Europe;(4)The strengthening of the systematic and harmonious culture contribution in Xinjiang.
2013, 40(5):1351-1365.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on abundant geological, geochemical and geophysical data of Asian continent, the author compiled a new Asian tectonic unit map, determined the principle of division, and divided Asian continent into six tectonic domains as well as sixty-seven plates (or blocks) and accretion collision zones (or collision zones), and then compiled the tectonic unit map. The plates or blocks of Asian continent were mainly formed at about 1800 Ma, 800 Ma, 500 Ma and 400 Ma,which were the periods to form the unified crystallization basement. There existed quite a few formation periods of collision zones or collision accretion zones, which occurred in 800 Ma, 397 Ma, 345~260 Ma, 200 Ma, 135 Ma, 52 Ma and 23 Ma respectively;in addition, subduction zones have been formed since 23 Ma. With abundant data on geological activities since Paleozoic, this paper discusses roughly the plate migration as well as the formation of intraplate deformation and collision zones during that period. The author has paid special attention to the intraplate deformations of that period, which made many great influences on types, processes and occurrence positions of metallization.
WANG Yong-lei , CHEN Yu-chuan , WANG Deng-hong , XU Jue , CHEN Zheng-hui , LIANG Ting
2013, 40(5):1366-1378.
Abstract:Abstract:Antimony is one of the dominant minerals in China, which was listed as the first global shortage minerals by British Geological Survey in 2011. In this paper, based on the mineral resource potential assessment project, in combination with data available and grade III metallogenic belt research, the authors summarized the characteristics of antimony resources in China and preliminarily assigned antimony deposits in China to 13 large ore concentration areas, with a brief description of their geological characteristics. Meanwhile, based on the existing data and new advances in the exploration of antimony deposits in recent years, this paper makes a comment on the metallogenic characteristics of the six most important antimony ore concentration areas with an analysis of their resource potentials. The authors hold that there are still some blank areas for working as well as some potential prospecting areas around the known mines. The new prospecting direction is also pointed out.
ZHOU Jie , JIANG Yao-hui , ZENG Yong , GE Wei-ya
2013, 40(5):1379-1391.
Abstract:Abstract:Jingde pluton is one of the Mesozoic plutons in eastern Jiangnan orogen of northeast Yangzte Block. New LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb dating for one granodiorite yielded an emplacement age of (141.0±1.0) Ma. The pluton is composed of monzogranite and granodiorite. New petrographical and petrochemical data show that the pluton is intermediate-somewhat acid (SiO2=66.01%~70.87%), and has high content of Al2O3 (Al2O3=14.91%~16.24%) and rich alkali (K2O+Na2O = 6.64%~8.01% ), with K2O/Na2O value ranging from 0.78 to 1.04. The pluton has relatively low content of MgO, TFe2O3 and P2O5 (MgO = 0.68%~1.06%, TFe2O3=2.0%~3.34%, P2O5 = 0.10%~0.14% ). As for trace elements, the pluton is enriched in Sr (189×10-6~452×10-6) with high Sr/Y ratios (23~66) and also enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) ((La/Yb)N = 13 ~ 58) , but somewhat depleted in Nb, Ta, P, Ti, Y, Yb, with slightly negligible to positive Eu anomalies (δEu=0.81~1.18), similar to the geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic adakitoid in eastern China. Jingde pluton has relatively high Nd isotopes (εNd(t)=-6.28~-7.32), high εHf (t) values (-6.5~-1.1) and younger tDM2 model ages (1.4~1.5Ga), with mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs), suggesting the importance of mantle material in the magma source. The mafic magmas ascended and heated the lower crust, triggering the partial melting of the lower crust to form the Jingde pluton, with the input of mantle-derived materials.
HUANG Gui-cheng , XIA Jin-long , DING Li-xue , JIN Shang-gang , KE Yu-fu , WU Chang-xiong , ZHU Jing-ming
2013, 40(5):1392-1408.
Abstract:Abstract:The Tonglushan pluton is mainly composed of quartz-orthoclase diorite porphyry, together with diorite, quartz diorite and diorite porphyry. In this paper, zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data were obtained by using LA-ICPMS and LA-MC-ICPMS analysis. The results show that there existed at least three times of intrusive activities in the Tonglushan complex, which occurred at 150 Ma, 145 Ma and 140 Ma, respectively. These magmatic activities successively occurred from west to east and from the depth to the shallow part and formed quartz diorite and Ⅶ Cu-Au ore body at the depth of the Jiguanzui mining area, the diorite and Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ Cu-Au ore bodies in the shallow part of the Jiguanzui ore district, as well as the quartz-orthoclase diorite porphyries in and around the Tonglushan mining area and the Tonglushan Fe-Cu deposit, the Jiguanzui Fe-Cu deposit and the Taohuazui Fe-Cu deposit, respectively. The U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic data of igneous zircons and inherited zircons indicate that the Tonglushan complex was mainly derived from Paleoproterozoic (Ca.1730Ma) lower crust with a little depleted mantle components, with the involvement of variable amounts of the Late Mesoproterozoic (1100~1200Ma) and Neoproterozoic (800 Ma) crustal materials. Different rock units had different magmatic sources and were related to different ore-forming processes. The quartz diorite and diorite were associated with Cu-Au mineralization, which probably resulted from the involvement of mantle components in the magma source. The age data of inherited zircons, which include Neoarchean, Mesoarchean, Paleoproterozoic, Late Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, are comparable with zircon ages of the Kongling Group TTG gneiss in Yichang, lamprophyre pipes in Jingshan, Ningxiang and Zhenyuan, sandstones of Liantuo Formation in Yichang, and tuffs of Xieshuihe Formation (Liantuo Formation) in Shimen, indicating that the crustal evolution of southeast Hubei Province was basically in accordance with that of the other areas in the Yangtze block, and Paleoproterozoic and Archean basement might also exist in the deep crust of southeast Hubei Province.
