Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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2015, 42(4):811-818. DOI: 10.12029/gc20150401
Abstract:Abstract: Based on years' study and practice, the author considers that conditions of global petroleum geology are varied. In the light of dynamic mechanism of plate motion, type of ancestral basin, hydrocarbon resource potential, development strategy and trend for the oil-gas resources, the authors put forward some important problems for tentative discussion, which include original unity of mechanisms of global tectogenesis, sea-land changes, Palaeozoic metamorphism, formation and destruction of resources and development strategy and trend for the oil-gas resources. The study and discussion of these problems in recent years are of important guiding significance especially for development strategy and trend for the oil-gas resources.
2015, 42(4):819-827.
Abstract:Abstract:Based on an analysis of the substantive connotation of the “Belt and Road”, this paper systemically discusses the issues about how to construct the “Belt and Road” in the field of geological survey, including principles, cooperation areas, cooperation mechanisms, working foundation, recent deployment and planning as well as bottleneck problems. Following the “common development” main line of building “Belt and Road” and adhering to the philosophy of “peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit”, the cooperation working contents include earth sciences joint research, fundamental geological survey, hydrogeological survey, engineering geological investigation, environmental geological survey, marine geological survey, geo-hazard investigation, evaluation, monitoring and mitigation, and geo-information sharing and so on. Through the establishment of the bilateral, multilateral, subregional, regional cooperation mechanisms and cooperation platform cooperation, technical,personnel and cultural exchanges and cooperation, geological survey will support and serve “Belt and Road” sustainable development. This paper proposes two important issues, i.e., the international cooperation mechanism construction and the international cooperation personnel training, which should be resolved during the building of “Belt and Road” of geological survey. In addition, some related suggestions are put forward.
LI Chao-ling, , LI Feng-dan, , LI Jian-qiang , LIU Yuan-yuan , LIU Chang, , LV Xia,
2015, 42(4):828-838.
Abstract:Abstract: China Geological Survey has spent nearly 10 years to realize the whole digitized process in the field of fundamental geological and mineral survey. With the generation of new information technologies such as "cloud" computing and big data, what is the orientation and objectives for the main flow informatization of geological survey in the next 5-10 years? On the basis of the new intelligent information technology and smart devices applied to geological survey data acquisition, analysis, exchange transmission, 3D modeling, ubiquitous information services and business management, the definition of smart geological survey has been formulated according to the smart space theory and ubiquitous computing concept. The smart geological survey architecture and application model with the technological integration of Space-Air-Ground has been proposed based on cloud computing and Hadoope ecological system. In addition, the key technology of smart geological survey architecture has been discussed.
ZHANG Jian-bin , DING Jian-hua , NAN Ge-li
2015, 42(4):839-852.
Abstract:Abstract: As one of the countries extremely rich in tin resources, China possesses 32% Sn recourses of the whole world. The striking features of tin deposits in China lie in concentrated distribution, concentrated reserves and many large-sizes deposits. The types of tin deposits in China include stratiform and stratoid tin deposits connected with granite, veinlike tin deposits related to granite, skarn?greisen tin deposits and porphyry tin deposits, with the first two types being more important. The major metallogenic ages of tin deposits are concentrated in middle to late Indosinian to early Yanshanian periods. Now, the proved resources of tin in China can only afford less than 10 years’ mining. Hence strengthening of exploitation will be urgently required. In order to get more reserves, the authors mapped 17 tin prospective areas and analyzed their resource potential.
GAO Lan , WANG Deng-hong , XIONG Xiao-yun , QI Shuai-jun , YI Cheng-wei , JIA Shao-hui
2015, 42(4):853-863.
Abstract:Abstract: This paper summarizes the bauxite minerogenetic characteristics in the aspects of present situation of bauxite resources, genetic types of deposits, prediction types and resource potential of bauxite. Chinese bauxite can be assigned to three genetic types of palaeoweathering crust sedimentary bauxite, accumulation bauxite and laterite bauxite, corresponding to the three bauxite forecast types. Based on distribution of the proven reserves and predicted resources of bauxite in China, the authors made potential analysis of Chinese bauxite deposits in the aspects of main metallogenic belts and provinces of bauxite and main mineralization stages. It is detected that South China lateritic bauxite and North China bauxite under the coal layer will be the main prospecting direction.
GUO Zhou-ping , LI Wen-yuan , ZHANG Zhao-wei , GAO Yong-bao , ZHANG Jiang-wei , LI Kan , KONG Hui-lei , QIAN Bing
2015, 42(4):864-880.
