• Volume 46,Issue 4,2019 Table of Contents
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    • >New and Highlights
    • Ministry of Natural Resources releases Popularization Catalogue of Advanced and Applicable Techniques for Mineral Resources (6th Batch)

      2019, 46(4). DOI: 10.12029/gc20190424

      Abstract (1290) HTML (944) PDF 252.47 K (4588) Comment (0) Favorites


    • >In Focus
    • Multi-scale exploration of mineral system: Concept and progress-A case study in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt

      2019, 46(4):673-689. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190401

      Abstract (2893) HTML (1136) PDF 7.40 M (5724) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The guidance of metallogenic theory is urgently needed under the background that global mineral exploration is gradually turning to the target at "greenfields", deep earth and coverage areas. The concept of metallogenic system proposed at the end of the last century has attracted extensive attention and study of the mining industry due to its powerful function of regional mineralization forecasting. In this study, first and foremost, the authors review the concept, components and classification of mineral systems. Then the methods of detecting and identifying the main components of the metallogenic system are discussed. Last but not least, the deep process, crustal structure and geophysical response of typical intracontinental metallogenic systems are discussed based on the authors' multi-scale exploration in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt in recent years, and the application of the concept of mineral system in the field of metallogenic prediction is also prospected. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:(1) The mineral system is a natural system that comprises all the essential factors controlling the formation and preservation of deposits, with basic components of "source", "path" and "site". Each component includes complex physical, chemical and kinetic processes. (2) A deposit is the ‘result’ of multi-scale deep processes coupling at a certain ‘point’ in the mineral system. During the evolution of the mineral system, various physical and chemical processes have strongly "modified" the crust and lithospheric mantle, leaving behind various physical, chemical, and mineralogical "footprints" with significant detectability due to the altered geophysical properties. (3) A new model was proposed based on the multi-scale exploration in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, for the understanding of "source", "path" and "site" of a typical intracontinentalmetallogenic system. (4) Mineral system based multi-scale target predication will be a prospective research direction in the future, with the continuous developing of geoscience big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

    • Where is Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt? Evidence from integrated geophysical exploration

      2019, 46(4):690-703. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190402

      Abstract (2543) HTML (1041) PDF 15.00 M (5361) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The suture zone between the Yangtze Paleoplate and the Cathaysia Paleoplate (called Qin-Hang junction belt) is one of the most important tectonic-magmatic-metallogenic belts in southeastern China. There is still considerable controversy over the method of dividing the location and boundary of the western section of the Qin-Hang junction belt. In order to identify and determine the boundaries of the Qin-Hang junction belt, the authors employed the large-scale satellite gravity and magnetic data in combination with the integrated processing and analysis of regional magnetotelluric and broadband seismic data. The comprehensive evaluation shows that the Qin-Hang junction belt is the southern boundary of the Jiangnan orogenic belt. The authors hold that the border is Ningbo-Jinhua-Shangrao-Ganzhou-Chenzhou-Beihai in the south and Shanghai-Huzhou-Yingtan-LinchuanPingxiang-Hengyang-Yongzhou-Guilin-Wuzhou-Qinzhou in the north. On both sides of the joint belt, both the gravity field and the magnetic field have distinct characteristics, indicating the different material compositions and basements between the Yangtze and Cathaysia plates. There are also local differences in the geophysical fields of the Qin-Hang junction belt, suggesting that the tectonic belt has undergone multiple stage magmatism and formed different combinations of metal deposits in different sections, forming a unique metallogenic belt, i.e., the Qin-Hang metallogenic belt.