QU Cui-xia , YANG Xing-ke , HE Hu-jun , GAO Ping , SONG Hong-ye
2013, 40(5):1409-1420.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper deals with petrologic and geochemical features and zircon U-Pb isotope ages of the intrusive rocks from Yantan belt in Beishan area,which are mainly composed of quartz diorite, granodiorite, monzonitic granite, K-feldspar granite, granite and granite-porphyry, belonging to high-K calc-alkaline and calc-alkaline series; All the rocks are characterized by enrichment of LREE,depletion of HREE and strong Eu negative anomalies. The trace elements are enriched in LILE(Rb, Th), and depleted in Sr, Nb, Ta evidently. The zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages of the quartz diorite and granite are (296±4.1) Ma and (294±3.7) Ma respectively,both of the data are consistent within test errors, suggesting that the rocks were formed at the beginning of the early Permian period. An analysis suggests that these intrusive rocks are I-type granite which are indicative of the underplating of the mantle material into the lower crust and the formation of these rocks in the post-collision tectonic environment after the closure of Beishan rift. The result shows that the Beishan rift was closed in the early Permian in the study area.
ZOU Guang-fu , MAO Ying , ZOU Xin , MAO Qiong , LUO Bin , LIN Shi-liang , CONG Feng , LI Zai-hui , XIE Tao
2013, 40(5):1421-1432.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in Tengchong block of western Yunnan, the Paleocene K-feldspar granites in northern Mangshi are mainly composed of K-feldspar granites. Most of the Mangshi K-feldspar granites resulted from the disintegration of original Gaoligong Group, as evidenced by 1∶50000 regional geological mapping. To precisely limit the age of the K-feldspar magmatic mineralization in Mangshi area, the authors analyzed the granites by using LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb technique and geochemical methods. The zircon LA-ICP-MS dating indicates that the K-feldspar granites was emplaced at (60.8±0.8) Ma. The granite mass was formed in the Paleocene period. Geochemical data show that the Lianghe granites are K basaltic, high-K calc-alkaline and peraluminous to strongly peraluminous series, characterized by high content of SiO2 (67.97%~80.62%), high content of K2O+Na2O (5.08%~8.79%), medium to high K(K2O/Na2O=1.11~17.80), and lower content of P2O5 (0.01%~0.15%) with peraluminous ratio (A/CNK) being 1.03~2.31. ACF plot indicates that the granites are S type granites. Mangshi granites are also enriched in Rb, Th, U, Ta, La, Pb, Nd, Sm and Gd,but strongly depleted in Ba, Nb, Ce, Sr, Zr, Eu and Hf. The REE content is between 56.42×10-6 and 322.91×10-6, 183.15×10-6 on average, with (La/Yb)N ratios being 1.58~41.60 and δEu being 0.18~0.71. REE diagram shows right inclination and obvious negative Eu anomalies. The intrusion is remarkably characterized by enriched LREE and depleted HREE. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns show negative Eu anomalies. Magma source was probably derived from the emplacement of partially melted granitic magma dominated by greywacke and claystone, which is typical of crustal genesis. The K-feldspar granite was derived from partial melting of the Mid-Proterozoic metamorphosed basement (Gaoligong Group). According to geochemistry and the trace element discrimination diagrams for tectonic interpretation, the Paleocene K-feldspar granites are considered to be of the island arc and syn-collision type formed in a transitional tectonic setting from the compressional system to the island arc system. The Paleocene K-feldspar granite was formed in the syn-collision and island arc tectonic setting. The Paleocene K-feldspar granites in northern Mangshi area indicate that the Yaluzangbu-Mizhila Ocean had been closed and the subduction and collidion between the Indian plate and the Gangdise-Tengchong massif had occurred before 60.80Ma. Tengchong block was formed in magmatic arc tectonic setting at that time. The Gangdise-Tengchong block tectono-magmatic orogenesis was intimately related to the closure and subduction and collidion orogenesis between the Indian plate and the Gangdise-Tengchong massif. The determination of the crystallization and origin of Mangshi K-feldspar granites provides new evidence for the Paleocene tectonic evolution of the Tengchong massif.
