• Volume 40,Issue 6,2013 Table of Contents
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    • A study of the distribution of source rocks in Phanerozoic based on Paleoplate reconstruction

      2013, 40(6):1683-1699.

      Abstract (2841) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5642) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Based on the method of paleomagnetism, the authors reconstructed the tectonic framework of global paleo-plates in 11 different geological periods, and also added more elements such as current system, distribution of climate zone, lithofacies palaeogeography and distribution of source rocks to the maps of paleo-plates reconstruction. By comprehensively analyzing geological elements, the authors have concluded that the distribution of source rocks is heterogeneous in time and space. Temporally, source rocks in Mesozoic and Cenozoic were thicker and more widely distributed than those in Paleozoic. Spatially, global marine source rocks were mainly distributed in continental shell, continental slope and platform depression, while terrestrial source rocks were mainly distributed in the center of lake basin in Phanerozoic. Furthermore, the deposition and preservation of source rocks were controlled by the supercontinent cycle, and the decrease of sea shelf caused by assembling of supercontinent was unfavorable for the deposition and preservation of the source rock. The formation of the source rock was promoted by high sea level and upwelling. High-quality source rock was mostly deposited in transgressive systems tracts in the dense segment located on the top of the transgressive tract or at the bottom of the highstand systems tract.

    • Metallogeny and resource potential of magnesite deposits in China

      2013, 40(6):1712-1711.

      Abstract (4182) HTML (0) PDF 6.18 M (6525) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Magnesite is one of the dominant minerals in China. The striking features of magnesite deposits in China are abundant reserves, concentrated distribution, simplex metallogenic types and excellent quality. Based on an analysis of reports of National Mineral Resource Assessment Project, the authors summarized the metallogeny of magnesite, established the genetic lineages of prospecting types, and generalized three types of magnesite deposits (metamorphosed sedimentary type, weathering-infiltration type associated with ultrabasic rocks, and lake sedimentary type). In this paper, metallogenic models of 3 types were built. The authors delineated 7 magnesite metallogenic belts and analyzed their resource potential.

    • LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age and geochemical characteristics of Nanyue granites in Hunan Province

      2013, 40(6):1712-1724.

      Abstract (2883) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4314) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Located in Hengshan of Hunan Province, Nanyue complex pluton intruded in the Neoproterozoic Lengjiaxi Group. The LA-ICP MS zircon U-Pb ages indicate that the main pluton was formed in the Triassic with a weighted mean age of 215.5±1.5 Ma. However, some small granitic plutons were formed in the early Cretaceous with a 206Pb/238U age of 140.6±0.8 Ma. The late Triassic granites are composed of three individual rock units, being mainly fine- and medium-grained porphyritic hornblende biotite monzonitic granite and surbordinately two-mica monzonitic granite. The early Cretaceous granite is two-mica monzonitic granite. The major and trace element analyses show that the late Triassic granites are of the peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline series, while the early Cretaceous granite is of the high-peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline series. The rocks are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements and depleted in high field-strength elements, with the data ∑REE=92.88-296.56 and weak negative Eu anomaly (δEu=0.28-0.87). The Sr-Nd isotope analyses indicate high ISr values (0.7093-0.7189), low εNd values (-8.04--11.38) and high T2DM values (1.63 Ga-1.90 Ga). The results obtained by the authors show that the Nanyue muscovite-bearing peraluminous granitoids were derived from remelting of Precambrian basement, the magma source of late Triassic granites had the mixed mantle and lower crust materials, and the lithogenesis was related to the lithospheric extension after the orogenesis.

    • The evolution of "Nanhuaian" rift basin on the southeastern margin of Yangtze platform: Age constraints from the Neoproterozoic granites

      2013, 40(6):1725-1735.

