Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
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ZHENG Mianping , XING Enyuan , ZHANG Xuefei , LI Mingming , CHE Dong , BU Lingzhong , HAN Jiahuan , YE Chuanyong
2023, 50(6):1599-1620. DOI: 10.12029/gc20231025002
Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
[Objective] A reasonable classification of deposits holds great significance for identifying prospecting targets and deploying exploration. The world's keen demand for lithium resources has expedited the discovery of numerous novel lithium resources. [Methods] Given the presence of varied classification criteria for lithium resources presently, this study further ascertained and classified the lithium resources according to their occurrence modes. [Results] The global lithium deposits are divided into 10 types and 5 subtypes of lithium deposits (resources) based on endogenetic and exogenetic factors. [Conclusion] As indicated by surveys of Cenozoic exogenetic lithium deposits in China and abroad, the formation and distribution of the deposits are primarily determined by plate collision zones, their primary material sources are linked to the anatectic magmas in the deep oceanic crust, and they were formed primarily during the Miocene and Late Paleogene. The researchers ascertained that these deposits, especially those of the salt lake, geothermal, and volcanic deposit types are closely related to lithium tuff and geothermal water, which have magmatic exclusivity of acidic nature, and the salt lake deposit types tend to migrate and accumulate toward low-lying areas, and display supernormal enrichment. However, the material sources of lithium deposits (resources) of the Neopaleozoic clay subtype and the deep brine type are yet to be further identified. Given the various types and complex origins of lithium deposits (resources), which were formed due to the interactions of multiple spheres, it is recommended that the mineralization of exogenetic lithium deposits (resources) be investigated by integrating tectono-geochemistry, paleoatmospheric circulation, and salinology. So far, industrialized lithium extraction is primarily achieved in lithium deposits of the salt lake, clay, and hard rock types. The lithium extraction employs different processes, with lithium extraction from salt lake-type lithium deposits proving the most energy-saving and cost-effective.
GUO Jing , TANG Fawei , GUAN Hui , ZHAO Haihua , ZHAO Xiaoyun , DANZENG Guojie , DU Bingrui
2023, 50(6):1621-1631. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220323004
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal survey engineering.
[Objective] There are two reasons for the formation of surface thermal anomaly:abnormal heat source and abnormal heat transfer mode. The coexistence of "Thick Crust" and "Hot Crust" is the biggest difference between the high temperature geothermal system on the Xizang Plateau and the common convergent plate margin geothermal system.Partial melting (Hotsource) is an abnormal heat source in the "HotCrust", and fracture system (Structure) is a convective heat transfer channel in the "Thick Crust". Clearly depicting the spatial relationship between the two and exploring the structural-thermal coupling model of heat generation may be an important approach to improving the characteristic heat generation theory of the Xizang Plateau under the coexistence of a "Thick crust" and a "Hot crust". [Methods] This study takes the Rujiao Boiling Spring in Saga County as an example, and uses magnetotelluric sounding and audio magnetotelluric sounding. [Results] To explore the spatial relationship between the fault system and partial melting; we combined with previous studies on geophysics, geochemistry and fluid dynamics, established Rujiao boiling spring structure-thermal couplingthermal model; and set up two production wells with the intersection of the fault system as the target. [Conclusion] The Rujiao tectonic-thermal coupled model of heat generation has universal applicability, which is of great significance for improving the formation theory of characteristic heat in the Xizang Plateau and enhancing the success rate of geothermal exploration.
PAN Liangyun , MENG Lingjian , SUN Fuli , YANG Wenjun , ZHANG Wei , REN Lu , XUE Hui , ZHOU Bo , YANG Hui
2023, 50(6):1632-1645. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220304001
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal survey engineering.
[Objective] The Datong Basin is a Cenozoic rifted basin with superior geothermal geological conditions. But due to the scarcity of geophysical and drilling data in the basin, the research on the basin structure, sedimentary stratigraphy distribution, geothermal geological characteristics and resource evaluation is relatively weak, which partly restricts the understanding of the potential of the geothermal resources of the Datong Basin, as well as the exploitation and utilization of the geothermal resources. [Methods] In this paper, the new 2D seismic, regional geological survey, drilling and logging wells and other oil and gas and exploration data are comprehensively applied to carry out the research on the geological structure, fracture, sedimentary stratigraphy, and geothermal geological characteristics of the northern Datong Basin, and then evaluated the potential of geothermal resources, estimated the amount of geothermal resources, and pointed out the favorable zones of geothermal resources. [Results] The Datong Basin is divided into five tectonic units:the Huairen sag, the Sanganhe sag, the Yingxian sag, the Huanghualiang low uplift and the Sanganhe low uplift. The northern part of the basin (within Datong City) is characterized by good geothermal geological conditions and resource potentials, with the development of two sets of thermal reservoirs:Neocene sandstone and Basement rock, and a thick Quaternary thermal cover, and the Cenozoic is characterized by strong tensional and volcanic activities, and is generally at the high value of geothermal heat flow. The area is in the high value of geothermal flow, and has the potential of geothermal resources of Neocene sandstone and Basement rock, with a total static resource of about 68.8×1015 kJ, which is equivalent to about 2.347 billion tons of standard coal. [Conclusions] The comprehensive evaluation concludes that the western part of Huairen sag and the northern part of Sangganhe sag in Datong Basin are hydrothermal geothermal resource first-class areas, which are favorable target areas for geothermal exploration and development, with the buried depth of thermal reservoir more than 2000 m, the predicted average water temperature greater than 60℃, and the inflow volume of a single well up to 60 m3/h. The northeastern part of Huairen sag and the southwestern part of Sangganhe sag are geothermal resource second-class areas. The geothermal resources of Huanghualiang low uplift and Sangganhe low uplift area are relatively poor.
