Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
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2015, 42(1):1-17. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150101
Abstract:Abstract:Since the 1960’s,the plate tectonic theory has been widely Prevailing in China. Having been popularly adopted by Chinese geologists, this theory has been applied to different related fields. In the work of new “regional geology”, it has become the dominant idea. The theory of plate tectonics argues that a plate is formed by its core and its margins. Its core is a craton usually made of stable continental massif, whereas its margins include different active and passive continental margins. In the process of convergence of plates, the continental margins became different orogenic belts through their different convergences and collisions. There are different convergent zones between plates, among which the Convergent Crustal Consumption Zone is dominant. In the historical process of crustal development, huge changes of the plate tectonic framework took place. Based on the plate tectonic framework of Paleozoic, the authors discussed some problems concerning the regional subdivicion of China and suggested a tentative plan for regional subdivicion of China in this paper. According to the plan, China is divided into 7 first class units (plates), 30 second class units (cratons and orogenic belts) and 103 third class units.
WANG Ji-ping , SHANG Peng-qiang , XIONG Xian-xiao , YANG Hui-yan , TANG Yao
2015, 42(1):18-32. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150102
Abstract:Abstract: Based on the classification of fluorite deposits, this paper divides the metallogenic units of fluorite deposits, and briefly describes ore-forming features of every unit according to the geotectonic background, distribution features, ore-forming conditions and ore-controlling factors. In addition, the metallogenic regularities of fluorite deposits in China are summarized. Fluorite deposits are mainly distributed in northern and southeastern China. The faulted fractures constitute the common and essential ore-forming factor. The deposition-reformation type fluorite deposits are genetically related to limestone and volcanic rocks. The most intrusive rocks related to the formation of fluorite deposits belong to Yanshanian period. Most deposition-reformation, hydrothermal-reformation, associated, large and gigantic fluorite deposits are genetically related to limestone. The deposits with three ore-forming elements of limestone, Yanshanian intrusive rocks and faulted fractures are generally large or gigantic fluorite deposits. Fluorite deposits in China were mainly formed in Yanshanian period.
XU Xian-bing TANG Shuai LI Yuan ZHANG Ze-jun
2015, 42(1):33-50. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150103
Abstract:Abstract: The Jiangnan Orogen is a suitable region for deciphering Neoproterozoic to Early Mesozoic multiphase orogenic activities of the South China Block because it is far away from the Late Mesozoic active continental margin. Based on a comprehensive analysis of such factors as deposition, magmatism, structural deformation and geochronology, the authors summarized the features of Neoproterozoic, Early Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic orogenies in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen. The eastern Jiangnan Orogen underwent southern and northern subductions as well as two stages of collisions in Neoproterozoic. In 880-860 Ma of the early Neoproterozoic period, arc-continent collision between the Shuangxiwu island arc and the southeastern margin of Yangtze Block induced the formation of 880-860 Ma light granites, high-pressure blueschist, NNE-striking fold-and-thrust structures and retro-arc foreland basins. Southward subduction along the northern margin of Yangtze Block commenced at about 850 Ma. This subduction resulted in the closure of back-arc basin and final collision between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, and triggered nearly EW-striking fold-and-thrust structures, ductile deformation and peraluminous granodiorites in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen. The eastern Jiangnan Orogen started to collapse and rift at about 810 Ma, and produced 805-750 Ma granites, felsic volcanic rocks, mafic dikes and rift basins. Early Paleozoic orogeny occurred in the southern area of the Wanzai-Nanchang-Jingdezhen-Shexian fault zone within the Jiangnan Orogen. This orogeny led to the formation of nearly EW-striking top-to-the north thrusting, NNE-striking positive flower structures and post-orogenic nearly EW-striking dextral shear zones. The Early Mesozoic orogeny brought about NNE-striking fold and thrust structures and granites, which established the basic features of the present eastern Jiangnan Orogen.