    • >Reviews
    • A tentative discussion on some tectonic problems in the east of South China continent

      2019, 46(4):704-722. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190403

      Abstract (2874) HTML (1121) PDF 33.31 M (6055) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The structure, properties, processes and dynamics of the south China continent have always been the focus among geologists. In this paper, the eastern part of the Qinghang tectonic belt was taken as the main research area. Based on detailed structural analysis, metamorphism and deformation research, chronology analysis and reflection seismic profile, the authors investigated several scientific problems in the eastern part of the south China continent. (1) The Jiangnan orogenic belt was formed by the "soft collision" between the Cathaysia plate and the Yangtze plate in late Proterozoic, which can be divided into three tectonic units:the southern margin of the Yangtze plate, the Yangtze-Cathaysia convergence belt and the northern margin of the Cathaysia plate. The Jiangnan fault belt and The Wuyishan-Suichang fault belt are the northern and southern boundary of the Jiangnan orogenic belt, respectively. (2) The Yangtze-Cathaysia convergence belt is composed of several small plates and suture zones. The convergence between them was progressive from south to north. It was shown as oblique subduction at first, followed by dextral strikeslipping, and the activity was concentrated in the middle at the latest. It began at about 900 Ma, reached its climax in 850~780 Ma and was closed completely at about 760 Ma. (3) The tectonic framework of the east of South China continent was established in the Mesozoic. The main structure was a series of NE-striking folds and thrust faults. A large number of imbricated thrusting nappe structures with thrusting movement from south to north originated from the middle-lower crust scale. (4) The regional extensional structures were widely developed in the east of the South China continent in late Yanshanian which led to the formation of "the South China thermal upwelling". It developed typical sliding nappe structures in the Sinian strata. The large-scale magmatic activity, volcanic activity and large-scale hydrothermal mineralization took place at the same time. (5) The tectonic evolution of the South China continent is as follows:The peak of progressive convergence between the Yangtze-Cathaysia plate took place at about 850 Ma. Plates were closed completely and the Jiangnan orogenic belt was formed at about 760 Ma. Then the development of cover of South China continent began at 600 Ma. The Qinhang tectonic belt was affected by the southern structure and the remote effect of the north structures at 430 Ma and 220 Ma, respectively. Thrust nappe structure was widely developed at 160 Ma, while widespread extensional structures was developed at 140 Ma. The tectonic-magma-mineralization had close relationship. Then the Jiangnan belt continued to uplift and the South China became a thermo-upwelling.

    • >Research Articles
    • Crustal thickness, properties and its relations to mineralization in the southeastern part of South China: Constraint from the teleseismic receiver functions

      2019, 46(4):723-736. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190404

      Abstract (1805) HTML (966) PDF 8.75 M (4954) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:South China is tectonically composed of the Yangtze block and Cathysian block, with very complicated architecture and deformation characteristics as well as various mineral deposits. In the past years, various geoscience studies focused on the metallogenic process and geodynamics has been conducted in the fields of petrology, chronology, mineral deposits, geochemistry and geophysics in this area. As the architecture and properties of the deep crust resulted from the tectonic evolution process and geodynamics, they would contain key information for understanding the formation of large metallogenic belt and ore concentration area. With the aim of studying the deep crustal structure and metallogenic background, the authors calculated the crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio with the method of H-κ scanning of P-wave teleseismic receiver functions using the seismic data provided by China Earthquake Network Center. The results reveal that the crustal thickness in the study region varies slightly and gets deeper from east to west, and the distribution of Vp/Vs ratio is correlated well with the tectonics and metallogenic belts. Combined with the existent geological studies, the authors hold that the crustal thinning in this region was related to the strong magmatism and metalogenic process in the Yanshanian period, and the upwelling of hot materials from the upper mantle was probably the driving force for the eruption of mineral resources in this region. On the other hand, the distribution of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio is correlated well with the tectonic boundaries estimated from the edge detection of gravity data.

    • Teleseismic P-wave velocity structure of upper mantle beneath the southeastern part of South China and its implications

      2019, 46(4):737-749. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190405

      Abstract (2186) HTML (1043) PDF 6.48 M (5153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper determined a P-wave velocity structure of upper mantle beneath the southeastern part of South China, with the emphasis placed on the Qinhang Joint Belt, by using 121 teleseismic events received by 114 permanent seismic stations. The results show that:(1) the deep structures of the Qinhang Joint Belt, the Wuyi Metallogenic Belt and the Nanling Metallogenic Belt are different, suggesting that the tectonic processes of the three metallogenic belts are also different; (2) there exists a low velocity anomaly in the upper mantle beneath the Jiangshao Fault, suggesting that the upwelling of thermal flow probably originated from mantle transition zone or lower mantle, and might have been closely related to the mineralization in the Qinhang Joint Belt and the Wuyi Metallogenic Belt; (3) the high velocity anomaly at the bottom of the upper mantle beneath the Yangtze Block is probably the detached lithosphere; however, the high velocity anomaly beneath the Cathaysia Block should be further studied. These results provide new evidence for understanding deep structure about the southeastern part South China.

