• Volume 41,Issue 3,2014 Table of Contents
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    • The orientation and problems of contemporary intra-continental physics and dynamics

      2014, 41(3):675-697.

      Abstract (2389) HTML (0) PDF 203.27 M (4031) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The structure of the crust and the mantle and the dynamic mechanics of intra-continent are more complicated than those of the 'rigid' oceanic plate, and hence the plate tectonics of the continent should be redefined i.e., it is necessary to recognize the differentiation, modulation and motion of the material inside the continent under the force system and reestablish the deep process and mechanism of continental formation. This paper presents ten basic problems of the geodynamics based on the structure of the crust and the mantle. The key subjects of these problems include the exchange of deep process and material, the movement and behavior and the dynamic response.

    • Tectonic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau: Impacts on the formation of landforms, climate changes and ancient human migration in China

      2014, 41(3):698-714.

      Abstract (4231) HTML (0) PDF 152.76 M (4859) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:It is imperative to build the geochronological sequence for key and important Cenozoic events based on studies of tectonic deformation, geochronological data of uplifting and general tectonic framework, so as to get an overall recognition of the Cenozoic tectonic-geomorphological framework of China's mainland. Several key issues on the continental tectonics and geomophological framework, although widely discussed, remain unresolved, e.g., the uplifting of the Tibetan Plateau which is the highest mountain range on the earth, and the formation of the WNW-trending basin-range system in Northwest China as well as the development of the stepped NNE-trending basin-range system in East China. Through studies of the Tibetan Plateau since the 1970's, lots of geochronological data on the uplifting and paleao-elevation have been obtained, which makes it possible to conduct quantitative analysis. The problem when the plateau was formed has been the subject of studies for decades. The authors have conducted continued studies of the Qaidam Basin and neighboring regions for more than 20 years since 1980's and, as a result, found that the Qaidam Basin, as a basin-in-plateau, has experienced the entire uplifting history of the plateau. There exists complete sedimentary and structural evidence recording the Cenozoic geological events and variation of the environment during the uplifting of the plateau. The evidence can be utilized as a temporal-spatial reference for the subdivision of various stages of plateau uplifting. It is therefore suggested that the plateau was not uplifted in Paleogene (55-24 Ma), and the initial uplifting of a Tibet-Fujian-Guangdong plateau occurred in early-middle Miocene (23-17 Ma). The present plateau was configured by a final uplift in late Pliocene or early to middle Pleistocene (3.6-0.8 Ma). The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the formation of the tectonic-geomorphologic framework of China led to the variation of the environment of China and of the World, and also affected the paths of migration of ancient people. Joint studies by geologists, paleoclimatologists and paleoanthropologists will contribute to the deep understanding of the paleaogeomorphologic evolution and variation of paleaoclimate as well as the birth of ancient people and their migration. The present paper focuses on the relationship between the uplifting of the plateau, the formation of the geomorphological framework of China and the variation of paleaoclimate. The possible migration paths of ancient Chinese are discussed.

    • Prediction types and main successive strategic resource base areas of Ni ore deposits in China

      2014, 41(3):715-727.

      Abstract (2604) HTML (0) PDF 41.65 M (4250) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In order to exhibit and utilize the main ideas and results of national Ni ore resource potential, the authors put forward Ni resources prediction types, i.e., magmatic type, weathering crust type and marine sedimentary type, and summarize their basic characteristics, metallogenic regularity, utilization status, prediction factors and assessment methods. Based on analyzing the ore-forming geological background, ore geochemical features, intensity distribution, intensity of mineralization and potential resources, combined with the characteristics of all kinds of Ni ore deposits,the authors have assigned Ni resources to eight main successive strategic base areas, i.e., Kalatongk, Jueluotag, Beishan Mountain, Liaoji, Longshou Mountain, Qimantag, Mojiang-Jinping and Baotan, which can be used to guide the Ni ore exploration deployment.

    • The revision of the Benxi and Liujiagou Formations in Pingquan area

      2014, 41(3):728-740.

      Abstract (2634) HTML (0) PDF 54.31 M (3787) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:According to 1∶200000 and 1∶50000 regional geological maps, the strata over the Ordovician Majiagou Formation along Dajiakou and Nantai profiles were assigned to the Liujiagou Formation. In this paper the authors performed lithostratigraphic correlation and dating of detrital zircons, and proposed that the strata above the surface of unconformity are Benxi Formation instead of Liujiagou Formation, as evidenced by the similar lithofacies associations, gravel compositions and age spectra of detrital zircons from Dajikou, Nantai and Shanwanzi profiles.

    • U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from Taiyangsi Rock Group in Shujiba area of West Qinling Mountains and their geological significance

      2014, 41(3):741-755.

