• Volume 45,Issue 5,2018 Table of Contents
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    • >In Focus
    • Tectonic characteristics and metallogeny in Southeast Asia

      2018, 45(5):863-889. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180501

      Abstract (3259) HTML (2357) PDF 6.10 M (11063) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Southeast Asia is located at the intersection of the Tethys, the circum-Pacific and the India-Australia metallogenic domain. The tectonic evolution is unique in that it has experienced multi-stage tectonic-magmatic events including the Proto-, Paleo-, Meso-, and Neo-Tethys accreting orogenesis, collisional orogenesis between the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate, and the Pacific plate subduction. These activities have developed many volcanic arcs, ophiolite belts, and post-collision magmatic belts in Southeast Asia. Based on the previous tectonic researches, this paper divides Southeast Asia into 6 first-order, 32 second-order and 57 third-order tectonic units. Along with the multi-stage tectonic events including evolution of the Proto-, Paleo-, Meso-, and Neo-Tethys, the Indian-Eurasian collision, and the Pacific subduction and on the basis of the tectonic-unit division, this paper divides the Southeast Asian region into 3 first-level metallogenic domains, 6 second-level metallogenic provinces, and 21 thirdlevel metallogenic belts. The main metallogenic events are discussed in combination with tectonic evolution.

    • >Reviews
    • A study of genetic type characteristics and important distribution zones of global iron deposits

      2018, 45(5):890-919. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180502

      Abstract (3609) HTML (2266) PDF 8.14 M (7980) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:China is the world's largest consumer of iron ore. The annual import of iron ore has exceeded 900 million tons, and its imports exceed 60% of the global iron ore trade volume. The summarization and potential analysis of global iron ore type characteristics and important distribution zones are of important theoretical and practical significance. This paper sums up the endowment characteristics of global iron ore resources. The authors divide global iron deposits into five genetic types:BIF-related, sedimentary, volcanic, magmatic, and contact-hydrothermal (skarn) deposits, with the emphasis placed on the analysis of geological characteristics of BIF-related and volcanic iron ore deposits as well as genesis and prospecting indicators. According to the comprehensive factors such as tectonic units, stratigraphic sequence, ore-bearing structure characteristics, deposit types and metallogenic ages of iron ore deposits, a total of 33 iron ore distribution areas and 47 important distribution belts of iron ore deposits are delineated in the major geotectonic units of the world. In addition, the resource potential of each important distribution belt is discussed.

    • >Research Articles
    • Characteristics of petroleum systems and resources potential in the Afghan-Tajik Basin

      2018, 45(5):920-930. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180503

      Abstract (2092) HTML (1104) PDF 3.94 M (6662) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Afghan-Tajik Basin is one of the most prospective superimposed foreland basins in Central Asia. Based on the updated data and using the method of comprehensive evaluation of geology and petroleum system analysis, the authors focused on the hydrocarbon distribution and the main controlling factors, evaluated the undiscovered recoverable resources, and discussed the potential of oil and gas resources and the future exploration areas. The results indicate that two petroleum systems are developed in Afghan-Tajik Basin, i.e., the Lower-Middle Jurassic-Callovian-Oxfordian petroleum system and Eocene/Lower CretaceousBukhara petroleum system. In this region, oil and gas are mainly distributed in the southwest Gissar uplift and the Surhandarya depression. The basin is characterized by the richness of gas and lack of oil, about 74.0% of the natural gas reserves are distributed in the southwest Gissar uplift, 71.5% of the oil reserves are distributed in the Surhandarya depression, and almost all condensate reserves are distributed in southwest Gissar uplift. Stratigraphically, the hydrocarbon is mainly stored in Jurassic strata, followed by Cretaceous and Paleogene units. In the basin, the gas is rich in sub-salt stratigraphic trap, and the oil is concentrated in post-salt structural trap, and the distribution is controlled by the favorable reservoir-cap assemblage, effective source rocks and the Cenozoic tectonic movement. Petroleum resources assessment shows that the amounts of undiscovered oil, gas and condensate resources are respectively 202.74 MMbbl, 8680.15 Bcf and 126.65 MMbbl, with an oil equivalent account of 1776.09 MMboe. The LowerMiddle Jurassic-Callovian-Oxfordian play is the most favorable exploration target.

