    周宗尧, 余国春, 董学发, 骆丁, 宋明义. 河姆渡早期文化发展间断原因新考[J]. 中国地质, 2012, 39(2): 550-558.
    引用本文: 周宗尧, 余国春, 董学发, 骆丁, 宋明义. 河姆渡早期文化发展间断原因新考[J]. 中国地质, 2012, 39(2): 550-558.
    ZHOU Zong-yao, YU Guo-chun, DONG Xue-fa, LOU Ding, SONG Ming-yi. New Study of the reasons for the interruption of the earliest Hemudu Culture[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2012, 39(2): 550-558.
    Citation: ZHOU Zong-yao, YU Guo-chun, DONG Xue-fa, LOU Ding, SONG Ming-yi. New Study of the reasons for the interruption of the earliest Hemudu Culture[J]. GEOLOGY IN CHINA, 2012, 39(2): 550-558.


    New Study of the reasons for the interruption of the earliest Hemudu Culture

    • 摘要: 提要:通过对浙江余姚市田螺山遗址剖面系统采样,在前人研究的基础上,采用地层学的研究方法,通过地层对比、古地磁、孢粉与微古分析、14C测年等手段,认为河姆渡早期文化发展中断可能是由于海啸或风暴潮灾害作用的结果。


      Abstract: Abstract:Through the systematic sampling along the section of Tianluoshan Site in Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province in combination with other researches,the authors consider that the Hemudu Culture probably had been damaged by tsunami or storm tide calamities, as evidenced by the researches using such means as stratigraphic correlation, paleomagnetism, micropaleontology and palynological study and 14C dating.