      Abstract (2984) HTML (0) PDF 23.60 M (5380) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:With clastic rocks of Taiyangsi Rock Group in Shujiaba area of West Qinling Mountains as the research object, the authors used the LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotopic geochronologic methods to study the formation age and material source of Taiyangsi Rock Group in Shujiaba area. The results show that the lower limit of the deposition of Taiyangsi Rock Group is (437±4)Ma, suggesting that it was formed during the Silurian, as also evidenced by the previous research on the surrounding geological setting. Detrital zircon age spectra of Taiyangsi Rock Group in Shujiaba area can be clearly divided into four age segments: (1) 437-526 Ma, with the peak value of 458 Ma, characterized by relatively concentrated ages and a strong peak, indicating that the source might have come from the northern margin of West Qinling tectonic zone and North Qilian orogenic belt; (2) 601-978 Ma, which can be divided into two subgroups of 601-651 Ma and 738-978 Ma, with the peak values of 650 Ma and 814 Ma, assuming concentrated ages. During this period, due to the influence of the aggregation and breakup of the Neoproterozoic super-continent Rodinia, a series of orogenic magmatic activities occured in the Qinling and Qilian orogenic belts, which resulted in a possibility for providing source materials for the area; (3) 1032-1245 Ma, with the peak value of 1092 Ma, suggesting that the material source was probably mainly derived from the North Qilian orogenic belt; (4) 1668-2546 Ma, which can be divided into two subgroups of 1668- 2019 Ma and 2304-2546 Ma, with the peak values being 1920 Ma and 2418 Ma respectively, implying that the crystalline basement of both the northern margin of West Qinling tectonic zone and the North Qilian tectonic belt and the crystalline basement of the North China plate were present in the study area to provide the possibility of provenance. A comprehensive analysis shows that the material sources of Taiyangsi Rock Group is much more complicated and characterized by obvious diversity. Its material sources might have come from the northern margin of western Qinling orogenic belt, Qilian orogenic belt and the basement of North China plate. The Qilian orogenic belt and the northern margin of western Qinling orogenic belt made significant source contribution to the sedimentation of Taiyangsi Rock Group, with the Qilian orogenic belt playing the more dominant role.

    • Geochronology and geochemical features of Longwogou granite in Xiaoshan Mountain, western Henan Province, and their geological implications

      2014, 41(3):756-772.

      Abstract (2652) HTML (0) PDF 54.14 M (7171) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In order to study petrogenesis, geodynamics and mineralization potential of small intermediate-acid igneous bodies in north Xiaoshan Mountain, the authors determined the age and geochemical compositions of Longwogou granite body, which is one of these igneous bodies. Longwogou body is composed of porphyritic biotite monzonitic granite with extensively distributed K-feldspar megacrysts. 206Pb/238U ages of 30 zircons by LA-ICP-MS method are from 125 Ma to 132 Ma, and the weighted average age is (128±1) Ma. Longwogou granite is characterized by higher SiO2 and alkali, enrichment of K2O, and lower MgO and CaO. Compositional spots of Longwogou granite fall into high-K calc-alkaline series in the SiO2?K2O diagram. A/CNK ratios of Longwogou granite are from 1.00 to 1.11. According to the petrologic and geochemical features of Longwogou granite, it belongs to K-rich calc-alkaline granite (KCG). In chondrite-normalized REE patterns, Longwogou granite samples have shown the characteristics of LREE-enrichment and HREE depletion without obvious Eu anomaly. The (La/Yb)N ratios of Longwogou granite are from 18.55 to 26.92. In spider diagram, the enrichment of Rb, Th, and trough of Nb and Ta are displayed. Samples of Longwogou granite have higher Sr and lower Y, and the Sr/Y ratios are in the range of 30.8-60.8, suggesting that Longwogou granite is adakitic granite. Longwogou granite originated from partial melting of the thickened lower crust, and its residual phases of partial melting source included garnet, rutile and hornblende. North Xiaoshan Mountain area underwent lithosphere delamination in early Cretaceous, and it was one of geological responses to huge lithosphere thinning of eastern China in Mesozoic. The formation age of Longwogou body falls into the time interval of extensive and intensive endogenetic mineralization in east Qinling orogen belt. Samples from Longwogou body display obvious enrichment of Au, Ag, Mo and W. It is considered that Longwogou granite and its concealed part have large mineralization potential.

    • Zircon U-Pb ages, geochemical characteristics and tectonic implications of the Early Paleozoic granites in Huolongmen area, Heilongjiang Province

      2014, 41(3):773-783.

      Abstract (2266) HTML (0) PDF 9.49 M (5311) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Huolongmen area in Heilongjiang Province is tectonically located between the Xing'an block and Songnen block along eastern Xingmeng oregenic belt. Early Paleozoic granites comprising monzodiorite and quartz monzodiorite are distributed in this area. The zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages of two samples from monzodiorite are (440.6±5.8)Ma and (471.3±8.7)Ma, respectively, indicating that the monzodiorite was generated in Middle-Late Ordovician. Major element analyses show high Na, Al, Mg and Ca content and medium-high K content. Trace element studies demonstrate the enrichment of K, Ba, Rb and depletion of Nb, Ta, P, Ti. The samples are enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE with pronounced Eu anomalies, suggesting a high degree of fractionation. In the R1-R2 structural setting discrimination diagram and Rb-Yb+Nb versus Rb-Yb+Ta discrimination diagram, most early Paleozoic granites fall in the post-orogenic zone and the volcanic arc granite zone, respectively, suggesting that the Xing'an block probably shifted northward, and then experienced collage, collision and suturing with Erguena block during Late Paleozoic.

    • LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical characteristics of Tangang rhyodacite in Jiangxi Province

      2014, 41(3):784-796.

      Abstract (2397) HTML (0) PDF 34.67 M (3790) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon age of rhyodacite in Tangang area of Jiangxi Province is (136.2±1.5) Ma, belonging to the product of Early Cretaceous volcanic and magmatic activities. The main geochemical characteristics of the rhyodacite include SiO2=66.82%-68.04%, high alkali (K2O+Na2O=7.56%-7.73%), high Al2O3 (14.91%-15.17%), quasi-aluminous to weakly peraluminous nature (A/CNK=0.999-1.042), obvious enrichment of LLE and LREE, and relative loss of high field strength elements. The pattern of REE with enriched LREE is a right-oblique curve, with high ratio of LREE/HREE (10.04 in average) and intermediate negative Eu anomalies (the average of δEu is 0.48). The rhyodacite has comparable formation age and geochemical characteristics with Xiangshan rhyodacite porphyry, which suggests that they are comagmatic products. In addition, these rocks crystallized from the remelted sialic crust, which has been believed to be the first volcanic activity cycle of the Xiangshan rock body. A comparative study of the geological conditions shows that there exixts metallogenic potential in Tangang volcanic basin.

    • LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the granitic and granodioritic porphyries from the Yanyingzui W-Mo-Cu polymetalic ore district in Fuchuan area, Guangxi, and its geological implications

      2014, 41(3):797-813.

      Abstract (2453) HTML (0) PDF 76.22 M (4397) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Yangyingzui W-Mo-Cu polymetallic deposit is located in the middle segment of the northeast Guangxi metallogenic belt. Orebodies occur within the porphyry and skarn of the contact zone, and mineralization is closely related to the Yanyingzui porphyry. Up till now, however, there have been no precise data concerning the porphyry mineralization age of this ore deposit. The authors conducted the LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb chronologic study of the mineralized granite porphyry and granodiorite porphyry in the Yanyingzui W-Mo-Cu deposit and obtained ages of (426.2±2.3) Ma and (426.9±2.3) Ma, indicating that the porphyry is a product of tectonic-magmatic activity during the Caledonian. Combined with regional tectonic evolution, contrastive study of the timing for diagenesis and mineralization as well as geological characteristics of ores, it is suggested that the ore-forming and igneous activities of the Yangyingzui W-Mo-Cu polymetallic deposit occurred during Late Silurian, when the tectonic setting of the deposit was in the transition period from collision orogeny compression to extension. The Yangyingzui W-Mo-Cu polymetallic deposit has the same metallogenic age and same structural setting as the northeast Guangxi W-Mo mineralization belt, implying that the probable existence of an intense W-Mo-Cu mineralization during Caledonian period in northeast Guangxi. In addition, the NE-trending tectonomagmatic belt, the porphyry body zone and the periphery of the mineralization area are favorable areas in search for porphyry-skarn-type W-Mo-Cu polymetalic deposits, homologous series deposits and conceaned ore deposits, and hence more attention should be paid to the exploration and evaluation of the study area in the future.

    • Geochemistry and zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of Mo-bearing granite bodies in Shuanghuang area, southern Zhejiang

      2014, 41(3):814-823.

      Abstract (2255) HTML (0) PDF 55.05 M (3749) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on regional geological survey of Shuanghuang area in southern Zhejiang Province, the authors carried out SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of the intrusion which has close relationship with the molybdenum mineralization. The result shows that the granite was formed at (126.9±3.5) Ma, i.e., in Early Cenozoic. The rock is rich in silicon, aluminum and alkali, relatively rich in potassium, depleted in sodium, low in calcium and magnesium, and has data SiO2=70.98%-73.92%, K2O=4.24%-5.12% and A/CNK = 1.34-1.82, suggesting peraluminous rock. The total rare earth elements show a moderate negative Eu anomaly, and on the whole present the distribution pattern of LREE enrichment and right-oblique ‘V’ shape. The trace elements features show that the intrusive is post-collision granite. Magma characterized by high silicon and high differentiation controls quartz vein type molybdenum deposits of this area.

    • Emplacement depths of the Early Permian plutons from Guyang area in the northern margin of the North China Block and their tectonic implications

      2014, 41(3):824-837.

