

    Recharge sources, model and development potential of typical tectonic karst groundwater in the eastern Qinghai−Xizang Plateau

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 青藏高原东部分布多处构造岩溶发育区,岩溶水文地质结构复杂,补给来源多样、水量丰富。开展岩溶水补给源的分析研究,总结高原构造岩溶循环规律,对指导岩溶水资源开发利用、生态保护和防灾减灾具有重要意义。
      研究方法 本文在现场调查、流量统测、水化学和稳定同位素分析的基础上,分析了青藏高原东部典型岩溶区地下水补给来源,探讨了补给来源和补给过程的影响因素,构建了构造岩溶地下水补给模式,并提出了开发利用建议。
      研究结果 青藏高原东部典型岩溶大泉主要补给源是大气降水,通过裂隙溶隙高位直接补给型、高位湖泊持续补给型、汇水洼地持续渗漏补给型、河水渗漏补给型等4种模式得到补给。
      结论 存在补给模式差异的原因在于青藏高原东部长期经受内外动力耦合作用,其中内动力控制因素包括岩溶形成演化历史、地质构造和岩性组合;外动力控制因素主要包括气象、地形地貌和冰川运动。根据岩溶大泉水质和水量特征,提出3种开发利用方式:第一种为水质为Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水的岩溶泉,可直接扩大开发利用程度;第二种为微咸水,可与其他水源混合后适当开发利用;第三种为咸水,可适当改造作为旅游开发使用。


      This paper is the result of hydrogeological survey engineering.
      Objective There are many tectonic karst areas with complex karst hydrogeological structures, diverse recharge sources, and abundant groundwater in the eastern part of the Qinghai−Xizang Plateau. Analyses and research of the recharge sources and details about the controls on groundwater cycling in the tectonic karst on the plateau are important for guiding the development and utilization of karst water resources, protecting the ecology, and preventing and reducing disasters.
      Methods Using information from field investigations, flow measurements, hydrochemistry and stable isotope analysis, we analyzed the groundwater recharge sources in the karst areas in the eastern part of the Qinghai−Xizang Plateau, considered the factors that influenced the recharge sources and recharge progress, and made recommendations for the development and utilization of the groundwater.
      Results Atmospheric precipitation was the main recharge source of the main karst springs on the eastern Qinghai−Xizang Plateau. There were four main recharge modes, including direct recharge through high−level fissures, continuous recharge from high−level lakes, continuous seepage recharge in catchment depressions, and river seepage.
      Conclusions The different recharge modes in the eastern Qinghai−Xizang Plateau developed over sustained time periods because of the coupling of internal factors, such as the history of the karst formation and its evolution, the geological structure, and the lithologic combination, and external factors, such as the meteorology, the landforms, and glacier movements. From our analysis of the characteristics of the water quality and quantity of the karst springs, we developed three categories for the development and utilization of the groundwater resource, namely karst springs with water quality in classes Ⅰ–Ⅲ, the development and utilization of which can be expanded; brackish water, which can be developed and utilized after mixing with other water; and salt water, which can be transformed and used for developing tourism.


