Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112
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ZHANG Senqi , YAN Weide , LI Dunpeng , JIA Xiaofeng , ZHANG Shengsheng , LI Shengtao , FU Lei , WU Haidong , ZENG Zhaofa , LI Zhiwei , MU Jianqiang , CHENG Zhengpu , HU Lisha
2018, 45(6):1087-1102. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180601
Abstract:Based on regional geology, geothermal geology and integrated geophysical exploration results, the GR1 hot dry rock exploration well was completed in the central part of Qiabuqia Town in the Gonghe basin. The GR1 well is the highest temperature hot-dry rock exploration well in China, which has laid an important foundation for China's first EGS demonstration project. The temperature measurement results show that the temperature at the depth of 2500 m is 150℃, entering into the hot dry rock section. The temperature of the bottom hole at the depth of 3705 m is 236℃. The average geothermal gradient of 2500-3705 m is 71.4℃/km, which is higher than that of the other 3 hot dry rock exploration wells. At 2800-3705 m of GR1 well the geothermal gradient is higher than 80℃/km. The exploration results show that the depth of the hot dry rock is 2104.31-2500 m, which is oval-shaped in the east-west direction, with an area of 246.90 km2. The evaluation results show that the total theoretical resources of the Qiabuqia hot dry rock is 1638.16EJ in the depth of 3-5 km, equivalent to 55.909 billion tons of standard coal.
YIN Zhiqiang , LI Ruimin , LI Xiaolei , MENG Hui , LIU Qiong , YANG Nan , WANG Yi , TONG Xiaoxia , LI Chunyan , GAO Mengmeng
2018, 45(6):1103-1115. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180602
Abstract:The research on resources and environment carrying capacity is the result of the coupling of resource carrying capacity and environmental carrying capacity. From the beginning to the present, it has experienced the development process from theory to practice and from single factor to comprehensive evaluation, and now has become the rigid constraint on China's land and space planning. On the basis of the historical research on the development of resources and environmental carrying capacity in China and abroad, the authors divide the carrying capability into three main stages, i.e., sprout foundation stage, application exploration stage, and booming development stage. Secondly, the authors discuss the development status and indicator system research progress of geological environment, underground water resources, and mineral resources carrying capacity, and put forward carrying capacity coordination theory of resource and environment. Thirdly, the authors point out that the basic theory, technical methods, scenario simulation and practical application are the detailed directions of China's resources and environmental carrying capacity research aspects in future. Finally, it is believed that the establishment of a nationwide dynamic monitoring and early warning mechanism for resource and environmental carrying capacity is an effective means to support the land and space planning and its usage control in China.
LIU Hongwei , DU Dong , XU Jingbo , MA Zhen , ZHAO Qingsong , PEI Yandong , HU Yunzhuang , MIAO Jinjie , BAI Yaonan , ZHANG Jing
2018, 45(6):1116-1127. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180603
Abstract:The study area is located along the overlapping zone of the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone and the Yellow River Delta Highly Efficient Ecological Economic Zone, showing important location advantages. The occurrence of land subsidence disasters has posed threats to the planning and construction of the city and the tide dike height of the port. Therefore, it is utmost important to fully recognize the characteristics of land subsidence and, in particular, to identify the main factors affecting land subsidence. Previous researches have been mainly focused on partial area using GPS and leveling survey methods without covering the whole area, which cannot support the regional city planning efficiently. Based on previous researches, the authors used PSInSAR measuring to analyze the land subsidence rate and its variation in the whole region in comparison with the leveling survey results. The results show that land subsidence has been evidently covering 75 percent of the area in recent years where there have appeared several flat districts at the junctions of Shouguang-Guangrao, northern location of Shouguang-Binhai Development Zone, northwestern Shouguang downtown, and northern location of Changyi-Binhai Development Zone, and there is an increasing trend for the harm degree of land subsidence. There are 16 settlement centers whose maximum settlement rate has reached 29-168 mm/a, and the rates of 62 percent of centers exceed 40mm/a, which are distributed in the west and northwest of the study area. Fault structure, stratigraphic structure, groundwater exploitation and ground load are the influencing factors of land subsidence, among which groundwater exploitation is the main factor of regional land subsidence, and the ground load enhances the uneven settlement of local sections, while the fault structure and stratigraphic structure provide geological background conditions for the development of land subsidence.
