Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
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ZHAO Wen-jin , Mechie J , FENG Mei , SHI Da-nian , XUE Guang-qi , SU He-ping , SONG Yang , YANG Hong-wei , LIU Zhi-wei
2014, 41(5):1411-1423.
Abstract:Abstract : Based on the DSS(Deep Seismic Sounding) and BB(Broad Band Earthquake seismograms)research along the INDEPTH-IV line accomplished in 2013, the authors investigated the crustal thickening and orogenic mechanism of the Qilian Mountain, and revealed 4 faults in the block which was reactivated by the distant effect induced by the Indo-Asia collision since Cenozoie, especially since 23 Ma. The upper crust was shortened by about 30%, and hence Qilian crust 40km in thickness was thickened to 57 km. The lower crust was thickened by the intrusion of the Qaidam lower crust, which caused the variation of the crust thickness of Qilian Block from 57 km to the present 60 - 74 km. According to the P-wave receiver function (PRF) image, the authors obtained the Lithosphere Mantle(LM) Tectonic Framework beneath the Qilian Block, which comprises four parts: the southern part was from the southern Kunlun Block of 60km thickness with a two-layer structure and subducted northward, whereas the northern one was from Alxa Block with a thickness of 50 km and subducted southward. Both of them collided beneath the Qilian Block at the depth of 120 km . The other two parts are the Qaidam and Qilian blocks, with the relic texture of two old sutures. All of the four lithosphere mantle sections constructed a reverse delta structure. On the two old sutures(north fringe of the Qaidam Block and north fringe of the Middle Qilian Sub-Block), the authors found “two double phase” phenomenon, and also revealed two ecologite belts at the ground surface along the suture zones.
2014, 41(5):1424-1437.
Abstract:Abstract: Manganese is an important metal which is in serious shortage in China at present. Based on dataset and achievements of national mineral resources assessment project, the authors made current situation analysis and potential prediction for manganese resources in China. The main ore-forming geotectonic positions of Mn in China are located in such areas as shallow sea near continental margin, chasmic belt (subsidence zone of Hebei-Liaoning), and marine depression in the orogenic belt. Mn deposits are developed mainly around Yangtze region in China. The ore concentration areas of Mn lies in southwest Guangxi, Hunan, Guizhou and Chongqing. The study of paleogeography of Mn deposits in China shows that most important Mn deposits with high industrial value formed in marine environment, mostly Mn carbonate. Mn deposits with tremendous resource potential in China lie in marine sediments and weathering crusts; in addition, marine volcanic and continental sediments also have some resource potential. According to relations between tectonic structures and ore-forming basins of Mn, ten three-level metallogenic zones and 14 metallogenic prospective areas were delineated. The ore-forming rocks, metallogenic features, main types, and resources potential were analyzed. Suggestions on key prospect deploy areas were made for support of national Mn prospecting breakthrough.
WENG Kai , ZHANG Xue , MA Zhong-ping , CHEN Jun-lu , SUN Ji-ming , ZHANG Tao ,
2014, 41(5):1438-1451.
Abstract:Abstract:Songshugou strata in the west of the Junggar Basin are made up of clastic sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks are mainly basalt, andesite and volcanic clastic rock, in which basalt belongs to calc-alkaline series and andesite belongs to porphyry series. Zircon U - Pb dating of these rocks shows that the age of zircon in andesite is (317.1±6.4)Ma. In 56 zircon samples, only one age is(389±9)Ma, suggesting the middle Devonian, whereas all other ages are concentrated in 319 ~359 Ma, with the youngest one being (319±6)Ma. It is thus held that the strata were probably formed at the early stage of the late Carboniferous rather than in the middle Devonian. Geochemical studies show that the basalt and andesite have similar REE partition curves as well as right-oblique REE patterns of rich light rare earth elements, and are enriched in high ionic elements such as K, Rb, Ba, Sr and depleted in high field strength elements such as Nb, Ta, Th, Zr and Hf, with Ta, Nb, Ti negative anomalies. It is concluded that the volcanic rocks were formed in an island-arc environment and the magma was derived from mantle wedge formed by metasomatism of subducting plate dehydration that produced fluid. The formation of island arc volcanic rock restricted the closing time of the zhaisang basin(later than 317.1 Ma).
WANG Min-fang , XIA Qing-lin , XIAO Fan , GUO Xiao-nan , WANG Wei , LIU Kun
2014, 41(5):1452-1463.
Abstract:Abstract: Olivine is one of the earliest crystallization minerals from basaltic magma, and its composition can directly give the metallogenesis information on parent magma composition, processes of magmatic fractional crystallization, and sulfide segregation degree. In this study, the authors selected the Tudun mafic-ultramafic complex to conduct electron microprobe analysis of olivine minerals. According to the Fo and Ni values of olivine, he MgO content of parent magma, which contains the highest Fo olivine, was estimated to be 12.95%, indicating that the parent magma of the Tudun complex is a high-MgO basalt. The modeling results show that sulfide segregation and fractional crystallization almost took place at the same time. A slight sulfide segregation (about 0.2%) occurred during the early stage (0-2%) of olivine fractional crystallization process, and less sulfide segregation (about 0.01%) occurred during the later stage (6%-7%), which suggests that the metallogenic potential of the Tudun complex is limited. In addition, some data implying the negative relationship between Fo and Ni indicate that Fe-Ni exchange reaction happened between Fe-rich olivine and trapped sulfide liquid, which caused remarkable differences in olivine composition.