ZHANG Hai , JIN Can-hai , FAN Wen-yu , SHEN Zhan-wu , ZHANG Yu , GAO Jian-hua
2013, 40(5):1433-1442.
Abstract:Abstract:The Banpo Pt-Pd Complex Deposit of Jinggu is located in Lanping-Simao landmass along the southern part of the Lancang River. Its mineralization is related to Banpo complex. This complex mainly consists of mafic-ultramafic rocks such as peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbro, gabbro diorite and diorite. U-Pb age of zircons from the gabbro determined by LA-ICP-MS is 302.6±2. 0 Ma, indicating that Banpo Complex was formed in Late Carboniferous. The gabbro belongs to high aluminum basite. The rock samples are all characterized by slight enrichment of light rare earth elements relative to heavy rare earth elements, the enrichment of ion lithophile elements (Rb, Sr, K, Ba) and the depletion of high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf). These characteristics are typical of island arc magmas and indicate that Banpo complex was formed in an island-arc environment related to plate subduction. Therefore, southern Lancang River is considered to have been an oceanic island arc subduction belt between the late period of Late Carboniferous and the early period of Early Permian.
GAO Lin-zhi , LU Ji-pu , DING Xiao-zhong , WANG Han-rong , LIU Yan-xue , LI Jiang
2013, 40(5):1443-1452.
Abstract:Abstract:In the zircon study of bentonite from the Danzhou Group and overlying strata of the Nanhua System, the authors accurately determined the age of (801±3) Ma for zircon from the Hedong Formation and (778±6) Ma for zircon from the Gongdong Formation. (778±5) Ma is the age of zircon from the Chang’an Formation, which is the bottom of the Nanhuan System, and (661±7) Ma is the age of zircon from Datangpo Formation of the intraglacial period. Some zircon ages of tuff bedding were reported for the first time from the Sibao and Xiajia Groups in Guangxi and Guizhou. In combination of the SHRIMP U-Pb age of the granite (834±4 Ma) which intruded into the Sibao Group (842±13 Ma) and the SHRIMP U-Pb age of (837±7) Ma of Bendong granite, the authors hold that the Sibao Group is Late Neoproterozoic strata below the strata of 820 Ma. These isotopic data are very important for us to redefine the age of the Sibao Group and to conduct regional correlation of strata of the corresponding period as well as to study tectonic evolution. There is an angle unconformity between the Sibao Group and overlying Danzhou Group and a nonconformity between the Danzhou Group and the Nanhuan System, suggesting the existence of three levels of tectonic factor. The revised age column will influence the whole metamorphosed basement in the Jiangnan Orogen and the constraints on the relationship of the cover strata in South China.
CHEN Gang , LI Shu-heng , ZHANG Hui-ruo , DING Chao , YANG Fu , LEI Pan-pan
2013, 40(5):1453-1465.
Abstract:Abstract:Geochronology of oil-gas accumulation (OGA) is a key research frontier for petroleum reservoir-forming dynamics in the multi-cycle superimposed basin. The OGA timing and stages of the Permian reservoirs in northeastern Ordos Basin (OB) are constrained in this paper by K-Ar dating of authigenic illite (AI) and indirect dating of fluid inclusions (FI) from oil-gas-bearing sandstone core samples of the Lower-Upper Permian period. AI dating results of the Permian samples show a wide time span of 178~108 Ma and a spatial decreasing trend from 178~122 Ma in the south to 160-108 Ma in the north. The distribution of the AI ages generally reveals 2-stage primary OGA of the Permian reservoirs, which were mainly developed in the time spans of 175~155 Ma and 145~115 Ma respectively with 2-peak ages of 165 Ma and 130 Ma. Additionally, the FI temperature peaks of the samples and their projected ages on AFT thermal path of the FI-host rocks not only statistically present two groups with a low and a high peak temperatures in ranges of 90~78 °C and 125~118 °C, respectively corresponding to 2-stage primary OGA processes of 162~153 Ma and 140~128 Ma in the Permian reservoirs; nevertheless, there is also a medium temperature group with the peak of 98 °C in agreement with a secondary OGA process of ca. 30 Ma in the Upper Permian reservoirs. An integrated analysis of the AI and FI ages with the regional tectonic thermal evolution reveals that the Permian reservoirs in the northeast OB mainly experienced 2-stage primary OGA processes of 165~153 Ma and 140~128 Ma during the Mid-Early Mesozoic multi-cycle burial heating processes, and then the Upper Permian reservoirs further experienced 1-stage secondary OGA of ca. 30 Ma in accordance with a critical tectonic conversion from the slow to rapid uplift-cooling process during the Late Cretaceous-Neocene period.
CHEN Xiao-hong , WEI Kai , ZHANG Bao-ming , CHENG Long
2013, 40(5):1466-1473.