      Abstract (2652) HTML (0) PDF 100.68 M (4101) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Application of hornblende-plagioclase thermobarometry to the Early Permian plutons in Guyang area of western Inner Mongolia Paleo-uplift (IMPU) along northern North China block (NCB) provides important constraints on tectonic evolution of the NCB during the Late Paleozoic. Estimated crystallization temperatures and emplacement depths of the Early Permian plutons are 679.1-728.7 ℃ and 15.6-19.8 km, respectively. Emplacement depths of the Early Permian plutons indicate that they were emplaced at mid-crustal levels, and at least 15.6 km thickness of crustal rocks has been eroded in Guyang area since the Early Permian period. Significant uplift and exhumation of the crustal rocks in the study area resulted in discontinuous distribution of the Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks and extensive absence of the Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic strata in the western part of the IMPU. Estimated emplacement depths of the Early plutons (15.6-19.8 km) are much larger than the largest thickness of the pre-Early Permian sedimentary rocks in the western part of the IMPU (13.0 km), suggesting significant crustal thickening by intense folding and thrusting along the northern margin of NCB prior to Early Permian. The above pre-Early Permian structural deformation and crustal thickening on the northern margin of the NCB was probably related to southward subduction of the Paleo-Asian oceanic plate beneath the NCB during the Late Paleozoic.

    • Geochemical features and origin of Taoling pluton, eastern Jiangnan orogen

      2014, 41(3):838-850.

      Abstract (4379) HTML (0) PDF 95.22 M (12745) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Taoling pluton is located in northeast Jiangxi Province in the eastern part of Jiangnan orogen. The pluton is characterized by high potassium calc alkaline series, weakly peraluminous - strongly peraluminous nature, and high Mg#. Taoling pluton is enriched in LREE and LREE, and depleted in HFSE, with weak negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.62-0.81) (except for sample TL-1, whose δEu is 0.47). Zircon LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating shows that the pluton intruded at 140±1 Ma. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd(t) of the pluton are (0.7131-0.7141) and (-7.43 - -6.71), respectively. Combined with previous studies, the authors hold that the mafic magmas ascended from the metasomatized mantle and heated the lower crust, triggering partial melting of metasedimentary basement in the depth (>40 km) to form Taoling pluton, with the addition of relatively small amounts of mantle-derived materials.

    • Geochemical characteristics of the Yinaigou Early Paleozoic Caotangou Group volcanic rocks in Tianshui of West Qinling Mountains and their geological significance

      2014, 41(3):851-865.

      Abstract (2563) HTML (0) PDF 54.01 M (4312) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:There are volcanic rocks of Caotangou Group in Yinaigou, Tianshui. The main rock types of these metamorphic volcanic rocks are metabasalt, metaandesite, metadacite and metarhyolite. These metamorphic volcanic rocks of the study area basically belong to tholeiitic basalt, whose primary magma was derived from an enriched mantle source. The metamorphic volcanic rocks of Caotangou Group are characterized by high content of LILE (Cs, Ba, Th and U) and low content of HFSE (Nb, Ta, P, Ti and Y). The tectonic environment discrimination by trace elements reveals that metamorphic volcanic rocks were formed in an island arc setting above the subduction zone. Combined with the chronological data, the authors hold that the Tianshui-Wushan oceanic basin already existed in Early Paleozoic and began subducting then, leading to the formation of Caotangou Group island arc in Yinaigou, which was similar to things of Danfeng Group in west Qinling from the viewpoints of rock assemblage, forming time and geochemical characteristics. The results obtained by the authors provide evidence for the study of Tianshui-Wushan tectonic zone which served as the west extensional part of the Shangdan paleo-suture zone in Early Paleozoic.

    • Geochemical characteristics of genesis of the basalts in Zhongba Mélange of southern Tibet

      2014, 41(3):866-878.

      Abstract (2917) HTML (0) PDF 23.17 M (6882) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Zhongba Mélange in southern Tibet belongs to the accretionary wedge in the western segment of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone. The basalts from Zhongba Mélange are in coexistence with radiolarian chert, siliceous shale and mudstone, showing a pillow structure. The age of basalts is constrained to the early Cretaceous by radiolarian assemblage in its companion chert. The basalts have relatively high P2O5 (0.34%-0.87%), lower Al2O3 (13.48%-15.38%) and Mg# (15-35). The samples are characterized by high iron (Fe2O3=7.62%-13.16%) and titanium (TiO2=1.76%-3.11%), and poor silicon (SiO2=43.57%-51.99%), and can be classified as Fe-Ti basalts (ferrobasalts). And the basalts are alkaline. The Fe-Ti basalts were produced through a high degree of high iron and poor silicon trend differentiation. The REE patterns are similar to those of OIB, with LREE enrichment ((La/Yb)N=8.48-32.04) and no obvious Ce and Eu anomaly. The basalts have typical geochemical characteristics similar to those of OIB, with the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (Ba, Th) and high field-strength elements (HFSE) (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf), and no obvious Nb and Ta anomalies. The geochemical characteristics suggest that the basalts were formed in an ocean island within an extensional tectonic setting, and the magma originated from enriched mantle composed mainly of garnet peridotite with 6%-10% partial melting. Geological signatures of whole-rock trace elements indicate little or no appreciable crustal contamination for the samples. The Zhongba basalts might have been derived from the mantle plume, which suggests that there probably existed a hotspot in the Neo-Tethys.