WEI Bo , PEI Xian-zhi , LIU Cheng-jun , PEI Lei , LI Rui-bao , LI Zuo-chen , CHEN You-xin , XU Xiao-chun , LIU Tu-jie , WANG Yuan-yuan , REN Hou-zhou , CHEN Wei-nan
2015, 42(1):51-70. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150104
Abstract:Abstract:The Xinyang-Yuanlong ductile shear zone on the north margin of Western Qinling Mountains is the main ductile tectonic boundary which separates the Western Qinling orogenic belt from the Northern Qilian orogenic belt.The deformation style in the ductile shear zone is complex and diverse, with multiphase structural superposition,and deformation varies in intensity in different parts.From the macro- and micro-structure,it is revealed that the deformation has both sinistral and dextral shear,but the major part of the deformation is right-handed.Macro-structure shows characteristics of oblique thrust from NNE to SSW; nevertheless, the structure is mainly reformed and superposed.According to EBSD fabric analysis, LPOs of quartz indicate non-coaxial deformation and reveal that the quartz grains displaying dextral shear are apparently characterized by medium-temperature prismatic fabric ,low-medium temperature rhombohedral fabric,and low-temperature basal fabric.The quartz grains displaying sinistral shear are indistinctly characterized by low-temperature basal fabric(occasionally medium-temperature prismatic fabric);LPOs of calcite show that the grains are dominated by e1 twinning glide and r1 translation glide,and reveal both sinistral and dextral shear characteristics.All these data indicate that the shear zone probably experienced a complex deformation process from medium-temperature through low-medium temperature to low temperature,with the deformation environment from low greenschist facies through high greenschist facies to low amphibolite facies.The transformation of shear sense suggests that dextral strike-slip ductile shear is dominant,while sinistral thrusting shear is subordinate in the shear zone.According to regional comparative analysis,Xinyang-Yuanlong ductile shear zone has marked two main structural deformational records responding to the tectonic evolution in the Paleozoic: The early record is sinistral thrusting shear deformation that was the adjustment to the thrusting in a direction of NNE to SSW,caused by the continent-arc or continent-continent collision related to the closure of the Tianshui-Wushan Ocean in the Silurian;The later record is dextral shear deformation and the inversional S-type tectonic style caused by the intense dextral strike-slip at the conjunction of Qinling and Qilian orogen in the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous period.
WANG Hong , LIN Fang-cheng , LI Xing-zhen , SHI Mei-feng
2015, 42(1):71-84. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150105
Abstract:Abstract: Structural research on the Sanjiang-Indosinian region of southeast Tibet has aroused much interest among geologists all over the world. However, Laos, which is located in north-central Indochina peninsula, remains insufficiently studied in comparison with neighboring China, Thailand and Vietnam. Combined with the latest project research results as well as the previous research data, the authors preliminarily made division of tectonic units and summarized tectonic evolution of Laos and adjacent regions through the regional comparative analysis and the study of the extension trends of individual tectonic units and their interrelations. On the basis of the temporal-spatial distribution nature of the regional structure-rocks, the authors divided the study area into 7 third grade structural units, i.e., Jinghong-Sukhothai arc block, Nam-Uttaradit suture, Simao-Phitsanulok block, Dien bien phu-Loei suture, Vientiane-Kontum block, Sepon-Tam Ky suture, and Truongson block. The study area had multiple tectonic natures during different geological stages. On the whole, the study area has experienced three important tectonic evolution stages, i.e., Pre-Tethys, Tethys, and Meso-Cenozoic intracontinental stages. During the Pre-Tethys evolution which lasted to Early Paleozoic, mainly rigid Kontom and Truongson block came into being, which had affinity to the Yangtze-South China block. From the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic, the study area became a part of the Tethyan domain with the opening of Paleo-Tethys, which showed an ocean-land tectonic framework that led to the formation and evolution of Dien bien phu-Loei Ocean, Sepon-Tam Ky Ocean, Nam-Uttaradit arc-back Ocean and Song Ma Ocean. Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic was a period during which modern geological structure framework began to form, and there existed intraplate extension, strike-slipping, crustal mass isostatic adjustment, basin formation and coeval alkaline magmatic activities.
BAI Jian-ke , LI Zhi-pei , XU Xue-yi , LI Ting , RU Yan-jiao , LI Xiao-ying ,
2015, 42(1):85-95. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150106
Abstract:Abstract: Dahalajunshan Formation volcanic-sedimentary rocks, widespread in Yili area, western Tianshan, are the most direct carrier in the study of Early Carboniferous palaeogeography of western Tianshan and Paleozoic orogenic evolution of the Tianshan. The age distribution of detrital zircons of sandstone in Dahalajunshan Formation was studied by using LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotopic ages of zircons. The results show that the detrital zircons have a wide range of zircon ages from (321±2) Ma to (435±2) Ma, which can be divided into 2 groups: 321-372 Ma and 395-435 Ma, according to the age and frequency distribution characteristics. Based on these dating data, combined with the mineralogical characteristics and CL images of zircons as well as the regional geological data of the Wusun Mountain, the authors have reached the following conclusions: (1) The age of the deposition of Dahalajunshan Formation is not later than the later Early Carboniferous; (2) the detrital materials of the studied sandstone were mainly derived from volcanic and magmatic rocks related to the Wusun Mountain and Nalati Mountain; (3) during middle-late Devonian, western Tianshan orogenic belt experienced significant ocean-land transition events and entered into the post-collision rift extensional stage. Therefore, the formation of volcanic-sedimentary rocks of Dahalajunshan Formation was in a post-collision extensional setting.
