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    • Genesis, distribution, deposit types, development and utilization status and prospecting prospect of peridotite in China

      Online: January 27,2024 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230904002

      Abstract (394) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (1492) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: [Objective] Peridotite is an important mineral resource in China, which is widely used in building materials, refractory materials and fertilizer raw materials. Studying the origin, distribution and prospecting prospect of peridotite ore deposit is an effective way to solve the shortage of olivine resources in our country, and it is an important guideline for discussing the origin and prospecting direction of chromite ore deposit. [Methods] This paper summarizes the origin,distribution, mineral deposit types, development and utilization of peridotite in China by collecting and sorting out previous research data. [Results] According to the output of olivine, peridotite includes two main types of deposit: peridotite envelope type occurring in basalt and vein filling hydrothermal type occurring in peridotite. The main mineral areas of peridotite in China are Nanyang in Henan Province, Hebei Province, Jiaohe in Jilin Province and Shangnan in Shaanxi Province. Jiaohe olivine gem deposit in Jilin is the main source of olivine gem in China. The calc-magnesium-olivine deposit in Shangluo Mountain area at the border of Henan Province and Shaanxi Province has reserves of about 500 million tons with a grade of 44%. [Conclusions] The known resources of peridotite in China are not very rich, but the ore quality is good. As of 2022, China''s Ministry of Natural Resources statistics, the national reserves of 16008 million tons, the total amount of peridotite ores for fertilizer in the country is 2,492,200 tons, and the total amount of peridotite ores for refractory in the country is 17,766,100 tons. The olivine gem deposit in Jilin Jiaohe and Wanquan County of Hebei Province is an important olivine gem deposit because the olivine gem mine in Hebei Province has been closed. At the same time, the partial melting of peridotite is closely related to the enrichment of chromium, and the liquid phase immiscibility of the melt formed by partial melting of the depleted mantle leads to the formation of silicate magma and chromium-rich pulp. The study of peridotite is of great significance not only for the exploration of peridotite deposits, but also for the deposits with peridotite as the surrounding rock.

    • The cuticular features of the Phoenicopsis fossil leaves and its response to the hot-humid climate during the Middle Jurassic in Yanchi area, Ordos Basin

      Online: December 14,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230827001

      Abstract (123) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (691) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Methods]Plant fossils are the best materials to record terrestrial climate change in geological history, especially to the change of the paleo-CO2 concentration. Phoenicopsis (Windwardia) cf. rudinervis was identified due to the study of the morphology of the fossils collected from the Jurassic Yan ''an Formation in well Ningdong 2, Yanchi area, Ordos Basin. [Objective]In order to reconstruct the paleo‐atmospheric CO2 concentration, paleo‐temperature and water use efficiency of plants during the Middle Jurassic, leaf fossils of Phoenicopsis (Windwardia) cf. rudinervis were selected from horizon for calculating the the epidermal stomatal parameters and their isotope carbon composition of leaf cuticles. [Results]The results show that the average stomatal index (SI) of Phoenicopsis (Windwardia) cf. rudinervis is 4.25%, The paleo‐atmospheric CO2 concentration obtained by the stomatal ratio method is 1599 ppm. The paleo‐average temperature of Yanchi is about 1.2℃~31.4℃. The average value of the stable carbon isotope δ13C of plant fossils is -23.6‰, and its water use efficiency (WUE) is calculated to be 348.2 mmol/mol. [Conclusions] In general, the Middle Jurassic of Yanchi area in Ordos Basin belongs to a warm temperate - subtropical humid climate which reflected by the high CO2 concentration. Compared with previous data, we speculate that the paleo-CO2 concentration of the Middle Jurassic in northern China was significantly higher than that of the Early Jurassic, which may be related to the large-scale volcanic activities of the Yanshan Movement.

    • In-situ stress characteristics and fault stability analysis of hot dry rock GR2 well in Gonghe Basin

      Online: December 03,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230901003