    • Gravel fabric characteristics of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene conglomerate layers in southeast Qiangtang Basin, Tibet, and their geological significance

      2014, 41(3):879-892.

      Abstract (2326) HTML (0) PDF 32.02 M (4383) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on an analysis of gravel fabric characteristics of conglomerate layers around the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Amdo microcontinent in southeast Qiangtang Basin of Tibet, this paper elaborates characteristics, origin, source, transport way and tectonic background of the conglomerate in combination with the regional geology. Studies show that conglomerate layers are alluvial-proluvial products that have experienced short-middle distance transportation. The gravels have the characteristics of complex composition, different constitutents and good sorting. The paleocurrent of the statistical points possesses the characteristics of a single flow direction, and the condition of hydrodynamic force is relatively stable. The analytical results of the compositional features and orientations of the gravel reveal that the gravels were derived from Amdo microcontient, Bangongnujiang suture zone and their surrounding mountains, indicating the sedimentary features of the piedmont water system formed by alleviation and subsequent proluvial action. In combination with regional geology, the authors hold that in the Late Cretaceous the north of Amdo microcontient experienced uplifting and formed the palaeogeographic pattern which was higher in the northeast and lower in the southwest, and in Paleogene, the study area which preserved the previously palaeogeographic pattern was subjected to integral uplifting. It is thus concluded that the uplifted area of Tibet occurred in the north of Bangongnujiang suture zone in the Late Cretaceous, and Tibet experienced uplifting as a whole in Paleogene.

    • marine shale gas in the Lower Paleozoic of Sichuan Basin and its periphery: A case study of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation of Jiaoshiba area

      2014, 41(3):893-901.

      Abstract (3807) HTML (0) PDF 75.51 M (4188) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The formation conditions of marine shale gas in the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation of Jiaoshiba area were evaluated in this paper on the basis of drilling, seismic survey and sample experiment data. The major factors controlling the accumulation and high productivity of marine shale gas in the lower paleozoic of Sichuan Basin were analyzed. The results show that shales of Longmaxi Formation in Jiaoshiba area are characterized by thick formation, good type, high levels of thermal evolution of organic matter, good physical and gas-bearing properties, suitable preservation condition and fracability. Meanwhile, the development and preservation condition of organic-rich shales, natural fractures development and crushability of the shales constitute the major factors controlling the accumulation and high productivity of marine shale gas in the lower Paleozoic strata of Sichuan Basin and its periphery. As abundant materials were provided by the development of organic-rich shales for shale gas generation and storage, suitable preservation conditions seem to be the key factor for accumulation and high productivity of shale gas. Natural fractures and crushability have guaranteed high productivity of shale gas.

    • An analysis of the activity of the northwest part of Nankou-Sunhe fault

      2014, 41(3):902-911.

      Abstract (2597) HTML (0) PDF 12.57 M (4363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:As one of half-buried and buried faults in Quaternary in Zhangjiakou-Bohai seismic belt, Nankou-Sunhe fault is the unique NW-striking active fault in the capital circle. Based on shallow seismic method and borehole engineering, the authors precisely determined the position of the northwest section of Nankou-Sunhe fault. Contrastive analysis was made with drilling core and trench profile, combined with the study of magnetic stratigraphy and 14C dating data. The authors explored the activity of the northwest section of Nankou-Sunhe fault since late Pleistocene. Researches show that the activity of Nankou-Sunhe fault has both stick-slip and creep-slip properties, and the vertical activity rate of the fault was 0.12 mm/a in middle Pleistocene, 0.58 mm/a in late Pleistocene, and 0.31mm/a in Holocnene. The fault's active characteristics show complete regularity, i.e.,s from weak to strong, then to weak. At least two earthquake events can be recognized since the late Pleistocene, with their ages being (9230±45)aBP -(9370±40)aBP and(13620±90)aBP -(13960±60)aBP respectively and the least active displacement fault depth being 1.2m. The authors also explored the research thinking and methods for buried active faults in cities.

    • Metallogenetic conditions, magma conduit and exploration potential of the Kalatongk Cu-Ni orefield in Northern Xinjiang

      2014, 41(3):912-935.