SUN Houyun , MAO Qigui , WEI Xiaofeng , ZHANG Huiqiong , XI Yuze
2018, 45(6):1128-1141. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180604
Abstract:The groundwater system of the Hami basin can be divided into three subregions based on hydrogeological conditions and structural characteristics. The investigation illustrates the controlling factors of hydrochemical and formation evolutionary mechanism of the groundwater system in the Hami basin through analysis and comparative study of different distributing disciplinarian characteristics of three subregions from the hydrogeochemical perspective. The results show that the distribution of hydrochemical characteristics in the Hami basin has obvious zoning features. The hydrochemical type gradually evolves from HCO3 type to SO4 type and eventually to Cl type while the TDS increases gradually from fresh water into brackish water and salt water in the water flow direction. The main source of water ion is from the dissolution of silicate rock and evaporite salt,and the hydrochemical compositions of groundwater in the study area are mainly controlled by evaporation and influenced by rock weathering and seasonal changes. The groundwater salt goes through filtration, migration and aggregation in the groundwater system, while the filtration effects become relatively weakened and the evaporation concentration increases gradually along the water flow direction. The chemical spatial evolution of groundwater in Hami basin is mainly driven by the influence of natural factors while the main driving factors for the time evolution are climate change and human activities such as industrial and mineral irrigation.
XU Peng , TAN Hongbing , ZHANG Yanfei , ZHANG Wenjie
2018, 45(6):1142-1154. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180605
Abstract:Geothermal resources are very abundant in Tibet. A very active geothermal zone called the Tethys Himalaya geothermal belt has been developed in the southern part of the Tibetan Plateau. This belt is one of the most intense geothermal zones in modern as well as in ancient period in China's mainland, accounting for over 80 percent of the geothermal resources in Tibet. Through field investigations and sampling analyses for 10 typical hot springs from the geothermal area, the hydrochemical characteristics and source mechanisms are discussed. According to the thermal reservoir temperature, the hydrochemical type and the concentration of typical rare and dispersed elements dissolved in the water, the hot springs can be classified into two types:one type includes Kawu, Qucangang, Chabaquzhen and Gudui hot springs, their thermal reservoir temperatures are higher than 120℃ and they belong to NaCl-HCO3 type; some rare and dispersed elements such as Li, B and As are obviously enriched. The other type includes Xinqin, Zhegu and Quguo hot springs, their geothermal reservoir temperatures are relatively low (60-110℃); these springs show lower concentrations of elements of Li, B and As with water chemistry dominated by Ca-Na-HCO3 and Na-HCO3 type. The high concentration of water chemical composition in the first group is closely related to the deeper water circulation and the higher thermal reservoir temperature, and abnormal enrichment of Li, B and As in the hot springs are more likely to be related to the source of residual magmatic fluids. In contrast, the second group of hot springs mainly denotes a shallower water circulation depth and frequent cold groundwater replenishment and mixing. The formation and evolution of chemical compositions of water are mainly related to water/rock interactions.
YAN Hongze , ZHOU Guohua , SUN Binbin , HE Ling , LIU Yinfei , HOU Shujun
2018, 45(6):1155-1166. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180606
Abstract:Fujian Province is an important producing area of bayberry in China. Fugong bayberry, known overseas for its unique quality, is a high quality agricultural product. The main production area of bayberry in Longhai was selected for this study. Rocks, soils and fruits were sampled from this area, and the values of their main components and beneficial-nutritional as well as harmful elements were determined. The authors also measured the available values of some nutritional elements. Some conclusions have been reached:(1) The content of beneficial-nutritional elements is higher in Fugong Town than that in Dongsi Town. On the contrary, the content of harmful elements in the Dongsi Town is relatively higher than that in Fugong Town; (2) there is a certain correlation for the composition of elements between rocks, soils and fruits, reflecting the impact of geological setting on geochemistry; (3) the available values of P, Mn, Cu, and Zn have significantly positive correlation with their total content; (4) the content of Se in rocks and soils in the study area is obviously higher than the national average level, and the rate of Se-enriched is up to 74.3% for 35 bayberry fruits; (5) the Transfer Factor (TF) of beneficial-nutritional elements is significantly higher than that of harmful elements, indicating bayberry's active selective uptake of beneficial-nutritional elements and inhabitation of the intake of harmful elements.