      Abstract (233) HTML (0) PDF 2.71 M (905) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objectives]The magnitude and direction of in-situ stress are important parameters for well placement, fracturing design and reservoir evaluation in hot dry rock development. It is of great significance to study reservoir stress state for hot dry rock development. [Methods] In this paper, the characteristics of current stress field in Gonghe Basin are analyzed based on regional geological structure evolution, focal mechanism solution and inversion results, statistics of joints and fissures, and in-situ stress measured data. Combined with the reservoir structure and stratigraphic lithofacies characteristics of Gonghe GR2 well, a three-dimensional model is established, and the three-dimensional in-situ stress data of well GR2 in Gonghe Basin is obtained through numerical simulation by using orthogonal anisotropic elastic constitutive relation. The regional tectonic stress field and occurrence conditions of dry hot rock resources are discussed. [Results] The results show that: ① The simulated stress distribution is consistent with the theoretical value, which meets the requirements of initial displacement accuracy, and finally predicts the distribution characteristics of in-situ stress field in the well. ② In the depth range of 500~4500 m, the relationship of three principal stresses is principal stress is σv> σH >σh, indicating that the stress structure in this region is favorable to normal fault activity. ③ The maximum horizontal principal stress direction of Gonghe Basin in Qinghai province is mainly NE direction compression deformation, which is conducive to low fluid permeability and low heat transfer of granite. ④Under the action of a unified regional stress field, the faults may be come instability near the injecting well, when the continuous injection pressure on the ground reaches or exceeds about 19.9 MPa during the water injection development of 3900~4500 m depth in the study area, leading to the occurrence of medium and small earthquakes, which should be prevented in the development and utilization of the hot dry rock. [Conclusions]This study have certain reference value for geodynamics research and the safe development and utilization of dry hot rock in Gonghe Basin.

    • Formation characteristics of hot springs and its development prospects in mountain areas around the capital of China

      Online: November 06,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230708001

      Abstract (128) HTML (0) PDF 977.40 K (994) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: The paper is the result of geothermal geology survey engineering. [Objective]The mountainous areas surrounding the capital city belong to the ecological conservation area of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, including the contiguous areas of extreme poverty, and are rich in hot spring resources, but the degree of exploration and development is low. It is of certain guiding significance to carry out research on the distribution pattern and development characteristics of hot springs for the exploration and development of geothermal resources in mountainous areas. [Methods]In this paper, based on the collection of information on hot springs and deep tectonics in the mountainous areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, superimposed analysis reveals the connection between hot spring distribution and deep tectonic thermal background, and explores in depth the hot spring heat source and its formation. Combined with supplementary surveys, sample collection and comprehensive research, the development characteristics of hot springs were summarized, and prospects for hot spring development and utilization in the study area were proposed according to local conditions. [Results]The results show that hot springs are mainly distributed along NE and EW deep major fractures in the form of bands or beads, 90% of the hot springs are distributed within the deep structural variation zone of the Moho surface in the study area. The temperature of hot springs has a certain negative correlation with the depth of dwelling, the depth of dwelling in the high hot spring area in the northern Yanshan being about 20km, the depth of dwelling in the relatively high hot spring area in the Yanshan-Taihang Mountains junction zone being about 22~24 km and the depth of dwelling in the low hot spring area in the southeast Yanshan being 22~26 km; the heat source of hot springs mainly comes from the mantle heat or "low-velocity-high-conductivity layer", and the upper mantle diapirs and deep large faults provide good channels for the upwelling of deep heat sources; On the regional scale, there is no direct correspondence between the hot spring outcrop temperature and the depth of circulation, and the thermal reservoir temperature of sedimentary rock reservoirs in the intermountain basin is low, with a large flow rate of hot springs, up to about 120 m3/h. The thermal reservoir temperature of metamorphic rocks is generally greater than 100℃, with a smaller flow rate. The hot spring water in the study area generally has medical development and utilization value, among which, the northern Yanshan and intermountain basins, have a better potential for space heating, and areas such as Qijia-Maojingba can be further developed in the direction of thermol-electric integration. [Conclusions]The distribution and development characteristics of hot springs in the mountains area around the capital city are influenced by the deep tectonic and regional geological structure. The northern Yanshan Mountains and intermountain basins have good development and utilization prospects.

    • Research status and prospect of regional landslide assessment integrating slope deformation characteristics in the complex mountainous area

      Online: October 20,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230630002

      Abstract (118) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (1172) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The slope deformation is common in the mountainous areas, which significantly promotes landslide development and increases landslide risk. So, it is the important factor for the regional landslide assessment. [Methods] By reviewing literatures, the research status of regional landslide assessment integrating slope deformation characteristics were summarized. [Results] The relevant theoretical models and technical methods are not mature and are still in the stage of preliminary research. The temporal resolution of regional slope deformation should be further improved, and key characteristics of the long time series slope deformation should be captured, and the spatio-temporal distribution of regional slope deformation should be deeply analyzed. A preliminary regional landslide assessment system integrating slope deformation was constructed, including process steps, technical methods and factor indicators. The main technical methods include the qualitative judgment based on expert experience, weighted layer overlay based on expert experience and correction matrix, slope deformation as a factor index of regional landslide assessment, slope deformation as a landslide sample of regional landslide assessment. The slope deformation factor can be further divided into slope deformation type, intensity, distribution position and time change. [Conclusions] It is necessary to combine new technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to propose or optimize the new quantitative regional landslide assessment models that integrate the slope deformation characteristics to improve regional landslide assessment accuracy. It is expected to promote the study on regional landslide assessment integrating slope deformation, and support the early landslide prevention in the complex mountainous areas.

