

    Current situation and application prospect of large−scale geological hydrogen storage engineering

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 地质储氢具有规模大、周期长、可跨季节储能等突出优势,是未来氢能大规模储备的重要发展方向。
      研究方法 本文通过系统搜集和整理地质储氢领域的研究成果,以及基于文献调研对地质储氢工程现状进行了论述。同时,充分借鉴盐穴天然气储气库工程建设的经验,分析了中国盐穴储氢库建设中的挑战,并提出解决思路。结合江苏省金坛区盐盆资源条件和盐穴综合利用经验,探索在该地建设盐穴储氢库的技术路线的可能性。
      研究结果 (1)地质储氢库根据地质构造分为盐穴、枯竭油气藏、含水层以及废弃矿洞,其中,盐穴储氢库已投产运行和中试示范的项目数量最多,且已实现纯度95%的氢气储存,是大规模地质储氢的优先发展方向。(2)盐穴储氢库的建设周期可划分为选址、钻井、造腔、注采完井、注气排卤、不压井作业、运行以及监测等8个阶段,可参考盐穴天然气储气库的建设经验,但仍存在政策、材料以及施工工艺等方面的问题。(3)在江苏金坛地区,盐穴储氢技术路线可以与该地的盐穴压缩空气储能和盐穴储天然气技术相结合,形成一套综合技术方案,包括可再生能源发电技术、高压空气压缩技术、电解水制氢技术以及天然气管道掺氢技术等不同领域技术。
      结论 近年来,国外地质储氢库的选址调研与试验论证工作正在加速进行,出现了多个处于中试阶段的地质储氢项目。综合考虑安全性、经济性以及技术难度等多个方面,盐穴储氢被认为是中国大规模地质储氢的优先发展方向。建成盐穴储氢验证平台,推进示范工程建设,将有助于形成具有自主知识产权的盐穴储氢技术体系。


      This paper is the result of energy exploration engineering.
      Objective Geological hydrogen storage has the outstanding advantages of large scale, long period and cross−season energy storage, which is an important development direction of large−scale hydrogen energy storage in the future.
      Methods This review systematically collects and collates the research results in the field of geological hydrogen storage, and discusses the current situation of geological hydrogen storage engineering based on literature investigation. At the same time, the review makes full reference to the experience of salt cavern gas storage engineering construction, analyzes the challenges in the construction of salt cavern hydrogen storage in China, and puts forward solutions. Based on the salt basin resource condition and the comprehensive utilization experience of salt cavern in Jintan District of Jiangsu Province, the possibility of constructing the technical route of salt cavern hydrogen storage is explored.
      Results (1) Geological hydrogen storage facilities are classified according to geological structures into salt caverns, depleted oil and gas reservoirs, aquifers, and abandoned mines. Among these, salt cavern storage facilities have the highest number of operational and research projects. They achieve hydrogen storage with purity exceeding 95%, making them the primary direction for large−scale geological hydrogen storage development. (2) The construction cycle of salt cavern hydrogen storage can be divided into eight stages, including site selection, drilling, solution mining, injection and production completion, gas first fill, snubbing, operation and monitoring, which can refer to the construction experience of salt cavern natural gas storage, but there are still problems in policy, materials and construction technology. (3) In Jintan area of Jiangsu Province, the salt cavern hydrogen storage technology route can be combined with the salt cavern compressed air energy storage and salt cavern natural gas storage technology to form a set of comprehensive technical solutions, including renewable energy power generation technology, high−pressure air compression technology, electrolytic water hydrogen production technology and natural gas pipeline hydrogen mixing technology.
      Conclusions In recent years, the site selection, investigation, and experimental verification of geological hydrogen storage facilities abroad have been accelerating, with several geological hydrogen storage projects in the pilot stage. Considering factors such as safety, economy, and technical difficulty, salt cavern storage is considered the primary direction for large−scale geological hydrogen storage in our country. Establishing a salt cavern hydrogen storage verification platform and advancing demonstration project construction will help to form a salt cavern hydrogen storage technology system with independent intellectual property rights.