WANG Andong , SUN Zhanxue , LIN Wenjing , YANG Ni , YE Hailong , TONG Jue , WANG Yun
2023, 50(6):1646-1654. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210909003
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal geological survey engineering.
[Objective] Jiangxi Province, located in the Eastern China, is very rich in geothermal resources and possesses excellent potential for geothermal resources development and utilization. [Methods] In the present study, the distribution features, type and hydrogeochemistry characteristics of geothermal resources and geothermal potential assessment of every city in Jiangxi Province is presented. [Results] The geothermal resources of Jiangxi Province can be divided into circulation type hydrothermal system in the uplifted mountainous area and sedimentation basin type, of which the former has a high proportion of 95%. Circulation type hydrothermal system in the uplifted mountainous area is mainly distributed in Jiulianshan Mountain, Jiulingshan Mountain, Wugongshan Mountain and Luoxiaoshan Mountain Range, which is controlled by the deep faults surrounding the mountain. [Conclusions] The distribution features of geothermal resources in Jiangxi Province is in agreement with the distribution features of geothermal gradient, surface heat flow and deep temperature field, and hydrogeochemistry type is dominated by HCO3-Na type with relatively lower mineralization degree and salinity and is mainly sourced from precipitate water. The results of geothermal potential assessment suggest that Ganzhou and Yichun Cities possess the most abundant geothermal resources with each abundance being larger than 45000×1010 kJ.
LIU Jie , SONG Meiyu , XU Bowen , RUAN Chuanxia , SHI Feng
2023, 50(6):1655-1666. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220210001
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal resources survey engineering.
[Objective] The "14th Five-Year Plan" is a critical period and a window period for carbon peaking. It requires efforts to promote clean energy utilization and low-carbon transformation rationally. Low-carbon and clean geothermal resources in Tianjin are abundant. It is significant to adjust the energy structure and conservation and improve the environment. Tianjin has carried out the compilation of the "Tianjin Mineral Resources Planning (2021-2025)". Among them, to consolidate the foundation of planning and finding geothermal reserves, an evaluation topic is set up to conduct in-depth research on the potential of geothermal resources in Tianjin. [Methods] The special topic evaluates and compares the geothermal resource potential of the Tianjin Guantao Formation by using the thermal storage method, statistical analysis method, and numerical simulation method. [Results] It is concluded from the research that the recoverable amount of geothermal fluid in the Guantao Formation is 0.94×108m3/a without considering recharge and other constraints; with statistical analysis method in the case of considering recharge, water level depth, and water level drop, the recoverable amount of geothermal fluid in Guantao Formation is 0.28×108m3/a; numerical simulation method in the case of considering recharge, temperature drop and water level drop, the recoverable amount of geothermal fluid in Guantao Formation is 0.296×108m3/a. [Conclusions] Through comparative research, it is believed that the statistical analysis method and numerical simulation method are used to calculate the reliability of the results. The GIS-based AHP is used, and the GIS technology and the AHP are combined to carry out comprehensive evaluation and suitability zoning of geothermal resource development and utilization potential in the Guantao Formation.
ZHU Ruijie , ZHOU Xuejun , ZHAN Tao , MA Yongfa , WANG Xu , DONG Junling , LIU Ling , YANG Fengtian , LI Dong , SHI Yujia , SU Yujuan
2023, 50(6):1667-1677. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210602003
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal survey engineering.
[Objective] Researches on microbial community in geothermal systems is key to indicate geochemical environment and evolution of thermal fluids. Previous researches have shown that the thermal water in Lindian geothermal field is highly reducing and is rich in methane. The objective of this paper is to characterize the microbial diversity and community structure of the thermal water. [Methods] A total of 9 thermal water samples were collected and tested during exploitation and non-exploitation periods, and the microbial diversity, community structure and functional genes of the samples were analyzed. [Results] The dominant bacterial genera in the thermal water is mainly Acinetobacter, which is different from most geothermal systems reported, but are similar to that of oil fields. The bacterial diversity of the thermal waters during the exploitation period and the non-exploitation period is significantly different, i.e., the bacterial diversity in the non-exploitation period is higher than that in the exploitation period, while the archaeal diversity is not affected significantly by exploitation. The dominant archaea are mainly Euryarchaeota methanogens. Functional gene prediction of archaea shows that methane production in Lindian geothermal field is dominated by hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, and secondarily by disproportionation of methyl groups and reduction of methyl compounds with H2. [Conclusions] The microbial diversity and community structure of the thermal waters from Lindian geothermal field is relatively unique, which is related to the high content of organic matters and thermal water exploitation.