Abstract:Abstract:High-resolution carbon isotope measurements of the upper Lower Triassic Yongningzhen Formation in Yongningzhen section of Guanling in Guizhou Province in correlation with contemporaneous strata in the world demonstrate that there is a pronounced carbon isotopic excursion characterized by wide distribution and unrestricted by sedimentary environment in the late Early Triassic of Tethys. The relationships of carbon chemo-stratigraphy to lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and trace element geochemistry of the Yongningzhen Formation are discussed in this paper. It is suggested that the δ13C variability of Tethys Ocean in the late Early Triassic was affected by global sea level change, oceanic circulation and biotic recovery as well as some other factors, and that a considerable δ13C positive excursion resulted from a extensive ocean oxidation caused by significant modification of oceanic circulation and biotic recovery related to the ocean oxidation event at that time.
LIU Pei , JIANG You-lu , HAO Jian-guang , GUO Fu-xin
2013, 40(5):1474-1483.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on a comprehensive analysis of the generation characteristics of source rocks as well as the difference and the quantitative evaluation of fault activity, the authors studied the relationship between the difference of fault activity and the Neogene hydrocarbon enrichment during the hydrocarbon generation period in Qikou Sag of Bohai Bay Basin. The results show that the fault activity differences during the main hydrocarbon generating periods from Neogene to the present can be divided into five categories, i.e., the early-acted-late-declined type, the gradually-acted-turned declined type, the gradually-declined-turned acted type, the early declined-late acted type and the acted stable type. The relationship between the difference of fault activity and the Neogene hydrocarbon enrichment can be revealed by the fault activity difference coefficient (FDC). According to the fault activity rate in the phase of the Minghuazhen Formation and the fault activity difference coefficient,the faults are divided into 3 types, namely Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Hydrocarbon is mainly concentrated in the favorable traps controlled by type Ⅰand type Ⅱ faults whose activity rate and FDC are relatively high. The enrichment of oil and gas is poor in the traps controlled by type Ⅲ faults whose activity rate and FDC are relatively low. The scale of oil and gas migration is controlled by fault activity rate, while the extent of hydrocarbon enrichment is controlled by FDC.
ZHAO Ming-sheng , WANG Yue , TIAN Jing-chun , LEI Ling-fang , DU Bing-ying
2013, 40(5):1484-1492.
Abstract:Abstract:The Cambrian strata are widely distributed in western Hubei area. Abundant Sunella (Bradoriida), Perspicaris (large bivalved arthropods), macroscopic algal, hyolithes and (?)Sinospongia (Suspicious sponges) have been found in the lower black carbonaceous shale of the Cambrian Niutitang Formation from Tianzhu area of Changyang County, Hubei Province. In addition, scattered pyrite is seen in black shale. Based on a detailed study of palaeoecology and the characteristics of fossils preservation,the authors have reached the conclusion that, during the early sedimentary stage of Niutitang Formation in Changyang County of western Hubei Province, macro-organism lived in an environment of shallow water which was suboxic at the bottom, oxic in the upper part characterized by good light transmission and relative calmness, and that the sea bottom surface was located nearby the redox interface. Besides, under the background of rapid deposition, large amounts of water and dead biological-bodies were embedded in shale, the amount of water exchange between the depositional water and the external water decreased gradually, and H2S gas was generated by rotton organism in the process of deposition, forming a strong reduction environment in sediments, so that organic matter could be preserved, which eventually formed black shale.
LI Xu-bing , ZHAO Can , LIU An , WEI Kai , LI Jitao
2013, 40(5):1493-1504.
Abstract:Abstract:This paper divided and depicted in detail two second-order sequences and seven third-order sequences which are regionally well correlatable according to the Ediacaran system, by employing the research method of sequence stratigraphy “from lithofacies to meter-scale cycle,from depositional facies to sequence classification”. With the reservoir as the center, the authors mainly studied the temporal and spatial distribution of source rocks and reservoirs based on sequence framework, and comprehensively considered the matching relationship of source rocks and cover rock affecting reservoir formation. The source-reservoir-cap rock combinations in carbonate rock of the Ediacaran system were divided into 3 types, i.e., boundary type, transgression type and high water type. The findings indicate that the source-reservoir-cap rock combinations associated with sequence boundary in the study area have the most superior initial geological condition, the high water type is usually combined with the karst or boundary type, thus serving as another source-reservoir-cap rock combination with obvious effectiveness.
MO Jing , WANG Xing-zhi , LENG Shengyuan , LIN Gang , XIONG Jian-wen , XIE Lin , ZHOU Zheng ,
2013, 40(5):1501-1514.
