• Volume 46,Issue S2,2019 Table of Contents
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    • >地质科学数据专辑(5)
    • National Mineral Deposit Database of China

      2019, 46(S2):1-8. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z201

      Abstract (4325) HTML (1435) PDF 4.82 M (7153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As the basic database of geological survey work in the country, the National Mineral Deposit Database of China is an important project in the new round of digital land resources surveys. The database contains information about 232 types of mineral resources in 27 569 deposits in 29 provinces (cities, districts). The scope of this database covers the entire country, thus reflecting the results of mineral exploration in China since the founding of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources. The database was created under stringent quality control measures covering the entire work process and was also revised and corrected through the review process. The database boasts comprehensive data collection, accurate documentation, and accurate data entry. In addition, the data structure and accuracy in this work meets relevant technical standards and its overall quality is reliable. All in all, the database is large and comprehensive featuring ore species, wide coverage, rich content, massive data, and large time span. It provides an important basis for mineral resources survey and evaluation, academic research, mining development, and municipal planning and management.

    • Comprehensive Dataset of the Geological Environment in China's Coastal Zone

      2019, 46(S2):9-20. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z202

      Abstract (2003) HTML (1021) PDF 7.01 M (5518) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The comprehensive dataset of the geological environment in the coastal zone of China obtained as a result of geological survey, is designed according to the overall concept of land-sea coordination to achieve full coverage of relevant disciplines, techniques and methods. The data fall into four categories, namely, comprehensive field surveys, comprehensive field construction, field dynamic monitoring and sample testing. There are total 130 data tables and 177 592 pieces of data, including 9 types of data table and 9 006 pieces of data in the comprehensive field survey category, 68 types of data table and 89 551 pieces of data in the comprehensive field construction category, 28 data table types and 12 305 pieces of data in the field dynamic monitoring category, and 25 data table types and 66 730 pieces of data in the sample testing category. This dataset provides efficient and accurate data services for the unified management of coastal natural resources, spatial planning of territory, use control, ecological protection and restoration.

    • Practice in Comprehensive Utilization of Urban Underground Space Resources-Taking the Dataset of Geological Environmental Atlas of Chengdu (2017) as a Case Study

      2019, 46(S2):21-29. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z203

      Abstract (1538) HTML (919) PDF 5.84 M (6901) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, based on the extensive collection of materials of geological and engineering investigation, seven categories of geological problems to be prevented and noted and four categories of geological resources to be protected in Chengdu were systematically collated for urban underground space utilization. The underground space in Chengdu has a depth of 200 m that is divided into four layers:0-30 m, 30-60 m, 60-100 m and 100-200 m, which differ in geological elements (in terms of geology and geological resources) constraining urban underground space utilization, as well as geological structure in vertical direction. Afterwards, the recommendation that the urban underground space in Chengdu should be developed and utilized by zones and layers was proposed, and the Geological Environmental Atlas of Chengdu for Supporting and Serving Comprehensive Utilization of Urban Underground Space Resources (also referred to as the Atlas) was drafted. The Atlas contains thirty-nine maps and one geological survey report. It covers key areas of Chengdu, including the Central Urban Area, both the South and West Parks of Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, Tianfu International Bio-town, Tianfu New Area (under the direct administration of Chengdu Municipality), Tianfu International Airport City, Jianzhou New Town and Huaizhou New Town. The Atlas will provide the geological basis for comprehensive utilization of urban underground space, optimization and expansion of urban space, quality improvement of urban functions, the development of land spaces, transformation and upgrade of the space, and intensive, environmentally-friendly and sustainable urban development of Chengdu. Furthermore, it will offer a demonstration and reference for other cities to prepare an atlas of this kind.

