• Volume 49,Issue 2,2022 Table of Contents
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    • >Contents
    • Front cover

      2022, 49(2):0-0. DOI: 10.12029/gc2022020

      Abstract (603) HTML (0) PDF 2.83 M (3356) Comment (0) Favorites


    • GEOLOGY IN CHINA (Bimonthly) Apr. 2022 Vol. 49, No.2 (Serial No. 409) Contents

      2022, 49(2):0-0. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220200

      Abstract (506) HTML (0) PDF 473.42 K (3735) Comment (0) Favorites


    • >In Focus
    • Geo-hazard effects and typical landslide characteristics of the Batang fault zone in the western Sichuan

      2022, 49(2):355-368. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220201

      Abstract (949) HTML (1091) PDF 19.98 M (2909) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of the geological disaster prevention and control engineering and geological hazard prevention and control engineering.
      [Objective]The Batang fault zone in the western Sichuan and eastern Tibet Plateau has complex geological settings. The study on the geo-hazard development characteristics is helpful to reveal the geo-hazard effect of active fault zone.[Methods]Based on the forming background analysis and field geo-hazard investigation of the Batang fault zone, this paper analyzes the geo-hazard distribution law and typical landslide development characteristics, and discusses the geo-hazard effects of the Batang fault zone.[Results]The study shows that:(1) The fragmented rock mass structure effected by fault activity can promote the development and formation of geo-hazard, and the violent fault activity (earthquake) or the creeping activity can induce geo-hazards,and the strong geo-hazard effects mainly occur with in 3000 m on both sides of the fault. (2) Geo-hazards in the Batang fault zone have the characteristics of wide areas, uneven distribution, local concentration, and so on. There are a large number of creepy landslides and seismic landslides in the deep-cut canyon along the main stream of the Jinsha River. (3) Seismic landslides and ancient landslides are developed in the Batang fault zone, and some landslides directly cross the fault zone. The superimposed influence of internal and external forces such as faults, rainfall and human engineering, has induced some local revival of some landslides.[Conclusions] The Batang fault has a significant control effect on regional geo-hazard development and distribution.Some residential areas and roads in the Batang fault zone are at geo-hazard risk. The town planning area should be far away from the river valley bank slopes and debris flow accumulation fans and other areas vulnerable to geo-hazard. The research results have important scientific significance for understanding the geo-hazard effects of the active fault zone in the eastern Tibet Plateau and for disaster prevention and mitigation.
      Highlights: The geo-hazard effect and disaster mechanism of the Batang active fault zone in the eastern Tibet are deeply analyzed.

    • Evaluation of Cambrian caprock in the platform-basin area of Tarim Basin and optimization of favorable area for oil and gas caprock

      2022, 49(2):369-382. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220202

      Abstract (644) HTML (1000) PDF 11.40 M (2354) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
      [Objective]Gypsum-salt rocks, gypsum-bearing mudstone, and gypsum-bearing dolomite were extensively deposited in the platform-basin area of Tarim Basin during the Middle Cambrian. The study on the oil and gas sealing capacity and distribution of this set of strata can provide a basis for the exploration of the Cambrian subsalt field in the Tarim Basin.[Methods]44 core samples from 4 wells were studied under microscopic thin sections and tested for physical parameters and breakthrough pressure. Based on the relationship among physical parameters, the sealing ability of the Middle Cambrian rocks in the study area was quantitatively evaluated. Meanwhile, we studied the thicknesses of the Middle Cambrian gypsum-salt rocks, gypsum-bearing mudstone, and gypsum-bearing dolomite using two-dimensional seismic data and drilling data from 14 wells. The microscopic and macroscopic appraisals of Middle Cambrian successions are constrained by drilling data obtained during exploration. Finally, we proposed a comprehensive method to evaluate the sealing ability of the caprock.[Results]The results suggest that gypsum-salt rocks have better sealing ability than gypsum-bearing mudstone and gypsum-bearing dolomite, but the faults and burial condition will affect the sealing ability of the caprock. It shows that the thicknesses of the gypsum caprocks are great in the Awati Depression, the north of the Tazhong Uplift, the south of the Manxi Low Uplift, and the middle and north of the Bachu Uplift. The thinness of gypsum is greatest in the Bachu Uplift and decreases unevenly towards the surrounding areas.[Conclusions]The research results show that the Awati Depression, the West and south of Manxi Low Uplift, the north and west of Tazhong Uplift, and the middle of Tabei Uplift are favorable areas for the development of the caprock.
      Highlights: The geo-hazard effect and disaster mechanism of the Batang active fault zone in the eastern Tibet are deeply analyzed.

    • Analysis of shale gas accumulation conditions of the Upper Permian in the Lower Yangtze Region

      2022, 49(2):383-397. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220203

      Abstract (620) HTML (970) PDF 6.18 M (2538) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
      [Objective]The dark shale of the Longtan-Dalong Formation is widely developed in the Upper Permian of the Lower Yangtze region, which is the key formation for shale gas exploration in China. At present, the degree of exploration in this area is low, resulting in unclear understanding of shale gas accumulation conditions.[Methods]The geochemical characteristics, reservoir properties, and preservation conditions of the Longtan Formation and Dalong Formation shales were studied to evaluate shale gas exploration potential and optimize favorable exploration areas.[Results]The organic matter abundance of the Longtan Formation and Dalong Formation is high, TOC content is generally greater than 2.0%, the thermal evolution degree is moderate (between 1.3% and 2.5%), the reservoir space is mainly ink bottle and slit-like mesopores, the brittle mineral content is generally higher than 50%, with good hydrocarbon generation material basis and fracturability. The Longtan Formation shale is thick, with good self-sealing ability, and the preservation conditions are generally better than those of the Dalong Formation. Both of them develop various types of fractures, which are the main channels for shale gas escape. In addition, the late magmatic activity is frequent, which has a strong destructive effect on shale gas, and the preservation conditions are the key to shale gas enrichment.[Conclusions]The evaluation of the Upper Permian shale gas in the Lower Yangtze area should be based on sedimentary environment, hydrocarbon generation capacity, and reservoir conditions, taking the shale gas preservation conditions as the key and adopting the principle of finding weak areas in the context of strong tectonic activity. Finally, five favorable areas were divided in the Dalong Formation and Longtan Formation in the Lower Yangtze area.
      Highlights: The Upper Permian shales in the Lower Yangtze region have the material basis for shale gas enrichment; The preservation conditions are the key to shale gas enrichment in the Upper Permian in the Lower Yangtze region.