2018, 45(6):1167-1176. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180607
Abstract:Based on multi-purpose regional geochemical survey in Shouning County of Fujian Province, the authors found the characteristics of selenium distribution and enrichment and the correlation between selenium and pH as well as other elements. The results show that the selenium content in surface soil is from 0.13 mg/kg to 0.92 mg/kg, with the average value of 0.35 mg/kg. The total selenium content in deep soil is from 0.14 mg/kg to 0.54 mg/kg, with the average value of 0.29 mg/kg. The selenium content in the soil developed in late Yanshanian normal granite is the highest, with an average value of 0.39 mg/kg, followed by the soil developed in 4th member of the Nanyuan Formation and the upper part of the Xiaoxi Formation. The selenium content of different soil types shows that the content of yellow soil is higher than that of red soil, and that of red soil is higher than that of paddy soil. The surface soil generally belongs to selenium-rich and selenium-sufficient soil, the area of selenium-rich soil contains 405.04km2, accounting for 28.24%. The selenium content in the surface soil demonstrates an apparent feature of enrichment relative to the content in the deep soil, with the strong enrichment area basically consistent with the area of selenium-rich soil with the potential of developing selenium-rich agricultural products. The correlation analysis indicates that the selenium content in soil has a significant positive correlation with organic carbon, aluminum oxide, total iron oxide and manganese, and has a negative correlation significantly with pH, indicating that soil physical and chemical properties, iron and manganese oxides in the soil play important roles in the geochemical behaviors of selenium.
YUAN Fang , XIE Yuanyun , CHI Yunping
2018, 45(6):1177-1187. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180608
Abstract:The dry-and wet-deposited dust depositions of the dust-storm event in Harbin on May 11, 2011 as well as the surface sediments from the potential sources were collected for investigation of grain-size, REE and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions. Some conclusions have been reached:The dry-deposited dusts are marked by bimodal grain-size distributions with fine mode at 3.6 μm and coarse mode at 28 μm whereas the wet-deposited dusts are indicative of unimodal grain-size modes with a fine mode at 6 μm. The grain-size modes for Harbin dust-storm dusts are compatible with CLP loess and Pliocene eolian red clay as well as the eolian dust entrained for a long distance in other regions of the world. These dust-storm depositions have a derivation from distinct sources. There are identical REE patterns and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions for dry-and wet-deposited dusts, suggestive of the derivation from Horqin Sandy Land and, to a certain extent, Onqin Daga Sandy Land. The corresponding Sr-Nd isotopic compositions for dry-and wet-deposited dusts give clues to suggest that fine grains in the CLP loess deposits are expected to be of derivation identical to coarse grains.
QIN Xuping , LI Dewei , LIU Jianxiong , MAO Chen
2018, 45(6):1188-1204. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180609
Abstract:NE-SW trending Yanshanian detachment faults are widely spread in southeast Guangdong. The authors carried out geological survey and physical and chemical test of Enping-Xinfeng detachment fault, with emphasis placed on the mylonite in the ductile shear zone below this detachment fault and the silicified rocks related to the high angle normal fault on the hanging wall of the detachment fault. The authors believe that the initiation age of the upwelling-extension structure was in early Yanshanian, the deformation temperatures of the mylonite which had the kinematic property of ductile rheology in the ductile shear zone were about 350℃, and the mylonite was brought onto the surface during later tectonic uplift. The microthermometric study of the fluid inclusions in the silicified rocks indicates that the homogeneous temperatures of the fluid inclusions are between 155℃ and 326℃. The salinities are between 2.74% and 21.61% NaCleqv, with an average of 11.17% NaCleqv, the temperatures of the silicon-contained hot liquid are about 241℃, and the silicon-contained hot liquid is believed to be NaCl-H2O solution with rich silicon and carbon dioxide according to Laser-Raman microspectroscopy. Compositions of H-O stable isotope imply that the paleo-hydrothermal fluids were derived from the mixing of magmatic water and rain water in the study area. The silicified rocks distributed along the strike of the normal fault possibly are the significant indications of the paleo-hydrothermal system in Yanshanian. The thermo-upwelling extension system and the deep and shallow integrated palaeo-hydrothermal system in the late Yanshanian are significant for the understanding of the type, the mechanism and the distribution regularities of the modern geothermal system in southeast Guangdong.