ZHANG Heng , LI Ting-dong , GAO Lin-zhi , GENG Shu-fang , DING Xiao-zhong , LIU Yan-xue , WU Hao
2015, 42(1):96-104. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150107
Abstract:Abstract: Zircon dating of tuff bedding from the Wengjialing Formation in the east segment of the Jiangnan orogenic belt within northeast Jiangxi Province is reported for the first time in this paper (841.2±5.1 Ma), which constrains the age of the Wengjialing Formation, suggesting that it lies above Tianli schist and beneath the Taoyuan Formation. In combination with a large number of high precision ages obtained for the Jiangnan orogenic belt recently, the authors hold that the Wengjialing Formation corresponds to the Fanjingshan Group, the Sibao Group, the Lengjiaxi Group, and the Shuangqiaoshan Group. The Taoyuan Group overlying the Wengjialing Formation was formed in the same period as the volcanic rocks which intruded into the Fanjingshan Group, the Sibao Group, the Lengjiaxi Group, and the Shuangqiaoshan Group, and also occurred simultaneously with the “Pingshui Group” in Pujiang City, Zhejiang Province, and the “Zhangcun Formation” in Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province. At 830 Ma, a magma event was widely developed from west to east in the Jiangnan orogenic belt.
QIN Chuan , LI Zhi-wu , ZHU Li-dong , ZHANG Yu-xiu , YANG Wen-guang , HUANG Rui
2015, 42(1):105-117. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150108
Abstract:Abstract: The Gabuzha granodiorite in Gerze area intruded into the Jurassic Sewa Formation at the southern edge of the southern Qiangtang terrane, and can be used to constrain the evolution of Bangong Co-Nujiang River suture zone. LA-ICP MS zircon U-Pb dating yielded a weighted mean age of (143.8±0.5) Ma, suggesting that the Gabuzha granodiorite formed during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous. The Gabuzha granodiorite is metaluminous I-type granite and belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series. Its REE model is characterized by enrichment of light REE, and Eu shows weak negative anomaly. Large ion lithophile elements are obviously enriched in Rb, Ba, K, Th and U. High field strength elements Nb, Ta, P and Ti show strong depletion. The results show that the magma source of Gabuzha granodiorite might have been derived from mixture of continental crust materials, subducting sediments and mantle-derived wedge, and experienced a certain degree of separation and crystallization as well. The Gabuzha granodiorite formed in an island arc environment related to northward subduction of the Bangong Co-Nujiang River Meso-Tethys Ocean beneath the Qiangtang terrane.
YU Yu-shuai , , YANG Zhu-sen , DAI Ping-yun , TIAN Shi-hong , GAO Yuan , LIU Ying-chao , XIU Di
2015, 42(1):118-133. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150109
Abstract:Abstract: The Ri’a copper-polymetallic deposit, as a typical representative copper metallogenesis of the Nixiong orefield and an important part of Cuoqin-Shenzha iron-copper metallogenetic belt, is located in the middle north of Gangdise. The authors analyzed the mineral composition, major elements, trace elements, and U-Th-Pb composition of zircon from biotite granite associated with copper mineralization in the Ri’a copper polymetallic deposit by LA-ICP-MS. The results show that the biotite granite has typical characteristics of I-type granite, belongs to shoshonite series and must have originated from a crustal-mantle provenance. Zircon U-Th-Pb dating yielded 206Pb/238U age of (89.9±1.6)Ma, which is consistent with the age of mafic intrusive in the Ri’a copper-polymetallic deposit. Combined with the results of previous studies, the authors hold that the bimodal magmatism of Early Late Cretaceous was closely related to mineralization of the Ri’a copper-polymetallic deposit. In consideration of the tectonic environment, the authors propose that the magmatism was controlled by the subduction of both Bangong Co-Nujiang ocean crust and Brahmaputra ocean crust.
DAO Yan , LI Feng , WANG Rong , WU Jing
2015, 42(1):134-148. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150110
Abstract:Abstract: In this study, the authors carried out a comprehensive research including zircon U-Pb dating, petrogeochemical investigation and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope analysis of the granite porphyry related to the Jiudingshan Cu-Mo deposit in western Yunnan. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb chronology indicates that the porphyry was emplaced at 34.5?34.9 Ma, consistent with or slightly earlier than the formation of the Cu-Mo deposit (33.9?35.3 Ma) and similar in time to the peak of Cenozoic alkali-rich magmatic activity (45?30 Ma) in western Yunnan, indicating that they were formed by the ore-forming process in the period of late-collisional transformation (40?26 Ma). The granite porphyry is silica-rich (SiO2=62.86%?71.57%), potassium-rich (K2O/Na2O=1.64?2.78) and alkali-rich (K2O+Na2O = 8.98%?11.28%), belonging to shoshonitic series peraluminous granite, with the characteristics of LREE enrichment, HREE depletion, and weak negative Eu anomaly (δEu=0.82?0.93). The porphyry is enriched in LILEs such as Rb, Ba, Th and U, and depleted in HFSEs such as Nb, Ta, Zr and U. Sr?Nd?Hf isotopes imply that the magma originated from the EMII which was contaminated by crustal materials in the process of magmatic upwelling to form a potassium-rich ore-bearing magma with mixed sources of the crust and the mantle.