Abstract:Abstract: The pluton in Lumanshan of Hualong area, located in southern Qilian Mountain, is mainly composed of biotitic monzogranites. Zircon LA-ICP-MS dating yielded a concordant age of 452.9±1.8 Ma, indicating that the pluton was formed in Caledonian. Geochemical data show that the Lumanshan pluton is silica enriched in alkali. It is a weakly peraluminous granite and belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline series. In trace and REE aspects, the granites are enriched in Rb, Th, U, K, Pb and LREE and depleted in Ba, Sr, Ti, P with strong negative anomaly of Eu (δEu=0.06~0.55 with a mean value of 0.31). Integrated geological and geochemical data suggest that the Lumanshan pluton should be genetically ascribed to highly fractionated I-type granites. The Hf isotope shows that the εHf(t) values of the pluton range from -7.4 to 0.1, with tDM2 ages between 1425Ma and 1930Ma, indicating that depleted mantle materials had been involved in magma formation and the source region of granite probably included the Hualong Group. In combination with comprehensive analysis of the tectonic evolution, the authors hold that the Lumanshan pluton was formed in a subduction-collision environment between the Qaidam and South Qilian terrane and most likely generated by mixing of a depleted mantle-derived magma and an induced crustal-melted felsic magma in the deep crust; later, it suffered further differentiation during magma ascent.
REN Chong , MA Fei-zhou , ZHU Zhen-hua , ZHANG Jian-guo , HUANG Rong-cai , ZHANG Ya
2015, 42(4):881-890.
Abstract:Abstract: The nearly EW-trending mafic dyke swarms are widely distributed in South Tibet, and the layered pyroxenite occurs in the gabbro. Two weighted average ages of gabbro and pyroxenite were obtained by SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating, i.e., (131.71±2.7)Ma (2σ, MSDW=2.8) and (135.0±2.4)Ma (2σ, MSDW=2.1)respectively. The crystallization of the ultramafic rocks took place 4 Ma earlier than that of the mafic ones. Element geochemical study shows that, in gabbro, SiO2 is 50.85%, TiO2 is 1.45%, MgO is 10.05%, TFe2O3 is 8.57%, and Mg# is 71.33, whereas in pyroxenite, SiO2 is 48.28%, TiO2 is 2.02%, MgO is 18.68%, TFe2O3 is 13.08%, and Mg# is 78.76. Their K2O content is high (0.68 and 0.81), Eu loss is not obvious, Nb, Ta and other elements are depleted, and the patterns of REE distribution are similar to those of OIB. The formation of the mafic-ultramafic rocks was related to the mantle thermal events occurring in the same period, and might have been contaminated by crustal materials in the rising process.
2015, 42(4):891-908.
Abstract:Abstract:Located in the southern part of the Da Hinggan Mountains of Inner Mongolia,Dorolj granite lies on the superimposition position between ancient Asian tectonic domain, Mongol-Okhotsk tectonic domain and West Pacific plate tectonic domain. The rocks have preserved large amounts of tectonic and magmatic signatures of two orogenic events, and hence Dorolj granite is an ideal object for studying the orogenic process, evolution and post-orogenic superimposition and transformation. Dorolj granite is composed of four units, i.e., medium-fine grained monzonitic granite, coarse-medium grained monzonitic granite, syenogranite, and medium-fine grained biotite-bearing monzonitic granite. Major elements show that Dorolj granite belongs to peraluminous high K calc-alkaline rock series, and is characterized by high silicon, high alkali, peraluminous nature and low calcium. The biotite is the main dark mineral, and P2O5 decreases with increasing SiO2. These characteristics indicate that the Dorolj plutons belong to the I-type granite. The authors tried to probe into the petrology and chronology of the Dorolj granite using the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The results show that the medium-fine grained monzonitic granite located on the northern side has the emplacement age of (132±0.3)Ma, whereas the syenogranite granite located in the middle part has the emplacement age of (213±1)Ma with (238±2)Ma zircon xenocrysts, indicating that there existed an early magma activity. In addition, the syenogranite located on the western side has the emplacement age of (131±1)Ma with (150±1)Ma zircon xenocrysts. Dorolj magmatic ages have a large span and can be divided into three ranges: (1) the late Triassic (213 Ma); (2) the late Jurassic (150 Ma); (3) Early Cretaceous (130 Ma). These three episodes of magma indicate an extensive environment without any subduction events. Based on the age data obtained by the authors, the Dorolj granites lack magmatism of Jurassic period. It is thus held that the Dorolj granites had nothing to do with the Mengentaolegai silver-polymetallic deposit.
ZHONG Fu-ming , YUAN Feng , ZHAN Jian-hua , XU Xue-jun , SUN Wei-an , WANG Ji-qiang
2015, 42(4):909-920.
Abstract:Abstract: Xifengsi of Lu’an is located in the Dabie orogenic belt, and the major type of intrusions is syenite, which can be further divided into aplitic syenite, porphyaceous syenite, macrocrystalline syenite and syenite porphyry, with Mo mineralization closely related to the intrusion of syenite porphyry. The authors carried out the study of geochronology about major intrusions in the Xifengsi ore district. The U-Pb ages of zircon show that, from the old to the young, there are porphyaceous syenite, aplitic syenite, syenite porphyry and macrocrystalline syenite, all formed in Early Cretaceous period. Combined with the study and the regional correlation, the authors hold that the Xifengsi Mo mineralization district has has similar background and ages to large molybdenum deposits like Shapinggou and Qian’echong and thus possesses a good potential of molybdenum mineralization.