    • A study of the Selenium speciation in paddy soil and status of selenium-enriched rice in western part of Ankang City, Shaanxi Province

      2022, 49(2):398-408. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220204

      Abstract (675) HTML (1038) PDF 2.63 M (2492) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of agricultural geological survey engineering.
      [Objective]The uptake and accumulation of selenium in rice grain is determined by the bioavailability of selenium in paddy soils, which can be directly affected by its speciation pattern.In this study, the selenium speciation in soils from the west of Ankang City, Shaanxi province was analyzed to investigate the correlation of selenium content in rice grain with the speciation pattern of selenium in soils.[Methods] The distribution characteristics of seleniumspeciation in soils was examined by analyzing the concentrations of selenium in soils and rice grain.[Results] The concentrations of speciation fractions varied significantly. Detailedly, the humic acid boundfraction of selenium accounted for more than 90% of the total content, whereas the water-solublefraction, ion-exchangeable fraction, manganese oxides fraction and carbonate bounded fraction occupied less than 5%. This study observed a tight relationship between the rice uptake of selenium and its concentration ofwater-soluble fraction andion-exchangeable fraction in paddy soils, which was consistent with the results found in previous studiesand will provide fundamental basis for the development of selenium-rich rice. The average concentration of selenium in rice grainwas 0.20 mg/kg, which met the national standard.[Conclusions] The enrichment degree of selenium in paddy soils from the study area was high. This caused the relative accumulation of selenium in rice grain, which met the national standard. This study reveals broad prospects in the development of selenium-rich rice.
      Highlights: Study the Selenium speciation in paddy soil, explore the migration and transformation of selenium from soil to crops.

    • Identification of nitrate sources of groundwaters in the Zhaotong basin using hydrochemistry, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes and its impact on the environment

      2022, 49(2):409-419. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220205

      Abstract (696) HTML (1011) PDF 4.46 M (2835) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of the water resources and environmental geological survey engineering.
      [Objective]Nitrate contamination of groundwater is becoming more and more serious resulting from intensive human activities.[Methods] Hydrochemistry and stable nitrogen and oxygen isotopes were used to trace the nitrate sources and transformation groundwaters in the Zhaotong basin, China. As well as, the origin of nitrate in the spring and well waters was quantitatively analyzed by SIAR model.[Results] The results showed that:(1) The water quality of boreholes is good, while approximately 19% of the spring samples are not drinkable due to nitrate exceed the drinking water standard, and 13% of the well samples are unsuited to irrigation due to the high nitrate concentrations; (2) The ranges of δ15NNO3 in spring and well waters were 2.4‰-18‰ (mean of 7.9‰) and -4.5‰-39.7‰ (mean of 17.3‰), respectively, and the values of δ18ONO3 ranged from -8.8‰ to 39.3‰ (mean of 2.5‰), and from -16.4‰ to 26.7‰ (mean of 0‰), respectively. Based on the hydrochemical data and stable isotopic compositions, nitrification was the dominant process in the study area; (3) Nitrate in spring and well waters were mainly from manure&sewage, soil nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer. The SIAR model showed that the contributions of manure& sewage, soil nitrogen, and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer to spring were 48%, 28% and 24%, respectively, and to well water were 87%, 6% and 7%, respectively.[Conclusions] Manure&sewage end-member accounted for 89% and 72% in the groundwaters from residential and agricultural areas, respectively, while it only accounted for 27% in the groundwater from forestry land, indicating that the more strongly affected by human activities, the more serious nitrate contamination of groundwater.
      Highlights: Hydrogeochemistry and double-isotopes of nitrate were employed to identify the NO3- sources and transformation in groundwaters in the Zhaotong basin. Manure&sewage, soil organic nitrogen, and nitrogen fertilizer are the major NO3- sources, and nitrification is the primary nitrogen transformation process.

    • >Reviews
    • Prospect of groundwater pollution remediation methods and technologies in China

      2022, 49(2):420-434. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220206

      Abstract (1412) HTML (1599) PDF 2.95 M (5709) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of the water resources and environmental geological survey engineering.
      [Objective]The investigation and remediation of groundwater pollution in China has been paid more attention by the scientific community. Understanding and mastering the methods and technologies of groundwater pollution remediation is helpful for the scientific remediation of polluted sites.[Methods]Based on the systematic analysis of groundwater pollution remediation cases at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the technical methods implemented on the groundwater pollution remediation site in China.[Results]Combining the characteristics of China's regional economic development and the results of groundwater pollution investigation and evaluation, it is believed that the complex hydrogeological conditions are restricted, and the pollutants are affected by the heterogeneity of groundwater velocity, flow direction and permeability coefficient, which makes the restored site appear tailing. and rebound; pollutants are restricted by the lithology of aquifers, and the adhesion and desorption of pollutants and low-permeability rock and soil often generate secondary pollution; Groundwater quality assessment, groundwater pollution health risk assessment, and pollution degree assessment provide a scientific basis for the development and completion of restoration projects.[Conclusions] Groundwater pollution remediation in China faces opportunities and challenges in the coordination of methods and technical methods. Groundwater pollution remediation needs to rely on aquifer lithology and hydrogeological conditions.
      Highlights: Aquifer lithology and groundwater dynamic conditions are the keys to groundwater pollution remediation; according to the complexity of pollutants and sites, groundwater pollution remediation is sorted by methods and technologies.