    • The Poisson's ratio of the crust-mantle of South China and its geological significance

      2019, 46(4):750-758. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190406

      Abstract (1923) HTML (1181) PDF 7.11 M (5309) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Poisson's ratio contains rich geological information, the degree of basic lithology of crustal rock can be identified from the Poisson's ratio, and thus it could be used to analyze geodynamics and metallogenic background. The seismic phase data of local natural earthquakes ranging from the 1980s to the end of 2017 were collected from the data sharing platform such as China Earthquake Data Center in this study. Furthermore, 11410 earthquakes (M ≥ 2.0) in South China were obtained through screening procedure. According to the linear equations of travel time-epicenter distance relation fitted by least square method, the average velocity of Pg-wave, Sg-wave, Pn-wave and Sn-wave were 6.11 km/s, 3.60 km/s, 8.06 km/s, and 4.59 km/s, respectively. The average velocity ratio (Vp/Vs) of the crust of South China was calculated to be 1.697 and its Poisson's ratio was 0.234; In addition, the calculated average velocity ratio near the crust-mantle boundary of South China was 1.756 and its Poisson's ratio was 0.260. The results of Poisson's ratio using the travel-time tomography method show the petrologic differences among the Yangtze block, Cathaysia Block, and Southeastern coast crust. The large low Poisson's ratio area between the Yangtze block and Cathaysia Block is well correlated with the Jiangnan orogeny belt, and the relatively high Poisson's ratio correlated with Qinhang metallogenic belt and Southeast coast are interpreted as underplating of the mantle derived magma.

    • Crust thickness and its apocalyptic of mineralization in South China: Constraint from Satellite Gravity data

      2019, 46(4):759-774. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190407

      Abstract (2469) HTML (1027) PDF 8.77 M (5350) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mineral resources in South China are abundant with the distribution of multiple polymetallic metallogenic belts. The formation of polymetallic metallogenic belts was often accompanied by a special deep background and the underground process. Studying the crust-mantle coupling relationship reflected by the crustal thickness based on the Moho depth calculation can provide a reference for exploring the formation and evolution of underground massive metal resources in South China. In this paper, the data of high-order satellite gravity field model EIGEN-6C4 was corrected based on the gravity calculation method of spherical coordinates, and the satellite Bouguer gravity anomaly was obtained in South China. Then the modified Parker-Oldenburg method was used to perform the variable density interface inversion, and the characteristics of the Moho surface in South China were revealed. Finally, based on the ranges of different metallogenic belts in the area and the geological and geochemical data available, the authors investigated the relationship between the source of ore-forming materials and the formation mechanism of Moho surface undulations in different metallogenic belts in the study area. It is estimated that the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the eastern part of the Qinhang area are located in the metallogenic belt of the Moho surface uplift area. In addition, mantle source materials played a dominant role in its metallogenesis, forming a polymetallic deposit mainly composed of copper and iron. The Nanling, Wuyi, western section of Qinhang and western Hubei-Xiangxi are located in the metallogenic belt of the Moho facetocclusion zone. The ore-forming process was closely linked to the interaction of the shell and mantle source, forming tungsten, tin, gold and silver, lead and zinc and other polymetallic deposits.