      Abstract (2552) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5416) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Through zircon LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP U-Pb isotopic dating of positively emplaced-island-arc granodiorite-adamellite in southwest Hunan, the authors obtained weighted average ages of 835.6±6.7 Ma and 840±8 Ma, suggesting Neoproterozoic. Based on profiling and isotopic geochronologic studies as well as regional correlation of surrounding calcareous slates intercalated with limestone, it is confirmed that the intrusive body should belong to Proterozoic "Nanhuaian" Banxi period sediments - Gaojian Group, which continually deposited with underlying Lengjiaxi Group, with the age of bottom boundary earlier than 835 Ma. It is indicated that during the process of sedimentary basin evolution, the distribution area of Gaojian Group and its equivalent horizons might have not experienced the complete evolution process of island arc- foreland basin intermountain basins-extensive rift basin. Instead, its activity probably stopped in the early phase of the evolution from the island arc to the foreland basin, forming so-called residual basin formation and steep slope marginal paleogeographic framework along the Congjiang-Xupu-Shuangfeng-Hengyang-Pinxianng line. It was connected with the fault-block continental slope formed by stretching on the northwestern side, and the sediments were composed of terrigenous detrital sediments and reworked gravity flow deposits form northwest. This conversion was completed at around 830 Ma.

    • Zircon U-Pb dating of adamellite from the Sadaigoumen porphyry molybdenum deposit in Fengning, Hebei Province, and its significance

      2013, 40(6):1736-1748.

      Abstract (2823) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4691) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The Sadaigoumen molybdenum deposit lies in the Yan-Liao metallogenic belt, which is located on the north margin of North China platform. For the purpose of accurate determination of the age of ore-bearing adamellite, the authors employed the zircon LA-MC-ICP-MS dating, which yielded a concordant age of (257.4±1.1) Ma and two weighted average ages of (256.9±0.9) Ma and (247.7±1.2) Ma. Because of the cooling of the intrusion, the age of the lower part of the rock (247.7±1.2) Ma is younger than the ages of the upper part (257.4±1.1) Ma and (256.9±0.9) Ma. The inherited zircon age implies assimilation in the process of mineralization, which is consistent with the previous study result of I-type granite. Combined with the previous study, the authors investigated the metallogenic geodynamics background of the study area. North China platform was transformed from the strong squeezing stage to the post-orogenic stage around 250 Ma, which was favorable for the formation of adamellite.

    • The discovery of Banguori-Boku ophiolite belt in northeastern Zanda County of west Tibet and its geological significance

      2013, 40(6):1749-1761.

      Abstract (2741) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Located at the westernmost end of Yarlung Zangbo suture zone, the Bangguori-Boku ophiolite belt is composed of NW-striking Bangguori ophiolite and Boku melange 128 km in length and 5-10 km in width. Bangguori ophiolite consists of harzburgite and lherzolite comprising olivine (Fo=85.2~88.0, 86.6 on average), enstatite (Mg# =89.3~94.3, 91.2 on average), and diopside (Mg#=89.3~94.3, 93.1 on average), characterized by high Al2O3 (0.96%~2.10%) and Ti (173~261μg/g), close to the trace element content of MOR mantle rock, and depletion of REE with ΣREE being 0.33~0.71 times that of chondrite. Moreover, major and trace element characteristics indicate that Bangguori ophiolites are restites resulting from 6%~12% partial melting of the primitive mantle. Boku melange consists of groundmass of slate and silty slate, and rock mass of peridotite, gabbro, siliceous rock, sandstone and limestone. Studies show that Baoguori-Boku ophiolite belt was formed during Late Cretaceous, as evidenced by isotope dating of Bangguori ophiolite and radiolarians fossils from the silicolite rock mass of Boku melange. The results obtained by the authors demonstrate that Bangguori-Boku ophiolite belt resulted from Neotethys ocean subduction, and Bangguori ophiolite represents the residuum of Neotethys ocean lithosphere and belongs to the typical MOR-type ophiolite.

    • Rock-forming and ore-forming characteristics of the Lidongkeng porphyritic granodiorite in Xiuning County, south Anhui Province

      2013, 40(6):1762-1776.

