

    Application and evaluation method of the importance of ecological protection in Changdu City of the east Qinghai−Xizang Plateau

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 昌都市是青藏高原东部的重要生态门户,当前“双评价”指南推荐的生态系统服务评价方法无法准确反映研究区生态系统特征,本文改进了生态保护重要性评价方法,提高了将研究结果纳入生态保护实践的可行性,评价结果可以为生态保护红线划定以及后期生态修复工作奠定基础。
      研究方法 基于高原环境特征,将碳储存与冻融侵蚀纳入评价体系,并运用改进后的生态系统服务与生态敏感性评价方法,评价了昌都市的生态保护重要性。
      研究结果 昌都市生态保护极重要区占区域总面积的51.35%,主要分为两类:一是生态环境良好,具有重要的水土保持及水源涵养功能的区域,主要分布在金沙江、澜沧江及怒江两岸的山地;二是由于生态系统质量较差,已出现植被退化、土地沙化、水土流失等环境问题,主要分布在丁青县北部、八宿县中南部及边坝县西部。
      结论 昌都市大部分地区处于生态保护极重要区和重要区,生态系统服务功能强,但部分区域生态系统敏感性也较高,在开发过程中需要分区制定生态保护措施并严格落实生态保护工作,降低气候变化背景下各种人类活动对生态系统的不利影响,保障青藏高原生态屏障区的建设。


      This paper is the result of ecological geological survey engineering.
      Objective Changdu City serves as a critical ecological corridor on the eastern Qinghai−Xizang Plateau. The ecosystem service evaluation methodology recommended by the existing "dual evaluation" guidelines fails to adequately capture the unique characteristics of the ecosystem within the study area. This paper enhances the assessment methodology regarding the significance of ecological protection, thereby improving the feasibility of integrating the research findings into practical ecological conservation efforts. The evaluation outcomes will provide a foundational basis for establishing ecological protection boundaries and inform subsequent ecological restoration initiatives.
      Methods In light of the distinctive characteristics of the plateau environment, the evaluation system incorporates carbon sequestration and freeze−thaw erosion processes. Utilizing enhanced methodologies for assessing ecosystem services and ecological sensitivity, this study evaluates the significance of ecological protection in Changdu City.
      Results The highly significant ecological protection zone in Changdu City encompasses 51.35% of the total land area and is primarily categorized into two distinct types. The first category consists of regions exhibiting favorable ecological conditions that play crucial roles in water and soil conservation; These areas are predominantly located in the mountainous regions along the Jinsha River, Lancang River, and Nujiang River. The second category comprises areas experiencing vegetation degradation, land desertification, soil and water erosion, and other environmental challenges, which are mainly found in the northern part of Dingqing County, as well as the central and southern regions of Basu County and the western section of Bianba County.
      Conclusions The majority of regions within Changdu City are situated in areas designated as critically important and significant for ecological protection, exhibiting robust ecosystem service functions. However, certain areas also demonstrate heightened sensitivity to ecological disturbances. Consequently, it is imperative to devise and rigorously implement tailored ecological protection measures that correspond to the specific characteristics of each area during the development process. This approach aims to mitigate the adverse impacts of various anthropogenic activities on the ecosystem in the context of climate change, thereby ensuring the integrity of the ecological barrier of the Qinghai−Xizang Plateau.