Abstract:Abstract:Research on Sinian Dengying Formation in central Sichuan by adopting combined macroscopic and microscopic methods shows that the main reservoir rocks are dolarenite, karst breccia, grained dolomite and algae dolomite, the reservoir space is dominated by emposieu and karst caves, and the reservoir is of relatively low quality, appearing as fracture-cavity type with low porosity and low permeability. The reservoir of Dengying Formation in the study area was formed by deposition and diagenesis. Dolarenite, grained dolomite and algae dolomite were deposited in a strong hydropower environment with the development of primary pores, which provided favorable material base for later strong karstification. 2nd member and 4th member were uplifted by Tongwan movement; hence the strata were exposed at the land surface for a long time and received atmospheric water together with mixed water reformation, leading to karstification. Through the weathering crust formed by karstification near the land surface, atmospheric fresh water and mixed water continued seeping into and dissolving the lower part of the formation. Strong karstification could create karstic collapse breccias and a great quantity of dissolution pore-caves in the lower part of the formation. Deposition and diagenesis provided favorable conditions for secondary porosity and improved the properties of reservoir rocks, while tectonic action in the later time formed a lot of cracks, providing the permeability for the reservoir.
2013, 40(5):1515-1522.
Abstract:Abstract:Through the analysis of casting thin sections and pore microscopic images, combined with scanning electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence images, the reservoir microscopic characteristics of J1s2 in Moxizhuang area were studied, which included reservoir petrology, pore types, diagenesis etc. In addition, the factors responsible for the formation of low permeability reservoirs and the main controlling factors of relatively high quality reservoirs were analyzed. The results show that the sandstones are mainly feldspathic-lithic sandstones with low ingredients maturity, with a small amount of lithic sandstone. The soft debris has experienced strong plastic deformation, thus looking like matrix, which remarkably affects physical property and oil-bearing property of the reservoir. The pore type is mainly secondary pore and subordinately primary pore. Strong compaction, weak calcite and kaolinite cementation are the main factors responsible for the low permeability reservoirs. The high quality reservoirs have such microscopic characteristics as coarse grain size, low content of soft debris, weak calcite and kaolinite cementation and strong dissolution. So the main factors controlling high quality reservoirs should include the content of soft debris, late dissolution, and favorable sedimentary facies. In addition, the channel sand body cycles in the middle and lower reservoir are the favorable parts of the effective reservoir.
WANG Yu-lin , YAO Yi , ZHANG Cheng-bin , ZHAO Cheng-you , LU Sheng , ZHAO Bo , WANG Chu-jie
2013, 40(5):1523-1530.
Abstract:Abstract:According to the present various division schemes and related issues for Jiufotang Formation in western Liaoning, the authors remeasured the type section of Jiufotang Formation in Xiaogushan-Jiushaoguo. In consideration of the lithofacies and sedimentary characteristics of other sections in Jiufotang Formation of Kazuo basin, the authors chose the tuffaceous rock association as the marker bed or the bed set and, on such a basis, divided the type section of Jiufotang Formation into four members called 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively. The authors found that the Jiufotang Formation is mainly composed of siltstone and pelite, intercalated with numerous extremely tiny layered limestone or marl, characterized by the upward sedimentary evolution from shore shallow lake facies through deep lake facies intercalated with shallow lake facies to shallow lake facies. The differences between Xiaogushan-Jiushaoguo section and other sections in Jiufotang Formation indicate that the clastic rock granularity of Xiaogushan-Jiushaogou section was finer in general, without the development of delta facies and fan delta facies. In addition, three beds of moderate and thin silicified tuff are developed at the bottom of member 2, and the type section of Jiufotang Formation fails to appear at the top of member 4 and member 5. To comprehensively understand Jiufotang Formation, the authors propose that the auxiliary sections should be introduced on the basis of the type section, and Huimingou-Pingfangdonggou section, Fuzhangzi-Shaoguojie section and Zhangmazigou-Taohuachi section can serve as the auxiliary sections of member 1, member 4 and member 5 of Jiufotang Formation respectively.
HAN Jian-en , SHAO Zhao-gang , ZHU Da-gang , MENG Xian-gang , YU Jia , WANG Jin , LV Rong-ping , QIAN Cheng , HE Cheng-guang
2013, 40(5):1531-1541.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on the systematic measurement and research, this paper considers that the terrace of the Yellow River is composed mainly of the accumulation terraces and subordinately of erosion terraces in the source region of the Yellow River, the height of the terrace is low, and the surface of the terrace is relatively flat. First-level river terraces are only developed in the segment from the source of the Yellow River to the Gyaring Lake. Second-level river terraces are developed in the segment from the outlet of the Ngoring Lake to Yellow River Township. Third-level river terraces are developed in the segment from Yellow River Township to eastern Jigzhi County. Combined with ESR dating results, the authors hold that terraces of the source region of the Yellow River were formed mainly from late Middle Pleistocene to Holocene. T1 river terrace was formed about 10 kaB.P., T2 was formed from 58 kaB.P.~19 kaB.P., and T3 was formed from 161 kaB.P.~25 kaB.P. The study of river terraces has shown that the Yellow River of the source region was probably formed in late Late Pleistocene.
2013, 40(5):1542-1551.