MIN Gang , , CHENG Jian-hua , YIN Bing-xi , CAI Xue-lin , XIA Shi-bin
2014, 41(5):1464-1475.
Abstract:Abstract: In order to study the conductivity characteristics of Dagou-Luanjing middle and upper crust, the authors carried out magnetotelluric sounding work in the study area, and obtained the electrical structure model by the two-dimensional inversion method, which clearly reveals the typical electrical structure of Dagou-Luanjing: (1) The middle and upper crust shows the "chunky" structural style totally, and the authors infer that the conductivity of the corridor structure belt is relatively lower whereas the conductivity of the Qilian orogenic belt is relatively higher; (2) The low-resistivity zone caused by focal fracture of Haiyuan earthquake is neither steep like the strike-slip fault nor gentle like the thrust belt, but has both strike-slip and thrust characteristics; (3) The low-impedance and high-conductivity layers in the mid-upper crust of the study area intermittently exist, and show the structural style of deeper in the south and shallower in the north; it can also be inferred that these low-impedance and high-conductivity layers always reach their termination at the edge of the high impedance plots, or intersect the detachment layer under the thrust nappes; (4) A high resistance block exists in Qingshui River depression basin, which is likely to be an “island chain” paleouplift that was developed on the basin basement in Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic period,thus providing evidence for the tectonic movement of Yanshanian.
HU Ming-yi , FU Xiao-shu , CAI Quan-sheng , YANG Wei , ZHU Wen-Ping
2014, 41(5):1476-1486.
Abstract:Abstract: The most important exploration target of the Ordovician strata in Halahatang area of the Tarim Basin is carbonate karst reservoir in Yingshan-Yijianfang Formation, and a breakthrough of oil-gas exploration was made in this area in recent years. Therefore, a further study of karst reservoir for marine petroleum exploration will be very important. In this paper, based on the analysis of regional geological background, in combination with drilling, core, logging and sesmic data, the authors studied in detail the characteristics, main controlling factors and genetic evolution model of karst reservoirs in Yingshan-Yijianfang Formation. The results indicate that the porosity and permeability of the matrix in Yingshan-Yijianfang Formation are poor, micropores which mainly consist of solution cave and fracture cannot serve as favorable reservoir space. The main types of karstification are penecontemporaneous or contemporaneous karstification, buried karstification, and weathering karstification. Superimposed reformation of polyphase karstification has made a great contribution to karst reservoirs. Based on synthetic analysis of the formation process of karst reservoirs, the authors have arrived at several conclusions: The distribution of karst reservoirs is controlled by tectonic uplift, polyphase karstification is the main factor for reservoir development, and faults and fractures formed during the tectonic evolution have facilitated the development of karst reservoirs and improved the reservoir property.
LAI Jin , WANG Gui-wen , WU Da-cheng , CAO Jiang-ning , ZHANG Xiao-tao , RAN Ye , YAO Ya-bin , ZHANG Yong-di
2014, 41(5):1487-1502.
Abstract:Abstract: Lithologic characteristics, reservoir property and pore structure, diagenesis, diagenetic minerals, diagenetic environment, diagenetic stage and diagenetic evolution sequence of Member 8 reservoir of Yanchang Formation were studied by making full use of normal thin sections, casting thin sections, cathodoluminescence, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and core data. The results show that the reservoir has experienced such diagenetic processes as compaction, cementation, corrosion and fracture, and it is now at stage A of middle diagenetic process. 5 types of diagenetic facies were recognized based on diagenesis, diagenetic minerals and their effect on the reservoir quality, namely, weak corrosion with chlorite mat; corrosion of unstable components; compaction density, kaolinite filling, and carbonate cementation. The well logging response characteristics of different types of diagenetic facies were summarized on GR, SP, DEN, AC and CNL, and thus the logging recognition model and standard of diagenetic facies could be set up. Then the diagenetic facies was matched with the high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework. The results show that the sequence boundary between the Chang 81 lowstand systems tract and Chang 82 highstand systems tract controls the dissolution of the silicate minerals, the filling of the kaolinite and the cementation of carbonate cement, which suggests that diagenetic facies as corrosion of unstable components and kaolinite filling are very common in the vicinity of the sequence boundary, and they are strongly comparable between various wells; nevertheless, the carbonate cementation is also very common under the sequence boundary. The maximum flooding surface of the medium-term base level cycle corresponds to the compaction density diagenetic facies, the reservoir quality of Chang 82 highstand systems tract (the middle-term base-level's ascending semi-cycle) is better than that of Chang 81 lowstand systems tract (the middle-term base-level's falling semi-cycle) due to the following factors: (1) the Chang 82 sand bodies tend to be dissolved since they are located under the sequence boundary; (2) the Chang 82 sand bodies have high content of feldspars and are of coarser grain size and, what is more, the degree of compaction is lower than that of Chang 81 sand bodies due to the depositional hiatus after the formation of sequence boundary.
