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    Global geochemical mapping-Historical development and suggestions of future work
    XIE Xue-jin
    2008, 35(3): 357-374.
    Abstract PDF
    Lithospheric and asthenospheric structures of the Koktokay of Xinjiang to Jianyang of Sichuan geoscience transect
    CAI Xue-lin, CAO Jia-ming, ZHU Jie-shou
    2008, 35(3): 375-391.
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of the Siling aluminous A-type granite in Hangzhou and its tectonic significance
    LU Cheng-zhong, GU Ming-guang, LUO Yi-da, DONG Chuan-wan, CHEN Guo-feng
    2008, 35(3): 392-398.
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis of the Late Carboniferous Daling rapakivi granites at the southeastern end of the Xiao Hinggan Mountains
    HAN Zhen-zhe, ZHAO Hai-ling, LANG Hai-tao, Wang Xian-de
    2008, 35(3): 399-409.
    Abstract PDF
    REE geochemistry and petrogenesis and mineralization of the Yanshanian mineralized granites in the southern Hunan polymetallic deposit concentration region
    WU Guang-ying, HOU Zeng-qian, XIAO Qing-hui, WANG Tao, YAN Quan-ren, CHEN Hui-ming, MA Tie-qiu
    2008, 35(3): 410-420.
    Abstract PDF
    Evidence for the existence of Precambrian Basement under the northern Songliao basin
    ZHANG Feng-qi, CHEN Han-lin, DONG Chuan-wan, YU Xing, XIAO Jun, PANG Yan-ming, CAO Rui-cheng, ZHU De-feng
    2008, 35(3): 421-428.
    Abstract PDF
    Sm-Nd ages and Nd-Sr-Pb isotope signatures of the Xiugugabu ophiolite, southwestern Tibet
    XU De-ming, HUANG Gui-cheng, LI Yi-jun
    2008, 35(3): 429-435.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress in the study of Mesozoic tectono-magmatism and mineralization in the central segment of the Nanling Mountains-Summary of major achievements of the 1∶250,000 geological survey in southeastern Hunan
    BAI Dao-yuan, MA Tie-qiu, WANG Xian-hui, ZHANG Xiao-yang, CHEN Bi-he
    2008, 35(3): 436-455.
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of faults on the northeastern continental slope of the South China Sea and their controls on basin evolution
    ZHONG Guang-jian, WU Neng-you, LIN Zhen, YAO Yong-jian, YI Hai
    2008, 35(3): 456-462.
    Abstract PDF
    Discovery of a giant caldera in the Yingcheng Formation in the Xujiaweizi fault depression, northern Songliao basin
    HE Dian, LI Jiang-hai, LIU Shou-jie, HAN Liang
    2008, 35(3): 463-471.
    Abstract PDF
    Meso-Cenozoic sediment transport and tectonic transition in the western Sichuan foreland basin
    CHEN Zhu-xin, JIA Dong, WEI Guoqi, LI Ben-liang, LEI Yong-liang
    2008, 35(3): 472-481.
    Abstract PDF
    Origin of Chang 6 thick-bedded sand bodies of the Yanchang Formation in the central Ordos basin
    HUI Xiao,  ZHANG Hai-feng, ZHANG Dong-yang, LU Lin
    2008, 35(3): 482-488.
    Abstract PDF
    Stratigraphic and paleomagnetic characteristics revealed by the J9 hole in the north flank of the Yangtze River delta
    MIAO Wei-dong, LI Shi-jie, WANG Ren-hua
    2008, 35(3): 489-495.
    Abstract PDF
    Uranium mineralization characteristics of the Lingshan intrusion in southern Henan
    LI Jing-hui
    2008, 35(3): 496-502.
    Abstract PDF
    Petroleum geology of the Zengmu basin in the southern South China Sea
    YAO Yong-jian, WU Neng-you, XIA Bin, WAN Rong-sheng
    2008, 35(3): 503-513.
    Abstract PDF
    Element distribution characteristics of Cd-rich soils and their pollution remediation test in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River
    LIAO Qi-lin, HUANG Shun-sheng, LIN Ren-zhang, FAN Di-fu, JIN Yang, ZHU Bai-wan
    2008, 35(3): 514-523.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution and pollution assessments of heavy metals in soils in Zhuzhou, Hunan
    XI Chao-zhuang, DAI Ta-gen, HUANG Dan-yan
    2008, 35(3): 524-530.
    Abstract PDF
    Distribution and origin of iron in groundwater of the Zhujiang delta
    HUANG Guan-xing, SUN Ji-chao, JING Ji-hong, WANG Shan, DU Hai-yan, LIU Jing-tao, CHEN Xi, ZHANG Yu-xi, DI Xiao-bin, ZHI Bing-fa
    2008, 35(3): 531-538.
    Abstract PDF
    Environmental geochemistry of heavy metals in urban soils of Qingdao City
    Yao De, Sun Mei, Yang Fu-gui, Jiang Heng-yi, Li Gong-sheng, Ding Chun-xiao
    2008, 35(3): 539-550.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative prediction and evaluation of gold resources in Chifeng
    CHEN Yong, CHEN Jian-ping, ZHAO Jie, DONG Qing-ji
    2008, 35(3): 551-556.
    Abstract PDF
    Bacterial leaching of refractory gold ore
    TIAN Xiao-juan, DU De-ping, PENG Li-e, LI Xing-hong
    2008, 35(3): 557-563.
    Abstract PDF