      Abstract (3001) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5519) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The Lidongkeng molybdenum deposit is located in Xiuning County, south Anhui Province. Accompanied by detailed geological description, this paper presents new ages and bulk-rock geochemistry for the Lidongkeng deposit. The LA-MC-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age of 153.01 ± 0.90 Ma (MSWD = 1.14) for the ore-bearing porphyritic granodiorite and the Re-Os model age of 144.9±1.9 Ma (MSWD=2.0) for the molybdenite suggest that both of the ore body and the porphyry occurred during the Early Yanshanian period. According to the analyses of elements, the rock is rich in Si and K but poor in Mg, Ca and P and is characterized by high Rb and low Yb+Ta values, suggesting a collision environment. The porphyry is geochemically characterized by slight negative Eu anomaly. The porphyry shows I-type granite affinity. The molybdenite samples have Re content from 24.17 to 27.92μg.g-1, which implies that the molybdenum in the Lidongkeng deposit might have been derived from the crust with partial mixture of mantle materials.

    • Geochemical characteristics,LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and tectonic significance of Zhangyangou bimodal volcanic rocks in Hengxianhe area, Mian-Lue tectonic zone

      2013, 40(6):1777-1792.

      Abstract (9148) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (25263) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Zhangyangou bimodal volcanic rocks are located in Hengxianhe area,Sanchazi-Lueyang segment of Mian-Lue tectonic zone. The bimodal volcanic rocks consist of metamorphosed basic volcanic rocks and metamorphosed acid-intermediate rocks in close association, and the protoliths are sub-alkaline basalt and sub-alkaline rhyolitic-dacite. On account of the higher REE concentrations in basalt than in rhyolitic-dacite, the authors hold that the origin of rhyolitic-dacite was partial melting of the crustal material rather than the fractional crystallization of the basaltic magma. Basic volcanic rocks show the intraplate geochemical characteristics such as high Zr concentrations and Zr/Y ratios, and their marks of arc result from the hybridism of the crustal material. The result of U-Pb isotope dating by means of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry makes it clear that the formation age of the rhyolite is (728±10) Ma(n=4, MSWD=0.14). Combined with the regional geological background, the authors consider that Zhangyangou bimodal volcanic rocks were formed in a continental rift environment under the crust extensional mechanism. The formation of Zhangyangou bimodal volcanic rocks heralded the opening of Neoproterozoic Ocean. This new achievement is of important significance both for the further study of the evolution of Mian-Lue tectonic zone and the breakup of Rodinia supercontinent and other continents on the north margin of the Yangtze block.

    • Petrogenesis and source characteristics of Neoproterozoic mafic dykes in Kangding-Danba area, western Sichuan

      2013, 40(6):1793-1805.

      Abstract (2593) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5608) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks are widespread on the western margin of the Yangtze block, and their genesis and tectonic setting have long been problems of hot debate. Petrological, geochemical and Sm-Nd isotopic data are reported for Neoproterozoic Kangding-Danba mafic dykes in the Kangdian rift on the western margin of the Yangtze block. This paper deals with petrogenesis and magma source characteristics of these rocks. The rock samples are of tholeiite series, and their geochemical and Nd isotopic characteristics suggest that they were generated in an intraplate setting with variable degrees of contamination of young island arc crust during magma ascending. The magma was generated by partial melting of DM mantle source region within the spinel stability field, and was probably related to Neoproterozoic plume event related to the breakup of Rodinia supercontinent.

    • Compositional characteristics of clinopyroxenes from the Luoji ophiolitic mélange in Shangri-La County, Yunnan Province

      2013, 40(6):1806-1817.