      Abstract (3895) HTML (0) PDF 161.58 M (4404) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The Kalatongk early-Permian Cu-Ni sulfide orefield, which consists of 13 small mafic intrusions and is located in the north of the central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB), is the largest Cu-Ni ore deposit in Xinjiang. Some intrusions are unexposed, and the major economic Ni-Cu sulfide ores are found within four of these intrusions, i.e., Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y9 intrusions. What is the biggest crisis is the shortage of reserved resources of copper and nickel in the Kalatongk deposit after more than 30 years’ continuous mining and exploitation, with the deepest mining depth reaching 740 meters. The main host rock types are gabbro, norite, gabbro-norite and olvine-norite, with ores also occurring in the hornblende gabbro. However, the ultramafic rock, which is the main host rock in most of the Cu-Ni deposits in the world, has not been found in these intrusions. The deposits have significant magnetic anomalies (200 nT), gravity anomalies (0.29×10-5 m/s2), and induced polarizability anomalies, and are characterized by ore-bearing mafic rock, small-size intrusion clusters, full magmatic evolution, high copper content (Cu/Ni radios approximately 3∶2), high PGE content and widespread massive sulfide lens. The country rocks are highly deformed carbonaceous slate, schist and tuffaceous rocks, which hinder the conventional electrical exploration. Kalatongk mafic intrusions were derived from the upwelling of asthenosphere components, as shown by the study of petrology and geochemistry of the intrusions. Compared with the same-period magmatic Cu-Ni deposits in East Tianshan in the aspects of the petrographic types and percentages and the residual gravity anomalies, it is supposed that the Kalatongk intrusions are more likely to have a high content ultramafic rock, which could probably be found in the depth of mafic intrusions and has a much better ore-bearing potential. This inference has been confirmed by the discovery of ultramafic rock in the eastern part of Y2 intrusion 650-740 meters below the surface and in the western part of Y2 intrusion at the depth of 410-590 meters in 2013, through drilling in underground tunnel. This was for the first time that the fine-grained, intensely serpentinized and uralitized olivine pyroxenite and pyroxene peridotite were found in the ore district, which are thought to constitute the top of the buried ultramafic rock. In combination with the rock-controlling and ore-controlling structure, the pitch and dip direction of the intrusion clusters, the discovery and systematic observation of multiphase sulfide droplet structure and the researches on hornstone and baking of the country rocks, it seems more reasonable that the main magma conduit may be located between Y2 and Y3 intrusions instead of between Y1 and Y2 intrusions which was thought to be the main magma conduit in the past years. In consideration of the background of the Kalatongk orefield, the authors suggest that the utilization of the high-resolution shallow-level seismic survey, Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotelluric methods (CSAMT) and borehole electromagnetic survey, combined with the conventional high-precision gravity, magnetic and induced polarization methods, can detect and predict the spatial location, shape and mineralization extent of the buried ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic bodies in the southern intrusion belt, and can then promote the deep prospecting work in the northern intrusion belt and the peripheral G21, G22 concealed mafic intrusions.

    • Metallogenic element spatial distribution of the Naruo copper (gold) deposit in the Duolong ore concentration area of Tibet and its geochemical exploration model

      2014, 41(3):936-950.

      Abstract (3217) HTML (0) PDF 17.79 M (4379) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:After the discovery of Duobuzha and Bolong copper (gold) deposit, the exploration of the Naruo copper (gold) deposit, a large porphyry deposit, is a major breakthrough in the Dolong ore district. Based on the prospecting engineering analysis data, the authors studied the spatial distribution of metallogenic elements. The vertical zonation of metallogenic elements is not obvious, but the zoning in the plane is fairly clear: from the center of ZK0001 southwestward there exists zonation of Cu+Au→Cu(Au, Ag)→Cu(Ag, Au)→Cu(Ag). According to the soil geochemical survey, from No. 0 to No. 31 exploration line (from northeast to southwest), the zonation is Mo, Cu→Mo (Cu, Au)→Cu, Au(Ag, Mo, Pb)→Pb→Pb, Zn, suggesting that the migration direction of ore-forming fluid was from No. 0 and No. 7 line to the surrounding areas (mainly from northeast to southwest), and its materials and heat sources were near No. 0 line. Finally, through the study of geological features and element zonation, the authors established a geochemical exploration model of the Naruo ore district.

    • An analysis of geological age and materials source of the Niujuan Ag-Au polymetallic deposit in Chengde

      2014, 41(3):951-960.

      Abstract (2254) HTML (0) PDF 35.07 M (3661) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:On the basis of field reconnaissance, field observation, rock (ore)sample analyses and the application of such means as isotope geochemistry, REE, fluid inclusion homogenization temperature and composition, the authors hold that the ore-forming materials of the Niujuan Ag-Au deposit were derived from guanite. The analytical results of REE from rock (ore)show that the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of rocks and ores from the Niujuan Ag-Au deposit are similar to each other, both assuaming LREE enrichment, HREE depletion and obvious Eu negative anomalies. These characteristics demonstrate that the ore-forming materials of the Niujuan Ag-Au deposit were derived from granite. Researches on hydrogen and oxygen isotopes show that the ore-forming fluids were of multiple sources, being the mixture of magmatic water and circulated atmospheric precipitation. According to the composition of ore minerals, the authors used the Rb-Sr isochron method for monomineral sphalerite and paragenetic mineral assemblage of pyrite and galena to determine the ore-forming age, and the result shows that the age of ore mineral is (154.1±2.6)Ma, belonging to middle Yanshanian period. On such a basis, it is deduced that the formation of the deposit was closely related to Yanshanian magmatite intrusion. The results obtained by the authors provide a theoretical basis for the determination of the genetic type of the ore deposit.