    • Prediction model and exploration prospect analysis of phosphate mineral resources in China

      2022, 49(2):435-454. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220207

      Abstract (815) HTML (1088) PDF 8.92 M (3189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
      [Objective]Phosphate deposit is a strategic mineral resource since 2014, the compilation of Annals of Geology of Mineral Resources of China has been organized by China Geological Survey, which is comprehensively described the overall picture of phosphate in China and important metallogenic regularities, and strengthened the grasp of phosphate situation in China. Based on the project of Annals of Geology of Mineral Resources of China, this paper systematically summarizes the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of phosphate ore at the national level, and delineates the potential areas and key exploration areas of phosphate, which has certain reference value for phosphate ore exploration in China in the future.[Methods]The metallogenic conditions and metallogenic models of sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic phosphate deposits are summarized and studied respectively, and the prediction models of typical deposits are established. According to the prediction model and the forecast resources scale (5000×104 t or more), the phosphate deposit is divided into three types of metallogenic prediction areas.[Results]Up to now, there are 1,040 phosphate production areas in China (the identified resource reserves are 231.07×108 t) and distributed in 30 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions). According to the ore-forming rules of phosphate in China, phosphate in China can be divided into 27 Grade III metallogenic belts, 4 ore-forming sub-zones and 21 ore-concentrated areas. 12 important metallogenic prediction areas of phosphate deposit in China are determined, with the total predicted potential resources up to 300.1×108t. According to the prediction results of phosphate ore mineralization, 27 potential areas for phosphate exploration have been delineated in China. According to the exploration prospect of phosphate, combined with metallogenic geological conditions, deposit geological characteristics, ore dressing and smelting performance, and reliable degree of resources, 19 key exploration areas of phosphate ore were delineated, with the predicted resources of 236.83×108 t, and the exploration work can be arranged in priority.[Conclusions]In the future, the exploration of phosphate ore in China should be focused on northeast Yunnan Province, southwest Sichuan Province, Kaiyang of Guizhou Province, Shennongjia of Hubei Province, Chengde of Hebei Province, Kuruktag and other areas in Xinjiang, with a great prospect of exploration.
      Highlights: The metallogenic conditions and metallogenic models of sedimentary type, magmatic type and metamorphic phosphate ore are summarized and studied respectively, the typical deposit prediction model is established, and the important metallogenic prediction area of phosphate deposit in China is determined, which has certain reference value for phosphate exploration in China in the future.

    • Resources characteristics of molybdenum deposits and their regional metallogeny regularity in North China

      2022, 49(2):455-471. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220208

      Abstract (718) HTML (1003) PDF 4.05 M (3153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
      [Objective] Molybdenum (Mo) is a strategic mineral resource. It is of great significance to identify molybdenum ore resources in North China, summarize the metallogenic laws, and put forward the prospecting direction, which is of great significance for the exploration and deployment of molybdenum ore in the study area.[Methods] Based on the data of 98 molybdenum deposits, the authors systematically analyzed and summarized the metallogenic epoch regularities, spatial regularities, material sources and orecontrolling factors in the study area through combing the resources endowment, metallogenic characteristics and prediction types of molybdenum deposits, then analyzed the resource potential and put forward the prospecting direction.[Results]Molybdenum deposits in North China could be divided into four metallogenic types and four mineral prediction types. The metallogenic regularities of molybdenum deposits had been summarized and the prospecting direction is proposed.[Conclusions]We thought the metallogenic age mainly concentrated in the Paleoproterozoic, the Permian-Triassic and Jurassic-Cretaceous, and the later was the major metallogenic epoch. The molybdenum deposits mainly produced in Paleoproterozoic Henan-Shanxi continental margin rift zone, late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic continental margin active zone in the south and north of North China block and the late Mesozoic magmatic arc, which the main metallogenic types were porphyry type and skarn type. The ore-forming materials were mainly come from crust-source or crust-mantle mixed source, and the ore-forming fluids were dominated by magmatic water, which were mixed with atmospheric water in the late stage. We pointed out three the most important areas as superior ore-forming conditions and great ore-prospecting potential like Pingquan, Hebei Province-Chifeng-Liangcheng in Inner Mongolia, the western segment of the northern margin of the North China block and Ruyang-Songxian-Luanchuan area in east Qinling-Dabie belt and Heiyingshan-Yagan area.
      Highlights: Theauthers systematically analyzed the molybdenum resource endowment in North China, summarized the epoch and spatial regularities of molybdenum deposits, the source of metallogenic materials and ore-controlling factors, put forward prospecting direction, which provides technical and data support for the exploration and deployment of geological molybdenum resources in North China.