ZHAO Zhen , QIN Guangxiong , GENG Songhe , CHEN Huijuan , CHAO Jiahao , ZHANG Liang
2023, 50(6):1678-1690. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210503001
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal survey engineering.
[Objective] Xining area is rich in medium and low temperature geothermal resources, but the high salinity and strong corrosion of geothermal water limit the efficient development of geothermal energy. The proposed safe, economic and effective comprehensive well bucket anticorrosion measures are the basis and key to the effective utilization of high salinity geothermal resources. [Methods] In this study, the typical geothermal water in Xining area was collected, and the ionic composition and content of corrosive bacteria were tested. The high-temperature and high-pressure reactor was used to carry out metal plate corrosion tests to evaluate the corrosion performance of geothermal water on different steels under typical wellbore conditions. The corrosion type and the relationship between the corrosion rate and the influencing factors was analyzed. Finally, the anti-corrosion measures for geothermal water reinjection were proposed. [Results] The main corrosion components in geothermal water are Cl-, SO42-, H+ and dissolved oxygen, which cause uniform corrosion, platform corrosion and a small amount of pitting corrosion. The main corrosion products are FeO(OH) and Fe3O4; the corrosion rate along the wellbore gradually increases, and the corrosion risk at bottom hole is the greatest. In addition, the corrosion rate has a greater correlation with the geothermal water properties, P-T condition, flow speed and dissolved oxygen mixed into wellbore. [Conclusions] By fitting carbon steel corrosion experiment data, an empirical equation is established. The predicted value obtained by using the empirical equation is in good agreement with the experimental value. Safe, cost-effective and comprehensive wellbore anti-corrosion measures can be taken from the perspective of anti-corrosion pipes, reinjection geothermal water pretreatment, reinjection process parameters.
LI Hua , WANG Donghui , ZHANG Wei , YANG Jian , WANG Qiao , LIAO Guozhong , WANG Chunshan , HAN Haodong , XI Zhenzhu , WANG Liang , LIU Sheng , XIA Yougang , LI Ying , YANG Tao
2023, 50(6):1691-1704. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200509003
Abstract:This paper is the result of urban geological survey engineering.
[Objective] Tianfu New Area (TNA) of Chengdu is characterized by a typical red stratigraphy in southwest China, including interbed sedimentary rocks of mudstone, silty mudstone, argillaceous siltstone and sandstone. The difference of physical property among the above rocks is minor. Clarifying the shallow geological structure by geophysical method is favor for constructing the fine three-dimensional geological model of TNA. [Methods] This paper attempts to image fine geological structure in 4 typical sites of TNA through a variety of new and traditional geophysical methods. [Results] Ground penetrating radar (GPR) and three component frequency resonance (TCFR) have higher imaging resolution than that of shallow seismic exploration (SSE), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), opposing coils transient electromagnetic (OCTEM) and microtremor exploration (ME). Urban noise tends to affect field data quality in SSE, TCFR and ME, but not in GPR and OCTEM. Fine geological structure from shallow to deep depth can be obtained by method assembly for GPR, TCFR, ERT, OCTEM, SSE and ME. [Conclusions] Under comparing and analyzing the detection depth, resolution, anti-urban noise level, construction efficiency, and economic cost of the above methods, the optimal geophysical method assembly to detect fine geological structure with different construction conditions and exploration depths in TNA of Chengdu is summarized.
LIU Chunyan , HUANG Guanxing , JING Jihong , LIU Jingtao , ZHANG Ying , GUO Weixuan
2023, 50(6):1705-1719. DOI: 10.12029/gc20211206002
Abstract:This paper is the result of hydrogeological survy engineering.
[Objective] Groundwater is one of the major water resources to supply water for the production and daily life of human activities in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (HP). The deterioration of groundwater environment has become an important factor restricting social and economic development and ecological balance at the conditions of human activities. Understanding the characteristics and driving mechanisms of evolution of groundwater chemistry can provide an important reference for the rational development and utilization of groundwater resources. [Methods] In this paper, the HP is divided into three hydrogeological units including piedmont plain, central plain, and coastal plain. The characteristics and driving mechanisms of evolution of groundwater chemistry in HP in China are studied by using Piper diagram, Gibbs diagram, and principal component analysis. [Results] Results showed that TDS concentrations in groundwater increased gradually from piedmont plain to coastal plain, and groundwater was evolved from freshwater to brine via brackish water and salt water. Groundwater in the study area was from 44 hydrochemical facies in the piedmont plain increased to 74 hydrochemical facies in the central plain, and then decreased to 22 hydrochemical facies in the coastal plain. Among them, the hydrochemical facies of groundwater in the piedmont plain were dominated by CO3-Ca · Mg and CO3-Ca, and was mainly controlled by a 4-factors model, by contrast, groundwater chemistry in the central and coastal plains was controlled by two 3-factors models, respectively. [Conclusions] The chemical characteristics of groundwater in the HP are obviously zonal, and the hydrochemical facies of groundwater from the piedmont plain to the coastal plain was evolved gradually from CO3 facies to CO3 · SO4 facies, CO3 · Cl facies, SO4 facies, as well as SO4 · Cl facies, and finally convert to Cl facies. The groundwater chemistry in the study area is mainly controlled by a variety of natural factors such as rock weathering, evaporative concentration, cation alternate adsorption, and seawater intrusion on the spatial aspect, and is obviously affected by various human activities (e.g., groundwater overexploitation, land use change, domestic sewage, fertilizers, and animal manure) on the time aspect. According to the different chemical characteristics of groundwater and the impact of human activities in the areas from piedmont plain to coastal plain, the management and control suggestions on the development and utilization of groundwater resources in the HP are put forward.
