    刘孜, 黄行凯, 徐宏林, 张斌, 彭青松, 王晨昇, 王恒, 姜华. 湖北宜昌鸦鹊岭地区岩石-土壤元素迁移特征及柑橘种植适宜性评价[J]. 中国地质, 2020, 47(6): 1853-1868. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200620
    引用本文: 刘孜, 黄行凯, 徐宏林, 张斌, 彭青松, 王晨昇, 王恒, 姜华. 湖北宜昌鸦鹊岭地区岩石-土壤元素迁移特征及柑橘种植适宜性评价[J]. 中国地质, 2020, 47(6): 1853-1868. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200620
    LIU Zi, HUANG Xingkai, XU Hongling, ZHANG Bin, PENG Qingsong, WANG Chensheng, WANG Heng, JIANG Hua. Migration characteristics of elements in the rock-soil system and suitability evaluation of orange planting in Yaqueling area, Yichang, Hubei Province[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2020, 47(6): 1853-1868. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200620
    Citation: LIU Zi, HUANG Xingkai, XU Hongling, ZHANG Bin, PENG Qingsong, WANG Chensheng, WANG Heng, JIANG Hua. Migration characteristics of elements in the rock-soil system and suitability evaluation of orange planting in Yaqueling area, Yichang, Hubei Province[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2020, 47(6): 1853-1868. DOI: 10.12029/gc20200620


    Migration characteristics of elements in the rock-soil system and suitability evaluation of orange planting in Yaqueling area, Yichang, Hubei Province

    • 摘要: “宜昌蜜桔”久享盛誉,鸦鹊岭地区是其典型产地之一。本文选取宜昌市鸦鹊岭地区柑橘基地开展岩石-土壤垂向剖面地球化学测量,通过对植物营养有益元素、稀土元素等进行测试分析,调查相关元素由岩石至土壤的迁移特征,评价柑橘生长岩土环境适宜性。结果表明:土壤元素多会继承其在母岩中的含量水平,如相似的稀土元素配分模式,Si、Na、K、Ca、Mg、Mo、Sr等元素相似的相对富集或贫化程度;根据相关性分析及聚类分析,识别出Al-FeGe-Ni-B-K-Si,S-N-Se-P,Cu-Zn-Mo等3类正相关性元素组合;选择种植柑橘土壤所对应的成土母岩适宜性优劣排序依次为,红花套组(K2h)长石石英砂岩>牌楼口组(E2p)钙质砂岩>掇刀石组(Nd)泥灰岩>罗镜滩组(K2l)钙质砾岩,并进一步提出种植优化建议。


      Abstract: "Yichang Orange" enjoys a long reputation, and Yaqueling area is one of its typical producing areas. In this paper, the geochemical survey of vertical profile of rock-soil was carried out in the center of orange production of Yaqueling area, Yichang City. Through the analysis of nutritive elements and rare earth elements, the migration characteristics of related elements from rock to soil were investigated, and the suitability of orange production was evaluated. The results show that most of the soil elements will inherit their content level in the parent rock, as shown by such phenomena as the similar REE distribution pattern and the similar degree of relative enrichment or dilution of Si, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Mo, Sr and other elements. According to correlation analysis and cluster analysis, three groups of elements of positive correlation such as Al-Fe-Ge-Ni-B-K-Si, S-N-Se-P and Cu-Zn-Mo were identified. The sequence of the suitability of the soil forming parent rock for planting orange soil is feldspathic quartz sandstone of Honghuatao Formation, calcareous sandstone of Pailoukou Formation, marl of Duodaoshi Formation, and calcareous conglomerate of Luojingtan Formation. In addition, some suggestions for planting optimization are put forward.