    • Characteristics and health risk evaluation of soil heavy metals in Longshan County, Hunan Province

      Online: October 20,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230703001

      Abstract (237) HTML (0) PDF 1.33 M (708) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: This paper is the result of geological survey engineering. [Objective] A total of 775 soil samples were collected in Longshan County for the purpose of analyzing the content characteristics of soil heavy metals, including As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn. Additionally, an evaluation of the health risks caused by soil heavy metals was conducted. [Methods] To assess the level of soil heavy metal pollution, the geo-accumulation index was utilized. The source of soil heavy metals was identified through correlation analysis and principal component analysis. Furthermore, a health risk model was employed to assess the potential risks imposed by soil heavy metals on human health. [Results]The results of the analysis revealed that the average concentration of Cd in the soil of Longshan County was significantly higher than the background value observed in the soil of Hunan Province. This suggests that there is a certain degree of Cd enrichment in the soils of Longshan County. Moreover, the coefficients of variation for Hg, As, and Cd were greater than 0.5, and the coefficient of variation for Hg exceeded 1, indicating that these heavy metals may be influenced by human activities. The presence of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn contamination was observed in the soils of Longshan County. Notably, Cd pollution was widespread, and some areas exhibited severe levels of Hg contamination. The sources of soil heavy metals in Longshan County can be categorized into three groups: Cr, Cu, and Ni primarily originate from the soil parent materials, while As, Cd, Pb, and Zn are predominantly influenced by lead-zinc mining and smelting activities. The source of Cd also has some association with the soil parent materials. Furthermore, Hg is mainly derived from the combustion of fossil fuels. The health risks caused by soil heavy metals were found to be higher for children compared to adults. Additionally, special attention should be given to the health risks caused by soil heavy metals in Liye Town, Miaoertan Town, and Luota Town of Longshan County. Furthermore, non-carcinogenic risks are primarily attributed to As and Cr, whereas carcinogenic risks are primarily linked to Cr and Ni. Oral ingestion was identified as the main exposure route contributing to health risks. [Conclusions] There was a variable degree of heavy metal pollution in the soil of Longshan County, and As, Cr, Ni were the main contributing factors to health risks.

    • Characterization the hydrogeochemical spatial distribution of the contaminated groundwater based on groundwater multilevel sampling technology – the case of a landfill site in Hubei

      Online: October 20,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230209001

      Abstract (447) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (1025) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:[Objective] The leakage of leachate from a landfill can cause severe groundwater contaminations. Characterization the spatial distribution of the landfill-derived contamination plume is crucial for site remediation and pollution investigation. [Methods] In this paper, a typical case of groundwater pollution investigation at a landfill in Hubei is combined with the implementation of a six-layer groundwater multilevel sampling well (-6 m、-8 m、-10 m、-12 m、-16 m、-20 m), and 14 sets of groundwater chemical samples as well as other hydrogeological survey data to reveal the hydrogeochemical spatial distribution of the contaminated groundwater. [Results] The results indicate that the concentrations of most ions in groundwater such as TDS, COD (Mn), Mg2+, HCO3- and Cl- decrease linearly with increasing vertical depth, thus indicating that surface rainfall infiltration and anthropogenic pollution are the controlling influences on the shallow groundwater. The concentration of NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, Mn, Ni and other ions increases linearly with increasing vertical depth, reflecting groundwater chemical field under the control of natural geological condition and water-rock interaction. In addition, the correlation coefficient matrix analysis characterises the stratified distribution of groundwater chemical components, the correlation coefficient between the groundwater sample from the U-tube groundwater multilevel sampling well and other conventional shallow boreholes decreases from 0.984 to 0.566.[Conclusions]The conclusion indicates that the novel groundwater multilevel sampling technology has the ability, to characterize the hydrogeochemical spatial distribution of groundwater along the vertical depth of the geological layers, to differentiate and reveal the impacts of natural geological factors and human-made pollution, thus to identify the spatial distribution of groundwater plumes. In a word, the groundwater multilevel sampling technology could provide quantities’ data and accurate guidance for site-scale groundwater pollution remediation and risk management.

