

    Cadmium pollution in soil and plant system and its remediation technology: Status and prospects

    • 摘要:
      研究目的 土壤镉污染已经成为国内外关注的重要环境问题。本文聚焦土壤、植物中镉污染与治理技术的研究现状与发展方向,试图为镉污染与治理技术的理论研究和生产实践提供帮助。
      研究方法 通过查阅大量土壤、植物中镉污染与治理技术的相关文献,对镉的危害、土壤镉污染现状、镉对植物的影响机制、镉在土壤−植物系统中的迁移转化机理以及土壤镉污染治理修复技术等进行系统介绍和客观评述。
      研究结果 中国土壤镉污染呈现出多元化发展的趋势,耕地、林地、草地、园地以及未利用地都存在镉污染,尤其耕地是镉污染的重灾区;镉对植物生长发育、抗氧化酶活性、光合作用和呼吸作用均有显著影响;镉从土壤向植物系统的迁移主要以镉离子和络合物形式,与界面过程有关,另外需要借助载体和通道实现;土壤镉污染治理技术可以分为化学类和生物类,主要包括生物炭、矿物材料、有机肥料、微生物、植物、动物以及联合修复技术。
      结论 镉具有较大的危害性,镉污染仍然是中国农田土壤面临的严重问题,镉对植物的影响以及在土壤植物系统中的迁移转化涉及多个机制,镉污染治理技术有其各自的原理和优势,联合修复技术在农田土壤镉污染治理方面具有较好的发展前景。土壤、植物中镉污染与治理技术仍须在理论研究和技术研发上持续发力,方能构建行之有效的镉污染防控技术体系,以确保粮食的安全生产。


      This paper is the result of agricultural geological survey engineering.
      Objective Cadmium pollution in soil has become an important environmental issue concerned both at home and abroad. This paper focuses on the research status and development direction of cadmium pollution in soil and plants and the remediation technology, and tries to provide help for the related theoretical research and production practice.
      Methods Based on consulting a large number of literature related to cadmium pollution in soil and plants and the remediation technology, the harm of cadmium, the current situation of cadmium pollution in soil, the influence mechanism of cadmium on plants, the mechanism of migration and transformation of cadmium from soil to the plant system and the remediation technology have been systematically introduced and objectively reviewed.
      Results Soil cadmium pollution in China shows a trend of diversified development, Cadmium pollution has been found in cultivated land, woodland, grassland, in both gardens and unused land, especially in cultivated land. Cadmium has a significant impact on plant growth and development, antioxidant enzyme activity, photosynthesis and respiration. The migration of cadmium from soil to plant systems is mainly in the form of cadmium ions and clathrate, related to the interface process, in virtue of the carrier and channel to achieve. The remediation technology can be divided into chemical and biological categories, mainly includes biochar, mineral materials, organic fertilizers, microorganisms, plants, animals and combined restoration technology.
      Conclusions Cadmium has great harmfulness and the cadmium pollution is still a serious problem for farmland soil in China. The effects on plants and migration and transformation of cadmium in soil plant systems involve multiple mechanisms. Kinds of the remediation technology for cadmium pollution in farmland soil has its own principles and advantages, and the joint remediation technology has a good development prospect. Continuous efforts in theoretical and practical research must be made on cadmium pollution in soil and plants and the remediation technology, to build an effective cadmium pollution prevention and control technology system to ensure the safe production of food.