    • Lithogeochemistry and island arc origins of Don Javier porphyry coppermolybdenum deposit in southern Peru

      2018, 45(5):931-942. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180504

      Abstract (1978) HTML (1062) PDF 4.28 M (5800) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The belt of Palaeocene-Eocene copper-molybdenum porphyry deposits in southern Peru is an important part of the Andes metallogenic belt with a large number of world-class porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits. The recently explored Don Javier porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit is another major discovery in this belt. In this paper, studies of the petrology and geochemistry of ore-bearing porphyry and surrounding rocks were conducted to validate their petrogenesis and tectonic setting. According to major and trace element characteristics, the authors have reached some conclusions:① The ore-bearing porphyry belongs to peraluminous calc alkaline series dacite porphyry, the surrounding rocks belong to peraluminous calc alkaline series of granodiorite, and both have the same material source. ② The two types of rocks are enriched in light rare earth element and large ion lithophile elements; in chondrite normalized rare-earth element pattern, they show obvious right deviation type characterized by left steep and right slow, and both show Eu negative anomaly, which indicates that the petrogenesis of magmatic rocks involved crystallization differentiation or other geological processes. ③ The ore-bearing porphyry and surrounding rocks were formed in an an island arc environment, belonging to a classic rock island. ④ The Don Javier copper molybdenum deposit may have been formed in favourable conditions of the subduction of Nazca Plate to the South American plate, the melting of calc alkaline magma and the strike slip extrusion.

    • Geochronology, geochemistry and genesis of Na-rich volcanic rocks of the Zhaibeishan copper deposit in Eastern Tianshan Mountains

      2018, 45(5):943-962. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180505

      Abstract (2323) HTML (996) PDF 14.86 M (5200) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Marine Na-rich volcanic rocks of Yamansu Formation belong to calc-alkaline series and are dominated by basaltic andesitic porphyrite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite. These volcanic rocks are characterized by low MgO (0.51%-5.93%, averaging 2.54%), FeO (0.54%-6.39%, averaging 2.84%) and TiO2 (0.09%-1.10%, averaging 0.58%) values, high Al2O3 (12.23%-17.75%,averaging 15.2%; A/CNK=0.79-1.42, averaging 1.11), and Na2O (Na2O/K2O 7.30 on average). A majority of plagioclases in the Narich volcanic rocks consist of albite with less oligoclase. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns show the fractionation between LREE and HREE ((LREE/HREE)N=3.68-9.00). The volcanic rocks are also rich in LILE (Th, U, Rb) and depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr, Ti, P. The SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating yielded (337.6±3.3) Ma. Based on a comparative study of geochemical characteristics and inherited zircon age, the authors hold that Yamansu Na-rich volcanic rocks were formed in an island arc setting with continental basement and were the products of reaction between erupted magma and convective seawater during the subduction of oceanic plate in Early Carboniferous.

    • Chronology and geochemical characteristics of granite in Weilianhe of Inner Mongolia and its geological significance

      2018, 45(5):963-976. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180506

      Abstract (2505) HTML (1120) PDF 10.80 M (5283) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Weilianhe W deposit in eastern Ujumchin of Inner Mongolia is a quartz-vein type deposit in the mid-eastern part of the Central Asian Orogen. Based on spatial relationships, the authors revealed that granite is closely associated with mineralization. The authors conducted precise laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb zircon dating and geochemical analysis of the granite. The U-Pb dating shows that the granite is (145 ±1)Ma, and the weighted average age is (143±1)Ma. Major and trace element geochemistry shows that the granite is characterized by high SiO2 and K2O content, a "rightinclined" shape of the chondrite normalized REE patterns, enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), and depletion of high field strength elements (HFSEs) such as Nb, P, Ba. The granite is high-K calc-alkaline, has a strong negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*=0.22-0.42), low P2O5 content, A/CNK near the value of 1, enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs such as Th, U, Nd, and Hf), and notably depleted in Ba, Sr, P, Ti, and Nb. These characteristics define the Weilianhe granite as a highly fractionated peraluminous granite. According to the granite age and the characteristics of granite, the authors hold that the Weilianhe deposit is related to a major Early Cretaceous mineralizing event in China known as the Yanshanian movement. The tectonic setting for the ore deposit was the post-tectonic stretching setting after the oblique subduction of the Pacific plate.