      Abstract (2778) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4492) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In Shangri-La County of Yunnan Province, the authors documented an ophiolitic mélange which is composed of mafic-ultramafic cumulate rocks, diabase-gabbro dykes, basalts and banded cherts. On the basis of petrological observations and mineral compositions of clinopyroxenes from the mafic-ultramafic cumulate rocks and basalts, the clinopyrixenes were divided into two groups, one group is rich in magnesium and depleted in iron while the other group is rich in calc. Both of the two groups of clinopyroxenes belong to augites, whose parental magma was sub-alkaline tholeitic basalt. Cation substitution features indicate that the augites were formed under the condition of high temperature and low pressure. T-P calculations show that the augites were formed at 986 to 1118 °C and 0.18 GP to 0.22 GP. It is suggested that the Luoji mélange is probably a part of the Garzê-Litang ophiolite.

    • Gravitational collapse and folding during orogenesis: A comparative study of FIA trends and fold axial plane traces

      2013, 40(6):1818-1828.

      Abstract (3121) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4101) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The FIA trends (foliation intersection or inflection axes in porphyroblasts) measured from Siluro-Devonian garnet sillimanite gneiss in Rangeley, Appalachians, when plotted on a rose diagram, reflect the trends of axial planes of all map scale folds. Similar FIA trends data measured in high temperature-low pressure regime Precambrian rocks in the Texas Creek, Cordillera, are reflected by the fold axial plane traces and schistosity data in this region. But the fold axial plane trace data, which were measured in high temperature to medium pressure regime Palaeozoic rocks in Chester Dome, 200 km southwest of Rangeley, only preserve the effects of the youngest FIA of the all 5 FIA sets that were obtained in this region. This difference of the orogenic regimes from the shallow part to the depth reflects decreasing competency contrasts under greater pressures with collapse and unfolding of earlier formed folds. This investigation shows that the greater overlying loads of rocks flatten folds more obviously under higher pressures.

    • Characteristics of Ordovician sedimentary evolution in Hunan Province

      2013, 40(6):1829-1841.

      Abstract (2481) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4192) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Based on field survey, laboratory analysis of sedimentary strata and summarization of previous research results in Hunan Province, the authors divided the Ordovician tectonic and sedimentary evolution into four stages, i.e., rimmed carbonate platform-shelf-deep water basin in the Early Ordovician, carbonate ramp-shelf-deep basin in the Middle Ordovician, carbonate ramp-shelf-deep water basin-shelf margin at the early age of Late Ordovician, and confined shallow marine-deep water basin-shelf margin in the late period of the Late Ordovician. The northwestern Hunan in Yangtze craton experienced the evolution from the rimmed carbonate platform to carbonate ramp, and finally became a confined shallow sea, with the black shale gradually replacing carbonates in lithology. The central and southern Hunan located at the edge of the craton and the Cathaysia Block was always in a clastic shallow marine environment, and the center of the basin migrated constantly from southeast to northwest.

    • OSL and 14C ages of the Late Quaternary sediments in the east Pearl River Delta

      2013, 40(6):1842-1849.

      Abstract (2816) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5546) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The dating of the Late Quaternary sediments in the east Pearl River Delta has great significance in many aspects, such as the study of the delta's evolution, the fluctuation of the ancient sea level and fault activities. The OSL and 14C dating was performed for the core from seven drill holes in Dongjiang plain, and sporopollen and micropaleontology analysis was conducted. Different from the former conclusion based mainly on 14C age that the oldest deposit of the delta is less than 40 000 a, the authors' OSL dating demonstrates that the age of the lower strata is about 47 000 to 135 000 a. Based on a preliminary analysis of the age reliability and stratigraphic geochronological framework of the two transgression cycles during the Late Quaternary, the authors hold that the first transgression of the east Pearl River Delta might have occurred 40 000 to 80 000 a ago, and the erosion and weathering effect led to the considerable stratigraphic gap between the two transgressions.

    • The prediction of Ordovician carbonate karst reservoirs in the Tazhong gas field

      2013, 40(6):1850-1860.

