

    Hydrogeochemical characteristics of Gaoyang geothermal field in central Hebei Depression and its constraint on geothermal genesis

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 高阳地热田赋存丰富的中低温地热资源,地热流体水文地球化学研究是认识深部地热水循环过程、揭示地热系统成因机制的有效手段。
      研究方法 通过对高阳地热田地热水样品的水化学及同位素数据的分析,研究深部地热水的形成与演化过程。
      研究结果 碳酸盐岩热储水化学类型为Cl–Na型,砂岩热储水化学类型为HCO3·Cl–Na和Cl·HCO3–Na型,地热水中的离子组分主要受盐岩、碳酸盐岩的溶解以及阳离子交替吸附作用控制。地热水接受太行山和燕山山区大气降水补给,补给高程在759.12~1092.33 m。雾迷山组热储温度为102~154℃,热循环深度为2524~4020 m;馆陶组热储温度为61~84℃,热循环深度为1357~2024 m。
      结论 高阳地热田雾迷山组热储水样γNa+/γCl小于馆陶组热储,γSO42–/γClγCl/(γHCO3+CO32–)大于馆陶组热储,说明雾迷山组热储相比于馆陶组热储变质程度更高,封闭性更好,地热水循环速度更缓慢,盐化程度更高。深部热储的热量一部分通过热水沿断裂通道以热对流的方式向上传递,另一部分通过岩石以热传导的方式向上传递,形成对流−传导型地热系统。


      This paper is the result of geothermal exploration engineering.
      Objective Gaoyang geothermal field rich in low−medium temperature geothermal resources. Hydrogeochemical research of geothermal fluids is an effective method to understand the processes of deep geothermal water circulation and to reveal the genesis mechanism of geothermal systems.
      Methods Through analyzing hydrochemical and isotopic data of geothermal water samples in Gaoyang field, we can explore the formation and development process of deep geothermal water.
      Results The hydrochemical type of carbonate reservoirs is Cl–Na type, and that of sandstones reservoirs is HCO3·Cl–Na and Cl·HCO3–Na type. The ionic components in geothermal water are mainly controlled by the dissolution of salt rock and carbonate rock and the alternating adsorption of cations. Geothermal water is recharged from precipitation in the Taihang and Yanshan mountains, The recharge elevation of geothermal water is 759.12−1092.33 m. The geothermal reservoirs temperature of Jxw is 102−154℃, and the depth of thermal cycle is 2524−4020 m; the geothermal reservoirs temperature of Ng is 61−84℃, and the depth of thermal cycle is 1357−2024 m.
      Conclusions In Gaoyang geothermal field, the γNa+/γCl of samples from the Jxw reservoirs is smaller than that Ng reservoirs, and the γSO42–/γCl and γCl/(γHCO3+CO32–) are larger than that of the Ng reservoirs. This indicates that Jxw reservoirs has a higher degree of metamorphism, better confinement, slower geothermal water circulation and higher degree of salinization than the Ng reservoirs. The heat from the deep thermal storage is partly transferred upward by thermal convection through hot water along the fault channels, and partly transferred upward by thermal conduction through rocks, forming a convection−conduction type geothermal system.