PANG Wei-hua , REN Guang-ming , SUN Zhi-ming , YIN Fu-guang
2015, 42(4):921-936.
Abstract:Abstract: The Tongan Formation is one of the most ancient basement strata on the western margin of Yangtze block; nevertheless, accurate stratigraphic diagenetic age of this formation has had no related reports yet, with only the intrusion age of ~1.5 Ga from zircon of gabbro-diorite dyke and the oldest deposition time of ~1.8 Ga from detrital zircons. Based on petrographic research and using tuff as the study object, the authors dated the volcanic zircons from meta-basic volcanics tuff of the lower first period and meta-tuff of the bottom fourth period of the Tongan Formation by using LA-ICP-MS zircon situ U-Pb dating method. As a result,, the authors respectively acquired the 207Pb/206Pb age of 1833Ma for tuffaceous basic volcanic rock and 1508±15Ma for meta-volcanic tuff. Some conclusions have been reached: (1) ~1.8Ga represents the depositional age of the lower first period, which defines the oldest deposits of the Tongan Formation, consistent with the Dongchuan Group and Dahongshan Group; (2) the depositional age of the bottom fourth period is ~1.5Ga, in accord with the ages of the third period of the Tongan Formation and the Heishan Formation of the Dongchuan Group, as shown by data obtained by previous researchers; (3) the authors further define the Tongan Formation, which should be under the Huili Group, in accordance with the Dongchuan, Hekou and Dahongshan groups, as a heteropic product.
WU Yue-yong , JU Wen-xin , SHAO Yong-xu , JIANG Hai-jiao
2015, 42(4):937-947.
Abstract:Abstract: During the 1:50 000 regional geological survey in Qagan Obo area, the authors found that the sequence of Baoligaomiao Formation exposed in Qagan Obo area is complete, and the strata have abundant plant fossils and clear division marks. Baoligaomiao Formation was reclassified during route survey and profile measurement into four lithologic members according to the lithological and biological appearance. The first member is lacustrine and gray, grayish green clastic rocks with a little mild volcanic rock, and there are a large number of Angela plant fossils in the siltstones; the second member is alkaline-acidic brick red rock intercalated with purple volcanics with sand (gravel) rock, and the U-Pb dating of zircon from the trachyte and rhyodacite yielded ages of (297.0±1.2)Ma and (323.0±1.4)Ma; the third member is gray and purple gray andesitic volcanics with clastic rock; the fourth member is gray rhyolitic volcanic rocks with sandstone and marl, and the sandstone also has a large number of Angela plant fossils. Based on the results of the identification of plants fossils and isotopic data, the authors hold that the formation age of the Baoligaomiao Formation is Late Carboniferous - Early Permian .
ZHAO Ying-dong , GAN Hua-jun , CHEN Shan-bin , WANG Guan-hong , WANG Xiang , ZHANG Cheng-cheng ,
2015, 42(4):948-959.
Abstract:Abstract: The understanding of tectonic activity in the north basins of South China Sea has long been controversial. It is especially difficult for researchers to hold identical views in the problem of the determination of the Zhu-Qiong movement. Based on the research on the dynamic setting in the South China Sea and its surrounding basin, the authors believe that the Zhu-Qiong movement was a great extensional tectonic activity between Eocene and Oligocene, and it could be divided two episodes according to the dynamics in different stages. Fushan Sag is located in the southeast corner of Beibuwan Basin, which is one of the northern basins of the South China Sea. The sag’s tectonic and sedimentary characteristics show that there existed two backgrounds of extensional structure during the Zhu-Qiong movement, corresponding respectively to two episodes of Zhu-Qiong movement. In addition, according to the characteristics of the change of sedimentary rate as well as the time of the formation of faults which controlled sedimentation and distribution of multi-phase faults, it is held that the activity of the first episode of Zhu-Qiong movement occurred in Early-Middle Eocene (54Ma-39.4Ma). Its dynamics mechanism was that the West Pacific plate drew back in subduction caused by SE-trending mantle flow under the subduction of Indian plate beneath Eurasian plate. And the activity of the second episode of Zhu-Qiong movement took place in Late Eocene to Oligocene (39.4Ma-25.5Ma). The dynamics mechanism of this stage was different from that of the previous phase, and the extensional effect of Hainan mantle plume action on the lithospheric bottom led to the tectonic activity in this episode.
LI Jian-xing , LIU Chi-xang , YUE Le-ping , WANG Jian-qiang
2015, 42(4):960-972.