Abstract:Abstract:By investigating data extracted from well cores, field outcrop samples, thin sections, cathodoluminescence images and the laboratory tests, the authors conducted a comprehensive study of the Carboniferous Benxi Formation in Yanchang area of Ordos Basin and then deduced its source directions from the angles of the mineral composition, genetic type, paleocurrent features, and enrichment regularities of rare earth elements. On such a basis, the authors analyzed the sedimentary facies distribution and evolution. It is revealed that from north to south in the study area, the sandstone grains decrease in size and increase in psephicity; the quartz cluster cathodoluminescence images are mainly fuscous, light-dark brown in color, indicating metamorphic genesis. The debris component is chiefly metamorphic debris, which is up to 85.1%. The paleocurrent of field outcrop moved northward, from northwest southward and southeastward. the distribution of the rare earth elements is quite similar to the Daqingshan old land at the northeast edge of the basin. It is thus concluded that the Benxi Formation primarily originated from Yinshan-Alxa in the north. The second stage of Benxi Formation in late Carboniferous epoch constituted a major turning point in the Upper Palaeozoic evolutionary history of Ordos. Due to the invasion of the slowly-subsiding sea water from the east, the study area formed a system composed of shallow argillaceous shelf, barrier island-lagoon and lagoon. The first stage was similar to the second stage in general features, but had larger argillaceous shelf and lagoon because of the intense water invasion, which had a good performance in the sand body continuity in parallel with the coastline.
DONG Lian-hui , WANG Ke-zhuo , ZHU Zhi-xin , ZHAO Tong-yang , XU Shi-qi , ZHENG Jia-xing
2013, 40(5):1552-1568.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in the convergence zone of India plate, Tarim-Sino-Korean paleoplate and Siberia ancient plate, Xinjiang has complicated geological structure. With an analysis of the characteristics of large deformation as a starting point, this paper comprehensively summed up such characteristics of the large-scale deformation structure as its type, size, pattern, material composition, structural order and deformation stage, discussed the control role of the large-scale deformation structure over stratigraphic framework, magmatic activities, metamorphism and deformation, regional tectonic evolution and metallogenesis, and divided the tectonics into 34 large deformation structures. The relationship between the evolution of large-scale deformation structure and the mineralization was tentatively investigated.
CHEN Shi-zhong , HUANG Zheng-qing , ZHU Xiao-ting , CHEN Gang , MA Min
2013, 40(5):1569-1582.
Abstract:Abstract:Taoxi circular structure is one of the circular structures and also a part of Wuyishan uplift and appears as metamorphic core complexes. There are abundant medium-large sized copper and polymetallic ore deposits distributed within the circular structure, such as Zijinshan Cu-Au deposit, Yanbei Sn deposit and Hongshan Cu deposit. The Zijinshan Cu-Au deposit has the biggest gold ore reserves in China and the Yanbei deposit is a superlarge deposit with more than 300,000 t Sn. The area represents a rich segment of the Wuyi metallogenic belt. The main geochronologic dating of mineralization yielded ages in the range of 130-90Ma, suggesting the Late Yanshanian period. The ore deposits as well as most copper-gold ore deposits located in Taoxi circular structure are of porphyry-magmatic hydrothermal type. The Zijinshan Cu-Au deposit, the Yanbei Sn deposit and the Hongshan Cu deposit all how that the ore-forming porphyries are I-type granites and their ages are from 94 to 133Ma, close to the age of mineralization (125-90Ma). Both magmatism and mineralization occurred in the circular structure, which are called “Mesozoic magmatic and metallogenic explosion”. Geochronologic dating of ore-bearing porphyry stocks yielded ages of 90-133Ma, implying the middle to late period derivatives of Yanshanian magmatic complex that resulted from the interaction of the crust with the mantle and the lithosphere delamination in the Late Mesozoic period. The swelling of Taoxi circular structure and the development of the rift together with the intrusion and eruption of the magma accelerated metallogenic process in the study area. Taoxi circular structure is characterized by lithosphere thickening and delamination, intrusion of the asthenosphere-derived mafic rocks, and accompanied mineralization.
ZHANG Wan-Yi , NIE Feng-Jun , LIU Shu-wen , ZUO Li-Yan , SHAN Liang , YAO Xiao-Feng
2013, 40(5):1583-1599.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in Chagan Obo-Aououte-Chaobuleng area along the southern edge of the Siberian plate, the study area on the western slope of the southern section of the Da Hinggan Mountains metallogenic belt (northern Dong Ujimqin Banner of Inner Mongolia ) is controlled by multiple subduction, collision and connection of North China platform, and characterized by widely exposed Paleozoic volcanic-sedimentary rocks, complex structures, all kinds of intense magmatic activities, and widespread ore deposits and ore spots. The study area has special favorable geological structure and setting for mineralization. On the basis of geological survey, the authors studied geological features of ore deposits and genesis of typical deposits, and summarized metallogenic regularities of this area. The results show that there are many kinds of ore deposits such as iron, silver, copper, lead, zinc, gold, and molybdenum. The δ34S values of typical deposits vary from +1‰ to +8.6‰. The sulfur isotope compositions show different sources. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of different samples vary in ranges of 17.949~18.529, 15.370~15.691 and 37.653~38.460, respectively. The lead isotope compositions indicate that the sources of lead were wall rocks and granites. The main types of ore deposits were skarn deposits and medium-low temperature hydrothermal deposits, which were significantly affected by formation, structure and magma. In general, the wall rocks of metal deposits were Ordovician, Devonian and Carboniferous volcanic- sedimentary rocks. Skarn deposits were formed near the contact zone between the carbonate and granite, while medium-low temperature hydrothermal deposits were formed in argillite and sandstone without carbonate. NE- and NW-trending faults were important ore channels or places for ore storage. The regional ore deposits in the study area were formed in three periods, i.e. Hercynian, Indosinian and Yanshanian. They were closely related to granite intrusions in temporal and spatial distribution.