LIU Jing-dang , LIANG Shuai , XIAO Rong-ge , ZHANG Yan-fei
2015, 42(1):149-168. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150111
Abstract:Abstract: The Baoyintu molybdenum deposit in Inner Mongolia is a large porphyry quartz vein type molybdenum deposit discovered in the northern part of the Langshan Mountain, and the ore-forming intrusive body consists of plagiogranite, monzogranite, moyite and acidic fine-grained porphyry stock. The LA-ICP-MS U-Pb upper intercepting age is 2400 Ma, suggesting that the granite was derived from late Archean to early Proterozoic crustal rocks. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating shows that the ore-forming intrusive body was formed at four stages in the Indosinia period, i.e., (225.9±4.4) Ma-(237.5±5.9) Ma, (236.8±4.5) Ma-(244.3±4.2) Ma, (247.5±4.4) Ma and (252.1±3.4) Ma-(258.8±3.3) Ma; the isotopic ages imply that each stage of magma intrusion lasted for a long time, and the intervals between various stages of invasion were short. Elements at different stages of magmatic intrusion underwent some differentiation, the chemical composition of various stages of rocks shows oversaturated aluminum, potassium-rich features, with late aplite K2O/Na2O being the highest, and K2O and CaO being inversely correlated with each other. A comparison with Sr/Ba-Zr/Y ratios of major magmatic belts in the world shows that it is different from the oceanic crust melt, granite, consistent with the Yanshan belt, Qinling belt magmatic rocks, and close to Proterozoic metamorphic country rocks in geochemical characteristics. These features indicate that mineralized granites are genetically continental crust melt S-type granites.
WEI Yan-lan , YANG Yan-chen,LIU Na,HAN Shi-jiong,Wang Qing-shuang
2015, 42(1):169-179. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150112
Abstract:Abstract: The Yuejinshan Cu-Au deposit, located in southeast Heilongjiang Province, is a typical deposit which occurs in the north of Mishan-Dunhua Deep fracture of the Wandashan metallogenic belt. The authors carried out LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of main and trace elements in the granite porphyry, and discussed the chronology of the rock mass and the tectonic setting. The results indicate that the ore-related Yuejinshan granite porphyry has a concordia LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age of (109.17±0.91) Ma, which is basically in good consistency with the weighted average age. The Yuejinshan granite porphyry has a geochemical affinity with subduction magmas, characterized by peraluminous nature, enrichment of LILIs (Rb, Ba, La, Nd and Hf), and depletion of HFSE (Nb, Sr, P and Ti). The geochronologic and geochemical characteristics of the Yuejinshan granite porphyry, combined with tectonic evolution of the Wandashan metallogenic belt, suggest that the deposit was formed in a island arc or active continental margin setting and that its formation was probably related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean during the Mesozoic.
WANG Xing , LIN Xin-wang , ZHANG Ya-feng , GUO Qi-ming , ZHAO Duan-chang
2015, 42(1):180-191. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150113
Abstract:Abstract: The Nurt area is located in the southern part of Altay, where Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks are well developed. There exists a set of rock assemblages of altered rhyolite and tuff dacite rhyolite in Zhenggehe area, which are in zoned distribution from northwest to southeast and were originally assigned to member a of Hongshanzui Formation. The LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb dating has revealed that the volcanic rocks formed in the Early Devonian (the zircon 206Pb/238U weighted average age is (400.4±3.6) Ma), unlike Hongshanzui,whose age is of Carboniferous. The lithologic characteristics are obviously different from members b, c of Hongshanzui Formation, and are extensively stably distributed, so this set of rhyolites was re-determined, and tentatively assigned to Zhenggehe volcanic rocks. The SiO2 values range from 69.77% to 75.16%, and σ from 1.26 to 1.70, Na2O+K2O values range between 5.90% and 7.28%, A/CNK ratios range between 0.88 and 1.16, with sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and meta-aluminum characteristics. The pluton is characterized by enrichment of trace elements Rb, Th and other large LILE, loss of high field strength elements Nb, Ta, Sr, Hf. The content of REE changes considerably, ΣREE range between 189.20×10-6 and 308.47×10-6, light and heavy REE show strong fractionation ((La / Yb) N being 5.82-7.86), Eu exhibits negative anomalies (δEu = 0.45-0.75), and the REE characteristics are similar to features of island-arc volcanic rocks. Combined with the data of southerner margin of Altay, the authors hold that the Zhenggehe volcanic rocks were formed in an active continental margin tectonic environment.
