    黄圭成, 徐德明, 雷义均, 李丽娟. 西藏西南部与蛇绿岩伴生的硅质岩特征及地质意义[J]. 中国地质, 2010, 37(1): 101-109.
    引用本文: 黄圭成, 徐德明, 雷义均, 李丽娟. 西藏西南部与蛇绿岩伴生的硅质岩特征及地质意义[J]. 中国地质, 2010, 37(1): 101-109.
    HUANG Gui-cheng, XU De-ming, LEI Yi-jun, LI Li-juan. Characteristics and geological implications of chert associated with ophiolite in southwestern Tibet[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2010, 37(1): 101-109.
    Citation: HUANG Gui-cheng, XU De-ming, LEI Yi-jun, LI Li-juan. Characteristics and geological implications of chert associated with ophiolite in southwestern Tibet[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2010, 37(1): 101-109.


    Characteristics and geological implications of chert associated with ophiolite in southwestern Tibet

    • 摘要: 提要:西藏西南部达巴—休古嘎布存在一条蛇绿岩带,与蛇绿岩伴生的中生界硅质岩分布广泛。其中与拉昂错蛇绿岩体伴生的硅质岩,常量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征参数,以及地球化学环境判别图,显示其沉积于大陆边缘盆地的构造环境,其形成包括生物作用和热液作用两种因素。含硅质岩的地层剖面自下而上岩性为石英砂岩→含岩屑石英砂岩、杂砂岩→放射虫硅质岩,形成环境是从三角洲或浅海过渡到大陆边缘,再到边缘盆地。硅质岩中含有大量放射虫,放射虫组合显示硅质岩的沉积时代为晚侏罗世晚期。含硅质岩地层和蛇绿岩都是印度大陆北缘小洋盆的组成部分,两者因洋盆碰撞闭合而汇聚在一起。硅质岩的形成环境反映了该陆缘小洋盆在晚侏罗世所处的构造背景。


      Abstract: Abstract:In the Daba-Xiugugabu ophiolite belt of southwestern Tibet, there exists widely distributed Mesozoic chert associated with ophiolite. Geochemical parameters of major elements and rare earth elements and geochemical setting discrimination diagram of the chert associated with La' nga Co ophiolite mass suggest that the sedimentary environment of the chert was a continental margin basin, with its genesis attributed to biogenic origin and hydrothermalism. Geological section of the chert-bearing strata is composed in upward succession of quartz sandstone, debris-bearing quartz sandstone and graywacke, and chert, with the sedimentary environment being the transition from delta or shallow sea through continental margin to marginal basin. There exists abundant Radiolaria in the chert, and the radiolarian association suggests that the chert was formed in the last period of Late Jurassic. The chert-bearing strata and the ophiolite are the component parts of the small oceanic basin in northern Indian continental margin, and the oceanic basin was closed by the collision of plates which caused the collage of the strata and the ophiolite. The sedimentary environment of the chert reflects the tectonic setting of the small oceanic basin in Late Jurassic.