YAN Haiqi , QU Jin , FU Xiaoqiang , DONG Weidong
2018, 45(6):1205-1213. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180610
Abstract:The Zhuyuangou molybdenum deposit was newly found in the East Qinling-Dabie Mountain metallogenic belt. It is estimated that the amount of molybdenum metal is 95.9 thousand ton, with the average grade being 0.10%,reaching medium-sized reserves. The discovery of this deposit is a new progress in the prospecting for molybdenum deposits in the inner part of the late Yanshanian granite mass.The Zhuyuangou granite mass is a part of the Taishanmiao granite batholite,and possesses the features of A-type granite characterized by later intracratonic orogenesis in an extensional environment.The orebody occurs in the inner contact zone of the third intrusive syenogranite-porphyry and the first intrusive medium-coarse syenogranite of late Yanshanian period. It exhibits stratoid or lenticular form, suggesting a porphyry molybdenum deposit. Through a comprehensive analysis of the metallogenic geological conditions and geochemical anomaly characteristics,the authors carried out prospecting work step by step and, through repeated understanding and practice, finally made the breakthrough. Based on geological characteristics of the molybdenum deposit,the authors summed up the following key prospecting positions:(1) area of molybdenum 1:50000 geochemical anomaly in late Yanshanian granite mass;(2) superposition of different scales of Mo geochemical anomalies;(3) basically parallel small faulted structural zones and fissure-developed or crowded zones which are consistent with regional NEtrending fault; (4) around the inner contact zones of the different intrusive bodies of late Yanshanian Taishanmiao A-type granite; (5) Genetically, it belongs to porphyry molybdenum deposit. The discovery of this deposit provides new training of thought for the prospecting work in the East Qinling-Dabie Mountain metallogenic belt.
YANG Shao , LI Dewei , CHEN Guifan , LI Hualiang , ZHANG Shuo , ZHOU Tao
2018, 45(6):1214-1227. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180611
Abstract:A relatively large magnetite (including copper) deposit was newly discovered during the 1:50, 000 regional geological survey in Wuluqiong area, Tibet, following the discovery of the Nixiong iron mine, Fuye iron deposit, Caima iron deposit, and some other deposits. Located in the western part of Bangong Co-Nujiang River mineralization belt, this ore deposit has not been studied in such aspects as geological features, genesis, age and formation structural environment. According to the field survey, the authors found that the Wuluqiong magnetite ore deposit was formed in the exo-contact zone between the intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in Middle-Late Jurassic and carbonate rock in 2nd member of Riganpeicuo Group in Upper Triassic (T3R2). It was reconstructed by the later NS-trending high-angle normal fault and showed characteristics of multiple phases and stages of mineralization. Based on the LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronological study of the quartz diorite and the monzogranite adjacent to the orebody and the isostructural carbonate veins in the fault controlling the orebody, the authors obtained two weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of (161.3±0.72) Ma, (157.5±1.7) Ma for the crystallized zircons in the quartz diorite and the monzogranite, and obtained a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of (84.2±1.1) Ma for the hydrothermal zircons in the isostructural carbonate veins. Combined with the previous research and 1:50, 000 geological survey, the authors hold that the Wuluqiong magnetite ore deposit was initially concentrated in skarn-type magnetite during the process of northward subduction of Bangong Co-Nujiang River in Middle-Late Jurassic (157.5-161.3 Ma), and then underwent another enrichment in the process of intracontinental stretch in Late Cretaceous (84.2 Ma). It is considered that mineralization events related to the intracontinental stretch occurred in the middle of Late Cretaceous in Bangong Co area and mineralization might have existed on both north and south sides of the Bangong Co ophiolitic mélange belt. The mineralization, together with the diapirism of asthenosphere after the closure of Bangong Co-Nujiang River and related linearly thermal uplift and stretch of the crust, constituted a system of correlative mechanism.