    • >Research Articles
    • Analysis of shale pore characteristics and controlling factors based on variation of buried depth in the Longmaxi Formation, Southern Sichuan Basin

      2022, 49(2):472-484. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220209

      Abstract (568) HTML (1047) PDF 5.12 M (2628) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
      [Objective]With the maturity of exploration and development technology in shallow and medium-deep shale, deep shale has become a focus of next exploration and developmentin China. Clarifying the pore characteristics of shale under different burial depths and its controlling factors is conducive to promoting the selection and evaluation of deep shale gas.[Methods]Methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance, field emission scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to comparatively evaluate the porosity and pore structure of Longmaxi-Formation in southern Sichuan Basin, and its influencing factors were also discussed.[Results]With the increase of burial depth, the total porosity shows a downward trend, and the main porosity of shale below 3000 m, between 3000-3500 m and deeper than 3500 m are 4%-8%, 3%-7% and 3%-6%, respectively.There is no significant difference in pore types and size distribution of the Longmaxi Formation shale at different depths, and a large number of nano-scale organic pores, mineral intergranular pores, intragranular dissolved pores and micro-fractures are developed at different depth.[Conclusions]A large amount of organic matter formed at high U/Th ratio and low Ti content is the key factor for the development of deep shale pores. High siliceous mineral content and high formation pressure coefficient could protect pores of shale reservoirs and slow down compaction of its overlying strata. However, excessive burial depth wouldalso lead to a reduction of shale pores and porosity.
      Highlights: Based on a large amount of data, the variation rules of porosity at different depths is discussed. Controlling factors of shale pore characteristics are discussed from multiple perspectives.

    • Optimum selection of injection-production method for carbon dioxide miscible flooding in low permeability reservoirs: Taking the low-permeability reservoirs of the Kexia Formation in the X zone of the Karamay Oilfield as an example

      2022, 49(2):485-495. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220210

      Abstract (608) HTML (1062) PDF 4.75 M (2764) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
      [Objective] The low-permeability reservoirs of the Kexia Formation in the X zone of the Karamay Oilfield have problems such as poor physical properties and low waterflooding development and recovery, which affect the sustainable development of the oilfield. CO2 is the main component of global warming, every country in the world is trying to reduce its content in the atmosphere. This research attempts to use CO2 to drive oil and gas to increase the oil production rate in this reservoir and turn bane into a boon.[Methods] According to the core samples of the Lower Karamay formation from more than 60 coring wells in the test area, combined with the data of SEM and mercury injection test, the reservoir characteristics are systematically studied, and the pore structure characteristics of low-permeability sandstone reservoir are clearly studied. Using reservoir numerical simulation technology, the injection and production parameters of CO2 water-gas alternating flooding (CO2-WAG) and CO2 continuous gas flooding were optimized, and on this basis, the two development modes were compared.[Results] The optimum technical scheme is obtained:using CO2 water-gas alternating flooding technology, 15 wells are injected with water-gas alternately after 4 years of continuous gas injection. The gas-water ratio is 2:1, the gas-water ratio is 1:1 after 10 years. The numerical simulation predicts that the final recovery rate is increased by more than 30% after 15 years of gas injection development.[Conclusions] Experiments show that the oil production after gas injection is 1.85 times that of water injection. The output is increased. It is of great significance to achieve stable production in the old oilfieldsand sustainable development of the oilfield.
      Highlights: Through the reservoir characteristics are systematically studied, and the pore structure characteristics of lowpermeability sandstone reservoir are clearly studied. Using reservoir numerical simulation technology, the injection and production parameters of CO2 water-gas alternating flooding (CO2-WAG) and CO2 continuous gas flooding were optimized, optimum technical scheme is obtained.

    • Recongnition of A-type granite and its implication for magmatism and mineralization in Tangge skarn-type Cu-polymetallic deposit, Tibet

      2022, 49(2):496-517. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220211

      Abstract (650) HTML (986) PDF 6.39 M (2633) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
      [Objective] The mineralization of Tangge skarn-type Cu-polymetallic ore district, located in the western part of the Gangdese volcano-magmatic arc, is closely related to the diagenesis of quartz porphyry in the mining area. There is little research on the quartz porphyry developed in the mining area, which restricts the further understanding of the genesis of the deposit and the guidance of prospecting and exploration.[Methods] We firstly reports zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope, and petrogeochemistry of quartz porphyry in the Tangge ore district.[Results] The quartz porphyry is characterized by high silicon (SiO2=73.97%-76.85%), aluminum (Al2O3=13.03%-14.06%), potassium (K2O=2.2%-4.68%), FeOT(0.97%-1.80%) contents, and high FeOT/MgO ratios (3.57-8.22) and A/CNK=values(1.14-4.24). The quartz porphyry have high REE (∑REE=478.59×10-6-532.71×10-6) and its chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns diagram show obvious right-leaning or"gull"type. They are enriched in Rb, Th, U, K and Pb, depleted in Nb, Ta, Ti, P, Ba and Sr. The low contents of Rb (69.64×10-6-249.00×10-6, less than 270×10-6) and high 10000×Ga/Al ratios (2.54-2.71), indicate that the quartz poyphyry are post-collisional and aluminous A-type granite. LA-ICPMS zircon dating for quartz porphyry yields a weighted mean age of (78.0 ±0.9) Ma, suggesting that they formed in the Late Cretaceous. Their zircons have positive εHf(t) values (+1.5-+5.3, averages of +3.6), showing a relatively homogeneous Hf isotopic composition. Two-stage Hf model ages (T2DM=1052-806 Ma, averages of 912 Ma, less than 1.0 Ga), indicate that they were mainly generated by partial melting of the juvenile felsic lower crust.[Conclusions] Combined with previous research, we proposed that the Tangge quartz porphyry were formed in the post-collisional extensional tectonic environment, which was resulted from the northward subduction of the Indian contient to the Eurasian continent. Tangge quartz porphyry has relatively high background content of Cu, Pb, Zn and Au, which suggest that genetical relationship between the aluminous A-type granitic magmatism and Tangge skarn-type Cu mineralization. It is inferred that Gangdese Belt at least develops a period of Cu polymetallic mineralization related to Late Cretaceous magmatism during 69-89 Ma, however, Tangge skarn-type Cu polymetallic deposits response to magmatism in the middle segment of the Southern Gangdese Belt during late Yanshanian.
      Highlights: The discovery of Late Cretaceous aluminous A-type granite can not only greatly promote the exploration and prospecting of tangge skarn copper polymetallic deposit in ore district, but also promote the expansion of prospecting direction and new prospecting ideas in Zhunuo integrated exploration area and its surroundings.