SHAN Liang , XU Rong-ke , ZHENG You-ye , ZHANG Yu-lian , CAO Liang , PANG Ying-chun
2013, 40(5):1600-1611.
Abstract:Abstract:Beishan area is an important metallogenic belt, and the Baishantang Cu polymetallic deposit is one of the representative porphyry copper deposits. Two kinds of magmatic rocks along ore belt I in the Baishantang ore district were dated by the zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb method, which yielded a porphyry granite diagenetic age of (275.0±3.0)Ma (MSWD =1.17) , indicating early Permian. Two groups of ages were obtained for rhyolite porphyry: a magma zircon group of the rhyolite porphyry has an age of (371.1±2.8)Ma (MSWD=1.7) , suggesting late Devonian. The other inheritance zircon group of inheritance zircon with remarkable rounded shape or enveloped in the former group has ages of (2627±35)Ma, (2598±35)Ma, (705±44)Ma, (1722±48)Ma, (1642±51)Ma, (1213±54)Ma, which can be assigned roughly to 2.6 billion years, 1.7 billion years and 1.2 billion years, indicating that the rhyolite porphyry was related to the remelting of the upper-middle crust in late Devonian, as also shown by the geochemical characteristics.
LI Jie , SONG Ming-chun , WANG Mei-yun , LI Shi-yong , ZHOU Ming-ling , NI Shi-jun , ZHANG Cheng-jiang , DING Zheng-jiang , YUE Yue-po
2013, 40(5):1612-1621.
Abstract:Abstract:The Shangjiazhuang Mo deposit is hosted in the porphyritic granodiorite which belongs to Weideshan Late Yanshanian ultra unit. It is controlled by the fractures in the interior of the magmatic body and in NW direction. The main ore bodies assume stratoid and large vein forms, and are characterized by branching and recombination as well as expansion and pinch-out. Re-Os dating of three molybdenite separates from ores has yielded weighted ages (115.5±1.6)Ma~(117.6±1.6)Ma, and a weighted mean age of (116.4±1.6)Ma, implying that the metallogenic epoch of Mo is nearly identical with the large-scale metallogenic epoch of Au in Jiaodong area, and nearly the same as the diagenetic epoch of their country rock—Yingpan unit of Weideshan super unit. It is proved that there existed a series of Au and Mo ore-forming processes which occurred almost in the same metallogenic epoch and were related to Weideshan granite in Jiaodong area.
ZHOU Xiao-dong, , GUO Kun-yi , CHEN Guo-guang , ZENG Yong , SONG Shi-ming , SHEN Jin-chao
2013, 40(5):1622-1633.
Abstract:Abstract:There exist many vein type copper deposits of hydrothermal origin in northern Ningwu area. The authors focused on ore-forming fluid inclusions of Guli and Nanmentou copper deposits in the study area. The results show that the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz of the quartz-metal-sulfide stage range from 202.9 to 299.4℃ for Guli, and from 166.7 to 355.4℃ for Nanmentou; the salinities range from 4.5 to 11.1 wt% NaCl eqv. for Guli, and from 3.5 to 12.0 wt% NaCl eqv. for Nanmentou; the densities range from 0.75 to 1.01 g/cm3 for Guli, and from 0.80 to 0.89 g/cm3 for Nanmentou; the ore-forming pressures and depths range from 18.2 to 30.4 MPa and from 0.69 to 1.15 km for Guli, and from 12.8 to 35.1 MPa and from 0.48 to 1.32 km for Nanmentou respectively. These analytical data combined with data available suggest that the ore-forming hydrothermal fluids of Guli and Nanmentou copper deposits have similar characteristics of middle-low salinity, low density and low depth,but the former is of middle temperature, whereas the latter is of middle-high to middle-low temperature. Raman spectra analysis of fluid inclusions show that there are obvious differences in the gas phase composition. The gas phase composition is mainly H2O+CO2±N2 in the fluid inclusions of Nanmentou, but only H2O has been observed in the fluid inclusions of Guli. Combined with geological characteristics, such as the differences of mineral assemblages, the wall-rock mineralization alteration and ore-forming rock mass, the authors tentatively conclude that there might have existed two main copper metallogenic periods in northern Ningwu area: one was related to early magmatic segregation of diorite porphyrite in Dawangshan cycle ( with the Guli copper deposit as the representative ) and the other was correlated with granite in late Gushan cycle (represented by Nanmentou).