    • All-Element Dataset of Combined Exploration of Urban Underground Spaces with Strong Interference

      2019, 46(S2):30-49. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z204

      Abstract (1740) HTML (984) PDF 11.96 M (4827) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The utilization of underground space has become a major means of solving the problems plaguing cities, and the precise exploration of underground space is fundamental to its development and utilization. However, the theories, method combination, elements to be acquired and data application regarding the exploration of urban underground space with strong interference are yet to be determined in a united manner. The all-element dataset of combined exploration of urban underground space with strong interference (also referred to as the Dataset) relies on these four projects initiated by the China Geological Survey:Risk Assessment of Geologic Disasters in Important Towns in Shaanxi Province (2013-2016), Comprehensive Geological Survey in Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region (2016-2018), Multi-element Urban Geological Survey in Xi'an (2018-2021) and Comprehensive Geological Survey in Yan'an, a Former Base of the Communist Party of China (2018-2021). The aim of these projects were to meet the demand for quality assessment of rock and soil masses and also the assessment, development and utilization of urban underground space. During the development of the Dataset, monitoring-while-drilling (MWD) technology was introduced based on regular geophysical prospecting, drilling and testing. Furthermore, a total of 13 parameters was logged, a combined method of underground space exploration was established and the all-element data required for quality assessment of rock and soil masses and urban underground space were obtained. The data in the Dataset were obtained from the urban area of Shanyang County, in the Qinba Mountains of Shaanxi Province, the urban area of Xi'an City in the Guangzhong Basin and the urban area of Yan'an City in the Loess Plateau. It consists of five types of data, i.e., engineering geological drilling, testing, multi-parameter logging, MWD and ground geophysical prospecting. In detail, the data were acquired from 144 engineering geological boreholes, 672 testing samples, 111 boreholes for the logging of 13 parameters by geophysical prospecting, 36 MWD boreholes and 5 profiles of ground geophysical prospecting obtained via 4 methods. In total, the Dataset consists of 968 sets of data and 3 664 files in the formats of.jpg,.xls,.doc,.mpj and.dwg. It can be applied to the quality assessment of rock and soil masses, the establishment of 3D urban geological all-element models, the assessment of underground space resources, the research on the coupling relationship between the quality and physical properties of rock and soil masses and the scientific research of urban geology.

    • Dataset of the Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1: 50 000 in the Puqi County (Present Chibi City) Map Sheet, Hubei Province

      2019, 46(S2):50-59. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z205

      Abstract (1631) HTML (958) PDF 6.20 M (4862) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The environmental geological survey on a scale of 1:50 000 in the Puqi Map Sheet (also referred to as the Survey) was carried out by relying on the project titled Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1:50 000 in the City Clusters of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Along Xianning-Yueyang and Nanchang-Huaihua High-speed Railway initiated by the China Geological Survey. The dataset obtained through the Survey (also referred to as the Dataset) was developed by methods such as the hydrogeological survey, karst collapse survey, hydrogeological drilling and water-quality testing and analysis. It consists of the data of 73 spring survey points, test and analystical results of mineral water from 7 water samples and the data from 1 karst collapse point, 7 karst cave points and 10 hydrological boreholes. The detailed contents of these data are as follows:the results of the spring water survey include locations of spring survey points, water quality indices to be tested in the field and the genesis of spring water. The analytical results of mineral water are the ones reaching the requirements of mineral water according to the indoor testing of water samples taken from spring points and hydrological boreholes in the Puqi County Map Sheet. The data of karst collapses mainly include location of karst collapses, features of collapse pits, geological background and the state after collapse. The survey results of karst caves include the location, development features and development and utilization of the caves. The data of boreholes contain the location, diameter and depth of the boreholes. The Dataset will provide an important geological source for the planning and construction of towns, safe utilization of land and the development of high-quality geological resources in Chibi City.

    • Dataset of the Environmental Geological Survey on a Scale of 1: 50 000 in the Longmen Map Sheet, Hainan Province

      2019, 46(S2):60-68. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z206

      Abstract (1587) HTML (952) PDF 5.43 M (4847) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The dataset of the environmental geological survey on a scale of 1:50 000 in the Longmen Map Sheet, Hainan Province in 2017 (also referred to as the Dataset) contains the survey information, data of hydrogeological boreholes, groundwater sampling information and the chemical component of the test results from the groundwater samples, which include 221 pumping (domestic) well points, 21 spring points, 7 surface water points, 10 hydrogeological boreholes, 808.77 m footage, and 56 groundwater full analysis sampling points. The data in the Dataset are credible since the survey points are consistent with applicable specifications, drilling quality is credible, the sampling conforms to relevant standards and the samples were tested in qualified labs. Therefore, the Dataset can faithfully reflect the hydrogeological and environmental geological conditions in the Longmen Map Sheet during the survey period. Furthermore, a backup groundwater source was delineated based on the survey results, making it possible to effectively alleviate the seasonal shortage of water and provide a basis for scientific and rational utilization of the groundwater resources.