    • The petrogenetic differences of the Middle-Late Jurassic W-, Sn-, Pb-Zn Cu-bearing granites in the Nanling Range, South China

      2022, 49(2):518-541. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220212

      Abstract (838) HTML (1005) PDF 10.45 M (2395) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of minerial exploration engineering.
      [Objective]The Nanling Range in southern China is characterized by extensive granitic magmatic activity and significant metal deposits during the Middle-Late Jurassic, with W, Sn and Pb-Zn-Cu as the most representative metallogenic categories. In this regard, a systematic comparison study on the three types of ore-bearing granites and a thorough analysis on the origin of mineralization differences would have great implications for regional prospecting.[Methods] In this contribution, the whole rock major and trace element concentrations as well as geochronological, Sr-Nd-Hf isotopical and mineral chemical data of these orebearing granites have been collected and reviewed to summarize their petrogenetic differences.[Results] In combination with our major progress in the long-term geological survey, we suggest that differences do exist among W-, Sn-and Pb-Zn-Cu-bearing granites in many aspects, including the spatial-temporal distribution of the metallic deposits and related granitic plutons, geological characteristics, mineral compositions, source nature, enclave origin, differentiation degree, formation temperatures and the oxygen fugacity as well.[Conclusions] It is concluded that the chemical component of granitic rocks, source materials, magmatic differentiation degree and physical-chemical environment during magma evolution are closely associated with the mineralization types (W, Sn, Pb-Zn-Cu) and control the processes of ore formation. Based on the above, the integrated classification criteria for the W-, Sn-and Pb-Zn-Cu-bearing granites from the Nanling Range has been improved, which would be helpful for ore prospecting in the region.
      Highlights: The integrated classification criteria for the W-, Sn- and Pb-Zn-Cu-bearing granites from the Nanling Range has been improved in terms of their geological characteristic, enclave origin and geochemical index; This would be helpful for ore prospecting in Nanling.

    • Constraints of Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic-sedimentary evolution on uranium mineralization and prospecting prediction in the central and southern Bayin Gobi Basin

      2022, 49(2):542-557. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220213

      Abstract (629) HTML (1014) PDF 11.74 M (2325) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
      [Objective] The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Bayin Gobi basin mainly experienced Early Cretaceous fault depression, fault depression transition and Late Cretaceous depression development stages. The restriction of multi-stage structural transformation on uranium mineralization is not clear, which affects the next prospecting and prediction work.[Methods] In this paper, the depression in the central and southern part of the basin is selected as the research area. Based on the previous achievements and the comparative study of geological sections, the influence of depression structural style and structural evolution on sedimentary filling is systematically studied.[Results] During the Early Cretaceous, Middle and Late (109.7 ±1.5) Ma-(115.5 ±1.5) Ma, Late Cretaceous Paleogene (45.4 ±0.6) Ma-(70.9 ±1.0) Ma and Neogene (12.3 ±0.2) Ma-(2.5 ±0.0) Ma, on the one hand, the tectonic sedimentary evolution in the basin is conducive to the formation of denudation window, and then the development of large-scale interlayer oxidation and multi-stage epigenetic superposition which controls the development of ore-forming fluid and interlayer oxidation zone from the edge of the depression to the center of the depression, and forms uranium mineralization near the redox barrier; On the other hand, the groundwater in the south of the basin changes from runoff weak runoff to stagnant water, which is conducive to the decomposition, precipitation and enrichment of uranium in the ore-forming fluid under water-rock process.[Conclusions] Under the favorable tectonic background, uranium mineralization in the central and southern Bayingobi basin is mainly controlled by sedimentary facies and interlayer oxidation zone.
      Highlights: Based on the qualitative prediction of fan delta, the metallogenic model of fan delta under the background of faulted lake basin is constructed, the genetic models of sandstone type and mudstone type ore bodies are established, andthe favorable area for uranium mineralization in the surrounding area is predicted.

    • Alteration mineral mapping based on the GF-5 hyperspectral data and its geological application——An example of the Huaniushan area in Guazhou County of Gansu Province