MA Xudong , CHEN Wei , LIU Hongzhang , ZHANG Tao , LI Qiang
2023, 50(6):1720-1730. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210606001
Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
[Objective] Faced with a new era, new contradictions, new ideas and new goals established since the 19th CPC National Congress, the geological survey has been transformed from a single-resource survey to a multi-type survey of natural resources. [Methods] In response to the new demands, our team introduced the principle of tourism earth-science into the mine and geological survey, when we carried out the 1:50,000 mine mapping work in the natural environment fragile northern Tibet, and divided the geological tourism resources of the properties of the local. [Results] Through a detailed field survey, it was found that the tourism resources of different attributes in the study area are extremely abundant, and most of these resources are in an initially undeveloped state. These geological tourism resources to be developed cover the standard geological profile and the fossil origin; rocks, geological structures and minerals of special protection value; natural ecological landscape resources; geological phenomena of special economic, medical, popular science and educational value. According to the different attributes of geological tourism resources, preliminary planning is carried out in the five aspects of natural historical relics landscape and human historical relics, and suggestions for rational development and protection are put forward. [Conclusions] For the first time, the survey results of tourism geological resources were reported as part of the regional mineral and geological survey results, and some suggestions are made for comprehensive geological survey work, which also provided support for consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation.
CAO Jifei , WENG Kai , Movlanov Jahongir Jurabekovich , Asrorovich Rustamov Akmal , MA Zhongping , LIU Mingyi
2023, 50(6):1731-1744. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210226001
Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
[Objective] The Middle Tianshan metallogenic belt is a crucial supplier of copper, gold, and other key minerals in eastern Uzbekistan. Analyzing the metallogenic characteristics of typical mineral deposits and the regional minerogenetic regularities is of great practical significance for prospecting and investment of Chinese mining enterprises. [Methods] This paper systematically collects and sorts out the distribution of key minerals such as copper, gold, uranium and lithium, as well as analyses of the characteristic metallogeny of typical deposits and the regional geochemical anomaly properties related to copper, gold, rare earth, and dispersed elements. [Results] The copper deposit is of the porphyry type and is characterized by having symbiotic gold, associated platinum group and rare earth elements. Its metallogenic epoch is during the Late Carboniferous period. The main type of gold deposits is epithermal type, followed by porphyry. The epithermal type gold deposits occurred during the early Permian, while porphyry type gold deposits are mostly concentrated in the late Carboniferous. Some key minerals, such as lithium (volcanic sedimentary type), uranium (volcanic type), and iron (skarn type) are locally produced. [Conclusions] The results of 1:1 million geochemical investigation indicate the continues presence of significant geochemical anomalies caused by gold, copper and silver mineralization, as well as evident geochemical anomalies of rare earth and dispersed elements on the periphery of the Angren and Almalyk ore concentration regions. Based on the analysis of regional metallogenic conditions, geochemical characteristics of known ore concentration areas and distribution characteristics of regional geochemical anomalies, it is considered that there is significant potential for prospecting traditional superiority resources like gold, copper and silver around the ore concentration areas in the Middle Tianshan Mountains. This region also holds a favorable potential for mineral resource exploration of rare earth and dispersed elements. Additionally, the areas with significant anomalies represent potential prospecting areas for Chinese mining enterprises to invest.
LI Shoukui , CHEN Jianhang , LIU Xuelong , ZHANG Shitao , LI Zhenhuan
2023, 50(6):1745-1763. DOI: 10.12029/gc20201020001
Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
[Objective] The late Yanshannian epoch was the most important period of multi-metal mineralization of porphyry Mo at the Geza island arc in Zhongdian area, Yunnan province. In this paper, we chose the No.IV granitic diorite porphyry body of Tongchanggou large-scale porphyry molybdenum-copper deposit in this area as the research object, attempting to reveal the elemental migration rule of porphyry body in the process of mineralized alteration and the relationship between the peripheral rock alteration and mineralization. [Methods] In this paper, the major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements in the original rock and the rocks in different alteration zones of No.IV granodiorite porphyry are analyzed respectively. The mass balance and migration amount of these major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements are calculated and analyzed by using the normalized Isocon method. [Results] The results show that K-silicate alteration, sericite-quartz alteration, and propylitization were involved in the process of the mineralization and alteration of the porphyry body, and SiO2, K2O and volatile matters are major elements migrating in the alteration zones while a large amount of Na2O migrated out; while major elements such as Al2O3, TiO2 and P2O5, and high field strength elements such as Zr, Nb, Hf, Th and Ta, and rare earth elements all present poor migration activity, belonging to inert components; mineralizing elements such as Cu, Pb, Zn and Ag, and indicator elements such as Sb and As show a trend to migrate out, reflecting the potential to find relevant types of ore around the rock body; the sericite-quartz zone is the most closely related to Mo mineralization, followed by K-silicate alteration; the deposition and mineralization mechanism of Mo is different from that of Cu, the former is mainly under the control of "converted barrier of pH", and the latter is under the control of "silicon-calcium surface" and "epigenetic structure interface"; this porphyry is small in scale, with a low background value of Mo but high migration amount of over 3000%, and around 30% of the rock body is molybdenum deposit, which implies the deep-seated magma chamber contributed tremendously to the mineralization. [Conclusions] This work provides a geological reference for the source of oreforming materials, the study of mineralization and the prospecting and exploration of the Tongchanggou deposit.