LU Chao , JIAO Yangquan , PENG Yunbiao , WU Liqun , MIAO Aisheng , RONG Hui , XIE Huili
2018, 45(6):1228-1240. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180612
Abstract:Interlayer oxidation in potential uranium reservoir is closely related to uranium mineralization. Paleo-interlayer oxidation zone is considered to be an important symbol in search for sandstone type uranium deposits. In this paper, core drilling data and mineralogy and geochemical characteristics of each sub-band of interlayer oxidation were used to identify the paleo-interlayer oxidation. Combined with paleo-oxidic and reductive properties of uranium geochemical markers in uranium reservoirs, paleointerlayer oxidation was spatial positioned quantitatively. Accordingly, paleo-completely-oxidized zone and transitional zone and reduction zone were divided and identified. On such a basis, the distribution of paleo-interlayer oxidation zone controlled by the scale of the uranium reservoir, barrier layers, the dark mudstone and coal seam and other factors was discussed.
LIU Ge , SHE Jianzhong , YANG Wenlong , WANG Qinjun , JIA Jian , DI Xiaochen
2018, 45(6):1241-1250. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180613
Abstract:Silicic volcanic rocks are developed in Bayindala area of West Junggar. The Kalagang Formation volcanic rocks are mainly composed of rhyolite, dacite, rhyolitic tuff and ignimbrite. This paper reports the results of high-precision zircon LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating of the Kalagang Formation volcanic rocks, which yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of(294.4±1.3) Ma (n=9, MSWD=0.8, dacite) and(298.4±2.5) Ma (n=9, MSWD=3.4, rhyolite), corresponding to the Early Permian. Petrogeochemical analyses suggest that the Kalagang Formation volcanic rocks are characterized by high silica (SiO2:66.69%-75.21%) and alkali (Na2O + K2O:6.98%-8.35%), and low magnesium and calcium (MgO 0.18%-1.32%, CaO 0.24%-2.49%). They belong to peraluminous (A/CNK:1.14-1.33) and high-K calc-alkaline series. The rocks are poor in rare earth elements with ∑REE being 83.82×10-6-197.61×10-6, enriched in LREE[(La/Yb)N=3.15-12.50] and LILEs (Rb,Th,U,K) and depleted in HFSE, especially Nb, Ta, P and Ti. In combination with previous studies, the authors hold that the Kalagang Formation volcanic rocks in a postcollisional extensional setting were formed by varying degrees of crust partial melting and the residua had a little plagioclase and hornblende.
QIANG Kunsheng , ZHANG Guangxue , ZHANG Li , LÜ Baofeng , ZHONG Guangjian , FENG Changmao , YI Hai
2018, 45(6):1251-1258. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180614
Abstract:The Mesozoic strata in the Chaoshan sub-basin of northern South China Sea have rich oil and gas resources. Seismic data and well logging data were used in combination with fine stratigraphic division and denudation calculation to restore paleogeomorphology of the Jurassic sedimentary strata.On the basis of sedimentary facies marker analysis of residual strata, a Jurassic sedimentary model was established. The Jurassic strata suffered denudation alterations at the end of Early Jurassic and Middle Jurassic. Various elements of paleogeomorphology influenced sedimentary system development. Ancient uplift (bulge) indicated the source and direction of sediments. The ancient sea bottom canyon was an important transport passage between source and sedimentation. The slope zone was an important deposition site and had great influence on the quality and size of reservoirs, thus restricting the accommodation space of the basin. The basin bottom (depression) topography controlled the morphology and occurrence of sediments and influenced the quality and size of source rocks. Effective combination of all the elements of paleogeomorphology in time and space seems to be the key to accurate determination of the distribution and range of a sedimentary system, and its control of sedimentary reservoirs and source rocks is very obvious. The conclusion has positive significance for the next exploration and favorable reservoir prediction of the Jurassic strata.
CHEN Xiaohong , ZHANG Miao , WANG Chuanshang , LI Zhihong
2018, 45(6):1259-1270. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180615
Abstract:One hundred and fifty-six samples from the Silurian Shamao Formation of the Gongjiachong, Yi chang were investigated. Ninety-five samples collected from gray-greenish mudstone and siltstone contain well-preserved and very abundant Early Silurian chitinozoans. Five chitinozoan biozones, which in ascending order are Conochitina malleus, Plectochitina pseudoagglutinanss, Eisenackitina dolioliformis, Eisenachitia causiata and some other biozones, were recognized. Each chitinozoan biozone is diverse and contains new species occurring with well-known species. They can be correlated with chitinozoan biozones established from the contemporary strata of Latvia, Estonia and north Central Saudi Arabia. The correlation between the chitinozoan biozones and the graptolite and conodont biozones indicates that the geological range of the Shamao Formation in the Yichang area can be roughly correlated with the interval ranging from the upper part of Stimulograptus sedgwickii to Oktavites spiralis graptolite biozones. The basal boundary of the Telychian stage is located on the bottom of 2nd member of the Shamao Formation, which is close to the basal boundary of the Plectochitina pseudoagglutinans chitinozoa biozone.At the same time, the stratum in Jiaoshiba, Fuling of Chongqing and other places is organic rich shale that contains large amounts of graptolite, which is an important reservoir of shale gas.