      2022, 49(2):558-574. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220214

      Abstract (784) HTML (1159) PDF 15.69 M (2534) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
      [Objective]The GF-5 AHSI satellite hyperspectral data, featured by the integration of both image and spectrum, can be utilized to directly identify alteration minerals according to their fine spectral characteristics. Large-area wide-range hyperspectral data can be easily obtained by one transit imaging, which can well support the survey of land natural resources. This work extracted alteration minerals using the GF-5 hyperspectral data, and conducted further analysis and field verification, in an attempt to promote the deepening application of China's satellite hyperspectral data in geological field.[Methods]Technical workflows of preprocessing GF-5 hyperspectral data and alteration mineral mapping were established. Based on the improvement of the traditional spectral angle matching algorithm, a new spectral matching method of the whole spectral shape synergy with absorption peak position was proposed, and the corresponding algorithm module with the Python language was developed. Taking the Huaniushan area of Gansu Province as an example, we conducted mineral mapping, and comprehensively analyzed multi-source geological elements including lithology, structure, and alteration. The extracted alteration minerals were then verified by field survey and ASD spectral measurements.[Results]Nine types of alteration minerals were successfully extracted using the GF-5 hyperspectral data, i.e., limonite, hematite, chlorite, calcite, dolomite, short-wave sericite, medium-to short-wave sericite, medium-to long-wave sericite and long-wave sericite, to describe the distribution of alteration minerals with an area of 3600 km2. The directionally distributed dolomite and calcite minerals reflect the surface exposure of sedimentary or metamorphic strata with carbonate composition. Chlorite minerals reveal the distribution of geological bodies rich in amphibole. Limonite and hematite minerals are indicative of the hydrothermal activities related to acid granites. Short-wave sericite was mainly distributed in the monzogranite. Medium-to short-wave sericite is suggestive of the hydrothermal activity of special structural section such as the contact zone between intermediate and acid rock masses and the old Dunhuang Complex. Medium-to long-wave sericite was closely related to the NE-trending fault. Long-wave sericite indicates the presence of hydrothermal activity before the Early Carboniferous.[Conclusions]The GF-5 hyperspectral data can extract nine types of alteration minerals including limonite, and the field verification confirms the reliability of alteration mineral mapping. Different alteration minerals may be interpreted from varying aspects. Carbonate minerals are inferred to be closely related to sedimentary or metamorphic strata, while sericite minerals mostly reflect hydrothermal activities related to intermediate to acid rock mass and fault structure. It is considered that the GF-5 hyperspectral data can rapidly identify geological bodies, and can help to revise geological boundary and locate fresh samples, which will effectively serve the basic geological survey and mineral geological exploration in the field of natural resources.
      Highlights: A new spectral matching method of whole spectral shape synergy with absorption peak position for the hyperspectral data was proposed, and the extraction, comprehensive analysis and field verification of altered minerals using a whole scene of GF-5 hyperspectral data were carried out for the first time.

    • Ar-Ar and U-Pb ages of Hongshan copper deposit, Handan City, Hebei Province and their limitation on mineralization age

      2022, 49(2):575-585. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220215

      Abstract (677) HTML (994) PDF 7.30 M (2552) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
      [Objective] Some copper and gold bodies have been found around Hongshan pluton in recent years. The determination of metallogenic age is the key to determine the genesis of ore deposits and analyze the metallogenic process.[Methods] On the basis of detailed field geological work, the isotopic dating of zircon and copper-mineralized hydrothermal alteration mineral biotite in orehosting rocks were carried out by using U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar stage heating methods, respectively.[Results] Hydrothermal biotite alteration occurred at(127.62±0.5) Ma, the U-Pb ages of the zircons from ore-bearing rock are (130.45±0.94) Ma and (131.4±1.8) Ma, respectively.[Conclusions] The results of age test show that copper mineralization is closely related to the acidic hydrothermal activity after the emplacement of fine-grained syenite porphyry. According to the planation surface of the southern Taihang mountain and the thickness of the cover layer of the rock mass, it is speculated that the Hongshan pluton has been denuded about 2000 meters due to crustal uplift, prospecting potential of the copper deposit is not promising.
      Highlights: Combining the deposit formation age with the later regional tectonic uplift evolution, analyze the denudation and retention of the ore body, conclude the prospecting prospect is not optimistic in the central area of rock mass.

    • Zircon U-Pb dating of Late Paleozoic alkali-feldspar granite in Duobaoshan, Daxing' anling Mountains: Constrains on collision and assembly time of Xing'an and Songnen Blocks

      2022, 49(2):586-600. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220216

      Abstract (602) HTML (967) PDF 4.43 M (2409) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
      [Objective] The Duobaoshan area of the Greater Xing'an Mountains is located on the tectonic belt between the Xing'an block and the Songnen block in the east of the Xingmeng orogenic belt. In this paper, the chronology and petrogeochemistry of the Late Paleozoic alkali feldspar granites in the Duobaoshan area are used to constrain the time limit of the collision between the Xing'an block and the Songnen block.[Methods]In this paper, the zircon U-Pb geochronology and the whole rock geochemistry were carried out.[Results] The LA-ICPMS U-Pb ages of zircons from two alkali-feldspar granite samples were (300.3±2.0) Ma and (307.3 ±1.7) Ma, respectively. Two samples have the similar geochemistry characteristics, with high silicon (SiO2=69.70% to 77.42%), relatively high aluminum (Al2O3=11.60% to 15.05%), and high alkali (K2O + Na2O=7.22% to 9.80%), low Ca and Mg (CaO=0.02% to 0.8%, MgO=0.02% to 0.48%), enrichment of Rb, Th, Zr and Hf, depleted of Ba, Sr, Nb and Ta, relatively high (Zr+ Nb + Ce + Y). In addition, they also have significantly negative Eu anomalies, with the right-leaningdistribution of rare earth elements and high zircon saturation temperature, suggesting both of them are A-type granites.[Conclusions]Combined with the regionally tectonical evolution, it is concluded that the alkali-feldspar granite formed at extensional geological background of postcollision regime, marking the end of the collision between the Xing'an block and the Songnen block.
      Highlights: Determine the type of late Paleozoic alkali-feldspar granite in Duobaoshan area;Constrains the collision and assembly time of Xing'an and Songnen blocks.

    • Geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic setting of volcanic rocks from Manketouebo Formation in Wulagai area, southern Da Hinggan Mountains

      2022, 49(2):601-619. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220217

      Abstract (644) HTML (1001) PDF 7.14 M (2538) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
      [Objective]:By finding out the age and geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks in Wulagai area of Da Hinggan Mountains, this paper discusses the age, genesis and tectonic background of volcanic rocks, so as to provide a basis for the study of magmatic activity and tectonic evolution in the south of Da Hinggan Mountains.[Methods] Our project carried out systematically study the LA-MC-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb chronology and rock geochemistry from the volcanic rocks of Manketouebo Formation in Wulagai area of Da Hinggan Mountains.[Results]The volcanic rocks of Manketouebo Formation in the study area were formed in the middle Late Jurassic ((154.8±1.2)-(164.96±0.71)Ma). The volcanic rocks of this region belong to alkali series rocks, with characteristics of high silicon, rich in alkali and potassium, low magnesium and calcium. The rare earth distribution curves of all samples have similar characteristics. The total amount of rare earth is medium, the fractionation of light and light rare earth is obvious, which belongs to light rare earth enrichment type, and the negative Eu anomaly is significant. The rocks are relatively enriched in the large ion lithophile elements Rb, K, Th and U, and have a strong deficit in the high-field strong elements such as Nb, Ta, Ti, P; the volcanic rocks have the characteristics of low Sr, high Yb and A-type granite.[Conclusions]The studies on trace elements and rare earth elements indicate that the volcanic magma are derived from the melting of the crust and have the same magmatic source. The volcanic rocks of Manketouebo Formation originated in the post orogenic extensional tectonic background, which was possibly related to the lithosphere extension after the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.
      Highlights: The volcanic rocks of Manketouebo Formation were formed in the Middle Late Jurassic. The rocks belong to the highk calc alkaline series with A-type granite geochemical characteristics. They were formed in the extensional tectonic environment caused by the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.

    • Zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry and Hf isotopes of Shenglikou muscovite monzogranite in northern margin of Qaidam Basin

      2022, 49(2):620-630. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220218

      Abstract (548) HTML (970) PDF 3.44 M (2203) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
      [Objective]There are a large number of early Paleozoic granites distributed in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin. However, there are few research data on the existence of magmatic activities in the stage of deep subduction and early collision with the continent, which restricts the understanding of the tectonic background evolution in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin.[Methods]Zircon UPb geochronology, petrochemistry and Hf isotope of muscovite monzogranite in the east of Shenglikou are studied.[Results]LAICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating shows that the age of muscovite monzogranite is (433 ±6) Ma (MSWD=0. 026), which is the product of middle Silurian magmatism. Geochemical characteristics show that the rocks are rich in silicon (SiO2=76.33%-76.99%) and alkali (K2O+Na2O=7.28%-8.19%), high K2O, K2O/Na2O>1, low Mg (MgO=0.21%-0.29%) and Mg# (Mg#=23.29-30.17), A/CNK(1.12-1.19), belonging to the strongly peraluminous calc alkaline rock series. The rocks are relatively enriched in Rb, Th, U and other large ion lithophile elements, and depleted in Nb, Ta, Ti, P and some Ba, Sr and other large ion lithophile elements (LILE). The REE distribution curve is right dipping, showing obvious negative Eu anomaly(δEu=0.32-0.63). Hf isotope of zircon εHf(t)=-5.2--16.0, and the corresponding Hf isotopic crustal model ages TDM2=1.86-2.20 Ga.[Conclusions] The study of geochemistry and isotope shows that the muscovite monzogranite is S-type granite, which originated from the remelting and reconstruction of Paleoproterozoic crust. Based on the comprehensive comparison of the formation age of muscovite monzogranite and the regional high-pressure ultra-high pressure metamorphic age, combined with the study of petrochemistry and isotope, it is considered that the muscovite monzogranite in the east of Shenglikou was formed in the collision stage of the high-pressure ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin.
      Highlights: The age of muscovite monzogranite in the eastern Shenglikou area is (433±1.6) Ma, which is consistent with the peak metamorphic age of HP-UHP metamorphic belt in the northern Qaidam basin, indicating that there was weak magmatic activity during the HP-UHP belt collision in the northern Qaidam basin, which further proves the age of collisional orogenesis in the northern Qaidam Basin.

    • Geological structural characteristics and tectonic period in Daguitun area, southern Heilongjiang

      2022, 49(2):631-642. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220219

      Abstract (540) HTML (980) PDF 7.42 M (2288) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
      [Object]Daguitun area in the southern of Heilongjiang Province is located in the eastern part of the Songnen-Zhangguangcailing block, which is the superposition and transformation site of Paleo-Asian oceanic tectonic domain and Pacific tectonic domain, It is of great theoretical significance to further analyze the superposition and transformation background of the two tectonic domains by studying the features of small or micro structures.[Methods]Based on systematic field investigation and microscopic identification of mineral deformation characteristics, combined with previous research results, this paper discusses the tectonic evolution history of the study area and the time limit for superposition and transformation of the two tectonic systems.[Results]There are three stages of tectonics in the area of Guitun:First, the Early Paleozoic paleo-Asian ocean cracking and expansion, second, the Late PermianEarly Triassic paleo-Asian ocean closing and compression orogeny, third, the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic subduction and compression orogeny of the Pacific plate on the Eurasian plate. The folds formed during the subduction period of the Pacific plate to Eurasia are obviously different from those formed during the closing compression period of the ancient Asian ocean, which not only reflects the significant differences in structural levels, but also reflects the transformation process of regional stress field.[Conclusion]During the subduction period of the Pacific plate to Eurasia, not only folds were formed, but also brittle fractures matched with them were formed, which provided an important scientific basis for studying the transformation between the paleoAsian Ocean and the circum-Pacific tectonic domain, especially the subduction history of the paleo-Pacific plate to Eurasia.
      Highlights: Based on systematic field geological investigation and microscopic observation of mineral deformation characteristics, small or micro deformed structures are identified, and the principle of analytical tectonics is used to provide important scientific basis for the transformation between paleo-Asian Ocean and circum-Pacific tectonic domain, especially the subduction history of paleo-Pacific plate to Eurasia.

