    曾梅香, 田光辉, 赵越波, 朱婧嫄. 采灌条件下中低温热储温度场动态特征初探[J]. 中国地质, 2010, 37(1): 191-197.
    引用本文: 曾梅香, 田光辉, 赵越波, 朱婧嫄. 采灌条件下中低温热储温度场动态特征初探[J]. 中国地质, 2010, 37(1): 191-197.
    ZENG Mei-xiang, TIAN Guang-hui, ZHAO Yue-bo, ZHU Jing-yuan. A tentative discussion on dynamic characteristics of the low-medium temperature geothermal reservoir field under the condition of exploitation-reinjection[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2010, 37(1): 191-197.
    Citation: ZENG Mei-xiang, TIAN Guang-hui, ZHAO Yue-bo, ZHU Jing-yuan. A tentative discussion on dynamic characteristics of the low-medium temperature geothermal reservoir field under the condition of exploitation-reinjection[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2010, 37(1): 191-197.


    A tentative discussion on dynamic characteristics of the low-medium temperature geothermal reservoir field under the condition of exploitation-reinjection

    • 摘要: 提要:中国四大直辖市之一的天津具有较高地温场背景,地热开采历史长、规模大,回灌式循环开采发展势头喜人。由连续开采多年的地热井井口稳定流温监测数据证实:各储层地热流体温度并没有因长期开采而出现明显变化;而由同一眼基岩回灌井、停灌前后不同时段进行的井温测试结果表明:以比热储温度低得多的原水进行回灌,虽然井管内同一井段不同时期井温有0.1~0.76 ℃/a的微弱降幅,但主要取水层段在一个停灌周期内的井温则呈逐月恢复势态,数据显示停灌期间回灌井区域基岩热储温度回升迅速,并在下一个回灌期来临之前即可逐渐回复至前年同期的热储原始温度水平。


      Abstract: Abstract:Tianjin, one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government, has relatively high temperature field background. The exploitation of geothermal resources in this city has a long history and has been conducted on large scales, and the development momentum of the reinjection recycling exploitation is promising. The monitoring data on the steady flow temperatures of the continuously explored well head demonstrate that the geothermal fluid temperature of each reservoir has not changed obviously along with the long-term exploitation. The results of the same well temperature testing during the reinjection period and the non-reinjection period show that, when the lower temperature original fluid is reinjected, the temperature of different depths is dropped by 0.1~0.76 ℃/a, but the temperature of the main exploitation section goes up again month by month during the non-reinjection period. The reservoir temperature of the reinjection well rises again quickly and gradually reaches the same level of the same period last year before the coming reinjection period.