Abstract:Abstract:From part of huge sedimentary basin in Mesozoic to the present NS-treading gigantic mountains composed of geological bodies of various geological ages, there exists the product of uplift of Lüliang Mountains of different stages. Detailed field investigation and thermal chronologic study were carried out at the mutation positions of geomorphology and strata in north, middle and south sections of the mountains. The relationship of “age-depth” in apatite fission track and different erosion thicknesses in different parts of the mountains suggests that isostatic uplift was not responsible for the uplift of the Lüliang Mountains. EW-trending uneven erosion controlled by the thrust fault and distribution of annealing zone witnessed the fact that bilateral thrusts of NS-treading fault constituted the main uplift mechanism. According to the apatite fission track age from different parts of the Lüliang Mountains, the uplift can be subdivided into five stages, i.e., (58±3) Ma, (40±3) Ma, (30±3) Ma, (23±3) Ma and (10±3) Ma. The initial uplift originated from (58±3) Ma, then Ningwu fault began to form and resulted in the differential uplift pattern in the eastern part of North Lüliang Mountains. The differential erosion between Jinxi fault-fold belt and Lüliang Mountains block formed in different stages, the north was formed not later than (30±3) Ma, the middle was formed at (23±3) Ma, and the south was strengthened at (10±3) Ma.
CHENG Long , WANG Chuan-shang , LI Zhi-hong , PENG Zhong-qin , ZHANG Bao-min
2015, 42(4):973-989.
Abstract:Abstract: The late Late Devonian—early Late Carboniferous conodont biostrata of Yajiao section was systematically examined and studied in this paper, based on measurement and collecting samples in this section. The systematic paleontology of some important conodonts was revised, through identifying the abundant conodonts materials from 17 conotont samples. Due to the vertical distribution of the conotonts, the strata of the zoning fossils were confirmed. Totally 7 conodonts zones were clarified from the upper part of Wuzhishan Formation to Baping Formation in the Yajia section, respectively: Palmatolepis gracilissigmoidalis zone from the upper part of Wuzhishan Formation; Siphonodella duplicate zone, S. crenulata zone, S. isosticha zone, Scaliognathus preaanchoralis zone, and S. anchoralis zone from the lower part of Baping Formation; Declinogaptus noduliferus noduliferus zone from the upper part of Baping Formation. The conodonts zones indicate that the age of Baping Formation is Late Devonian-early Late Carboniferous. The result achieved by the authors can supply reliable evidence for sequence stratigraphic division in different facies regions, especially for correlation in Early Carboniferous slope facies.
LI Zhi-hong , CHENG Long , ZHAO Lai-shi , WANG Chuan-shang , PENG Zhong-qin , WANG Bao-zhong ,
2015, 42(4):990-1008.
Abstract:Abstract: Abundant conodonts fossils from the Late Devonian-early Early Carboniferous Wuzhishan Formation to the Early Carboniferous Baping Formation were examined and studied in this paper. The phylogenetic evolution of the conodonts fossils from 20th to 30th layer of the Baping Formation along the Nandong section is very similar to that of rapidly evolutionary taxa described by Sandberg & Ziegler et al. (1978). Due to the vertical distribution and FAD of the conodonts, ten conodont interval zones were recognized from the bottom upward, i.e., Siphonodella duplicate sensu Hass, S. cooperi moephotype 1, S. obosoleta, S. sandbergi, S. quadruplicata, S. lobata, S. crenulata, S. isosticha,Gnathodus delicates, Protognathus preadelicatus, respectively. Among them, Siphonodella duplicate sensu Hass, S. cooperi moephotype 1, S. obosoleta, S. quadruplicata, S. lobata, S. isosticha,Gnathodus delicates, and Protognathus preadelicatus interval zones are newly established in this paper. Furthermore, the vertical distribution and zone taxon FAD of the early Early Carboniferous S. sandbergi, S. crenulata, S. isosticha, Gnathodus delicatus, Protognathus preadelicatus interval zones in Nandong area of Guangxi were revised and confirmed. The results achieved by the authors supply more detail information for delicate stratigraphic correlation.
LIU Zhi-cheng , YANG Wei , WANG Wei , ZHANG Peng
2015, 42(4):1009-1023.
Abstract:Abstract: A microbial mud mound was found for the first time in the Middle Permian Qixia Formation of Huayin Xikou area. This mud mound is supported by mud, the primary builder is fungi, followed by invertebrates. The species diversity is low, with high species richness. The main lithology includes bioclastic micritic limestone and thrombolite. The mud mound can be divided into mound?core, mound?flank, and mound?base. According to the results of sample analysis of the Qixia Formation, all of the paleosalinity Z values >122, δ13C > 0; δ18O values are between ?6.33‰ and ?4.42‰, the ancient water temperature values are between 33.60℃ and 24.26℃, V/(V+Ni) ratio is 0.51228, and U/Th ratio is 8.28205, suggesting that the environment of Qixia period was characterized by relatively deep water, relatively weak hydrodynamics, higher temperature, high salinity and anoxic nature. Such an environment was conducive to the development of microbial mud mound, and affected the development and growth of reef?building organisms. This was one of the reasons leading to the lack of skeleton of the reef in Qixia Formation.