    • Wildfires in Jurassic Coal Seams from Ordos Basin and its impact on Paleoclimate

      2022, 49(2):643-654. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220220

      Abstract (638) HTML (1102) PDF 7.24 M (2609) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of coalfield geological survey engineering.
      [Objective]Wildfire is an important part of the earth system. The greenhouse gases produced by combustion will have an impact on the climate and the biosphere. One way to obtain information about the potential long term influences of wildfires on ecosystems and the climate system itself is to study palaeo-wildfires.[Methods]A total of 56 Jurassic coal samples from 5 main coal seams were collected from Northern Ordos Basin. The samples were analyzed by macropetrography, microscope, scanning electron microscope in order to study the evidences of wildfire and their impact on the paleoclimate.[Results]The results showed that a great deal of charcoal has been found in the roof and floor of the middle Jurassic coal from Ordos Basin and the cell walls of charcoal observed under SEM were homogenized. The average proportions of inertinite in the coal samples ranged from 45.23% to 56.81%, and the reflectance of most inertinite in coal is less than 2%, which indicated that the frequency wildfires occurred during the peat deposition period and the fires type were dominated by surface and ground fires with low temperature.[Conclusions]According to a carbon emission model for modern forest fires, the total carbon and gas emissions from wildfires in peat swamps of the Middle Jurassic in Northwest China were calculated. The total carbon released from peat-swamp forest wildfires was at least 443 Gt, corresponding to emissions of CO2, CO and CH4 of 1377 Gt, 86.7 Gt, and 8.26 Gt, respectively. The large amount of greenhouse gases released by wildfires may lead to changes of the atmospheric, which may have accelerated the process of climate warming in the Middle Jurassic.
      Highlights: Paleowildfire events occurred frequently in the early Middle Jurassic in Ordos Basin and the main types of wildfires were surface fires and ground fires; The total carbon released by wildfires in the early Middle Jurassic in Ordos Basin reached at least 443 Gt, which might have affected the paleoclimate.

    • Multi-stratigraphic study and response to sea-level fluctuations since the last deglaciation detected from BZK0402 core in the Shuiyang River basin, Yangtze River

      2022, 49(2):655-666. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220221

      Abstract (527) HTML (1014) PDF 6.38 M (2387) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper is the result of environmental geological survey engineering.
      [Objective]To carry out multi-stratigraphic research on the borehole BZK0402 located in the Shuiyang River basin, and explore the sea-level fluctuations since the last deglaciation and the origin of the Paleo-Danyang Lake formation.[Methods]Based on the lithostratigraphical classification and the magnetostratigraphic and chronostratigraphical constraints, the multi-stratigraphic study on the BZK0402 core was carried out. Comparative analysis was also been made between the BZK0402 core and the cores which located in the Yangtze River valley and the Yangtze River delta.[Results]The analysis divided the BZK0402 core within Quarternary era into two units, namely the Middle-Upper Pelistocene Daqiaozhen Formation and the Holocene Wuhu Formation. The sediments through the western margin of the Yangtze River delta where the BZK0402 core lies in, also furthers our understanding of the general pattern of sea-level change since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), with these changes divided into four stages as follows:(1) The LGM was associated with a period of gravel and sand dominated deposition as a result of steep slopes and significant strong fluvial erosion within the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River. (2) The Early Holocene saw a decrease in the grainsize of the sediments being deposited, with sedimentary facies changing from fluvial to lacustrine environments as a result of post-glacial transgression. This period also saw the development of pteridophyte undergrowth-dominated coniferous forest vegetation along with lakes and bog and swamp areas. (3) The Middle Holocene transgressive maximum was associated with the deposition of lacustrine clays that contain coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest vegetation. (4) These sediments are overlain by disturbed Late Holocene to present sediments, with this disturbance caused by uncertain factors.[Conclusions]The sediments in the Shuiyang River, which is a tributary of Yangzte River, not only formed within Holecene, but also formed in Pleistocene. The PaleoDanyang Lake located within the Shuiyang River Valley formed during the Early Holocene, and the period of the lake formation consistent with the Holocene transgression.
      Highlights: The Shuiyang River Vally records Pleistocene-Holocene sediments. The formation of the Paleo-Danyang Lake has a time-synergistic effect with Holocene transgression.

    • >Discoveries and Development
    • Metallogenic age of the Caojiatun Mo deposit in the Southern Great Xing'an Range: Evidence from molybdenite Re-Os isotopic dating

      2022, 49(2):667-668. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220222

      Abstract (662) HTML (955) PDF 1.98 M (2095) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Discovery of a new nickel-cobalt mineralization body of the basic complex in Mian-lue-ning area, Shaanxi

      2022, 49(2):669-670. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220223

      Abstract (634) HTML (985) PDF 2.92 M (2233) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Discovery of large-type crystalline graphite (1.42 Mt) in the Yanbian County, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province

      2022, 49(2):671-672. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220224

      Abstract (679) HTML (1048) PDF 2.28 M (2702) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Discovery of a new type of sedimentary titanium deposit at the bottom of Xuanwei Formation of Upper Permian in Muchuan area, southern Sichuan

      2022, 49(2):673-674. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220225

      Abstract (595) HTML (991) PDF 1.89 M (2573) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Triassic natural gas was first drilled in the lower Reaches of Yangtze River

      2022, 49(2):675-676. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220226

      Abstract (514) HTML (992) PDF 1.85 M (2080) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Discovery and development suggestion of strontium-rich and metasilicate mineral water in the northern Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province

      2022, 49(2):677-678. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220227

      Abstract (574) HTML (1089) PDF 2.03 M (2468) Comment (0) Favorites


    • >New and Highlights
    • The major work and implication of the French Geological Survey on geological carbon sequestration

      2022, 49(2):679-682. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220228

      Abstract (522) HTML (1081) PDF 1.24 M (2589) Comment (0) Favorites


Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo


International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P

Domestic postal code:2-112

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