      Abstract (2282) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4554) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Ordovician carbonate karst reservoirs in Tazhong area of Tarim Basin are characterized mainly by deep burial, lower seismic data resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, and strong heterogeneity. To solve these problems, the authors employed the train of thought which combined the main geological controlling factors such as ancient landform, ancient water and ancient faults with seismic multi-attributes information fusion technology to analyze and predict the fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs of the Ordovician Yingshan Formation in the study area and describe the distribution of different types of karst reservoirs. With this method, the ambiguity is reduced and the precision of reservoir prediction is improved. The results provide a solid foundation for the exploration and production of the study area.

    • Hydrocarbon generation potential and sedimentary environment for the source rocks along the Changshe Mountain oil shale section in North Qiangtang Basin

      2013, 40(6):1861-1871.

      Abstract (2511) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5167) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Located in North Qiangtang Basin in the northern part of the Shengli River-Changshe Mountain oil shale belt (currently the largest marine oil shale belt in China), the Changshe Mountain oil shale section mainly consists of oil shale, micrite limestone, black shale and marl. In order to determine the content of total organic matter, organic matter type, thermal maturity and sedimentary environment of the source rocks along the Changshe Mountain oil shale section, the authors collected twenty samples for multiple organic geochemistry tests. The results show that the oil shale has the best hydrocarbon generation potential, followed by the black shale and micrite limestone. The total organic carbon (TOC) content varies from 0.41% to 9.49%, with an average of 4.02%, and the oil shale samples have the highest values (ranging from 4.53% to 9.49%), with an average of 7.74%. Chloroform bitumen “A” varies from 0.0252% to 0.3403%, and the average value of the oil shale sample is 0.27%, indicating moderate to good source rocks. The kerogen types assessed from organic element composition and organic petrography data show that there is mainly typeⅡ1 kerogen, with small amounts of type Ⅱ2 and Ⅲ kerogen. The distribution of Ro ranges from 1.08% to 1.43%, with an average of 1.27%, demonstrating a mature to overmature stage of the organic matter, with the Ro gradually becoming higher along the oil shale section. The source rocks along the Changshe Mountain oil shale section were deposited in a reductive and high-saline water environment, and the organic source material was mainly low-grade hydrobios.

    • Ore-forming models and types of oil shale in Dalianhe Formation of Yilan Basin

      2013, 40(6):1872-1879.

      Abstract (2495) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4514) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The Dalianhe oil shale ore district lies in Yilan area of Heilongjiang Province, which is a half-graben faulted basin.The Paleogene Dalianhe Formation makes up a complete succession of the 3rd order. The oil shales were developed during the evolution of transgression and highstand systems tract. Two ore-forming models of Dalianhe oil shales were recognized in this paper, namely lake-swampy facies and sub-deep lacustrine facies. Oil shales of different oil shale reservoir accumulations are distributed in different system tracts.

    • Geological characteristics of shale and exploration potential of continental shale gas in 7th member of Yanchang Formation, southeast Ordos Basin

      2013, 40(6):1880-1888.

      Abstract (3241) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (7085) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: As a large-sized petroliferous basin with many shale formations such as Benxi Formation, Shanxi Formation, and 7th and 9th member of Yanchang Formation, the Ordos basin has the basic geological conditions for shale gas development. In order to evaluate the shale gas exploration potential of 7th member of Yanchang Formation, the authors investigated the geological and geochemical characteristics of 7th member shale with the aid of organic geochemical and petrologic analysis, gas quantity test and isothermal adsorption curve test. On such a basis, the preliminary evaluation of 7th member shale gas exploration potential was carried out. The results show that the shale of 7th member has moderate burial depth and thickness. With high abundance of organic matters which are mainly of Ⅰ-Ⅱ type, the maximum gas quantity could be up to 1.25-6.45 ml/g. The kerogen type and TOC of the 7th member shale are similar to those of marine shales in North America. Compared with marine shales in North America, the 7th member shale has higher content of feldspar and clay minerals but lower content of quartz and carbonate content as well as lower maturity. The shale gas exploration potential in the study area is quite promising and could serve as an important supplement of conventional exploration. The favorable targets lie in the southwest of Zhidan-Ganquan area.