    • Zircon U-Pb age, geochemistry and genesis of acid intrusive rocks in the Yuejinshan skarn type copper-gold deposit, Wandashan block

      2018, 45(5):977-991. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180507

      Abstract (2201) HTML (1031) PDF 4.76 M (5898) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Located in the southwest part of the Wandashan block, the Yuejinshan copper-gold deposit is a skarn type deposit, and its orebodies are hosted in skarns, granite porphyries and the tectonic fractures. The orebodies show lenticular or veined forms. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical data are reported for granite porphyries and granodiorites in the Yuejinshan coppergold deposit in order to constrain its formation time, petrogenesis and the minerogenetic geotectonic background. The zircon LAICP-MS U-Pb age dating results show that the petrogenic ages of granite porphyries and granodiorites respectively are(115.8±1.0) Ma and(126.9 ±1.7)Ma respectively, and the copper-gold mineralization age is consistent with petrogenetic age of granite porphyry. Geochemical study indicates that the granodiorites are peraluminous calc-alkaline granite. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of granodiorites display LREE enrichment and HREE depletion, with a distinct Eu anomaly, and their magma came from the lower crust. The granite porphyries belong to peraluminous calc-alkaline granite. The REE patterns show that granite porphyries exhibit pronounced LREE enrichment and HREE depletion, enrichment of large-ion lithosphile elements (Rb, Ba, K, Sr) and incompatible elements (U, Th), and depletion of high field-strength elements (Ta, Nb, P, Ti) and HREE. The magma of granite porphyries came from crust-mantle mixture, and the copper-gold deposit formed in the collision of post-collision extensional tectonic setting. The metallogenic materials formed intermediate-acid magma heat source, and magmatism and mineralization took place in the extensional tectonics after the Pacific plate subduction.

    • Chronology of metasedimentary rocks from Kuanping Group Complex in North Qinling Belt and its geological significance

      2018, 45(5):992-1010. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180508

      Abstract (2489) HTML (1031) PDF 10.64 M (5257) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Kuanping Group Complex is located in North Qinling orogenic belt and consists chiefly of amphibolite of Guangdongping Formation, mica-quartzose schist of Sichakou Formation and marble of Xiewan Formation. According to recent dating of the LA-MC-ICPMS U-Pb zircons from Kuanping Group Complex in Tanghe area of Henan, their ages of detrital zircons of mica-quartzose schist from Xiewan Formation Complex range from 400Ma to 3502 Ma with a group of youngest 206Pb/238U ages between 380 and 418 Ma. Combined with(370.9±2.0) Ma metamorphic age of 40Ar/39Ar of the biotite, it is concluded that Xiewan Formation Complex was formed in the Late Devonian. And the ages of detrital zircons from Sichakou Formation Complex range similarly from 512 Ma to 3598 Ma with a group of youngest 206Pb/238U ages between 512 and 549Ma, and its metamorphic age is (370.4±1.8) Ma from biotite 40Ar/39Ar. It is thus held that Sichakou Formation Complex was formed between Middle Cambrian and Late Devonian of early Paleozoic. So Kuanping Group Complex needs further disintegration due to great difference of stratigraphic ages. The sediments were probably derived from the North China Block, the Qinling orogenic belt and the Yangtze block. The ages of biotite 40Ar/39Ar show that Kuanping Group Complex was deformed in Late Devonian, indicating the end of collision orogeny of the North Qinling Belt during Paleozoic.

    • Geochemical characteristics of Linxi Formation along Taohaiyingzi section in Ar Horqin Banner, Inner Mongolia, and the constraint on the provenances and the tectonic settings

      2018, 45(5):1011-1022. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180509