    • Tectonic evolution and petroleum exploration prospect of East Africa

      2014, 41(3):961-969.

      Abstract (2114) HTML (0) PDF 11.92 M (5260) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:At present, East Africa continental margin which has won a big breakthrough in oil and gas exploration has become the hot spot of the world petroleum exploration. Compared with West and North Africa, East Africa is at the very low oil and gas exploration and research level. After complicated tectonic evolution, the basin structure, deposition and petroleum system as well as their interaction have become very complex, which is not favorable for the analysis and judgment of the petroleum exploration prospect of East Africa. Studies of the evolution process of the East Africa continental margin in combination with the current basin structure and oil and gas discovery indicate that the continental margin of East Africa has successively experienced Karoo intracontinental rifting, Jurassic and cretaceous rifting and a passive epicontinental action. Two rifts provided good sedimentary environments such as lacustrine facies and lagoon facies, which formed multiple hydrocarbon source formations. In space and time, they constituted a good hydrocarbon-reservoir system with delta and deep-water turbidite fans in the passive continental margin stage. In addition, they were both controlled by complex tectonic evolution which decided the size of reservoirs and the style of hydrocarbons.

    • The main factors controlling the enrichment and high production of Da'anzhai member continental shale gas in Yuanba area

      2014, 41(3):970-981.

      Abstract (2652) HTML (0) PDF 15.13 M (3590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Taking Da'anzhai Member lacustrine shale in Yuanba area of Sichuan basin as the study area and based on the sample analysis of the experimental data and the observation of drilling cores, the authors evaluated the conditions for the formation of continental shale gas in Yuanba area and discussed the main factors controlling the enrichment and high production of the continental shale gas. Da'anzhai Member shale in Yuanba area is characterized by large thickness, high abundance of organic matter, good type of organic matter, moderate thermal evolution degree, good gas-bearing reservoir properties and fracturing performance, suggesting favorable geological conditions for the formation of continental shale gas. In Yuanba area, shale gas content of Da'anzhai Member lacustrine shale is higher, the adsorption capacity is affected by temperature and pressure, TOC, and the thermal evolution degree (Ro) and mineral composition; it is characterized by positive correlation with pressure, TOC, silica and clay minerals, negative correlation with temperature, Ro, and insignificant relationship with carbonate minerals. The influence extent is in order of TOC>Ro>siliceous>clay minerals>carbonate minerals. Free gas is influenced by the development of pores and fractures, and has a positive correlation with porosity. Matrix porosity that can reflect the porosity development degree has positive correlation with TOC, clay mineral content, positive correlation followed by negative correlation with quartz and feldspar (maximum 40%), and negative correlation with the content of carbonate. The development degree of fractures was controlled by lithology, tectonics, sedimentary diagenesis and hydrocarbon generation. The main factors controlling the enrichment and high production of Da'anzhai Member shale gas in Yuanba area included sedimentary facies, lithofacies and the degree of fracture development. The dark shale of the shallow and semi-deep lake constituted the foundation of the enrichment and high production of lacustrine shale gas. The intercalated thin layers (or stripes) of limestone or sandstone with organic-rich shale in the shallow-semi deep lake were favorable for hydraulic fracturing in the later period. The fractures and the "baffle" layer controlled high production of continental shale oil and gas.

    • Identification of oil resource and analysis of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation of Majiang paleo-reservoir: Evidence from oil-gas geochemistry

      2014, 41(3):982-994.

      Abstract (2186) HTML (0) PDF 50.08 M (3747) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper takes full account of the interrelation and variation rules of source rock kerogen, group composition, solid bitumen and N-alkane carbon isotope in thermal evolution. Combining the geochemical analysis with previous studies of carbon isotope and aromatic markers, the authors made a comprehensive analysis. It is indicated that, at the early stage, there existed the source of Lower Cambrian black shale in various paleo-reservoirs, whereas at the late stage, the sources became quite different. The bitumens from the south of Majiang ancient anticline were relevant to Middle Cambrian Duliujiang Formation to some extent. The crude oil and oil seepage in Kaili seemed to be the products of Indosinian reservoir accumulation from Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation. The preservation environment of the oil was an independent and closed system formed in the early diagenetic process of the reservoir. Based on oil resource identification in combination with geological background, hydrocarbon accumulation conditions and fluid activity patterns, it is held that the distribution of source rocks in the depression of south Guizhou Province and its neighboring Lower Cambrian Dujiangliu Formation and Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation controlled the hydrocarbon enrichment patterns of this area. The fault system in Hercynian period of south Guizhou and the unconformity formed by Caledonian movement formed the pathways of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in different periods. A series of normal faults formed in Hercynian constituted the key to Paleo-reservoir formation in Majiang.