    • Re-Os dating of molybdenite from the Mujicun Cu (-Mo) deposit in Hebei Province and characteristics of the ore-forming fluids

      2013, 40(6):1889-1901.

      Abstract (2937) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5416) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Located in Mujicun Village of Laiyuan County, Hebei Province, the Mujicun copper ( molybdenum ) deposit has been proved to be a large-size copper (molybdenum) - gold and silver polymetallic deposit in northern Taihang Mountains, geotectonically lying in the secondary faulted basin in the upper block of the detachment zone on the western side of Laiyuan dumbbell-shaped complex rock body, along the northern section of Fuping mantle branch structure. In order to study the metallogenic ages of the Mujicun copper ( molybdenum) deposit, the authors mainly analyzed the Re-Os isotopes of 5 pieces of molybdenite samples from different drill holes at different depths on the basis of the metallogenic geological background, and obtained three important metallogenic ages, i.e., (143.2±2.2) Ma~(144.9±2.3) Ma (model age), (144±1) Ma (weighted mean model age) and (143.8±1.2) Ma (isochron age). The dating result suggests that the ore deposit was formed in the Late Jurassic of Yanshanian period, which is consistent with polymetallic metallogenic event in northern Taihang Mountains. In addition, according to the characteristics of fluid inclusions and the content of Re in molybdenite, this paper also indicates that the inclusions are composed of 4 types, i.e., gas-liquid inclusions, rich gas inclusions, CO2-bearing inclusions and gas-liquid-solid multiphase inclusions, in which H2O is the main composition for gas-liquid inclusions and rich gas inclusions. The ore-forming process took place under the condition of medium temperature and middle-low salinity, and the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the depth of the earth.

    • Geochemical characteristics and genesis of the Zhuoma lead-zinc deposit in Yunnan Province

      2013, 40(6):1902-1911.

      Abstract (2527) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5235) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The Zhuoma lead-zinc deposit is located in the southern segment of the Indosinian Yidun-Zhongdian island-arc belt. The ore body occurs in the Indosinian quartz monzonite porphyry and is controlled by faulted zones. Studies of REE of non-ore porphyry (porphyrite), fragmentation-porphyry ore, vein ore and sulfur and lead isotopes of ore galena show that REE geochemical characteristics of porphyry (porphyrite) and ores are similar to each other, and ores and porphyry (porphyrite) were from the same source. Galena δ34S values range from-0.01 to-2.90‰, indicating that sulfur was derived from the mantle, lead isotopic ratios of 2066Pb/204Pb vary from 18.0959 to 18.1119, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.6118 to 15.6191, and 208Pb/204Pb from 38.2515 to 38.2918, suggesting that lead of ores was derived from an orogenic environment, with the source area belonging to mixed crust-mantle source dominated by mantle lead. Lead-zinc mineralization in the ore district was closely related to the late Indosinian Zhuoma duplex porphyry (porphyrite), and the ore deposit belongs to magmatic hydrothermal filling metasomatic type controlled by fractures.

    • A possible new chromium mineralization: the formation of chromium spinel in Gangshang ultramafic rocks of Sulu UHP belt

      2013, 40(6):1912-1924.

      Abstract (2439) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6375) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Gangshang ultramafic rocks are mainly composed of garnet peridotites and dunite, which contain olivine, chromium spinel, diopside, endiopside, or/and garnet, orthopyroxene, amphibole and phlogopite. Chromium spinels in Gangshang ultramafic rocks are compositionally variable, with Cr#(molar100Cr/(Cr+Al)) varying from 51 to 89, and are associated with four stages of ultramafic rocks. With the increase of Cr# in chrome spinels Mg#(molar100Mg/(Mg+Fe2+))of chromium spinels decreases,whereas oxygen fugacity increases, as reflected by the composition of Gangshang chromium spinels. In the process of retrometamorphism of amphibole-facies and greenschist-facies, Cr, Mg and Al of chromium spinels decrease, whereas Fe relatively increase. In addition, Gangshang ultramafic rocks experienced shearing reformation and CO metasomatism, which was helpful to the enrichment of chromium and the formation of chromium spinel. This mechanism is also useful to understanding the development of chromite deposits in some metamorphic areas and the enrichment of some chromite ore bodies.