    • Dataset of Field Testing of the Groundwater in the Fangchenggang Area of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

      2019, 46(S2):69-73. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z207

      Abstract (1645) HTML (959) PDF 3.52 M (5103) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Fangchenggang area of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is a typical coastal area in South China where acidic groundwater is well developed. A groundwater survey was carried out in this area during 2013-2015. As a result, a batch of field-testing data of the groundwater was obtained and a dataset was developed (also referred to as the Dataset). The Dataset consists of 2 Excel data tables that respectively contain the field-testing data of the groundwater during the wet and dry seasons. Each of the data tables is comprised of data items such as survey point locations, burial depth of groundwater, groundwater type and the physical and chemical characteristics of the groundwater. It can be shown from the Dataset that the groundwater in Fangchenggang is weakly acidic with a pH value ranging from 5.50-6.50. The Dataset will provide data for the assessment and development of groundwater resources in the Fangchenggang area and also offer a typical demonstration for research on acidic groundwater in the coastal areas of South China.

    • Exploration of Mineral Water Resources in City Clusters Along the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze and Discoveries-A Case Study of the Dataset of the Hydrogeological Survey in the 1: 50 000 Tingsiqiao Map-sheet, Xianning City

      2019, 46(S2):74-82. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z208

      Abstract (1500) HTML (990) PDF 5.59 M (5465) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The city clusters along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, which connect the western parts with the eastern parts and the southern parts with the northern parts of China, play an important role in the balanced and harmonious development of the economy in China. The discovery of mineral water resources in Xianning City will contribute to the development of a green economy. Relying on the project initiated by China Geological Survey with the title Comprehensive Geological Environmental Survey of the Tingsiqiao Map-sheet in the Wuhan Metropolitan Area Along the Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway, the dataset of the Tingsiqiao Map-sheet (also referred to as the Dataset) was developed through the hydrogeological survey in the Tingsiqiao Map-sheet, on a scale of 1:50 000, as well as a full collection of existing geological survey data, remote sensing, geophysical prospecting and a hydrogeological survey. It consists of basic information on boreholes (12 boreholes), descriptions of strata revealed by boreholes (12 boreholes), results from the survey points of pumping/domestic wells (77 pumping/domestic wells), spring points survey results (46 spring points), dynamic monitoring information of groundwater (2 places) and test results from inorganic water samples (61 samples) and organic water samples (9 samples); with a data size of about 4.77 MB. From this dataset, the typical hydrogeological phenomena, the development features of karst in limestone strata and the hydrochemical features of karst groundwater obtained from the hydrogeological survey were fully reflected. According to hydrochemical analysis, Sr-rich potable natural mineral water is discovered along Baiyangfan, Tingsiqiao Town, Xianning City-Daguifan, Guantangyi Town, Chibi City-Zhonghuopu Town and Chibi City. Sr-rich and Zn-rich composite potable natural mineral water is also discovered in the Langqiao area, Zhonghuopu Town and Chibi City, providing important references for the exploration of mineral water resources in the area. Exploration-production wells were drilled with an aim to meet the local demand for water.