    • Deep electrical structures and metallogenic analysis in the north section of Wuyishan Mountains and its adjacent areas: Based on three-dimensional magnetotelluric sounding results

      2019, 46(4):775-785. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190408

      Abstract (1618) HTML (1013) PDF 8.31 M (4560) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:South China has experienced the evolution of multiple stages of tectonic-magma-mineralization. It is rich in mineral resources and has multiple mineralization concentration areas, which constitute an important base for national economic development. In this paper, the three-dimensional electrical structure model of the northern part of Wuyi Mountain and adjacent areas is constructed by using the regional magnetotelluric array observation data acquired in south China and the three-dimensional inversion program of WSINV3DMT. The electrical characteristics of the model show that the deep electrical characteristics along the lower part of the fault zone exhibit obvious low resistivity anomalous zones. The low resistivity anomalous zones may be the response of deep and large faults or the assembling boundary of paleo-micro-continental blocks, which have obviously controlled the shallow fault structure. It is found that most of the major endogenous metal deposits in Wuyi area are located above the low resistivity anomaly zone and the edge of deep soft fluids. They have obvious distribution regularity. At the same time, they are mainly distributed in the gradient zone of ΔT polarized magnetic anomaly. Combined with the above distribution rules and characteristics, the favorable areas for prospecting can be preliminarily delineated in Wuyi area.

    • The lithospheric structure of the lower Yangtze Craton and its adjacent regions by S receiver function imaging

      2019, 46(4):786-794. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190409

      Abstract (1536) HTML (988) PDF 4.91 M (5083) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The lower Yangtze Craton, Located at the triple junction area of the Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate, and Philippine Sea Plate, has undergone intensive extension and magmatic activities ever since the Mesozoic. The lithospheric structure and property of the lower Yangtze Craton and its adjacent regions could throw new insight into the tectonic evolution and dynamic process of the South China Block or even the whole eastern China in the Phanerozoic. In this paper, the authors collected data from the NCISP-Ⅲ arrays deployed by the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and used the wave equation-based migration technique of S-receiver function to image the lithospheric structure. The results show that the Moho depth and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) depth along the profile is~32-42 km and~84-112 km, respectively. Both of the discontinuities deepen from east to west, and the variation of them corresponds well to the tectonic features. The results support the argument that the lower Yangtze Craton and its adjacent regions may have undergone extensive lithospheric modification and thinning since the Mesozoic:The Hefei Basin of the southern NCC is characterized by a complicated Moho and thick lithosphere, indicating that the modification in this region is of less extent. The lower Yangtze Craton and the Cathysia Block may have behaved coherently in the Mesozoic modification, because the lithospheric structures of this two blocks are alike, only characterized by subtle undulation of the velocity discontinuities beneath the Jiangnan Orogen. Combined with the magnetotelluric results in the southern part of this profile, the authors propose a similar mantle flow model as in the NCC to explain the modification in the lower Yangtze Craton and its adjacent regions. The lithosphere beneath the Tanlu Fault and the Jiangnan Orogen is mechanically weak, and may act as the upwelling channel of the asthenospheric material under the subduction of the Pacific Plate to facilitate the modification.

    • The deep electrical structure across Anqing-Guichi ore concentration area

      2019, 46(4):795-806. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190410

      Abstract (1653) HTML (1077) PDF 6.46 M (4897) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have experienced multiple stages of geological evolution and are rich in mineral resources. In this paper, a two-dimensional electrical structure model covering the Dabie orogenic belt and the Lower Yangtze block was constructed by inverting a long magnetotelluric profile passing through the Anqing-Guichi ore concentration area by sub-band and sub-segment inversion scheme. According to the obtained electrical structure, the lithospheric structure beneath the ore concentration area is significantly different from that of the adjacent areas. Both the crusts under Dabie orogenic belt and between Jiangnan uplift belt and Zhegan depression are characterized by high resistivity, while the lithospheric upper mantle between Lower Yangtze depression and Jiangnan uplift belt is electrically conductive with a deep conductor extending upward to the conductors in the upper crust. The metallogenic mechanism of Anqing-Guichi ore concentration area was mainly the Yanshanian intra-continental subduction and the early Cretaceous extension deformation. The thickening and sinking of the lower crust and the abundant fault system in the upper crust underneath the ore concentration area may have played an important role in mineralization.