ZHENG Rong-cai , LI Guo-hui , CHANG Hai-liang , LI Shi-lin , WANG Xiao-juan , WANG Chang-yong
2015, 42(4):1024-1036.
Abstract:Abstract: Based on the data of field sections, thin sections and well logging, combined with the characteristics of petrology, palaeontology and previous research results, the authors hold that the 1st member of Xujiahe Formation in Dianjiang area of eastern Sichuan basin was developed in the barrier coast sedimentary system, and the 2nd to 6th members of Xujiahe formation were developed in the lacustrine?braided river delta sedimentary system. Based on the recognition of sequence boundaries and flooding surface, the authors divided the Xujiahe Formation into 3 tectonic sequence cycles (Sup?LSC1—Sup?LSC3), which represent the “remnant bay basin”, “lower Xujiahe basin” and “upper Xujiahe basin” formation periods respectively and can be traced through the whole basin. 6 long?term sequence cycles (LSC1—LSC6) which correspond to the 1st to the 6th members of the Xujiahe Formation respectively were also established. At the same time, using the sequence boundaries of long?term cycle and flooding surface as the marks of isochronous stratigraphic correlation, the authors established the isochronous stratigraphic framework from central Sichuan uplift to southeast Sichuan depression zone. On such a basis, the authors chose each long?term sequence cycle as an isochronous stratigraphic unit, and drew the maps of sequence?based lithofacies and paleogeography of the Xujiahe Formation in the study area. The maps indicate the paleogeography and distribution characteristics of sedimentary facies.
YANG Li , MA Bo-yong , LI Shang-lin , WANG Gen-hou
2015, 42(4):1037-1045.
Abstract:Abstract:Mixed silicic clastic and carbonate sedimentary sequence is developed extensively in the east basin of Qiangtang. On the basis of previous researches, the authors studied carbonate and silicic clastic mixed rock,mixed layer system and mixed sequence by means of the analysis of regional geological materials and samples. The results show that the study area is characterized by interactive sediments of silicic clastic rock and carbonate rock at the microscopic level. And in the macro-performance of the mixed sequence which composed of silicic clastic rock,carbonate rock and mixed rock. Mixed sedimentation mainly occurred in the sedimentary system of shore, carbonate slump and tidal flat-lagoon and delta. The middle Jurassic can be divided into four sequences of SQ1-SQ4. The authors investigated the relationship between mixed sedimentation and sequences and found that, on the whole, under the circumstance of dominated silicic clastic rocks, mixed sedimentation mainly occurred at the early stage of TST and the late stage of HST, whereas under the circumstance of dominated carbonates,mixed sedimentation mainly occurred at the early stage of TST and the late stage of HST.
LI Zhen-hong , YANG Yong-heng , QU Hong-jie , GONG Wang-bin
2015, 42(4):1046-1057.
Abstract:Abstract: Based on regional stratigraphic correlation and using zircon dating method of tuff and volcaniclastic rocks in the Jurassic stratigraphic sequence, the authors re-divided and defined Jurassic stratigraphic sequence. Some conclusions have been reached: (1) The stratigraphic age of Yongdingzhuang Formation in Ningwu-Jingle basin is identified as the lower Jurassic; (2) The middle Jurassic Tianchihe Formation may be compared to Anding Formation of Ordos basin, and therefore the stratigraphic age of Anding Formation in the controversy should be redefined to the middle Jurassic; (3) The Tiaojishan Formation is redefined to the middle Jurassic in Huyuan basin, this stratum has the diachronistic nature in the Yanshan orogenic belt; (4) The sedimentary time of basal conglomerate of Yaopo Formation in Guangling basin can be equivalent to Nandaling Formation of Yanshan orogenic belt, the basal conglomerate should be the product of tectonic movement in early Jurassic and early middle Jurassic. By the redefinition and redivision of Jurassic stratigraphic sequence in northeastern Shanxi, the angle disconformity between 159.0Ma and (152.77±0.63) Ma is confirmed, and this is dynamically associated with distant field effects produced by synchronous convergences toward the East Asia continent of different plates (Siberia, Paleo-Pacific, Tethys).
LIN Yu-xiang , MENG Cai , HAN Ji-lei , ZHU Chuan-zhen , WANG Yu-wei , ZHAO Hui , CAO Gao-she
2015, 42(4):1058-1067.