ZHANG Fang-fang , WANG Jian-ping , LIU Chong-hao , CAO Rui-rong , CHENG Jian-jun , YANG Yong-rong , QI Feng , WANG Luo
2013, 40(5):1634-1643.
Abstract:Abstract:Pyrite is one of the most important gold-bearing minerals, and its crystal forms and thermoelectricity have important implications to the prospecting and evaluation of gold deposits. Based on systematic sampling from drill holes ZK18, ZK30 and ZK40 in the Shuangwang breccias-type gold deposit, the authors mainly studied the crystal forms and thermoelectricity of pyrite, and have reached the following conclusions. The crystal forms of pyrite are fairly simple, comprising cube, octahedron, pentagonal dodecahedron and their composite combination, with the main crystal habit being {hk0}. Overall, the number of crystal forms is in decreasing order of {hk0}, {100}, {111}. The thermoelectric conductive type of pyrite is mainly N-P type, with the thermoelectric coefficients of N-type pyrite ranging from -322.0 to-1.7μV·℃-1 and those of P-type pyrite ranging from 1.7 to 346.7μV·℃-1; the thermoelectric parameters of pyrite vary greatly; the degree of denudation varies from 53.67% to 60.12%. All of the above data indicate a better exploration prospect at the depth of drill holes ZK18, ZK30 and ZK40 in No. 9 and No. 8 ore bodies.
LI Bing , CHAO Dai-chao , WEI Ming-jun , LI Yong-feng , LUO Zheng-zhuan , SHANG Jian-ge
2013, 40(5):1644-1654.
Abstract:The application of electromagnetic sounding method to deep iron ore exploration:A case study of the Wuyang iron mining area of Henan
2013, 40(5):1655-1665.
Abstract:Abstract:The suitability of main weathering indices has been studied based on 13 weathered basalt blocks with core-shell structure from 7 rock mass sections in the core area of Emeishan basalt. Poor correlation has been observed between 18 chemical weathering indices and the early-stage weathering grade of the Emeishan basalt. The indices that can be used to evaluate mid-late period weathering degree of the Emeishan basalt include Parker’s index, BA1, BA, BA3, BA2, alkali/alumina ratio, alkali/R2O3 ratio, WPI, SA, SF, Kr, silicate/R2O3 ratio, CIW, CIA and LOI, in which, alkali/alumina ratio, alkali/R2O3 ratio and silicate/R2O3 ratio are more reasonable, while A, B and B1 are the worst. Fe2O3 that controls the alkali/R2O3 ratio, SF, Kr and silicate/R2O3 ratio in the initial weathering stage of Emeishan basalt should be regarded as an important factor to evaluate the weathering degree of Emeishan basalt.
YING Li-chao , LIANG Bing , WANG Quan-wei , ZHU Bing , HAO Xue-feng , LIU Liang , WEN Long , YAN Zhong-lin , FU Xiao-fang
2013, 40(5):1666-1674.
Abstract:Abstract:The chemical composition of late Pleistocene Chengdu clay in Chengdu plain shows that SiO2 (75.24% on average), Fe2O3 (14.12% on average) and Al2O3 (5.81% on average) are dominant chemical compositions, Chengdu clay has an overall similarity in geochemical characteristics to the UCC. In comparison with the loess of northern China, Chengdu clay has higher TiO2/Al2O3, Zr/Al, Zr/Ti and Y/Al ratios, and lower Eu/Eu?鄢, LaN/SmN and LaN/YbN ratios. These features coincide with those of the Quaternary deep soil in Chengdu plain, which suggests local sources for the Chengdu clay in this region; nevertheless, Chengdu clay is quite different from the loess of northern China. The average chemical index of alteration (CIA) of Chengdu clay is 78.59, higher than that of the loess of northern China. Chengdu clay has experienced the intermediate K removal weathering stage, and Ca, Na, Mg and K seem to have been the main mobile elements in the weathering process. In comparison with the loess of northern China, Chengdu clay has greater depletion of Na, Mg, K and Ca, indicating a stronger weathering intensity.
LIAN Jian , WANG Qian-ju , YAN Shi-qiang ,
2013, 40(5):1675-1682.
Abstract:Abstract:In order to achieve the target of the national geological data sharing services, this paper based on the existing geological data management and service architecture, first analyzed the current situation of the geological data management and service in the geological data collection agencies, and then designed and dealt with the architecture of national geological data catalog service center system. The authors provide the overall technology roadmap, functional framework, database schema, and point out the key issues that need to be addressed, in the hope that, with the research work, the geological data resources from various agencies will be integrated, and diverse service styles will be offered to the public.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112