PENG Zhong-qin , WANG Chuan-shang , LI Zhi-hong , WAMG Bao-zhong
2014, 41(5):1503-1514.
Abstract:Abstract: Based on the study of the slope facies along the Yajiao and Yunjiang sections in Xiangzhou on the eastern margin of the Guizhong depression,the authors carried out the classification and correlation of Carboniferous sequence stratigraphy on the slope facies. According to the development characteristics of 3rd grade sequence in slope facies,the Baping Formation of the Early Carboniferous is divided into five 3rd grade sequences (CSQ1-5),which constitute a 2nd grade sequence of the Early Carboniferous. The Lower Carboniferous sequence stratigraphic classification frameworks between the platform and the slope facies are consistent approximately,and hence the correlation could be carried out directly. On the basis of regional sedimentary sequence correlation,the Lower Carboniferous sequence stratigraphic framework is established. Sea-level changes in Early Carboniferous in this region is also discussed.
CAI Xiang-min , HUANG Qi , ZHANG Lei , BAI Ling-yan
2014, 41(5):1515-1521.
Abstract:Abstract: The Wenyu River is an important river in northern Beijing plain. The geological background on both sides of the Wenyu River is complex and characterized by serious geological disasters. Geological survey shows that the formation and evolution of Wenyu River were closely related to the Nankou - Sun River fault and strictly controlled by the fault. Drilling shows that the earliest Cenozoic sediments along the Nankou-Baishan section of the Wenyu River were formed in the early Pleistocene, suggesting that the Wenyu River was formed at the early stage of early Pleistocene. The Wenyu River continuously migrated in the Wenyu River Valley, but was confined on the downthrow side of the Nankou-Sun River fault due to the migration of the fracture-controlled bed. The hanging side from Nankou to Machikou formed a depression several hundred meters deep due to subsidence of the hanging wall of the Nankou - Sun River fault, and thick loose sediments were deposited. The Wenyu River is the drainage channel of the long-existent lake in the depression. In the vast area of Cold Spring, Xinzhuang, Gaolizhang and Xinlitun in Changping District, there exists a peat layer containing snail shells a few meters below the surface, which exhibits stratoid and multilayer forms and stably extends for several meters. Analytical results show that the peat layer at the bottom of the 14C is 9930 ± 150 years old whereas the top peat layer 14C is about 3 ka. These data suggest that the lake was shallow and suitable for the growth of aquatic plants ten thousand years ago, and then the lake water gradually diminished. The lake disappeared only a few thousand years ago, which suggests that, although the Wenyu River was formed very long ago, its appearance remains young due to the continuous changes of the river course.
CHEN Shi-zhong , CHEN Gang , MA Ming , ZHU Xiao-ting , HUANG Zheng-qing
2014, 41(5):1522-1538.
Abstract:Abstract: With more than 50 deposits and favorable ore-forming conditions, the Taoxi circular area is an ore concentration area for copper and polymetallic deposits. The deposits and geochemical anomaly as well as geophysical field show circular shape, and the main metallogenic and ore-controlling factors for the deposits in the area are a favorite assemblage of metallogenic and ore-controlling structures as well as the magmatic rocks of Mesozoic magmatic activity in the late Yanshanian period; all these phenomena are also the important prospecting criteria. The main kind of the deposits is porphyry or magmatic hydrotermal type. The circular places are the targets of further copper and polymetallic ore exploration, and particularly more attention should be paid to the volcanic craters or well-developed porphyry areas or ore spots situated in the volcanic depression.
CHEN Yao-huang , YAO Shu-zhen , ZHAO Jiang , LI Shou-ye , CHEN Jing-he , ZHANG Hui-li , ZENG Guo-ping
2014, 41(5):1539-1553.
Abstract:Abstract: The Daping gold deposit is a typical orogenic gold deposit in the Ailao Shan-Red River (ASRR) metamorphic belt. Auriferous veins are controlled by ASRR fault, Xiaoxinjie fault and its secondary faults. In this study, the authors analyzed regional structures and distribution of auriferous veins in the ASRR metamorphic belt during several times of changes of structural dynamic mechanism which have had great influence on the mineralization of the Daping gold deposit since 58 Ma. The results achieved by the authors are valuable for theoretical research and gold exploration. There are three grades of northwest structural faults in the ASRR belt which resulted from convergence between India and Eurasia that led to four times of changes of regional structural dynamic mechanism due to the four times of change of the convergence direction since 58 Ma. Intense mineralization in ASRR orogenic belt had close relationship with changes of structural dynamic mechanism, and the metallogenic substance mainly came from the lower crustal layers and the upper mantle. The left- and right-lateral shears were responsible for the formation of gold deposits in the ASRR orogenic belt. The ASRR fault corresponds to the distribution of the ASRR gold belt, whereas the Xiaoxinjie fault and its secondary faults serve as the mineral transfer and mineral deposition structure. It is also demonstrated that extensive part of the secondary fracture in auriferous veins formed by tensile stress indicates the deposition of bonanza. This study plays an important role in the metallogenic mechanism research and the exploration prediction of the Daping gold deposit and is also useful for the study of other orogenic gold deposits along the ASRR orogenic belt.