    • Comprehensive Geological Environmental Survey in New Small Towns-A Case Study of the Geological Dataset of Danyang City, Jiangsu in 2016

      2019, 46(S2):83-92. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z209

      Abstract (1325) HTML (915) PDF 6.23 M (4895) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Effective application of survey results in social service is a core driving force of urban geological survey. As the key result of urban geological survey, the urban geological dataset is critical to the effective application of geological survey results in service. The China Geological Survey (CGS) has deployed a pilot project for comprehensive survey of geological environment in small towns of Danyang. The workload of the comprehensive survey involves the interpretation of remote sensing images covering an area of 1 047 km2 (including data from three phases), 767 survey points, 115 boreholes, accumulated footage of 8 720 m (including 915 m for the Quaternary boreholes, 2 366 m for hydrological boreholes, and 5 439 m for engineering boreholes), 2 904 Quaternary geological samples, 240 groundwater samples, 1 108 undisturbed earth samples, 2 482 groups of soil samples, 70 points for simultaneous measurement of groundwater levels and 18 pumping tests. In this work, the distribution laws of the hydrogeology, engineering geology, and geologic disasters in Danyang City were ascertained. Furthermore, in view of the geological demand in the planning and construction of Danyang City, the original data obtained from various surveys were specially processed and a dataset was developed accordingly, thereby, providing strong support for the planning and construction of Danyang City. In this paper, the method of developing a geological survey dataset of small towns for the purposes of application and social service was established by collating and summarizing data sources, data collection methods and data processing techniques, in order to provide references for a geological survey in other small towns as well as the processing and application of the geological dataset in the future.

    • Groundwater Resource Assessment for Regional Eco-environmental Protection and Urban Planning and Layout-A Case Study of the Hydrogeological Dataset of the 1: 50 000 Dongshi Map Sheet in the Downland, Western Hubei

      2019, 46(S2):93-101. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z210

      Abstract (1481) HTML (949) PDF 5.67 M (4643) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The dataset of the hydrogeological map at a scale of 1:50 000, of the downland in West Hubei was developed based on the organization and analysis of pre-existing data and the integration of the latest original data obtained from a practical field survey in the Dongshi Map Sheet area, such as hydrogeological mapping, geophysical prospecting, hydrogeological drilling, collecting and testing of water samples and monitoring and simultaneous measurement of groundwater level. The original data involved remote-sensing geological interpretation of an area of 450 km2, 226 pumping (domestic) wells, 125 points of geological survey, 16 points of environmental geological survey, 12 boreholes of hydrogeological prospecting, 8 boreholes of engineering geological survey, 80 water samples (for total chemical, isotopic and organic pollution analysis), 40 discrete point-times of simultaneous measurement of groundwater levels during the wet and dry seasons and 12 point-locations of pumping (domestic) wells (for monitoring during an entire hydrological year). The original data were acquired in strict accordance with DZ/T 0282-2015 Specification for Hydrogeological Survey (1:50 000), DZ/T 0148-2014 The Specification for Hydrogeological Well Drilling and other technical requirements in order to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the data. The software MapGIS 6.7 was used to prepare the maps in the dataset, adopting the 1984 Xi'an Coordinate System and the Gauss-Kruger projection (6-degree zone). With the theory on groundwater system as a mapping guidance, the hydrogeological map in the dataset can fully reflect the key hydrogeological information and current conditions of groundwater resources, providing a direct basis for long-term planning of the development, utilization and effective protection of regional groundwater resources. Therefore, the dataset will promote the ecological civilization construction and repaid development of the economic belt along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

    • Dataset of Resource and Environment Atlas for the Purpose of Supporting and Serving the Planning, Construction and Green Development of Guangzhou

      2019, 46(S2):102-109. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z211

      Abstract (1585) HTML (1101) PDF 5.85 M (4598) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Dataset of the Resource and Environment Atlas for the Purpose of Supporting and Serving the Planning, Construction and Green Development of Guangzhou (also referred to as the Atlas), a professional integrated atlas in geology, was prepared based on a collation and summary of the latest materials and results obtained from hydrogeological, engineering geological and environmental geological surveys. It focuses on the development of Guangzhou, one of the three poles of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In the Atlas, it collected and collated environmental geological surveys, monitoring data and research results carried out in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau and Bay Area since the Land and Resources Survey.. Moreover, they were expressed in a more popular and legible means such as figures or forms based on secondary study and development. In general, the Atlas consists of 53 maps and 6 categories, i.e., introductory maps, maps on the assessment of the geological suitability for the development and utilization of national land space, maps on the major geological safety problems that ought to be noted in urban planning and construction, maps on the advantageous geological resources that ought to be fully utilized for industrial development, maps on the state of the resources and environment that ought to be focused on for ecological environmental protection and maps on the basic geological conditions. Furthermore, the Atlas also contains the geological recommendations to support the development of green ecological agriculture, the development of a clean energy industry, safe use of water, the development of a tourism industry and the enhancement of the abilities to prevent and reduce natural disasters in the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area, effectively serving the planning of national land space and the building of sponge cities in Guangzhou.