MOU Chuan-long , GE Xiang-ying , ZHOU Ken-ken , WANG Xiu-ping ,
2015, 42(1):192-198. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150114
Abstract:Abstract: According to the lithological characteristics, filling sequences, sedimentary structures and lab analysis of Late Ordovician Wufeng Formation, combined with the structural features, the authors divided the Wufeng Age in southwestern Sichuan into two periods, and the southwestern Sichuan can be divided into tidal-flat facies and deep shelf and shallow shelf facies. In the Late Ordovician early Wufeng Age, affected by the Caledonian Movement and the continuous extrusion and collision between Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, the Central Sichuan and Guizhou were increasingly uplifted, and the Upper Yangtze region was submerged and transformed into carbonate ramp, and finally developed into the back-bulge basin confined by the marginal uplifts. Tidal flat facies were developed around Central Suchuan and Western Sichuan-Central Yunnan uplifts with dolomitic shales, muddy limestones and dolomitic limestones. Large areas of western Sichuan developed deep shelf facies which deposited carbonaceous shales, siliceous and carbonaceous-silty shales. In the late Wufeng Age of Late Ordovician, with the emergence of the worldwide glacial event, large-scale regression started in the study area and even in the whole Upper Yangtze area, shallow shelf facies replaced deep shelf facies with silty shales, muddy limestones, calcareous-carbonaceous shales and siliceous limestones, and they had more calcium in comparison with those in former periods.
LIU Feng , ZHAO Yue , SONG Li-cai , LI Jian-feng
2015, 42(1):199-206. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150115
Abstract:Abstract: The formation of the Irrawaddy River system was closely associated with the growth of the Tibetan Plateau. Hindered by difficulties in approaching the steep and rugged terrain in field reconnaissance, researchers have failed to clearly understand the formation time of the Irrawaddy River. The formation history of the tributaries of its upper reach can provide important implications for understanding the formation of the modern Irrawaddy River watershed. The Longchuan River which flows through the Mangbang basin in Tengchong area is the first grade tributary of the Irrawaddy River. Studies show that a paleolake existed and the modern course Longchuan River was not formed in the Mangbang basin in Pliocene. The Longchuan River established its modern path after early Pleistocene. This interpretation is based on the channel morphology with which the Longchuan River carved its course through the middle and late Pliocene and Pleistocene volcanic rock coherently. The age of the Pleistocene volcanic rock is about 0.84-1.4 Ma in Tengchong. From the age of the Longchuan River, the authors infer that the modern Irrawaddy River system was built not earlier than 0.84 Ma. The northward propagation of the eastern Himalaya syntaxis might have supplied an important tectonic driver for the landscape evolution of Irrawaddy from late Cenozoic to the present.
CHEN Xiao-hong , ZHOU Peng , ZHANG Bao-ming , WANG Chuan-shang
2015, 42(1):207-223. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150116
Abstract:Abstract: The litho- , sequence and high-resolution stable isotopic stratigraphy of the Lower Eidacaran Doushantuo Formation in the Qinglingkou segment as well as Zigui, Xiaofeng and Sixi segments of Yichang were studied in this paper. Five transgressive events characterized by the occurrence of limestone or thickened black shale and five third-order sequences in ascending order named BDSS, LDSS, MDSS, UDSS and TDSS were recognized in the base, lower, middle, upper and top parts of the Lower Eidacaran Doushantou Formation. According to the features of the sequence boundary, the correlations of the δ13C profile between different geographic positions of the Eidiacara Doushantuo Formation in the eastern Yangtze Gorges indicate that there are five negative δ13C excursions, which are comparable in the region and even in the global scale. They are SN1 in the lower part of the BDSS, SN2 in the upper part of the LDSS, SN3 and SN4 in the upper and top parts of the MDSS, and SN5 in the upper part of the UDSS. Among them, the negative δ13C excursions of the SN1 and SN4 are most obvious, their minimum δ13C are separately close to ?4‰ to ?5‰ and ?9‰ to ?10‰, and separately very similar to data of the carbon isotope in the cap dolostone overlaying the Marinoan tillite and the strata related to the Gaskier glacial period. The formation of the SN4 was attributed to the results of Gaskier glacial period. A comparison with the significance of the SN1 as the mark of the basal Ediacaran System shows that SN4 might have been another important boundary mark in the subdivision of the Ediacaran System.
LIANG Shuai , LIU Jing-dang , XIAO Rong-ge , ZHANG Yan-fei , ZHAI Fu-rong
2015, 42(1):224-234. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150117
Abstract:Abstract: The Qagan Obao molybdenum deposit was discovered in the northern part of the Langshan Mountain. It is a porphyry muscovite quartz vein type deposit, and the ore-forming rock bodies are mainly K-feldspar granite, fine-grained granite and granite porphyry, with the zircon U-Pb mean age of (53.5 ± 3.3) Ma. Molybdenite 187Re-187Os isochron age of the Qagan Obao molybdenum deposit is (239.2 ± 5.8) Ma, with the rock-forming and ore-forming time difference being about 13 Ma, suggesting that the formation of the Qagan Obo molybdenum deposit experienced a long rock-forming and ore-forming evolution history. The Qagan Obo molybdenum deposit has the characteristics of the porphyry deposit, the ore deposit occurs in the inner contact zone with the country rock, but the mineralization took plade in muscovite quartz veins, mainly related to hydrothermal mineral muscovite. The deposit is therefore a special kind of porphyry molybdenum deposit.