YANG Yi , DUO Ji , LIU Hong-fei , ZHANG Jin-shu , WANG Li-qiang , ZHANG Zhi , HU Zheng-hua
2014, 41(5):1554-1564.
Abstract:Abstract: Among lots of polymetallic deposits, the Lietinggang deposit in the Lhunzhub Basin of Tibet is one of the deposits with best industrial?value and exploration prospect. It is a?typical deposit where Fe, Cu, Mo, Pb and Zn have been found. High precision Re-Os dating was conducted for 10 molybdenite samples for determining the mineralization age of the Lietingang deposit. It is for the first time that the high precision mineralization age of the deposit has been obtained. The test result indicates that the Re-Os model ages vary in the range of (60.97+0.92) Ma-(63.19+0.93) Ma, and the isochron age is (62.28+0.66) Ma, with MSWD being 0.74. During the main Indosinian collision period in the Gangdise belt, the deposit was formed in the Paleocene. The Re values of 8 pieces of molybdenite are mainly concentrated in the range of 0.54×10-6-84.72×10-6. The sources of the ore-forming materials were mainly from the Earth's mantle and crust. The determination of the ore-forming epoch and metallogenic material of the Lietinggang deposit is of great significance for the regional ore-prospecting prognosis of early Paleocene iron-polymetallic deposits.
CHEN Shao-cong , YE Hui-shou , WANG Yi-tian , ZHANG Xing-kang , LU Dong-yu , HU Hua-bin
2014, 41(5):1565-1576.
Abstract:Abstract: The Yuerya Au deposit, one of the important Au deposits in eastern Hebei Province, is located in the northern limb of the Malanyu anticlinorium on the eastern side of the Yanshan orogenic belt. The gold orebodies, which belong to mesothermal hydrothermal type, are mainly hosted in the granite and its contact zone with the limy dolomite, and the ores include quartz vein type and veinlet-disseminated type. The Re-Os isotopic dating of 7 molybdenum samples of the main ore-forming stage yielded model ages ranging from (168.4±2.5) to (171.7±3.0) Ma, with the average model age being (169.84±0.95) Ma and the isochron age being (171.9±2.7) Ma, indicating that the mineralization of the Yuerya Au deposit took place in the Middle Jurassic, corresponding to the intruding epoch of the Yuerya granite. The content of Re, 50.63×10-6-116.1×10 -6 with an average of 84.61×10-6, shows that its material was mainly derived from crust-mantle mixture. In combination with the previous research results, the authors hold that the Yuerya Au deposit resulted from the strong tectono-magmatic-mineralization activities during early Yanshanian period of Mesozoic in eastern Hebei Province.
YAO Xiao-feng , YE Tian-zhu , TANG Jv-xing , ZHENG Wen-bao , DING Shuai , LI Yong-sheng , ZHENG Shi-min
2014, 41(5):1577-1593.
Abstract:Abstract: The Jiama deposit is a superlarge copper-polymetallic deposit inGangdise metallogenic belt in Tibet, and its main skarn type orebody is distributed along the interface between Early Cretaceous Linbuzong Formation hornfels (salic) and Late Jurassic Duodigou Formation marble (calc). Based on the zonation of skarn between the Si-Ca interface, the authors studied petrological geochemistry and mineral chemistry of skarns in different zones, with the purpose of studying the effect of Si-Ca interface on the formation of skarn and orebody. It is shown that the values of SiO2 and CaO increase and the values of Al2O3 and TFe decrease downwards from garnet skarn through garnet wollastonite skarn to wollastonite skarn along the interface belt. The rare and trace elements geochemical characteristics of garnet skarn and wollastonite skarn are restricted by hornfels and marble respectively. Garnets within skarn near the roof of the Si-Ca interface are transition series between grossular and allochroite, in which values of Al decrease and values of Fe increase from core outwards, while garnets within skarn near the bottom of the interface have more Fe values and less Al content than the former garnet series, in which values of Al and Fe change a bit from core outwards. Skarns are hydrothermal reaction products through alteration of salic and calc rocks. Fluid decompression boiling and groundwater mixing along the Si-Ca interface and vertical fluid geochemical barrier along the interface belt seem to have been the main factors influencing orebody formation in the Jiama deposit. The difference of chemistry and physical characteristics between salic and calc rocks had important effect on the ore-forming process along Si-Ca interface. The interface overlap extension structure and magmatic thermal event that increased permeability from roof to bottom along the interface belt contributed to the scale increase and grade enrichment of the orebody.
LIU Kun , LIU Jia-jun , LI Jing-xian , YANG Shang-song , XIN Xiao-jun , LI Yuan
2014, 41(5):1594-1607.
