

    Distribution and sources of heavy metals in bottom sediments of the Xiamen Bay, Fujian Province and its effects on ecological environment

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 厦门湾生态环境治理和厦门港口建设,造成厦门湾重金属含量变化较大,查明湾区重金属分布特征、演变及来源分析,对厦门湾重金属污染防治与生态风险管控具有重要意义。
      研究方法 本文测定了厦门湾87个海域底质表层沉积物中的7种重金属的含量,分析了重金属分布特征、富集程度,并利用因子分解及主成分分析法,定量分析了重金属的主要来源。
      研究结果 厦门湾西港区重金属Cu(26.37 mg/kg)、Zn(122.58 mg/kg)、Cr(57.25 mg/kg)含量最高,九龙江口区Pb(48.03 mg/kg)、Cd(0.25 mg/kg)、Hg(0.085 mg/kg)、As(9.35 mg/kg)含量最高;西港Cu超一类标准率最高,达到25%;九龙江Zn超一类标准率次之,为20.69%。厦门湾重金属富集系数为Cu(1.01)> Cr(0.99)>Cd(0.70)>Zn(0.64)>Pb(0.63)>As(0.48)>Hg(0.33)。Cu表现为轻度富集,Cr与本底值接近。
      结论 厦门湾重金属的潜在来源中矿山冶炼贡献率为36.16%、天然母岩风化22.03%、农业与生活污水排放21.98%以及化石燃料燃烧19.83%;Cu、Zn、Cd、Cr主要来源矿山冶炼,As来源分别为燃料燃烧贡献率为85.76%和农业面源污染14.16%。Pb和Hg主要受母岩风化所控制。沉积物重金属潜在生态风险中、重度风险区主要集中在九龙江河口及厦门港附近。


      This paper is the result of marine geological survey engineering.
      Objective The heavy metal contents in the Xiamen Bay have been greatly changed due to the ecological management in the bay and the port construction in Xiamen City. Identifying the distributions, evolution, and sources of heavy metals in the bay is significant for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution, as well as ecological risk management.
      Methods This study determined the contents of seven heavy metals in 87 surface samples from bottom sediments in the Xiamen Bay and the Jiulong River estuary, investigated the distributions and the degrees of enrichment of these heavy metals, and quantitatively analyzed the primary sources of these heavy metals using factor analysis and principal component analysis.
      Results The western Xiamen Bay displays the highest average mass contents of heavy metals Cu (26.37 mg/kg), Zn (122.58 mg/kg), and Cr (57.25 mg/kg). In contrast, the Jiulong River estuary exhibits the highest contents of Pb (48.03 mg/kg), Cd (0.25 mg/kg), Hg (0.085 mg/kg), and As (9.35 mg/kg). Cu in the western Xiamen Bay exhibits the highest over−limit ratio of up to 25%, followed by Zn (20.69%) in the Jiulong River. In the Xiamen Bay, the enrichment coefficients of heavy metals decrease in the order of Cu (1.01), Cr (0.99), Cd (0.70), Zn (0.64), Pb (0.63), As (0.48), Hg (0.33), indicating that Cu is moderately enriched, Cr approximate to their background values, and Hg is severely enriched.
      Conclusions The potential sources of the seven heavy metals in the Xiamen Bay include mine smelting, the weathering of natural parent rocks, the discharge of agricultural and domestic sewage, and fossil fuel combustion, which account for 36.16%, 22.03%, 21.98%, and 19.83%, respectively. Among these heavy metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Cr originate primarily from mine smelting, As from fuel combustion (85.76%) and agricultural non−point source pollution (14.16%), and Pb and Hg principally from the weathering of parent rocks. Zones with moderate and high ecological risks induced by heavy metals in sediments are concentrated in the Jiulong River estuary and the Xiamen Harbor.