Abstract:Abstract: Paleogene-Neogene strata in the area of North China platform is very thick in Bohai Bay basin, but relatively thin in southern North China. In the Ordos basin, however, Paleogene-Neogene strata are only developed in northwest area. During Paleogene, the main sedimentary type in Bohai Bay basin was rift-type deposition and the main sedimentary facies were shore-shallow lake, whose source came from multiple areas, such as Yanshan fold belt in the north, Taihang Mountain uplift in the west, Luxi uplift in the south, Liaodong uplift in the east and Cangxian uplift and Chengning uplift in the interior of the basin. Thesouthern North China was divided into many depressions with different sizes during Paleogene, with the development of sediments of fluvial facies. During Paleogene, the deposition only occurred in the northwest of Ordos basin, where fluvial sediments were developed. During Neogene, sedimentary zones were mainly located in the Bohai Bay basin, southern North China and the peripheral graben of Erdos basin, mainly with the development of fluvial facies and shore-shallow lacustrine facies. Large areas of Bohai Bay basin were uplifted during early Neogene, leading to the shrinkage of the lake basin and the denudation of parts of the areas. During the mid-late Neogene the basin formed a unified depression, the sedimentary facies were mainly fluvial facies and locally shore-shallow lacustrine facies. Southern North China entered into the depression development stage after rifting during Neogene, when large areas accepted deposition and developed fluvial facies. The western region along the periphery of the basin of Ordos formed a set of fluvial facies and shore shallow lake facies foreland basin deposits. Favorable exploration region of oil and gas was Bohai Bay basin during Paleogene-Neogene.
MIN Long-rui , CHI Zhen-qing , WANG Yong , DONG Jin , WANG Yu-long , ZHU Guan-xiang
2015, 42(4):1068-1078.
Abstract:Abstract: Nihewan Basin is situated in Sangan and Huliu river watershed, Hebei and Shanxi Province. It is well-known for its well-developed late Cenozoic strata and rich mammalian faunas and Paleolithic sites. Lithostratigraphic division of strata is critical for investigating region geology. In order to deeply know the stratum, a 365.82 m long core (N:40°13′0.4″,E:114°38′32.3″,H:938 m) was obtained by us at Haotjiatai in 2013, which is located in Huashaoyin town, eastern of Nihewan Basin. Based on the analyzing of lithostratigraphy, this long core could be divided into six formations downward. 1, Upper Pleistocene Malan Formation (9.64 m thick), which is eolian loess and shows depositional hiatus between it and underlying strata; 2, Upper Pleistocene Haojiatai Formation (23.46 m thick), which is shore-shallow lacustrine sediment; 3, middle-lower Pleistocene Xiaodukou Formation (36.08 m thick), which is delta to lakeshore sediment; 4, lower Pleistocene Nihewan Formation (87.92 m thick), which is shore-shallow lacustrine sediment; 5, Pliocene Daodi Formation (111.78 m thick), which is lake-marsh sediment; 6, Pliocene Huliuhe Formation (73.02 m thick), which is floodplain sediment. The strata in depth of 341.90—365.82 m is Cretaceous, whose bottom is undiscovered. The section is characterized by large thickness, good continuity and 100% coring rate. In the field, through checking depth against the drill footage the borehole was described and sampled in good continuity and high resolution. Our study show that, Nihewan stratum could not only correlate in the basin on Quaternary, but also with Loess Plateau, such as Haojiatai Formation with Salawusu Formation, Xiaodikou Formation with Lishi Loess and Nihewan Formation with Wucheng Loess. This profile could be used as one of stratotype about fluvio-lacustrine strata in North China region.
LIANG Wen-jun , XIAO Chuan-tao , XIAO Kai , LIN Wan
2015, 42(4):1079-1091.
Abstract:Abstract: Amdo Country of northern Tibet is close to south boundary of Qiangtang Basin and belongs to Qiangtang stratigraphic area. The late Jurassic Shamuluo Formation of the study area is mainly composed of a series of neritic clastic rock and carbonate deposits, which are in turn weathering crust sediments, tidal flat facies sediments and mixed platform facies sediments, characterized especially by a lot of organic reefs. Based on analyzing 18 samples from Shamuluo Formation, combined with the sedimentary facies analysis, the authors investigated the ancient sea-level eustacy, oxidation-reduction conditions and paleoclimate of late Jurassic period in the study area. Specifically, the changes of Ni, Sr, Cu, V, Cr, Ni/Co and carbon isotopes were used to detect the changes of paleoenvironment, and the fluctuation of Mn, Na, Sr/Cu, P, Ti, oxygen isotopes and Z values were employed to deduce paleoclimate. The results show that paleoenvironment evolutions experienced three stages: (1) strong oxidation environment of weathering crust; (2) semi-oxidation-reduction environment of tidal flat; (3) three times of changes between oxidation and reduction environment in platform, corresponding to the three times of reef formation; paleoclimate evolutions also experienced three stages: (1) arid climate of weathering crust; (2) semi-arid and semi-humid climate of tidal flat; (3) three times of changes between arid and humid climate in platform, respectively corresponding to the three reef-forming periods.
WANG Xue-fei , YE Si?yuan , HAN Zong?zhu , YUAN Hong-ming , YANG Shi-xiong , DING Xi-gui , ZHAO Guang-ming , HE Lei , WANG Jin , LIU Jin ,
2015, 42(4):1092-1102.