    • The three-dimensional electrical characteristics of the typical iron and copper deposits in the Lujiang-Zongyang ore concentration area

      2019, 46(4):807-817. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190411

      Abstract (1738) HTML (988) PDF 6.37 M (4561) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The porphyrite iron and porphyry copper ore deposits are the major deposit categories in the Lujiang-Zongyang ore concentration area. However, previous researches were mostly focused on mineralogy, petrology, geochronology and geochemistry, but paid less attention to geophysics. As the exploration depth is increasing, geophysical methods become more important. In order to develop the interpretation ‘scaleplate’ of the geophysical exploration for typical deposits, the authors took the Nihe iron and Shaxi copper ore deposits as the research subjects, and obtained the three-dimensional electrical models of the orebodies and the surrounding rocks through the audio-magnetotelluric sounding. The results indicate that the major structure of the porphyrite (Nihe) iron deposit is composed of several layers including low resistivity sedimentary rocks, high resistivity volcanic rocks, relatively low resistivity alteration zone and relatively high resistivity intrusive of subvolcanic rocks from shallow place to the depth. In addition, the magnetite body, which exists as a dome on the top of the mass, presents the characteristics of high resistivity. For the porphyry (Shaxi) copper deposit, the major electrical characteristics are the massive (or longitudinal belt) structures composed of the shallow sedimentary rocks with low resistivity, the deep sedimentary rocks with relatively high resistivity, and the porphyry mass with high resistivity. In addition, the orebodies,which exist in the mass or the contact zone between the mass and surrounding rocks, present electrical characteristics of medium resistivity. The orebodies hosted in the mass (or in the contact zone with surrounding rocks) present medium-resistivity. For the practicability of the models, the authors converted the inversion results with complex electrical structures into two facilitate models, which would be used as the comparative ‘scaleplate’ for the discovery of the similar deposits.

    • Sr-Nd and zircon Hf-O isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of the orebearing granitic porphyry at Lengshuikeng, Jiangxi Province

      2019, 46(4):818-831. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190412

      Abstract (1800) HTML (998) PDF 3.67 M (5069) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Lengshuikeng lead-zinc deposit in Jiangxi Province is a typical deposit in the northern section of the Wuyi metallogenic belt. The zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age of the ore-bearing granite porphyry in the mining area is (162.0±2.0) Ma. The granite porphyries are highly evolved, with high SiO2 (69.46%~75.52%), high K2O (K2O/Na2O>3.22) and strong peraluminous (ASI=1.20~1.96). The negative Eu anomalies of the rock mass are relatively strong, and enriched in LILE such as Rb, Th, and U, while the HFSE such as Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, P, and Ti are depleted. In this study, the authors also report Sr-Nd and zircon Hf-O isotopic compositions of the granitic porphyries at Lengshuikeng. The results show that the granitic porphyries have relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.74005~0.76518) and negative εNd values (-11.48~-10.78) as well as the zircon Hf-O isotope measurement value. The variation range of 176Hf/177Hf values (0.282317~0.282460) is small, with negative εHf(t) values (-12.39~-7.62) and relatively high δ18O values (7.23‰~8.81‰), indicating that the magma mainly came from the mature crust, which may have originated from metamorphic basement of North Wuyi area, and the source rocks were probably the metamorphic basement. The magmatic activity was probably related to the crust melting under the compressive background formed by northwestward subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate.

    • Zircon U-Pb age of ore-forming magmatic rocks in the Tongjiangling coppertungsten deposit in the Jiurui ore concentration area and its significance

      2019, 46(4):832-840. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190413

      Abstract (1914) HTML (968) PDF 3.54 M (5004) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The orebodies in the Tongjiangling copper-tungsten mining area generally strike northeast and dip southeast, and occur as layers and lenses near the contact zone between the granodiorite porphyry and carbonate of the Maokou Formation. The ore minerals are mainly composed of chalcopyrite and scheelite. The metallogenic magmatic rocks in this area are granodiorite porphyry with zircon U-Pb age of (143.31+0.62) Ma. Mineralization zoning in the Tongjiangling mining area is characterized by "copper in the upper part and copper and tungsten in the lower part". The contact zone between Carboniferous and Ordovician carbonate rocks and granodiorite porphyry or the Wutong plane and the silica-calcium interface formed during Ordovician-Silurian in the mining area have a great potential for tungsten exploration.

