    殷志强, 秦小光. 末次冰期以来松嫩盆地东部榆树黄土堆积及其环境意义[J]. 中国地质, 2010, 37(1): 212-222.
    引用本文: 殷志强, 秦小光. 末次冰期以来松嫩盆地东部榆树黄土堆积及其环境意义[J]. 中国地质, 2010, 37(1): 212-222.
    YIN Zhi-qiang, QIN Xiao-guang. The Yushu loess deposition in eastern Songnen Basin since the last glacial period and its environmental significance[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2010, 37(1): 212-222.
    Citation: YIN Zhi-qiang, QIN Xiao-guang. The Yushu loess deposition in eastern Songnen Basin since the last glacial period and its environmental significance[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2010, 37(1): 212-222.


    The Yushu loess deposition in eastern Songnen Basin since the last glacial period and its environmental significance

    • 摘要: 提要:通过对松嫩盆地东部末次冰期以来榆树黄土剖面的粒度、磁化率等指标分析研究后认为:(1) 该地区的黄土至少于4万年前的末次冰期开始沉积,沉积物类型为黄土与河流沙混合沉积,粒度可有4个组分,其中46ka B.P.以前主要是以第④组分为主导的水成河流沙,46 ka B.P.以后主要以第③组分为主的黄土粉尘。(2)松嫩盆地东部的黄土粉尘主要来源于科尔沁、松嫩等西北广大沙地,末次冰期是科尔沁等沙地大规模发育的时期。(3)东北地区全新世气候演化可分成5个阶段:10000 a B.P.左右,9000 a B.P.左右,6000 a B.P.前后, 4500 a B.P.左右,2500 a B.P.以后。


      Abstract: Abstract:Magnetic susceptibility and grain-size distribution of the loess-river sand profile in eastern Songnen plain of northeastern China since the last glacial period were analyzed, and the paleo-environmental history of this region was investigated. The results demonstrate that: 1) the loess deposition of eastern Songnen plain occurred at least 46 ka B.P., i.e., at the last glacial period. There exist four modes of grain size distribution of sediments, which have been mixed with loess and river sand. The mode of river sand sediments (④) was dominant at 46 ka B.P., and the mode of loess dust (③) was dominant after 46 ka B.P. In the past 3000 years, the climate became drier and more deserts were activated in the eastern part of Songnen basin; 2) the loess dust of eastern Songnen basin mainly came from the Keerqin desert, the Songnen desert and other large deserts in northwest areas, and the Keerqin desert was extensively developed in the last glacial period; 3) there was a tectonic movement 40 ka B.P. in Songnen basin, and after this movement, loess dust was deposited in Yushu area with the development of the keerqin desert; 4) the climate evolution of northeastern China in Holocene can be divided into five stages, being respectively about 10000 a B.P., some 9000 a B.P., around 6000 a B.P., 4500 a B.P. and 2500 a B.P. in age.