      Abstract (2083) HTML (1009) PDF 2.52 M (6384) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A set of thick-bedded dark muds and shales are developed in Linxi Formation of Upper Permian in south-central part of Da Hinggan Mountains, serving as one of the important Upper Paleozoic hydrocarbon source rock strata in this region. The Taohaiyingzi section in Ar Horqin Banner is one of the most typical sections of Linxi Formation, and the authors took the section as the study area. Test and analysis of major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements were conducted for ten pieces of sand or mud samples of Linxi Formation along the section. The results of element analysis and the diagrams of provenance discrimination function (F1-F2), Ni-TiO2 and La/Th-Hf show that Linxi Formation along the section had several provenances, which mainly included felsic igneous rock provenance and quartzite sedimentary provenance besides a minority of intermediate-basic igneous provenance. Based on the analysis of the spider diagram of trace elements standardized by PAAS, the distribution pattern of rare earth elements standardized by chondrite, the diagrams of K2O/Na2O-SiO2, Zr/Th and TiO2-TFe2O3+MgO and provenance tectonic setting discrimination function (F1-F2)'of the samples of the section, and the sand geochemical parameter contrast between the samples and different tectonic settings, the authors hold that the provenances of Linxi Formation along the section exhibited complex tectonic settings with the characteristics of passive continental margin, active continental margin and continental island arc. The comprehensive analysis shows that the provenances of Linxi Formation of the section consisted of igneous rocks and quartziferous sedimentary rocks under the passive continental margin background, and igneous rocks under the active continental margin and continental island arc background. Combined with the previous related study achievements, it could be concluded that the sedimentary formations of Late Carboniferous to Permian magmatic passive continental margin under extension background and Paleozoic arc magmatic rocks under subduction background in Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic belt ought to be the primary provenances of Linxi Formation along the section.

    • Geological records of fossils layer and death process and taphonomy of dinosaurs in Cretaceous in Tianyuan, Zhuzhou

      2018, 45(5):1023-1038. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180510

      Abstract (2566) HTML (1167) PDF 9.57 M (5331) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the study of regional geological data, the authors recognized 3 sedimentary events in the Upper Cretaceous formation for the first time, with the 3 geological records being exposure geological record, flood geological record and earthquake geological record. In addition, on the basis of lots of scientific statistics of gravels, the authors discussed the paleocurrent direction as well as provenance of the lake basins in Tianyuan of Zhuzhou systematically. The authors found that dinosaurs lived on the west bank of a long narrow NE-SW distributed lake in the south part of the Zhuzhou lake basin. Based on the results obtained, the authors infer that local volcano (?), earthquake, landslide and pluvial events are the reasons for paleocimate change and animals' death as well as the main reasons for the death of dinosaurs in the palaeoenvironment with dry weather and scarce forest vegetation. The burial process was closely related to the delta deposit system from channel alluvial.

    • Carbon and oxygen isotopic studies of the horizon of Kueichousaurus Fauna

      2018, 45(5):1039-1048. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180511

      Abstract (1990) HTML (1077) PDF 4.83 M (5789) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Kueichousaurus fauna is the typical representative of the biological radiation in the latest Triassic marine ecosystem, In order to study the palaeoenvironment of the Kueichousaurus fauna, the authors measured the fine sections in Dingxiao and its adjacent areas of Xingyi, Guizhou Province, and tested the whole rock carbon and oxygen isotope compositions by using the carbonate rock. According to the analytical results, the δ13C values in Nimaigu section range from -6.3 ‰ to 2.6 ‰, and δ18O values are between -5.7‰ and -1.2‰; the δ13C values in Xiemi section range from-4.5‰ to 2.5‰, and δ18O values are in the range of -5.7‰——1.2‰; the δ13C values of Bawei section range from 0.5 ‰ to 2 ‰, and δ18O values are between -6.4‰ and 0.1‰; the δ13C values in Dingxiao section range from-4.3‰-2.1‰, and δ18O values are between-7.3‰ and 2.5‰. According to the correlation analysis of carbon and oxygen isotope data, the isotopic values of Nimaigu, Xiemi and Dingxiao sections were less affected by diagenesis. There are obvious negative δ13C anomalies in the lower part of the horizon of Kueichousaurus fauna in Nimaigu, Xiemi and Dingxiao, closely related to the rapid death of marine organisms in low-water-level periods and the volcanism. Due to the influence of late diagenesis on the Dingxiao section, the seawater paleotemperature in Xingyi area was recovered by using δ18O data of Nimaigu, Xiemi and Dingxiao sections. It is shown that the temperature was between 19 and 27℃, with an average about 23℃, which indicates a warm climate during that period.