FENG Xiaoxi , TENG Xueming , CHEN Lulu , CHEN Yin , ZHAO Hualei , ZHANG Tianfu
2023, 50(6):1764-1787. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220609002
Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
[Objective] The Nalinggou uranium deposit is one of the most important uranium deposits in northern Ordos Basin. Identification onthe provenance of uranium bearing rocks is of practical significance for deepening mineralization and prospecting prediction. [Methods] By means of petrology, heavy mineralogy, geochemistry and sedimentary facies analysis, the authors have identified the provenance of the uranium bearing rocks from the Middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation in the Nalinggou uranium deposit. [Results] The uranium-bearing rocks are dominantly composed of medium coarse arkose. The clastic components are feldspar, quartz, biotite, debrises of granite and metamorphic rock, etc., with medium to poor sorting. The clasts are mostly angular and sub-angular, and a few are sub-rounded, with poor to medium roundness. The distribution of heavy minerals is extremely uneven, in angular, sub angular and sub rounded shapes, with poor to medium roundness. The ZTR (zircon+tourmaline+rutile) index varies of 2%-10%. The tourmaline, spinel, anatase, amphibole and carbosilica are distributed in clusters.The extension coefficient of detrital zircon is mainly in the range of 1-2.2, followed by the range of 2.2-3.2. The rocks exhibit similar chondrite-normalized patterns with great elemental variations among different samples. The ΣREE, LREE/HREE, and La/Yb values are in the range of 104.75×10-6-283.86×10-6, 0.13-0.47, and 9.60-32.66 respectively. The uranium bearing strata exhibit highly thick sand bodies. In the mining area, the sedimentary facies extend synchronously from the northeast to the southwest. [Conclusions] In conclusion, it is generally considered that the uranium bearing rocks of the Zhiluo Formation in the Nalinggou uranium deposit is mainly proximal provenance, with a small amount of distal provenance. The sourced rocks are the pre-Jurassic bedrock area exposed at the boundary between Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia on the northeast edge of the mining area. The rock types include Archean gneiss, Paleoproterozoic Khondalite, magmatic rocks, Paleozoic magmatic rocks, sedimentary rocks and Mesozoic volcanic rocks, of which the khondalite belt provides the most important materials.
HU Le , LI Yike , SUN Sheng , LI Ruiping , KE Changhui , WANG Anjian
2023, 50(6):1788-1803. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210110002
Abstract:This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.
[Objective] The formation of the giant Bayan Obo REE deposit is closely related to carbonatitic magmatism. Near the ore district, southwest of West Ore Body, there are carbonate rocks with a certain scale covered by Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments, the genesis of which can indicate the formation process of the well-known Bayan Obo deposit. [Methods] This contribution demonstrates that these rocks are actually igneous by the detailed study on petrology and mineralogy. [Results] The rocks were little affected by fluid metasomatism and can be divided into dolomite type and calcite type according to their mineral compositions. Bulk rock analysis shows that these carbonatites are rich in Sr (>4940×10-6), Mn (>2150×10-6) and Ba (>106×10-6), and the average REE content are 938×10-6, much higher than that of sedimentary carbonates. The δ13CV-PDB and δ18OV-SMOW of the rock samples are-3.7‰--4.2‰ and 6.7‰-7.7‰, respectively, typical of primary igneous carbonatite. They have relatively homogeneous Sr isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr=0.702815-0.703185), indicating the mantle-derived rocks were contaminated by the crust limitedly. In addition, the mineral chemical features of dolomite, calcite and apatite also indicate an igneous origin. [Conclusions] The identification of these carbonatites is of great significance for the comparative study on the Bayan Obo deposit and tectonic evolution of the area.
WU Hao , XU Zuyang , YAN Weibing , HAO Yujie , LIU Haiyong
2023, 50(6):1804-1816. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200709002
Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
[Objective] Mantle-derived magmatism generally provided an ideal research object to reveal the geodynamic evolution in the depth. The mafic dikes, which shown intensive distribution in Nie'erco area of central Tibet, are regarded as a key aspect to understanding the regional tectono-magmatic evolution. [Methods] In this paper, we report geochronological and geochemical data of the diabases in the Nie'erco area. [Results] The zircon U-Pb dating yielded magmatic crystallization ages of (50.8 ±0.6) Ma, indicating the Nie'erco diabases emplacement in the early Eocene. The diabase samples have low SiO2, high MgO, Al2O3, TiO2 and total alkali (Na2O+K2O) contents, similar to alkaline ocean island basalt (OIB). These geochemical features suggest that the studied diabases were generated by partial melting of asthenosphere, with the involvement of continental crustal components. [Conclusions] Combined with the post-collisional Linzizong volcanic rocks and OIB-like mafic rocks in southern Tibet, we prefer that the Cenozoic magmatism in Tibet is mainly controlled by the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan ocean and the following continent collision between India and Eurasia plates. Our research favor that the Nie'erco diabases were generated in response to the slab breakoff and related upwelling and decompressional melting of sub-slab asthenosphere.
