

    Organic geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potential of Upper Triassic black shales in the North Qiangtang Depression

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 基于浅地表地质调查认为,上三叠统黑色泥页岩是羌塘盆地最重要的烃源岩。然而,由于缺乏深钻井样品,盆地深部这套烃源岩特征尚不清楚。北羌塘坳陷东部QZ−16井钻遇了迄今为止盆地最深的上三叠统烃源岩,并发现了较显著的气测异常及大量沥青,为盆地深部烃源岩品质研究与生烃潜力分析提供了新的机遇。
      研究方法 以QZ−16井上三叠统黑色泥页岩为研究对象,通过有机地球化学测试分析研究,揭示羌塘盆地深部该套烃源岩的有机质丰度、类型、成熟度、来源及其与沥青油苗之间的油源关系。
      研究结果 与已有的地质浅钻及地表露头相比,QZ−16井上三叠统黑色泥页岩TOC含量总体较低(0.12%~1.09%,均值为0.47%),但普遍高于II型干酪根的过成熟烃源岩的TOC下限标准(0.3%);氯仿沥青A和生烃潜量(S1+S2)参数可能不能真实反映研究区过成熟烃源岩的有机质丰度;干酪根类型指数(8.75~18.5)、Ph/nC18(0.65~1.06)、Pr/nC17(0.34~0.61)值及C27−C28−C29甾烷特征等表明有机质为低等浮游生物与陆生高等植物的混合来源,为II2型干酪根,且多形成于较强的还原环境;干酪根颜色(棕褐色—黑色)、Tmax(536~602 ℃)、镜质体反射率(Ro=2.44%~2.77%)及生物标志化合物参数表明该套黑色泥页岩有机质热演化程度为过成熟;油源对比参数反映QZ−16井上三叠统沥青油苗与黑色泥页岩之间具有较好的亲缘关系,为自生自储型。
      结论 北羌塘坳陷上三叠统黑色泥页岩为过成熟烃源岩,具有一定的生烃潜力,该成果为羌塘盆地烃源岩评价提供了新的参考依据。


      This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
      Objective Geological investigations of petroleum potential suggest that the Upper Triassic black shales represent the most significant source rock interval in the Qiangtang Basin. However, the organic geochemical characteristics and hydrocarbon generation potential of these source rocks in the deep basin are still under ongoing research due to the lack of deep drilling activities.
      Methods The well QZ−16, located in the eastern part of the North Qiangtang Depression, has encountered the deepest Upper Triassic strata in the basin to date, revealing significant gas anomalies and a substantial amount of bitumen. This provides a new opportunity to enhance the understanding of deep basin source rocks. Here, organic geochemical analyses of the Upper Triassic black shales were conducted to investigate the organic matter quality, quantity, and levels of thermal maturity as well as the oil−source relationship between the source rock and bituminous oil.
      Results The TOC content of the Upper Triassic black shales in the well QZ−16 is generally poor to fair organic matter richness, ranging from 0.12% to 1.09%, with an average of 0.47%. These values are higher than the average TOC limit (0.3%) of over−mature source rocks with type II kerogen. The degree of thermal maturity is suggested to be in the over−mature stage based on significantly high Tmax (536−602 ℃) and vitrinite reflectance values (Ro = 2.44%−2.77%). The chloroform asphalt A and hydrocarbon generation potential (S1+S2) may not reliably reflect the organic matter abundance due to the source rocks being in the over−mature stage. Kerogen type index (8.75−18.5), Ph/nC18 (0.65−1.06), Pr/nC17 (0.34−0.61) and C27−C28−C29 sterane characteristics indicate a mixed organic matter source comprising of lower plankton and higher terrestrial plants of Type II2 kerogen. Most source rock intervals were deposited under strongly reducing conditions, exhibiting a brown−black kerogen color, which align with biomarker parameters, indicating that the thermal evolution of the black shale is over mature. The oil source correlation parameters reveal a strong affinity between the Triassic bituminous oil seedling and black shale in the well QZ−16, which is self−generated and self−stored.
      Conclusions The Upper Triassic black shales in the North Qiangtang Depression are mature source rocks with certain hydrocarbon generation potential. The results of this study provide a new reference for evaluating source rocks and analyzing hydrocarbon generation potential in the Qiangtang Basin.