    • 1: 50 000 Engineering Geological Survey and Geotechnical Test Dataset of the Doumen Map-Sheet in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

      2019, 46(S2):110-122. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z212

      Abstract (1412) HTML (934) PDF 7.49 M (5084) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This dataset was created as a result of the "Environmental Geological Survey (1:50 000) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" project of the China Geological Survey in 2017. Based on previously collected geological information, we have carried out a 1:50 000 engineering geological survey in Doumen on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and compiled the 1:50 000 engineering geological map and specifications. This dataset was established based on the survey and analytical data of the samples. The dataset has 10 types of data in two categories:survey data and experimental test data, including 168 series of basic survey data, 53 series of data from field verification and remote sensing interpretation, 22 series of data from the integrated geological field survey, 77 series of data from the engineering geological survey, 23 series of data from the geological hazard survey, 13 series of data on the basic information of boreholes, 583 series of data from in-situ test results, 36 series of data from rock sample tests, 130 series of data from geotechnical tests and 669 series of data from field pictures, in total 1 774 series of data. This dataset will help us understand the engineering geological conditions of the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and evaluate geological hazards such as soft ground subsidence, collapse, landslide and unstable slopes.

    • Integration of Engineering Geological Investigation Data and Construction of a 3D Geological Structure Model in the Xiong'an New Area

      2019, 46(S2):123-129. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z213

      Abstract (1926) HTML (986) PDF 4.42 M (5088) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Xiong'an New Area is located in the plain to the east of the Taihang Mountains, where the shallow strata within 100 m under the earth's surface mainly consist of alluvial-proluvial and alluvial-lacustrine sand beds and clay layers, with excellent engineering geological conditions. Through engineering geological investigations, the China Geological Survey has obtained data of the strata, standard penetration and tests of more than 100 boreholes, thus forming a system of techniques and methods in the Xiong'an New Area, and establishing the engineering geological borehole database and a three-dimensional model. This will provide strong support for the future planning and construction in the Xiong'an New Area. This paper introduces data acquisition, data integration, geological data processing technology in engineering geological investigation, and explores the method using 3D visualization software to establish the 3D structure geological model, in a bid to provide reference for urban geological survey and dataset processing with the real application of a engineering geological dataset in the Xiong'an New Area.

    • Database of Geological Environmental Map System of China Based on MapGIS

      2019, 46(S2):130-140. DOI: 10.12029/gc2019Z214

      Abstract (2061) HTML (974) PDF 6.80 M (6210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Database of Geological Environmental Map System of China is China's first national database with uniform structure, format and codes, covering five professional fields, namely, geological environment, geologic hazards, groundwater, geological environment of mines and geological relics (geoheritage). Using 1:1 000 000 data sources as the geographic information base, this database is built on 1:500 000 environmental geological surveys in different provinces, county-and city-level geologic hazard surveys, 1:50 000 geologic hazard surveys in key areas, the latest groundwater resources assessment, the second national survey of the geological environment of mines and investigation of such in areas with concentrated mining, and the first survey of geological relics. According to uniform requirements, it integrated the data of hydrological, engineering and environmental geological surveys and monitoring data over the past 20 years as well as the latest related research results. It has a unified system library (symbol, color, pattern and line libraries), with attributes established according to uniform coding rules and requirements, and with maps standardized according to uniform finishing and legend. The database contains 163 professional map layers with a total number of 337 833 elements and a capacity of 8.8 GB. It lays a solid foundation for the dynamic management and updating of maps and the construction of a digital geological environment, and provides detailed fundamental information for the protection and management of China's geological environment, spatial planning of national territory, ecological restoration and the prevention and control of geologic disasters.

Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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