    • Geochronology of the Yangchuling tungsten-molybdenum depoist in Duchang County, Jiangxi Province

      2019, 46(4):841-849. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190414

      Abstract (1920) HTML (979) PDF 2.66 M (5857) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Yangchuling tungsten-molybdenum deposit in Duchang County, Jiangxi Province, is located in the eastern part of the Jiangnan orogenic belt. In order to accurately define the diagenetic and mineralization ages of the Yangchuling W-Mo deposit, the authors carried out the zircon U -Pb dating of mineralization -associated granodiorite porphyry and Re -Os isotope dating of molybdenite in the Yangchuling deposit based on detailed field geological studies. The zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age is (145.08±0.35)Ma (MSWD=0.03, n=22), the Re-Os model ages of molybdenite range from (143.3±2.0)Ma to (145.5±2.2)Ma, and the Re-Os isochron age is (145.4±1.0)Ma. The geochronological consistency between the ore-bearing porphyry and molybdenite indicates that the diagenesis and mineralization ages of the Yangchuling tungsten-molybdenum deposit are about 145 Ma. The ω(Re) values of molybdenite range from 16.62×10-6 to 87.76×10-6, averaging 44.68×10-6, similar to Re content in crust -mantle mixed source magmatic hydrothermal deposits, indicating that the ore-forming materials of the Yangchuling W-Mo deposit should have come from crust-mantle mixed source.

    • Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Zaolin basanite in the northeastern Jiangxi Province

      2019, 46(4):850-860. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190415

      Abstract (2008) HTML (1044) PDF 7.19 M (4668) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two Cenozoic basanite dykes were newly discovered in the Zhuxi ore-concentration area, northeastern Jiangxi Province, eastern China. They have high SiO2 (41.08%-42.94%), Na2O+K2O (4.95%-6.30%), TiO2 (2.19%-2.43%) contents, and high Mg# (0.61 -0.65). Geochemistry characteristics of these basanite dykes show they are enriched in Nb, Ta, Th, Zr, Ni, Cr, Sc, while depleted in Ba, Ti, K, and P. Their ∑REE values are from 299.16×10-6 to 375.00×10-6% with LREE/HREE ratios of 5.45-6.71 and δEu values of 0.88 to 0.94. According to the geochemical discrimination diagrams and the ratios of incompatible elements, we suggest that the basanite dykes were derived from partial melting of garnet forsterite (0.2%-0.5%) and herzolite (0.5%-1%), which may be caused by upwelling of carbonate melt in the asthenosphere mantle in response of the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean.

    • Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the intermediate-acid plutons in Shatanjiao ore-field, Tongling, Anhui

      2019, 46(4):861-877. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190416

      Abstract (1622) HTML (1025) PDF 6.22 M (4772) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Tongling area of Anhui Province is a famous copper-gold polymetallic ore concentration area dominated by skarn and porphyry type deposits in China. The widely exposed intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the area are closely related to mineralization. The Shatanjiao ore-field is located in the eastern part of the ore concentration area. The Shatanjiao, Guihuachong and Yaojialing rock bodies and their copper, gold and zinc deposits of different scales and mineralization types are exposed. Rock bodies play an important role in controlling mineralization. On the basis of previous studies, a detailed studies on petrography, geochemistry and zircon U-Pb chronology for Shatanjiao, Yaojialing and Guihuachong plutons in the ore-field were carried out in order to find out the petrogenesis of these plutons and their forming tectonic setting. Geochemically, the three plutons have a metaluminous characteristics, all of which belong to high-potassium calc-alkline series I-type granites with depletion in HREE, Nb, Ta, and enrichment in LREE, Rb, Th, and slightly negative Eu anomaly. The zircon U-Pb age of the Yaojialing pluton is 140.4-140.9Ma, while the Shatanjiao pluton formed relatively earlier (141.4-144.1 Ma), and the Guihuachong pluton formed later (138.3Ma). Combined with the regional geology, we infer that these plutons in the ore-field were emplaced in the early Cretaceous extended environment, which is crystallized from a mixed magma between a differentiated basaltic magma derived from the enriched mantle and a felsic magma from the partial melting of crustal fusible component.

