    于常青, 杨文采, 李学良, 皮金云, 瞿辰. 塔里木盆地深反射地震资料处理[J]. 中国地质, 2011, 38(4): 1061-1065.
    引用本文: 于常青, 杨文采, 李学良, 皮金云, 瞿辰. 塔里木盆地深反射地震资料处理[J]. 中国地质, 2011, 38(4): 1061-1065.
    YU Chang-qing, YANG Wen-cai, LI Xue-liang, PI Jin-yun, QU Chen. The processing of deep reflection seismic data in Tarim basin[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2011, 38(4): 1061-1065.
    Citation: YU Chang-qing, YANG Wen-cai, LI Xue-liang, PI Jin-yun, QU Chen. The processing of deep reflection seismic data in Tarim basin[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2011, 38(4): 1061-1065.


    The processing of deep reflection seismic data in Tarim basin

    • 摘要: 提要:通过对塔里木盆地巴楚至塔中的12 s深反射地震资料的分析、处理表明,在南北方向上,由和3井经和田1井至和4井基底由北向南逐步抬升,和4井向南基底变深;东西向,巴楚隆起基底较浅,到塔中变深;通过处理可以发现,除了通常可以看到的T4-T9各层反射结构外,在基底以下的深层,还能看到有效的反射;经初步解释和地质分析认为,所处理剖面同相轴连续性好,信噪比较高,归位准确,深层反射信息可靠,剖面所反映的构造形态清楚,规模较大,基本落实了所部署测线工区的地下构造,而且还揭示了一些以前尚未认识到的构造或构造显示,丰富了该区构造特征和构造演化的认识。


      Abstract: Abstract:The analysis and processing of 12-second deep reflection seismic data obtained from Bachu to Tazhong in Tarim basin show that, in NS direction, the basement is gradually uplifted from He-3 well through Hetian-1 well to He-4 well, with the basement becoming deeper from He-4 well southwards; in EW direction, the basement of Bachu uplift is relatively shallow, and becomes deeper at Tazhong. Through processing, the authors have found that, besides commonly seen reflection structures of T4-T9 layers, effective reflection can also be seen in the deep layers beneath the basement. Based on preliminary interpretation and geological analysis, the authors hold that the processed profile has good continuity of phase axis, high signal-to-noise ratio and homing accuracy and reliable deep reflection information. The tectonic framework reflected by the profile is clear and of fairly large scale. The authors’ work has confirmed the underground structure along the deployed survey line of the work area, and also revealed structures or structural manifestations which had not been detected by previous researchers, thus enriching the understanding of the structural characteristics and structural evolution in this region.