TAO Rui , HAI Lianfu , WANG Lei , SONG Yang , LI Haifeng , LIN Li , MEI Chao , BAI Jinhe
2023, 50(6):1817-1836. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200303001
Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
[Objective] The Zhiluo Formation represents a transitional phase in the lake's advancement and retreat within the broader context of Jurassic geological evolution. Its tectonic background holds paramount importance in exploring the inception timeline of fault-fold belt development along the western margin of the Ordos Basin. This study focuses on the Zhiluo Formation, specifically clastic rocks, from the Jurassic period in the Lingwu area, Ningxia. [Methods] We conducted analyses using X-ray and ICP-MS techniques to uncover the geochemical characteristics of clastic rocks and the structural context of the source region. [Results] Our results reveal that major element correlation coefficients are generally low, while trace elements and REE exhibit high values. Notably, correlation coefficients between Al2O3 and trace elements such as Co, Ni, Cr, V, Sc, Li, Cs, Be, Ga, Tl, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Sn exceed 0.9, and the correlation coefficients between TiO2 and Nb are at 0.98. This suggests that the primary source of sediment is terrigenous clastic material. Enrichment concentration-type elements (K>1, CV>1) include Zr, U, and CaO, while enrichment dispersion-type elements (K>1, CV<1) consist of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, Sr, Ba, U, Co, V, Sc, Li, and Pb. Poorly dispersive elements (K<1, CV<1) encompass SiO2, TiO2, MnO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Rb, Th, Nb, Ta, Ni, Cr, Cs, Be, Ga, Tl, Cu, Zn, As, Sn, and REE. No elements fall under the poor concentration type (K<1, CV>1). [Conclusions] The average values for key oxide combinations of main elements are TiO2 (0.54), TFe2O3+MgO (4.58), Al2O3/SiO2 (0.58), and Al2O3/SiO2 (0.18), indicating similarity to an active continental margin. A trace element spider diagram demonstrates the rocks of the Zhiluo Formation's richness in Rb, K, and U, which are large ion lithophile elements, and a significant deficit in Nb, Sr, P, and Ti. The chondrite-standardized REE distribution curve depicts a gentle right-leaning pattern, signifying LREE enrichment and HREE relative depletion. In terms of geochemical indices, the CIA (70.76-81.88) for mudstone exceeds the ICV (1.02-1.6) for sandstone, while mudstone ICV (0.7-1.14) remains mostly less than or equal to 1. This suggests that the Zhiluo Formation in the Lingwu area exhibits little to no recycling and is characteristic of primary sedimentation in the context of tectonic activity with a moderate degree of differentiation. Correlation diagrams indicates that tectonic background of the source region is primarily associated with an active continental margin. Additionally, it exhibits some links to continental island arc systems, suggesting an active continental margin or an active continental margin subduction zone, potentially resembling an Andean-type active continental margin.
ZHANG Jinming , CHEN Guangting , CAI Hangjia , TIAN Chengxiu , LEI Xiaoqing
2023, 50(6):1837-1847. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200416002
Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
[Objective] Zhaqiaohe ophiolite is located at the junction of the Middle Qilian and South Qilian tectonic belt. The ophiolite in the belt is composed of serpentinite, serpentinized pyroxene peridotite, gabbro, diabase, block bedded altered basalt, a small amount of pillow basalt and lenticular silicite. It is the west extension of the Lachishan ophiolite melange belt in Qinghai Province. [Methods] In this paper, the study on the chronology and petrogeochemistry of gabbro in Zhaqiaohe ophiolite has been carried out. [Results] According to the characteristic judgment of the main chemical components of the gabbro, such as SiO2, Na2O, K2O, (Fe2O3 + FeO) and MgO, the gabbro is tholeiitic series, belonging to tholeiite. According to the REE distribution pattern, there is no Eu anomaly or weak negative anomaly, indicating that the rock experienced the separation and crystallization of plagioclase in the melting process, and the REE distribution curve is approximately flat; the trace elements have obvious Ta and Sr positive anomaly characteristics, indicating that gabbro in ophiolite in this area has similar characteristics with E-MORB. The results of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating show that the gabbro crystallization age is (524.0±2.5) Ma. [Conclusions] It is suggested that these gabbros originated from the initial slowness without large-scale melting. It is suggested that the Zhaqiaohe ophiolite may have formed in the oceanic ridge environment during the initial cracking stage of the paleo ocean basin.