    • Rock-and ore-controlling structure in the Zhuxi ore concentration area in the northeastern Jiangxi Province

      2019, 46(4):878-893. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190417

      Abstract (1836) HTML (1017) PDF 12.01 M (4628) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Zhuxi is a newly discovered W-Cu ore concentration area in the Qinzhou-Hangzhou metallogenic belt, northeastern Jiangxi Province. It is situated in the lifting area of the thrust nappe structure in eastern Pingxiang-Leping depression, Qinzhou-Hangzhou orogenic juncture belt. Due to the Yanshanian thrust nappe tectonic events, the Zhuxi ore concentration area is dominated by Neoproterozoic metamorphic basement and Upper Paleozoic -Mesozoic tectonic slices. The ore deposits in this region are controlled by thrust nappe deep faults, hosted in carbonatite tectonic slices, and transformed by superficial hedge structures. The early Yanshanian metallogenesis can be subdivided into two groups:(1) Mo -Cu metallogenic system related to the I -type (porphyritic) granodiorite; (2) W-Cu metallogenic system related to the S-type granite. The Zhuxi area is characterized by two orefields (Taqian-Zhuxi and Zhangjiawu-Yuexing) and two magmatic steps (Maojiayuan-Zhangjiawu and Zhuxi-Taqian). The discovery of the Zhuxi giant W-Cu deposit opens a window for the deep mineral exploration in the geotectogene of the Qinzhou-Hangzhou metallogenic belt.

    • Application of 1: 50000 gravity and magnetic exploration for mineral prospect in heavily covered area in Xuancheng, Anhui Province

      2019, 46(4):894-905. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190418

      Abstract (2137) HTML (990) PDF 9.10 M (4815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Xuancheng area in Anhui Province is an important part of the metallogenic belt in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, with the surface characterized by Quaternary coverage, red bed coverage and nappe structure. Based on the newly acquired 1:50,000 high-precision gravity and magnetic data, the plane properties of the geological structure, ore-control horizon, and intrusive rock mass are obtained through the plane interpretation to the study area. Based on the magnetic second-degree and half-dimensional quantitative inversion results, we explored the three-dimensional structure of the whole area, and obtained the geometric spatial distribution rules of the main ore-controlling faults, magmatic rocks, and ore source layers. Also, we studied the spatial attributes of the favorable parts of metallogenesis. Starting from the known typical deposits in the study area, we summarized the mineralization factors of the geophysical characteristics, metallogenic conditions, and ore-controlling factors. We also explored the geological-geophysical prospecting model of the target area, divided the prospecting mineralization areas, and delineated the key prospecting target areas. The drilling to cores of Weidun target area in Zhuqiao Metallogenic Prospecting Area shows that, by processing the 1:50000 high-precision gravity and magnetic data, we implemented a way, including the potential field plane-threedimensional exploration and geological-geophysical prospecting model construction, in mineral exploration, which taked advantage of the geophysical prospecting and finally improved the exploration effect. The results in this study can provide references for prospecting and exploration works in eastern China.

    • Metallogenic conditions and prospecting potential of the Henglu mining area in the Zhuxi ore concentration area

      2019, 46(4):906-918. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190419

      Abstract (1816) HTML (1004) PDF 10.65 M (4708) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Henglu mining area is located in the Zhuxi ore concentration area, and its metallogenic conditions are similar to those of the Zhuxi ore deposit, the world's largest tungsten deposit. Many prospecting clues have been found in the 500 m in shallow so far, and it is urgent to explore the deep ore-searching prospect in this area. Comprehensive analysis from geological, geophysical, geochemical, remote sensing characteristics and drilling verification, we found that the metallogenic conditions, such as oreforming strata, rock and ore controlling structures and diagene-metallogenic events in magmatic rocks, are very similar to those in Zhuxi mining area. In addition, the distribution of superficial mineralization alteration in Henglu mining area is closely related to the dike, the physicochemical anomaly and dike distribution in Henglu mining area indicate the existence of concealed magmatic body. Based on this, the authors consider that the Henglu area has the potential to find structural fracture zone (hydrothermal vein), skarn and porphyry copper-molybdenum -gold polymetallic deposits.