Abstract:Abstract: Located in the western part of the Min-Li metallogenic belt within the West Qinling Mountains, the Mawu gold deposit is a medium Carlin-type disseminated gold deposit discovered in recent years. The orebody is controlled by the NW-trending faults and hosted in the Devonian phyllite and limestone. Two main types of fluid inclusions, i.e., CO2-H2O inclusions and aqueous fluid inclusions, are trapped in the gangue minerals. The homogenization temperatures range from 135 °C to 389 °C, while the salinities range from 4.4% to 15.9%, indicating medium-low temperature and medium-low salinity. The trapping pressures are 34.6 MPa to 219.8 MPa. The gold mineralization occurred at the depths of 1.3 km to 8.1 km. Fluid inclusion analyses show that the gas phase is mainly composed of H2O and N2, with minor CO2 and O2, while the liquid phase is mainly composed of Ca2+, Na+, Cl? and SO42?. The ore-forming fluid belongs to the N2-H2O-Ca2+-Cl? system. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions show that δ18OH2O values range from 5.3‰ to 10.5‰, while [δ]D values range from -123‰ to -93‰. The ore-forming fluid came from the geothermal brine. An analysis of the fluid evolution shows that the variation of the stability of the fluid system caused by the structural transition and the boiling action played vital roles in the precipitation of gold.
LI Kun , WU Chang-xiong , TANG Chao-yang , DUAN Qi-fa , YU Yu-shuai
2014, 41(5):1608-1619.
Abstract:Abstract: Great progress has been made in recent years in prospecting for Pb-Zn ore deposits in western Hunan and eastern Guizhou provinces. There are more than two hundred Pb-Zn ore deposits hosted in the Cambrian and Ordovician strata. The authors carried out a systematic analysis of the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of carbonate wall rocks and hydrothermal calcites formed at the ore-forming stage. The results show that carbonate wall rocks have relatively homogeneous [δ]13CPDB values (ranging from -1.16‰ to 1.70‰, 0.51‰ on average) and [δ]18OSMOW values (ranging from 18.56‰ to 22.42‰, 21.04‰ on average); in contrast, hydrothermal calcite has lower [δ]13CPDB value (ranging from -5.80‰ to 0.42‰, -1.18‰ on average), and significantly declined [δ]18OSMOW values (ranging from 12.96‰ to 23.05‰, 18.36‰ on average). In the [δ]13CPDB vs [δ]18OSMOW diagram, the wall rocks are plotted in the marine carbonate rock area, and hydrothermal calcites are between marine carbonate rock and upper mantle. In combination with previous results, it is concluded that C of the ore-forming fluids was mainly derived from carbonate wall rocks, sulfur from sulfates in the sedimentary strata, and Pb and Zn from the rocks of lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation. The ore-forming fluids were higher salinity and lower temperature basin brines. Precipitation of ore minerals and hydrothermal calcites probably resulted from extensive fluid-rock interaction between ore-forming fluids and carbonate wall rocks in combination with corresponding decreasing temperature.
ZHANG Yan , CHEN Cui-hua , GU Xue-xiang , DAI Hong-zhang , LI Bao-hua , CHENG Wen-bin
2014, 41(5):1620-1635.
Abstract:Abstract: In this paper electron microprobe analyzer (EMPA) and scanning electron microscopy were used (SEM) to investigate the content, distribution and concentrations of Au, As, S, Fe and Sb in the gold-bearing minerals of different ore-forming stages in the Miaolong Carlin-type gold-antimony deposit. Arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite are recognized as the most important gold-bearing minerals in this deposit. The values of sulfur and iron in pyrite formed at the sedimentary rock-forming stage are close to their theoretical values, whereas the sulfur values of the pyrite formed at the early metallogenic stage and the core of annulus pyrite at the S1 sub-stage of the main metallogenic stage are close to the theoretical value where the iron content of core of annulus pyrite is characterized by weak losses. The values of sulfur and iron in the outer rings of annulus pyrite are characterized by weak depletion. The pyrite of the sedimentary rock-forming stage is framboidal and contains no arsenic or antimony. The content of gold is low, with an average of 59×10-6. The coarse-grained pyrite (≥100 μm) formed at the early hydrothermal rock-forming stage is low in As and Au, with their values being 0.205% and 0.00275% on average. The outer ring of the zonal fine-grained pyrite (<50 μm, mainly about 10-20 μm) formed at the S1 sub-stage of the main hydrothermal ore-forming period is rich in As and Au. The values of As are 0.1961% - 7.897% with an average of 1.4668% and the values of Au are 40×10-6-905×10-6 with an average of 429×10-6. The arsenopyrite formed at the S2 sub-stage is characterized by enrichment of sulfur and depletion of arsenic. The values of Au are 230×10-6 -1400×10-6 with an average of 643×10-6, and the values of Sb are 0.019%-0.50% with an average of 0.087%. The values of Au in stibnite formed at the late stage is low, with an average of 237×10-6. The values of Au from sedimentary rock-forming stage→early ore-forming stage→main ore-forming stage→late ore-forming vary in order of low or none→low→high→low. Au exists as isomorph (solid solution) in arsenopyrite and pyrite.