    • The extraction and integration of geochemical anomaly information from Zhangjiakou area, Hebei Province

      2013, 40(6):1925-1934.

      Abstract (2424) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Using the local singularity method, the authors determined the optimal alpha threshold based on the point-surface space related significant index t value of the weight of the evidence method, and delineated the distribution of single element anomalies. At the same time, based on the generalized self-similarity principle, the authors used the S-A method to decompose the complex anomaly, and detected the spatial distribution of the regional background field and the anomalous field. Because the delineated anomalies are well consistent with known Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposits, they can provide geochemical evidence for delineating target areas. Research shows that the local singularity method and the fractal filtering method can effectively enhance the weak anomalies, extract the ore-forming anomalies, and help explore concealed ore bodies in Zhangjiakou area.

    • Hydrogeochemical characteristics and origin of the geothermal fluid in Tangquan area, Hebei Province

      2013, 40(6):1935-1941.

      Abstract (2676) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5080) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Located in northwest Zhunhua City of Hebei Province, Tangquan has piedmont hilly landform with abundant geothermal resources. The authors analyzed the geothermal fluid of this area. According to the results obtained, Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, SO2-4, HCO-3, Cl- and NO-3 are major elements of the geothermal fluid of this area; hydrochemical types are mainly SO2-4-Na+; the geothermal fluid is unpolluted and natural weakly alkaline water; the average content of F- of the geothermal fluid is 9.36 mg/l, which is much higher than the national standard of V grade groundwater quality; the content of soluble SiO2 of the geothermal fluid in this area can be used as a geothermometer; the total salinity of the geothermal fluid is 782.33 mg/l on average, being of fresh water; the geothermal fluid belongs to medium corrosive water, which does not form CaCO3, CaSO4 -2H2O or SiO2 scales; the geothermal fluid belongs to continental sedimentary water formed in the strata with dissolved salt brine. The hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes show that the geothermal fluid of this area is mainly derived from meteoric water.

    • The assessment of the weathering intensity of Emeishan basalt based on rock blocks (IV): A proposed weathering index (FF)

      2013, 40(6):1942-1948.

      Abstract (3198) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4342) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The index used to evaluate chemical weathering degree of rock should have simple, specific relationship with the weathering degree and sufficient sensitivity to rock weathering. In addition, it should be easily determined and should not be subject to human factors. Emeishan basalt is a typical representative of mafic rocks. Besides the hydrolysis reaction that may cause leaching and enrichment of components, the oxidation of divalent iron should also be taken into account in the evaluating process for the weathering intensity of Emeishan basalt. Bivalent and trivalent iron content in fresh Emeishan basalts is stable in general. Average values of FeO and Fe2O3 of 910 samples are 8.45% and 5.15% respectively. They occur uniformly and randomly in pyroxene, olivine, chlorite in almond-shaped structure, magnetite, titanium magnetite and volcanic glass. The geochemistry and hydrogeochemistry of the weathered basalt, the groundwater on a basalt slope and the soaking solution of the fresh basalt show that FeO and Fe2O3 are more sensitive to the weathering degree of Emeishan basalt than other components, while iron is one of the most immobile major elements in basalt weathering process. Trivalent iron to divalent iron molar ratio (FF) is suitable for discriminating the weathering degree in the whole weathering process of Emeishan basalt and has higher resolution than the existing weathering indices, especially in the early weathering stage of basalt.