CAO Liang , DUAN Qi-fa , ZHOU Yun
2015, 42(1):235-247. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150118
Abstract:Abstract: The Aozigang zinc deposit lies in eastern Huangling anticline. It is a representative lead zinc deposit recently discovered in western Hubei and Hunan area. The zinc orebodies are strictly controlled by the stratigraphic horizon and lithology, and are mainly hosted in the second member of the Sinian Dengying Formation. The ore-bearing rocks occur in stratoid and lenticular forms, being a suite of brecciform micritic crystal powder dolomites. The Rb-Sr dating of sphalerite separates yielded isochron ages of 431-434 Ma for the deposit, suggesting that the deposit was formed in the early Silurian, which represents the main ore-forming epoch of the deposit. Based on a study of the source of the ore-forming material and the geological significance, the authors hold that higher initial ratios of Sr isotope (0.71119-0.71136) suggest that the metallogenic substances or ore-forming fluids came from relatively high basement rocks and relatively low Sinian carbonate layers. The early mineralization of the Aozigang zinc deposit was closely related to the Early Silurian stretching rift basin, whereas the late mineralization was closely associated with the Caledonian movement and was the product of fluid migration in a stretching basin. The mineralization of the lead-zinc deposits around the Huangling faulted dome was closely related to Caledonian movement. The Aozigang zinc deposit is genetically of hydrothermal karst type, and its formation can be divided into deep burial diagenetic ore-forming stage and hydrothermal karst metallogenic stage.
WANG Xing-jun , WANG Zi-tong , WANG Gen-hou , ZHOU Jie , BI Li-sha , CUI Yin-liang , ZHANG Dao-hong , LI Wei-qing , FAN Liang-jun
2015, 42(1):248-264. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150119
Abstract:Abstract: There exist abundant bauxite resources in southeastern Yunnan Province. Taking sedimentary bauxite deposits in southeastern Yunnan Province as the research objects, the authors studied their geochemical characteristics and discussed their ore-forming material sources. These deposits are enriched in rare earth elements, dispersed elements gallium,ferrous metal element Ti and rare metal element Nb in aluminum-containing rocks, with the reserves attaining the requirements of industrial exploitation. In aluminum-containing rocks, there are generally high REE values and big differences between samples, with the characteristics of moderate Eu negative anomaly, complex Ce anomalies composed of poaitive and negative anomalies. REE distribution patterns for normalized aluminum-containing rocks exhibit rightly-oblique curve with weak “V” shape and different slopes, reflecting varying degrees of REE fractionation. REE characteristics are similar to features of underlying limestone of Weining Formation, which shows that there exists a close relationship between aluminum-containing rocks and limestones of Weining Formation. Aluminum-containing rocks are enriched in LILE elements Li, U, high field strength elements Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Th, transition elements V, Cr, Ti, and dispersed elements Ga, with the obvious depletion of the remaining elements. The authors found that aluminum-containing rocks deposited directly in the weathering crust. Aluminum-containing rocks have complex Ce anomalies and moderate Th/U (3-7), high Sr/Ba (> 1) and high Al2O3/TiO2 (3.41-44.02), suggesting that main ore-forming materials of sedimentary bauxite deposits were derived form the weathering crust of limestones of Weining Formation, and sedimentation played the role of the reformation of the ore-forming materials of the weathering crust.
ZHANG Peng , YANG Hong-zhi , SUN Jing-gui , ZHAO Yan , CUI Pei-long
2015, 42(1):265-274. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150120
Abstract:Abstract: Detailed fluid inclusion and H-O isotope characteristics of metallogenic period quartz veins were studied to reveal the ore-forming fluid features. Petrography and microthermometric studies of fluid inclusions suggest that the main types of fluid inclusions of the Malian gold deposit are gaseous inclusions, liquid inclusions and pure liquid inclusions. Temperature test shows that the homogenization temperature and salinity of fluid inclusions vary from 148 to 255℃, mostly in the range of of 180?210℃, and 1.7%?7.5%NaCleqv (the peak values vary in the range of 2%?4%NaCleqv), respectively. Based on these results, the authors have reached the conclusion that the ore-forming fluids of the Malian deposit should be of low temperature and salinity. Laser Raman and group fluid inclusions content studies indicate that gas composition of the ore-forming fluids are mainly H2O, with some CO2 and CH4, whereas liquid compositions of the ore-forming fluids are mainly Ca2+, Na+, SO42? and F?, with some K+, Mg2+, NO3? and Cl?. The ore-forming fluids are then defined to be of the NaCl?H2O±CO2±CH4 system. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of the ore-forming fluids show thatδDV-SMOW values of the ore-forming fluid are between ?92.3‰ and ?113.6‰, and δ18OH2O are between 2.5‰ and 3.5‰, which indicates that the ore-forming fluids were derived from the mixing of magmatic water and meteoric water. Based on the characteristics of ore-forming fluids, it is concluded that gold deposition in the Malian gold deposit was related to the phase separation.