    • An introduction to Deep Resources Exploration and Mining, a special project of National Key R&D Program of China

      2019, 46(4):919-926. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190420

      Abstract (2618) HTML (1097) PDF 1.64 M (6590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Deep Resources Exploration and Mining (DREAM), a special project in the framework of National Key R&D Program (NKRDP), aimed at enhancing China's capability of resource discovery and acquisition, so as to provide a comprehensive support for the national strategic initiative to make breakthroughs in mineral prospecting. According to the claim "full-chain design and integrated implementation" raised by NKRDP, DREAM possessed a wide funding scope. As for the research work on key fundamental theories, DREAM focused on deep hydrocarbon accumulation and metallization, resource prediction and assessment, as well as deep mining theories. For the research and development of generic technologies and equipment, DREAM supported the projects concerning aerial-surface-underground stereoscopic exploration and intelligent unmanned green mining. Meanwhile, the relevant application demonstrations in the field of deep resources exploration and mining were also included in the funding scope. Seven tasks, such as three-dimensional structure and control elements of metallogenic system, were arranged in the deployment layout of DREAM, and several inter-connected research projects had been approved to support the realization of goals for each task and DREAM. Combined with the summary of project approval progress, the distribution of allocated funds in seven task directions was analyzed. Based on the insight into each on-going research project, the research emphases, difficulties and expected goals of each task were analyzed and summarized. On such a basis, the technical layout, space layout and capital layout of DREAM were comprehensively presented, which is supposed to provide reference for stakeholders concerning research and management.

    • Multi-electrode resistivity method and CSAMT method in geothermal exploration of Babei area in Huichang County, Jiangxi Province

      2019, 46(4):927-936. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190421

      Abstract (1636) HTML (1052) PDF 3.93 M (5048) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Geothermal resources are a kind of green, low carbon and highly competitive renewable energy. The Babei area of Huichang County in Jiangxi Province is characterized by dense faults. In order to find out the characteristics of the attitude, scale and deep change of the fault structure in the exploration area so as to provide a basis for finding the layout of geothermal water drilling, the authors arranged three multi-electrode resistivity method test lines at the location of the known hot springs, and determined the validity of the geophysical method and the water guide fault in the survey area according to the principle of the shallow to deep exploration from the known to the unknown. On the basis of the preliminary interpretation results of multielectrode resistivity method, the controllable source audio magnetotelluric sounding method (CSAMT) was constructed according to the preliminary interpretation of multi-electrode resistivity method. It is concluded that two of the deep faults are the main thermal conductive structures in hot springs, that the faults cut deeply into the basement interface, and that the basement interface undulates obviously. At the same time, four low resistivity anomalous zones were delineated, of which the largest one is about 1000m in length, 240m in width and 200 m in height. It is the most advantageous water-bearing area and the direct basis in the search for geothermal water. It is suggested that drilling holes should be laid directly above the anomalous zones for verification. The hole depth is about 800m, which meets the depth control of deep and large faults and the base for low resistivity zones.

    • >Discoveries and Development
    • The discovery of altered volcanic clayrock in Late Permian strata between Longtan Formation and Dalong Formation of Jingxian area, Anhui Province

      2019, 46(4):937-938. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190422

      Abstract (1588) HTML (972) PDF 1.30 M (4681) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Zircon U-Pb age of granite porphyry in the Cilai copper deposit in Geza Arc, northwest Yunnan

      2019, 46(4):939-940. DOI: 10.12029/gc20190423

      Abstract (1561) HTML (970) PDF 1.54 M (4834) Comment (0) Favorites


Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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