GONG Yunyun , JIANG Hanlu , NI Shengli
2018, 45(6):1271-1288. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180616
Abstract:A bioherm 15m in thickness is exposed at the top of Cambrian Changshan Formation in Jinzhou area, Liaoning Province. Macroscopically, the bioherm is made up of thrombolite and leiolite, and microscopically, it is mainly composed of dense micrites and different kinds of grains. There are different types of grains, such as calcified microbes, benthic oolites, oncolites, bioclasts and clots, in the inner part of the bioherm, which indicates complex microfabric of the bioherm. The surface of trilobite skeletal clastics encrusted by micrites shows constructive and destructive micritization. Bioclasts dispersedly distributed within the dense micrite reflect relatively strong binding during the development of the bioherm. Large quantities of pyrite crystals existent in the dense micrites demonstrate that the formation of dense micrite was genetically related to heterotrophy-bacteria activities. Together with pyrite crystals, all kinds of grains within the bioherm reflect complex microbial activities during the formation of the bioherm, which provides not only prerequisite for the study of microbial sedimentation but also an important example and clue for the research on different types of grains within the bioherm.
WANG Hui , QIN Xuwen , FAN Yuhai , YANG Jinzhong , JIN Moushun , ZHANG Shaopeng , LIAO Youyun , YANG Chen , CUI Sheng , HE Xiaolong , KUANG Jingshui , GUO Pengcheng
2018, 45(6):1289-1301. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180617
Abstract:In this paper, with the Dahongliutan-Fulugou area of West Kunlun Mountains as a study case and by using WorldView-2 remote sensing images as major data source, the authors compiled standard image map and adopted method of image enhancement to protrude the information of ore-controlling factors and mineralization. The interpretation of remote sensing for mineral resources was carried out. By using ASTER data the authors conducted alteration anomaly information extraction,with the addition of a proper amount of field investigation verification. The authors finally found four great prospecting potential mineralization belts, which included one granite pegmatite belt (including rare metals) and stratabound iron polymetallic mineralization zone in Dahongliutan,one hydrothermal vein-type iron, lead, silver, copper mineralization zone and four stratabound siderite-hematite mineralization belts containing copper-lead-zinc-silver in Fulugou. Through a comprehensive analysis of remote sensing, 11 remote sensing prospecting targets were delineated, which included 5 A-class, 3 B-class and 3 C-class, and this can be used as the basis for deploying mineral resources survey project and exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. Therefore, the high score remote sensing technology deserves further promotion and application in similar areas of West Kunlun, because it can realize the rapid breakthrough of ore prospecting work in the mineral geological survey.
SHAN Yansheng , BI Caiqin , ZHANG Jiaqiang , LI Feng , WANG Guofu , LI Hui
2018, 45(6):1302-1303. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180618
ZHOU Zhi , BAO Shujing , CHEN Ke , XU Qiufeng , ZHANG Shousong , WANG Chao , WANG Peng
2018, 45(6):1304-1305. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180619
BI Caiqin , SHAN Yansheng , PANG Bo , ZHANG Jiaqiang , LIU Wei , ZHAO Yingkai , ZHOU Yang
2018, 45(6):1306-1307. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180620
ZHANG Yong , HE Shuyue , LIU Zhigang , ZHANG Peng , DING Jianjun , BAI Guolong , SUN Feifei
2018, 45(6):1308-1309. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180621
LUO Liang , WANG Dongbing , CHU Daoliang , WANG Yu , LUO Bo
2018, 45(6):1312-1313. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180623
2018, 45(6):1314-1314. DOI: 10.12029/gc20180624
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112