Du Xiao-di , TANG Yue , LIU De-chang , LI Zhao , WANG Hai-da
2015, 42(1):275-287. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150121
Abstract:Abstract:The hydrocarbon leakages associated with the subsurface oil and gas reservoirs (fields) usually cause changes in the physical and chemical properties of the near-surface materials and spectral reflectance anomalies. The spectral reflectance anomalies are shown by the position offset and intensity change of spectral absorption valley or reflection peak. Aerial hyperspectral images also display gray and color changes, which makes hydrocarbon microleakage detectable by aerilal hyperspectral technology. Therefore, the aerial hyperspectral technology also becomes an effective method for oil and gas survey and research. This aerial hyperspectral technology has been applied to Zhundong area (2500 km2). The collection of the aerial hyperspectral remote sensing data in the CASI/SASI/TASI area can provide the information of clay, carbonate, ferrous iron related to hydrocarbon. Such information was used to make comparison with the hyperspectral anomalies for the existing oil and gas reservoirs (fields) and, as a result, helped to find two oil and gas favorable areas, i.e., Liushuhe and Santaizhen.
GU Zhi-xiang, , PENG Yong-min , HE You-bin , HU Zong-quan , ZHAI Yu-jia,
2015, 42(1):288-299. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150122
Abstract:Abstract: Based on such analytical methods as outcrop core observation, gas content, geochemical and physical property data and isothermal adsorption as well as argon ion polishing plus scanning electron microscopy of Permian black shale in the center of Hunan depression, the authors investigated the geological conditions of shale gas. The results show that the geological conditions of shale in Permian Longtan Formation and Dalong Formation of sea-land transitional facies are beneficial to gas accumulation. The organic carbon content is high than 2%, the grade of maturity distribution is between 1.2% and 1.6%, the main reservoir types are mineral holes with minor organic holes such as residual intergranular pores, intragranular pores and corrosion holes. The porosity is between 0.54% and 5.15%,the average gas content capacity of isothermal adsorption test is between 5.488 and 6.905 m3/t. The thermal evolution analysis shows that Permian shale experienced two times of uplift and denudation, and the second denudation didn’t reach the maximum depth of the first time and there was no secondary hydrocarbon. This might have been the reason which led to the low gas content in the study area. Structural analysis shows that the modification effect of Indo-Chinese epoch and Yanshanian period resulted in the poor preservation conditions that damaged the oil gas obviously and increased the risk of exploration. Using the method of superposition to predict the areas, the authors reveal that Lianyuan-Loudi-Shuangfeng area and Shaoyang-Shaodong area are favorable shale gas areas. The volume method was used to calculate the total quantity of shale gas resource, which yielded (127-425)×108 m3, (the medium value being 254×108 m3),suggesting a certain potential of shale gas resources. The comprehensive analysis shows that the preservation condition is the key factor for shale gas accumulation in this area, and is also the principal factor for successful exploration.
HUANG Jian-min , DENG Xiong-wen , HU Rang-quan
2015, 42(1):300-307. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150123
Abstract:Abstract: Soluble limestone and Quaternary loose soft soil are widely distributed in Jinshazhou. The fractures in limestone are rich and well connected with each other, which leads to a good connection of groundwater. All these factors provide objective geological environment conditions for karst ground collapse and land subsidence. Since April 2007, affected by tunnel groundwater pumping in high-speed rail construction, groundwater has fluctuated abnormally, which has resulted in ground subsidence and land collapse in Jinshazhou. The monitoring data and comparative analysis show that the karst ground subsidence and land collapse are controlled by groundwater level changes. When groundwater level fluctuates near the bedrock surface, the ground collapse occurs easily, and the land subsidence is related to groundwater level change positively. The relationship between land subsidence and groundwater level changes was also studied and, on such a basis, it is held that the area where groundwater has not yet returned to the normal level still has the hidden trouble of ground subsidence and land collapse.