    • Metallogenic conditions and prospecting direction of sandstone-type uranium deposit of Sifangtai Formation in Qian''an area, Songliao Basin

      Online: July 18,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230412001

      Abstract (102) HTML (0) PDF 2.61 M (1290) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering. [Objective] The study of uranium metallogenic conditions of Sifangtai Formation in the hinterland of Songliao basin is relatively weak. [Methods] Through comprehensive analysis of core, logging, seismic, trace and other data, the tectonics, stratigraphy and transformation of Sifangtai Formation in Qian’an area has been sorted and it is the first time to systematically summarize the uranium metallogenic elements of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the the hinterland of Songliao Basin. [Results]It shows that Sifangtai Formation in Qian''an area has favorable metallogenic conditions such as structural window, deep and large faults, braided river delta channel sand belts, good uranium source conditions and epigenetic transformation. It is considered that Sifangtai formation has both infiltration and exudative uranium metallogenic conditions, and exudative metallogeny is dominant. Based on these facts, the exudation-infiltration coupling Uranium metallogenic model of Sifangtai Formation in Qian''an area, Centrel Songliao Basin, has been constructed. Finally,it is proposed that the braided river to braided river plain channel sand in Rangzhi-Chaganhua Town has great uranium metallogenic potential, which as been predicted to be the most favorable object for further exploration. [Conclusions]This study is the first to introduce exudative metallogeny into the systematic evaluation of uranium mineralization conditions in Sifangtai Formations of the Songliao Basin, changing the previous single approach of evaluating the target layer from the perspective of infiltration metallogeny. It can effectively expand the exploration thinking of the red variegated formations in the hinterland of the basin, thereby greatly expanding the prospecting range in the Songliao Basin.

    • Metallogenic characteristics and exploration and development status of lithium deposits in Africa

      Online: July 18,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20221130001

      Abstract (223) HTML (0) PDF 1.12 M (2518) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering. [Objective]Under the background ofthe global carbon neutral and the green energy transition, lithium has become a global consensus as a key mineral. The exploration and development of Lithium resources in Africa have put on the agenda. The paper’spurpose is to analyze the metallogenic characteristics and exploration and development potential of Lithium deposits in Africa, and to provide reference for international cooperation of Lithium industry in Africa. [Methods]The paper summarizes the metallogenic characteristics of Lithium resources, and analyzes the development prospects of Lithium industry by tracking the exploration and development trends of lithium resources in Africa. [Results]Africa's proven resources are mainly LCT pegmatite deposits, distributed in the lithium rich pegmatite belt of Congo (DRC), Mali, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Namibia, which are characterized by large resources, high grade and favorable development conditions, so that it is attracting the investment of mining companies from Australia, China and the UK..[Conclusions] The paper considers that Africa has a late start in lithium exploration and slow development progress, but has good resource endowment. The current high-quality resources have been locked in advance, and it is expected to become a new growth point of global lithium resource supply in the future.

    • Relationship between Indosinian magmatic activity and Li-Be-rare metal mineralization in the eastern section of West Kunlun and its implications for prospecting

      Online: July 18,2023 DOI: 10.12029/gc20230314001

      Abstract (134) HTML (0) PDF 1.43 M (1435) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract: This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering. [Objective] The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship of Li-Be-rare metal mineralization and Indosinian magmatism in the eastern part of the West Kunlun Orogenic Belt through a comprehensive study of Indosinian magmatic activities, granite chronology, and geochemical characterization. Furthermore, the corresponding metallogenic regularity is summarized, and the exploration prospecting of rare metal pegmatite deposits is given. [Methods] Based on the our recent research, the geological details in the eastern part of the West Kunlun Orogenic Belt, including ages, mineral assemblages, geochemical characteristics, isotopic characteristics (Hf, Nd and Li, etc.) of the Indosinian magmas, are summarized and fully compared for the first time. The genetic link between the pegmatite-hosted Li-Be-rare metal mineralization and Indosinian magmatism is investigated. [Results] The large composite granite pluton formed in Indosinian period in the eastern part of the West Kunlun Orogenic Belt is mainly composed of quartz diorite, biotite monzogranite and two-mica monzogranite (including garnet tourmaline two-mica monzogranite), which was formed due to partial melting of the crust in a post-collision regime. The reliable chronological data show that there is no age difference between the composite granite (216.7~208.8Ma) and the granitic pegmatites (211.9~208.1Ma), suggesting that they were formed at the same time. The characteristics of minerals (garnet, tourmaline) and Li isotopes indicate that the two-mica monzogranite (garnet tourmaline two-mica monzogranite), garnet-bearing tourmaline muscovite granite pegmatite and spodumene-albite pegmatite were likely derived from the same magma source. [Conclusions] Results show that two-mica monzogranite and in particular garnet, tourmaline-bearing two-mica monzogranite exhibit close relationship with the pegmatite-type rare metal deposits. The peripheries of Aktas and the 509 Daoban-Quanshuigou area are favorable section for prospecting lithium-rich pegmatite.

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