

    Construction of Se−enriched land quality evaluation system based on predicted Se content in crops: A case study of Longshan County, Hunan Province

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 硒(Se)是人体必需的微量元素之一。富硒土地和富硒农产品的开发利用成为了乡村振兴的重要实践,但仅根据土壤Se含量难以准确地指导地方政府进行富硒土地资源开发。
      研究方法 本文以湖南省龙山县西北部作为研究区,基于1∶50000土地质量地球化学调查数据和全国土地调查成果数据探讨了水稻Se生物富集系数的影响因素,并据此建立了水稻籽实Se含量多元线性回归预测模型,结合耕地地力和环境质量提出了富硒土地质量评价体系。
      研究结果 (1)研究区土壤Se含量为0.19~0.84 mg/kg,平均值0.48 mg/kg,水稻籽实Se含量为0.02~0.23 mg/kg,平均值0.10 mg/kg,水稻籽实富硒率为83%。(2)水稻籽实Se生物富集系数与土壤Cd、S和TC呈极显著负相关关系,相关系数分别−0.617、−0.452和−0.574。(3)区划结果显示,研究区以无公害富硒中高产耕地为主,面积占比78%,无公害中高产耕地和无公害低产耕地面积相对较小,面积分别占13%和4%;安全利用富Se耕地和谨慎利用耕地面积分别占4%和1%。
      结论 在科学预测农作物籽实Se元素含量的基础上,本文构建了一种基于农作物富Se水平、耕地地力和环境质量的地块尺度富Se土地质量评价体系,对地方政府进行富Se土地资源开发利用具有重要参考示范意义。


      This paper is the result of soil geochemical survey engineering.
      Objective Selenium (Se) is one of the essential trace elements for human body. The development and utilization of Se−rich land and Se−rich agricultural products have become a pivotal practice in rural revitalization. Nonetheless, it is challenging to accurately guide the local government to develop Se−rich land resources in accordance with nothing more than the content of Se in soil.
      Methods The northwestern part of Longshan County, Hunan Province were selected as the explored area in this paper. The influencing factors of Se bioconcentration factors of rice were systematically and comprehensively explored on the basis of 1∶50000 land quality geochemical survey data and national land survey results data. Accordingly, the prediction model of Se bioconcentration factors of rice was established. Aside from that, the Se−rich land quality evaluation system was put forth by integrating with land fertility and ecological environment.
      Results (1) The soil Se content was 0.19−0.84 mg/kg, with an average value of 0.48 mg/kg. The Se content of rice seeds was 0.02−0.23 mg/kg, with an average value of 0.10 mg/kg, and the Se−rich rate of rice seeds was 82%. (2) The Se bioconcentration factors of rice seeds displayed negative association with soil Cd, S, and TC, among which the correlation coefficients were −0.617, −0.452, and −0.574, separately. (3) As suggested by the zoning results, the pollution−free medium−high yield cultivated land with Se enrichment in the explored area accounts for 78%; The pollution−free medium−high yield cultivated land, the pollution−free low yield cultivated land, the cultivated land of safe utilization, the cultivated land of prudent utilization account for 13%, 4%, 4% and 1%, respectively.
      Conclusions On the basis of scientific prediction of crop seeds Se content, a block scale Se−rich land quality evaluation system was innovatively constructed based on Se content of crops, land fertility and ecological environment in this paper. On this basis, this research is expected to offer paramount reference and demonstration significance for local governments to develop Se−rich land resources.