LI Yan-jun , WEI Jun-hao , LI Huan , CHEN Chong , SHAN Liang , HOU Ben-jun
2014, 41(5):1636-1649.
Abstract:Abstract: Located in central of the Yindun Island Arc, the Xiasai Ag-Pb-Zn deposit is a typical hydrothermal vein deposit associated with early Cretaceous A-type granite. Orebodies commonly occur as lodes, lenses and strings of beads controlled by the NNW-trending faults. They pinch northward and are characterized by pinch out-reproduction and branching-complexing. From south to north, metallogenic element zoning is in order of Sn-Cu→Cu-Zn→Ag-Pb, constituting a complete metallogenic element zoning and ore mineral zoning related to magmatism. Ore-related hydrothermal alteration is well developed and dominated by silicification, sericitization and chloritization with a banded alteration zonation. The ore-forming process can be divided into five stages, i.e., cassiterite stage, arsenopyrite stage, sphalerite-chalcopyrite stage, silver-rich mineral-galena stage and pyrite-carbonate stage. The ?T positive anomalies of high-precision magnetic survey with extension of 20 m can be used as a geophysical prospecting indicator because they can accurately identify mineralized veins or ore-bearing faults. In addition, anomalies of soil geochemical survey with extension of 20 m consist of Ag, Pb, Zn and Cu elements, and their variation trend can also accurately identify mineralized veins or ore-bearing faults. Combined with geological, high-precision magnetic and soil geochemical characteristics of the Xiasai Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, the authors propose a comprehensive prospecting model in the search for new orebodies. The subsequent geological verification shows a good prospecting effect. It is thus held that the comprehensive prospecting model has important reference significance for the prospecting work of the Xiasai Ag-Pb-Zn deposit and hydrothermal veined Ag polymetallic deposits in the Xiasai-Lianlong Ag-Sn ore district within the central Yidun Island Arc of Southwest China.
ZHANG Fang-fang , WANG Jian-ping , WANG Chen , LIU Chong-hao , CAO Rui-rong , CHENG Jian-jun , YANG Yong-rong , QI Feng , WANG Luo
2014, 41(5):1650-1663.
Abstract:Abstract: The Fengtai ore concentration area is an important Pb-Zn-Au metallogenic area in the Qinling Mountains, and the Shuangwang gold deposit is a representative large-sized deposit of auriferous albite breccias type in this area. Based on Gregorian’s zoning index method, the authors studied the vertical zoning characteristics of primary halos at the depth of drill holes ZK18-5, ZK30-1, and ZK40-5 in orebodies KT9 and KT8. By discussing the vertical variation of the zoning rate of primary halos, the graphical method of 3-end-mumber diagram, and the vertical change rules of the geochemical parameter, the authors hold that the orebody indicated by ZK18-5 thins out gradually at the depth, with a higher degree of mineralization at the elevation of 950 m; bead-shaped orebodies may occur at the depth of ZK30-1, with a higher degree of mineralization at the elevation of 980 m; the ore body indicated by ZK40-5 with a higher degree of mineralization at the elevation of 850 m still extends to the depth without pinching out.
LIU Ni , LIN Liang-biao , CHEN Hong-de , ZHANG Zong-bin , ZHAO Meng-ying
2014, 41(5):1664-1672.
Abstract:Abstract: Based on core observation, scanning electron microscope and analysis of geochemical parameters, the authors studied the reservoir-forming conditions such as sedimentary faces, thickness and distribution, organic types and content, maturity and hydrocarbon generation history of the shale in the northwest of Sichuan Basin. Compared with the gas-producing shale in the USA, the study area has developed tidal flat, swamp and lagoon facies, lithology is mainly characterized by shale mud with rich organic matter and large thickness in a single formation, TOC is 2.0% and organic matter is mainly of Ⅲ type with great hydrocarbon generation potential and high thermal evolution. All these factors are favorable for the formation of shale gas reservoir. An analysis of many factors of shale gas accumulation show that Yuanba- southern Yilong and Dazhou-Xuanhan areas have good accumulation conditions for shale gas, and hence are favorable areas for shale gas exploration and development in Daanzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation in the northwest of Sichuan Basin.
LI Wen-hao , ZHANG Zhi-huan , LI You-chuan , ZHANG Gong-cheng , FU Ning
2014, 41(5):1673-1681.
Abstract:Abstract: The developmental characteristics of hydrocarbon source rocks in deepwater basins abroad show that hydrocarbon source rocks are distributed at the stage of rifting and depression in both rifting-depressing or rifting-drifting basins. Effective source rocks have different development characteristics at different evolution stages of continental margin basin; of these rocks, non-marine (lacustrine) dark shale at the stage of rifting is the main and most common source rock. It is also possible to develop coal measures and muddy source rocks of transitional facies and paralic facies. With the supply of large quantities of organic matter of marine-continental transitional facies, paralic facies and prodelta facies at the late intraplate depression and under the margin-plate drifting condition, or in the circumstance of being long close to provenance, hydrocarbon source rocks would develop well. Source rocks do not develop at the late stage of rifting and the early stage of depressing. As a matter of fact, effective source rocks may develop under the condition of the supply of large quantities of organic matter from the semi-closed shallow sea and bathyal environment. The above characteristics have important guiding significance for the development of source rocks in northern South China Sea, where the main source rocks are lacustrine source rocks at the early rifting stage and marine-continental transitional facies source rocks at the late stage of rifting. Miocene marine source rocks vary in different basins. With enough terrestrial organic matter supply, source rocks from the Peal River Mouth basin is more effective than those from the Qiongdongnan basin. The exploration of Gulf of Mexico basin and northern Sumatra basin has proved that source rocks of bathyal facies seem to be effective source rocks, and this finding is of reference significance for the study of Miocene marine source rocks in northern South China Sea.