JING Xigui , LI Fengjie , ZHANG Da , LI Ning , MIAO He , DING Rui
2023, 50(6):1848-1856. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200523001
Abstract:This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
[Objective] Abundant trace fossils were preserved in Upper Cretaceous strata in Songliao Basin, but related studies mainly focus on the northern part of the Songliao Basin. The sedimentary environment of section 1 of the Nenjiang Formation was restored by trace fossils identification in the southern part of the Songliao Basin, and this paper will provide evidence to support subsequent trace fossil studies in this area. [Methods] According toobserve wells of Yaonan 5 drill core of section 1 of the Nenjiang Formation,we identified 2 ichnogenus and 2 ichnospecies including Chondrites and Planolites, and established Chondrites-Planolites ichnocoenosis. Combining with ichnofossils surrounding rock, burrow scale, record of well logging curve to analyse trace maker habit; According well of Yaonan 5 sampling, measured sample contents of Uranium, Thorium, Vanadium, Nickel and Cobalt; Using U/Th, V/(V + Ni) and Ni/Co methods to restore trace fossil preservation strata paleo-oxygen facies of section 1 of the Nenjiang Formation. [Results] This study suggests that Chondrites-Planolites ichnocoenosis were formed in deep water environment with weak water energy; Paleo-oxigenation facies data analysis suggests that method of U/Th indicated oxic environment, methods ofV/(V + Ni) and Ni/Co indicated dysaerobic-anaerobic environment. [Conclusions] The trace fossils were preserved in mudstone in well Yaonan 5 with small burrow diameter scale and low abundance, indicating the water was anoxic. Combined with the paleooxygen facies data and logging curve analysis, considering that tracemaker were living in semi-deep lake which with low energy and poor oxygen content.
LI Man , XING Linxiao , WANG Guiling , ZHANG Wei , ZHAO Jiayi , JIN Menggui
2023, 50(6):1857-1870. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220411005
Abstract:This paper is the result of hydrogeological survey engineering.
[Objective] The geothermal resources of Jizhong Depression are rich. The distribution characteristics and risk assessment of fluorine in geothermal waiter are of great significance to the development and utilization of geothermal resources. [Methods] This study takes the geothermal water in Jizhong Depression as the research object. The distribution characteristics and enrichment regularity of fluorine in geothermal fluid were studied by analyzing the hydrochemical data of geothermal fluid in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs, and the quality of geothermal fluid was evaluated, and furthermore some suggestions on the development and utilization of geothermal fluid were put forward. [Results] The results show that the geothermal fluids in the study area are mainly Na-Cl and Na-Cl-HCO3 type water, basically alkaline water, with high fluorine content. In particular, the concentration trend of fluorine ion content in the geothermal fluids of carbonate reservoir is 7.5-9.5 mg/L, and the highest is 13.9 mg/L. Weakly alkaline environment, water temperature and water-rock interaction are the main factors affecting fluoride ion enrichment in the study area. The F-concentration in sandstone geothermal reservoir has a significant negative correlation with Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations, while the correlation is not significant in carbonate geothermal reservoir. Fluorine enrichment is controlled by fluorite and other fluorine-bearing minerals. Fluorite saturation index of the geothermal fluids in sandstone reservoirs is all less than 0, while fluorite saturation index of the geothermal fluids in carbonate reservoirs with higher fluoride ion concentration is generally distributed around 0. [Conclusions] The high fluorine geothermal fluid in the study area cannot be directly used for drinking water, farmland irrigation and fisheries. It is of great importance to solve the problem of fluoride removal in geothermal tail water at the situation of conducting gradient utilization of geothermal resources in the study area.
CHENG Xianda , SUN Jianwei , JIA Xu , LIU Xiangdong , ZHAO Yuanyi
2023, 50(6):1871-1886. DOI: 10.12029/gc20221116001
Abstract:This paper is the result of environment geological survey engineering.
[Objective] Luanchuan County is a typical molybdenum mining area in China. It is of great significance to figure out the pollution status of heavy metals in the agricultural soil around the molybdenum mining area for regional environmental prevention, mine ecological restoration and sustainable development of mining industry. [Methods] This study collected 54 topsoil samples from the agricultural land in Chitudian Town around the typical molybdenum mining area. The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg, As, Cr and Ni were analyzed for obtaining the spatial distribution characteristics of these heavy metals, and the heavy metal pollution, ecological risk and human health risk was evaluated by the geo-accumulation index method, potential ecological risk index method and health risk index method, respectively. [Results] Compared with the risk screening values for soil contamination of agricultural land, Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb are the main elements exceed the standard values, As concentrations in a few samples exceeds the standard values, and the concentrations of Hg, Cr, Ni in all the samples did not exceed the standard values. The spatial distribution characteristics showed that area A (around the molybdenum mining area) is the main distribution area with high concentrations of Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb, which decreased gradually with the increase of distance. The order of percentages of sample sites with heavy metal concentrations exceeding the risk screening values is area A> area B> area C. According to the values of geo-accumulation indices based on background values for heavy metals in topsoil of Henan Province, the pollution levels for Hg, As, Cr and Ni in the soils were between unpolluted to moderately polluted, and the pollution level of Cd was moderate to heavy polluted, while the pollution levels of Cu, Zn and pollution level of Pb is between moderately polluted to strongly polluted. Light to heavy degree, showing the order of pollution degree are Cd > Pb > Zn > Cu and area A> area B>area C; In terms of potential ecological risk, study area shows slight ecological risk, where the risk in area A is higher than that in other areas (B and C), and Cd posed most highest risks. The non-carcinogenic health risk index is less than 1, with the order of Cr > As > Pb > Ni > Cd > Cu > Zn > Hg, and the carcinogenic health risk index is less than 1×10-4, with the order of Ni > Cr > As > Cd, which is an acceptable risk level. The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risk indexes for children are higher than those for adults. [Conclusions] The pollution of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb) in the agricultural soil around the molybdenum mining area was existing, reaching the levels of moderate to strong pollution, but the overall ecological risk is low, and the risks of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health were within an acceptable range. Children are more sensitive and vulnerable to heavy metals, so it is necessary to strengthen the protection for the children.
