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    Cenozoic plate tectonic activities in the Great South China Sea area
    YAO Bo-chu, WAN Ling, WU Neng-you
    2004, 31(2): 113-122.
    Abstract PDF
    Deformation features of the mid-upper crust of the Dabie orogenic belt—a case study of the Indosinian-early Yanshanian tectonic deformation in the Zhangbaling area
    HOU Ming-jin, WU Yue-dong, TANG Jia-fu
    2004, 31(2): 123-130.
    Abstract PDF
    Features of early-stage tectonic deformation of the Xileng Formation-complex in the Zhangbaling area, Anhui Province
    LU Ru-kui, GAO Tian-shan, ZHANG Zhi-shu, LIU Jia-yun, WU Hai-quan
    2004, 31(2): 131-138.
    Abstract PDF
    Ore-controlling structure and its control over gold mineralization in the Baolun gold deposit, Hainan
    CHEN Bai-lin, LI Zhong-jian, DONG Cheng, DING Shi-jiang, SU Bin, LIAO Xiang-jun, DONG Fa-xian, FU Yang-rong
    2004, 31(2): 139-146.
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and genesis of Yanshanian granite in the Dabie ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt
    QIAN Cun-chan, LU Yu-lin, LIU Li-li
    2004, 31(2): 147-154.
    Abstract PDF
    A new attempt to map the northern segment of the Lvliang Mountains, Shanxi, using the slab method
    ZHANG Zhao-qi, XUE Wen-yan, WEI Yun-feng, CHAI Jin-zhong
    2004, 31(2): 155-160.
    Abstract PDF
    Age and material composition of the Foping metamorphic crystalline complex in the Qinling Mountains : SHRIMP zircon U-Pb and whole-rock Sm-Nd geochronology
    ZHANG Zongqing, SONG Biao, TANG Suohan, ZHANG Shouguang, YANG Yongcheng, WANG Jinhui
    2004, 31(2): 161-168.
    Abstract PDF
    SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of the Xinqiao Cu-S-Fe-Au deposit in the Tongling ore district, Anhui
    WANG Yan-bin, Liu Dunyi, MENG Yi-feng, ZENG Pu-sheng, YANG Zhu-sen, TIAN Shi-hong
    2004, 31(2): 169-173.
    Abstract PDF
    Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry of Late Triassic volcanic rocks at Gêladaindong in the source region of the Yangtze River and its significance
    MA Li-yan, BAI Yun-shan, NIU Zhi-jun, YAO Hua-zhou, DUAN Qi-fa
    2004, 31(2): 174-178.
    Abstract PDF
    Stratigraphic sequence and age of the Neogene in the Nanjing-Yizheng area:a discussion
    ZHANG Xiang-yun, LIU Zhi-ping, FAN Di-fu, JIANG Meng-lin, SHAO Jia-ji
    2004, 31(2): 179-185.
    Abstract PDF
    Early Jurassic sporopollen assemblages from the Toksun subbasin in the Turpan-Hami basin, Xinjiang and their significance
    YIN Feng-juan, HUA Hong, ZHANG Zi-fu
    2004, 31(2): 186-191.
    Abstract PDF
    Ore fluid geochemistry of gold polymetallic deposits in the Fengtai ore district, Qinling Mountains
    JIA Run-xing, GUO Jian, HE Ying, WEI He-ming
    2004, 31(2): 192-198.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics and rational development and utilization of a world-class ball clay deposit in the Nanning area, Guangxi
    LIU Chang-ling, LIU Qin-fu, LI Sheng-cai
    2004, 31(2): 199-205.
    Abstract PDF
    Geological characteristics of the Chenjiazhangzi cryptoexplosive breccia-type gold deposit, Inner Mongolia and direction in mineral prospecting
    WANG Zhong
    2004, 31(2): 206-212.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of conditions for the formation of a coal methane accumulation in the Qinshui coal methane field
    HU Guo-yi, GUAN Hui, JIANG Deng-wen, DU Ping, LI Zhi-sheng
    2004, 31(2): 213-217.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of the spatial distribution of geohazards along the middle segment of the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    MENG Hui, ZHANG Yue-qiao, YANG Nong
    2004, 31(2): 218-224.
    Abstract PDF