LIU Jian-qing , ZHAO Zhan , LIN Jia-shan , FENG Wei-ming , HUANG Xue-ping , WEI Hong-gang
2014, 41(5):1682-1692.
Abstract:Abstract: Based on petrological and geochemical analysis of middle-upper Cambrian dolomite in three different profiles, the authors hold that the dolomite was mainly formed by brine reflux dolomitization in the early bury period, together with mixing water replacement. The evidence obtained is as follows: ① the ratios of Sr/Ba in dolomite and calcite are high, with only a few data being lower than 1; ② the values of Na and K are high in calcite, the content of Na in calcite is higher than that of middle Ordovician Mifflm Member calcite in Wisconsin and that of upper-Ordovician calcite in Tongling of eastern Tennessee characterized by fresh water origin, and the content of Na in dolomite is equal to that of Sabkha dolomite in Barbwire terrace of Canning basin; ③ the values of m suggest that the calcite was in a seawater sedimentary environment, and the dolomite was in a lagoon sedimentary environment; ④ the values of revised B show that the calcite and dolomite were formed in salt and semi-salt water, partly affected by fresh water. The Sr values were impoverished during the dolomitization, and Na and K might also have been impoverished in this process.
LIAO Qi-lin , LIU Cong , ZHU Bai-wan , HUA Ming , JIN Yang , WENG Zhi-hua , CHANG Qing , CAI Yu-man ,
2014, 41(5):1693-1704.
Abstract:Abstract: Attapulgite is a kind of clay mineral of Mg-rich silicate, and it also constitutes a kind of abundant non-metallic mineral resources in Jiangsu Province. As a kind of chemical remediation or immobilization material to tackle Cd-contaminated soil, its advantage in controlling heavy metal mobility is quite obvious. On the basis of choosing typical Cd-contaminated sites from vegetable garden and paddy land, a preliminary control test was systematically conducted to treat soil pollution of heavy metals so as to apply some doses of attapulgite powder in the southern area of Jiangsu Province. The related test data and controlling effect are reported in this paper to decrease Cd content of vegetable and rice from Cd-contaminated sites. Some conclusions have been reached: (1) when Cd concentration is 0.3-0.45 mg/kg in soil of the site, Cd content of vegetable can be decreased by 30% or so by applying attapulgite powder in excess of 750 g/m2 , and maximum effective applying dose is 1500 g/m2 to contaminated soil annually; (2) when Cd concentration is about 3 mg/kg and pH is lower than 6.5 in soils of the site, Cd content of rice can be dramatically decreased from more than 0.5 mg/kg to less than 0.2 mg/kg after 2 years’ application of attapulgite powder in excess of 2000 g/m2 to polluted soil annually, and there are distinct negative correlated relationship between Cd content of rice and pH in polluted soil, with the correlation coefficient being -0.95; (3) the significance of applying attapulgite to the above-mentioned polluted soil is obvious in elevating pH values and cation exchange capacity (CEC), and at the same time the element concentrations of Cu and Zn can be decreased in the vegetable or rice samples. It is thus held that the prospect of applying attapulgite to soil should be relatively huge or wide in curing Cd-contaminated lands.
CUI Jian , WANG Xiao-guang , DU Ji-zhong , YANG Ze , YUE Ming-xin , LI Xiao , MA Hong-wei
2014, 41(5):1705-1715.
Abstract:Abstract: Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) of 21 samples in the surface soils of Shenyang suburbs were determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detector ( GC-ECD ), and the residual characteristics, sources of OCPs and ecological risk were analyzed. The results showed that the detection rate of OCPs reached 95 percent and the total concentrations ranged from being lower than the detection limit to 111.67 ng·g-1 with a mean value of 26.91 ng·g-1. Compared with the soils of other cities in China, the levels of HCHs and DDTs in Shenyang were lower, but HCB were higher, while OCPs were dominated by DDTs and HCHs. The source of OCPs was studied, and the result indicated that OCPs might come from the early residues in the environment or the use of lindane, and the source of HCB should also include industrial production. Correlations between OCPs and physicochemical properties of soil demonstrated that total organic carbon ( TOC ) and soluble salt content strongly influenced the residues of OCPs. Meanwhile, according to the environmental risk assessment, DDTs may still have potential ecological impact on the study area.