DAI Jie-rui , ZHU De-cheng , PANG Xu-gui , YANG Li-zhi , PENG Guan-feng , NING Zhen-guo ,
2015, 42(1):308-316. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150124
Abstract:Abstract: Taking the soil of Jinan as the study object, the authors used software R?2.6.1, semivariance function model and factor analysis methods to study the characteristics, structures and distribution of elements content, and evaluated soil environment quality. According to the results achieved, the majority of soil elements in the study area are controlled by natural factors; nevertheless, indicators like Cd, Hg, Pb, Se, As and pH in urban soils are impacted by human activities significantly, pH values in surface soil exhibit an increasing trend (alkalization trend) from the periphery to the urban center, and prevailing wind, which drifts in the downwind direction, also has an impact on the distribution superimposition of heavy metals in surface soils. Influenced by different time spans and intensities of human activities (mainly industrial pollution), the soil environment quality of Jinan urban area, Licheng district and Zhangqiu are generally lightly polluted, with local areas moderately or severely polluted by Hg, Cu, Cr, Cd, and the pattern of the pollution distribution is consistent with the layout of the industrial areas; however, the soil environmental quality of Changqing and Jiyang are farily good, generally within the warning limits. According to the soil comprehensive environmental quality indices, the soil quality becomes gradually worsen in order of Jiyang (0.73), Changqing (0.82), Zhangqiu (0.95), Licheng (1.03), urban area (1.10).
WANG Cun-long , ZENG Xian-dong , LIU Hua-feng , YANG Li-yuan , WANG Hong-jin , PANG Xu-gui
2015, 42(1):317-330. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150125
Abstract:Abstract: Yantai is one of the core cities of Shandong?Peninsula Blue Economic Zone. Based on ecological geochemical data, the authors found that the main pollution?factors of soil are Hg, Cd, As, Cu, Pb, Zn. Industrial?waste emissions?constitute the main sources?of heavy metals in the soil. Soil acidification is caused by?acid rain which comes form excessive application of chemical fertilizer?and industrial?pollution. The activation and migration?capability?of root-soil cadmium in acid environment?is enhanced, the activation and migration of toxic heavy metal cadmium?are realized through?the soil water plant, and such toxic heavy cadmium is?transferred to?the human body?through the food chain, which increases the risk. Soil heavy metal pollution and soil acidification are two major factors affecting urban ecological environment of Yantai. The results of this survey provide the scientific basis for local land pollution prevention and land management.
WANG Liang , DING Xiao-zhong , HAN Kun-ying , PANG Jian-feng , XU Ke-juan , ZHENG Hong-wei , WU Hao
2015, 42(1):331-340. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150126
Abstract:Abstract: The compilation of the Lunar Digital Geological Map was based on the scientific exploration data obtained by Chang’E-1 and Chang’E-2 and other lunar geological data as well as research?results. According to the material compositions, structure elements and the information of geochronology of the Moon, the authors compiled the Lunar Geological Map at a scale of 1∶2500000 and established spatial database by using the ArcGIS platform. The authors developed a mapping programs, processes and legends for the Lunar Digital Geological Map, and established a spatial database based on Geodatabase model by compiling and investigating geological map of the typical region, which can effectively update and manage the Digital Geological Map and thus lay the foundation for the geological comprehensive study of the Moon, the geological mapping of the whole Moon, and also the geological mapping of other celestial bodies in the future. This paper also deals with the tectonic evolution of the moon on the basis of summarizing the compilation of the Lunar Digital Geological Map and comprehensive research on a large number of lunar geological data.
WANG Yang-gang , LI Na , XIANG Yun-chuan , LIU Guo , YU Yan , ZHANG Da-ke , HE Cui-yun , HE Xue-zhou , ZHAO Jun , WU Wen-juan
2015, 42(1):341-353. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150127
Abstract:Abstract: In the light of economic globalization, the establishment of the global mineral and resource database is an important measure to maintain China’s energy security. The database covers the fields of geography, geology, mineral resources, geophysical research, geochemical research, mineral resource exploration and some laws and regulations. In the database, the various data are related to various countries and different languages. In this paper, the database construction method and techniques were developed based on rich experience gained by the authors, which promotes the integration of spatial data and representation data in geological field. The proposed methods and techniques are efficient and practical and have already been used by some organizations in geological research field.
YUAN Hui-xiang , WANG Yang-gang , REN Yong-qiang , WANG Chun-nv , LIU Na
2015, 42(1):354-364. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150128
Abstract:Abstract: The implementation of the National Exploration and Development Planning is the major measure for safeguarding China's economic and social sustainable development, and also for improving the guarantee capacity of mineral resources. The integrated exploration is an important way to perform the National Exploration and Development Planning. Based on GIS and database technologies, the authors have developed the Integrated Exploration Information System (IEIS). The IEIS includes geographic data, geological data, mineral deposit data, mining data, potential evaluation results and some other data at four performing levels. The IEIS supplies such data as management, information browsing, map browsing, query retrieval, statistical analysis, data output, map production and the evaluation of the dynamic tracking. IEIS could be widely used as a platform, on which researchers can fully grasp geological background, ore prospecting potential and progress, and on which Integrated Exploration work can be supported and its progress and achievements can be shown. On the basis of IEIS, the national ore exploration information system should be built, where the data on geology, geophysics, geochemistry, potential assessment result and mining right can be integrated, and the new achieved data on spatial information geological and geographic maps as well as profile can be traced and added. The system can be an important information support for the national general strategic decision and detailed work arrangement.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112