    • The evaluation of heavy metal pollution and its potential ecological risk of urban topsoil in Huangshan City

      2013, 40(6):1949-1958.

      Abstract (2651) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6421) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: In the urban and suburb areas of Huangshn City (Tunxi District, Huizhou District and the Economic and Technological Development Zone), heavy metal pollution of the topsoil and its potential ecological risk were separately analyzed and evaluated by using the index of geoaccumulation and the potential ecological risk index. With SPSS software, factor analysis of heavy metal content data in topsoil was conducted. It is indicated that heavy metal pollution of the topsoils in the study area is characterized by 0-2 degree, and the relative degree of pollution is in the order of Hg>Cd>Cu>As>Zn>Cr>Pb>Ni. Likewise, the potential ecological risk is characterized by the order of Hg>Cd>As>Cu>Pb>Ni>Cr>Zn. The average value of the synthetic potential ecological risk index is 211.80, indicating that the topsoil is in a middle potential ecological risk, with the predominant and the second risk factor being separately Hg and Cd. Comparatively speaking, heavy metal pollution of these eight elements in soils topsoil and its potential ecological risk within the areas primarily result from common life and production in urban and rural areas, such as fertilization, and irrigation with sewage, factory pollution, local flowage of life garbage and coal combustion.

    • Geoheritage evaluation of the Luoping biota national geopark in Yunnan Province

      2013, 40(6):1959-1967.

      Abstract (2306) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4826) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Numerous types of geoheritage resources are widely distributed in the Luoping Biota National Geopark. The main parts of the geoheritage resources include exceptionally preserved diverse fossils of the Luoping Biota and fossil-bearing sections, associated with typical and beautiful karst landscape, springs, waterfalls, lakes and other water landscapes. This paper describes different types of geoheritages in the Luoping Biota National Geopark, and makes a comprehensive evaluation of the geoheritages.

    • The integrated database model for mineral resources potential evaluation in China

      2013, 40(6):1968-1981.

      Abstract (4863) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (7985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: Covering the metallogenic geological background, metallogenic regularity, prediction of mineral resources, gravity, magnetic, geochemical exploration, remote sensing, natural placer and other professional fields, The special research on China's mineral resources potential evaluation has gained huge amounts of achievements, and the amount of data has attained TB grade. The research and implementation of the integrated-database model of China's mineral resource potential evaluation, which integrates and utilizes the national basic data resource, constitute a very challenging task. The integrated-database model is foundation of building the mineral resource potential evaluation technology platform. The model aims to integrate the basic data and the high application, and also to link together the provincial, regional, national levels as well as maintain the proper functioning of the mineral resource potential evaluation at different scales. This paper systematically describes the integrated-database model of China's mineral resource potential evaluation and its concrete realization. This study has important practical significance and can play a guiding role in the national basic data resource construction.

    • The comprehensive division of geo-environment in Jiangsu Province

      2013, 40(6):1982-1992.

      Abstract (2480) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4318) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The accelerated process of urbanization and industrialization inevitably impacts the geo-environment and affects the function of traditional geo-environment. Therefore, a reasonable delineation of the geo-environment protection area is of great significance for the effective protection of geo-environment and the fulfillment of the functions of the geological environment protection management. Based on a detailed analysis of geo-environment information and achievements obtained in Jiangsu province and considering the natural attribute of the geo-environment,the authors established geo-environment comprehensive division which includes six specialized divisions,namely geological disasters (prevention), mine geological environment (protection), mountain resource protection, geological heritage protection, groundwater and soil pollution prevention. On one hand, the six specialized divisions establish the evaluation index system according to certain criteria for their respective purposes whose results provide the basis for a special planning; on the other hand, based on an analysis of the advantages of the six specialized divisions and taking full account of the geo-environment factors that the specialized divisions do not include, the authors set up the comprehensive evaluation system of geo-environment at two levels, which can provide the basis for the geo-environment protection planning.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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