WEN Dong-guang , GUO Jian-qiang , ZHANG Sen-qi , XU Tian-fu , JIA Xiao-feng , LI Xu-feng , FAN Ji-jiao , ZHANG Hui , DIAO Yu-jie , HU Qiu-yun
2014, 41(5):1716-1723.
Abstract:Abstract:From 2010 to 2013, China Geological Survey (CGS) launched a project “CO2 Geological Storage Potential and Suitability Assessment and Pilot-Project in China”, which has promoted CO2 geological storage study in China. Based on the complex geological conditions of basins in China, the authors have established CO2 geological storage potential and suitability assessment system suitable for China, and assessed CO2 geological storage potential and suitability about the 417 land and shallow marine sedimentary basins with the area greater than 200 km2. The CCS pilot-project in Ejin Horo Banner of Ordos City within Inner Mongolia was carried out, which served as the first coal-based CCS pilot project in deep saline aquifers in China and the largest one in the world. Some scientific and technical breakthroughs in such aspects as drilling, perfusion, sampling and monitoring were achieved. The substantial progress in the basic theoretical researches such as physical chemical and biological process, simulation, environmental impact and safety risk assessment of CO2 geological storage has also been obtained.
LU Hai-jian , LI Hai-bing , LIU Dong-liang
2014, 41(5):1724-1734.
Abstract:Abstract: Numerous studies suggest an intensification of climatic aridity during the middle Miocene (16-12 Ma) based on oxygen isotopes and pollen records in the foreland basins of the Central Asia, eolian deposits in China’s loess plateau and eolian flux from the northern Pacific Ocean. However, controversies remain existent as to the driving mechanisms that have dominated the intensifying aridity, which include global cooling, the rapid uplift of the central Asia, the attainment of a threshold elevation in southern Tibetan Plateau and the retreat of the Paratethys from the central Asia. As the timing of intensification of climatic aridity (16-12 Ma) is inconsistent with the onset age of global cooling (about 14 Ma), that of the attainment of a threshold elevation in the southern Tibetan Plateau (≥40 Ma), and that of the retreat of the Paratethys from the central Asia (>34 Ma), the authors hold that these three factors may be only important boundary conditions or favorable auxiliary conditions for the intensification of aridity during the middle Miocene. Previous studies of the Janggalsay strata on the southeast margin of the Tarim Basin indicated that the rapid uplift of the Altun Mountains occurred at ~16 Ma. Combined with new magnetostratigraphic ages, the published carbon and oxygen isotopes data suggest a gradual intensification of climatic aridity since ~16 Ma for the Janggalsay area. Based on the simultaneous relationship, the authors attribute the middle Miocene increasing aridity to the rapid uplift of the Altun Mountains. Viewed from a broader context, the Mid-Miocene crustal shortening deformation is extensively existent within Central Asia. The multi-proxy analysis of red clay in China’s loess plateau and eolian dust from the northern Pacific Ocean indicates that the middle Miocene tectonic uplift and accompanying rain shadow effect acted as the major mechanism in driving the increased aridity in Central Asia.
WANG Yao , CAI Yun-long , PAN Mao
2014, 41(5):1735-1747.
Abstract:Abstract: The average annual soil erosion modulus in the 1980s and 1990s were calculated on a Geographical Information System (GIS) platform. The results coincide with previous soil erosion investigation conducted by Department of Water Resources of Guizhou Province. However, difference still exists because Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model does not include gravitational erosion. Potential soil erosion modulus in the 1990s was higher than that in the 1980s, which suggests an increase in potential soil erosion in the Wujiang River Basin. The Sancha River basin and the Mati River/Yinjiang River basin have the highest value of potential soil erosion modulus. Among the three main land cover types, forest land has the most soil retention, followed by farmland, with grassland having the least soil retention. This is different from things of the non-karst area where soil retention on grassland is better than that in farmland. The Back Propagation (BP) Neural Network model was used to calculate soil erosion modulus in the 2000s based on the data obtained in the 1980s and 1990s. The results suggest that the rate of soil erosion decreased from 23.13 t/(hm2·a) in the 1990s to 1.01 t/(hm2·a) in the 2000s, and the amount of soil erosion decreased from 115.18×106 t/a to 5.03×106 t/a. Soil erosion in the Sancha River basin is under control. However, counties or cities of Qianxi, Jinsha, Xifeng, Xiuwen, Guiyang, Pingban, Sinan, Shiqian, Yanhe and Songtao need strict soil management during the 12th Five-Year Plan period.
ZHANG Qing-he , CHEN Chang-sheng , LI Zhi-zhuang
2014, 41(5):1748-1756.
Abstract:Abstract: This paper analyzes the necessity of applying Geographic Information System (GIS) to the field of oil exploration. Combined with the nature of the core business, this paper also presents the key technologies and applications of oilfield business data visualization in SGIS, which is based on China’s petrochemical independent intellectual property rights. Moreover, the resource integration with three-dimensional visualization technology and its application to the oilfield business data are discussed. The system realizes the management integration of ground geographic information in oil and gas exploration and underground geological model of the spatial data. The system also dynamically associates the production with management on the ground and underground geological objects analysis. The new system can provide valuable experience for the study and application of the digital oilfield technology.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112