

    Study on hydrochemical origins and health geology regionalization of shallow groundwater in Xiong'an New Area

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 在水文地质实体内,生物生长和人群健康与周围环境、水土中的元素含量密切相关,研究地下水中与健康相关的宏微元素形成演化条件、建立健康地质区划,有利于推动健康中国战略的实施。
      研究方法 本文选取雄安新区作为典型研究区,运用多元统计分析、Piper图和Chadha图等方法,分析浅层地下水水文地球化学特征及其物质成分来源,开展典型剖面上浅层地下水水质物源恢复,划定水化学类型分区,以环境和元素丰缺状况划分生物必须宏、微元素分异区,建立雄安新区健康地质分区划。
      研究结果 研究区地下水各参数表现出高度变异性;水岩作用显示,钠长石的溶解为地下水贡献了Na+,萤石和石膏的溶解为地下水贡献了F和SO42−,消耗Ca2+、Mg2+和HCO3析出了方解石、白云石,并发生了反向离子交换;研究区北部水化学类型以HCO3–Ca、HCO3–Ca·Mg型为主,过渡为中部HCO3·SO4–Na·Mg·Ca、HCO3·Cl–Na·Ca·Mg、HCO3·SO4·Cl–Na·Mg型,递变为白洋淀及大清河下游的SO4·HCO3–Na·Mg型;雄安新区可分为北部冲洪积平原的元素缺乏健康地质分区、冲洪积平原与冲湖积平原交互地带的元素适中健康地质分区、冲湖积平原区的元素过剩健康地质分区3个分区,长时间饮用缺乏区和过剩区地下水会引起健康问题。
      结论 需关注雄安新区由F、SO42−、总硬度、I等浓度局部余缺引起或诱发的地方性疾病,需寻找替代水源或补充人体所需元素,为健康中国战略提供支撑。


      This paper is the result of hydrogeological survey engineering.
      Objective In hydrogeological contexts, biological growth and human health are closely linked to the concentrations of elements present in the surrounding environment, including water and soil. Investigating the formation and evolutionary conditions of both macro and trace elements associated with health in groundwater, as well as establishing regional health geology, is beneficial for advancing the implementation of the Healthy China strategy.
      Methods Xiong'an New Area was chosen as the primary research site. The hydrogeochemical characteristics and sources of mineral composition in shallow groundwater were analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis, as well as the Piper and Chadha diagrams. This study restored the water quality by identifying the material element sources of shallow groundwater along a typical profile, delineated hydrochemical types, and classified the differentiation areas of macro and trace elements based on biological necessity, environmental factors, and element abundance or deficiency. Furthermore, it established a health geology regionalization for Xiong'an New Area.
      Results The parameters of groundwater exhibited significant variability. The water−rock interactions indicate that the dissolution of albite contributes sodium ions (Na+), while the dissolution of fluorite and gypsum contributes fluoride ions (F) and sulfate ions (SO42−), consuming calcium ions (Ca2+), magnesium ions (Mg2+), and bicarbonate ions (HCO3), alongside the precipitation of calcite and dolomite, with reverse ion exchange also occurring. In the northern part of the study area, the predominant hydrochemical types were HCO3–Ca and HCO3–Ca·Mg. This composition transitioned to HCO3·SO4–Na·Mg·Ca, HCO3·Cl–Na·Ca·Mg, and HCO3·SO4·Cl–Na·Mg in the middle section, ultimately evolving into SO4·HCO3–Na·Mg in Baiyangdian and downstream of the Daqing River. Xiong'an New Area can be categorized into three regions: A health geology regionalization characterized by a deficiency of elements in the northern alluvial−proluvial plain; A health geology regionalization with moderate element levels in the interaction zone between the alluvial−proluvial plain and the alluvial−lacustrine plain; And a health geology regionalization with an excess of elements in the alluvial−lacustrine plain. Prolonged consumption of groundwater from both the deficient and excess areas may lead to health issues.
      Conclusions It is essential to examine the endemic diseases associated with the local surplus and deficiency of fluoride (F), sulfate (SO42−), total hardness, and iodide (I) in Xiong'an New Area. Additionally, identifying alternative water sources or supplementing the necessary elements for human health is crucial to support the Healthy China strategy.