    • New findings and oil-source analysis of the reservoir in Weng'an paleo-oil accumulation on the northern margin of the Qianzhong Uplift

      2014, 41(3):995-1001.

      Abstract (1940) HTML (0) PDF 7.01 M (3872) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The bituminous fragments in Dengying Formation are described in this paper for the first time, and have been evidently defined as one of the Weng'an paleo-oil reservoirs. The reservoir is in the middle of Dengying Formation, the pores consist mainly of intercrystal, intercrystal dissolved and moldic pores and caves, being a middle-high porosity and high permeability reservoir. Based on an analysis of saturated hydrocarbon chromatography, biomarkers, and carbon isotopic composition of kerogen, the authors hold that the bitumen originated from Niutitang Formation source rock.

    • Criteria for selected areas evaluation of low rank CBM based on multi-layered fuzzy mathematics:A case study of Turpan-Hami Basin

      2014, 41(3):1002-1009.

      Abstract (2202) HTML (0) PDF 2.76 M (4839) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Thick coal seams, which exist in many basins of the low rank CBM in China, have good reservoir property and abundant CBM resources. However, there is no proper model for evaluation of low rank CBM at present. The methods and theories of the optimal selection of favorable areas of low rank CBM are still in the process of improvement. Taking Turpan-Hami Basin which occupies 50% of the total resources of low rank CBM in China as an example, the authors applied the multi-layered fuzzy mathematic model to quantitative sequencing of 19 key factors, such as resource factors, coal reservoir factors, and preserve factors. According to the special geological conditions of Turpan-Hami Basin and the method of assignment, weighting, summation and quantitative sequencing, the evaluation standards of the regional selection of CBM were set up for exploring evaluation standards of low rank CBM and main factors influencing methane occurrence in China. The results obtained by the authors show that the next key areas of exploration and development are Hami depression, Sha'erhu superficial depression and Da'nanhu superficial depression.

    • Hydrochemical characteristics and correlation analysis of groundwater in Hunchun Basin

      2014, 41(3):1010-1017.

      Abstract (3189) HTML (0) PDF 25.75 M (4654) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:In order to identify chemical characteristics of groundwater in Hunchun Basin, the authors collected groundwater samples for test and then used the Aquchm, SPSS and MapGis to analyze the hydrochemical characteristics and correlation of groundwater in Hunchun Basin. The results show that TFe, Mn2+ and NO3- exceed the standards seriously in groundwater of Hunchun Basin, and the groundwater quality of Henan district is on the whole poorer than that of Hebei district. The hydrochemical types of groundwater in Hunchun Basin are dominated by HCO3?CaMg type, with ClHCO2, ClSO4HCO3, and SO4ClHCO3 types in some areas. The correlation of TDS, Ca2+, Cl-, Mg2+, SO42- and NO3- (credited with N) in groundwater is high. The main process of the groundwater chemical evolution is the leaching effect.

    • The construction and application of the index system of eco-environmental carrying capacity in Shandong peninsula

      2014, 41(3):1018-1027.

      Abstract (3216) HTML (0) PDF 2.37 M (7509) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:The accelerated process of urbanization and economy inevitably impacts the ecological environment, affects the function of traditional eco-environment, and destroys the harmony of human beings and nature. Eco-environmental bearing capacity is an important application direction of sustainable development research, and also the embodiment of the construction of ecological civilization. In this paper,the evaluation index system of eco-environmental carrying capacity of Shandong peninsula was established. In combination with actual conditions and characteristics based on the principle of establishing the evaluation index system, the evaluation index system was divided into four primary indexes:natural environment, ecological environment, population environment, and contaminated environment, and then the evaluation index system constructed 17 typical evaluation indexes as secondary indexes that we chose from the primary indexes, with the weight of each evaluation index determined by AHP. The authors adopted fuzzy comprehensive judgment to assess the eco-environment carrying capacity of six cities in Shandong peninsula at the present stage, and the results show that Weihai City is of the first rate,Qingdao, Yantai, Rizhao are of the second rate, Weifang City is of the third rate, and Dongying City is of the lowest rate. Based on the evaluation results and analysis of each city, the authors provide the scientific basis for the eco-civilization construction.

    • The construction and application of ‘3D-one-map’ based on China Geological Survey Information Grid

      2014, 41(3):1028-1036.

      Abstract (2224) HTML (0) PDF 39.84 M (3678) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:At present, China Geological Survey Information Grid has realized the integration and sharing of geological spatial information through the ‘One-Map of Geology and Mineral Resources’. However, higher requirements of data publishing mechanism and service efficiency should be satisfied for the integration and sharing of the underground 3D space. Based on the framework of the 3D-One-Map of the China Geological Survey Information Grid and starting with the organization and management of 3D spatial data, this paper deals in detail with the discovery mechanism,the integration of 3D visualization and scene services, and the diverse-interface in Geological Survey Information Grid. This service pattern has been implemented and effectively applied to 3D geological models and orebody models, with satisfactory results obtained.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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