    • The characteristics and sedimentary model of Storm deposits in the Lower Devonian strata of Beichuan

      2018, 45(5):1049-1061. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180512

      Abstract (2235) HTML (1123) PDF 12.41 M (4983) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the actual measurement data of the storm depositional sections in the Lower Devonian strata of Beichuan and the study of section structures and sedimentary evolution of Ganxi Formation and Xiejiawan Formation, the authors established storm depositional sequences and depositional models of the study area. Storm deposits are widely developed in the Lower Devonian strata of Beichuan, and such geological phenomena as the erosion surface, gutter casts, shell lag deposits, parallel bedding, hummocky cross-stratification, biological genesis structures and other storm sedimentary structures are well developed. In the study area, 3 types of storm deposits and 7 types of storm depositional sequences are developed. The storm deposits in the Lower Devonian strata of Beichuan have good significance for the study of palaeolatitude, palaeoclimate and palaeogeography, because they provide proper evidence for the northward movement of Yangtze plate and tropical or subtropical climate environment of Beichuan area in the Early Devonian period.

    • Airborne hyperspectral study of spatial relationship between oil and gas leakage and salinization in Jimusar area

      2018, 45(5):1062-1073. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180513

      Abstract (1980) HTML (1036) PDF 10.68 M (4916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Oil and gas leakages in the Jimusar area are spatially associated with salinization. In this study, the airborne hyperspectral image of the Jimusar region with a total area of 2500 km2 in Xinjiang was obtained by using CASI/SASI imagery of the National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Remote Sensing Information and Image analysis. The dataset was used to extract oil leakage information by using newly developed classification method. Seven oil leakage areas were detected. In addition, the extraction model for soil salt was also developed and applied to study the distribution of soil salt in the Jimasar region. Based on the superposition analysis of oil and gas anomaly area and salinization anomaly area, the authors detected a high degree of coincidence in the spatial location of the two ares. The authors believe that this hyperspectral remote sensing detection not only has theoretical significance but also has practical value. Its practical value is mainly reflected in the hyperspectral remote sensing oil and gas exploration. Through the mutual confirmation of hydrocarbon information, one can reduce redundant information of oil and gas leakage and improve the accuracy of oil and gas leakage identification. Additionally, in the absence of aerospace hyperspectral remote sensing data sources, satellite multispectral remote sensing data can also be used to extract the salinization anomalies and delineate the anomalous areas of salinization and alkalinization, thereby helping to narrow the target areas for oil and gas exploration. The results obtained by the authors indicate that the salinization of nature may not be wholly attributed to "dry evaporation", and there may be oil and gas related salinization. The distinguishing between these two kinds of salinization is a scientific problem worthy of in-depth discussion, especially in the field of hyperspectral remote sensing.

    • >Discoveries and Development
    • Discovery of a new type of polyhalite potassium ore in Puguang region, northeastern Sichuan

      2018, 45(5):1074-1075. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180514

      Abstract (2286) HTML (1080) PDF 1.30 M (6697) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Industrial gas production of CBM obtained by Well CGC1 in southern Sichuan

      2018, 45(5):1076-1077. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180515

      Abstract (1915) HTML (1013) PDF 1.77 M (5898) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Productive industrial gas flow obtained in Middle Jurassic low-rank coalbed methane seam in southern Junggar Basin

      2018, 45(5):1078-1079. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180516

      Abstract (1836) HTML (976) PDF 1.17 M (5889) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The first discovery of medium-sized scheelite deposit in the Altay Region of Xinjiang

      2018, 45(5):1080-1081. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180517

      Abstract (1924) HTML (1034) PDF 1.78 M (5754) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Discovery and geological significance of a cobalt-only deposit at Bayan Obo, Inner Mongolia

      2018, 45(5):1082-1083. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180518

      Abstract (1838) HTML (1020) PDF 1.09 M (5900) Comment (0) Favorites


    • The discovery of multilayer manganese silver lead zinc orebody by adopting the method of multidisciplinary prospecting in Changtu tin force area, Inner Mongolia

      2018, 45(5):1084-1085. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180519

      Abstract (1733) HTML (963) PDF 1.45 M (5543) Comment (0) Favorites


    • >New and Highlights
    • US Department of the Interior determines a complete list of 35 kinds of key mineral resources such as tungsten, rare earth and lithium

      2018, 45(5):1086-1086. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180520

      Abstract (1556) HTML (1163) PDF 196.78 K (5500) Comment (0) Favorites


Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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