Abstract:Abstract: Buried biogenic silica (BSi) in sediments is regarded as making up only 3% of the global silica production in surface water, and the abundance of BSi in the sediments can provide unique information for past environmental dynamics in continental settings. ZK2 core was taken from the southwest of the lower Liaohe River plain in May, 2012. The laboratory analysis focused on bulk densities, content of BSi, carbon and other nutrients, sedimentary characteristics, AMS14C and OSL dating, foraminiferas and pollens to document sediment provenance changes and environmental evolution. The sedimentary environments were mainly divided into 4 units, namely upper delta plain environment, marine dominant environment, lacustrine depositional environment and riverine environment, with the corresponding biogenic silica (BSiO2) concentrations being (2.85±0.23)%, (1.55±0.10)%, (1.96±0.47)%, and (0.92±0.05)%, respectively. The concentrations of BSi were positively correlated with particle organic carbon concentrations. Remarkably, at the time span of 17-25 cal ka BP, great fluctuations of inorganic carbon (PIC) concentrations took place in lacustrine depositional sediments formed in the last glacial period. It is inferred that at that time, CaCO3 was precipitated and deposited from the supersaturated lake water due to the dry and cold climate, as indicated by pollen assemblages. Moreover, in responce to 18O fluctuations of Greenland ice core, ZK2 BSi concentrations had a about 300 year lag.
LIU Jin , WANG Yong , YAO Pei-yi , CHI Zhen-qing , LI Ting-dong , GENG Shu-fang
2015, 42(4):1103-1114.
Abstract:Abstract: Otindag sandy land and Hulun Buir sandy land belong to east Inner Mongolia and lie on the two sides of modern East Asian Monsoon (EAM) boundary. Based on optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 14C dating method combined with chemical elements analysis, regional paleoclimate was reconstructed. The results indicate that Otindag sandy land experienced three warm wet periods in the last deglaciation, Holocene optimum and Medieval warm period respectively. Whereas Hulun Buir sandy land only experienced the last two warm epochs. These periods were responses to the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), roughly reflecting the EASM enhancement in two different degrees since the last deglaciation and the retreat process in the end of Holocene optimum. By contrast with previous studies, the EASM began to retreat at about 4 ka in east Inner Mongolia; the monsoon intensity was weaker in Medieval warm period, and the duration was short.
SU Ao , CHEN Hong-han , ZHAN Hai-yong , YANG Wen-shuai , WANG Cun-wu
2015, 42(4):1115-1125.
Abstract:Abstract: Based on tectonic and sedimentary background as well as a large number of drilling and logging data, the authors studied geological characteristics and development prospects of nearly tight and tight sandstone oil and gas reservoirs in western secondary sag and western slope zone of Xihu depression, East China Sea by using casting thin section, laser scanning confocal microscope, scanning electron microscope, cathodoluminescence, stable carbon isotope composition and light hydrocarbon components. The results indicate that nearly tight and tight sandstone gas reservoirs are distributed under the conventional gas reservoir, but their development horizon are different, belonging respectively to middle and lower Pinghu Formation and lower Huagang Formation. Nearly tight and tight sandstone gas is coal-type gas and came from coal measures source rock in Pinghu Formation. The reservoir is above source rock in western secondary sag, and multiple reservoir and source rock are superimposed upon each other in western slope zone. Western secondary sag reservoir belongs to tight sandstone and western slope zone reservoir is nearly tight sandstone. Strong compaction, siliceous cement, authigenic illite cementation and carbonate cementation are important factors for densification of the reservoir. The pore types of two zones mainly include intergranular dissolved pore, native intergranular pore and feldspar intragranular dissolved pore. There are relatively high porosity and high permeability reservoirs in different depths of the two zones, resulting from acid dissolution. However, western slope zone reservoir has larger corrosion scale and does not develop microfracture. There is a certain size of microfracture which is “microfracture” sweet spot in deep layer of western secondary sag. The former has weak overpressure and the latter has overpressure-strong overpressure. The source rocks which have high abundance of organic matter in Pinghu Formation are distributed widely in Xihu depression. The supply of continuous gas constitutes the material basis of large-scale development of nearly tight and tight sandstone gas reservoirs. Large-sized nearly tight and tight sandstone provides effective reservoirs. So, there are rich tight sandstone oil and gas resources in East China Sea.
LIU Hong , HUANG Han-xiao , LI Guang-ming , XIAO Wan-feng , ZHANG Zhi-lin , LIU Bo , MA Dong-fang , DONG Lei , MA Dong
2015, 42(4):1126-1136.