HE Jin , MA Xuemei , DENG Qijun , LI Wei , MA Xuejun , ZHENG Yidi , LIU Zhao
2023, 50(6):1887-1902. DOI: 10.12029/gc20201027001
Abstract:This paper is the result of hydrogeological survey engineering.
[Objective] Metasilicate mineral groundwater is widely distributed in cenozoic basaltic stratum of Bashang area. It is of great practical significance to study the formation mechanism and water-rock interaction for rational utilization of water resources and development of mineral water industry in this area. [Methods] The formation mechanism of metasilicate mineral groundwater in Cenozoic basalt in the research area was analyzed by collecting environmental hydrochemical samples such as groundwater and rainwater systematically and using mathematical statistics, ion ratio analysis, isotope analysis and other methods. [Results] The metasilicate mineral water is mainly distributed in the groundwater recharge area of the front edge in the Bashang area on southern part of the county; And the mineral groundwater of study area is characterized by low mineralization while the main hydrochemical types of groundwater are HCO3-Ca·Mg and HCO3-Na·Ca; Also, metasilicic acid in groundwater originates from the hydrolysis of sodaclase, plagioclase, olivine and other silicate mineral in basalt, and is affected by rock mineral leaching as well as hydrochemical parameters cation exchange. According to the analytical results of hydrogen-oxygen isotope, it is concluded that the main source of groundwater recharge is local precipitation in summer, and the actual age of groundwater is between 15 a and 60 a. [Conclusions] The formation of metasilicate mineral water in Bashang area of Hebei Province is related to the local special basalt geological structure and specific hydrogeochemical process.
HAN Bo , XIA Yubo , MA Zhen , WANG Xiaodan , GUO Xu , LIN Liangjun , PEI Yandong
2023, 50(6):1903-1918. DOI: 10.12029/gc20210305004
Abstract:This paper is the result of urban geological survey engineering.
[Objective] In order to standardize the division of engineering geological strataandbuild the three-dimensional engineering geological structure model of Xiong'an New Area, it is better to exchange and utilization of engineering geological and geotechnical engineering data. [Methods] In this paper, based on the data of engineering geological survey, the characteristics of Quaternary strata is expounded in Xiong'an New Area, and engineering geological zoning is carried out. The engineering geological strata of soil in 100 meters depth and their substrata are divided, and the spatial distribution and engineering characteristics of each stratum are analyzed. The three-dimensional engineering geological structure of Xiong'an New Area is builded, and its applicationin urban construction is discussed. [Results] The results show that the Holocene floor depth is generally 7-16 m, the Late Pleistocene floor depth is generally 50-60 m, the Middle Pleistocene floor depth is generally 70-80 m, and the Early Pleistocene floor depth is about 140-190 m in Xiong'an New Area. The Quaternary strata can be divided into the alluvial and proluvial plain engineering geological subarea, the alluvial and lacustrine plain engineering geological subarea and alluvial plain engineering geological subarea. The stratum of 100 m depth can be divided in to 18 engineering geological strata, of which ①-④ strata are Holocene (Qh), ⑤-⑨ strata are Upper Pleistocene (Qp3), ⑫-⑮ strata are Middle Pleistocene (Qp2), and ⑯-⑱ strata are Lower Pleistocene (Qp1). The three dimensional engineering geological structure model of the study area is constructed, which can intuitively show the stratigraphic distribution and structural characteristics within the depth range of 100 meters underground in Xiong'an New Area. [Conclusions] Through the division of engineering geological layer groups and the establishment of three-dimensional engineering geological structure model, it can serve the top planning and design of Xiong'an New Area, the evaluation of site stability and suitability, the selection of natural foundation and pile foundation bearing layer, subway tunnel line selection and site construction, etc., providing an important geological basis for high standard and high-quality construction of Xiong'an New Area.
LIU Tianhang , TANG Weidong , GAO Yongbao , WEI Liyong , FAN Baocheng , HE Jiale
2023, 50(6):1921-1922. DOI: 10.12029/gc20230805001
CAI Wenchun , WANG Tianyi , GAO Feng , ZHANG Xiaoming , WANG Xueping
2023, 50(6):1923-1924. DOI: 10.12029/gc20230706002
PAN Tong , CHEN Jianzhou , DING Chengwang , MA Yuliang , LIANG Hui , XUE Sheng , ZHANG Tao , DU Xiaochun
2023, 50(6):1925-1927. DOI: 10.12029/gc20220928002
2023, 50(6):1930-1931.
2023, 50(6):1932-1932.
Editor in chief:HAO Ziguo
International standard number:ISSN 1000-3657
Unified domestic issue:CN 11-1167/P
Domestic postal code:2-112