

    Evaluation of in−situ stress orientations and rotational mechanical mechanisms in deep shale reservoirs: A case study of the Longmaxi Formation's first member and Wufeng Formation in the Yongchuan shale gas field, southern Sichuan Basin

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 川南深层页岩储层五峰组—龙马溪组现今地应力方向变化复杂,且局部构造对地应力方向的影响尚不清晰。
      研究方法 以川南永川页岩气区块为例,基于古地磁和波速各向异性实验,结合测井、微地震监测以及数值模拟手段评价了应力方向的分布特征及构造变形影响下的偏转。
      研究结果 当应力差异系数大于0.2,横波各向异性系数大于18%时,偶极横波测井解释的准确度显著提高;在高陡地层(>60°),需同时考虑两向差应力和高角度裂缝发育情况对现今地应力方向解释的影响。永川向斜区最大主应力方向分布为近EW向,背斜核部及断块区方向发生了较大方向的偏移(方向偏差最大为70°±5°)。永川地区五峰组—龙马溪组中和面应位于龙一段1~2小层,中和面上下地应力方向变化呈相反趋势,褶皱派生应力介于10~30 MPa,对区域应力的影响不可忽略;随着距断层距离的减少,泊松比(ν)呈增大趋势并使得最大主应力方向偏转。
      结论 最大主应力方向有利于向斜区页岩气的保存,而背斜区的高角度天然裂缝则更易转变为有效裂缝。建议向斜区水平井部署方位为SN−NEE向;背斜区和夹持断块区以NE向为主且采用分层布井。


      This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
      Objective The present−day in−situ stress orientations within deep shale reservoirs of the Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation in the southern Sichuan Basin are intricate and have not been comprehensively evaluated. Moreover, the mechanisms through which local structures influence these stress orientations remain poorly understood.
      Methods The Yongchuan shale gas field was selected as the study area to systematically investigate the characteristics and controlling factors of in−situ stress orientations. This evaluation employed a multi−faceted approach that included paleomagnetic analysis, seismic wave velocity anisotropy measurements, specialized well logging techniques, microseismic monitoring, and numerical simulations.
      Results The accuracy of interpreting dipole shear wave logs significantly increased when the bidirectional stress difference coefficient exceeds 0.2 and the shear wave anisotropy index is above 18%. In the strata with steep dips (>60°), it is essential to consider the influence of bidirectional stress differentials and high−angle fracture development on the interpretation of in−situ stress orientations. The in−situ stress orientations in the northern and southern synclinal regions of Yongchuan area predominantly follow east−west trend. However, these orientations exhibit significant deviations in anticlinal and fault−influenced zones, with maximum angular discrepancies of approximately 70°±5°. Based on the observed reverse trends in stress orientations above and below a specific stratigraphic level, we hypothesize that the neutral surface is located within the 1–2 layers of the Longmaxi Formation in the Yongchuan area. Furthermore, the fold−induced stress, ranging from 10 MPa to 30 MPa, significantly impacts the principal stress field and cannot be overlooked. As the distance from the fault decreases, Poisson’s ratio (ν) increases, leading to a deflection in the in−situ stress orientations and exhibiting greater sensitivity to changes in ν.
      Conclusions The orientation of maximum principal stress promotes the preservation of shale gas in syncline areas, while high−angle natural fractures in anticline areas are more likely to develop into effective fractures. We recommend deploying horizontal wells with an SN−NEE orientation in syncline areas, and a NE orientation with a layered well layout in anticline and fault zones.