Abstract:Abstract: The Shangxu gold deposit, an orogenic gold deposit in the middle part of Bangong Co?Nujiang metallogenic polymetallic belt, is located in Shuanghu County of Tibet. Orebodies occur as veins and lens controlled by the NEE fractures, and the host rocks are carbonaceous slate and metasandstone belonging to the Mugagangri Group; quartz vein type ore and altered rock type ore coexist, with distinctive alteration. Based on an analysis of previous research results of geological features and metallogenic conditions, the authors analyzed the debris samples in the Shangxu gold ore district by using factor analysis method, and drew a geochemical subdivision map and a factor score map. Four geochemical subdivisions were recognized, i.e., Cu?Pb?Zn subdivision, Au?Ag subdivision, As?Sb subdivision, and W?Mo?Bi subdivision. Combined with field geological work, the authors hold that Au?Ag, and As?Sb are the optimum element combinations for prospecting prediction. In future work, orebody Ⅱ1 and orebody Ⅲ1, as well as their surroundings should be regarded as the preferred exploration areas. Meanwhile, predicting area A located in the north of No. Ⅲ ore section is also recommended with the purpose of finding Ⅲ1 type orebodies which extend westward.
PAN Han-jiang , CHENG Zhi-zhong , YANG Rong , ZHOU Guo-hua
2015, 42(4):1137-1150.
Abstract:Abstract: The Gejiu mining area of Yunnan Province is world-famous for tin resources. In total, there are 31 tailing dams in the study area, and the amount of tailings exceeds 190 million tons which could be either further resources or a hazard of contamination. Therefore, it is evidently critical to thoroughly investigate the concentrations and distribution of elements in the tailings and the related controlling factors. In this paper, both geochemical reconnaissance and detailed geochemical survey of tailings were conducted. Totally the work of reconnaissance for 19 tailing dams and the detailed survey for 2 tailing dams were accomplished. The following conclusions have been reached: (1) The material compositions and element concentrations differed significantly between different tailing dams in Gejiu. The distribution of elements in the tailing dams shows anisotropy vertically and horizontally; (2) Types of ores, gravitational segregation and beneficiation have great influence on the distribution of elements in the tailing dams; (3) A suite of methods and techniques for geochemical survey of tailings has been established. (4) The concentrations of Sn, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn, In, Ga, As and Cd in tailings are high, which implies that more attention should be paid to the great potential value and environmental risks of tailing dams in Gejiu.
CHEN Wen-bin , FU Xiu-gen , TAN Fu-wen , FENG Xin-lei , ZENG Sheng-qiang
2015, 42(4):1151-1160.
Abstract:Abstract: According to the outcrop samples and analytical data of Upper Triassic source rocks from Qiangtang Basin, the authors evaluated the hydrocarbon generation capacity based on the abundance of organic matter, the type of organic matter and maturity of organic matter. The result reveals that the abundance of organic matter is high in Woruoshan section and Zanalongba section, and the rocks are medium-good source rocks, the type of the organic matter is Ⅱ2, the maturity is high and it mainly generates condensate and moisture. The abundance of organic matter is low in Duoseliangzi section and Xiaochaka section, and it has poor generation capacity, the type of organic matter is Ⅱ2, the maturity is over-maturity and it mainly generates dry gas. Overall, the Upper Triassic source rocks in Qiangtang Basin have good hydrocarbon generation capacity, especially in the depression area. The results achieved by the authors have important?significance?for?the future?exploration?in Qiangtang Basin.
YANG Lei , GONG Xu?long , LU Xu?rong , ZHANG Yan ,
2015, 42(4):1161-1169.
Abstract:Abstract: In order to study hydrogeochemistry of the fluoride in groundwater in northern Lianyungang area, the authors analyzed 63 groundwater samples and investigated the distribution and genesis of high-fluoride groundwater. The results show that the concentration of fluoride in groundwater tends to increase with the groundwater flow. The high-fluoride groundwater areas are distributed in low gulf plain and depression. The alkaline water environment with high concentrations of sodium and bicarbonate is the main factor responsible for fluoride enrichment and transfer of fluoride from sediments to groundwater. The formation of high-fluoride groundwater results from prolonged geological and geochemical evolution. The hydrogeochemical processes including mineral dissolution and precipitation, evaporation and concentration, cation exchange and adsorption are the dominant factors for the enrichment of fluoride in groundwater.
ZHANG Bao-jian , , LIU Fu-yi , GAO Zong-jun , ZHANG Feng-yu , HAO Shuan-hu , ZANG Jian-jun
2015, 42(4):1170-1178.
Abstract:Abstract: There are two kinds of physiotherapy geothermal mineral water developed in the northwest of Shandong Province, one referring to carbonate fissure?karst type and the other referring to sandstone fissure?pore type. The carbonate fissure?karst water belongs to Sr·F water, whereas the sandstone fissure?pore water belongs to Sr water and Br·Sr water. According to the analysis of the formation conditions of geothermal mineral water, the authors hold that the weathering crust and karst well?developed buried hill at the top of the Yanggu?Qihe uplift and depression are favorable prospecting target areas for carbonate fissure?karst geothermal mineral water, whereas the secondary structural zones near the deep faults within the North China depression and on the edge of the depression are favorable prospecting target areas for sandstone fissure?pore geothermal mineral water.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112